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Advanced Algorithms Analysis

and Design


Arslan Anjum

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Brute Force Algorithm
(Bubble Sort)

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Bubble Sort

• It is based on the comparisons of adjacent elements

and exchange it.

• This procedure is done repeatedly and ends up with

placing largest element to the last position.

• The second pass bubbles up the second largest

element and so on after n-1 passes, the list is

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Bubble Sort Algorithm?

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

What is Bubble Sort Algorithm?

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Bubble Sort Algorithm Code
Void Bubble_sort(int arr[], int n)
int I, j, temp, flag;
for(i=0; i<n-1; i++)
flag =0;
for(j=0; I < n-1-I ; j++)
if( A[j] > A[j+1])
temp = A[j];
A[j] = A[j+1];
A[j+1] = temp;
flag = 1;
if(flag == 0)

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Bubble Sort Algorithm Code
Void Bubble_sort(int arr[], int n) Cost Times
int I, j, temp, flag; C1 1
for(i=0; i<n-1; i++) C2 N-1
flag =0; C3 N-2
for(i=0; I < n-1-I ; i++)
{ C4 N+(n-1)+…+1=
if( A[j] > A[j+1]) N(n+1)/2
temp = A[j];
A[j] = A[j+1];
A[j+1] = temp;
flag = 1;
if(flag == 0) C5 N-1
} C6 1

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Time Complexity of Selection Sort
Total Time:
T(n)= c1(1)+c2*(N-1)+c3*(n-2)+c4*(n(n+1)/2)+c5*(n-1) +c6*(n-1)

T(n)= (c4/2)(n2)+n(c2+c3+c4/2+c5+c6+c7)+(c1-2c3-c5-c6-c7)

T(n) = a*n2+bn+c = O(n2)

T(n) = = O(n2)

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Brute Force Algorithm
(String/Pattern Matching)

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching

we want to find ith index of leftmost character of the

first matching substring in the text
such that :
Ti = P0,…, Ti+j = Pj,…, Ti+m-1=Pm-1
Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
String Matching

• Align the pattern against the first m characters of

the text
• Start matching the corresponding pairs of
characters from left to right:
– all the m pairs of the characters match, then stop the
– mismatching pair is encountered, shift the pattern one
position to the right and start the character comparisons,
again from first character of the pattern and its
counterpart in the text

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching
String =
Again mismatch

Match, just move on Again mismatch

Mismatch, move pattern to right Again mismatch

Again mismatch Again mismatch

Again mismatch Again mismatch

Again mismatch Match, just move on

Again mismatch Match, just move on

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
String Matching

Match, just move on

All pattern is matched , algorithm return pattern position in string

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching
Main String =
Pattern =
Main String length (n) = 18
Pattern length (m) = 3
Max no. of pattern placement = n – m = 18-3 = 15
Main String (S) =
Pattern (P) = => 0th place

=> 1st place

=> 2nd place
=> 3rd place
=> 4th place
=> 5th place
=> 6th place
=> 7th place
=> 8th place
=> 9th place
=> 10th place
=> 11th place
=> 12th place
=> 13st place
=> 14th place

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching
Pattern =
// N match with N, just
Text move next position of
Pattern = text and pattern for next
character comparison
// O match with O, just
Text move next position of
Pattern = text and pattern for next
character comparison
Text // B mismatch with T,
= just shift the pattern to
Pattern =
the right, again
comparison from start
Pattern =
Pattern =
Pattern =
Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
String Matching
Text // D mismatch with N,
Pattern = just shift the pattern to
= the right, again
comparison from start
= =

Pattern =
// N match with N, just
Text move next position of
Pattern = text and pattern for
next character
Text // O match with O,
Pattern =
// T match with T,
Text algorithm return
Pattern = index at which
pattern is matched

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching
= =

= =

Text …….
Pattern =

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching Algorithm
String = tshells,
Length of string =n= 7

Pattern = shell
Length of pattern =m= 5

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching Algorithm
String T S H E L L S

Pattern S H E L L

1st iteration, i=0 T S H E L L S

J=0, mismatch S H E L L
2nd iteration, i=1 T S H E L L S
J=0, match S H E L L S
2nd iteration, i=1 T S H E L L S
J=1, match S H E L L S
2nd iteration, i=1 T S H E L L S
J=2, match S H E L L S
2nd iteration, i=1 T S H E L L S
J=3, match S H E L L S
2nd iteration, i=1 T S H E L L S
J=4, match S H E L L S
2nd iteration, i=1
J=4, then j==m so inner loop condition false,
Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
String Matching Algorithm
2nd iteration, i=1
J=4, then j==m so inner loop condition false,
After inner loop, if statement return i, that is index of the pattern
3rd iteration, i=2
So, outer loop condition false,

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

String Matching Algorithm
Cost Times

C1 N

C2 N-1

C3 N+(n-1) + …+ 1=
inner loop exactly
execute m times

C4 N-1

C5 1

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

Time Complexity of Selection Sort
Total Time:
T(n)= c1*N+c2*(n-1)+c3*(n(n+1)/2)+c4*(n-1) +c5*(1)
T(n)= (c3/2)(n2)+n(c1+c2+c3/2+c4)+(c2-c4-c5-)

T(n) = a*n2+bn+c = O(n2)

T(n) = = O(n2)
Worst case = O(n2)

Best case = O(n), when pattern is vary small than string

e.g. String : tnkdnnjknsdjkjnkjnkshells
Pattern : sh, then inner loop require only 2 unit times execution i.e.

Arslan Anjum Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design

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