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2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498


ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management Systems Documentation

Quality Manual / Documented Information

Document No. QM-001

2620 Charles Lane

Sugarland, Texas, 77498


Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498

Table of Contents –

Section 01 Scope of the Quality Management System

Section 02 Normative reference

Section 03 Definitions

Management System Requirements

Section 04 Document Information

a. Distribution Control List

b. Revision Status

c. Quality Policy, Quality Objective, Strategic Direction,

(Vision, Mission, and Goals)

d. Organization Chart

e. Company Background

f. Process Flow Diagram

Section 04 List of Documented Information

Section 05 Leadership

Section 06 Planning

Section 07 Support

Section 08 Operation

Section 10 Improvement

Sections 11 – 19 Spares

Section 20 Records Documentation Matrix

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498

Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc developed and implemented a Quality Management System in
order to document the company’s best business practices, better satisfy the requirements
and expectations of its customers and improve the overall management of the company.

To fully understand the organization and its context, Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc
determined the external and internal issues that are relevant and that affect its ability to
achieve the intended results of the quality management system.

The Quality Management System of Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc meets the requirements of
the international standard ISO 9001:2015. The system addresses the design, development,
production, installation, and servicing of the company’s products. It incorporates the process
approach where consistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and
efficiently when activities are understood and managed as interrelated processes.

This process approach provides for the management of the quality system and its
processes through the application of a “Plan-Do-Check-Act” methodology and a focus on
“Risk-Based-Thinking” leading to the prevention of undesirable outcomes.

The manual is divided into sections that correlate to the Quality Management System
sections of ISO 9001:2015. The manual describes the Quality Management System,
delineates authorities, inter relationships and responsibilities of the personnel responsible
for performing within the system. The manual also provides the documented information
with procedures or references for all activities comprising the Quality Management System
that ensures the compliance to the necessary requirements of the standard.

This manual is used internally to guide the company’s employees through the various
requirements of the ISO standard that must be met and maintained in order to ensure
customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and provide the necessary instructions that
create an empowered work force.

This manual is used externally to introduce our Quality Management System to our
customers and other external organizations or interested parties. The manual is used to
familiarize them with the controls that have been implemented and to assure them that the
integrity of the Quality Management System is maintained and focused on customer
satisfaction and continuous improvement.

The manual is approved by a top management representative.

President: Date: _10/27/17_________

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498

Section 01 Scope or the Quality Management System

To determine and establish the scope of the QMS, Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc determined
the boundaries and applicability of the QMS and considered the external and internal
issues, the requirements of relevant interested parties, and the products and services of the
The scope is available and maintained as documented information stating the products and
services covered by the QMS.
Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc applies all the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 when they are
applicable within the determined scope of the QMS.

The scope of the QMS includes providing machining services using the ISO 9001:2015
standard as our focus and commitment to our customers for products and delivery to meet
their expectations.

Conformity to ISO 9001:2015 may only be claimed if the requirements determined as not
being applicable do not affect the organization’s ability or responsibility to ensure the
conformity of its products and services and the enhancement of customer satisfaction.
In the event that any requirement is not applicable at Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc,
justification for any instance where a requirement cannot be applied is documented.
Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc has determined that the following requirement(s) is/are not
applicable to the operations at this site:
In the normal course of business, Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc will not undertake any
design work. Customers must provide their own drawings Therefore, Section 7.3 of this
ISO 9001:2015 is not applicable to Mayor’s Machine Works, Inc.

Section 02 Normative References

There are no normative references.

Section 03 Definitions
Applicable definitions are included in documented procedures and instructions at par 3.0 to
enhance the understanding of the process.

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498
Section 04 Document information

a. Distribution control list

As required with procedure P-750 for Control of documented information.

Quality Manual latest revision: Letter: _A__

Date of Issue: __10/27/17_____ Issued by: Carla Montemayor_______________

The status of the quality manual and/or description of changes are provided in the revision
status page of this manual.

Controlled copies are issued to:

Copy No. 1 President/Project Manager

Copy No 2 Treasurer / Bookkeeper / Accountant

Copy No. 3 Quality Manager

Management Representative

Copy No. 4 Operations Manager

Sales Manager
Materials Manager

Copy No. 5 Human Resources Manager

The master copy is held by the Management representative.

This manual is issued and controlled by the Management representative.

All matters or inquiries relating to its contents or usage are to be referred to that individual.

It is the responsibility of all holders of the above controlled copies to:

 Ensure that this manual is read by and available to the personnel under their control.

 Ensure that superseded pages are returned to the Management representative.

Uncontrolled copies of this manual will be identified with the word "uncontrolled" in bold
letters across this page

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498

b. Manual revision status

As required with procedure P-750 for Control of documented information.

Rev. Let. Description of changes Initials Date

A Initial issue of Manual QM-001-A

 Authority to issue --------- ISO management representative

 Authority to revise and approve -- Individual responsible for the procedures and the
instructions documents contained in the manual.

The table below is used to provide the revision status for procedures and instructions:

Rev. Date Section Paragraph Summary of change Authorized by

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498
The signature in the "Authorized by" area in the revision table provided at the bottom of the
procedures and instructions indicates the review and the approval for the latest revision to
the procedures and instructions.

Revisions are identified by indicating the affected section and paragraph in the revision

All pages in the manual bearing dates prior to and including the date of the revision remain

Responsibility Process
Sales Clerk RFQ from customer received
Sales Clerk Quotation sent to customer
Sales Clerk Customer accepts Quotation
Sales Clerk Quotation compared to customer purchase
Sales Clerk Order set up in database using customer p.o.
Sales Clerk Job Traveler created
Machining Supervisor MTL?
Machining Supervisor Customer Supplied
Purchasing Clerk Mayors Supplied
Purchasing Clerk Order with approve vendor according to
Shipping Clerk Mtl Received
Shipping Clerk Material documentation recorded
Machining Supervisor Material Machined to customer specifications
for completed product
Inspector/Inventory Completed Product pass inspection?
Machining Supervisor Return for Rework
Inspector/Inventory Re-Inspect
Shipping Clerk Ship completed Product to Customer

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498

Section 04 Document information – Form F-750-001

List of Documented Information for Manual Section 04 - Responsibility- Status

This master list for Procedures provides the responsibility, approval date, and revision
status for the documents. A latest copy of each Procedure and Instruction is included in the
applicable section of the manual.

 The QM designation indicates a Manual.

 The P designation indicates General Procedures.
 The WI designation indicates Work Instructions.
 The number following the document numbers listed in the Document column below
identifies the section of the standard that the document is associated with.

Doc. # Description Responsibi Approve Revise Revise

lity date date date
Quality Management System
QM-001 QMS Manual – President 10/27/17
Document Information
Manual Section 04 – Context of the Organization
P-400 Organizational context President 10/27/17
Manual Section 05 – Leadership
P-500 Leadership President 10/27/17
Manual Section 06 – Planning
P-600 Planning for the QMS Mgmt Rep 10/27/17
Manual Section 07 – Support
P-710 Resource management Operations 10/27/17
P-715 Control of monitoring Quality 10/27/17
and measuring Manager
P-720 Competence and HR 10/27/17
P-740 Communication Mgmt Rep 10/27/17

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498
P-750 Control of documented Clerical 10/27/17
information Staff
P-750-001 Document numbering Mgmt Rep 10/27/17
Manual Section 08 – Operation
P-810 Operational planning Project/Ope 10/27/17
and control ration
P-820 Customer related Clerical 10/27/17
process Staff
P-830 Design and n/a 10/27/17
P-840 Control of external Material 10/27/17
providers Manager
P-851 Control of production Project/Ope 10/27/17
and service provision ration
P-852 Identification and Material 10/27/17
traceability Manager
P-854 Preservation Material 10/27/17
P-870 Control of Quality 10/27/17
nonconforming outputs. Manager
Manual Section 09 – Performance Evaluation
P-910 Monitoring, Quality/Ope 10/27/17
measurement, analysis ration
and evaluation Manager
P-912 Customer Satisfaction Clerical 10/27/17
P-920 Internal audits President 10/27/17
P-930 Management review President 10/27/17
Manual Section 10 – Improvement
P-1010 Improvement Mgmt Rep 10/27/17

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498
P-1020 Nonconformity and Mgmt Rep 10/27/17
corrective action

Records Matrix for Manual Section 20 – Form F-750-002

This section of the Operations Manual contains the Records Documentation Matrix.
In support of the process approach, the last column indicates where in the QMS the
documents are used. A sample of the latest attachment, form, and flow diagram is included.

Doc # Description of 1st Rev. Last Rev. Used with Manual,

document Date Date Procedure, Instruction

A-520-001 Quality Policy 10/27/17 QM-001 / P-500 / P-740

A-530-001 Organization Chart 10/27/17 QM-001 / P-500 / P-600

A-600-001 PDCA guidelines 10/27/17 P-600 / P-740
F-440-001 QMS-Process 10/27/17 P-400 / P-600 / P-810
identification worksheet P-851
F-610-001 Risk and opportunity 10/27/17 P-600 / P-1010
F-620-001 Quality objectives 10/27/17 P-600
planning record
F-710-001 Equipment problem 10/27/17 P-710 / P-715
F-710-002 Resource maintenance 10/27/17 P-710
F-715-001 Equipment calibration 10/27/17 P-715
F-720-001 Training action plan 10/27/17 P-720
F-720-002 Group training record 10/27/17 P-720
F-720-003 Employee training 10/27/17 P-720
Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498
F-720-004 Job description 10/27/17 P-720
F-740-001 Comment, suggestion 10/27/17 P-740
F-750-001 List of documented 10/27/17 QM-001 / P-750
F-750-002 Records documentation 10/27/17 QM-001 / P-750
matrix P-1010 / WI-750-001
F-750-003 Master documentation 10/27/17 P-750 / P-740
F-750-004 Quality records table 10/27/17 P-750
F-750-005 Document change 10/27/17 P-750
F-750-006 Document revision 10/27/17 P-750
F-750-007 Software inventory 10/27/17 P-750
F-810-002 Project planning 10/27/17 P-600 / P-810 P-851 /
worksheet P-910
F-820-001 Client assessment 10/27/17 P-820
F-820-002 Job Traveler 10/27/17 P-820
F-840-001 Provider assessment 10/27/17 P-840
F-840-002 List of acceptable 10/27/17 P-840
F-840-003 Provider corrective 10/27/17 P-840 / P-870
action request – PCAR
F-840-004 Purchase requisition 10/27/17 P-840
F-840-005 Purchase order 10/27/17 P-840
F-840-006 Business agreement – 10/27/17 P-840
F-851-001 Process routing sht- 10/27/17 P-851

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498
F-851-002 Process routing sheet - 10/27/17 P-851
F-851-003 Process validation 10/27/17 P-851 / P-852
F-851-004 Packing slip / Invoice 10/27/17 P-851 / P-854
F-851-005 Service projects log 10/27/17 P-851
F-851-006 External property 10/27/17 P-851
control log
F-851-007 Project inspection / 10/27/17 P-851
F-852-001 Identification tag 10/27/17 P-715 / P-851 / P-852
F-852-002 Traceability serial 10/27/17 P-852
number log
F-852-003 Traceability label 10/27/17 P-852 / P-854
F-854-001 Storage inspection 10/27/17 P-854
F-870-001 NCR- Nonconforming 10/27/17 P-870
F-910-001 Product Realization- 10/27/17 P-810 / P-830 / P-840
Monitoring, measuring P-851 / P-852 / P-910
and analysis P-1010
F-910-002 QMS-Monitoring, 10/27/17 P-810 / P-910 / P-1010
measuring and analysis
F-910-004 Inspection report 10/27/17 P-851 / P-852 / P-910
F-912-001 Customer survey 10/27/17 P-912
F-912-002 Customer Analysis 10/27/17 P-912
F-920-001 Procedure by work area 10/27/17 P-920
F-920-002 Internal audit checklist 10/27/17 P-920
F-920-003 Audit plan 10/27/17 P-920
F-920-004 Audit report 10/27/17 P-920
P-930-001 Management review 10/27/17 P-930

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17
2620 Charles Lane Sugarland, Texas 77498
P-930-002 Management review 10/27/17 P-930
output report
F-1010-001 Data analysis 10/27/17 P-1010
F-1020-001 Corrective action 10/27/17 P-870 / P-920 / P-1020
Flow diagrams
FD-440-001 Process interaction 10/27/17 P-400
FD-510-001 Business process map 10/27/17 P-500
FD-810-001 Process flow diagram 10/27/17 QM-001 / P-810
FD-850-001 Operations-Production, 10/27/17 P-851

Quality Manual
QM-001-Rev-A Approved by: _________________ Date: 10/27/17

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