Management Review Form 140

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Management Review Form 1

Date :

Emp Name: Emp No. Team:

Period of Review:H1 Employee Since : Reviewer Name:
H2 Designation: Management :
Evaluation Period: From : To:

Checklist Appraisal:
For each Statement Place an “X” in the block that is most appropriate for the employee
being evaluated .Please give a copy of this to the employee before the appraisal
interview. Then see how your Judgement of his/her results compares.

Performance Factor Unsatisfactory Needs Meets Excellent Outstanding

Improvement Expectations

1. Job Knowledge
2. Accomplishes agreed upon
workload efficiently and

3. Plans and Organizes his work

4. Provides feedback in a timely


5. Makes decisions after gathering

all the facts

6. Accepts additional
responsibilities and challenges

7. Seeks guidance of his/her

superiors with minimum

8. Accepts Additional Workload

9. Receives constructive criticism

Management Review Form 2

10. Regularly updates his day-today


11. Demonstrates respect for all


12. Gets along with other employees

13. Has the ability to Communicate

in a concise manner

14. Follows company policies and


15. Follows Safe work practices

16. Readily accepts change
17. Attendance Record
18. Is a good candidate for


Evaluate the employee’s overall level of performance in the accomplishment of major

duties and responsibilities, other contributions, quality of service, and other job related
performance factors. An overall performance rating of Poor or Excellent MUST be
supported with a written attached justification.

Status Performance Management

Unsatisfactory (Employee continues to fail to accomplish assigned position duties
and/or continues to use job-related skills in an inadequate manner. Upon consultation
with appropriate representative, the employee will either be demoted or terminated.)

Needs Improvement (Overall performance indicates the employee fails to accomplish

assigned position duties and/or uses job-related skills in an inadequate manner; requires
an inordinate amount of direct supervision in order to produce work of acceptable quality
Management Review Form 3

and quantity. The employee may possess the talent to earn a higher rating if special
training is given or if the employee is transferred to another more suitable position)

Meets Expectations (Overall performance is characterized by acceptable quality and

quantity of work in accomplishment of position duties; uses job related skills in an
acceptable manner; requires a degree of supervision that is typical for the position)

Excellent (Overall performance is characterized by high quality and quantity of work in

the accomplishment of position duties; uses job-related skills in more than acceptable
manner; requires a degree of supervision that is somewhat less than typical for the
position. )

Outstanding (Overall performance is characterized by exceptionally high quality and

quantity of work in accomplishment of position duties; assumes responsibilities which
are beyond the position requirements; uses job-related skills in an exceptional manner;
requires substantially less supervision than typical for the position.)

Management Comments for choosing a Particular Rating: Name:


Signature :


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