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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Diocese of San Pablo

Liceo de San Pablo

M. Paulino St., San Pablo City
Tel. No. (049) 562-3808

Learning Module



Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of normal
probability distribution
Performance Standard:
The learner is able to accurately formulate and solve real-life problems to
different disciplines involving normal distribution.
Learning Competencies
• Illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics
• Construct a normal curve
• Identifies regions under the normal curve corresponding to different
standard normal values

• Converts a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice versa
• Computes probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table.

Name of Student: _________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _______________________________________________
Name of Teacher: Mrs. Dory B. Arevalo


The normal distribution or Gaussian distribution is a continuous probability distribution that
describes data that clusters around a mean. The graph of the associated probability density
function is bell shaped with a peak at the mean, and is known as Gaussian function or bell curve.
The normal curve was developed mathematically in 1733 by Abraham de Moivre (1667-1754) as
an approximation to the binomial distribution. His paper was not discovered until 1924 by Karl
Pearson(1857-1936). Pierre-Simon Laplace(1749-1827) used the normal curve in 1783 to
describe the distribution of errors. Subsequently, Carl Friedrich Gauss(1777-1855) used the
normal curve to analyzed astronomical data in 1809. The normal curve is often called the
Gaussian distribution. The term bell-shaped curve is often used in everyday activity.

The local government is planning to give financial assistance to low income families in remote
barangays. To be successful in this endeavor , the mayor instructed his staff to conduct a
survey in order to determine the monthly income of each family. After surveying 500 families,
the staff found out that the monthly income of the families is normally distributed with a mean
of P5200 and standard deviation of 400. Instead of presenting the actual data to the mayor, the
staff simply used a normal curve.
If the mayor will only give financial support to families whose monthly income is less than
P4800, how many families can avail of the assistance?
To assist the mayor in analyzing the graph, it is important to have deeper understanding of
normal distribution.

Instruction Delivery

Normal Distribution

One of the most commonly observed continuous random variables has a bell-shaped
probability distributions. It is known as a normal random variable and its probability
distribution is called a normal distribution.
Properties of Normal Distribution
1. The distribution is bell-shaped.
2. The mean, median and mode are equal and are located at the center of the
4.The normal curve is asymptotic (it never touches the x-axis)
5.The normal distribution is continuous.
6. The normal distribution curve is symmetric about the mean (the shape are same on
both sides)
7. The total area under the normal curve is 1.00 or 100%
The area under the normal curve that lies within one standard deviation below and
above the mean is approximately 68.3%, while the area within two standard deviation
below and above the mean is approximately 95.4%, and within three standard deviations,

In order to determine the number of families whose income is less than P4800, we
need to determine the area of the shade region representing this group of families.
Since the area from ( μ−σ ¿ is approximately 0.683, then the area from μ ¿ ± is
0.3415. Therefore to get the area of the shaded region, simply subtract 0.3415 to
Area of the shaded region = 0.50 – 0.3415
= 0.1585
P(X < 4800) = 0.1585

The shaded region also represents the probability of selecting a family whose
monthly income is less than P4800
To get the number of families who will receive financial assistance, multiply the total
number of families by the obtained area of the shaded region.
500(0.1585) = 79.25
Therefore, the mayor needs to give financial assistance to 79 families.
Example 1: Illustrate the following notations using the given figure.

a. P(X>18.2)
b. P(X<20.3)
c. P(16.1≤ X≤22.4)

a. P(X>18.2)

P(X>18.2) = area to the right of 18.2

b. P(X<20.3)

c. P(16.1≤ X≤22.4)

Example 2:
A normally distributed random variable X has a mean of 500 and a standard
deviation of 40. Determine :
a. the range of values of X that lies within one standard deviation from the mean.
b. the lowest value of X which lies at least two standard deviations above the mean.
c. the highest value of X which falls at least three standard deviations below the mean.
a. The scores fall within one standard deviation below and above the mean or within
the interval ( μ−σ , μ+ σ ¿=¿ (500-40,500+40) = (460,500). Above 68.26% of all values
will fall within this range.
b. The lowest value of X which lies at least two standard deviations above the mean is
given by μ+2 σ = 500 + 2(40) = 580. Since about 95.44% of all values lie within two
standard deviations of the mean, around 4.56% will lie outside this range. Since the
region under the curve is symmetric about the mean, about 2.28% of all values will be
at least two standard deviations above the mean and will have value greater than or
equal to 580.

c. Similar with (b), the highest value which falls at least three standard deviations below
the mean is given by μ−3 σ = 500 -3(40) = 380.

Standard Normal Distribution

A normal distribution can be converted into a standard normal distribution by
obtaining the z value. A z value is the signed distance between a selected value,
designated x, and the mean, μ , divided by the standard deviation. It is also called as z
Standard normal value: z= σ
Where z = z value
X = the value of any particular observation or measurement
μ = the mean of the distribution
σ = the standard deviation of the distribution
The value of z is sometimes referred to as the z-score of x or standardized value of x.

Example 3: Convert the given values of X to z-scores, or vice versa.

x z μ σ
96 100 12
120 90 15
2.4 250 40
-1.6 8.5 0.5

a. Given x = 96, μ = 100, σ = 12, So, b. Given x = 120, μ = 90, σ = 15, So,
x−μ x−μ
z= σ z= σ
96−100 120−90
z = 12 z = 15
≈ -0.33 ≈ 2.0

c. Given z = 2.4, μ = 250, σ = 40, So, d. Given: z = -1.6, μ = 8.5, σ = 0.5,

μ+ zσ = 250 + (2.4)(40) So,
= 250+ 96 μ+ zσ = 8.5 + (-1.6)(0.5)
X = 346 = 8.5 – 0.8

X = 7.7

Example 4:
Determine the area under the standard normal distribution curve between z=0 and
z= 1.85
Draw the figure and represent the area as shown in the figure below.
Since appendix A gives the area between 0 and any z value to the right of 0, we only
need to look up the z value in the table. Find 1.8 in the in the left column and 0.05 in
the top row the value where the column and row meet in the table is the answer,
Appendix A: Standard Normal Distribution Table
Z 0.00 0.01 … 0.05 …
0.0 0.00000 0.0040 … 0.0199 …
0.1 0.0398 0.0438 .. 0.0596 …
0.2 0.0793 … … 0.0987 …
… … … … … …
1.8 0.4641 0.4649 … 0.4678 …
… … … … … ….

P(0< x< 1.85) = 0.4678

Example 5: Determine the area under the normal distribution curve between z= 0 and
z= 1.85.

The desired area is shown below

Example 6: Find the area under the normal distribution curve to the left of z= -1.85.
Draw the figure and represent the area as shown in the figure below.

P( 0 < z< 1.85) = 0 4678

P( z< -1.85) = 0.5000-P(0< z< 1.85)
= 0.5000- 0.4678
Hence the area is 0322 or 3.22%.

Example 7:
Find the area under the standard normal distribution curve to the right of z = -1.15 .

Thus, the area is 0.8749 or 87.49%.

Application of the areas under a normal curve

Example 8:
The weights of students in a certain year level are normally distributed with a mean of
60 kilograms and a standard deviation of 3.5 kilograms. Find the probability that a
student randomly selected from this group weighs less than 55 kilograms.
We have x =55, μ = 60 and σ = 3.5. So, we use the formula of converting x to z-score:
z= σ
= 3.5
= -1.43
We have P( z< 55) = P( z < -1.43).
= 1 - ( 0.5 + 0.4236)
= 1 - 0.9236

= 0.0764
Example 9:
Let X be a normal random variable with mean of 550 and standard deviation of 150.
Find the probability that X will have a value greater than 600.
x−μ 600−550 50
If x = 600, then z= σ = 150 = ≈
150 0.33. Using table, we have
P( X> 600) = P(z>0.33)
= 1 – P(z≤ 0.33)
= 1-( 0.5+ 0.1293)
= 0.3707

Using the table under the normal curve
Example 1:
Find the indicated z-score that corresponds to the following cumulative area.
a. 0.9961
b. 0.0102
c. 11.90%
a. Look for 0.9961 in the table. Get the value on the first column of 0.9961 and that
is 2.6. Look at value at the top of 0.9961 and that is 0.6. Add the two
values, 2.6 +0 06 = 2.66
b. The value to the left of 0.0102 is -2.3. The value at the top is 0.02. The answer is
c. First, convert 11.90% into a probability: 0.1190. The value to the left is -1.1 and
the value to the top is 0.08. The answer is -1.18.

Example 2:
Find the probability of the following:
a. P(z< 1.15)
Look for 1.1 under the z column then look for 0.05 on the heading of the table. The
number that lies in the intersection of 1.1 and 0.05 is 0.8749. Therefore, P(z<1.15) =
b. P(z< -0.35)
The negative sign indicates that the probability or the area is located to the left of
the curve. It makes no difference in solving for the probability. The number in the table
that lies in the intersection of -0.3 and 0.05 is 0.3632. Therefore, P(z< -0.35)= 0.3632.
c. P(z> 2.56)
Note that z> 2.56 and z ≤2.56 are complements. The probability rule for
complements implies that P(z>2.56) = 1- P(z ≤2.56)
The inclusion of the endpoints makes no difference in the random variable
P(z <2.56) = P(z ≤2.56). Therefore, P(z>2.56) = 1- 0.9948 = 0.0052.

Example 3:
Let x be a normal random variable with mean μ = 550 and standard deviation σ =
150. Find the probability that X will have a value greater than 600.
x−μ 600−550 50
Solution: If x = 600, then z= σ = 150 = 150
≈ 0.33.
Using table, we have
P( z > 600) = P( z > 0.33)
= 1 – P( z ≤ 0.33)
= 1- ( 0.5 + 0.1293)
= 1 – 0.6293
= 0.3707

Example 4:

It is known that the weights of mangoes harvested in a farm are normally distributed
with a mean of 220 grams and a standard deviation of 25 grams. If a mango is selected
at random, what is the probability that its weight is between 180 and 250.
If X is the normal random variable representing the weights of the mangoes, then the
problem requires us to determine the probability P( 180 < X < 250). Converting to the
standard normal variable z, we have:
x−μ 180−220 −40
Z1 = σ = 25 = 25 = -1.6

x−μ 250−220 30
Z2 = σ = 25 = 25 = 1.2

P( 180 < X < 250) = P( -1.6 < X < 1.2)
= P( -1.6 < z ≤ 0) + P(0 ≤ z < 1.2)
= F(1.6) + F(1.2)
= 0.4452 + 0.3849
= 0.8301

Quater1- week 2B
Sampling and Sampling Distribution

To study a population, it is ideal to get data from each member of the
population. However, this is often not possible when the population is quite big
and the time and the resources to do this are limited. Hence, it is necessary to
concentrate on the data-gathering procedure to a subset of the population. This
subset is the representative of the population and known as the sample.

What is the average height of Grade 11 students? What is the average weight
of Grade 11 students? What is the average daily allowance of Grade 11 students?
What is the average performance of Grade 11 students in Mathematics? If you will
answer these questions, will you consider the entire Grade 11 students to find their
heights, weights, daily allowance, and performance?

Instruction Delivery

Researchers use sampling if taking a census of the entire population is impractical.

Data from the sample are used to calculate statistics which are estimates of the
corresponding population parameters. For instance, a sample might be drawn from the
population, its mean is calculated, and this value is used as a statistic or an estimate for
the population mean. Thus, descriptive measures computed from a population are
called parameters while descriptive measures computed from a sample are called
statistics. We say that the sample mean is an estimate of the population mean.
The relation between a sample and a population is portrayed in figures below



Example 1:
a. In a class of 40 students the average IQ is 110. This value is a parameter. On the
other hand, if a group of 10 students are randomly chosen and their average IQ was
found to be 113, then this average is statistic.
b. In the same class of 40 students consisting of 24 girls and 16 boys, the proportion of
girls in the class is 0.6. This proportion is a parameter. If 12 students are randomly
chosen and the sample included 8 girls, then the proportion of girls in the sample is
approximately 0.67. This proportion is a statistic.
There are four basic probability sampling techniques.
1. Simple random sampling involves selecting a sample of size n from a population of
size N so that all the elements of the population have equal chances of being part of the
sample. N This can be done through various ways such as lotteries, table of random
numbers, or automatic random number generators
2. Systematic random sampling involves using a random start to determine the first
element of the sample and the selection of the rest of the sample elements is done
systematically, i.e, every kth interval, where k = N/n
3. Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into groups called strata
according to some chosen classification category such as age, income bracket, gender
geographical location, and so on. When the strata have been formed, subsamples from
each stratum are selected by simple random sampling and combined to form the
4. In Cluster sampling, the elements of the population are divided into groups called
clusters. Usually, the clusters are based on naturally occurring clusters mainly
geographical such as barangays, cities, or municipalities. To obtain a sample, Cluster
are selected from the set of all clusters by simple random sampling, and all the
elements from the chosen clusters are combined to form the sample.
The method used to obtain a sample depend on various factors such as the size of
the population, the geographic location of the elements of the population, the
homogeneity or heterogeneity of the elements of the population, and so on.
Example 2:
Identify the sampling method used in each of the following scenario such as simple
random, systematic random, stratified or cluster sampling.
a. From a list containing the names of 500 members of an alumni association, a
sample of size 50 is obtained by including every 10 th person in the list.
b. The students in a given school are classified according to year level. Twenty
students from each group will be randomly chosen to participate in a
study involving students’ study habits.

c. A survey on the satisfaction of homeowners living in a certain subdivision with the
security features in their place is to be conducted. A sample of 100 homeowners
will be drawn for this survey by assigning a number from 1 to 1000 to the
homeowners based on an alphabetical list. One hundred random
numbers are generated using a random number generator available in the
internet and these will be used to determine the homeowners who will
participate in the survey.
d. All the students who belong to ten chosen sections in a certain school will participate
in a study designed to improve students’ critical thinking skills.
a. Systematic sampling- The 50 members of the sample are chosen using an
interval K= 10
b. Stratified sampling- The strata are the different year levels to which the students
belong. Each student belongs to exactly one stratum.
c. Simple random sampling- All 1000 homeowners in the list have equal chances of
being included in the survey and no grouping was done before selection.
d. Cluster sampling- The different sections represent the clusters and all members
of the chosen clusters are included in the sample.

Sampling Distribution of Sample means

Example 3:
A population consists of the numbers 2,4,9,10 and 5. List all possible samples of
size 3 from the population and compute the mean of each sample.
Sample Mean
2,4,9 5.00
2,4,10 5.33
2,4,5 3.67 The number of samples of size n that
2,9,10 7.00 ca be drawn from a population of size N
2,9,5 5.33 is given by N Cn
2,10,5 5.67
4,9,10 7.67
4,9,5 6.00
4,10,5 6.33
9,10,5 8.00

This time, let us make a frequency distribution of the sample means. We shall call
this frequency distribution, the sampling distribution of the sample means

Sample frequency Probability A sampling distribution of sample means
Mean P( X ) is a frequency distribution using the
X means computed from all possible
3.67 1 0.10 random sample of a specific size taken
5.00 1 0.10 from a population.
5.33 2 0.20
5.67 1 0.10
6.00 1 0.10
6.33 1 0.10
7.00 1 0.10
7.67 1 0.10
8.00 1 0.10
total n = 10 1.00

Example 4
Samples of three cards are drawn at random variable from a population of eight
cards numbered from 1 to 8.
a. How many possible samples can be drawn?
b. Construct the sampling distribution of sample means.
a. N = 8 and n = 3, So, N Cn = 56
b. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Sample mean( x ) Frequenc P( x )
2.00 1 1/56
2.33 1 1/56
2.67 2 2/56
3.00 3 3/56
3.33 4 4/56
3.67 5 5/56
4.00 6 6/56
4.33 6 6/56
4.67 6 6/56
5.00 6 6/56
5.33 5 5/56
5.67 4 4/56
6.00 3 3/56
6.33 2 2/56

6.67 1 2/56
7.00 1 1/56
Total 56 1.00


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