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Name : Ferniana Yulti

Grade : 2 B

Npm : 16.31.2017



Education is important thing to make some people be better person in their future.
And education is very important thing in the district to be forward. It Is felt by
Manggaraian society. Commonly manggaraian people make some things how of the way
their children get education. It is good common for them, that is they make the ritual
namely “ Wuat Wai.”

Wuat wa’i as a form of society espoused that is very high. The value of this
togetherness make Manggaraian become more and more united to against stupidity. And
the philosophy of education in manggarai is lalong bakok du lako, lalong rombeng du kole
which means that when you leave ( children who will go to school) is white cock, and when
you back is cock who has beautiful colors. The point of this philosophy is to hope children
who go to get education will get successful. These words commonly is said in term of
message or advice. Education philosophy in school party tradition ( tae skola/wuat wa’i)
Manggarai also put utopia philosophy ( cannot reached by rationalized) one philosophy
which can say is uwa haeng wulang langkas haeng ntala which means that grow up till to
moons and stars. Although this philosophy is irrational, but it can be as fight spirit to
children to have a good dream. Also wuat wa’i is one way of parents in Manggarai get
much money by participation with their some friends. The purpose of it is as supply for
their children who will go to school. They believe that family who has problem in financial
they can be solved by this way. Because of that, they can send their children in university
they want. Furthermore, wuat wa’i not just about the common meeting, but also religious
meeting has. Mori kraeng or Lord and all who had died asked to present in that meeting
which has aim to ask blessing for their children to prevent by all of thing problems when
they study. And the hold of this ritual in religious situation, started by pray in tomb by
giving sesajen (teing hang kolang) by the older parents in that village. Who allow come in
this ritual are close family and church elder.

These sesajens are white cock (lalong bakok) and red cock ( lalong cepang). These cocks
are slaughtered turnly.

And one of oldest parent says “ oo…te wuad wa’i, porong neka manga do’ong lakon lage
tacik, porong neka ronggo do’ong watang one salang, sengkang mena, porong lalong
bakok du lakon, porong lalong rombeng du kolen.” Which means that hopefully their
children are safe in the street and be successful person in job.

Ritual wuat wa’i/ tae skolah ( school party) in Manggarai has some important thing
in society effort capacity in education. This ritual can sprot up togetherness value, to
prevent the fact of having fallen behind of quality and get graduate standard of education.

1. Marselus N. N. 2015. Jurnal pendidikan dan kebudayaan missio,volume 7. Filosofi

wuat wa’I budaya Manggarai dari perspektif demokrasi pancasila. STKIP St.
Paulus Ruteng.
2. Dagur, Antony Bagul. 1977. Kebudayaan Manggarai Sebagai Suatu Khasanah
Kebudayaan Nasional. Surabaya : Ubhara Press Kamari.
3. Hidayat, Z.M.1976.Masyarakat Dan Kebudayaan Suku-Suku Bangsa Di Nusa
Tenggara Timur. Bandung: Tersito.

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