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Muslim Hands is a UK-based relief and development organization with its headquarter in

Nottingham United Kingdom and fundraising offices in Canada, France, South Africa and
Turkey. It was formed to serve the most vulnerable people across the world by addressing the
root causes of poverty and empowering communities. Established in 1993, it has grown from a
grassroots movement to an International Aid Agency that is now working in more than 40
countries around the globe, including Pakistan.
This annual report has a dual function: it describes the activities and achievements of our
programmes in 2021, and it then shortly reflects on the results and lessons learned. It provides an
account of how Muslim Hands is contributing towards bringing a positive social change with a
focus on key thematic areas of Education, Livelihoods, Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
(WASH), Community Physical Infrastructure and Emergency Response.
Our primary objective for 2020-2021 was to promote the long-term sustainability of our
interventions and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our programs by better aligning
them with the Agenda 2030 (SDGs). We accomplished this by working closely with our partners
and offices on the ground while distributing aid in an effective, efficient, transparent, and wholly
accountable manner to make a lasting difference to the communities we work with.
We diligently responded to the emergencies in the wake of all the natural disasters (i.e.
floods/earthquakes etc.), and war and conflicts (TDPs crisis). The organization ensured that its
regular programmes and projects i.e. Education, WASH, Livelihoods, Environment, and
Community Physical Infrastructure, are executed while following the Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) and other protocols of Covid-19.

In conclusion, this report explains our strategic focus in 2021, which is very much on shaping
and preparing for the future. Finally, it presents key recommendations to better support our
contribution to the sustainability of WASH services in Pakistan.

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