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SI No.

Volume / Section I Clause Page Number Tender Specifications Clari ic tions Sought RP< L's Clar fications /Amendm<?
nts Remark

) A lpar,e no 1G9 ,HV windine of station

trart fromer Is rne1,tioned as f).6kV
ho.•Ncver here itis mentioned that G.6Vis
ow tension

:-..... \ windine. We understJnd this NGRis meanlfor

unit aw;illi ry transformer (generation vol:gc I
\ 6.9kv ). Please clilrrfy. Fu11her, Ncutrill of st;ir

Low 1e1"1Si. onwindingof the station tran former shall be connected LV of station transformeris
solidly grounded through neutralgrounding resistor which is groundl?d. b) Neutralg•ounding
,. Volume 2 Part A ch10

o##" 0 ... - •

,cl. resistor sh<1ll

6.6 kV switchgear
earth fault on 6.6 kV c rcuit.for 30 seconds and ii layout. c) Max mum neutralcurrent s
accommodate in the compartment of 6.6 kV switchgear. not be acconiodi'lted In 6.Gkv <wi1ch1 ea1, i r shll Tender terrn"S. & ccnd1tion wil l pr evail Qnd 1.atc.:st
'l3V 10.11Draw out system of L'l4
Thi? current rating shall be suitable for a sinele phasl' to b_e pl ced near transfram1>r intrn.isformer 1yrd IEC stndards
maKirnum neutral current shall not be eceeded 10 A. mentioend <is lOA,it seems thJt nt>
i;rounding is required thorugh a high
impedance grounding. in case af high
impedance groi;ndi1>c SHEL offers 1A instead
of 1OA. ElsP as per BHEI. prJctice,
neotr,.Igroundingis donelhroue:h ii low
impedance resistor with 300A current for 10
Bidder C

Volume ?. rart A ch 12 The wbles shall be rated 600 volt for installation in Please nnte!ha:t cable ,1111 not be iristallecJ ir. Tender terms & cond,tion will prl!vail/
135 cl.
latest IF.C cable trJys, conduits and c<1bl1? ducts. conduits, conduits shall be
Bidder C
12.ZA 600 V Power used for wirr;only. stJndards.
Please note that 3CX 2.S & 2C X 2.5 hall
T nder terms & cond1t1onwill orevail Ilatest IEC
Volume 2 Part A ch 12
136 238 The minimumsi e of powcr cable 5hall be of lso I)!' put of power cables, the sanieis nwan:
12./. 4 GOO V starlcf.:1rds.
for va!ves and ac1uators. Biddt:?r C
Volume 2 Part A ch 12 cl. In eeneral,controland instrumcnt cables shall be rated Please specify details ofinstrurnenl' ca:, e.Sitmt: Tender terms & co11d1t1ott will prevail!l<Hest IEC
131 12.2 .S Cor1trolAnd 238 600 volt and shall hJvc copper conductor with either. "f d . I '(I .
1 tandards.
h1strument Callie> rs not speer 1e anyw 1ere rntie speer
PVC overalljacket, unless specified othcrwi5C rcat1on Bidde1 :
Volume 2 Pan /\ ch 12
138 12.2.S Control And 238 minimum siw of control cables shall be·lS follows: for for CT circuit 4 sq mm cable mayplea e be Tendcrterms & condi11on will prevailIlatest lf.C
CT circu t :G.O ar.ccp1cd in line with our •1anditrd practice. standards.
1ns1ru.,,cnt Cables Bidder

Volume 2 Part A ch 12 cl. PVC nsu ated andlacket Cables i'leasp note that these shall not be part of
Tender te11n & condition will prevail/ late5t IK
139 17.2.S Control And 239 Crosslnked pol thy eneInsulated Cables control c:ib e•.Controlcables sh11ll be PVC
-- instrument Cables MineralInsulated (Ml) Cablt S insulated. B'dder '.:

140 Volume 2 Part A ch 12c Raceway shall be rovided for all cable.and these shall Plea'.>!? note that cable shall not be rocted in fondl?r te1ms &. condition will
.no 239 prevail/latest IFC
R1dde: (
12.3.l R::icC'way be rigd conduit metalth1oueh type cable trays. conduih. Conduit shallbe used f ror rou in of St.,11d.irds.
••M r f,....,, lf ,..h;t..,.,.. ..., ,,., ...1;,...,,..;,....,.,..,.. .,, .....1 ,...,..."'» ,,...;,,._,.

Pae!!Uof 107

· ...::::::::
_ _ - , , - ·/.-. " -·': ._ · {
§o, /fcr
..,.) J

. . ,
' " t
\ \ =:!( ,"' ' 1-'',,l '.°.'I_

i ,...,' .. . ' L.·" J • .,· -......:

' I

\ V. um/ction I Clause
K' /:v, /

Page Number . -·
,,.-·•, 'r·' \\ 'J r'\\_j;,J ,,,),...., }
. :• d/ :-., uations Cluifico.t ons Sought RPCl's Oaritica jAmcn dmenu
! ........J "' " "... : ; :- • l . . - • ·. ,,., Rcmarl<s

Raceway shan -·
fTf crn.1011!) (1110 ICOl 'Wll l.:
Volun1e 2 Part A ch ll -
include all fittings, jun;:lionboxes, flexi:ile shall be u::.e:I. Jur.cticn boxes shall be used in Tendr ter;ns & condition will
141 H.3.2 Racemv f.ithngs And 240 J\tachmcnts.raceway support hardwore, etc. lighitng applications. standards.

l -
1'1 Supports Aiddc•r C
2 Cbles:rJy shall be ot the for>t grad!!
Volume 2 Part A ch l2 pl'rforated Please "otc that :addl'r type culc trily> liJll TeruJ.,, t<-rrns 8. conciition·viii prl'!vailI !:>test z,10 IEC
CJlv niscd steel withlolded side members and
'.2.ll Cabll! Erection al10 be applicable. st<m•:i.lrds.
supported on steel work or masonry is reou:1<-..d. Bidder C

I Volom•2 P•rt A<h H <I.
nu desiiin of the cable tr.,y system 1hllmake du,:,
zllownce for the
Supp ied hy others : Kindly clarify olt•er; >lamh

future 1nstalliltion of at least 10 percent spare CJblcs

;1111.l a so f orsupplied
theinstallation of cables
for which ai;ency. If there is any speciti Tend c1·tcnn& condition wi!lprevnil/ litcstIEC
reo.uin:1nent, -sarue m;\y please be intim,1lc<l to< nandartfs.

:2.4 Cable frt-ction

I others.
81'.'low i;round conductor for eround grid I earth

C Vol.imc 2 P•rt A c:h 12 ct no ilGroundinc wife for itround rid - Hard draw11 Opper T1mde1 terms & ccndition will previl/
14 .12.S 241;)ndd --- ···-----i.uea :
i.oo m.-11 shall be of 200 bare standcirds.
Grouodine; q.n'n' stran<Jed
IJ dder C
coppe1 conductor.
I >or .ibove ground equipment erthinc, its run
away co1 ductor shall be lOO
l4S Volume 2 Part A ch 12 cl. 2) Gr.:iundinwire of equ ;iment - - ·--- - -·-· strarded opper conductor I wire.Howc:ver, Tender tr.rms & ccndition willprev;iil/ ltes1ll'C

.12.5 Grounclinr, rea :.100, for i11divic.lual equipment earchin{I. th s i nd
rcb, condunor siTI' h;ill be as per its equiprne11\
---·- r..ring.
,Public dciress
8idder C
Anione comrnunication Sy$tem;
146 Volurne J P.:in A h 13 211' The 48V DC system sh;ill provide power system sh,111 be fed from 230V UPS r.-nde1 l'-""'s & concJition will prev<iil I latest IEC
d.110 1 to powe1
13.0DC /\NO UPS SVSHMS comrnunnatio11·'Y1tAros.
supply. st ndan-15.
Bidder C
Batteries hallconsist of single cel s ronnected 220 v DC b•ttery •:s. tnCilnt for safe shut
to down,
provide the appropriate -· -·--Battery c:apa<ity shall
,Volume ]. Prt A ch 13 duty cycleof 50 mi11 shall be provided for the rendi>r term & condih011 will prcvJ lI :;Jte r lfC
L47 I. no DC AND UPS 144 be 1atcd for safe shut down ( inclvclinc emeq .\afnP.. st;1ndJrds.
SYSTEMS enr:y oil
I f.Ul"10< •nd barring jtE'ar ).- - --- hour< wi llout
s r.c
Clic1der C
l/nlum P.;n/I ch 3 c l. The battery room shallba equippedwi hf.icilities for We undemJnd that apart from NiCd b.;tteries . Tender terms & con<1it1cn
14 245
willprcvni!/ 1,Hest I ( Biddcr C
.13.0 DC /IND UPS SYS:-EMS the safe handlingof battety acid Lcd acid bJtterie$ are aho ilcceptable. standards.
I l3at.1.ery cpacity shall be 111il•\Jly dcratt>d to ,llOW 'for
1-:< IVulurnl' 7 Prt I\ ch J 3 cl. 110 ace1ng factor.temper.iture. and matnte11.1nce fa,tcrs. Please note lk>t forlead ac;d batteries. nolender terms & concl11ion w,IJ prev2il / liilest
I .lf:C l47
13.3 B.1tt< ry Pedl)rm.1ncc /In ageing factor of at ie t 12S% .hall be used In the
capucitv calcul<otion.
<1&cing factor is rcquireti. sta11d;ird..
l>itldc1 C
Volume ). PartA ch H The distriblltion boiJrds shall be either <Joublc pole ond
.H.2 LIGHTING /\NO SMl\Ll Plea,se note thalli1;hrn1g dl ribut:ort llo.ird'hall fender term & <-.ondition W>l l prt•·1til/ l e<t IEC:
lS 250 ncu1ral types ,1s required ancl sliall be equipp>ld with
POWER SUPP "< ( 1)1>1rillullon
lit!three pol ncul1 .ll typ. stan,-!ard
Boarcl ) mr. m to provide overload protection to ech circuit. .
" \ l3tdde1 c

' Prlr /8 ot i!7

SI Nt>. Vo ume I Sect on I Clause Page Number Tender Specifications Clarifications Sought RPCL' Clarifications
All cabling associ<ited with thelighting and
.small Allcabling asoc:iated with the liglningand small power power socket oullellservices shall be
s.ocket outlets services shallbe.stranded anne;iled ;innealed copper conductor, PVClnsul;itcd
Volurne 2 Part A ch 14 cl. no copper cor.ductor.PVC insu ated galv;mised steel wire galvan sed steel wire or steelt.:ipc armoured and Tender terrns & conditio'"I will prev;iil/ latest IEC
151 • 14.3 LIGHTING AND SMALL 250 or teeltape armoured and PVC sheathed as PVC sheathed. stnd<icds.
. ;'..-_ '-. POWER SUPPLV ( C;ibles
'\ } dependine u;:ron the s1nvice required. Il
rpropriatl" or mineral inulated copper sheathed calJli.' Use of " rnir1eralinsul<1led copper healhcd
cable depending upon the sel'\licc required" is

not dear .RPCt to clarify.
Bicdcr C

· ,-· olume 2 Pil•"t /\ ch l a. PowE!r Generatine Area Terms··lux levelinside of acking " & " inside of
l.ux levelInside of packingexcept control package 100 Tender terms & ccnd1:1on will prevailf
1:5 .14.t LIGHTINGAND SMALL 251 soo controlpackage " ilrc not dei'r. Kindly specify sumdardo;.
latest IEC
Ins de ol control packaJl"
POW(R lux level building/room wise. l:!iddt-r C

. a. Power Generat ne
Piea'e note that 500luxlevelis too h gn andin
control room/office 1t shall create lot of glare
nd al$O prob em invlewitle LVS d"
shall haw
Volume 2 Parr A ch 14 d. no Lux levelinside of control package
to reflection.
required Further
!or 500 number
lux shall of fixture'
be toolarge and Tender tcr rni & condition
mondards.willprevail/ latest lfC
153 .14.4 UGHTINC. AND SMALL 251 c. Buildings
POWER Control Room soo
there all not be much space avilable for
Office 500
diffusers in the room. Lux le,•el in 1·a11ge of
300 · Bidde1 <:
350 inay beaccepted.
Vo ume 2 Part A ch 14 cl. no ThP rigid steel conduitpipe$ shall be g<1l11an
sed and 15 • 111.5 Miscellaneou\ 253 have a minimum Please note that thickness and cfra of conduit Tender terms & condition will prevail/l<>tt>st
thickness of 2.3 mm and min mum tandards.
Bidclc • C
shall be as per rclcvnt l C
materials( conduits) imide diam;?ter of 16 mm.
" mixing console to combine and modify
Volume 2 Part A ch 17 cl. no A PA system mayinclude mu tiple microphone$ or.other multiple sources"•s no!clea1 .
155 .17.10 Public so.,ncl sources, a mixingconsole to coml>ine and modif1· PA system shall be Tender t<> rms & r.ondilion will prev<Jil
/\nnunciation/Address multiple Sl)urces, and multiµle: arnplifiers and page/poty,analoe/digital type with a centr,11
Syotem loud•peakers for louder v\)lume or wider distribution. exchange and distril utl!tl
amplifrer s/handse /loudspcakers. Bidder (.

J.55 Vohimc 2 P<1rt A Cable tray support systP.m

I Pleast spetif1• the type of cJble trn\'suppor l
fmkr terms & condition willprev111I
sytcm required·llJ' elded or bolti!blP.
Biddt>r C
Equipment (Test ng Bench) thot only
Noli>l 101 El ctr ic.JI l...luoratory
Volume 2 l'art A Section 2 equipm<!nt has the
Cl. 2.16 Lilborotorv 22 L bor·atory !:qu pm<?rll.(Testing · been spec.ified. ·we,mders.t<ind Elerical
m specified under E ectrical workshop tools ( P·Z3) has 10 be suppl ed.

rer rh•r t rrn' & r.ond1lior: will prevail Bidder r

l'aee 29 of 107
, ----
Clarifh.:atio11s '.;ought RPCL's Cl.irifkations
(Amen:lments Re-marks

Pltifi"! specily t:1e- li. t..rlliun u R1v:?f watf!r

I Volume 2 Prt A Section l I 348
158 iver water lrrt:ikc I- tr.t4'kt' p11mp house if applicriblP. Furth"''·pl Nol 21.2 (a) louse pplkabl<:.
a>e o::Jn!y electrical >cope of work related to
--- aine. ·---1
Bidder (

fi_rc seal:ng system has not be n

anywhereinthe Customer specification.
159 Volume 2 Part 1\ Fire> >e<lline systc,in Tender t\!rrns & cor1dition will !>revail
Theref ore, we llndcrstand that SHn>e is nol
app icable. Bidder C

Volume 2 Part A Section rhc AC emergency lighting sh;illbl'fed frorn


14 l'ht> Contractor shlldesicn DC/ UPS AC Emerccnc:-.y OG board.not from UPS • per
lender t nm & condi1io11 wr !I
160 I Cl nn. 14.5 En ercency I 252 emerecn(y li&hting Bidder"

Lightine starul;trd pr;1ctice. Bidder C

Kinc.lly confirm.
µre11<iil Ammenced a follows:
Emeri;e'1C.y lighting- tlie lir,htint •.hall be
Volume 2 f'u A Setion
En·1c( lehting-The li&hting shall Incandescent luminaires causc signircnt consi5ts
conist of cf,for DC emer ency light CFL l mps &
14 encr·cv los s and are not advisable for
for /IC
lighting.F-or DC
161 Ct no. 4.5 E:nergcncy 7'.>2
emcr&cncy light ,CFLl;imps & for AC emergency emeq e.cylight,flouroscent l mps. l.u¥
should be I
light flo11roscent lamps may ple 1se be ccepted. as specilit•d inVolrn11'!
2 Part A S!,ctrcrrr 1'I Cl. no.
l)jddN_C' ,
Yolme 2 Part r. Se<tion One set of emergency dieselgene11. We und!!rstandthat only One (1) no.diesel
2 trng et
152 Cl. rro.2.E>.S Erncre<? 16 ..............EOG synchroisins facility with 0.4kV li,•e bus generator setis rer:iuircd Tt!tl•.h•r term'& conditiO"I will
- n<y rs Kindly confirm. previl Oidder C
Di!"P.I Genernrin St:"t Jlso rcquir<!d.

.- ....., : -
Poo t-A, Vol-2
I 34 .Cl. Hybrid
ThHe i a lim'itat o11 to draw 1:1 ound water for


Con>idcr ngBangald'!.h ,,;,., tropic!condilion\, plant wat r S.(tern. A> s:rc ,Hybrid type cooling
r We propo:;e to cr.visni:e convento onalwet tow"r hJ> been >Per111ed r n tl"or tender
rlornmnt. ifl which l ss amount of mokcup
co.:rline.tower (!OCT) instedd of hybrid
v: tr1 will be required. 111e bidciNl""""'ci on the
tov er for safe & rp!ia!:>lr? pcdorrnano:e of
conditk•n of wat<>r valli:.ility at me. shall dl"sir,n Bi:Jder £
164 Pan-/\, Vol-;> 37. ti. Hybrid cool ng tower . Biddc1 C
p,lllll. the pran1wter >ystcm accordrne y.Ground
lGS 3.3.5 Closed cvcll' hvbrid cooling lower with PH(
Kindly confirm. w;itf!r for ni>k<?u p should be 12.S·l>O rn3/hr Bidder £
166 f'Mt A., Vol-] 38 Clos<!d cycle hybl'id coolinf, tower with cool
Prt-f\,Vol-2 39 rh1s model of the VK with hybrid d<•s1gnis used
when - !:l dd
- er C

_._ ---------
Part-A, Vol-2
'l -, the coo ing loadis to be dischareed air cooled at coot
----------·- ambient temperatures :
IBu-Ider C
PJ;;c.lo cf 107
SI No. Volume I Section I dause IPace Tender
! Clarifications RPCL"s Clarifications/Amendmenu
Number Specifications Sought Rcm'1rks

2S % addional crlls as standby shall 11cre;ise

/, . .-
the over llsi e of cooling tower and there is
168 P;irt ll. Vol- 37. CL
Additional25% of cooling tower cell to be
spvce constraint inlayout. We propo'e tn T.:?ncler terms & condition will prc•v,
keptas standby.
7. 3.3.!i envisae IDCT with l No. standby cell as per il
srandard practice follO\ved in all executed
Bidder C
llowini;information for cooling tower is not

'.s ·.·\
mentioned in technical specification
but nec<?ssarly required for
The totalnet base rated output of lhe powe1 technicIoffe<: pleas<?' ref c-r to tJw h1ndcr document VolunH · 2
34 .Cl. of
1' -.. 169 ,,,./' Purt-A. Vol-
3.3.1 stiltion Jt s te conditions a) Design wet bulb temperaltrrt!
(1) b) Desien cold WJtCf tempcrJturc 2 pJrt B. Sche1folP. 11,2 (iii) :Coolinc Water
(3!> Deit C.. 1.0B b:ar , 98% relative c) ny Umit;ition on hot.wate< intct t Icrnperilturc
humidity) mperalure
to cooling tower.

IGndly furnish ahove inputs. Bidder C

""\ 3X60 % C<lpacity pump shall be ovNdesien
condition and there shall be nigher
170 Part-A. Vol- 37 ,Cl. The synem 5hall r.on ist of 2 x 100% or 3 x 60% capacity Ipower cor.sumption due to Tender term; & conditron
2 3.3.S overdesign whichis not recommended.We.propose will prcvarl
coolingwater pumps.
to envi.age
/XlOO % or 3XSO % capacity purn1.1s for
system. lldtll'rC
RPCL to Confirm.
There is a limitation to draw ground wat er for thl'
;ilant water svstem..As such,Hybrid type
Water requiremen t for 3&0 MW ;ippears on tower has ecn specified in the tender
171 Pan-A. Vol- The.Ground wter intake for makeup water should document,in"hich les. amount of
33 lower side, same shall be as per syW?m
2 be m;okeup
design requ rc.>ml'nt .in:.i shall be inforrnedin
125-150 ni3/hf. wter will be •<"qr 11r '"'- l'he bidder IJJ ed on the
technical offer.RPCL to confirm.
condition of wall?r dv<iilibility at site, sl
;illdesign the plant water tooling syst em
accor dine;ly.
Ground wnteor lcr r n.lkc,1p hould be 12$·150
1n3ihr IBidder C
We undtrstand tilat raw water shall be dr.avm There i• a limita:ion to dr;nv eround Woter f()I'
trorr.groud through deep·,.ell l;y pum;>s tne plant water ystc1n. As such,Hybrid typ
Grotmd wter willgenerally le usecl as raw Jnd no
w.iter oolirre towc1 has t>e<m spec flerlin the tndP.r whichless amount of makeu:i

6%-· <;0ur'ce for plant water system to
produce demi w ter. makeup water for cooling tower oasin
and to dosed loop
water wilibe equired.1l1e at ite.shall desi1n the plant wate1 cooling
river water intake shall b<? appficJble K ndly system accordingly.
funhf"r the follO\.vinc input neces rv rPquired i
not mentionml fr\ technical specificanon:
br dder b<o•ed onthe i Ground wat<-r for maeup should be 125 150
conditio" uf wter availibility rn3/hr Bidder C
Pai;e 31of 107
1!3 :
. .
I ·· I S. • " I ,\
\°'::. \ i.{J1 1_ .1 1 \ l,,J ' . ,,\i':.\'1•'/ ·1
'..; '• _:/:;;-'.•/ I _-; \\_;:.'v;-.'' /,
SI No. ,ol q.ll t on / Clause Page Nu bet·_ \.': '. > ' ert Jpecifications Clarifications Sought RPCL's Clarifications /Amendments

-....:......--_.., \, / ,,-... .·<":),, . Rcmar
1,·;.i" •- a) Raw water an.llysis Please tallow tht> specifications of the! fonder
! 1;:': - IA d D IIp b) COC to be considered for :::ondemer coohne, document. If any add tional data is required, th
173 Par1-A.Vo1-2 337, ceµ-we I n eep-w
Cl.2c.9.S '"ilter system Tenderer is requ<'sted to arrA nee the data at its
c) Minimum depth of bore well own arrangement "ictder C

Control & Act111inistra ive buldinr,, Fire Fl&hting pL1n1p Kindlyii rovldc above input>. l'or •ddit•o:"tal information mquired l;y the
17 Part-A. Vol 2 3'18, Cl. .21.2 house, GBC house>. bidder, he &hallarrange the same at his
mcrg •ncy Generator house, River waterintake home, arrangement Bidder i:

We propose to envis 1ge Motor operated liFV for

CW pumps di hirgeinstcad of mami;ilvJlvt' rM
I• mariu;1loprated butterfly valve snall be pl'ovidecJ;,t 1' of opcr tion &. controlthroueh contro l
17 Pilrt·A. Vol·2 3& each circ'.Ulating willer room. Ter:cier terms & coridltion will µn,v;11I
pump disch rc tlnd suetton. for /\CW/DMC\V pl.nip .si...ction valve 5hall be
manualtype with limit switch.
Kircily confirm. Bidder C
Motor operated valve· s tcchnicJlly not rri11irecl
Motor Of>t:rated vent valves shall be provided at the for venting 1elea>e valve shallbl!
-·) 176 Part-1\, Vol 2 36 top of w11dcnser water box to vent and hut the ir provided at top of .:ond!'M!!r and the same arc Ten""'terms & c.onrlitio<> will 11fcvu•I
) automaticallv. automatic type for venting purpose.
, RPCL to confirm. Bidder c
There is no system of condenser backw sh.It is
recomm<mded to envisage Condenser 011 IuH1
in Part /\. A motor operated reversing valve shall be provided !o1 tube cleaning system (COLTCS·DCS b:>scd) for Die>« folow the technical requirPmenl "f the
Vol·l 38
condenser bac.kwash purpose c eanini:of condenser tubes as prov ded o n T1mder document.
, ]X660 MW MaitreP. Bangaldesh project.
_ '' RPCL to confirm. BiddN c

k 3X60 % ca acity pump shJll be overde' :-··

rondition and there shall be higher auxiliJ1y
. . powPr consumption du to ovrdesisn whir.h 1:- .
• P· A V Thf" sytem >hall cons1nof 2 x 100% or 3 x capaatv . Please 10 low thr, technic;ilrequirement of the
178 1 111 0 3 3 6
, . .· . ' cooline water pump>. not r!'commendecJ .We propose to env1s1, e Tender document.
ar · ,
o1·2 ,,,,,•"'"" """,••,..",,cw ••,
DMCW syst•m.
RPCl to Confirm. Bidr:!cr c

Page 32 of IO I
SI Volomc I Section I C ause IPoce Tender Specifications Oarifications Sought RPCL's Clarificat ons
No. Number /Amendments Remarks

; Thermo control valve is neither required nor
Thermo control valves sh11ll be provided on the outlet of 1 ecomrnended for ovtlet of each cooler.
S·)s tem Nch component requiringwolingso that system flows shall be desrened b11sed
on the water
Port-I\, Vol- rcquirc1nent of ec:rch coole1 and Presur-c
179 2, Cl. and pressures can be balanced. Tender t<:rn11 & conclition will
2 :J.3.6 b<llancrng shall be done by meam oloriiw previJil
Make-up water sh.Jll be supplied from the
plate (If req).Thisis as per standard practice
condensate svstcm to the coolingwater head tank.
followed n all c•ccuted

,\I 7
projectsincludingongomi; 2X660 MW Maitree
Banflladch project.
Bidder C

t:- ..j '

' ·180 Part-A.Vol- 49, Potable water WC!. uudcrstand pot4lble Wilter sh•ll lift
,/ , 2 cl. 3.3.14 drawn from existing unit and service \\later !
>hall be tapped from intermiad ate stage of Bidder C
water treatment plant of proposed unit.
Following inputs not spe1cifiedin
tch111cal spedflcation:
Ground water will ecmernlly be used as rJw water Tender term-;; & coiiditior1wlll prevail
5ource for plilnt wat@r syst@m to produce
a) Potable w;iter tank c;piKlty and MOC (RCC
demiw<iter, ntilkeupwater for cooling rower carbon steal).
basin and to closed
181 Part-A. Vo·2 38,d.3.3.
S loop cool ne water systems fter appropriate chemical Ib) Service watP.r t.lnk capacity and MOC JRCC or
treatment ,service water, carbon steal).
Kindly furnish above inputs or confi1m tht the
unf oreseen demand etc.
sam shall be as per bidder's technical offer.

Bidde1 C

we understand that raw water alte1 c!Mificr
?,idcer shail design aml estinr illC thr.
Complete BillofMaterlals {e.g. aw water tnk, demi shall be stored in filtered w<Jt er tJnk. Cpr.ity
relcv<>nt pl:lnt et1uipm ent as nec:casarv to
132 Pnrr-A, Vol-2 ,,7 K:
e>:ecute r:uHJ compli!l<! the 1>mject on
wilter tank, semi- demiwater tank, f11tercd water MOC of Filtered water tank 1s 11or spe1cifl
turnkey basis as per tdmic;ilrequir ement
<.Iill storage tank, chemical storge tank,condente t.Jnk technical specification.
of tloc tender llidde-r c
RPCllo confi1m lhe same.

The firelighting water mains hall consist of buried I W1.undt r1.;nd that lur ed cw pip"
>hallbe ptp1nR of at least 150 mm diameter. The underground provided with wrapp1r1ri & COdting
or with aoiti-
Part-A, Vol 2 2GS, Cl.16.!l.2 pipewor shall be provi ed.with an ;ipproved
protectie\ approved non·corros ve materia . I coirosivc tape ot 4.0 n1m as
roacl erossine shall b"'-.:on<rete culv<>rts
Tender term & condition wrll prevai /latest

coati is
;;2 ,, ng manufactured
un froman
'· .
y (,'.\ the
02 AWWA- 93. er CW pipe under NFPA Bidder c
21/ 203- Ho
wev RPCL to ronlirm.
"") 1''/'fl 4'1z'-r'/"/{ . · .
('. ;:
00' .A '
/.,_1 Ji. Page 33 of lll7
""'- ..-
' ;- \n[ ;;iia>;;::.... \
- r

f_t _.' r.v·i i\\\ v

'I . ·-..., · "
7 t•' . -. \

' \\
{i 1

,. .(,;,.\

1[ )/ ·•
Page Number Tender Specifications Clarifications Sought RPCL.'s Clarificat ons
/Amendment> Remarks

Junction box is not applicable tor

submersible pumps.
Submersible sump pumps shall be complete Submersible pumps shall be prov ded

with J
18 Part-A, VCll-2 TendP.r terms & condition will pre\'a•I
4 I 57, Cl. 3.3.17 iw;iterproof junction box, discharge piping,control\, and
all aCCPS\nries required for proper!W'1tch forcontrol,control pane
,dlscllilrge hose
pipe. Dcsii;n & testingstandard for
pump 'hall be a'per BIS. Bidder(
All the reutri ll&alpumps shallbedesignC!d
in accordance with ANSI/HI1.1-
O<?sii:11 & testing5tar.dilrd for
l.'\, centrift1galpurnps
lBS Part-A, Vol 2 $1, CL Tend. r terms & condition will
3.3.17 Arreric<m NationalStandard, or ISO equ and motors per prevail
valent.for CcntrifugIPumps shall be,1$ 1:115. Eli dde1·c
WP. understand that this is the strainer to
Twin con1prtmQnlHrainer. (if applicable) shall be lie
so des e;ned so that each c mparttnent has a provided at the upstream of Plate h1oi\l

passage area of not les lhan twice that oft-he exchanger in ACW ystem (Auxiliary cool
186 Part-A. Vol-
ng water) fo1not allowiiie partica l to p. Tender tem1s & cond•t1on will pr.:?vail
pipecross sectional
7. 59, Cl. 3.3.lS I •
area. The st rainer v;ilves shall be so arransed thnt
c1 ssin l'lll pl.,tes.
he1 We propose 2Xl0U % Self
section can be iso ated and removed for cle.:in cleaningstrainers ( KS ba,ed) for !lidder C
1at any upstream of the PHFin ACW side.
time whilst nor>erat on. Drawings enclosed as annexures are n<n rhe bidd<'f may collect h 1eadable copy
reclable due 10 very poor scan quality. from

37 1.Anncure·
1.87 Part A, Sect on 23
Vol-/. 8, 9, 12, 15, (APPENDICSI fur11ish dl:!ar drawings either·in pd! or l\uto IWCL
16 format. l iddor C
No Mar1d<1tory spares list is a·1ai lalile in
the technicJI spccific.:ition.K ndly prov de
the list or mandatorv spares to be suppli d
for tlic

follo'A ngitems: Bidder sh.ill prov de list of nindatory spares/
l.ACW Pumps equipment/ cons•Jmables as n cesry durine
/18 . 2.DMCW the warranty period at his own cost Please

' ' Pumps refP.r

3. Service water pump ( f applicable)

. 4. neat e chanr,er lo the Clause no-22.0 Vol- of II,PJ11·A

PIJte s 11

t \
:1 -· } 6.SCS
7.Any orher centrifucal p(1mp applkable
water system Bidder c _

f'.iv,e 34 vr 107
SI No. I Volume/ Section I Clause Page Number Tender Specifications Clarifications Soueht RPCL's OarifiGtions
/Amendments Remarks

Selflapping screws willbe used for

attachment Studs used for machmcnt ofinsuiation shallbe Nelson of in ulation & shall be offered with
Volome-11,part-A, CIJuse no.
cquivalt nl
61 t<11nfess steelstudsin lengths suitable ior the insulation stainless steelmaterialas it appe<lr!that TenClt'r terms & condition will prevail
3.3.19 Lhickness. "Nelson stainless steel stud" pertains to some
!pecifi( brand.
Biddr (.
All the 1o<nts/11aps will be properly filledwith
llolume-11,part A,Clause no. All block insulation shail hdve joins broken and pointed loose wooltken from mattresses. oose woo•
up with plastic insulation. provides flexibility for pipe expansion. RPCl
Tender terms & condition prcv;iil

to BicldQr C

" \ ·
1. Autocad verion of plot plan to he arr ngP.d.
2. rower evacvat 1on corridor to be marked on Bidder will designpl;int equ1pme'1tl.iyour ;it his
plot plan own arrneernPnt_

.,]9y 381 PLOT PLAN 3. Approach road to site access may he marked Please tP.fC?r to <lrticle no. 1.1of Sectio11 1:
·, Vol
Description of the project, Volume /.of 2,
' !
- upon plo1plan.

. -"
Part A
4. Wind rose to be provided Wino velocity - 27.5 Km/hr
. Bidder C

For the required output with lGT•lHRSG+lST

Numbe1of 1>res1Jr"l'lev I> fo, >lt!a<n (:yd<'
confirguration. gcnerally.llRSG and ST arc triple
shell be minl•num duIpres$urr.If any
192 Part-A, Vol-] 1'1. Cl.2.5 H't .'.>t Recovery Steam Gene•ator pressure rchet type. Whereas, t specifica11on
Tedcrer off"" steam cycle more
calls for dual prl.!ssure stt:amcycle.
thandualprC$Sur for better
RPCllo review the same.
pertormJnte I eft<cicmcy,it willbe accl! !3<cld1:r C

As the net comb ned r_yclc output sh<ill b<!

for cla• 1f c;it on onmeasuring point for
Nel guaranteed.Hence,separate cuarantee fo
power output:
193 Cl. 4. combined cycle power output t
P;irt B,Vol- Guarantees i) High voltJge S>dc ol GTG step-up transformoer.
2 cenerator
Schedule-A t rminal'(i.e. r.ross combined cycle power
Hich voltaee side of GTG'tep·u p
ii) required.
output) and uxiliary power are not
& SrG'tep-up van former.
RPCl to kind y r!!'lirw and c:onfim1the same.
Bidder C

\ J -;-,;:

.'v" ·· - '. ; ,
· ··-v i
n · · < -
\;\ fYJ:\\f\ ;i, 01 ' ·:: :_ \\

Pag1> 35 of 107
II/ :::Ef l \ ".; _ rofa I I --------- ·
Page NumberTend:?r Specifications · ClarificationsSought RPCl's Clarifications /Am endments
_ _! Rem;ir .s

Wt• ruoµose oilfree screw type? air com11re so1 which are wpcrior to rcciproca11ng air cornpresor. There are ,,number of,l'
th:.t t rotry sc.n.: v1 :;c,mpr essor offer ovf' r'
reciprocating ir compre sor

M:ointr,,nance h simp e in scre.-v l 2scd ai1

Minir.1ur:i oil-ca.-ryover
Allil i ty to function in rough.1nd hrsh
4.lesser consumption of oil
lnstr1tmP.nt air system shJll be provid ed consisti ng of S.Minimum hPal genl'ratior.
two (2) full· capadtv G.Shock ess compression technology
194 Vol -ll , P<ilt l A so of 435 reciproc lin air conlprcssors eacn with necess;iry dir 7_Ver less noise levels.
filters.after cooler and 8.As compressor ho.son y.two movinr. part which 3rc not in contact with each other so no w!!a1 & th<!re islenposibliity of
receiver. principle, lristrumcnt/
Inbreakdown Proces air system ;ire to lie bscd on the technical requirement o
Please accept.

Please note that cornpte.wr capacity nd compressor dischari:c pressure are not mentin edi11tender specification. !\PCLlo
furnish lhe details orcompressor capilciW 11nd
discharllc pre:1stir".

', !

In principle, Instrument / Procc> air'ystem ail-' to h

Vol-IT, Part A, C:olusc no.:
195 3.3.8 SO of 435 Instrument Aor system/ Service air system

Bidder C

Inprinci1>l1?. Instrument / Procc) <1ir systC'm are to be based on the technical requirem
Pleasenote tlMt Dryer capacity and pressurt Me
Vol-Ii • Prt A, C:11u, no_: not mentincd in tender pecihcat1on_ Rf'( furnhh th!." details of dryer cp c.ity nd pressure.I'>,
-'-3.!lSO of ll:lS
lni;tnunent Air sylcm I S<!rvicc:- tJ1r sy,stcm

Pace :J.6 of
8idt1er C
SI No. Volume I SectionI Clause Page Number Tender Specifications Clarifications Sought RPCL's Clar fications
/Amendments Remark5

In principle. lntrument / Process air system

arc to be based on the
We propose to offer HOC Twin
One dual tower,desiccant type air dryer technir.cJIrequirement of the 360 MW
197 Vol-11 ,Part •' 50 of shallbe tower/Rotury drum type air drying plant CCPP pmject. Biddersshall apply be5t
43S to meet air requirement. RPCL to
I furnished with the system.
1ccept the s;imc.
engin1!e611g practice coniplylrlg latest
International stanclards in s11lett1ng
Bidder C
.JppropriaT<> instruent air and proct>ss air
Flov. diagram is not egible . RPCL to furnhh The hidder may collect the reJdab e copy from
198 Anncxurc-7, 394 of 435 Flow Oaigram of Compr.csscd Air System RPCL Ridder C
readable drawing.

. ---. - . ... • if tingequipments shall be provided only

.. .
for handlongequ pments havin11 weight
more thn
500 Kg.
• Upto 2000 kg, manual hoist shallbe provided.
\ · • Above 2000 kg,electric hoist

...,· -.. '""......
. .-:", / shallbe provided.
• Crane/ Hoist capacity shallbe decided with a
,. .'i9 Clause no-18.6.3, Vol-IIof II. Paee
283 of HOIST margm of 10% 0•1er heaviest equipment to be Tend"r terms & condition .,..,ill
Part-/\ 428 prevail ifted.
• Cranes &.Hoisl!. shall be of MS duly &
Class II dury respectively a.s per Indian
• Cranes & hoists shallbe deslgner:I,
manufactured & test<?d as per relevant

Bidder C
Mndatory spares lst for Electric Hoists &

I Cl3u>E>
spares/ no-2.7.1. Vl'>l- 1of II,
Chain pulleyblocks are not listed in
Bidder sh,111prov1de list cf m.1ndat orv
rage 211 of 428 Spare Parts and consumables technical specification.Customer is requested
Part-A quiprnnt/ COfl')umaiJles l'leCCSSary dutine,
I200 tu c

I provide list of Mandatory spares tobe

tht' wdrranty period at hi own cos .Please refer
I Clausi. no-22.0 Vol-IIof 11, f>age .68 of
considered for [iectric Hoim& Chain pulley
b!ocks package.ThE< aineis required for the
tc the Clause no-22 0 Vol-II of ii,Part·'
Bidder C

purpose cf estimation. Bidder C

42S The bide!er may conduct w•ter an31ys sif r>lese 11ote th;it the water nalysis (for d!!sign
201 deemed
purpose !needs to be conducted throughout the
necessary at his owncost beforesubmiss on o! the bid.
seaons. (year) to kno"v the var"iationof wat. r 6itlder f'lJll collect all artr11t1on.1l 1nfonnatiOl'l a.1

r\ r1llJfft.1fj,
): PMT·A 45 However. alter signingof Contract the w<iter analysis at
'J' -
\:.... ,i:- .
H1P. l.CJSt or thP Contractor h mandatory for
r \ P/.'\ .._ 8 . .,t;\ \ :·_·..-. \h ..:
f l. '\;;

Jr <I' "'"'.\ <., l/J

dP.lailPrl design of Water Treatment Plant
I/,. <: 4/'.f l7J I .,.,.
I ,. , ,. ....
ld1,1/ j
J ' "/
· · ; : -- :'\
:..- quafity and accordinely t he design water <>nalysis his own
rran111ement is derived. RPCL to fu1n sh thP. detailed design
wate r '°'n:\lysis. iclder C.
Pae :ix of 107
rl Volume I Section I Oause IPage Tender Specifications Clarifications Southt RPCl.'s Clarific;,tions
SINo. Numbt?r /Amendments Remarh

The technical parameter !Job size,

technical detail & capacity} for Eq:Jipnient
is not
211 A 22 Pillar drill machine> mentioned in tender document. Rl'CL to
lurnish the echoic.ii paramete1 of Equipment.

Bidde' C

,·[ '\.
The technical parameter (lob size'. tC'cnnic;il
delail & capacity) for Equipment 1 not
A 22 Pillar Grinder mciitioned in tender docum(:nt. RPCL to
furnish the:echnical pMametcr of tqlliprnent.
: I
. --- ./1"
The technical parameter (Job sJZc.Lccch nical
detail & capacity] for Ei:iuipm P.nt is not

1 "'
A 22 Surlacr!Grinder mentioned in tender document. RPCL to furnih
The technical pr;imC'ler of fquipmenl.

Bidder c;
The technical pJrameter (Job size. l.echr1ica l
detail & capacity) for Equipment is not
214 /\ l7. Universal millr?r machine' mentioned in tender document. RPCL to furnrsh

the technical parameter of Equipment.

Bodcler (

I 21S A 22 Shaper Machine

The technic;il pMan1eter {Joi.> ize, te(hnical
detail & capacity) fo1·Equipment i\ not
rT1entioned in tender documenl. RPCL Lo
furnish the technic.ll pMameter of Equipment.

£lidcter (

lhe technic;il llramcier (Job ize. technical

detnil & capaci ·) for Equipment i not
2.16 A 22 Power sav; machine mentioned in l ndP.r rlocurnenl..RPCL to
..-::::=::--- fu1nish the tech nical parameter o'f

' _;
Bidder C

Page 39 of 107
•. ""' "..\ .
- .
\ sr1to.:...: .Yctaon / Cluse Page Number Tender Specificat ons Clarifications Sought RPC!.'s Oari ications /Amcndment.s
.\ .._ \..J • Remarks

. - .',.... ..
': '
·ii7===: .,
..., I
;J A 22 Hydraulic Pres mach 1 e
The tcch<Jical par;i111etcr (Job si e. tcchnic I
detail& c?.p.:ocitv) '°'Equipment I> not
mentioned in tender document. RPCL to turni\11
thr technic;ilp•rameter of f.q11ipmen1.
Bidder C
!'tease sec A nnexur<' 5 in the A
Tne tPchnicalparameter {Job mendment.
size.lcchnrcal dctil& capacity) for
Equipment I nor
218 A 22 Welding machinf> set "'"ntioned in P.nder document. RPCL to
the technical parameter of Equipment.
The te<:hnic1:. 1parameter {Job izc,tcc:li111cal
detail & c.-ipacityifor Equipment isnot :
219 A 27 Rolle1 machine mentionedin tender document. RPCI to furnish
thetechnicalparameter of Fquiprne11t.

£Jidder C

The techn cal pRrameter (lob si2c,

tch11icJI detail & capacity) tor
Equipment is not
!'-. 220 A n Sl1<"Ming m.lcJ1ne mntioned in tender document. f<PCL to furnish
the tcchn cJIparamete1 of Equipment.

Bidd<?r C

Th" r:e(hnical p<11ameter (Job Sile, tl!chnlcal

7.<l A
22 Boringmuchine det;iil& C fl3City) for Equipment is !101
oned 111l<•nder document. RPCl to
' I the technicJIparameter of [quipment.

l f3iddN (

I Th 1echnit.JI parrneter !Job i c. tcc:hnocal

,,, I
det;iil & capacity) for Equipment is not
A n liydrauli P•dler k il r.oC'ntrorwd on tendP.r document. RPCL to
furni h tloc technical paramt?tP.r of
I Cciuipmcm.

I ------ - ·--· 13i dder C

· -
Paee40ui 107
SI No. Volume/ Section I Oause Page Number
Tender Specifications Clarifications SougM RPCL's Clarifications Remarks I
1he techn cal parw. netcr (Job $iZc,
technical detail& capacity) for
Equipmenl i not
223 A 22 lai>Ping lllachine rnHnlioriedin tender document. RPCL to furn:;h
the technical parameter of Equipment.

Bidder :

'lhe tech<lical paraml'ter (Job size.

tcchnic;il det l& cap.ici y} for Equipment
is not
224. A 22 Air rnmpressor me11tiom;di11 tender document. RPC.I to furni h
/ '·
the technic<tl p;ir.arncter or equipment.
' 4- '
' ,
\ Bidder•:
, \ ·; I ThP. technical parameter (Job size, teclmicJI

' detail& capacity} for Equipment is not

\ ' .... """ Trolley mnunlt>d transformer oilcentrifuce machine

_ .. '-

"--22s _ ,/
A 22 mentionedintender document. RPCL to fur

' the technic;:il par;imete'f of Equirment. Bidder C

The technical parmetN(Job size, technical

detail & capacity) for Equipmentis not
726 /\ 22 Trolley mounted luhe oilcentrifur,e machine mC'ntioncdin tC'nder document. RPCL o
the technical parameter of Equipment.
Bidder C

It may benoted that mandatory spar s tor l>iddt>r shall pro111de list of mal'dato1y spares/
workshop equipmentis not appllcable and we equipment/ con5umables as rlccessMy
227 Mandtory Spores cluring have not provided any mandatory spares under the warranty priod at hl.s own
I cost.Please refer
I workshop equipment head to any dicnt so to the Clause no-22.0 Vol llof
II.Part A Bidder C

We will design, rnanufncturP. and tested
22S A 28 2 .30 l'.urnishinsollntcrn.itionalStandard Documl!nts workshop equipmenI!. as per relevant Indian lcnd r terms & cond1t1onwrll prevJit
St. ndard /code .Rf>CL to accept the s1. mc..
Bidder C I
The project land is required to be'fillC'cJ, developed;ind corilirm the finished ground levelof the
,V '... .I., "
'•rt A'«hoi compacted upto the recorded maximum waterlevel plantin terms of reducedlevel & fur-Jier confirm

; r ; ,:l '\
I Design Elt?vationof the projtict Land \hall be
; • ":l2 9 . 30S plus 1m. That means the proposed 360 MW power th..- posiblily of terT;,ccd l'l.99 mPWlJ
•.: : .) • q uiremcnt).Section·
'. ;, .
-- .·
: ;
0- _,
( ..
- .-
Clause site shall have to be at a ground levelof optimization of tile earth work inlevclling, anti
·"'> 15.02 mPWO. r.radine. Ridder C
project ,,

.y.. ·.:) _,.

.C::.:-: . -'·)
_: ,
\ ... .
.:. • '
...,..· ·.j
;, ' :,, ) ;.
'l/:1r1· 1 :\{.'"/ Page 41 of 107


Page 2 o: If)/

51 No. I Volume I Section / Clause

Page Number Tender Specifications Clarifications Sought
RPCL's Clarifications /Amendments
Lann .icqi\rt on,ri&ht wo:iy, &citing stawa"(
Vol 2 of .2 Part A (Technical dr.arancc lur construction of the faci it!e:. outsideplant will in scopeof RPCL RPCl to conf1rm.
238I requirement},Section-1, 3 foblc·l RPCl to furnish Plot Plan Jncl TopographicJI
T'1blc-l Survey drc of the proposed plant art>a in Au to Cad Tencl1!r terms & cond tion will prevail

IVol 2 P;u·A, Clause no.2.23, I 2S
Addition.11 fillingand rlf;'v eloµrnent of newly acquired 5 .
BuldingandCivilWorh acres land.

Civilwork shllTendc!I IC?rms
be carried out as&perIndian
condition will prevail
standard code. RPCL to confirm.
l-_,., -t- --1..... .. +--
ln>tccd of llNl:lC codP. bidder >uggest to c;irry out JllCivil, and architectural design as pc:-r lndi<in code. RPC
Tender terms & condition will prevail

Code for design, execution \...Ork etc

Design ot civil nd tructual work shall be c;Jrrit?d

(c ) Wind vclccity:200 km/hour wind velocity:
with wind velodty:·200 km/hour. RPCL to
2lSkm/hour Please refer to Mticlc iio.l l oi Section l: Dl!scriJ)tiol'I of thc pfo1

20.l.l :The project land Is required to be filled,

developed and compacted upto the recorded
max rnum waterlevel plus m. 20.2: Site Works :SiteFilline is mentioned os lm above maximu m
clearance.excavation and filling or the Site to lormation waterlevelin clause 20.1.1and O.Bm ir..RPCL to
level (0.8furnish the nearest highway level and itf'
rnet+!r above High Flood Level or 1.0 meter aboveformat onlevel.
nearest Highway which one Is Des gn Elev11tio11of the projet Land shall be
higher) lll.99 m?WC

Designed Elevatio:i of theproject L;md is 14 9!:J rnPWD. 1

·rh" p roJP.Ct landi• required t o hr filled,clevel()!)cd and

co01pactei.l upto the recorded
1Thu<imum wdter le1Jc l ptu lm. That means the The n:tcrred 1ause> are co11tradictol'/. Plese Design Elcv<Jticm of the projc•t l.ancJ sh<>ll lJe
308 proposed 360 MW power plant Design EICJ' ation of t he. projC'ct I.and shall be
furnish the Finished t;rade level (FGL) oflhe 14.99 mPWD
project e shll have to be at a groundlevelof 15.02 propost'd plant i C?. RPCl toalsoh:rr.hh the ;1:.99 mrwo R

Pag£> 4 3 of 107
Page Number Tender Specifications ' Oarifications Sought I RPCL's Oarifications -
- 5it<? Work$ :Site cleilrance.e.cavation ilrtd f11finr. ot nearest higf1w y level. /Amendment Rem..rks
ol·'Part-A, Clause
the Site to fomiatio11level (0.8 meter above Hieh I Design E iP.varion of the project Lnd sh;;IIbe

S:o;:>P. 0
f c· W k
or s.
310 levelor LO meter above nearest Highway which one is
14.99 mr>WO
· hiehcr) tnc1ud1n ;t runnint surp!us xcavatcd maH
rial"i Bidder C
--- ·- --I
Bidder lM:I clc>ign all the relevant plant
Vol 2of 2 P<11t A The ContrilC\or slMll prep,.re the dr.iwing necessJry
for equipment layout and dr<1V1ini:s <'1$
247 (TE'chnical requir<? 311 R!'Ct to furnish the
h s construction purpose neccas.'l•Y to execute Jnd complete the
men1J,Sect on· drnwings.
project onturnkey
20/Clause no 7.0.3 1 ba ed on the attached drJwini;s and the speciliC<lt
on... bosis as per tc hnical requ rement of the tl'n<icr jBiddcr C

Vol 2 of 'l P rt A
Thh is a EPCcontract, hu item r te Please follow 'he tcm5 ilnd cond1t1ons spec1
24 (Technie<JI 31 Me•<urment And Payment 1ed
8 rcquirem,:,nt)/CI.No.20.3.!> 3 pJynient
>hall not be va lid.RPCL to clarify. i1' tht" tl"nder' reg._1rding you- que,.ies Brdder C
(l}& (2)

I Vol2of 2.Part A (Technical I The bid price for piling she.II be lu mp sum and Thi> is a EPC contract. thus item rate IJH 'mPnt I Please follow tli c tern Jntl condi ions

'"''''""°'""·'" >OA.2
shall remainfirm irrespective of the type of
desicn. specified Bidder (

hall not ue V dlicl. Rf>CL to cl;infy. 11i the? tender regrdin(; y.;ur queries
All found<ition stulllbe designed in C'cordance with
the requirement as laid down in CP2004:1972 Found

i 250 I SectiQn··20/Clauc no 20.4.J I 314

r on'" or other .1pproved Standards md Codes of
All tound;ition shell be designedin accordancu
with the requircav.nt as 1'1iri down in Indian Tender terms :i. conditio1i will prcvJil
Bidd er C

Stand.Jrds of desicn.mater als, and workmanship shall Sta1idard. flPCL to confirm

25J I Sect•on-20/Clalist:no:rn.s.1 21 he in conformity with this Specificat on,ACIStandard

Standards of des i:n.materials, and
wo• kmnship shall be -carried out a> per Tendr terms & condition
or other internationally accepted Standards approved willprevail
f-----+·-· Indian 'andard code. RPCL to conf i rm.
by the Enp,ineer. Bdder (

,. 252- · l, ection-20/Clause no !lidder shall designall the relevant

20.G ihe Contr.:ictor shall furnishilldesigns and construct
civilworks and drawincs as ncccasaf)' to
Kindly specify the wicJthof roads in
I ,.-...I
' 32.
the roads.v•rds, 11aths, surfaing as necessary for
tbc different area and shou der width execute <111d
proper functioni nc of the pOY1'. l'r station. if dny. complete the project on turnk v basis as
technicI rcquirc•mPnt of the tender

As per Clause? 20.6.l Minimum thickness of

253 fuicn-70/Cl ue no 70.G.l RPCLlo specify the minimum P ease refer to the claue< a I
328 & conc.rcte p<1vement: lScm and as per Clause
thickncs of mentioned,v.herc
330 pavemen t thickness shall be /Ocrn
concrete pavcmcnl. two diffen•nt desic11 i structure are BicldP.r C
or as dcsig11ed.
Voll of ?. Part /\ (Technical
25.J I rc \lirement)/CI.No.
U 3/ Pa: e No 25
25 Plant apµrcldch road.incl all internal We under>tancl that Roads outsi<.ll> the 1\pprnachro:ids ot:tside of the plant 1s
roads plant bid<.lt'r's
bouncl;iry Is not in bidder· scope. scope
. 1 .•1 __
j Biddcr C I

r•1cc 4 ul
SI NO. Volum«i> I S«?ction I Claus<? Page Numbl?r Tender Specif cat ons Clarifications Sout:ht A PCL's Clarificat ons /Amendments

KPI(Kev Pointln$Uillation) standards are being followed m different Important /·ital inst.11
Bidders 'Ire requested to follow the applic
S1"llio11-l/Clause no 2.24 2
RPCl to sp;,cify the extent 1ndlayout o.f boundary wall in bidder srnpP.
!1ancladesl1Government KPIstandard

( ,... \ Boundary wall

... Bidder n<>ll design all the reievant civilworks and drawings as neccaary to ex• Cu\e and complete 1he pl'Oj<>et 011 turnkey ba

,z_ ·
technit.11requirement of the t nder

335 Kl'CLlo specify the cn1tfall location of the drain.

2SG ,·Section 20/Clause no 20.7.2 DrainIJying Bidder C
The Tender shall include the .... Tender Drawings. schedule of material and foni h«i>s onwhich the tender his beenbased.The Buildina
Bidcler shall designonallthe
... shown theTender
rP.levant l,yout and drawings as oec(a ry to PxecutP <incl rnmpletP. the project on turnkey basis as per technical re
RPCL to furnish the 1elevant tender dra·wingas mentioned in the clause showingall Uie detai s.
Bidder C
9idder shall des gn all the rele.,ant civilwork> and d1dwin(lS as neccsary to execute and complel<' the project on turnkey b,1s1s as per technical
0 Bidder C
RPCL to specify the floof/buiding/area. where the floor ng system r.o be applied.

257 Section 2l/C. ause no 21.l.l

Bidder C-
Bidder shall clesien all the fl'levant civilworks and dr...wir1gs as neec<lsary tc execute and
1 258 SFtctior. 21/Clause no 21.5.9 361 Flo.or layint:

Sidder :

Vol 2 of 2 Pi1rt259
A (Technical requirement)/O.No.20..7
Section-21/Clause no
Terider t.wus & condition will prevail

RPCLto specify the floor/buldinc/area,

Wall and Bidder ::
ceiingfinishes here the n1shing system tc• be
requ rement and spccficationshall bl'
furnished by l\PCL

lndi n )tandards f rom Bureauof lnci11

309 !'>tandards And Codes 01 Practice Standards are proposed to be used for Ci•iil
c!eien ?urpose.RPCl 10 confirm.

Bdder sh.ill UeSit)n ,3r1cJ COrlStruc: IIlhc

relevant standJrd permanent jetty for loading &
261 Vol of '). P<trt A 31 mind.Jrd permanent jelly fur loadine & Unloadin ar .riv< sicie as neccasary to exec11tc
{Teclmical 0 Unloadinc at
No.).0.2 (b) riverside

and complete the project on turnkev basis as
per technicalrequirement cf the tender
- 1\ t; ,.",':-"-"""'
ti \:'
Bidder :
i. - w--

rn:I c.,., \.';" ' r
N--;-'; •\
I c;
_ ,
,. .
I . .t - r-_:i :.:.. ·

: 7· ·:
c;:; , : •

Page 45 of 107
I .....-..:: ·-- :


' *;-'..

.. .. , ·
·,( ;!··
-.....""- l', r • ·' •
Page Number Tender Specif cations Cl:l:-ificz: !iosS:>t:;!'::. R:>CL's C!;:r! c:;; cns /Amendments

{a) Detail,!.>peci :c..1io11 a.d reQuirer,-..ent k>r furn ture shall h1< wovided area wi!,e/bt1ilding wise.
(b) Reidential townshipis not in bidder'• scope thus dometic gas supply to residential milding

Work al o include supply of furniture to all bllildin) isnot applicdli:e for bidder.
nd domestic gas supply t:i residef\ial b1Jild '•1i;s

Tender terms & condition will pit-vail

llidder '""If des1e,n ;indconsti uct all the 1elevarlt

civil work i'lnd dr;twings ns necca:sm·y to e>.ecutc
<ind complete the project on turnkey IJasi a prr
VolZ.of 2 i>art A (Tchnical requirernent)/CI. No.21.l. Size of the brnld1ng, .>nd oth?r <.pccif 1c technical rt'.!quirement of tl1c tend r Bidder C
requirement shall be furnished.
6iclde1 c
263 Guard Rooms

Specific details of M->terialfor Rain w.>tPr D<>wn t.:ike pipe is not availableinthe specificatior..It
is proposed to u'e Power House Suildint: with GI P pes and for oth<?r Buildings PVC p•pi:s. Kindly confirm
Vol 2 ol 2 Part A tTechnicdl
requiremen )/CI.No.21.4.2 Tendpr t.emu& condition willprevnil
7.64 351
Bidder C

Enginceri11cdrawings shll be suhmlttecl for

Vol ;of 2 Part A (Technical reQuin meoit)/CI. :,,21.5.:l (4) approval. FJbrlcation ant1 erection drawlrt(! fende1·1erni> R. condition will p1evll
353 Fabrication 1ta:1 be submitted f o,.information purpose or,ly.;
81c:cler (

Brdder shall desi::n all the relev<1nt civilworks

Vol 2of 2 Part A (1echnical Spccrfic3l on for primrr and µaintiny, v11lh
requirement)/CI. No71.5.J and drawines as nc:usary to execute and minimum dry filmlhicknes.s (DFn rquiranienlcom;ilelP hP. project on turnkey basi> ilS per
266 (7) 355 shall be furnished.
.- /'"

Structuralstee pintinc thn 1cal requirement of the tender

All poinl distempers and other materials Slldll Lie <Jf an I

Dislempl'.'r paint standard
In Nori -t\/C 1rca and /\crylic

f 2 i>ilrt A (Ted1nic"I approved Llramlor Llrands nd >hall comply with JIS Stanclardor other, equivalent to be approved by the Enineer.
3G4 Emul>ion paint in A/c ;uea shall be providctl. BidtfN·(
267 r:quirement)/CJ.No 21.G.l HPCL to confirm.
Tencler term & con:!itionwill prevail

268 Vol 2of 2 P,m f,(1c'hni,I rcquiremcnt)/C:I. No 2l.S.10 floor tilPs. Pl confirm. Tile si'"or l.OO>c lOOS mm shall not be re>tricled. Bidder ( ccrrnic wall t l )lli!ll be or nominal s 1e 100 mm x 100
Tile mm
siw sh;ill be m.1tched
x 5 mm, colour ta with
bl! select<'d.
36J Tende r 1crn1s & ccndition will prcv,111

Voll of 2 l' iIA ( Ii>i:hnical rcquirm<>nt)/CI. No 21.!;.10 btr.r nIrendcrin sh;;ll be ilpplicd inlwo CO h. wilh "'1•
Bidder C
rproved waler·pruof agent <idded tolhc mixi s
h9 362 ThicknE's of htPrnal pl:i>ter >hall Ix furni,hed Tender crms & condition will prcvad Bicder c

P.11l' •16 c.f I 07

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