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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

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Risk, Reliability, Resilience (R3) and beyond in dam engineering: T

A state-of-the-art review

Mohammad Amin Hariri-Ardebili
Post-Doctoral Research Associate and Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA


Keywords: Dams are critical infra-structures whose their failure could leads to high economic and social consequences. For
Dams this reason, application of quantitative risk analysis has gained extensive attention in recent years. Dam safety
Sustainability management has become an indispensable part of all dam engineering projects worldwide. The concept of risk is
Fragility heavily tied to probabilistic methods. From an engineering point of view, a clear definition of the terminologies
involved in dam safety, and a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of the current literature are the starting
points towards an effective risk-based approach. The first part of this paper provides a systematic review on the
Hazard fundamental elements in uncertainty quantification. Then, different terminologies in risk-based dam safety are
explored and their inter-connections are discussed. More than 350 papers are summarized, and several tables
and conceptual plots are used for extra clarification. Since no such a paper is ever published, hopefully this can
unify all the future activities and improves our understanding from probabilistic risk analysis.

1. Introduction high-hazard potential dams. It is not surprising that the Association of

State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) estimates that it will require a
Although dams provide significant benefits to the society, their combined total investment of $64 billion to rehabilitate the nation's
impacts on the surrounding environment cannot be neglected, which non-federal and federal dams. The US Army Corps of Engineers
include resettlement, socio-economic impacts, environmental concerns, (USACE) estimates that more than $25 billion will be required to ad-
sedimentation issues, and safety aspects [1]. These concerns should be dress Corps-owned dam deficiencies, while the US Bureau of
reduced through a set of inter-organizational planning and the in- Reclamation (USBR) will need to invest $2 billion over the next 15
corporation of different mitigation techniques. Moreover, the failure of years to upgrade 20 of its dams. Given the limited budget for repair and
dams, although rare, can be catastrophic and may cause immense da- maintenance, national codes require a comprehensive emergency ac-
mage and loss of life. Therefore, the society demands an increase in tion plan for assessment of dam safety [5–7], and [8].
safety of hydropower systems. The most effective way to address these To this end, investigation of the current and future risks is an im-
expectations is to integrate dam's design, construction and operation in portant task in dam safety management. The concept of risk is heavily
the framework of systematically risk management including the aspects tied to probabilistic methods. Developing any comprehensive frame-
such as sustainability, resilience, and public participation [2]. work for dam safety management requires a strong theoretical back-
Hydropower is the biggest source of the renewable energy in the US, ground in conjunction with appropriate field measurements. From an
as of 2017, and over 90,580 dams operate across the country. Based on engineering point of view, a clear definition of the terminology of the
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) classification, the probabilistic concepts and a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of
overall number of high-hazard dams was about 15,500 as of 2016, the current literature are the starting points to develop a big picture in
while those considered deficient high-hazard has climbed to about 2200 dam safety probabilistic assessment.
[3]. Fig. 1 shows a map of all the country's dams. The average age of The probabilistic approach includes but is not limited to un-
dams in the US is over 56 years old according to the American Society certainties in demand, capacity, analysis type, interpretation of the
of Civil Engineers (ACSE) 2017 Report Card for America's Infrastructure. results, etc. The concepts involved in a probabilistic analysis are sche-
Dams as a whole got a “D” grade in the report card. By 2025, 70% of matically shown in Fig. 2, and will be explained later. This paper re-
dams in the US will be over 50 years old. It is estimated that it will views the mathematical aspects in uncertainty quantification and ter-
require an investment of nearly $45 billion to repair aging, yet critical, minologies in risk-based dam safety evaluation. Detailed dam potential

Corresponding author.
Received 21 May 2018; Received in revised form 25 July 2018; Accepted 26 July 2018
Available online 01 August 2018
2212-4209/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

method [20], and finite element method [21].

Usually an smart commercial (e.g. [22,23]) or in-house (e.g.
[24,25]) software is needed in order to develop the finite element
model of the dam and its surrendering environment. The dynamic in-
teraction between the dam, the reservoir water, and the foundation
rock was of primary concern in the coupled system mechanics. Apart
from the Westergaard [26], Zangar [27] approximate solution for the
fluid-structure interaction (FSI), Chopra was the first researcher to
systematically study this problem and provide some simplified for-
mulas, found in [28,29]. Chopra and his colleagues expanded these
studies to include the soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects as well
[30–32]. Nowadays, the FSI and SSI problems are well-established, and
Fig. 1. A map of all US dams color-coded by how hazardous they are; adopted
there have been proposed many advanced techniques to properly and
from FEMA [4].
accurately account for their effects on dams, such as [33–41]. For the
past decades, nonlinear response of dam subjected to applied (external
or internal) stressors has been another hot topic. Nonlinear responses
Robustness are mainly originated from mass concrete cracking (e.g. [42–47]) and/
Uncertainty Sustainability or discrete joints/interface (e.g. [48–52]). Reinforcement is also mod-
eled in some cases [53–56]. A very detailed and comprehensive
Damage guideline for nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis of concrete
Risk Safety dams can be found in [57].
Reliability All these nonlinearities, along with FSI and SSI, should be combined
Randomness with an appropriate analysis technique to be implemented in a dam
Epistemic Aleatory
Probabilistic engineering problem. FEMA developed a general guideline for Potential
Analysis Failure Mode Analysis (PFMA) of concrete dams, see Table 1, in which
Modes the level of applicability and reality of each method is illustrated [58].
Resilience Traditionally, evaluation of structural adequacy has been expressed
by a factor of safety FS = D , where C is the capacity (i.e., strength) and
Fragility D is the demand (i.e., load) [59]. Although this evaluation is quite
Failure Data simple to understand, it suffers from many limitations: it 1) treats all
Monte Carlo Probability Sampling
Simulation loads equally, 2) does not differentiate between capacity and demands
respective uncertainties, 3) is restricted to service loads, and 4) does not
allow comparison of relative reliabilities among different structures for
Fig. 2. Inter-connection of concepts incorporated in probabilistic analysis. different performance modes. Another major deficiency is that all
parameters are assigned a single value in an analysis which is then
failure modes [9], failure process analysis [10], dam breaching flood deterministic. Based on Ruggeri [60], the Limit Equilibrium Method
[11,12], emergency management, etc. are not discussed in this paper. (LEM) is the most well-consolidated technique for deterministic safety
assessment of concrete dams in which the dam is assumed to be a rigid
2. Transition from deterministic to probabilistic body [61,62]. The main disadvantage of this method is that it is not
calibrated against a useful safety level [63]. Pourkamali-Anaraki [64]
A majority of the research on dam engineering in the past half a formulated the LEM in the following form:
century was focused on the numerical simulation of the dam structure.
FS = f (T , W , U , φ , c, A, α, FSφ, FSc ) (1)
Different techniques were used in these early developments, such as the
finite difference method [13] and the finite element method [14], and where T is shear force; W is the weight; U is uplift force; φ and c are
were gradually expanded to the newer techniques, such as the discrete angle of friction and cohesion at the considered plane, respectively; A is
element method [15], particle finite element method [16], mesh-free the area of rapture; α is the inclination of the sliding with respect to
method [17], and extended finite element method [18,19]; or even horizon; and finally, FSφ ≥ 1 and FSc ≥ 1 are the partial factor of
more mature version of the older techniques such as finite difference safeties with respect to friction and cohesion, respectively. Special

Table 1
Limitations of structural analysis methods to compute the dam response; adopted from FEMA-PFM [58].
Method Can upstream stress be Can the analysis show if Can analysis show if the Can analysis show how far Can the analysis perform a
computed? the dam cracks through? dam slides given loads and the dam can slide? post-seismic stability study?
shear strengths?

Limit Equilibrium Yes, assumes plane sections Yes, pre-supposes crack Yes, it can determine if Yes, using a Newmark type Yes, only sliding factor of
remain plane, so lacks accuracy sliding commences approach safety computed
2D FEM Linear Yes, includes flexibility but no 3D No, computed stresses No, only sliding factor of No, unrealistic linear No, only sliding factor of
effects can be higher than the safety computed by strength carries all imposed safety computed by
strength integrating stresses loads integrating stresses
2D FEM Nonlinear Yes, includes 2D flexibility and Yes, but 3D effects not Yes, but 3D effects not Yes, but 3D effects not Yes, but 3D effects not
nonlinear but no 3D effects included included included included
3D FEM Linear Yes, includes 3D flexibility but no No, computed stresses No, only sliding factor of No, unrealistic linear No, only sliding factor of
nonlinearity can be higher than the safety computed by strength carries all imposed safety computed by
strength integrating stresses loads integrating stresses
3D FEM Nonlinear Yes, best available, includes 3D Yes, best available Yes, best available Yes, best available Yes, best available
flexibility and nonlinearity

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

attention should be paid to the fact that a larger FS does not necessarily The swing for each of the n RVs is computed as
imply a smaller risk [65], because its effect can be negated by the
presence of larger uncertainties in the design environment. Yudelevich Θiswing = Θimax − Θimin (5)
[66] discussed on the impact of initial uncertain information on the and are sorted in descending order. Finally, the Tornado diagram is
reliability assessment of concrete gravity dams. He showed that through plotted, and one has to arbitrarily decide what are the most sensitive
a transition from a deterministic to probabilistic method, and further on RVs, Fig. 4. Application of SA and Tornado diagram on dams can be
to a possibility method a correct reliability assessment can be achieved found in [71] for linear and [72] for nonlinear models.
under the conditions of high levels of uncertainty in the initial data.

3.3. Uncertainty analysis

3. Elements of uncertainty quantification
The input factors of models are unfortunately not always known
3.1. Classification of random variables
with a sufficient degree of certainty, which can be caused by natural
variations, as well as by errors and uncertainties associated with mea-
The random variables (RVs) can be categorized as [67]:
surements. The uncertainty of the input parameters is often expressed
Epistemic uncertainty is the scientific uncertainty in the model of
in terms of probability distributions; it can also be specified by samples
the process and is due to limited data and knowledge. For continuous
of measured values, i.e. empirical probability distributions. The un-
random variables, the epistemic uncertainty is modeled by alternative
certainties of the different input parameters may have dependencies on
probability density functions (PDFs) and is usually addressed through
each other, i.e. they may be correlated. Generally, the main reason to
use of a logic tree.
perform an uncertainty analysis is to assess the uncertainty in the model
Aleatory variability is the natural randomness in a process. For
output that arises from uncertainty in the input RVs.
continuous variables, the randomness is parameterized by the PDF.
Lexical uncertainty is due to subjective definition of parameters,
3.4. Sampling techniques
hence, shows the lack of definitive or sharp distinction [68].
The basic qualifier refers to directly observable quantities, such as
Sampling of the distributional model is indeed a key element of an
material properties (e.g., strength, stiffness), loads (e.g., earthquake
magnitude, sea wave height), environmental phenomenons (e.g., tem- uncertainty quantification (UQ). Some of the fundamental techniques
perature, alkali-aggregate reaction), and geometric dimensions (e.g.,
section size). Fig. 3 compares the epistemic and aleatory uncertainties
applied to the seismic hazard analysis. Note that a detailed discussion • Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS): MCS is the most widely used sam-
on the epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in risk analysis of dam pling method. Success of the crude MCS depends on a very large
safety can be found in Baecher [69]. number of analyses. As a palliative to this handicap, an improved
sampling method is achieved through the so-called Latin Hypercube
Sampling (LHS) method [73].

3.2. Sensitivity analysis
Pseudo-random method: LHS guarantees samples to be drawn over
the whole range of the distribution. First, the range of each variable
Sensitivity analysis (SA) determines the impact of a variation in an
is split into m non-overlapping intervals of equal marginal prob-
input parameter on output results. Mathematically, this corresponds to
ability 1/ m . Then, sampling starts with the random selection of an
the partial derivative of the output function with respect to an input
interval, followed by another random selection of a point inside it.

parameter at a given design point. The procedure starts with the
Quasi-random method: Quasi-random sequences are those gener-
identification of the basic RVs, X = (X1, …, Xn ) , and their corresponding
ated from a completely deterministic low-discrepancy process and
distributional model (e.g., normal and log-normal). Then, 2n + 1 ana-
have no inherent statistical properties. Two famous members in this
lyses are performed [70] using mean ( Ximean ), minimum ( Ximin ), and
group are Halton [74] and Sobol [75]. Fig. 5 compares crude MCS
maximum ( Ximax ) values of the RVs. The response can be mathemati-
vs. quasi-random methods, where the two RVs X1 and X2 have a
cally expressed in terms of
uniform model with 400 samples.
Θ = f (X1 , X2 , …, Xi , …, Xn ) (2)

A reference response is first computed in terms of the n RVs in

ΘRef 3.5. Design of experiments
S = {1, 2, …, n} equal to their mean values
Design of experiments (DOE) refers to a statistical technique that
ΘRef = f (Ximean ), ∀ i ∈ S (3) systematically defines the minimum number of experimental sampling
points to optimize the computed or observed responses. There are dif-
Then, 2n analyses are performed, each corresponding to a given
ferent techniques to build a DOE [76]: Randomized Complete Block
maximum or minimum of a RV, while all others are set to their mean
Design, Latin Square Experimental Design, Full Factorial Design, Frac-
tional Factorial Design, Central Composite Design, Box-Behnken Ex-
Θimin = f (Ximin , X jmean ), i = RV , ∀ j ∈ S ∧ j ≠ i perimental Design, Plackett-Burman Experimental Design, and Taguchi
Θimax = f (Ximax , X jmean ), i = RV , ∀ j ∈ S ∧ j ≠ i Experimental Design. Some of the widely-used DOE techniques are
shown in Fig. 6, where the small circles show the location of the

Aleatory Epistemic Fig. 3. Aleatory vs. epistemic uncertainty.

Epistemic =
Annual prob of exceedance

uncertainty bounds


Aleatory =
Integration over distribution of curve shape Logic tree of technically
expected parameter values defensible interpretations

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Fig. 4. Sensitivity analysis using Tornado diagram.

reference points. et al. [82,83] compared some of the machine learning based predictive
Outputs from DOE are then combined to form a response surface models for dam safety assessment, i.e., random forests, boosted re-
meta-model (RSM). Polynomial models are among the widely used gression trees, neural network, support vector machine (SVM), and
functions for response surface. A quadratic polynomial with cross terms multivariate adaptive regression splines. Saouma et al. [84] used
is usually used for the majority of civil engineering applications [77]: stepwise linear regression and K-nearest neighbor local polynomial
k k k−1 k
techniques for prediction of arch dam responses based on pendulum
y = β0 + ∑ βi xi + ∑ βii xi2 + ∑ ∑ βij x i x j + ε recordings. Gaspar et al. [85] proposed a probabilistic thermal model to
i=1 i=1 i=1 j=i+1 (6) propagate uncertainties on some RCC's physical properties. Mata et al.
[86] proposed a method based on linear discriminant models for the
where y is the response variable; x i and x j are coded input variables; β0 , construction of decision rules for the early detection of developing
βi , βii , and βij are the unknown coefficients; ε refers to error term (in the failure scenarios. Su et al. [87] proposed an early-warning model for
regression context); and k is the number of factors. The unknown dam safety based on SVM method. Dancea et al. [88] proposed a
parameters can be estimated by the least-squares regression method, computer vision technique in order to enhance the visual inspection
which minimizes the sum of squares of the differences between the process of large concrete dams using a modified fuzzy c-means algo-
actual output and the approximated one. rithm. Gu et al. [89] proposed the use of least squares SVM in back
In a series of papers, Hariri-Ardebili and his co-authors [78–80] analysis of RCC dams and determination of the complex mechanical
implemented the concept of DOE to address the material and ground properties. Moreover, Su et al. [90] applied a similar idea for gravity
motion uncertainty in arch and gravity dams. In all cases, first a meta- dams. Cheng and Zheng [91] proposed multi-variate dam safety mon-
model is developed using one or more DOE techniques and then, vali- itoring models based on latent variables and least-square SVM (to si-
dated using a large number of finite element simulations. mulate the nonlinear mapping). Rankovic` et al. [92] developed a
support vector regression model in order to forecasting the tangential
3.6. Machine learning techniques displacement of a concrete dam. Su et al. [93] proposed different al-
gorithms to improve the capacity of SVM based monitoring models by
Machine learning, a specific type of artificial intelligence that taking into account the time-variant material and load. Yu et al. [94]
“learns” as it identifies new patterns in data and create strategies to analyzed the safety of a RCC dam on the basis of measurements of the
improve decision making based on information hidden in huge data displacements, strains, and stresses in the concrete. A hydrostatic,
sets. Choosing the right algorithm is a key point in any machine temperature, time-displacement model was used to quantify the con-
learning application, and thus understanding the advantages and dis- tributions each element on the dam's displacements. A multiple linear
advantages of each technique is vital. Three major machine learning regression (MLR) was used to train and test the relationships among the
algorithms are: hydrostatic conditions and to evaluate the stability. Cheng et al. [95]
proposed two different back-analysis frameworks based on optimiza-
• Supervised learning where the algorithm produces a function that tion technique and multivariate machine learning models used to de-
maps inputs to outputs. The application can be found in classifica- termine the material dynamic parameters of concrete gravity dams.
tion and regression.
• Unsupervised learning which the input data is not labeled and
does not have a known result. The application can be found in 3.7. General papers in uncertainty quantification
clustering, dimensionality reduction and association rule learning.
• Semi-supervised learning in which the input data is a mixture of Other researchers have also investigated the uncertainty in the
labeled and unlabeled examples. The application can be found in ground motion and/or material models with the application to the
classification and regression. dams; however, they did not specifically derive fragility/vulnerability
curves, nor did they compute the failure probability and associated risk.
Fig. 7 highlights a number of diverse classes and subclasses of al- In nearly all of the following papers, the IDA technique is used (with
gorithms and approaches applied in machine learning. Many of these some small variations) to quantify the seismic uncertainty: [96–105].
techniques have been already implemented in dam engineering. The Leclerc et al. [106] developed a computer program called CADAM
major idea is to monitor the current behavior of dam and predict the for static and seismic stability evaluation of gravity dams. It is based on
long-term future behavior. the rigid body equilibrium and beam theory to perform stress analyses,
Although machine learning is not the subject of this paper, the most compute crack lengths, and assess safety factors. Seismic analyses can
relevant applications in dam engineering are briefly addressed. Salazar be performed using either the pseudo-static or a simplified response

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Pereira et al. [126] proposed a probabilistic model of the reservoir

water level of any new dam based only on its geometrical properties,
which provides a low-cost alternative to in-depth hydrological analysis.

4. Risk-based probabilistic framework

Various researchers have focused on an integrated approach for risk

analysis and risk management, [127–130], and [131]. Risk, reliability,
Fig. 5. Crude vs. quasi Monte Carlo methods. and fragility were within the scope and benchmark workshop by the
International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) for several years
(e.g., 2011, 2013, 2015), with the general conclusion that the risk-
spectrum methods. Probabilistic analyses based on MCS are possible as based methods are a useful tool to analyze the risk of dam systems,
well. including downstream consequence assessments and the uncertainty of
Wang et al. [107] quantified the bias of dynamic response and the structural models [132].
damage of an arch dam subjected to artificial earthquake excitations. This section considers seven fundamental concepts in risk-based
Gupta and Joshi [108] presented a response spectrum-based stochastic probabilistic analysis and provides a short but comprehensive descrip-
method for gathering the statistical estimates of various response tion of each one in the context of dam engineering. Each subsection is
quantities of gravity dams. The random vibration theory for computing followed by a review of some important published papers on that topic.
the peak factors of ordered peaks in a stationary stochastic process,
wherein the statistical parameters are defined in terms of the first few 4.1. Reliability
moments of the power spectral density function (PSDF) of the process,
is used for this purpose. An analytical model was developed for the Structural reliability analysis deals with the quantitative assessment
power spectral density function (PSDF) of response quantities in terms of the failure probability, Pf , given a model of the uncertainty in the
of the modal properties of the dam and the response spectrum-com- structural, environmental, and load parameters. The safety margin, Z, is
patible PSDFs of input ground acceleration. Liu et al. [109] first pro- defined as the difference between resistance, R, and stress, S [133]:
posed a renewed simulation scheme to represent fully non-stationary
seismic accelerations. Then, this technique was then combined with the Z (t ) = R (t ) − S (t ) (7)
probability density evolution method (PDEM) for nonlinear dynamic Failure would occur if Z < 0 . Note that t represents the time-dependent
reliability analysis of a randomly base-excited concrete gravity dam. reliability assessment [134]. Alternatively, R and S can be combined,
Hariri-Ardebili and Saouma [110] proposed a set of micro, meta and and the result is expressed logarithmically as:
macro, damage indices for damage assessment of gravity dams. The
proposed damage index was a combination of dissipated energy, crack R (t )
X (t ) = ln
length, and critical displacement. Further, Hariri-Ardebili et al. [111] S (t ) (8)
proposed a large set of damage and performance indices for damage in which the failure would occur for negative values of X.
analysis of arch dams. The endurance time analysis technique was used Reliability index, β , is used as a relative measure of the reliability or
for the simulations. Moreover, Ansari and Agarwal [112] proposed confidence in the ability of a structure to perform its function in a sa-
some DIs based on vibration frequency and also factor of safety against tisfactory manner. Probabilistic methods are used to systematically
sliding. Dell'Agnese et al. [113] proposed a physical damage index to evaluate uncertainties in parameters that affect structural performance,
assess the check dams based on empirical evidence collected in and the reliability index can be connected to the risk matrix [135].
Northern Italy. Bybordiani and Arıcı [114] evaluated the use of 2D In special cases in which both the demand and capacity are RVs and
modelings for the prediction of the seismic demands on gravity dams. presented using the normal distributional models, an analytical solution
Different material properties and a large set of ground motions were can be found for reliability index, β . If X is assumed to follow a normal
used to get the possible bias.
Modeling uncertainties are further considered in the following pa-
distribution, then it has a mean value X = ln S
( ) R
and a standard
deviation (STD) σ . Therefore, the reliability index is defined as the
pers: [115–119]. In a separate research, Tang et al. [120], Zhong et al.
distance between mean performance value and the limit state (LS)
[121], Yin et al. [122] investigated the concrete heterogeneity (based
normalized with respect to the standard deviation:
on the Weibull distribution law) on the seismic response of dams
modeled with damage plasticity. They reported a non-smoothed stress σln2 (R / S )
distribution in the case that the concrete heterogeneity is modeled. μln (R / S ) ln μ (R / S ) −
β= = 2
Furthermore, they compared the cracking pattern; however, no statis- σln (R / S ) 2
tical interpretation was drawn. Increasing the heterogeneity index (i.e. ⎡ ⎛ σ(R / S ) ⎞ ⎤
ln ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟⎥
more homogeneous concrete), increases the potential for localized da- ⎢ μ
⎣ ⎝ (R / S ) ⎠ ⎥⎦ (9)
mage. Hariri-Ardebili et al. [123] studied the linear elastic seismic re-
sponse of a gravity dam with random finite element method. Different On the other hand, knowing the value of reliability index, the
correlation length, combination of random variables, 1D vs. 2D random probability of failure can be computed as:
field, and the impact of dam class are discussed. Pf = Φ (−β ) (10)
Moreover, Malm et al. [124], and Gasch et al. [125] investigated the
crack propagation in a buttress dam due to stochastic variations in where Φ (.) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function
material properties. Probabilistic analyses were performed in both the (CDF).
local and global models with MCS where each element was randomly Reliability indices for a number of components, or a number of
assigned a concrete strength according to an assumed material dis- modes of performance, may be used to estimate the overall reliability of
tribution. They found that the weak material properties near the crack- a structure/system. Two extreme cases might be considered:
tip are governed the propagation and the trajectory of the crack. They Series System: Such a system will perform poorly if any one com-
also showed that the mean crack propagation (inclination and length) ponent perform unsatisfactorily. If a system has n components in series,
resulted from probabilistic analyses is different from the deterministic the probability of unsatisfactorily performance of the ith component is
one. pi and its reliability is Ri = 1 − pi , then the reliability of the system, or

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Two-level full Three-level full Central composite Taguchi design of

factorial design factorial design design experiment

Fig. 6. Design of experiment models.

probability that all the components will perform satisfactorily is Reliability indices are a relative measure of the current condition
and provide a qualitative estimate of the structural performance.
R = R1 × R2 × ⋯×Rn = (1−p1 )(1−p2 )⋯(1−pn ) (11) Structures with relatively high reliable indices will be expected to
Parallel Systems: Such a system will only perform unsatisfactorily perform well. If the value is too low, then the structure may be classi-
if all component perform unsatisfactorily. Hence the reliability is fied as a hazardous one. Numerically, the failure probability can be
estimated using one of the following techniques: direct integration,
R = 1 − (p1 ×p2 ×⋯×pn ) (12) first- and second-order reliability methods (FORM/SORM), crude MCS,
LHS, and Importance Sampling (IS).
Further discussion on failure probability and reliability of series/
In the direct integration, the probability of failure in terms of LS
parallel dams can be found in Dewals et al. [136], Huaizhi et al. [137].

Naive Bayes
Averaged One-Dependence Estimators
Deep Boltzmann Machine
Deep Belief Networks Bayesian Belief Network
Deep Learning Bayesian
Convolutional Neural Network Gaussian Naive Bayes

Stacked Auto-Encoders Multinomial Naive Bayes

Bayesian Network

Random Forest
Gradient Boosting Machines Classification and Regression Tree
Boosting Iterative Dichotomiser 3
C4.5 & C5.0
Bootstrapped Aggregation Ensemble
AdaBoost Decision Tree Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction
Machine Learning Algorithms

Stacked Generalization
Decision Stump
Gradient Boosted Regression
Conditional Decision Trees

Perceptron Neural
Back-Propagation Networks Principal Component Analysis
Hopfield Network Partial Least Squares Regression
Sammon Mapping
Multi-dimensional Scaling
Least Absolute Shrinkage and
Selection Operator Projection Pursuit
Elastic Net Regularization Principal Component Regression
Reduction Partial Least Squares Discriminant
Least Angle Regression
Mixture Discriminant Analysis
Quadratuc Discriminant Analysis
One Rule
Regularized Discriminant Analysis
Zero Rule Rule System
Flexible Discriminant Analysis
Repeated Incremental Pruning
to Produce Error Reduction Linear Discriminant Analysis

Linear Regression K-Nearest Neighbour

Learning Vector Quantization
Ordinary Least Squares Regression Instance Based
Self-Organizing Map
Stepwise Regression
Locally Weighted Learning
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Regression
Splines K-Means
Locally Estimated Scatterplot K-Medians
Expectation Maximization
Logistic Regression Hierarchical Clustring

Fig. 7. A classification of machine learning algorithms; adopted from Brownlee [81].

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

function can be expressed as: Different methods with different levels of complexity and accuracy
were proposed for SORM; however, following is a simple but practical
Pf =  [G (X ) ≤ 0] = ∫G≤0 fR (R) fS (S ) dRdS (13) formula on the basis of asymptotic analysis [139]:
N −1
where the randomness of R and S is expressed by probability density
P fSORM = Φ (−βHL) ∏ (1 + βHL κi)−1/2
functions (PDFs) fR and fS . It is possible to determine the failure
i=1 (19)
probability in terms of joint PDF of the all contributing variables as:
where κi are the principal curvatures of the paraboloid. This equation is
Pf = ∫{x : G (x )≤0} fX (x ) dx (14) asymptotically exact (as βHL → ∞ while βHL κi is kept constant) for any
LS function having a single design point. Fig. 8(b) shows the conceptual
Since the integration domain in this equation is only implicitly comparison between FORM and SORM.
available, the direct estimation of the failure probability is very difficult Crude MCS is used to direct calculation of the failure probability
(and usually impossible). based on joint PDF of all the RVs. Since it is based on the theory of large
First order reliability method (FORM) is based on the combination numbers, Nsim → N∞, an unbiased estimator of Pf is given by:
of 1) a local linear approximation of the LS function in a transformed
space, and 2) an iterative search for the “design point” [138]. The first 1 Nfail
step to define the Hasofer-Lind reliability index, βHL , is to normalize the
∑ If (xj ) =
j=1 (20)
basic RVs, X , by transferring into a standard normal vector, U ,
Fig. 8(a): where Nfail is the number of failed samples, the hat is the sign of esti-
mation, and
Xi − μ Xi
Ui = 1 if G (x ) ≤ 0
σXi (15) If (x ) = ⎧

⎩ 0 if G (x ) > 0 (21)
where μ Xi and σXi are the mean and STD of the RV Xi . Note that in this
new transferred space μ Zi = 0 and σUi = 1. Finally, the associated generalized MCS based reliability index can
Note that the LS function G (X ) in the original space will take the be expressed as:
form G (U ) in the standard normal space. The Hasofer-Lind reliability
βMCS = −Φ−1 (Pf ) = Φ−1 (1 − Pf )
index is defined as the shortest distance from the origin in the standard (22)
normal space to the new transferred failure surface G (U ) , (this point is
LHS was developed with the idea to reduce the variance in the crude
called design point, U *):
MCS of the integrand [140]. LHS can be summarized as follows: Given
U * = argmin { u , G (u ) ≤ 0} the range [0, 1] divided into N equally length intervals 1/ N , one point is
u⊂M (16)
randomly selected from each interval forming a sequence of N samples
and subsequently, in H1, {Xi1}, i = 1, 2, …, N . Another sequence can be constructed in-
dependently but the same method as {Xi2 }, i = 1, 2, …, N . These two
βHL = U * = min ( U ) (17) sequences can be paired to form a so-called bi-dimensional space. This
and the “exact” FORM based failure probability for the linear LS method can be expanded until an m-dimensional sequence of N is
functions can be computed as: formed [73,141,142], and [143].
Mathematically, the algorithm can be presented as follows: Let
P fFORM = Φ (−βHL) (18) {πk }, k = 1, 2, …, m be independent random permutations of
Since the FORM linearly approximates the LS function at the design {1, 2, …, N } , each uniformly distributed over all N! possible permuta-
point, it may over- or underestimate the reliability index for the func- tions. Set:
tions with significant curvature. In such a case, the SORM may be used, (πk (i) − 1) + Uik
where the LS function is approximated by a quadratic function at the Xik = , i = 1, 2, …, N ; k = 1, 2, …, m
N (23)
design point (e.g., by a Tailor series expansion).
where Uik are the uniform independent sample points on [0, 1] interval.
The crude MCS needs many samples, as there is no control on the
sampled point. A lot of methods have been proposed to reduce the
number of sampling and, consequently, reduce the variance of the re-
sponses. IS is one of these techniques [144]. Various scholars proposed
different versions and applications of IS such as [145–148], and [149].
The fundamental idea in IS is to concentrate the distribution of
sampling in the most important region. A simple way is to move the
sampling center from the origin in standard normal space to the design
point on the failure function, as shown in Fig. 9. In this method, a new
sampling PDF, hX (x ) (known as sampling density function), is defined
to obtain the samples in the desired region. Thus, the failure probability
is reformulated as:
fX (x )
P fIS = ∫{x : G (x )≤0} hX (x )
hX (x ) dx
With the similar analogy of Eq. (20), the failure probability can be
approximated as:
1 fX (xj )
Pf =
∑ If (xj )
hX (xj )
j=1 (25)
An appropriate choice of hX (x ) is key to successful implementation of IS
Fig. 8. Determination of the reliability, FORM vs. SORM. method. Using the FORM results is one method to reach this goal [150].

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

integration of the bivariate normal distribution.

Xu et al. [167] proposed a finite element-based improved reliability
model for estimation of the failure probability in concrete dams. This
technique is validated against the FORM, SORM, weighted regression
method and space reduced weighted regression method. They reported
that the proposed algorithm has a good convergence and stability and
increases the calculation efficiency. Xu et al. [168] developed a method
for functional reliability analysis of concrete gravity dams which uses a
pseudo excitation method to compute the probabilistic characteristics
of the system. Furthermore, Xu et al. [169] improved the capability of
the model in order to determine the failure probability of the interlayer
sliding belts under seismic excitation. This approach is mainly based on
Fig. 9. Comparison of Crude MCS and IS techniques. developing a relationship between failure probabilities of specified in-
terlayer sliding belts and its elements using the Markov chain theorem.
Once the fundamental theories in structural reliability are de- Kartal et al. [170–172] proposed a response surface model for re-
scribed, the rest of this section is dedicated to reviewing the published liability analysis of concrete-faced rockfill dams. In this model, an ex-
research in the field of reliability analysis of dams. plicit LS function is presented for the system that facilitates the future
Prendergast [151] presented the first work on determination of the large scale MCS. Altarejos-Garcia et al. [173] explained a method to
failure probability in concrete gravity dams. The author provided load estimate the conditional probability of dam-water responses using
and resistance models to evaluate the safety in terms of the uncertain complex behavior. This techniques was based on the numerical simu-
parameters (which include the water height and the earthquake ac- lation and reliability analysis.
celeration coefficient). Kreuzer and Bury [152] and Bury and Kreuzer In a collection of papers, Krounis and Johan [174], Krounis et al.
[153] computed the dam's failure probability while the structure was [175,176], Krounis [177] analyzed (both experimentally and numeri-
assumed to be a rigid body under the sliding failure mode. The annual cally) the sliding stability and failure probability of dams with bonded
peak flood and the ground acceleration were modeled based on Gumbel concrete-rock interfaces. The heterogeneity of the interface joint was
distribution. Furthermore, Baylosis and Bennett [154] evaluated the taken into account, and different spatially correlation lengths were
safety of a high gravity dam assuming three failure modes (i.e., sliding, assumed for strength parameter. Furthermore, they quantified the effect
overturning and over-stressing). On the other hand, Horyna [155] fo- of correlation between the cohesion and friction angle on the reliability
cused on post-crack dynamic analysis of gravity dams and evaluated the index.
reliability against sliding using both the analytical and experimental Chen et al. [178] evaluated the reliability index of an arch dam
studies. The ground motion mechanism, peak ground acceleration subjected to the temperature variation and seismic loads. The dynamic
(PGA), and reservoir level were assumed to be main RVs. effects were calculated by the modal superposition response spectrum.
Code-based reliability assessment is another topic in which Concrete and rock elastic modulus, as well as tensile and compressive
Jeppsson [156] evaluated the safety of a concrete column (as part of an strength, were assumed to be RVs. Subsequently, a quadratic RSM was
existing dam) using the reliability method and the Swedish guideline. computed for the LS function. In addition, Wang et al. [179] estimated
the reliability index is formulated as a function of the coefficient of the probability of dynamical systems' failure by dividing the system
variation (COV) in the RVs, such as uplift pressure, ice load, and angle reliability into two phases: failure mode identification, and failure
of friction. Kazemi [157] compared the safety of a concrete gravity probability calculation. Earthquake variability, material randomness,
block resulting from the allowable stress method and the ultimate limit and uncertainty in nonlinear constitutive model (i.e., damage plasticity,
state design principle. He found that the reliability method provides a smeared crack, and extended finite element) were taken into account.
consistent level of structural performance in the stability analysis of Progressive failure analysis at three levels (i.e., the element failure, path
dams. Saouma [158] combined the reliability index (based on the point failure, and system failure) was then performed. This technique is si-
estimate method and Taylor's series) and finite element fracture me- milar to that already proposed by Ardebili and Saouma [110] for da-
chanics to compute the safety index in a rehabilitation project. The mage index (DI) calculation in micro, meta, and macro levels of gravity
initial dam was evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics dams. Fiorentino et al. [180] developed a program for calculation of the
(LEFM), while the retrofitted one was based on the nonlinear fracture sliding safety factor for gravity dams under static, response spectrum,
mechanics (NLFM). and nonlinear dynamic simulations. The program is based on the MCS.
In a series of papers, Carvajal et al. [159–161] evaluated the relia- It was developed using an increasing degree of complexity of analysis,
bility of a gravity RCC dam using FORM and MCS. Variability in the starting from equivalent static analyses to understand the critical
shear parameters were originated from variability in compressive and combination of RVs lead to a sliding safety factor less than unit. Then,
tensile strength. Sliding and cracking were considered as LS functions. those were assigned to a simplified single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF)
Moreover, Peyras et al. [162] developed a combined method of event system to perform nonlinear dynamic analyses.
tree based risk analysis and reliability techniques for safety analysis of Altarejos-Garcia et al. [181] investigated the reliability of the dam-
concrete dams. Papadrakakis et al. [163] and Piliounis and Lagaros foundation interface joint failure, including epistemic uncertainty (i.e.
[164] proposed a neural networks based MCS methodology, combined friction angle and cohesion). They compared the conventional uniform
with nonlinear finite element analysis, for reliability assessment of large sampling with spatial variability of the strength parameters. Liu and Li
concrete dams. Parameters such as modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, [182] studied time-dependent reliability of gravity dams using gray
tensile strength and concrete fracture energy were considered as RVs. theory and a damage mechanics model. Since this method does not
Failure probability and the flood fragility curves were computed as needs iterative simulation, it greatly enhances the computational effort.
well. Westberg Wilde and Johansson [165] investigated the reliability- Shi et al. [183] studied the reliability of dams with multiple failure
based safety of concrete dams. In addition, Westberg Wilde and Jo- models. In this method, the failure domain is identified by resorting to
hansson [166] computed the system reliability of a spillway with two lines rather than random points. They compared the results with crude
monoliths. LSs were sliding at the concrete-rock contact as well as the MCS and showed the efficiency of the line sampling simulation. Su et al.
rock mass, and adjusted overturning. All the RVs were defined by sto- [184] proposed a non-probabilistic reliability method for safety eva-
chastic distributions. The safety index was calculated based on the luation of arch dams. This technique only requires the intervals of the
FORM, and the system reliability was approximated by direct uncertain parameters. The concept of reliability is also used by Chiti

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

et al. [185] for design optimization of gravity dams subjected to happened in the past and can therefore be identified from experience.
earthquake excitation. They used the subset simulation technique to An unrealized hazard is a potential for a hazardous situation that has
optimize the dam shape by minimizing the total cost of concrete for the not happened in the past but can be recognized by analyzing the
given target reliability. characteristics of an environment or failure modes of equipment items.
Wang and Ma [186] utilized the design point method in generalized The following is a review of the widely used hazard analysis techniques
random space in conjunction with the method of “divided difference” to [196,197]:
calculate the probability of an implicit performance function from a Preliminary hazard analysis: This is a very broad technique and
dam-foundation system. The method can handle the non-normal and an initial study that focuses on 1) identifying apparent hazards, 2) as-
correlated random variables as well. Zhu et al. [187] considered the sessing the severity of potential mishaps that could occur involving the
randomness in seepage and dam foundation spatial variability, and hazards, and 3) identifying means for reducing the risks associated with
presented a FSI stochastic finite element approach. They proposed a the hazards. It focuses on identifying weaknesses early on in the life of a
weighted dynamic RSM for reliability analysis. Cordier and Léger [188] system, thus saving time and money, which might be required for a
presented a progressive reliability analysis methodology at four com- major redesign, if the hazards are discovered at a later date.
plexity levels: 1) deterministic, 2) semi-probabilistic (partial coeffi- Preliminary risk analysis: It is a streamlined mishap-based risk
cient), 3) reliability-based adjustable factor of safety (AFS), and 4) assessment approach. The primary objective of the technique is to
probabilistic. They compared those techniques for the sliding safety characterize the risks associated with significant loss scenarios. This
evaluation of a gravity dam and presented results in terms of sliding team-based approach relies on subject matter experts systematically
factors of safety, allowable water levels, and demand/capacity ratios. examining the issues. The team postulates combinations of mishaps,
Hariri-Ardebili [189] proposed an analytical failure model for most significant contributors to losses and safeguards. The analysis also
generic gravity dam classes, which is optimized based on a large characterizes the risk of the mishaps and identifies recommendations
number of nonlinear finite element analyses. A hybrid parametric- for reducing risk.
probabilistic-statistical approach was used to estimate the failure What-if/checklist analysis: What-if analysis is a brainstorming
probability as a function of dam size, material distributional models and approach that uses loosely structured questioning to 1) postulate po-
external hydrological hazard. Li et al. [190] proposed a penalty func- tential upsets that may result in mishaps or system performance pro-
tion method for solving nonlinear optimization problems to compute blems, and 2) ensure that appropriate safeguards against those pro-
the reliability indicator and to calibrate the partial factors (avoiding the blems are in place. Furthermore, checklist analysis is a systematic
complexity associated with the calibration process of the partial factors) evaluation against pre-established criteria in the form of one or more
and maintaining the accuracy of the reliability indicator. They applied checklists.
this method for sliding stability analysis of a gravity dam. Finally, Jia Failure modes and effects analyses: It is an inductive reasoning
et al. [191] proposed a shear criteria for cemented sand, gravel and approach that 1) considers how the failure modes of each component
rock (CGSR) dams based on the theories of Mohr Coulomb and double- can result in system performance problems, and 2) ensures that ap-
shear strength failure. LS functions were simply assumed to be uniaxial propriate safeguards against such problems are in place. A quantitative
compressive and tensile strength. Then, the reliability index was eval- version of this model is known as Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality
uated using the first-order second moment combined with the finite Analysis.
element method. Hazard and operability analysis: This technique is an inductive
Another group of researchers combined the concept of fuzzy logic approach that uses a systematic process for 1) postulating deviations
[192] with structural reliability analysis. Xu et al. [193] proposed an from design intents for sections of systems, and 2) ensuring that ap-
improved method for fuzzy reliability analysis of deep sliding surfaces propriate safeguards are in place to help prevent system performance
in rock foundation under dams. They discussed the determination of the problems.
PDF of structure and the membership functions for the interval esti- Fault tree analysis: This is a deductive analysis technique that
mation of the probability in the optimized model. Xin and Chongshi graphically models how logical relationships between equipment fail-
[194] applied the credibility theory into the stability failure analysis of ures, human errors and external events can combine to cause specific
gravity dam. Stability was evaluated as a hybrid event considering both mishaps of interest, Fig. 10(a). Sample application to the dams and
fuzziness and randomness of failure criterion, design parameters and appurtenant structures can be found in [198,199].
measured data. Furthermore, Cao et al. [195] studied the stability of Event tree analysis: This is an inductive analysis technique that
high arch dam abutments as a fuzzy random event. The instability risk graphically models the possible outcomes of an initiating event capable
ratio models were proposed based on the credibility theory and were of producing a mishap of interest, as shown in Fig. 10(b). Sample ap-
calculated using the MCS and fuzzy random post-processing. plication to the dams and appurtenant structures can be found in
4.2. Hazard Relative ranking/risk indexing: It uses attributes of a vessel, shore
facility, port, or waterway to calculate index numbers that are useful for
Hazard analysis is the process of recognizing hazards that may arise making relative comparisons of various alternatives.
from a system or its environment, documenting their unwanted con- Coarse risk analysis: It uses operations/evaluations and associated
sequences and analyzing their potential causes. There are three objec- functions for accomplishing those operations/evolutions to describe the
tives for a hazard analysis: activities of a type of vessel or shore facility. Then, possible deviations
in carrying out functions are postulated and evaluated to characterize
• Hazard identification: To determine the hazards and hazardous the risk of possible mishaps.
events of the equipment under control and the control system (in all Pareto analysis: This is a prioritization technique based solely on
modes of operation), for all reasonably foreseeable circumstances historical data that identifies the most significant items among many.
including fault conditions and misuse. This technique employs the 80–20 rule, which states that of the pro-
• Causes identification: To analyze the event sequences leading to the blems (effects) are produced by of the causes.
hazardous events identified. Root cause analysis: Root cause analysis uses one or a combination
• Risk determination: To analyze the risks associated with the ha- of analysis tools to systematically dissect how a mishap occurred (i.e.,
zardous events. identifying specific equipment failures, human errors, and external
events contributing to loss). Then, the analysis continues to discover the
Hazards may be realized or unrealized. A realized hazard has underlying root causes of the key contributors to the mishap and to

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Fig. 10. Logic tree based analysis methods; adopted from Hariri-Ardebili [206].

make recommendations for correcting the root causes. annual frequency of exceedance, λIM , (inverse of the return period, TR ),
Change analysis: It systematically looks for possible risk impacts Fig. 11(a). Probability that the ground motion parameter exceeds a
and appropriate risk management strategies in situations in which value y from an earthquake of a given magnitude and distance is:
change is occurring.
ln y − ln y ⎤
Common cause failure analysis: This is a specialized approach for  [Y >y|m , r ] = 1 − Φ ⎡
⎢ σln y ⎥ (26)
systematically examining sequences of events stemming from the con- ⎣ ⎦
duct of activities and/or operation of physical systems that cause
Assuming that the earthquake magnitude and distance are the only
multiple failures/errors to occur from the same root causes, thus de-
RVs (in most of the cases the uncertainty in these two is significantly
feating multiple layers of protection simultaneously.
larger that the others), the probability that the ground motion para-
Human error analysis: It involves a range of methods from simple
meter Y exceeds the particular value y when an earthquake occurs at
human factors checklists through more systematic analyses of human
the ith seismic source is given by:
actions to more sophisticated human reliability analyses.
Although there are many sources of hazards in dam engineering,  [Y >y] = ∫R ∫M P [Y >y|m, r ] fM (m) fR (r ) dm dr (27)
three main ones are: seismic, hydrologic, and aging [134]. This paper is
mainly focused on the seismic hazard. where f represents the PDF.
In structural engineering, seismic hazard refers to an uncertain re- One of the PSHA applications is to develop the seismic hazard maps.
lationship between some level of seismic intensity measure (IM) and the To produce the US national seismic hazard maps, hazard curves were
frequency or probability of a particular location experiencing at least calculated for several 5%-damped spectral acceleration ordinates at
that level of excitation. Usually, a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis periods of 0.0 (PGA), 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, and 2.0 s. They are at
(PSHA) is performed to derive the hazard curves. It expresses a plot annual recurrence rates of N = 0.00211, 0.00103, and 0.00040 per
where the horizontal axis is the IM at a site and the vertical one is year, to obtain the corresponding values for 10%, 5%, and 2%

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Fig. 11. Quantifying the seismic hazard.

probability of exceedance in 50 years (based on Poisson model), Risk = ∫  [Load Events] ×  [Responses|Loads] ×  [Loads, Responses]
Fig. 11(b).
There are several papers that have specifically studied the seismic
hazard at particular dam sites. Tosun et al. [207] summarized the where  [A|B] is the conditional probability that A is true, given that B is
methods used for the analysis of seismic hazards and total risk and true and  stands for the consequences.
discussed the seismic hazards of 32 large dams constructed on the Eu- The risk concept can be interpreted either as an individual risk
phrates basin (based on the seismic activity of the dam site, the total (which might threaten a dam's ability to deliver its objectives) or the
risk, physical properties, and the location). Similar works can be found overall risk of the system with different dimensions. Fig. 12(a) shows
for deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses of dam sites the connection between the risk and its dimensions (i.e., performance,
in different countries: for Jordan [208], for USA [209,210], for Mekong time, and cost). Risk management encompasses activities related to
River (China, Thailand, Vietnam,…) [211], for Turkey [212], for Egypt making risk-informed decisions, prioritizing evaluations of risk, prior-
[213], for Spain [214,215], for India [216], for Iran [217], for Italy itizing risk reduction activities, and making program decisions asso-
[218,219], for Greece [220], and for Lebanon [221]. Overall, Wieland ciated with managing a portfolio of facilities. Risk management
[222] discussed the seismic hazard information the dam engineers need
from seismologists and geologists. The main deliveries are response
spectra or uniform hazard spectra and sometimes the acceleration time
In a series of papers, Wieland [223–227] discussed different features
of the earthquake hazards in large dams, which include ground shaking,
faulting, and mass movements. The concept of the integral dam safety
was explained in terms of the 1) structural safety, 2) dam safety mon-
itoring, 3) operational safety and maintenance, and 4) emergency
planning. Moreover, the seismic design and performance criteria of
dams recommended by the seismic committee of the ICOLD were pre-
sented. Finally, while most of the research on seismic hazard is focused
on large dams, Frigo et al. [228] evaluated the seismic criticality of
small dams based on a multi-criteria analysis with a rapid screening
survey. They claimed that small-sized dams are critical as well (com-
pared to larger ones) because the majority of these constructions are
built close to inhabited zones.
For those readers who are interested in hydrological hazard, a set of
useful and comprehensive information can be found in [229–231], and
[232]. A good review on the flood failure of dams can be found in

4.3. Risk

In structural safety, risk can be defined as the “measure of the

probability and severity of an adverse effect to life, health, property, or
environment. In the general case, risk is estimated by the combined
impact of all triplets of scenario, probability of occurrence and the as-
sociated consequence.” Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) takes the Fig. 12. Concept of structural safety risk management and its dimensions
following form [234,173]: [235].

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

includes evaluating the environmental, social, cultural, ethical, poli- these risk reduction measures. The following limits are recommended
tical, and legal considerations of all parts of the decision process, by USACE [239]:
Fig. 12(b).
Risk assessment is the process of deciding whether existing risks are • Annual failure probability (AFP):
tolerable and present risk control measures are adequate, and if not, - AFP > 0.0001 per year: unacceptable, except in exceptional cir-
whether alternative risk control measures are justified or should be cumstances,
implemented. Risk assessment incorporates the risk analysis and risk - AFP < 0.0001 per year: will be considered tolerable provided other
evaluation phases. Tolerable risk means different things to different tolerable risk guidelines are met
people and organizations. Some focus on economic risks to their com- • Annual life loss (ALL):
panies or organizations (e.g., insurance, offshore oil and gas), while - ALL > 0.01 lives/year: unacceptable except in exceptional cir-
others focus on loss of life. Most of the regularities use a “risk curve” cumstances and is a reason for urgent actions to reduce risk,
[236], either in the form of f-N or F-N chart. - 0.001 < ALL < 0.01 lives/year: unacceptable except in exceptional
An f-N event chart is composed of individual f-N pairs. Each pair circumstances and is a reason for actions taken to reduce risk,
typically represents one failure mode or the summation of selected - ALL < 0.001 lives/year: may be considered tolerable provided
failure modes. f represents the “annualized failure probability” (AFP), other guidelines are met.
and N represents the expected life loss or number of fatalities. F-N chart
is, in fact, a complementary CDF to portray risk, while the vertical axis Note that criteria for life and economic risk, as well as ALARP, for
represents the annual exceedance probability of causing N casualties or China were discussed by Ge et al. [240].
greater. Two examples are shown in Fig. 13 from the USBR and Aus- ANCOLD [7] proposes a general framework for risk assessment of
tralian National Committee of Large Dams (ANCOLD), where “ALARP” dams as illustrated in Fig. 15. A majority of the research in risk analysis
stands for “as low as reasonably practicable”. Bowles [237] defined the of dams is based on the hydrologic/flood hazard. Few of them account
following factors as a metric for judging on whether risks are ALARP: 1) for the seismic and aging hazards as well. Additionally, nearly all the
the level of risk in relation to the tolerable risk limits, 2) the dis- research papers dealing with the risk analysis include a section or
proportion between the cost of implementing the risk-reduction mea- chapter on the calculation of failure probability and probabilistic post-
sures and the subsequent risk reduction achieved, 3) the cost-effec- processing on the data.
tiveness of the risk-reduction measures, 4) compliance with good Cheng et al. [241] recommended adoption of probabilistic ap-
established practice, 5) and societal concerns as revealed by consulta- proaches for safety analysis of US dams. They compared several
tion with the community and other stakeholders. methods for estimating dam overtopping risk, including direct in-
The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulates the safety of all tegration, MCS, mean-value first-order second-moment (MFOSM), and
workplace activities in the UK. The HSE was a leader in developing the advanced first-order second-moment (AFOSM) analyses. They eval-
general tolerability of risk framework. The HSE proposes that F-N uated several geophysical forces which may cause overtopping of a dam
curves can be helpful for decision-making; however, it does not speci- and finally focused on floods and wind, and only touching briefly on
fically promote one for water resources structures. Instead, HSE pro- landslides and earthquakes. Fault tree analysis, with the assumption of
poses Fig. 14 for individual and societal risks. They are inverted tri- Poisson process for extreme events was used to estimate the probability
angles, in which the shape indicates the amount of attention and risk of overtopping. National Research Council [242] provided a review and
limits of a particular situation [238]. Except in extraordinary circum- critique of the techniques used to approximate the rare flood prob-
stances, unacceptable risks must be reduced regardless of the cost of abilities. This information was subsequently used for risk analysis.

Fig. 13. Organizational social risk guidelines.

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Fig. 14. HSE tolerability of risk framework; adopted from HSE [238].

addressed emergency vs. long term decisions.

Kostov et al. [246,247] computed the quantitative seismic risk of
two concrete gravity dams and one arch dam. A detailed finite element
model was used and the seismic risk was calculated by integrating the
hazard curves with the specific fragility curves, based on LHS model. In
a series of publications, Bowles et al. [248], Bowles [249,250] explains
the step-by-step procedure for portfolio risk assessment (PRA) of dams.
A portfolio is a group of dams for which a single owner or regulator is
responsible for. General steps include: 1) define the overall business
context and objectives for PRA, 2) agree on the business requirements
for PRA, 3) perform an engineering assessment of existing dams, 4)
conduct risk assessment of existing dams, 5) investigate the risk re-
duction alternatives, and 6) integrate dam safety PRA results into
business risk.
Furthermore, Bowles et al. [251] conducted a demonstration risk
assessment (DRA) on a high rolled-earthfill dam. The existing dam and
19 structural risk reduction alternatives were evaluated for flood,
earthquake, and normal operating conditions. The DRA involved an
engineering team and a consequences assessment team. It could provide
an effective way for a dam owner or regulator to gain practical ex-
perience with risk assessment and to evaluate its benefits within the
context of their organizational mission. Rettermeier et al. [252] gen-
erally discusses risk analysis, risk management, and how they are
connected to dam safety in Germany. Richards and Snorteland [253]
had a similar discussion on dam risk management, its challenges, and
current practices in the US. Hill et al. [254] discusses the importance of
the joint failure probability of different dam components. In most cases,
the failure modes of various dam components are not mutually ex-
clusive, and therefore, the failure probabilities are not simply additive.
The total failure probability should be adjusted for these upgrades.
Ignoring adjustments can lead to an overestimation of the total failure
probability and the annual incremental loss of life, and an under-
estimation of the cost per statistical life saved.
Fig. 15. Typical risk assessment process for a dam; adopted from ANCOLD [7].
Chauhan and Bowles [255] presented a framework for uncertainty
analysis in dam safety risk assessment, including an approach to in-
Using the QRA, Bowles [243] advocated for employing this approach to corporating input uncertainties into the risk analysis model. It provided
solve the dam safety problems in three levels: 1) determination of the some useful formats for representing the uncertainties in risk analysis
safety level for low-hazard dams, 2) assessment of the alternative op- results, such as the confidence level associated with meeting tolerable
tions for risk mitigation at dams with insufficient spillway capacity, and risk guidelines. Peyras et al. [256] proposed a method to support dam
3) convincing the decision-makers about the applicability of the usual aging diagnosis and risk analysis that capitalizes on an expert's
design standards. knowledge and feedback. The approach can be decomposed into three
Stedinger et al. [244] wrote a report explaining the concepts needed parts: 1) an aging functional model based on the failure mode and effect
to perform a thorough probabilistic analysis of the dam safety issue, analysis using a causal graph representation of aging scenarios leading
including the calculation of the probability of dam failure and the to loss of functions 2) a qualitative method of describing dam aging
distributions for dollar damages and loss of life. They only considered historical data and representing trends in performance loss, and 3)
the hydrological risk with probable maximum flood (PMF). Bowles qualitative methods to assess the risk of performance loss of dams and
et al. [245] reviewed the relationship between the standard- and risk- their components.
based approaches for dam safety in the context of comprehensive risk Several software programs were developed to facilitate dam safety
management. They emphasized defining the decision process, the role risk analysis. Matalucci [257] described the general framework used in
of decision criteria, and the involvement of the owners and stakeholder RAM-DSM (which stands for risk assessment methodology for dams),
in a decision-driven and staged-risk assessment process. They also developed by Sandia National Laboratories. It is used to analyze the

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Fig. 16. General framework of PEER PBEE methodology; adopted from Porter [274].

current security risks of US dams and to provide information to support the stability of gravity dams. They used membership functions to de-
effective risk-reduction decisions by dam management. The core of scribe the extent of stability failure risk, while the fuzziness of both the
RAM-DSM is the process by which a systematic risk assessment is ac- design parameters and failure criterion were eliminated through a
complished. Meghella and Eusebio [258] developed a tool for risk “level set” based transformation. Su et al. [270] further studied the
analysis and prioritization of dams in Italy. In this program, which is time-varying risk probability of dams based on fuzzy theory.
generally based on the event trees scenario, the importance of a dam is Cloete et al. [271] presented the rational quantitative optimal ap-
quantified according to failure modes, adverse conditions, defense proach, which was a robust risk evaluation model, to produce a defi-
groups, physical conditions, and priority indices. Bowles and Aboelata nitive result for the risk mitigation from overtopping of dams. They
[259] developed LIFESim, a modular, spatially-distributed, dynamic provided analyses for a portfolio of dams with discrete optimal results
simulation system for estimating potential life loss from natural and and not in terms of probability. This process was applied mechan-
dam-failure floods. It provides some effective tools for emergency istically and did not require judgment from decision-makers. For the
planning, including the evacuation time in downstream facilities based case study, they considered the internal and external risks in embank-
on the deterministic or uncertainty modes. He et al. [260] developed a ment dams, but the results are applicable to concrete dams as well.
dam risk assistant analysis system using Delphi visual programming Brown [272] provided a comprehensive review of the risk mitigation
language. The program is in the context of the “three-tier and multi- methods for large concrete dams during design and construction. He
database” logic structure. Srivastava [261] and Srivastava et al. [262] mainly focused on rock engineering features and the potential failure
developed a computation tool called DAMRAE-U for dam safety risk modes (PFMs). Castillo-Rodríguez et al. [273] proposed a variation of
assessment. The program is structured to analyze knowledge un- the combined risk analysis approach for complex dam-levee systems,
certainty for the event tree variables and natural variability associated which was based on the event tree analysis from multiple combinations
with flood and earthquake loadings. It also separates the effects of of “load-system response-consequence” events. Serrano-Lombillo et al.
uncertainty in the existing condition of the dam system by which event [264] presented the risk reduction indicator “equity weighted adjusted
tree model is dependent. i Presas Risk Analysis is a tool for dam risk cost per statistical life saved” (EWACSLS). It allows obtaining prior-
calculation, with a graphical user interface designed to integrate itization sequences of investments while maintaining an equilibrium
loading probabilities and dam system response using influence dia- between equity and efficiency principles. They applied this technique to
grams [263,264]. a portfolio of 27 dams where 93 structural and non-structural invest-
Smith [265] proposed a model for dam risk analysis based on ments were prioritized.
Bayesian networks. It allowed determination of the overall dam risk by
taking into account the numerous inter-relations between the failure 4.4. Fragility
mechanisms, the uncertainties, and the expert judgments. Risk was
characterized without reference to an absolute interpretation of the The concept of fragility analysis is heavily tied to next-generation
dam failure probability, which can cause problems related to performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) [274]. The Pacific
its interpretation and use. They used an interesting version of Bayes’ Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center developed this fra-
theorem in the form of:  [Cause | Effect] ×  [Effect] = mework to facilitate direct calculation of the effects of uncertainty and
 [Effect | Cause] ×  [Cause] . Wu et al. [266] proposed a risk degree the randomness of each step in the performance-based procedure,
(rate) concept for dams based on monitoring data (recorded from dam Fig. 16.
body) and the Bayesian approach. In this technique, the reliability Fragility curve is a continuous function showing the probability of
theory is combined with field monitoring data. A five-grade risk degree exceedance of a certain LS for specific level of ground motion IM,
system for dam operation risk and corresponding risk degree was also Fig. 17(a) [275]:
defined. Moreover, Wu et al. [267] proposed an operation risk assess-
Fragility =  [LS|IM = im] (29)
ment methodology based on the characteristics of major unsafe hy-
droelectric projects. Data was collected from field detection, in situ where im refers to a particular value of IM, i.e., there is no uncertainty.
monitoring, and regular safety inspection. In addition, a three-layer Alternatively, fragility can be defined as [276]:
hierarchical system was constructed and an improved technique,
combining genetic algorithms and analytical-hierarchical processes was Fragility =  [D ≥ CLS |IM = im] =  ⎡ ≥ 1|IM = im ⎤
established. ⎢ CLS
⎣ ⎥
⎦ (30)
Serrano-Lombillo et al. [268] proposed a technique to calculate the where D is the demand parameter and CLS is the capacity associated
incremental risks in the context of an event tree. The main advantage with the given LS. In the context of PBEE, where the structural re-
being that it could be applied to systems of several dams: with a single sponses are expressed as engineering demand parameter (EDP), the
risk model that describes the complete system and with a single cal- fragility can be defined as:
culation the incremental risks of the system can be obtained, allocating
the risk of each dam and of each failure mode. Su and Wen [269] Fragility =  [EDP≥edp|IM = im] (31)
performed a risk analysis combined with fuzzy mathematics to evaluate where edp is a specific threshold value of EDP.

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

interface was modeled by a perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb friction

law. The uplift pressure was modeled by piecewise linear distribution
while the simplified two-parameter Darbre's model was adopted for FSI.
Four LSs were considered as: 1) cracking of the neck, 2) foundation
material compressive failure at the toe, 3) plastic strains of 10 4 and 103 ,
3) sliding at the base, and 4) relative deflection at the crest about 8 and
15 mm.
Lin and Adams [284] and Lin and Adams [285] [ID-3] presented a
set of empirical seismic fragility curves for Canadian concrete dams.
First, the fragility curves were developed for the western side using the
matrices provided by ATC-13 [286]. Then, the curves were modified for
the eastern side using an innovative technique which combines the PGA
and spectral accelerations. The age of the dam was also considered by
introducing standard (built in the 1950 s), old (built in the 1900 s), and
new (built in the 2000 s) construction types.
Mirzahosseinkashani and Ghaemian [287] [ID-4] considered only
the ground motion record-to-record variability for fragility analysis of
PineFlat dam. A concrete smeared crack model was used along with a
linear elastic mass-less foundation. For the seismic analyses, the hor-
izontal component of six near-field ground motions were selected and
each one was scaled from PGA = 0.1–0.7 g. Two LS functions were
considered: 1) crack length at the base, and 2) total cracked area on the
dam's face.
Lupoi and Callari [288,289] [ID-5] used a new procedure in which
the randomness of the external actions was treated separately from the
Fig. 17. Fragility function. structural uncertainty. A 46 m high gravity dam was selected, water
modeled by displacement-based fluid elements and the foundation mass
Fragility surface is a three-dimensional version of the fragility considered along with a bi-linear uplift pressure. Only the linear elastic
curves [277]. Fragility surface can be presented with vectorized IM analyses were performed for “operational LSs”. Variability in the water
(double intensity measures). For such a system the fragility definition level also was taken into account. Two sets of arrangements were
can be replaced by: considered for the dam components: series and parallel. They reported
that series arrangement increases the probability of failure.
Fragility =  [LS|IM1 = im1, IM2 = im2] (32) Yao et al. [290] [ID-6] only used the record-to-record variability for
fragility analysis of a high arch dam and 72% filled reservoir. Only
The two IMs can be chosen from un-scalable parameters, e.g.
three of the contraction joints were modeled, and the mass concrete was
< Mw , Rrup > (earthquake magnitude and distance), or the scalable ones,
assumed to be linear elastic. A total of 18 ground motions were selected
e.g. < Sa (T1), IA > (first-mode spectral acceleration and Arias intensity),
and used in three groups (each one 2–3 scale levels). Finally, the
Fig. 17(b).
maximum sliding and opening at the crest joint were reported without
Hariri-Ardebili and Saouma [278] provided a comprehensive state-
plotting the actual fragility curves.
of-the-art review on all the published papers in fragility analysis of
Yücel [71] [ID-7] performed a set of parametric linear elastic ana-
concrete dams from 1998 to 2016. The following provides a short
lyses on a typical gravity dam. The variables were dam height, down-
summary on each paper, along with Table 2, which compares and
stream face slope, ratio of elasticity modulus in concrete to rock, and
contrasts their major features.
concrete tensile strength. Twenty real ground motions were used, and a
de Araújo and Awruch [279] [ID-1] is the first published research
total of 2700 analyses were performed. Finally, a Weibull distributional
addressing the seismic fragility of concrete dams. Both the concrete
model was fitted to the data points.
properties and the seismic excitation were assumed to be RV and MCS
Zhong et al. [54] [ID-8] also considered both the ground motion and
was used for data sampling. The seismic excitation was artificially
concrete uncertainties using MCS. No details were provided about the
generated using a non-stationary stochastic process. The FS against
number of ground motions, intensity levels, and type of distributional
sliding, concrete crushing at the toe and concrete cracking (with
models for RVs. A 296 m high arch dam was analyzed and a five-level
smeared crack model) at the heel were computed for 50 simulations. A
damage state (DS) was proposed for data interpretation. Log-normal
Gaussian CDF was fitted to the empirical data point; however, one
CDF was used to fit the data points.
should note that the widely accepted form for the fragility is the log-
Abdelhamid et al. [291] [ID-9] used a similar technique to Tekie
normal CDF [280]:
and Ellingwood [282] to derive the fragility curves of an old gravity
ln(x / η) ⎞ dam subjected to near-fault ground motions. Concrete was linear elastic
 [LS| X= x ] = Φ ⎜⎛ ⎟
and dam-rock interface governed by Coulomb's friction law. LHS was
⎝ β ⎠ (33)
used to sample the six uncorrelated RVs. Four LSs were assumed: 1)
where X is the uncertain excitation. η and β are the median and the tensile stress at the neck, 2) sliding at the base, 3) crest relative dis-
logarithmic standard deviation, respectively. From the method of mo- placement, and 4) compressive stress at the heel.
ments (MOM), the estimated η and β are [281]: Ju and Jung [292] [ID-10] performed the seismic fragility on a
933 m long (but short) weir overflow with steel reinforcement. The
⎛ 1
∑i =obs ̂ 2
(ln(Xi) − ln(η )) numerical model was linear elastic and 30 near-field as well as 30 far-
η ̂ = exp ⎜
∑ ln(Xi) ⎞⎟, β = 1
Nobs − 1 field ground motions were selected and scaled in seven intensity levels.
⎝ obs i=1 ⎠ (34)
LSs were defined by the concrete tensile and compressive stresses and
where Nobs is number of observations. the crest displacement. Finally, a log-normal CDF was fitted to the
Tekie and Ellingwood [282] [ID-2] accounted for both the material empirical data points.
and seismic uncertainties along with LHS [283]. Dam-foundation Ghanaat and his co-authors published three papers on the fragility

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Table 2
Summary of the fragility analysis of concrete dams, adopted from Hariri-Ardebili and Saouma [278].
ID Year Dam Software Joint Mat. NL FSI SSI Uplift LE or NL Technique Mat Uncert. Sampling Total Sim. Fragility

1 1998 Gravity Not specified No Yes Yes Yes No NL Random Yes MCS 50 Gussian CDF
2 2003 Gravity Abaqus Yes No Yes Yes Yes NL IDA Yes LHS 72 LN CDF
3 2007–8 All – No No No No No – Empirical No – – LN CDF
4 2009 Gravity NSAG-DRI No Yes Yes Yes No NL IDA No – 42 LN CDF
5 2011–2 Gravity FEAP No No Yes Yes Yes LE Random Yes MCS 60 Empirical
6 2012 Arch Abaqus Yes No Yes Yes No NL MSA-IDA No – 48 –
7 2013 Gravity EAGD-84 No No Yes Yes No LE Single dynamic Yes Parametric 2700 Weibull dist.
8 2013 Arch Not specified No Yes Yes Yes No NL Random Yes MCS Not specified LN CDF
9 2013 Gravity Not specified Yes No Yes Yes No NL Random Yes LHS 60 LN CDF
10 2015 Overflow weir Abaqus No No Yes Yes Yes LE IDA No – 420 LN CDF
11 2011 Turbine blg. LS-Dyna Yes No Yes Yes Yes NL Truncated IDA Yes LHS 150 LN CDF
12 2012 Gravity LS-Dyna Yes No Yes Yes Yes NL Truncated IDA Yes LHS 100 Weibull dist.
13 2015 Overflow Sec. LS-Dyna Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NL Truncated IDA Yes LHS 300 LN CDF
14 2015 Arch Ansys Yes No Yes Yes No NL IDA No – 80 N CDF
15 2016 Arch Ansys Yes Yes Yes Yes No LE, NL MSA No – 54 LN CDF
16 2016 Gravity Merlin Yes No Yes Yes Yes NL CLA No – 100 LN CDF
17 2016 Gravity Merlin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NL Full IDA No – 1200 LN CDF
18 2016 Gravity Merlin Yes No Yes Yes Yes NL ETA Yes LHS 200 LN CDF
19 2015 Gravity LS-Dyna Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NL Truncated IDA Yes LHS 160 N/LN/Weibull
20 2016 Gravity LS-Dyna Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NL MSA / IDA Yes LHS 140 LN CDF
21 2016 Gravity Abaqus No Yes Yes Yes Yes NL IDA No – 170 LN CDF
22 – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
23 2016 Gravity – No No No No No LE Random Yes LHS ∞ Empirical
24 2017 Gravity Abaqus Yes Yes Yes No No NL CLA No – 135 LN CDF
25 2018 CFRD GEODYNA No Yes No Yes No NL IDA No – ∼ 100 LN CDF
26 2018 Gravity Abaqus Yes Yes Yes No No NL CLA No – 200 LN CDF
27 2018 Gravity Merlin No No Yes Yes No LE Spectrum Yes LHS, Sobol, 10,000 LN CDF
28 2018 Arch Abaqus Yes Yes Yes Yes No NL IDA Yes LHS 100 LN CDF, Spline
29 2018 Arch Ansys No Yes Yes Yes No NL BBED Yes LHS 275 LN CDF Empirical

Notes: IDA: incremental dynamic analysis; MSA: multiple stripe analysis; CLA: cloud analysis; NL: nonlinear; LE: linear elastic; BBED: Box-Behnken experimental
design; MCS: Monte Carlo Simulation; LHS: Latin Hypercube Sampling; CDF: cumulative distribution function; LN: Log-normal.

curves of different dam types. Their approach is similar to Tekie and computed, and a relation was established between the linear and
Ellingwood [282]'s, although there are some variations. In all three nonlinear models. Hariri-Ardebili and Saouma [298] [ID-16] performed
papers, both material/modeling and seismic uncertainties were con- the first application of cloud analysis on concrete dams. In this method,
sidered, and LHS was used for data sampling in all cases. In Ghanaat the discrete data points are linear in the logarithmic scale [299,300]:
et al. [293] [ID-11], the seismic performance of a weir structure, in-
cluding a turbine building and an administration building, was studied. ln(η (IM)) = b. ln(IM) + ln(a) (35)
Subsequently, a log-normal CDF was fitted to the data points using the
least-square approach. Ghanaat et al. [294] [ID-12] was again similar to where ln(a) and b are the linear regression constants and η is the
the first study which was applied on the tallest non-overflow section of median value of EDP given IM.
the Folsom Dam. They used the Weibull distribution for curve fitting. In A two-dimensional finite element model of the non-overflow
Ghanaat et al. [295] [ID-13], they derived the fragility curves for a tall monolith of the PineFlat Dam was used, while the only source of non-
reinforced concrete overflow section of the previous example. linearity being the interface between the dam and foundation. 100
Ghanaat et al. [296] [ID-14] performed fragility analysis on a high ground motions were selected and the fragility curves and surfaces were
arch dam in which the nonlinearity was originated from the contraction derived using 70 different IM parameters. Hariri-Ardebili and Saouma
joints. The incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) technique was per- [301] [ID-17] developed the collapse fragility curves for gravity dams
formed, while the DI was selected to be a percentage of the overstressed based on IDA method. They identified the “resurrection” phenomenon,
area on th dam's faces. A 5th order polynomial equation was used to as is discussed by Vamvatsikos and Cornell [302]. Two ground motion
develop the IDA curves. Three IM parameters were also contrasted: combinations were considered: 1) horizontal only, and 2) horizontal
PGA, peak ground velocity (PGV), and Sa (T1) . They used a normal and vertical. Furthermore, two loading scenarios were studied: full and
distribution for fragility curves and got some non-zero probability of empty pool. Finally, a log-normal CDF was fitted through the discrete
exceedance at zero IM. Moreover, some of the fragility curves inter- data points based on three techniques: MOM, sum of squared error
sected which could be resolved by the recommendation in Porter et al. (SSE), and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) [281].
[280]. Hariri-Ardebili and Saouma [72] [ID-18] used the endurance time
Hariri-Ardebili and his co-authors performed a series of fragility analysis (ETA) technique to derive fragility curves. Since a single ac-
analyses on gravity and arch dams with different techniques and con- celeration function is used, there is no room for record-to-record
siderations. Hariri-Ardebili et al. [297] [ID-15] used the multiple stripe variability, and hence, only the epistemic (material/modeling) un-
analysis on an arch dam. Only the ground motion variability was con- certainties were considered. A large set of RVs associated with the in-
sidered for both the linear and nonlinear dam models. In linear analysis, terface joint, concrete, and rock were taken into account: tangential/
criteria such as stress, strain, displacement, demand capacity ratio, normal stiffness, tensile strength, cohesion, friction/dilatancy angle,
cumulative inelastic duration, cumulative inelastic area, and damage mode I/II fracture energy, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson's ratio.
spatial distribution ratio were computed. On the other hand, in the LHS was used for data sampling with and without correlation among
nonlinear analyses, displacements, joint opening/sliding, and crack- the RVs. Finally, fragility curves were developed based on log-normal
based DIs were considered. Fragility curves for one stripe were CDF assumptions and the MLE approach.
Bernier et al. [303] [ID-19] developed the fragility curves based on

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

3D finite element analyses of a gravity dam. Nonlinearity stems from • Vulnerability means an environmental sensitivity. It is related to
horizontal joints at the dam-foundation interface and a single lift joint demographic, economic, social, and technical factors [313].
at the neck. Several synthetic ground motions were generated and ap- • When a social or ecological system loses resilience, it becomes
plied. Material uncertainties were assigned only to the interfaces (uni- vulnerable to change that previously could be absorbed. Thus, it is
form distribution): cohesion, tensile strength, and angle of friction. The the flip side of resilience [315].
damping ratio was also a RV with log-normal distribution. Three types • Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or
of distributional models, e.g. normal, log-normal, and Weibull were unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change [316].
used on the raw data based on two fitting methods: SSE and MLE. • Vulnerability is the degree to which a system, subsystem, or system
Moreover, Bernier et al. [304] [ID-20] compared the multiple stripe component is likely to experience harm due to hazardous exposures,
analysis (MSA) with IDA for the same case study and fitted a log-normal either perturbations or stressors [317].
CDF to the data points. Resulting fragility curves for four LSs with and • Social vulnerability is a measure of both the sensitivity of a popu-
without material/modeling uncertainty were contrasted. It was found lation to natural hazards and its ability to respond to and recover
that the median and dispersion of the curves are significantly higher from the impacts of hazards [318].
using the MSA method. • Vulnerability presents the characteristics of a group or individual in
Ignoring material/modeling uncertainties, Ansari and Agarwal terms of its capacity to anticipate, cope with, resist, and recover
[305] [ID-21] accounted only for 17 ground motion variability and from the impact of a hazard [319].
adopted the IDA approach. A concrete damage plasticity model was • Vulnerability places stress on a system's response to (potential) ha-
used and the weakness of the dam-foundation interface was ignored. zards, which determines the likelihood of loss. Exposure and sensi-
They used four DSs as: slight, moderate, extensive, and severe. Ansari tivity are two aspects of vulnerability [320].
et al. [306] [ID-22] also derived the IDA-based fragility curves for five • Vulnerability is the result of interactive change of both exposure and
different geometries of concrete gravity dams while the effect of response, or the covariance between them [321].
smoothening of re-entrant corners was discussed. Morales-Torres et al.
[307] [ID-23] discussed a simplified method to build the fragility In the field of earthquake engineering, vulnerability is different
curves of sliding failure of concrete gravity dams both natural and from fragility. The former measures loss (in terms dollars, deaths, and
epistemic uncertainties. They considered the limit equilibrium analysis downtime), while the latter measures probability [322]. A vulnerability
for the calculations. Yazdani and Alembagheri [308] [ID-24] compared curve expresses loss as a function of IM. Three major types of vulner-
the pulse-like and non-pulse-like fragility curves for gravity dams using ability curves are:
75 and 60 ground motions respectively. They used the cloud analysis Measuring repair cost: In such a case, the repair cost is normalized
technique. The rest of the application is identical to that which is re- by the replacement cost of a new asset and is called a damage factor.
ported in [298]. The expected value of a damage factor conditioned on an IM parameter
Pang et al. [309] [ID-25] derived IDA-based fragility curves for high is called a mean damage factor, Fig. 18.
concrete face rockfill dams with a similar technique to that of Hariri- Measuring life safety: In such a case, the number of casualties is
Ardebili and Saouma [301]. Alembagheri [310] [ID-26] investigated normalized by the number of indoor occupants and expressed as a
the efficiency of vector-valued intensity measures for gravity dams and function of IM parameter.
calculated the fragility curves employing scalar and vector IMs, con- Measuring downtime: It is measured in terms of the fraction of a
sidering the effect of zero response values. Permanent deformation and year during which the structure cannot be used.
elemental damage were the damage measures. Hariri-Ardebili and In general, there are three approaches to develop a vulnerability
Saouma [311] [ID-27] proposed a response spectrum-based simplified function, i.e., empirical, analytical, and expert opinion [322]. An em-
analytical model for probabilistic seismic assessment of gravity dams, pirical vulnerability function is derived by regression analysis of ob-
including the uncertainty in the material parameters and reservoir servations of pairs of excitation and loss of specimens of an asset class
level. They generalized their findings for different dam classes. The [323]. This method is of interest to insurance companies, as the data
impacts of sampling size and technique (i.e. pseudo- and quasi-random) comes directly from real-world events. Analytical vulnerability func-
were also discussed. Finally, a time-based performance model and fra- tions are useful in cases where there is little or no data from empirical
gility curves were derived. sources. Under these condition, with the time and knowledge to create
Wang et al. [312] [ID-28] drove the fragility curves for an high arch and analyze an analytical model, multiple numerical simulations are
dam in which both the material and ground motion uncertainties were performed. This method involves defining one or more specimens to
considered. Limit states were selected based on the concrete damage represent the class, creating and analyzing a structural model to esti-
and amount of joint opening. Analyses were performed for 10 three- mate demand parameters as a function of ground motion intensity
component ground motions, each one scaled to 10 intensity levels. measure, estimating damage at component level, and finally estimating
Fragility curves were developed using both the log-normal CDF ans loss given component damage. Lastly, in cases where empirical data
spline fitting. Hariri-Ardebili et al. [119] [ID-29] proposed a response points are missing and performing analytical models are difficult (im-
surface meta-model for material uncertainty quantification of an high possible or expensive), expert opinion can be used to develop
arch dam subjected to a strong ground shaking. The model is based on
the Box-Behnken Experimental Design where the concrete elastic
modulus, mass density, tensile and compressive strength are assumed to
be random variables. Several surrogate models are developed for the
maximum crest displacement, concrete cracking and crushing. The
fragility curves are then presented based on both the empirical and log-
normal CDF functions.

4.5. Vulnerability

Vulnerability originates from the Latin word vulnerare, which il-

lustrates the potential to be harmed and the sensitivity to a perturbation
or stress [313]. Lei et al. [314] collected a comprehensive list of defi-
nitions related to vulnerability. Some of those are reported here: Fig. 18. Vulnerability function.

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

vulnerability curves [286]. non-essential services, while balancing trade-offs among social (e.g.,
The following is a short review of the published papers in vulner- security), environmental, and economic factors.”
ability analysis of dams. Baecher et al. [324] proposed a cost-benefit Bruneau et al. [339] described one of the most comprehensive de-
analysis for dams that included the economic costs from dam failure finitions of resilience that accounts for eleven aspects categorized in
based on the net project benefits. Economic failure costs include three groups [334]:
property damage, loss of future benefits, the lost economic activity, and
emergency costs. Failure costs are temporal in response to economic • Four dimensions:
development. Based on a reported example, they claimed that about
half of all dam failures occur 0–5 years after construction, while the Technical: includes all the technological aspects associated with the
other half is uniformly distributed over the age of the dam. Paté-Cornell construction.
and Tagaras [325] discuss cost-benefit analyses for a case in which a Organizational: includes all the management activities and plans,
new dam is going to be built in sequence with an existing dam. In such a maintenance, and response to emergencies.
case, the marginal risk cost associated with the new dam should be Social: includes societal effects and its mitigation.
considered, including its interaction with other structures. They show Economic: includes all the indirect and direct costs due to the loss
that risk costs might have an important role in the project's cost-benefit of functionality and the subsequent rehabilitation.
ratio when the dam has a large floodplain, and the project costs and
benefits are relatively small. • Four properties:
Lave et al. [326] proposed an alternative safety goal for dams by
separating property damage from possible loss of life. For a potential Robustness: the ability to withstand a given extreme event and still
dam failure with large loss of life or property damage, a careful eva- deliver a service.
luation should be done as to whether the dam should be built. For dams Rapidity: the speed with which a structure recovers from such an
that impose smaller hazards, property damage should be analyzed event to reach a high functionality level.
based on expected values of annual benefits and costs. Ellingwood et al. Redundancy: the extent to which components of the system are
[327] developed a methodology for estimating the total costs of a dam substitutable.
failure. It takes into consideration the fundamental issues of accounting Resourcefulness: the capacity to make the appropriate budget
stance, damage to fixed assets, loss of income, intangible losses, and loss available, identify problems, establish priorities, and mobilize re-
of life and limb. Cost-related information was portrayed by type and sources after an extreme event.
collection priority in a data-collection matrix to guide an on-site in-
vestigation. • Three results:
Ansar et al. [328] provided a unique paper on the overall actual cost
of dams and hydropower systems. They used a large data set in con- More reliable: since it has a lower probability of reaching limit
junction with the “outside view” or “reference class forecasting” tech- states.
nique for the decision-making under uncertainty. They claim that, in Fast recovery: the rapidity of functionality restoration during a
most countries, large hydropower dams will be too costly in absolute disaster is paramount to resilient systems.
terms and take too long to build to deliver a positive risk-adjusted re- Low socio-economic consequences: the reduced probability of
turn unless suitable risk management measures are used. They advise significant service reductions and fast recovery decreases the impact
policymakers to prefer agile energy alternatives that can be built over of extreme events on a society.
shorter time lines. Morales-Torres et al. [329] provided a review of the
existing indicators for dam safety, tracking how equity and efficiency Community resilience is the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb,
principles are captured and proposing additional indicators on how recover from, and more successfully adapt to actual or potential adverse
tolerability guidelines and cost-benefit analyses can be used in decision- events [340]. Resilience is defined as a normalized function, indicating
making. Pisaniello and Tingey-Holyoak [330] studied the inter-related capability to sustain a level of functionality or performance, Q (t ) , for a
policy, responsibility, cost-sharing, and engineering issues associated given building, lifeline, or community over a period of time, tLC , (life
with dam safety to mitigate failure threats for both existing and future cycle time) [341]. tLC includes the structure recovery time, tRE , and the
downstream developments. It was based on 1) a review of Australian business interruption time, tBI (usually negligible). tRE is the time ne-
practices underpinned by relevant theoretical principles, and 2) the cessary to restore the functionality of a critical infrastructure system
development of a cost-effective flood safety review/design tool to help (and usually is a RV with high uncertainties). Resilience can be defined
policy makers address cost-sharing issues. as [342]:

4.6. Resilience

The Presidential Policy Directive [331] defines the term resilience

as “a structure's ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions
while simultaneously being able to withstand and recover rapidly from
functionality disruptions.” There are several analytical studies that
quantify the resiliency in civil infrastructures subjected to an extreme
event discussed in [332–336]. Resilience metrics for multi-hazard en-
vironments were defined by Ayyub [337]. The Task Committee (TC) on
Infrastructure Impacts of Landscape-Driven Weather Change of the
ASCE provided the following definition [338]: “A weather-climate re-
silient water infrastructure is defined as an infrastructure that can to a
degree anticipate or adapt and recover from external disruptions due to
severe weather and climate, and carry on providing the essential ser-
vices the infrastructure is designed for with managed interruption to Fig. 19. Resilience curve.

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

tRE Q (t ) failure. The availability of hazard- and risk-related information is im-

Resilience (%) = ∫t
0 tRE
(36) portant for informed decision-making on the dam professionals com-
munity. Resilience-focused collaborations are a means of increasing
where t0 is the hazard (e.g., earthquake) occurrence time. Resilience understanding and communication of risks, shared needs, and oppor-
and loss of resilience, its complement, are usually shown through a tunities. Social capital is necessary for community resilience. However,
“recovery function”, as shown in Fig. 19. in majority of the cases, the dam and levee safety programs operate
Furthermore, resilience and risk are connected to each other. independently of other community functions. Risk-informed ap-
Improving the resilience of a structural system constitutes an integral proaches allow dam and levee professionals to improve their under-
part of its risk management [343]. More specifically, the acceptable standings of infrastructure-system operation, performance, vulner-
level of residual risk (e.g. recovery time and composite costs) in the ability, and the consequences of potential failures. Finally, the dam
system can be quantified, subjected to a particular threat scenario, and safety program needs a cultural shift to be able to properly account for
presented based on the associated PDFs. Manyena and Gordon [344] the community resilience. Fig. 20 illustrates a conceptual framework for
compared and contrasted the concept fo resilience with fragility and resilience-based collaboration in dam/levee safety. Enhancing resi-
stabilization. In the bigger picture, the major focus of resilience is on lience requires frequent and collaborative assessment of risk. The Na-
agencies, while it is the structures in fragility. The delivery of resilience tional Research Council [348] proposed a maturity matrix for assessing
is bottom-up, while it is top-down in fragility and stabilization. Simi- community engagement in dam safety programs. This is a general fra-
larly, Corotis [345] discusses the conceptual and analytical differences mework, which should be adjusted on a case-by-case basis. It uses a
between resiliency and reliability. matrix to assess how advanced a program is with respect to a specific
There are few studies on the resilience of dams/levees. Graham goal. The rows describe specific program or community processes,
[346] discusses the potential structural retrofitting and upgrading of while columns refer to tools that are in place at given increased levels of
dams from the economic and loss of life perspectives. The proposed community engagement related to that function. Table 3 shows a
method (which in fact was developed to avoid costly over-designing) sample maturity matrix.
provided logic for addressing the concept of resilience. The method was Kim et al. [349] proposed a framework for evaluating dam safety
based on calculating the following steps for each modification design strengthening alternatives in terms of a comprehensive flood control by
[347]: 1) annual cost of the modification, 2) annual economic loss applying the concept of resilience. Karamouz et al. [350] studied the
caused by flooding, 3) annual loss of life due to flooding, 4) loss of life regional drought resiliency in a specific location, which included a
from construction spending (0.14 lives per $100 million expended) and major dam. The multi-criteria, decision-making approach was used to
convert to annual value, 5) economic benefits derived from modifica- determine the relative importance of the four resiliency components.
tion, 6) life benefits derived from modification, 7) acceptance or re- They found that the downstream area of the case study dam is more
jection of modifications should be based on Table-2 of Graham [346]. resilient compared to the upstream one. Combining the robustness and
The report published by National Research Council [348] might be the cost indices, Lee et al. [351] suggested a hybrid index as an in-
the most comprehensive official source of dam/levee resilience. In the dicator of the robustness of the structural alternatives for flood control
context of this report, “community” includes all persons and organi- purposes.
zations exposed to direct and indirect consequences of dam or levee

Fig. 20. Framework for resilience-based collaboration in dam/levee safety; adopted from National Research Council [348].

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

Table 3
Sample maturity matrix for assessing community engagement; adopted from National Research Council [348].
Elements Level (I) Level (II) Level (III) Level (IV) Level (V)

Dam safety reviews No activity Standards-based only Introduction of additional Application of quantitative risk Application of quantitative
review criteria (e.g., failure assessment by using criteria risk assessment by using
mode analysis) developed by owner or regulator with criteria that reflect the
input from community members and community's societal values
Emergency action No activity EAPs developed EAPs developed with input EAPs developed with input from Community collaboration
plans internally by owner from emergency management community members and with owners or operators to
agency stakeholders and emergency develop integrated EAPs that
management agency and shared with reflect community values
selected community representatives
Floodplain No floodplain Floodplain management Floodplain management Floodplain management plans Floodplain management
management management plans plans in place plans accommodate shadow integrated into community plans fully integrated into
floodplain associated with comprehensive or general plans dam owners’ planning
catastrophic dam failure processes

Bheemasetti et al. [352] presented a framework for sustainability [355]. Sustainability combines three dimensions: economic, environ-
and resiliency and how they could be used to assess infrastructures. A mental, and social [334]. Different aspects of sustainability can be re-
case study of aging levees was conducted to optimize the number of in- presented in four levels (associated with project management), as
situ seismic cone penetration tests to provide a balanced, en- shown in Fig. 21, where the lower levels influence some goals asso-
vironmentally-friendly, and cost-effective field exploration, while still ciated with the higher ones. Usually sustainability is associated with the
providing reliable soil layer configurations needed for resiliency ana- words like “green design”, “life cycle”, and “social cost”, whereas re-
lyses. Moreover, Kim et al. [353] applied the concept of resilience to silience is associated with “recovery”, extreme events” and “ function-
evaluate dam safety upgrade options from a flood damage mitigation ality”. In spite of the resilience (which is in the community and network
perspective. They defined resilience as the ability to provide flood- level), most of the current applications in sustainability are limited to
control service after an extreme rainfall event and to recover a desired the buildings and bridges [356,357]. Furthermore, Marchese et al.
level of functionality as soon as practically available. Their framework [358] compared and contrasted the resilience and sustainability of
includes four steps: 1) estimating the probable maximum flood, 2) environmental management applications. They considered three sce-
calculating the dam discharge for each of the upgrade options, 3) narios: 1) resilience as a component of sustainability, 2) sustainability
quantifying the loss in system resilience, and 4) converting the losses as a component of resilience, and 3) resilience and sustainability as
into monetary units. Finally, Matthews and McCartney [354] explored separate objectives.
the challenges facing decision makers with regard to building resilience Studies on the sustainability of the dams and levees are very rare.
and navigating risks within the water-energy-food nexus and dams. Basu et al. [359] provided an overview of the sustainability within the
Two case studies in Africa and Asia were conducted, and the authors field of geotechnical engineering, including some insights on dams,
underlined the need for extra efforts in this field. embankments, and levees. They emphasized the importance of the
sustainability and the fact that the current practices do not put much
4.7. Sustainability value in the sustainability of geo-structures. Das et al. [360] compared
sustainability and resilience for a slope stability project. More specifi-
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has its own definition. While resilience is presented as a metric to ωi , showing the relative importance of discretized items. The sustain-
measures the ability of a structural system to withstand and recover ability index was presented as:
from an unusual event, sustainability is a model that addresses si-
multaneously the current needs and the impacts on future generations Isus = ω1 Irec + ω2 Ienv + ω3 Iso / eco (37)

Fig. 21. Hierarchy levels in sustainability; adopted from Bocchini et al. [334].

M.A. Hariri-Ardebili International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018) 806–831

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