Chapter 05

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7 At the design operating point, the stage characteristics of a low-speed compressor are as
Reaction 0.5
Flow coefficient 0.4
Stage loading 0.4
Assuming constant axial velocity across the stage and equal absolute velocities at inlet
and outlet, determine the exit relative flow angle from the rotor and the exit absolute flow
angle from the stator. At an off-design condition, the flow coefficient is reduced is reduced to
0.3. Assuming that the deviation from the rotor and stator are unchanged from the design
condition, determine the new stage loading. If instead, the deviations from both the rotor and
stator increase by 3 degrees, determine the new stage loading at the off-design condition.

For a repeating stage, ψ = 2 (1 − R − φ tan α1 )

 ψ 1 1
⇒ tan α1 = 1 − R −  = (1 − 0.5 − 0.2 ) = 0.75
 2 φ 0.4

For 50% reaction,

α1 = β 2 = 36.90

The axial velocity is constant, therefore,

∆h0 U ∆cθ cx
ψ= = = ( tan α 2 − tan α1 ) = φ ( tan α 2 − tan α1 )
U2 U2 U

From the definition of relative velocity, tan α 2 = − tan β 2

Hence, ψ = 1 − φ ( tan β 2 + tan α1 ) = 1 − φ t

For φ = 0.3, with no deviation,

ψ = 1 − 0.3 ( 0.75 + 0.75 ) = 0.55

With deviation of 3 deg, α1 = β 2 = 39.90

ψ dev = 1 − 0.3 ( 2 × tan 39.90 ) = 0.498

As expected, as the flow coefficient reduces, stage loading increases. Deviation acts to
reduce the available stage loading increase.
5.9 The compressor represented in Figure 5.8 has a mean blade speed of 350 m/s when
operating at its design point. At the design point all 10 stages of the compressor can be
treated as repeating stages with a flow coefficient of 0.5 and a reaction of 0.6.
Take the inlet stagnation temperature to be 300K, γ = 1.4 and Cp = 1005 J/kgK.
(a) Find the stage loading and the inter-stage swirl angle that applies to all the stages at
the design point.
(b) When operating on the working line at 90% speed, estimate the flow coefficients for
the first stage and the last stage (for the last stage assume that the non-dimensional mass flow
is equal to that at compressor exit). Assuming the inter-stage swirl angles are unchanged from
the design point, find the rotor relative inlet angles for the first and last stages at this
condition. Hence determine the change in incidence from the design point, for the last stage
rotor and the first stage rotor.
(c) The swirl angle at inlet to the first stage can be adjusted by a variable guide vane.
Find the inlet swirl angle required at 90% speed to give the same incidence onto the first
stage rotor as at the design point.

(a) First need to find the temperature drop across each stage. The compressor isentropic
efficiency at design is 81%.

T0 e 1  p (γ −1) /γ  1
= 1+  0 e  − 1 = 1 +  230.4/1.4 − 1 = 2.789.
T01 ηc  p01   0.81

Stage temperature drop,

∆T0 = (T0 e − T01 ) 10 = T01 (T0 e T01 − 1) 10 = 30 × 1.789 = 53.67 K

∆h0 C p ∆T0 1005 × 53.67

ψ= = = = 0.44
U2 U2 3502

For a repeating stage, ψ = 2 (1 − R − φ tan α1 )

 ψ 1 1
⇒ tan α1 = 1 − R −  = (1 − 0.6 − 0.22 ) = 0.36 ⇒ α1 = 19.80
 2 φ 0.5

(b) On the working line at 90% speed, p0e/p01 = 12, Normalised inlet mass flow = 0.58

For inlet to the first stage,

Vx ,90% Vx ,90% U100% mɺ U

φ90% = = × φ100% = 90% × 100% × φ100%
U 90% Vx ,100% U 90% mɺ 100% U 90%
In other words, we can determine the first stage flow coefficient using the change in non-
dimensional inlet mass flow.

Stage 1:

mɺ 90% U100% 1
φ90% = × × φ100% = 0.58 × × 0.5 = 0.322
mɺ 100% U 90% 0.9

For the last stage, the exit nozzle remains choked and we assume the exit non-dimensional
mass flow is therefore fixed and the same as at design.

Stage 10:

U100% 1
φ90% = × φ100% = × 0.5 = 0.556
U 90% 0.9

At the design point, the inlet relative flow angle is:

1 1
tan β1,d = − tan α1 = − 0.36 = 1.64 ⇒ β1, d = 58.60
φ 0.5

For stage 1:

1 1
tan β1, stage1 = − tan α1 = − 0.36 = 2.75 ⇒ β1, stage1 = 70.00
φ 0.322

i = β1, stage1 − β1, d = 70 − 58.6 = 11.40

For stage 10:

1 1
tan β1, stage10 = − tan α1 = − 0.36 = 1.44 ⇒ β1, stage10 = 55.20
φ 0.556

i = β1, stage10 − β1,d = 55.2 − 58.6 = −3.40

As expected, the first stage is at +ve incidence (towards stall) and the rear stage is at -ve
incidence (towards choke).

(c) To give the same incidence onto the first rotor, the same inlet relative angle as at
the design condition is required, but with the new flow coefficient,

1 1
tan α1, stage1 = − tan β1, d = − 1.64 = 1.466 ⇒ α1, stage1 = 55.7 0
φ 0.322

This is a large change in the absolute inlet angle relative to the design point (19.80).
5.10 A transonic fan used in a jet engine operates with axial flow at inlet and a flow
coefficient of 0.5. The rotor inlet relative Mach number is 1.6 and this is equal to the Mach
number just upstream of the passage normal shock wave. The relative flow angles at inlet and
exit from the rotor are equal and there is no change in flow radius.
(a) Using eqns. (4.21) and (5.28a), determine the rotor loss coefficient if all of the
loss is shock loss. Check this using Figure 5.12.
(b) The following equation relates the relative Mach number downstream of the
passage shock wave to the upstream relative Mach number:
 γ −1 2  2
 1 + 2 M 1,rel 
M 2,rel = 
γ −1 
 γ M 1,2rel − 
 2 
Referring to the velocity triangles in Figure 5.11, use the above equation to determine
the stage loading of the fan stage.
(c) Show that the stagnation temperature ratio across the fan stage can be written as:
T02 U 2ψ 2 ( γ − 1) M 1,2rel sin 2 β1
= +1 = ψ +1
T01 C pT01 2 + ( γ − 1) M 1,2rel
By combining the above result with the rotor loss coefficient, determine the rotor alone
total-to-total efficiency and the stagnation pressure ratio across the rotor.

(a) From eqn. (4.21), for an upstream shock Mach number, M1,rel = 1.6,
∆s  2γ M1,2rel − γ + 1   ( γ + 1) M1,2rel 
= ln   − γ ln   = 0.0443
γ +1  ( γ − 1) M1,rel + 2 
cv  
From eqn. (5.28a),
1 − exp ( −∆sshock R ) ∆sshock
Yp ,shock = ≅
(1 − p1 / p01,rel ) R (1 − p1 / p01,rel )
This can be evaluated using compressible flow relations,
−γ −7

p1 / p01,rel = 1 + 0.5 ( γ − 1) M 1,2rel ) γ −1
= 1 + 0.5 × 0.4 ×1.62 ) 2 = 0.235
∆sshock 0.0443
Yp ,shock = = = 0.145
cv ( γ − 1) (1 − p1 / p01,rel ) 0.4 × (1 − 0.235 )
Note that this differs slightly from the value in Fig 5.12 due to the approximation of the exponential
in the above eqn. (5.28a).

(b) Using the equation given in the question,

 γ −1  2

 1 + 2 M 1,rel 

= = 0.668
γ −1 
M 2,rel
 γ M 1,2rel − 
 2 
There is axial flow at inlet. Therefore,
∆ (Ucθ ) cθ 2 U − w2 sin β 2 M γ RT2 sin β 2
ψ= = = = 1 − 2, rel
M 1,rel γ RT1 sin β1
Given the inlet and exit relative flow angles from the rotor are equal,
M 2,rel T2 T2 T T 1 + 0.5 ( γ − 1) M 1,2rel 1.512
ψ = 1− and = 2 × 01,rel = = = 1.388
M 1, rel T1 T1 T02,rel T1 1 + 0.5 ( γ − 1) M 2,2 rel 1.089
M 2,rel T2 0.668
ψ = 1− = 1− 1.388 = 0.508
M 1, rel T1 1.6
Note that this is a high stage loading for a compressor stage (with no turning!).

(c) The stage loading can be written as:

∆h0 C pT01 (T02 T01 − 1)
ψ= =
U2 U2
T U 2ψ M 2 sin 2 β1γ RT1 T
⇒ 02 = + 1 = 1,rel ψ + 1 = M 1,2rel sin 2 β1 1 ( γ − 1)ψ + 1
T01 C pT01 C pT01 T01
Using the compressible flow relation for T1/T01,
T02 2 ( γ − 1) M 1,rel sin β1
2 2

⇒ = ψ +1 (sorry - there is a typo in the result in the Question!)

T01 2 + ( γ − 1) M 12
This can be evaluated since, from the inlet velocity triangle, M 1 = M 1,rel cos β1
Putting in the values, T02 T01 = 1.33

The rotor total-to-total efficiency is given by:

T02 ∆s ∆s Cv 0.0443
ηtt = 1 − = 1− = 1− = 0.872
C p (T02 − T01 ) γ (1 − T01 T02 ) 1.4 × (1 − 1 1.33)

The stagnation pressure ratio can be found from the above efficiency and the stagnation
temperature ratio:
γ 7
= 1 + ηtt (T02 T01 − 1)  γ −1 = 1 + 0.872 ( 0.33)  2 = 2.423

Neglecting the losses in the stator, this is a substantial stagnation pressure ratio for a single stage.

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