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TA : 8 CO : 7 VC : 8 GR : 7

Topic: Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better
prepared with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by
wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Poor families
=Impoverished families
=impoverished households
= low- income families
= poverty- stricken families
= families with difficult circumstances
= families lacking financial resources
= working- class families

Rich families
= wealthy families
= well –off families
= affluent families
= children who have prosperous parents
= opulent families
= materially abundant life

be brought up = raise up = nurture: nuôi lớn

be entitled to = be eligible for : thua huong
It is often argued whether children from impoverished families can cope with challenges
in their life better than the ones raised in affluent families. While I concede the latter can
bring about benefits in some aspects, I strongly believe that it is more advantageous to be
brought up in families with difficult circumstances.

On the one hand, there are several compelling reasons why it is justifiable to nurture
children in families living a materially abundant life. The primary reason is that affluent
families can provide their offspring with better living conditions and other materials. By
being eligible for these resources, the children have a variety of opportunities to attend
more prestigious schools equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, concentrate largely on
their study and gain better academic achievements than their disadvantaged peers. In
addition, when children whose parents are wealth-off and willing to afford their children
good quality childcare as well as other extracurricular activities, such youngsters are
likely to become more well -rounded in terms of physical and mental aspects.

On the other hand, I suppose there is a myriad of merits for children to be brought up in
impoverished families. The first one is that since children from families with difficult
circumstances tend to struggle with the unforgiving reality during their early stages in
life, they can develop their resilient personalities to overcome onerous challenges in their
adulthood. A typical example of this is that in Viet Nam where adolescents from
working- class families in rural and mountainous areas often endeavor to support their
parents to do household chores and fulfill their assignments at school simultaneously,
which equips them with valuable characters, such as responsibility, endurance, and
diligence. This paves the way for them to be capable of being confronted with stiff
competition and the competitive world later on. Furthermore, children who witness their
parents grappling with likelihood incline to appreciate the value of money. This might
contribute to the formation of their maturity earlier, the possibility of sharing the burdens
with their parents and becoming decent citizens.

In conclusion, although living in wealthy families can be beneficial to children in some

dimensions, I hold the view that they can derive more merits when raising in poverty-
stricken families, such as facilitating them to be well-equipped with essential life skills
for their future and becoming less impulsive. Parents of all social classes should therefore
take these factors into account to provide their children the most appropriate child-

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