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Unit 4: Information

Speaking 1:

The number of emails that I receive a day is very huge because I link it to many other apps such as
Facebook, Shopee, ect. Whenever those apps have any new announcements or updates, they will be
sent to my email.


The author points out the role of information technology in automatically managing data to accelerate
business- decision making and create real-time economy

Main idea of each paragraph

P1: Introduction of GE’s CIO

P2: Introduction of information system set up by GE (introduce GE digital nervous information system)

P3: the reason why GE set up the system (purpose)

P4: working principle of the system

P5: the result of applying the information system (the impact of the system => positive)

P6,7: the benefits of the real time technology

P8: the concern about the automate system (the impact on the company and the economy)

Reading 1:

1. What is Gary Reiner’s position at General Electric?

=> Gary Reiner is CIO (P1)

2. What is the principal objective of the company’s plan to improve its information system?

=> to monitor everything in real time (P2)

3. What is a real-time enterprise?

=> an organization that is able to react instantaneously to changes in its business (P5)
4. What are the three main benefits of a real-time enterprise?

- Speed up information flow (P6)

- monitor a business continuously and react when conditions change (P6)

- Use newly available information to offer new products and services

Reading 2:

1. What reputation has GE acquired as a company?

=> GE is known for its obsessive quest for perfection (P2)

2. How many people work in Gary Reiner’s department?

=> NG

3. Which groups of people are connected through GE’s information network?

=> employees, suppliers and customers (2)

4. Why are some managers reluctant to use the new system?

=> NG

5. How does the digital dashboard help managers to make decisions?

=> the dashboard compares how certain measurements, such as response times or sales or
margins, perform against goals, and alerts managers (in real time) if they need to take action (P4)

6. When will the digitization of GE be completed?

=> NG

7. What are the two main benefits that Mr Maoz foresees for real-time enterprise?

=> - monitor a business continuously and react when conditions change (P6)

- Use newly available information to offer new products and services (P7)

8. What are one of the causes of the stock market crash of 1987?

=> automated program trading (P8)


1 a connect b everything involved in

2 a status b program c network

3 a dashboard b measurement c perform against d goals

4 a estimates b digitization c save

5 a speed up b flow

6 a hardware b gather c information


1 measurements
2 information
3 goals
4 gathered
5 program
6 performs against
7 speeds up
8 save


General Electric là một trong những công ty đầu tiên đạt được “Six Sigma”, một cách tiếp cận mang tính
cách mạng để quản lý chất lượng do Motorola tiên phong. Six Sigma sử dụng số liệu thống kê để đưa ra
các phép đo chính xác về các chỉ số kinh doanh chính nhằm tính toán tính hiệu quả của hoạt động kinh
doanh. Để đạt được điều đó, thông tin về các mục tiêu cụ thể mà công ty mong muốn đạt được phải
được thu thập và sau đó đưa vào chương trình của công ty. Sau đó, các thông tin này được khớp với kết
quả hoạt động thu được, chúng cho phép các nhà quản lý xem hoạt động thực hiện như thế nào so với
mục tiêu ban đầu. Six Sigma không chỉ đẩy nhanh toàn bộ quá trình quản lí chất lượng mà còn cho phép
các doanh nghiệp thực hiện các cải tiến liên tục và tiết kiệm một lượng lớn tiền

Practice 2:

1 what was

2 Did

2.1 For what/ did

3 Are

4 Would

5 Have

6 Who

7 Did
8 what/should

9 How could

10 Who did

11 Do

12 Have

Practice 3

1 was/ wasn’t

2 wouldn’t be able/ would

3 aren’t suggesting/ are

4 doesn’t mean/ goes

5 couldn’t give/ could

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