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Subject Line: [Discord Name] - Whitelist Application

In your own words, define the terms Metagaming (MG); Powergaming (PG) and
Deathmatching (DM): 

Metagaming is giving another player or group of players information that is in-

character (IC) via methods that are out-of-character (OOC). Metagaming, which is
completely forbidden, is defined as using any out-of-character information while
role playing in-character. It is completely prohibited to use out-of-character
information communication to inform or influence anything IC. 

i.e. player 1 has ability to view player 2's character name. player 1 uses this
advantage to correctly guess player 2's name during their first interaction while

Powergaming are actions that are either impractical in real life or are
inconsistent with your character and not permitted. You cannot compel another
player to take action. Roleplaying non-player characters is prohibited. 

i.e. player 1 weighs a minimum of 300lbs on his lightest day. player 1 performs an
action in-character that involves swimming for hours in an ocean. player 1 has
never swam before nor has he ever had any swim training. player 1 swims across the
ocean until he reaches the beach of another city on his first attempt.

Deathmatching happens when killing or abusing a player or group of players with a

weak motive, no motive, or a motive that is just not reasonable (or logical) enough
to support the attack. This includes participating in provocative behavior or
responding to other players' conduct in a way that escalates the situation.

i.e. player 1 notices his victim enter an interior and has the motive to kill him.
player 1 has never interacted with player 2 in-character but they are familiar out-
of-character. player 1 chases player 2 around in the interior with a Katana and
slays player 2. when player 2 reports the incident for deathmatching, he/she will
win their case.

What is the name of our State?: State of Lannaheche

What year is our server set in?: 1875

What major event has just happened in the United States a decade prior to our
server setting?: The U.S. Civil War ended which resulted in Union victory over the
Confederacy. On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee turned over to Ulysses S. Grant at
Appomattox Courthouse, the final substantial Confederate force. On May 13, 1865,
the final conflict took place in Texas at Palmito Ranch.

What are the four main native tribes that are present in our server
lore?: Cehtangi, Wapiti, Tohwyen, and Apache (?)

Please respond to the following scenarios with what rules, if any, you can see
being broken (specifically naming the rule) and any comments on character

You and your friend decide to go hunting in the outskirts of Valentine. You are
shooting all the animals you can see, before collecting as many pelts as possible.
Once you return to Valentine and provide the butcher your goods, you notice that
you can just keep selling the same pelt over and over. You decide to keep doing
this for a while without telling anyone.

Realistically, there is no rule being broken here. If the butcher's price is not a
confirmed bug then the player is well within their right to take advantage. It may
be against the law to hunt every living animal sighted, but I believe that is a
concern best left for in-character players to handle. If we choose not to tell
anyone, that is our characters personal decision and the deciding factors causing
that decision should always be considered.

You enter Rhodes with your friend. You’ve been committing petty crimes while on the
trail, mainly theft. As you ride along, you spot a lone fisherman. You stick him up
and take his fishing rod, all his fish, his revolver and his money. You leave in a
hurry and ride into Rhodes, sell his fish and head to the saloon. Before you can
enter, you notice the fisherman that you robbed earlier is approaching you. He’s
accompanied by three deputies. Before you react, another three approaches,
surrounding both of you. They aim their rifles at you and demand your surrender.
Your friend complies with their demands, but you use your horse to ram into the
deputies and make your escape.

I believe if the robber (myself) if already mounted on a horse before the deputies
approach them, are at a reasonable distance and the deputies aren't feeling
trigger-happy, then I should be well within my right to flee. If you are arrested
in the U.S. for a felony crime, there is a very good chance your life could end
soon after, especially during the 19th century when "hanging" was a solution for
most violent crimes. The player (myself) has to fear dying by hanging, inside of a
cell, on the run from law enforcement OR by the rifles of the six deputies
demanding his surrender. I believe the deciding factors should be considered, as a
considerable amount of people or simply just more willing to die than to be
enslaved, which is essentially what jail is like.

If I decided to flee to my horse after already being surrounded by the six

deputies, this would be breaking the first server rule, "common courtesy - you are
expected to roleplay at all times. "  There is no way six rifle bearing deputies
would allow me to mount my horse and escape even if they decided not to shoot me.
They would simply just restrain me easily because of the fact that they outnumber
me, and anything otherwise would be considered powergaming.

You are farming alone near Strawberry in an open field, and you notice two
individuals approaching you; you don’t think anything of it. The two individuals
are friendly with you at the start, but once you finish harvesting your crops one
of the individuals throws a lasso at you without saying anything or aiming a gun.
You get hogtied, and your crops get taken, you then decide to start talking to them
in /b and ignoring their roleplay, you tell them you won’t continue this roleplay
without admin intervention.

If everything was role played accordingly, the thieves are in the right. If the
hogtying was not powergaming, they are allowed to rob me of any of my personal
possessions. The fact that I am complaining in /b would be breaking the the first
server rule, "common courtesy - you are expected to roleplay at all times. " Admin
intervention, if required, should come after the scene has concluded in this case.
You decide to go hunting near Blackwater, and you notice a couple of bison. You
shoot it in the head with your repeater, skin it and place the bison’s pelt on your
horse. However, much to your dismay, you notice in the distance a few Indians in
the distance. You can see them and the silhouette of their horses. You get nervous
as you start to notice them following you. Not wanting any issues, you decide to go
through “Tall Trees” and lose them there. As you ride past, you see an Indian camp
and realize you’re in fact in their territory. You start to rush towards the exit
but end up surrounded by four Indians. They fire arrows into you and kill you
within seconds.

This would be considered deathmatching if the server does not allow Native
Americans and their reservations to murder trespassers. Trespassing, especially
hunting on Native land is more than enough reason to be slain. Not only have
Americans taken their land, but they will take their only source of food on that
reservation, essentially starving them if left unchecked.
Please write a brief story of a character you think would be a believable citizen
in Lannahechee? Aim for approximately 200 words:

Mukua Puhakanten, which is translated to "Soul Healer" in English, is not a citizen

of Lannahechee but a Native American born on the reservation of the Cehtangi tribe.
Makua was born in 1857 and has lived the entirety of her life on the reservation
lands. She has never seen, encountered or interacted with any outsiders who were
not Native Americans from cousin tribes. Cehtangi and their traditions is the only
thing she has ever known and dedicates her life to her tribe, as such mentality was
instilled in her since she could walk. Her alias represents her tactile tendencies
as well as her need to always offer her support for any physical, emotional and
psychological distress that any member of her reservation may be enduring. Mukua
has a loving and caring personality which has the ability to shed light during even
the darkest times, whether it be with her genuine, kind words, soothing touch, or
her humor. Her very presence is the epitome of content and her demeanor is always
sweet, innocent and naïve.

The things that interest Mukua the most are spiritual and medicinal practices, but
her true talents are singing and dancing, altogether performing, which is something
that she learned from older, experienced performers of the spirit dance in the

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