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Leash on or Leash off?

by Helen Mosimann-Kogan, September 23, 2021

Hello and welcome to the September Equinox Newsletter. As usual, I'll

start with some thoughts for you to consider during this Equinox
passage, which you can explore more deeply for yourself in the
accompanying energy attunement session.

Preparing for this session, I came across the title of a YouTube video by
the Astrologer and Channeler Bracha Goldsmith, called Take Your Leash
Off, which she created for the Pisces full moon that takes place a couple
of days before this equinox. There she channels the Pleiadians who
speak of the opportunity at this full moon we have to free ourselves

"smashing" 🤗
from restrictions of the past, explore new experiences and see just how
we all are = Leash off!

4 is on its way - due to be released at the December Solstice 🎬

At the same time, I've been thinking about the new Matrix movie (part
Understandably, little is revealed about the plot other than we meet
some of the same characters and there is the biggie teaser: Neo
reenters the Matrix. Da daaa! We go from emphasis on the Red Pill, to it
now being about the Blue Pill = Leash on???

We'll have to wait a few months to see what the writers have in store for
us. In the meantime, I've been reflecting on the Matrix series thus
far.When the first Matrix movie came out it inspired people to think out
of the box, to bend their minds (rather than the spoon) which would be
possible once the control of the Matrix or system had been
relinquished. The truth would set you free and to find that truth you
would have to 'unplug' and free your mind. Along the way we shared in
Neo's journey through his shock of awakening, his doubt and
self-doubt, his gradual development of trust in himself, his measured
understanding of the worlds/programs he was moving in,
self-realisation and eventually, absolute knowing. A pivotal point in the
plot was bending his mind to see Agent Smith was himself (facing one's
To hear that Neo is going to go back into the Matrix had me thinking
how this brings our attention to the later stage in the personal journey
which is Leash On - but not as we ever knew it before. At this stage,
(after the Leash Off process outlined above) Leash On doesn't mean
locking oneself back into jail. But having radically reframed what the jail
ever was! One is now happy, eager even, to return to where they were
before now with completely new eyes. Rather than seeing the bars of

restriction, manipulation and controlling authority figures (beliefs), one
now ... [double take!] ... sees opportunity .To see freedom where we
previously saw restriction is gold-standard proof of metamorphosis

I have known for myself the necessary benefit of extracting oneself from
the Matrix to get a greater breadth of vision, to understand its
mechanics in general, and the place of restriction and suffering in my
life specifically. But if we stubbornly reject the Matrix - period - years
and decades later (hoarding our sulks, complaints, anger and grudges)
won't we have missed the point and only replaced one leash for
another?Consider that when we face, accept and even embrace what
we have rejected, extraordinary alchemy takes place that transforms
prisons into portals of potential.

I'm not saying this happens overnight, this is rarely the case, but I think
it's a change in perspective we can aspire to, however long it takes... like

out there 🐶
a sumptuous bone that we never give up on finding! - I just know it's

Remember though: neither the prison nor the Matrix, nor the bone(!) is
out there, they are metaphors for our state of mind.Wherever you are
on your journey...
Just about to, or have recently taken the Leash Off and are keen to find
out who you are beyond your and society's beliefs and out-of-date
values and constructs

Exploring the skills, abilities and knowings you never knew you had,
that are redefining who you know yourself to be

Finding yourself standing in front of your Agent Smith finding out who
he/she/they represent withinAll of the above...know that humanity is
heading to levels of consciousness that most of us have no conscious
memory of having experienced before.

All we know is to get to that future, we will have to let go of 'that' past
(you know the one). One way to describe our destination is that it will
mean coming home to ourselves in the deepest and sincerest way. And
given that home is also where most of our challenges originated, to

voluntarily put Leash On again will - eventually - involve falling
ecstatically in love
with the very thing/person/situation at home
you've been snarling at for years .

What I want to leave you with is the reminder that the sumptuous bone
is attainable! You can make it home, you can have peace of mind and
you can re-create your reality. Here you'll be saying 'Leash On, Leash Off
- Yeah whatever!! I'm enjoying my bone so much, I don't care! - It's all

just a state of mind anyway.... Oh, and where did that tasty-looking
rabbit go?!'

Happy equinox everyone!

If you would like to meditate on these thoughts for yourself, while being
open to further insights and energetic/physical attunements, the music
recommended for this session can be found here or it can be
experienced in silence.

This session has been designed to be experienced during the Equinox

passage or whenever you find yourself drawn to do it. 

This equinox will take place at 21.20 pm (CET) on Wednesday,

September 22nd - you can find out the day/time for your timezone here

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