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Class: XII
Name: Chandra Bose, Mira, Angel Subject: Physics
Topic : Electromagnetic waves. Duration : 45min
Date: 26.10.2022 to 31.10.2022

1. Instructional outcomes:

Students will be able to

 analyze logically and find the scope of correcting or updating scientific laws or
theorems just as in the case of Amper’s circuital theorem.
 derive the expression of displacement current and correct the inconsistency in
Amper’s circuital theorem Situation.
 learn about the properties of e. m waves in general.
 understand the source of each components of e.m. waves in particular.
 understand the variety of applications and uses of e.m waves in details.

2. Performance indicators

To make the students know and understand the following concepts:

 Displacement current
 Maxwell’s Equations
 Properties of electromagnetic wave.
 E.M spectrum.

3. Materials used
 Chalk piece
 Blackboard

4. Pre requisite knowledge

Light is a form of energy which can travel through in a straight line.

5. Enquiry based learning

What is electromagnetic Induction?
What is the relation between Gauss theorem and
Ampere’s circuital law?
6. Course of action
Discussing the variation of Electric field near the plates of a capacitor, then the flux
change a current component is derived and named it as Displacement current.
Different applications are familiarized with understanding about
Radio –communication Micro- Radar, ovens, mobile I R –Remote, Heat therapy Light
vision , Photo electric U.V - Sterilization, scan X-ray – Diagnosis, crystallography
Gamma–Cancer treatment.
a) Stimulate
Class room activities,
Asking questions in daily life activities on different types of waves.
Ex: How microwaves are produced?

b) Master plan
Explanation, Questioning, Discussion.

c) Concept

 Different types of electromagnetic waves.

 The concept of displacement current
 Characteristics of electromagnetic waves.

d) Assimilation
Waves produced in sea water can generate electricity.
e) Activity
Hertz’s Demonstration of Electromagnetic Waves

f) Values
The solutions of different problems of life based on the radiation theory.

7. Recapitulation

*Which wave is used for cancer treatment?

*Which wave is used for Lasik eye surgery?
*What is meant by displacement current?

8. Key competencies or skills emphasized

 Critical thinking
 Creativity

9. Educational assignment

 What was the inconsistency of Ampere’s circuital theorem? How is it

 Define Displacement current. Derive an expression for it.
 List out main four properties of electromagnetic wave.

10. Investigatory activities

Divide the students in four groups and ask them to make a table detailing the uses
of all components of electromagnetic wave.
Class : XII
Name: Chandra bose , Mira, Angel Subject:Physics
Topic : Wave Optics Duration:45min
Date: 01.11.2022 to 08.11.2022

1. Instructional outcomes:

Students will be able to

 draw various wave fronts.
 verify the law of reflection and refraction using wave theory of light.
 derive equations for conditions of constructive and destructive interference.
 perform experiments based on interference, diffraction and polarization.

2. Performance indicators

To make the students know and understand the following concepts:

 Wave front and types
 Coherence
 Interference
 Double slit experiment,
 Polarization
 Brewster’s law and Brewster’s angle.

3. Materials used
 Chalk piece
 Blackboard
 Laser
 single slit experiment set up

4. Pre requisite knowledge

 Children have knowledge about concepts in geometrical optics.

5. Enquiry based learning

 State huygen’s principle of wave theory.
 Give examples for sources of Various Wave fronts.
6. Course of action
 Wave front – a surface or line in the path of wave motion on which the
disturbances at every point have the same phase.

a) Stimulate
Class room activities:
Asking questions in daily life activities on waves.
Ex: why interference can be never obtained with two independent sources
of light?
b) Master plan
Explanation, Questioning, Discussion.

c) Concept

 Huygens Principle: The Huygens's Principle states that every point on a

Wave front is a source of wavelets. These wavelets spread out in the
forward direction, at the same speed as the source wave. The new wave
front is a line tangent to all of the wavelets.
 Malus Law: the law states that the intensity of a beam of plane-polarized
light after passing through a rotatable polarizer varies as the square of the
cosine of the angle through which the polarizer is rotated from the position
that gives maximum intensity
 Brewster’s Law: states that the maximum polarization of a ray of light may
be achieved by letting the ray fall on a surface of a transparent medium in
such way that the refracted ray makes an angle of 90° with the reflected

d) Assimilation
 Whales can produce low frequency sound waves to communicate.
Computer Science:
 Waves produced by some components are harmful to living organisms.

e) Activity
 Make a paper Double slit.

f) Values
 Communication helps us to connect with others and share ideas. Effective
communication clarifies information, reducing wasted time. Helps builds
relationships, teamwork, and trust. Helps to develop our knowledge base,
which helps us make better life choices.

7. Recapitulation
* Name some examples for interference and diffraction from daily life.
* What are the factors on which the size of a fringe depends?
* What are the conditions for coherence?

8. Key competencies or skills emphasized

 Critical thinking
 Creativity
9. Educational assignment
 Prove laws of reflection and refraction of light based on Huygen’s theory
 Explain the cause of colors found on a thin oil film.

10. Investigatory activities

 Divide the students in four groups and ask them to make notes on
application of Polaroid’s in daily life.
Class: XII
Name: Chandra Bose, Mira, Angel Subject: Physics
Topic : Ray Optics Duration : 45min
Date: 09/11/2022 to 16/11/2022
1. Instructional outcomes:
Students will be able to
 explain Reflection of light, and refraction of light.
 explain refraction through spherical mirrors, and lenses,.
 derive mirror formula, thin lens formula, and lens maker’s formula.
 design Optical instruments: Microscopes and astronomical telescopes.

2. Performance indicators

To make the students know and understand the following concepts:

 Reflection of light
 Spherical mirrors
 Total internal reflection and its applications
 Lens maker’s formula,.
 Microscopes and astronomical telescopes

3. Materials used
 Chalk piece
 Blackboard
 Lens
 Mirrors

4. Pre requisite knowledge

 When light is incident on a surface, it is sent back by the surface in the
same medium through which it had come. This phenomenon is called
Reflection of light by the surface.

5. Enquiry based learning

 Will the focal length of a lens for red light be more, same or less than that
for blue light?
 Define Snell’s law.

6. Course of action
 The phenomenon of bouncing back of light in the same medium after
striking a surface is called reflection of light.
 Refraction is the phenomenon of change in the path of light as it travels
from one medium to another (when the ray of light is incident obliquely).

a) Stimulate
Class room activities,
Asking questions in daily life activities on light..
Ex: Is it possible to see any object without reflection of light?

b) Master plan
Explanation, Questioning, Discussion.

c) Concept

Laws of Refraction:
I Law: The incident ray, the normal to the refracting surface at the point of
incidence and the refracted ray all lie in the same plane.

II Law: For a given pair of media and for light of a given wavelength, the
ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of
refraction is a constant.(Snell’s Law).

Light from the Sun near the horizon passes through a greater distance in
the Earth’s atmosphere than the light received when the Sun is overhead.
The correspondingly greater scattering of short wavelengths accounts for
the reddish appearance of the Sun at rising and at setting.

d) Assimilation
 Atoms are visible only through electron microscope.
 Compound Microscopes are mainly used to observe samples at a cellular

e) Activity
 Make the students to form groups to explain the consequence of total
internal refraction.
 Make groups of students to demonstrate image formation by convex lens
keeping the object at different position.

f) Values
 Light and eyes are essential to see an object. Human eye can detect only
reflected rays.
7. Recapitulation
* State laws of reflection.
* Name the types of mirror and lens
* What is total internal reflection?

8. Key competencies or skills emphasized

 Critical thinking
 Creativity
9. Educational assignment
 What are the factors on which the resolving power of a telescope depends?
 Raju observed the shadow of a tree at 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m.
Which of the following statements is closest to his observation about the
shape and size of the shadow?
 On a sunny day, does a bird or an aero plane flying high in the sky cast its
shadow on the ground? Under what circumstances can we see their
shadow on the ground?

10. Investigatory activities

 Divide the students in four groups and ask them to determine angle of
minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between angle of
incidence and angle of deviation.
Class : XII
Name: Chandra Bose, Mira ,Angel Subject: Physics
Topic :Dual nature of matter Duration : 45 min
Date: 17/11/2022 to 23/11/2022

1. Instructional outcomes:
Students will be able to
 investigate the duality nature of light.
 identify the evidences related to wave and particle nature of light.
 identify the reasons behind the new technologies based on duality of light.
 assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the
author’s claim about each model of nature of light.

2. Performance indicators

To make the students know and understand the following concepts:

 Dual nature of radiation,
 Photoelectric effect
 Hertz and Lenard's observations
 Einstein's photoelectric equation-particle nature of light
 Matter waves-wave nature of particles, de-Broglie relation
 Davisson-Germer experiment.

3. Materials used
1. light source.
2. colour filters
3. Charts related to photo electric effects
4. Solar cells
6. Graph paper /pencils
7. Videos and animations related to topic

4. Pre requisite knowledge

Students will have already gone through concepts that define how two
models about nature of light change over time.
(1) Light is energy,
(2) Light and reflection, refraction
(3) Light polarization and interference, diffraction, photoelectric effect,
(4) The nature of light based on each effect.

5. Enquiry based learning

 Define thermionic emission?
 Define threshold frequency of a metal?
6. Course of action
 Many phenomenons related to light can be explained using the concepts of
ray optics and wave optics, but some phenomenon like photoelectric effect
cannot be explained using this, so we have to go for a new explanation of
nature of light.

g) Stimulate
Class room activities ,
Asking questions in daily life activities on dual nature of light.
Ex: Define work function of a metal.
Define 1Ev.

h) Master plan
Explanation, Questioning, Discussion.

i) Concept

Dual nature of radiation,

Photoelectric effect
Hertz and Lenard's observations
Einstein's photoelectric equation-particle nature of light
Matter waves-wave nature of particles, de-Broglie relation
Davisson-Germer experiment.

j) Assimilation
 The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are ejected
from the surface of a metal when light is incident on it
 To find the fractures in bone radiated rays are required.

k) Activity
Making a model of photo electric effect.

l) Values
 Without light it is impossible to see anything.
 Light is essential in medical field for many purposes.

7. Recapitulation

* Define work function of a metal.

* Define photoelectric emission?
* Define threshold frequency of a metal?
* How photo electric current depends on intensity of incident light?
* What do you mean by saturation current?
8. Key competencies or skills emphasized
 Critical thinking
 Creativity

9. Educational assignment
 Work function of Sodium is 2.3eV.Does Sodium show Photoelectric
emission for orange light(λ=6800Å)
 Hallwachs’ and Lenard’s experimental observations.
 Explain the effect of photoelectric current with collector plate potential
 Mention the experimental observations of photoelectric effect.
 Explain the experimental observations with the help of Einstein’s
photoelectric equation.

10. Investigatory activities

 Divide the students into four groups and ask them to analyze why the
photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface for a certain radiation have
different energies even if work function of metal is a constant?
Class : XII
Name: Chandra Bose, Mira, Angel Subject: Physics
Topic : Atoms Duration : 45 min
Date: 24/11/2022 to 28/11/2022

1. Instructional outcomes:
Students will be able to
 identify Thomson’s atom model and its drawbacks
 identify alpha particle experiment and the atom model put forward by
 derives the expression for energy of an electron in an orbit.
 illustrates the hydrogen spectrum incorporating Rutherford and Bohr

2. Performance indicators

To make the students know and understand the following concepts:

 Alpha particle scattering
 Rutherford’s nuclear model of atom,
 Impact parameter
 Distance of closest approach
 Drawbacks of Rutherford’s atom model.
 Bohr’s theory of atom.

3. Materials used
 Chalk piece
 Blackboard
 Atom model

4. Pre requisite knowledge

 There are roughly a hundred types of atoms. An atom is the identity of an
element.118 types of elements are known to us till date.
 All atoms radiate different line spectra which show the atoms are different
and may be the smallest particles.

5. Enquiry based learning

 What will be the radius of a Hydrogen atom when it is in the first excited state?
 What are the drawbacks of Thomson’s model of the atom?
6. Course of action
An atom consists of positively charged matter in which the negatively
charged electrons are uniformly embedded like plums in a pudding.
Thomson’s model could not explain scattering of alpha-particles through
thin foils and hence discarded.

a) Stimulate
Class room activities,
Asking questions in daily life activities on Atoms
Ex: What is an Atom? How many charge particles are there in an Atom?

b) Master plan
Explanation, Questioning, Discussion.

c) Concept

a) An atom consists of a small and massive central core in which the entire
positive charge and almost the whole mass of the atom are concentrated.
This core is called the nucleus.
b) The nucleus occupies a very small space as compared to the size of the
c) The atom is surrounded by a suitable number of electron so that their
total negative charge is equal to the total positive charge on the nucleus
and the atom as a whole is electrically neutral.
d) The electrons revolve around the nucleus in various orbits just as planets
revolve around the sun.
e) The centripetal force required for their revolution is provided by the
electrostatic attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.

c) Assimilation

 Elements are categorized based on their atomic numbers (Periodic table)

 A cell is a very basic structure of all living systems, consisting of
cytoplasm within the cell membrane

e) Activity
Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiment.

g) Values
 Every small thing can make a huge change in our life. Be live like a
charged particle always.
7. Recapitulation
* State the postulates of Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom.
* What are the drawbacks of Bohr’s atom model?

8. Key competencies or skills emphasized

 Critical thinking
 Creativity

9. Educational assignment
 Compare the different atom models.
 Represent the spectrum produced by a hydrogen atom with the energy

10. Investigatory activities

 Divide the students into four groups and ask them to analyze the concepts
of Bohr’s model Derive relation for radii of Bohr’s orbit and hydrogen
Class : XII
Name: Chandra Bose, Mira, Angel Subject: Physics
Topic :Nuclei Duration : 45 min
Date: 29/11/2022 to 02/12/2022

1. Instructional outcomes:
Students will be able to
 determine the number of neutrons and protons in nuclei of different
 calculate the sizes of atomic nuclei z explain the nature of forces
between nucleons.
 draw binding energy per nucleon curve and discuss the stability of
atomic nuclei.
 explain the terms nuclear chain reaction, controlled and uncontrolled
fission chain reactions.

2. Performance indicators

To make the students know and understand the following concepts:

 Charge mass and size of nucleus
 Atomic mass and its unit
 Mass defect and Binding energy
 Radioactivity and its discovery.
 Nuclear fission and fusion
 Laws of radioactive decay

3. Materials used
 Chalk piece
 Blackboard
 Pictures of nuclear power plants.

4. Pre requisite knowledge

 What is the difference between nuclear fission and fusion process?
 What is Rutherford’s structure of atom?

5. Enquiry based learning

 How is the radius of a nucleus related to its mass number A?
 Explain why the density of nuclear matter independent of the size of
6. Course of action
 The entire positive charge and nearly the entire mass of atom is
concentrated in a very small space called the nucleus of an atom.
The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. They are called nucleons.

a) Stimulate
Class room activities,
Asking questions in daily life activities on Nuclear
Ex: Which is the main source of Electricity?

b) Master plan
Explanation, Questioning, Discussion.

c) Concept
(i) Atomic Number The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of the
element is called atomic number (Z) of the element.
(ii) Mass Number The total number of protons and neutrons present inside
the nucleus of an atom of the element is called mass number (A) of the
(iii) Nuclear Size The radius of the nucleus R ∝ A1/3
⇒ R = Ro A1/3
where, Ro = 1.1 * 10-15 m is an empirical constant.
(iv) Nuclear Density Nuclear density is independent of mass number and
therefore same for all nuclei.
ρ = mass of nucleus / volume of nucleus ⇒ ρ = 3m / 4π R3
where, m = average mass of a nucleon.
(v) Atomic Mass Unit It is defined as 1 / 12th the mass of carbon nucleus.
It is abbreviated as arnu and often denoted by u.

d) Assimilation

 When we add two chemical reactants together, products are produced.
 Plants do photosynthesis process, during that process energy is observed
and released.

e) Activity
 Children can locate places where adequate measures are taken by our
country to protect people from the hazards of nuclear radiations.

f) Values
Electricity is an essential component which can also be produced by
nuclear reaction.
7. Recapitulation
 How is the mean life of radioactive sample related to its half life?
 Why is the mass of a nucleus always less than the sum of the masses of its
 Explain why the density of nuclear matter independent of the size of

8. Key competencies or skills emphasized

 Critical thinking
 Creativity

9. Educational assignment
* Draw a plot of the binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number for
a large number of nuclei, 2 ≤ A ≤ 240. How do you explain the constancy binding
energy per nucleon in the range 30 < A < 170 using the property that nuclear
force is short-ranged?
* Two nuclei have mass number in the ratio 1:3. What is the ratio of their nuclear

10. Investigatory activities

 Students can identify the nuclear power research centres of our country
and can have a study on it.
Class : XII
Name: Chandra Bose, Mira, Angel Subject: Physics
Topic : Electronic Devices Duration : 45 min
Date: 05/12/2022 to 09/12/2022

1. Instructional outcomes:
Students will be able to
 identify the role of semiconductors in our daily life.
 differentiate between the types of semiconductors.
 evaluate the role of doping in semiconductors.
 identify the two types of biasing in pn junction diode.
 analyze the function of diode as a rectifier.

2. Performance indicators

To make the students know and understand the following concepts:

 Basic concepts of semiconductor physics
 Semiconductor devices - junction diodes.
 Applications of semiconductors
 Types of materials.
 Energy band diagrams.

3. Materials used
 Chalk piece
 Blackboard
 Solar panel

4. Pre requisite knowledge

 Name some types of materials.
 What is the difference between AC and DC source?

5. Enquiry based learning

 What is the most common use of photo diode?
 At what temperature would an intrinsic semiconductor behave like a perfect
 What is the direction of diffusion current in a pn junction diode?

6. Course of action
Before the discovery of transistor, devices such as vacuum diode were
used to control the flow of electrons in a circuit. But these devices were bulky,
consumed high power, operated at high voltages and had limited life and low
reliability. In the 1930’s it was realized that some solid state semiconductors and
their junction offered the possibility of controlling the flow of charge carriers
through them. This led to the development of the modern solid-state
semiconductors. They consume low power, are small in size, operate at low
voltages and have a long life and high reliability.

a) Stimulate
Class room activities,
Asking questions in daily life activities on materials
Ex: Name some insulators and conductors.

b) Master plan
Explanation, Questioning, Discussion.

d) Concept
Semiconductors have a vital role in our daily life. They have conductivity in
between that of conductors and insulators. The unique property of
semiconductors is that we can control the flow of charge carriers in them.
The band theory of solids, concept of holes, intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, pn junction diode and its formation, rectifier circuits, zener
diode, photodiode, LED, solar cells etc.

d) Assimilation

 Metals have different physical and chemical properties based on their
Physical science:
 Many devices are used to do different sports activities.

e) Activity
 Study experiment of working of Light Emitting Diodes.
 Draw the V-I characteristic curve of a pn junction diode in forward and
reverse bias

f) Values
 Each individual has different characters like materials and we should
adopt ourselves like a diode.

7. Recapitulation
• Give example of any device which uses semiconductor material.
• What are intrinsic semiconductors?
• What is the valency of silicon atom?
• What are the majority charge carriers in n type semiconductor?
• What is the charge of p type semiconductor?
Key competencies or skills emphasized
 Critical thinking
 Creativity

8. Educational assignment
 Compare and contrast metals, semiconductors and insulators on the basis
of energy band diagrams.
 Draw the energy band diagram of n type semiconductor.
 Define diffusion and drift in pn junction diode formation.
 What is meant by depletion region?
 Explain the full wave rectifier circuit with input & output waveforms.

9. Investigatory activities

 Divide the students in four groups and ask them to identify a diode, an LED,
a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed collection of such items.

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