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CH 1 Understanding personality and its dev

Personality-The pattern of enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from others, or the pattern of behaviour that
makes each individual unique. Nature of Personality-1. Personality is Fairly Stable: This means that our personality does not
change drastically over time. If you think about your own personality, you will find that you tend to have the same thoughts,
feelings and behaviour in any situation. 2. Personality is Made of External and Internal Factors: Personality is a combination of
physical and psychological traits or qualities. Height, body type, body language may all be important for your personality, but
qualities that cannot be seen. 3. Personality is Unique: No two people are the same. Even identical twins, who share the same
genes, are different from one another. We may have certain traits or qualities that are similar to another person. 4.
Personality Decides how well we will Adjust to our Environment: Human beings are social animals. Over time we have
developed personalities that help us adjust with other people around us. Qualities like patience, agreeableness, and kindness
help us adjust with other people. 5. Personality is not just about External Appearance: External appearance is only a part of the
overall personality. While external appearance is quite important in personality. there are factors like intelligence, and other
mental, emotional, and social factors that contribute to one's personality. 6. Personality is not Limited to Body-language: The
way we communicate verbally and non-verbally, our posture and our gait, contribute to our personality. Body language
complements personality but does not replace it. Different Types of Personalities-1. Hippocrates Classification-Type of Body
Fluid, Type of Personality, Temperament/Nature-*Blood, Sanguine, Optimistic, warm, happy and hopeful *Phlegm Phlegmatic
Cold, passive, lethargic *Black bile, Melancholic, Sad, depressed, dejected *Yellow bile, Choleric, Irritable, impulsive, tense,
hot-headed. 2. Kretschmer's Classification-Personality Type-Physique-Personality Characteristics- 1. Pyknic, Fat and short,
Outgoing, happy, sociable 2. Athletic, Muscular and well-built, Active, energetic, aggressive 3. Aesthenic, Tall and thin,
Reserved, shy, sad 4. Dysplastic, Abnormal. Abnormal personality 3. William Sheldon's Classification -Personality Type-Somatic
Description/ Physique-Personality Characteristics-*Endomorphy, highly developed viscera but weak somatic structure, Relaxed,
social, affectionate *Mesomorphy, Balanced development of viscera and somatic structure, Energetic, athletic, assertive,
adventurous *Ectomorphy, Weak somatic structure and underdeveloped viscera, Pessimistic, unsociable, Introvert. 4. Jung's
Classification-*Introverts are quiet, reflective individuals who like to keep to themselves. Their focus is inward. They like
solitary activities and do not like too much interaction with others. They recharge their batteries by spending time alone.
*Extroverts are outgoing, talkative individuals who enjoy social interactions. They have lots of friends and they love to spend
time with others. Their focus is outward. They seek social stimulation and feel drained out if they have to spend time by
themselves. *Ambiverts are individuals who are neither too talkative nor too quiet. They enjoy social interactions, but also
want some time by themselves. They have both introvert and extrovert tendencies in them. FACTORS OF ASSOCIATION - FIVE
FACTOR MODEL-The Big Five Model- 1. Openness to Experience (Curious vs. Cautious): Appreciation for art, emotion,
adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and desire for a variety of experiences. Openness reflects the degree of intellectual
curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty (new things) and variety. 2. Conscientiousness (Organised vs. Careless): A
tendency to show self-discipline, aim for achievement; planned, organised and dependable behaviour. On the other end are
individuals who lack self-discipline, and are careless and disorganized 3. Extraversion (Outgoing vs. Reserved): Energy, positive
emotions, assertiveness, talkativeness, sociability and the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others. On the other
hand, introversion refers to individuals who are less talkative and sociable, and prefer to reflect on their feelings 4.
Agreeableness (Friendly vs. Unkind): A tendency to be compassionate and cooperative, rather than suspicious and aggressive
towards others. 4. Neuroticism (Nervous vs. Confident): The tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger,
anxiety, depression, Neuroticism also refers to the degree of emotional instability. On the other hand, there are individuals
who are emotionally stable and are able to handle negative emotions well and don't get upset in difficult situations.
PERSONALITY TRAITS/ DETERMINANTS - Trait Theory by Gordon Allport- Allport believed that personality is composed of
three types of traits; cardinal, central, and secondary. 1. Cardinal trait: Rare, but strongly deterministic of behavior. This is the
trait that dominates and shapes a person's behavior. These are the ruling passions/obsessions. such as a need for money,
fame etc. 2. Central trait: Present to varying degrees in all people. Central traits influence, but do not determine, an
individual's behavior. This is a general characteristic found in some degree in every person. 3. Secondary trait: Also presents in
all individuals and can influence behavior, but secondary traits are strongly dependent upon immediate context, such that
they are not apparent in all situations. Determinants of Personality-1. BIOLOGICAL FACTORS-(i). Heredity/ Genes: We inherit
genes from our parents. Along with physical characteristics we also inherit temperament from our parents. (ii). Biochemical
Changes: Our body is a very complex machine. The Endocrine system in our body which constitutes glands and organs that
produce hormones, affects us to a great extent. (iii). Brain Disorders: Problems in the brain like a tumour, also affect our
behaviour. Depression, anxiety disorders, psychoses could be related to dysfunctions in the brain that affect our overall
personality. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS-Although heredity is important in determining our personality. Environment is also
essential. Environment includes family, peers, teachers, community, work place, etc. Let us consider environmental factors in
detail: (i) Home Environment and Parents: The first interaction that a child has with the world is through his/her family.
Psychologists have emphasized the importance of the growing years in the formation of a healthy personality. There are
several factors about the family that affect personality development. (i) Nuclear vs. Joint Family (ii) Parenting styles (iii) Single
parent families (iv) dysfunctional families (v) birth order of the child. (ii) Mass Media: This is the latest addition to the list of
factors shaping personality. Mass media has become a very important factor in the formation of personality. Youth of today
are highly influenced by mass media. (iii) Cultural Factors: The society we live in lays out certain norms. Different cultures have
different customs and ways of living. Cultural differences impact personality to a great extent. (iv) Mental/Intellectual Factors:
Learning about the world around us is an integral part of personality development. Reading for pleasure, reading to gain
knowledge, listening to news, are all aspects of a well-developed personality. (v) Socioeconomic Status: Depending on whether
a person comes from a lower-, upper- or middle-class family, they tend to have different priorities, goals and personalities.
DEVELOPING POSITIVE PERSONALITY-1. Know Yourself: The first step on your quest to develop your personality is to know
yourself. It is very important to know yourself in order to figure out what needs to be done to modify your existing personality.
2. Comparison: You need to accept one thing that you cannot be best at everything. We all have our strengths and
weaknesses. You are different from others; you have your own set of talents and abilities. 3. Positivity: A very important trait
that is required to achieve anything in life is a positive attitude. Yes, there are things that you want to do but can’t. There
might be situations you are unhappy about. But there are also the good moments. 4. Courteous: Personality is not just about
how you look. It is how you present yourself. It is how you impress others. An expressionless and monotonous tone will get
you nowhere. You need to have an attitude that is pleasing so that you are welcomed. 5. Body Language: Having a personality
takes into account everything. Not just the way you dress up and talk but also your body language. How you walk, sit, eat, how
you behave when others are talking etc make a huge impact on others. 6. Physique 7. Speech 8. Appreciate 9. Attire 10.
confidence 11. Positive visualization 11. Positive people 13. Positive mental food. EMPATHY is the ability to emotionally
understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is
putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they must be feeling. Empathy is not sympathy. Signs of Empathy-
There are some signs that show that you tend to be an empathetic person: *You are good at really listening to what others
have to say. *People often tell you about their problems. *You are good at picking up on how other people are feeling *You
often think about how other people feel. *Other people come to you for advice. *You often feel overwhelmed by tragic
events. *You try to help others who are suffering. *You are good at telling when people aren't being honest. Importance of
Empathy-Having a great deal of empathy makes you concerned for the well-being and happiness of others. There are a
number of benefits of being able to experience empathy: *Empathy allows people to build social connections with others. By
understanding what people are thinking and feeling, people are able to respond appropriately in social situations.
*Empathizing with others helps you learn to regulate your own emotions. Emotional regulation is important in that it allows
you to manage what you are feeling, even in times of great stress, without becoming overwhelmed. *Empathy promotes
helping behaviors. Not only are you more likely to engage in helpful behaviors when you feel empathy for other people, but
other people are also more likely to help you when they experience empathy. Emotional Intelligence (EI)-is our ability to
recognize emotions in ourselves and others, to understand their effect, and to use that knowledge to guide our thoughts and
behaviors. Importance of El-*The value and benefits of emotional intelligence are vast in terms of personal and professional
success. It is a core competency in many vocations, can support the advancement towards academic and professional success,
improve relationships, and boost communication skills, the list goes on. *Emotionally intelligent people tend to get along
better with others and be more empathetic and compassionate, they are likely to be more successful compared to their
counterparts. *People with higher emotional intelligence are also more adaptable to change-a must in our fast-changing
digital age. *Leaders with higher emotional intelligence tend to have happier employees who then stay longer, reducing the
costs of attrition, and try harder, increasing productivity. *The importance of El is immense; developing emotional intelligence
encourages many positive traits, from resilience to communication, motivation to stress management. Ethics-It is a branch of
moral philosophy - a sense of rightness or wrongness of actions, motives and the results of these actions. In short, it is a
discipline that identifies good or evil, just or unjust, fair or unfair practices, about moral duty. It is well-based standards that a
person should do, concerning rights, obligations, fairness, benefits to society and so on. Values refer to the important and
enduring beliefs or principles, based on which an individual makes judgements in life. It is at the center of our lives which act
as a standard of behaviour. They severely affect the emotional state of mind of an individual. They can be personal values,
cultural values or corporate values. National and International Protocols for Individuals as well as Business- 1. Personal
ethics are often perceived through a moral or legal lens, since reflect general expectations of how an individual "should" act
within a community or society. 2. Professional ethics, a layering of principles can apply to both. Principles of professional
ethical responsibility may be subject to standards held by the chosen profession or associations. Many fields of study and work
have adopted codes of ethics as a matter of course and these codes compel professionals. 3. Global ethics, or a Universal code
of values, is the most controversial of the three levels, and the most open to interpretation. Many people debate whether the
concept of global ethics has any validity. 4. Business Ethics are a central concern for businesses, organizations, and individuals
alike. Behaving in a way that adds value without inappropriate conduct or negative consequences for any other group or
individual, organizational leaders in particular must be completely aware of the consequences of certain decisions and
organizational trajectories, and ensure alignment with societal interests. Business ethics plays a very crucial role in various
management functions, which are given as follows: (i) Ethics in Finance: (a) Following truthfulness and authenticity in business
transactions. (b) Getting the economies and financial units freed from greed-based methodologies. (ii) Ethics in Human
Resource Management- (a) Having a right to work and be compensated for the same. (b) Possessing a right for free association
and participation. (c) Enjoying a right for fair treatment in an enterprise. (iii) Ethics in Marketing: (a) Misinforming the
customers about the products or services. (b) Deciding high prices for the products and services. (c) Creating false impression
on the customers/consumers about the features of products. (iv) Ethics in Production- (a) Avoiding rendering services or
producing products that are hazardous to health. For example, tobacco and alcohol (b) Maintaining ethical relations with the
environment and avoiding environmental pollution. BUILDING EMOTIONAL STABILITY-1. Retraining Your Emotional Reactions -
(a) Compare your emotions to the weather: Like a passing rainstorm, your emotions are something that you cannot directly
control. However, just like that rainstorm, your emotions are also temporary. You can't stop yourself from feeling an emotion
any more than you can stop the storm, but you can control how you react and take measures to deal with them better. (b)
Practice the art of reappraisal: Ignoring your emotions will not help you deal with them more effectively, but neither will be
focusing on them too much. If you find yourself getting over-emotional, take a moment to acknowledge your emotions. Then
think about the situation you are in, and try to figure out how you can view it in a more positive - or at least less catastrophic-
way. (c) Stabilize your whole self: Positive emotions, positive social connections, and physical health influence one another in
such a way that having one helps you have the others, increasing your general happiness. 2. Modifying Your Thinking-(a) Learn
how to compartmentalize your thoughts-Those who are emotionally stable are fantastic at compartmentalizing in other words,
they're mavens at making sure the areas of their lives that are super stressful don't leak into the good parts of their lives,
ruining everything that's going well. So if work sucks, make the active decision not to take it home with you. ( b) Reframe your
memories: Memories are not as stable as you may think. In fact, they can change each time you recall them. If you're being
bothered by a troublesome memory, make a conscious effort to reframe it in less negative way. (c) Replace negative thoughts
with neutral ones-
3. Modifying Your Habits- (a) Build social connections (b) Be around emotionally stable people (c) Set healthy boundaries (d)
Own your emotions (e) Look for signs of co-dependency in your relationships.

CH 2 Self-awareness and Development

SELF-ASSESSMENT-is a process of gathering information about oneself in order to make an informed decision. Introspection,
gives us an overview about ourselves, while self-assessment is the next step, and this gives us detailed inputs about the
various facets of our personality tests. IMPORTANCE OF SELF-ASSESSMENT-1. Improving Skills: Self-assessment helps an
individual grow personally and become better contributors to group activities. Additionally, understanding strengths puts a
person on a path of seeking to perfect their skills and capitalize on their areas of giftedness. 2. Determining Needs: One of the
benefits of performing self-assessments comes in learning areas of weakness. Understanding where they need improvement
leads to seeking ways to raise standards. 3. Raising Self-Awareness: Gaining understanding of about core qualities may lead
the seeker to appreciate their innate value. For example, following the use of a self-assessment tool evaluating professional
capabilities, the individual may experience a pleasant surprise and learn that they have the talent considered desirable to
become a top manager. 4. Decision Making: Sometimes people find themselves in a place where they have to make important
choices. Standing at a crossroad in life may result in confusion and frustration. However, participating in self-assessment may
help. TYPES OF SELF-ASSESSMENT-1. Value Inventories: They measure how important different values are to you. For example,
honesty, hard work may be important values to some people, others might give more importance to ambition, growth, etc. 2.
Interest Inventories: Just like values are important, it is important to understand our likes and dislikes and make choices
accordingly. If an individual likes to make friends and be with people, but he chooses a profession that requires him to do a
desk job that has no interactions with people. 3. Personality Inventories: A personality inventory looks at one's individual traits,
motivational drives and attitudes. The most frequently used personality test is the Myer Briggs Test Inventory (MBTI) and
Cattell's 16 PF. 4. Skills Assessment: This is done with the help of aptitude tests that provides information about the person's
abilities. A person may be good at language skills but may have below average math skills or numerical skills. MYERS-BRIGGS
TYPE INDICATOR-The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a person's
personality type, strengths, and preferences. The questionnaire was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine
Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung's theory of personality types. The questionnaire itself is made up of four different
scales:-(a) Extraversion (E)- Introversion (1)-The extraversion-introversion dichotomy was first explored by Jung in his theory
of personality types as a way to describe how people respond and interact with the world around them. While these terms are
familiar to most people, the way in which they are used here differs somewhat from their popular usage. (b) Sensing (5)-
Intuition (N)-This scale involves looking at how people gather information from the world around them. Just like with
extraversion and introversion, all people spend some time sensing and intuiting depending on the situation. According to the
MBTI, people tend be dominant in one area or the other. (c) Thinking (T) - Feeling (F)-This scale focuses on how people make
decisions based on the information that they gathered from their sensing or intuition functions. People who prefer thinking
place a greater emphasis on facts and objective data. (d) Judging (J)-Perceiving (P)-The final scale involves how people tend to
deal with the outside world. Those who lean toward judging prefer structure and firm decisions. People who lean toward
perceiving are more open, flexible, and adaptable. These two tendencies interact with the other scales. MYERS-BRIGGS 16
CATEGORIES OF PERSONALITIES-1. ISTJ: The Inspector-ISTJS are responsible organizers, driven to create and enforce order
within systems and institutions. They are neat and orderly, inside and out, and tend to have a procedure for everything they
do. 2. ISTP: The Craftsperson-ISTPs are observant artisans with an understanding of mechanics and an interest in
troubleshooting. They approach there with a flexible logic, looking for practical solutions to the problems at hand. 3. ISFJ: The
Protector-ISFJs are industrious caretakers, loyal to traditions and organizations. They are practical compassionate, and caring,
and are motivated to provide for others and protect them from the perils of life. 4. ISFP: The Composer-ISFPs are gentle
caretakers who live in the present moment and enjoy their surroundings with cheerful, low-key enthusiasm. They are flexible
and spontaneous, and like to go with the flow to enjoy what life has to offer. 5. INFJ: The Counselor-INFJs are creative
nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated,
they have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal challenges. 6 . INFP- the healer 7. INTJ-The
mastermind 8. INTP-The Architect 9. ESTP-the Dynamo 10. ESTJ- the supervisor. SELF-ANALYSIS-The literal meaning of self-
analysis is a systematic evaluation by an individual to understand his or her own personality without the aid of another person.
Regular self-analyses are important so that you can honestly assess your strengths and areas for further development.
IMPORTANCE OF SELF-ANALYSIS-*If you want to turn into an effective personality, you need to connect with yourself. Nobody
else realizes you superior to yourself. Individuals who neglect to know the importance of self-analysis. *Self-analysis is a do-it-
yourself activity you can use to improve your growth and success potential. With the assistance of self-analysis, you build your
fearlessness, improve your knowledge and diminish pressure. *Self-analysis helps in strengthening our imagination. After self-
analyzing you will form a clear vision about yourself that will ultimately help you to grow as an individual and get success in
life. *Self-analysis boosts our confidence through self-improvement. When we do self-analysis, we got to know ourselves
better. We become familiar with all our strengths, abilities, shortcomings, defects, etc. *Many people always remain confused
about what skills they have and what are their defects. This leads to an unsuccessful life and acts as an obstacle to growth.
SWOT ANALYSIS- is a technique which can be used as a self-assessment tool. SWOT is an acronym where each letter stands for
a word: *Strength (S) refers to positive qualities within the person. For example, a person may be hard-working, efficient,
organised. *Weakness (W) refers to negative traits within the individual. Lack of patience, aggressiveness, shyness may all be
considered as weaknesses within an individual. *Opportunities (O): The difference between Strengths and Opportunities is that
strengths are internal to the individual (the person has the strength within), while opportunity is external to the individual.
*Threat (T): Threat is external to the individual. We need to become aware of threats and work on our strengths and
weaknesses to overcome fearing threats. Difference between Interests and Abilities-Interests are the things that we enjoy
doing. Interests may include: *Activities you like to do at school and in your free time that make you happy. *Activities you are
curious about or would do even if no one asked you to do it. *Activities you want to learn or would like to do in the future.
Ability, on the other hand, is an acquired or natural capacity that enables an individual to perform a particular job or task with
considerable proficiency. GOAL SETTING is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to complete
them. Goals help you to separate what is important from what is not. It helps you to focus on the result instead of less
important work. This will make you successful in your career and personal life. How to Make Goals SMART? *Specific: A
specific and clear goal answers six questions. Who is involved in the goal? What do I want to do? Where do I start? When do I
start and finish? Which means do I use? Why am I doing this? *Measurable: A measurable goal answers the questions "How
much?", "How many?" and "How do I know that I have achieved results?" *Achievable: Breaking down big goals into smaller
parts will make the goal achievable. *Realistic: A realistic goal would be something that we want and can work towards for
achieving the goal. SELF-ESTEEM-The term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of self-worth or personal
value. Self-esteem is often seen as a personality trait, which means that it tends to be stable and enduring. Self-esteem can
involve a variety of beliefs about the self, such as the appraisal of one's own appearance, beliefs, emotions and behaviors.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-CONCEPT AND SELF-ESTEEM-*Self-concept is different from Self-esteem. A person's self-
concept is his knowledge about himself. *This includes his likes, dislikes, temperament, etc. On the other hand, self-esteem is
the attitude we have towards ourselves. *Self-concept does not have any value judgement. Facts about ourselves are
reported. Self-esteem refers to how much we like ourselves. TYPES OF SELF-ESTEEM-*Low self-esteem: is a hopeless condition
that keeps individuals from realizing their full potential. A person, who has low self-esteem, feels incompetent. unworthy, and
incapable. *High Self-esteem: People who have high self-esteem generally feel good about their ability to participate,
confident in social situations and happy with the way. FACTORS AFFECTING SELF-ESTEEM-*Physical Appearance: Many a
times the self-esteem of college-going students is affected by how they perceive their physical appearance. If they rate
themselves positively, they tend to have a higher self-esteem than if they don't. *Approval from Others: We live in a culture
that nurtures dependency on others. Since childhood we are encouraged to behave according to the standards acceptable and
approved by the society. *Competencies: Many individuals give importance to competence - academic or work related, and
link it up with success in life. *Socio-economic Status: A lot of opportunities like good schools, development opportunities are
available for people who come from a higher socio-economic stratum compared to people who come from poor families or
low socio-economic strata. CHARACTERISTICS OF PEOPLE WITH A HIGH OR POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM: *Confidence: People who
have a high self-esteem feel confident about themselves and their abilities. They are positive thinkers. * Ability to bounce back
from failure: People who have a high self-esteem also experience failure. *Focus on the solution: Individuals with a high self-
esteem focus on the solution and look out for resources to solve their problems. * Happy: Individuals with a positive self-
esteem, who have a positive self-talk, and tend to be focused on finding solutions, rather than crying over problems, tend to
be happier, and enjoy themselves. Characteristics of People with a Low or Negative Self-Esteem: *Low on Confidence: People
with a low self-esteem have little or no confidence in themselves and hence they shy away from taking responsibilities.
*Emotional Instability: Often, individuals with low self-esteem experience extreme sadness, anxiety and nervousness.
*Inferiority Complex: As a result of comparing themselves with others, people with low self-esteem develop an inferiority
complex. *Poor Body-image: Many times, individuals with low self-esteem also have a poor body image and they tend to be
unhappy with their body. FOUNDATION OF A POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM-*Family: In democratic families, where parents have a
strong bond with their children have a high self-esteem, as compared to children who are raised in autocratic families.
*School: School is the first social environment where children develop self-esteem through their social interactions as well as
academic competence. This is where students will develop skills and have opportunities to prove their competence and feel
successful or unsuccessful about it. *Relationships: The quality of a relationship that a person shares with other individuals
Self-Awareness and Development and whether or not the relationship is satisfying, will decide how much a person's self-
esteem will suffer in the face of setbacks. SIGNIFICANCE OF POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM-*Face Challenges: Individuals with a high
self-esteem, are confident about their abilities, and hence can face challenges without being afraid of failure. *Ability to Enjoy
Life: As they take risks, avail opportunities, meet new people, have a variety of experiences; they tend to live life to the fullest
and enjoy themselves in whatever they do *High Quality Social Interactions: They exhibit good cheer and optimism and
attract. people. Hence, they have more friends and are socially active. *Good Physical and Mental Health: As a result of living a
fuller, happy life they have relatively little stress, and are in good shape mentally and physically. *Successful: Taking risks and
utilizing opportunities is a trait associated with individuals having high self-esteem. * Emotional Stability: Having a high self-
esteem means we value ourselves in any situation. As a result of this stability in our self-worth, we tend to be calm and stable
emotionally. STEPS FOR DEVELOPING POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM-* Talk to a Counsellor : Sometimes, we need a person who will
not judge us or make us feel bad about our plight. It may be difficult for us to find solutions. *Learn to Laugh at Yourself: Many
times, we give too much importance to criticism and fret over it for days. We need to be able to learn to laugh at ourselves
and let go. *Write a Mission Statement: Think about what you want in life, how you want to live your life, and come up with a
written plan. What are the traits you would like to have in yourself, what are your goals for the future, what kind of a person
would you like to become, etc. *Learn Time Management Skills: Sometimes we develop a negative self-esteem because we get
overwhelmed with the work we do and are not able to accomplish anything. *Focus on your Strengths: Don't lose sight of your
strengths. When we fail, we tend to magnify the failures and our weaknesses and minimize our strengths. * Be Yourself:
Following is a short story on how it is important to work through our strengths rather than crying over our weaknesses that we
cannot change. SELF-CONFIDENCE is understanding that you trust your own judgment and abilities, and that you value
yourself and feel worthy, regardless of any imperfections or of what others may believe about you. TIPS TO BUILD SELF
CONFIDENCE-1. Do not compare yourself with other : Researchers found that people who compared themselves to others,
experienced envy. 2. Identify your strengths and capitalize on it: The key is to figure out your core skills and talents and find
opportunities and even careers that emphasize them. 3. Use positive Self talk: you think." The idea is your Positive affirmations
are a method of practicing "you are what fill your mind with positive thoughts until you start to believe them. 4. Admit your
mistakes and learn from them: Self-confident people are generally more positive- they value themselves and trust their own
judgment. But they also acknowledge their failures and mistakes and learn from them. 5. Use Non-verbal communication
effectively: Adopt an open posture. Sit or stand upright and place your hands by your sides. Avoid standing with your hands on
your hips, as this can communicate a desire to dominate.
INTERPERSONAL SKILLS-*verbal comm *nonverbal comm *listening *problem solving *decision making *assertiveness

EFFECTIVE COMM SKILLS- an exchange of thoughts, emotions, information among two or more individuals. Comm Process-
*Sender: To become an effective communicator, the sender should use clear and concise language. Also, one needs to develop
the knowledge base and skills in the subject to be communicated. It is important to focus on the needs and interest of the
receiver. Body language of the sender is also an important factor that will establish trust and credibility among the receivers.
This will determine if the message from the sender will be accepted or not. *Encoding the Message: The message could be
presented in different ways. It could be written, oral and /or non-verbal. It could use symbols, language or just a gesture.
*Channel: Messages are conveyed through channels, with verbal including face to face meetings, telephonic conversations and
video-conferencing. *Receiver: The message is then delivered to the intended audience. However, not all of them may decode
or interpret the same message in the same way. *Feedback: This is an important step in the communication process. The
sender looks out for feedback in the form of verbal or non-verbal communication so he or she may alter the way the message
is being encoded. Verbal (Written and Oral) Comm-Written communication skills include language proficiency (grammar,
sentence structure, punctuation, spellings) ability to be clear and concise, analytical skills. Oral communication skills require
language proficiency that includes pronunciations, grammar usage, tone and voice modulation. Adv of Written Comm-*Can be
documented and kept as a record *Used for future reference *Convenient for a large audience *Convenient for lengthy
procedures like appraisals, annual reports. Disadv of Written Comm-*Time consuming and tedious *Formality in written
communication *Effective only if the person has a good grasp of the language *Additional or missing information cannot be
conveyed immediately. Adv of Oral Comm-*cost effective *Gives an informal or personal touch to conversation *Useful in
crisis situation *Helpful in bonding. Disadv of Oral Comm-*No documentation or records available on communication skills of
the communicator *Can lead to misunderstanding depending the verbal and non-verbal *Not useful in lengthy procedures like
annual reports *Discussion can digress from the topic. 7CS FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION-*Clarity: Choosing simple
language, clear and concise words will ensure that the message is clear* Completeness: Communication must be complete by
itself. It should answer the 'what, where, why, when' and 'how' in the message. *Concise: Don't use unnecessarily long
sentences in communication. Don't ramble. Speak to the point or if it is written communication, keep the sentences short.
*Courtesy: Always respect the other person's feelings. Express yourself genuinely and sincerely. Use correct words and phrases
to broach a sensitive topic. *Concrete: Use facts, figures and names wherever possible. *Correct: Correct use of grammar,
sentence structure, level of communication are all important factors in effective communication*Consideration: Try to be
considerate and use positive sentences wherever possible. BARRIERS IN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION-*The use of Jargon: If
the audience is not well versed with the topic being communicated, it is important that the communicator not use jargons or
difficult technical words in putting his message across. *Emotional Barriers and Taboos: Some people may find it difficult to
express their emotions and some topics may be completely 'off-limits.*Lack of Attention, Interest, Distractions, or Irrelevance
to the Receiver: Personal factors like interest levels, familiarity with the message being communicated, etc. may affect
effective communication. *Differences in Perception and Viewpoint: If people stick to their own perceptions and viewpoints,
and are not open in considering the viewpoints of others, this resistance can act as a major barrier in communication. ART OF
LISTENING-Listening is primarily responsible for many problems we have with each other. Listening attentively helps solve
communication problems. Listening is one of the most important interpersonal skills. Advantages of Listening-*Listening
helps to know the organisation: Listening helps to know what the staff members think of the company's policies and activities.
This helps us in understanding the organisation better. *Listening helps to make better policies: If you listen to your
subordinates carefully, you will know which policies are suitable for your organisation. You will be able to chalk out policies
which are acceptable to other members and which will be supported. *Listening pacifies the complaining employees: Very
often, employees have certain grievances. If you listen to them carefully, the anger will subside and the employee will be
pacified. *Listening is important for the open-door policy: Many managers take pride in the fact that they believe in the open-
door policy, i.e., they always keep their door open for their employees to walk into the room and talk to them. Guidelines for
Effective Listening-*Concentrate on what the person says, rather than his or her appearance. Don't be distracted by the noise
in the communication channel. *Repeat the key ideas to yourself. Particularly, while listening to a long lecture, see if you can
jot down important ideas. *Listen with a positive attitude: Many listeners fail to listen because they are mentally unprepared
to listen. Don't let your prejudices close your mind to what the other person has to say. *Eye contact: Making eye contact with
the person who is talking suggests that we are listening. Some people avoid making eye contact. This can be very insulting to
the speaker. *Posture: Sitting upright, showing interest in the speaker, leaning slightly forward all indicate that the listener is
listening and is interested in what is being said. *Gestures: Looking at the watch, acting like you are in a hurry, trying to finish
the sentences of the speaker, all indicate that the person is not listening intentionally. EFFECTIVE SPEECH – WRITING-
*Determine the Purpose: We communicate to produce results. Our goals are either to persuade, inform or entertain. *Analyse
the Audience and the Occasion: The speech is targeted to the audience so it is very important that the speaker puts
himself/herself in the shoes of the audience in order to get a better understanding of what the audience might expect. * Select
the Main Ideas for the Message: Selecting the main ideas should be don first. You can add more information later, but the
main idea to be communicated needs to be addressed first. *Research the Topic: You will need to collect data and facts and
other information relating to your central theme. *Organize the Data and Write the Draft: Writing a draft puts the information
in perspective. Organising the information in this manner helps us to keep things clear and simple. *Create Visual Aids: A
picture speaks more than a thousand words. Creating visual aids helps the audience understand information in a better way.
DELIVERING AN EFFECTIVE SPEECH-*Pitch: In simple words, pitch is the highness or lowness of your voice. In speaking, pitch
should always vary indicating the excitement, disappointment and other feelings of the speaker. * Rate: Rate of speech varies
from individual to individual. Some people talk very fast and others speak at a very slow rate. *Volume: Optimum volume,
where the listeners can hear the speaker is important. Also, the speaker can increase the volume for certain words and
important ideas of the speech *Pronunciation: Our speech tends to be negatively evaluated when our pronunciations are
wrong. Your speech may be very informative, but if it has a lot of pronunciation errors, people will tend to focus on that.
*Posture: Standing straight, balancing your weight on both feet, suggests confidence. Standing erect when delivering the
message is important in how the speaker is perceived. *Movement: Taking a few steps during a presentation helps hold
attention. SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION-Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which
compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument. Stages of Negotiation-1. Preparation: Before any negotiation
takes place, a decision needs to be taken as to when and where a meeting will take place to discuss the problem and who will
attend. 2. Discussion: During this stage, individuals or members of each side put forward the case as they see it, i.e., their
understanding of the situation. Key skills during this stage are questioning, listening and clarifying. 3. Clarifying Goals: From
the discussion, the goals, interests and viewpoints of both sides of the disagreement need to be clarified. It is helpful to list
these in order of priority. 4. Negotiate Towards a Win-Win Outcome: This stage focuses on what is termed a Win-Win outcome
where both sides feel they have gained something positive through the process of negotiation and both sides feel their point
of view has been taken into consideration. 5. Agreement: Agreement can be achieved once understanding of both sides'
viewpoints and interests have been considered. 6. Implementing a Course of Action: From the agreement, a course of action
has to be implemented to carry through the decision Guidelines for successful Negotiation-Step 1: Separate People Factors
from the Issues: People factors and disputed issues, both are involved in negotiating, both are important. The point, however,
is to keep them separate. Step 2: Focus on Interests, not on Positions: Look beyond the positions people take to the interests
behind them. Step 3: Invent Mutually Beneficial Options: Use your imagination to create possible solutions. The ability to
create mutually beneficial agreements is the sign of an effective negotiator. Step 4: Use Objective Criteria: Seek for a standard
independent of you both which is fair. Step 5: Know your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement: Before you enter
negotiations, you must know what your best alternative is if you fail to reach an agreement.
*Social Behaviour is Goal-Oriented *situation help determine outcome *we analyse the behaviour of others
*JOHARI WINDOW-A Johari is represented as a common window with four panes. Two of these panes represent self and the
other two represent the part unknown to self but to others. The information transfers from one pane to the other as the result
of mutual trust which can be achieved through socializing and the feedback got from other members of the group.
1.  Open/self-area or arena – Here the information about the person his attitudes, behaviour, emotions, feelings, skills and
views will be known by the person as well as by others. 2.  Blind self or blind spot – Information about yourselves that others
know in a group but you will be unaware of it. Others may interpret yourselves differently than you expect. 3.  Hidden area or
façade – Information that is known to you but will be kept unknown from others. This can be any personal information which
you feel reluctant to reveal. 4.  Unknown area – The Information which are unaware to yourselves as well as others. This
includes the information, feelings, capabilities, talents etc. TEAM PLAYER QUALITIES AND CHARACTERISTICS-*You understand
your role: As a team member, you understand your role within the team and work to achieve your duties to the best of your
ability. *Your welcome collaboration: Working with a team means there will be varying opinions and ideas. Even if you think
your idea is best, you should listen to all ideas before pushing yours. *You hold yourself accountable-Take responsibility for
your mistakes and look for solutions Understand how your actions impact the entire group. In doing so, you will learn from
your errors and command more respect from your team. *You are flexible: You should readily accept any tasks your manager
gives you. Flexibility in your role allows you to learn more and help your team. Look at every opportunity as a chance to learn.
*You have a positive attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude even during stressful times helps the rest of your team work
through that difficult time without getting upset. You commit to the team: You should be fully invested in the team. You will be
a great team player if you can show others that you believe in the group, the process and the goals. HOW TO BE A BETTER
TEAM PLAYER-*Offer help: If you see a co-worker who seems overwhelmed or is struggling to keep up with tasks, ask if you
can help. Team players support each other during difficult times. Remember to ask for help, as well. *Actively listen: Active
listening means hearing and thoughtfully responding to what your team member says. Ask questions about things you don't
understand. *Communicate: Keep your team updated on your progress and what you need to be successful in your job. You
should be in constant communication with your team to ensure that everyone is working toward the same goal and no one is
repeating work. *Respect others: Recognize that other team members are also trying to fulfil their roles. and consider how you
can support them. Take the time to get to know your team. *Be a problem-solver: When you recognize a problem, take action
to solve it. Brainstorm solutions to your problems and ask for feedback. BUILDING PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS-*Improve
Your Communication Skills-Communicating isn't just about talking to someone or hearing them when they speak. you both
have to understand what the other person is saying. *Respect Others-If there is one thing most people can't tolerate, feeling
disrespected, whether at home, at work, or by the barista at the coffee shop. * Respond to Feedback Positively-You can talk
about growth and improvement as much as you want, but if you can't take feedback with a grain of salt and you don't know
how to give others constructive feedback. *Be Empathetic-Contrary to what it sometimes feels like, developing better
professional relationships isn't about always proving you're better than others. *Celebrate Success of Others-It can be easy to
feel envious of someone else's achievements, especially if you've been working hard on something of your own. But instead of
feeling annoyed or jealous, congratulate the person. *Seek Opinions-People love doling out advice. One of the main reasons
we network with people is to take advantage of their experience, skills, or knowledge at some point in time, even if it's just
reading articles they post. Building Social Relationship-1. Accept and celebrate differences: One of the biggest challenges we
experience in relationships is that we are all different. We can perceive the world in many ways. 2. Give people your time:
Giving time to people is also a huge gift. In a world where time is of the essence and we are trying to fit in more than one
lifetime, we don't always have the time to give to our loved ones, friends, and work colleagues. 3. Develop your
communication skills: Communication occurs when someone understands you, not just when you speak. One of the biggest
dangers with communication is that we can work on the assumption that the other person has understood the message we
are trying to get across. 4. Manage mobile technology: By now, pretty much everyone has a mobile phone and many people
have two or more. While they are a lifesaver in an emergency, and an effective tool for communication, they also can be a
complete distraction when people exhibit a lack of mobile phone etiquette. 5. Behave Like a Social Person: You can behave like
a more social creature, even if you don't feel like it. Don't allow anxiety to hold you back. Make the decision to talk to new
people and to enter into conversations even when you're feeling nervous about it.

CH 3 Techniques in Per. Dev. & Image Dev

SELF-IMAGE basically means what you portray yourself as. Not only in the terms of your physical appearance but also in terms
of the experiences you have had in your life and the lessons that you have learned from them. Steps to create a positive self-
image-1. Use positive affirmations correctly-Positive affirmations such as “I am going to be a great success!” are extremely
popular, but they have one critical problem — they tend to make people with low self-worth feel worse about themselves.  2.
Identify your competencies and develop the-Self-esteem is built by demonstrating real ability and achievement in areas of our
lives that matter to us. If you pride yourself on being a good cook, throw more dinner parties. 3. Learn to accept compliments-
One of the trickiest aspects of improving self-esteem is that when we feel bad about ourselves, we tend to be  more resistant
to compliments — even though that is when we most need them. 4. Eliminate self-criticism and introduce self-compassion-
Unfortunately, when our self-esteem is low, we are likely to damage it even further by being self-critical. Since our goal is to
enhance our self-esteem, we need to substitute self-criticism with self-compassion. 5. Affirm your real worth-The following
exercise has been demonstrated to help revive your self-esteem after it sustained a blow: Make a list of qualities you have that
are meaningful in the specific context.  BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE-*Start the day with a morning routine. Say positive
affirmations, smile often and think about the tasks to be accomplished during for the day. *Feed the mind with positivity, read
motivating books, listen to music with uplifting lyrics, watch inspiring movies, etc. *Be proactive. A proactive person decides
how one must feel regardless of what may be going around or what the day may bring. *Focus on constructive and positive
things. Do not approach life with 'problems'. Approach it with 'solutions'. *Learn from failures. Think what could have been
better and work towards the goals. *Learn to focus on the present. Negativity mostly stems out from anxiety of the past and
future events. Positive thinking has a tremendous effect on our physical and mental health. It is also essential for stress
management. Positive thinking. is useful in all walks of life and it contributes a great deal to one’s personal and professional
success. Characteristics of positive thinking-*Commitment: A commitment to self, people around you, work, learning
experiences, nature and the world. It is about having aspirations and dreams in order to succeed. *Control: Positive thinking
can be achieved through mind control and control of negative thoughts. Being focused, prioritizing, setting realistic goals, help
to achieve this control. Using visualization and various problem-solving strategies helps to gain focus and balance. *Challenge:
Positive thinking means challenging the status-quo, bringing about change. Meeting new, inspiring people, learning, using
learning to bring about change are important challenges that lead to positive thinking. *Affirmation: An affirmation is a
statement asserting the truth of something. It is used in silent, written and verbal communication. According to Dr. Convey it
has five basic ingredients: it is personal, it is positive, it is present tense, it is visual, and it is emotional . Barriers/Obstacles to
Positive Thinking-*Perceived Threat: Very often, persons, things or events that are perceived as threatening, may lead to
negative thinking. For example, you are travelling to Bangalore by air but you perceive the airline as unsafe and fear an air
crash. *Feelings of Personal Inadequacy: -In a new situation or a comparatively new situation, a person may feel inadequate. A
new job, a competition, a first presentation, first public performance can create anxiety, panic, stress arising from a feeling of
inadequacy. *Anxiety about a Performance: Anxiety about a performance can create negative thinking. During planning and
practice sessions, identify the problem areas, improve these points. Fine-tune your presentation. *Issues out of your control:
Certain things will remain problematic Inspite of all your preparation. What if it rains? what if the lights go off? Here,
contingency planning will help. Have a back-up plan ready. Take the help of others. *Anxiety about the reaction of others: All
of us have a tremendous need for social approval. Therefore, we give a lot of importance to people's reactions. Remember the
fair, just and rational people will always respond well. But we should be prepared to either ignore or deal with the unfair
people. Developing Positive Thinking-*Thought awareness: Unless we become aware of our thoughts, we cannot manage
negative thoughts. *Rational thinking: We must use rational thinking to challenge negative thoughts. We must ask ourselves, is
this thought/ Behaviour rational? is it useful? *Prepare rational, positive thoughts and affirmation: They will counter negative
and irrational thoughts. *Maintain a logbook (record) of your thoughts. *Be aware of your thoughts. *Identify negative
thoughts. *Replace them with positive thoughts. *Reinforce the positive thinking. Negative Thinking-is where we magnify the
negative aspect and filter out the positive aspect. Example, we remember that we overspent for an executive lunch, but
conveniently forget the networking done, as a result of this occasion. Personalizing: When something bad happens, we blame
ourselves. Example, if I am not invited for a party, I feel there is something wrong with me that is why I was left out.
Catastrophe: Anticipating the worst, being an alarmist. Example, if 'X goes for swimming, it is dangerous because many people
drown in swimming pools. Polarizing: I believe in black/white good/ bad. I am not aware of 'Gray areas' middle ground. So
according to me, things have to be perfect, if they are not. I am an utter failure. Negative Thinking-*I have not tried this
before. *This is very complex. *I do not have the necessary resources. *The deadline is stringent. *This change is too radical.
*Why don't people communicate with me? *I am not improving Positive Thinking-*This could be a learning experience*Let me
try this out in a different way. *I will substitute, change, but manage. *I should re-examine my priorities. *I would like to try
this out. *Let me be proactive in communication. *I am willing to try again. Reactivity (Negative)-*There is nothing that I can
do about it. *I am like this. *He makes me wild. *They will not allow any changes. *I must do this. *I will not. *If only this
happens. Proactivity (Positive)-*Let me look at my alternatives properly. *I can choose a different viewpoint. *I control my
emotions. *I will try to convince them. *Let me choose an apt response. *Let me make a wise choice. *I will make this
possible. Critical Thinking Skills-Critical Thinking is the ability to analyse the way you think and present evidence for your
ideas, rather than simply accepting your personal reasoning as sufficient proof. Significance of Critical Thinking-*The ability to
think clearly and rationally is important whatever we choose to do. Critical and Comparative Thinking skills are not restricted
to a particular subject area. *The global knowledge economy is driven by information and technology. *Critical Thinking
enhances language and presentation skills. Thinking clearly and systematically can improve the way we express our ideas.
*Critical Thinking promotes creativity. To come up with a creative solution to a problem involves not just having new ideas. It
must also be the case that the new ideas being generated are useful and relevant to the task at hand. *Critical Thinking is
crucial for self-reflection. In order to five a meaningful life and to structure our lives accordingly. *Many of the highest paying
jobs require critical thinking skills, such as generating effective ideas and making important decisions. Success-has been
defined as the accomplishment of a desired aim or result. The definition suggests that success is when we achieve what we
desire. This means that each one of us may desire a different aim. Obstacles in Achieving Success-1. Behaviours not in
Alignment with Inner Goals: Sometimes we tend to use others' definition of success. Generally, society considers money,
assets and fame as a criterion for success. If these criteria are not in alignment with my inner goals, then 1 will not feel
successful. 2. Patience: Reaching to the top takes courage and patience. Most people don't have the patience to stick through
things, persistence and courage. 3. Inaccurate Self-assessment: Self-assessment is a very important factor in achieving success.
If I am not able to assess my strengths and weaknesses, I will not be able to identify something that I am really good at. 4.
Taking the Wrong Route to Success: Some individuals have their inner goals and their external behaviours in alignment. Yet
they do not experience success. 5. Low Self-esteem: Some people with low self-esteem do not consider themselves worthy of
success. They tend to under-estimate themselves and put themselves down all the time. 6. Ego: Ego prevents us from being
open to new experiences and learning and hence can be an obstacle for success. Factors and Qualities that make a Person
Successful-*Desire: The motivation to succeed comes from the burning desire to achieve a purpose. * Commitment: When you
make a promise, make sure you follow through. *Responsibility: People with character accept responsibilities. They make
decisions and determine their own destiny in life. *Hard work: Successful people work hard. Success is not something that
happens as an accident. Successful people put in a lot of effort and hard work to achieve success. * Character: Character is the
sum total of a person's values, beliefs and personality. It is reflected in our behaviour and our actions. *Positive Attitude:
Having a positive attitude and being motivated is a choice we make every day. Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs-*They
Know When to Stay and When to Leave: Successful people know exactly when they should change employers, start a company
or fold their company. *They do More than What's Asked of Them: They view their job descriptions as just the beginning of
what they can do with their job. After they've completed their mandatory tasks, they will always ask to take on more projects
that challenge them. *They are Willing to Fail in Order to Eventually Succeed: All successful people know that it doesn't come
easy and they are bound to fail more than they will succeed at anything. *They Know that They Make Their Own Luck: Luck is
derived from hard work over time and positioning yourself for success. You won't randomly get lucky and successful people
know that. *They Set Real Goals that they can Accomplish. Successful people wake up and they've already planned their day,
while unsuccessful people are scrambling to figure out what they need to do next. *They Take Accountability for Themselves
and Their Actions: They aren't relying on other people in order to get the job done. Instead, they are looking inwards and are
trying to find the solutions, while leveraging their current assets. Failure is also perceived differently by different people. Some
people consider failure as a temporary setback, and hence they are able to get back on their feet and stay focused without
getting very disturbed. Reasons for Failure-*Lack of Persistence: Success required persistence and patience with oneself. Most
people who fail do not have the persistence to stick with the task at hand. *Lack of Discipline: Failure results when people
show lack of discipline. They may not follow through with their plans, they may not plan things out in advance, and may not
have short-term and long-term goals. Having a vision, setting goals are very important for success. *No Risk Taking: Failure is
often the result of not being able to think outside the box. Taking up challenges and risks is important for success. *Lack of
Positive Attitude: Some people bounce back from failures and continue their pursuit of success. Others give up feeling
dejected. This separates people who fail from people who succeed. *Lack of Social Support and Networking: Failure is made
worse when you don't have a strong support system in the form of friends and family around you. *Unrealistically High
Expectations: Sometimes people tend to have very high expectations. One has o be realistic and consider one's ability and skill
level before holding expectations. MANAGE WORK AND LIFE STRESS EFFECTIVELY: What is Stress? Stress can be defined as
our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived demands or threats. These demands or threats are called
stressors. Stress Management-Always keep in mind the ABC of stress management. *A-Adversity or the stressful event. *B-
Beliefs or the way you respond to the event. *C-Consequences or actions and outcomes of the event. Stress management can
help you to *have a joyful life. *focus and complete tasks on time. *be a happy person as you are stress free. *be more
energetic and spend quality time with your friends and family. Three Steps to Manage Stress-Step 1: Be aware that you are
stressed. Look out for signs of stress, such as headache. sleeplessness, sadness, excessive worrying, nervousness, etc. Step 2:
Identify what is causing you stress: Find out the reason for your stress. Step 3: Apply stress management methods: Use time
management tools to manage your time well. Focus on the important tasks and get them done. Talk to someone close about
the issue. Stress Management Techniques-*Time management: Proper time management is one of the most effective stress
relieving techniques. *Physical exercise and fresh air. A healthy lifestyle is essential for students. Stress is generally lower in
people who maintain a healthy routine. *Healthy diet: Having a healthy diet will also help you reduce stress. Eating a balanced
diet, such as Dal, Roti, vegetables and fruits will give you the strength to do your daily work efficiently. *Positivity: Focussing
on negative aspects of life will add more stress. Instead, learn to look at the good things and stay positive. Time management-
refers to the way that you organize and plan how long you spend on specific activities. Four Steps for Effective Time
Management-Step 1 Organize-*We plan our day to-day activities. *We make a timetable that we follow *We keep our
surroundings and study table clean and mess free. Step 2 Priorities-*We make a to-do list that has all our activities and we rank
them in the order of importance. Step 3 Control-*We have a control over our activities and time. *We avoid time wasters like
chatting on the phone, surfing gossip sites, etc., and focus on more important things. Step 4 Track-We identify and note where
we have spent our time. This will help us analyses if we have used our time effectively or not. It also helps us to identify time-
wasting activities. Tips for Practicing the Four Steps for Effective Time Management: *Avoid delay or postponing any planned
activity. •Organize your room and table. •Develop a 'NO DISTURBANCE ZONE, where you can sit and tasks. *Use waiting time
productively. *Prepare a To-do list. *Priorities. MOTIVATION-is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented
behaviours. It is what causes you to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain
knowledge. Types of Motivation-1. External Motivation: REWARD-We do things because it gives us respect, recognition,
opportunities to grow further, money or power. Example-Suresh goes to the gym daily for 4 hours and does weightlifting as he
wants to win the body-building competition. 2. Internal Motivation: LOVE-We do things because they make us happy, healthy
and feel good. Example - Rajesh goes to the gym and does weightlifting to stay healthy and fit. Self-motivation-is simply the
force within you that drives you to do things. Self-motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel happy and improve
our quality of life. In other words, it is our ability to do the things that need to be done without someone or something
influencing us. Qualities of Self-motivated People: There are some qualities that can be seen in self-motivated people. These
are: 1. Know what they want from life. 2. Are focused. 3. Know what is important.4. Are dedicated to fulfil their dreams. How
to Build Self-motivation? 1. Identify your likes and dislikes. Understand what makes you happy. Example-1 love cooking. 2.
Define the goals you want to achieve and focus all your energy on achieving your goal. 3. Plan and set timelines to achieve
your goals. Plan a list of activities that you will do to achieve each goal. Example After completing Class XII you can join a Hotel
Management course and then later take additional courses to become a chef. 4. Work towards achieving your goal, even when
you face a difficult time. Social Etiquettes-and manners are important skills that help us to interact politely in social situations.
People often think etiquette is about having good table manners which are important, but etiquette is far more than this. 1.
Introduce yourself first 2. Good body language 3. Say Excuse Me, Please and Thank You 4. Listen-Have active signs of listening
5. Adapt your behaviour 6. Make small talk 7. Turn your mobile phone off or at least on silent. Table Manners-*Before the
meal, shake hands and greet anyone sitting on the table already. *Place the napkin on your lap upon seating. *Keep your
elbow off the table. *Unless an item is being passed to specific person, pass food from left to right. *Do not talk with food in
your mouth *Don't pile up food on your plate. Email Etiquettes:1. Use appropriate language and greeting. 2. Make sure your
spellings and grammar are 3. Let the subject line be informative. 4. Respond in timely manner. 5. Do not write in ALL CAPS. 6.
Avoid using acronyms, slag or emoticons. Telephone Etiquettes: *When you make a call, greet the person first, then introduce
yourself, and then on the conversation. *Speak softly. *Don't keep checking your cell phones when someone is talking to you.
It shows that you are not interested in the conversation. Don't answer the cell phone without excusing yourself if you are in
conversation with another person. *Respond to calls that you have missed promptly. International Etiquettes: *Building
relationships: One should take time to get to know their international clients and build rapport before they rush to the bottom
line. *Dressing conservatively: Your choice of business attire is a signal of your respect for the other person or organization.
*Observe the hierarchy: It is not always simple to know who the highest-ranking member is, when you are dealing with a
group. *Understanding the handshake: With a few exceptions, business people around the world use handshake for meeting
and greeting. *Using titles and correct forms of address: One should approach first names with caution when dealing with
people from other cultures. *Exchanging business cards: The key to giving out business cards in any culture is to show respect
for the other person. Use both hands to present your card to visitors from Japan. Grooming Basics-Personal grooming is the
term for how individuals take care of their body and appearance. It has become an essential in our daily life. General
Grooming Tips-Here are personal grooming tips to enhance your personality and be a magnetic person. Personality outlines
who you are and how you respond in various situations. 1. Shower daily: 2. Hair 3. Dental Hygiene 4. Hands and fingernails 5.
Dress appropriately 6. Scent 7. Exercise regularly.

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