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Roots School System

Pakistan’s Ist ISO 9001:2015 Certified School


To uncover the
children’s potential Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Dear Parents,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your wholehearted cooperation, support and confidence in us
for making 2021-2022 another very successful school year.

Dear parents, now our children will be going on a summer break to enjoy and spend happy moments with their
grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins after having worked diligently during the challenging school year. It's time to
have fun, explore new places, visit museums and historical sites, read books, play sports, enjoy nature and pursue their
hobbies. Alongside all constructive and healthy activities, you must protect your young children from all the vices
prevailing in the society.

Kindly do not give smart phone to your child nor buy him video games, TV. video shows which are clearly labelled “Not
for children under the age of 16”. Also refrain children as they are innocent and vulnerable from using social media and
making face book accounts as lawfully children under 18 are not allowed all around the world. These days all educators
are facing great challenges in the world on how to protect and save our innocent children from the dangerous
consequences of watching violent video games readily available in the market and on different websites.

As responsible and conscious educationalists, there is onerous responsibility on our shoulders in the field of education to
meet the 21st century challenges in our rapidly evolving technological world. It is our constant endeavor to engage the
children in healthy co-curricular and extra-curricular activities alongside academics so that we can shape all rounded
wholesome personalities with positive mind sets and values of honesty, integrity, truthfulness, morality, tolerance,
patience, respect for all religions, cultures and strong nationhood spirit.

Throughout the year we held many contests by organising short debates, talks, plays on ascertaining their mental health
and thinking pattern regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using technology i.e. social media/facebook/smart
phones. A very healthy discussion and debate was generated among the children which finally concluded on very positive
responses and conclusion by the children themselves. We also organised an informative and knowledgeable talk by our
senior faculty specialist in information technology who educated our children on awareness in the use of information
technology for safe and positive purposes. He also educated the young children on the dangers of using the technology
at a young age not knowing the consequences of the programmes or the social media/face book/video games. Our young
children evinced keen interest in the interactive session and put many intelligent questions to satisfy their curiosity and
on measures to protect themselves from the misuse of technology.

Kindly ensure your child is guided and supervised while using these devices. Make sure the shutdown of electronical
gadgets before going bed.

Here are some suggested activities for you to share with your children during the summer vacation.

1. Give more time to your children:

Spend quality time with your children, making them your sole focus while you are with them. Listen to them; make them
feel loved and special. Have conversations at lunch and dinner table, making memories worth a lifetime. Psychologists
say that parents who do not make extra efforts to make time for their children raise lost, dissatisfied and under confident
individuals. We need to join hands together to protect our children from all the vices germinating in our society by
spending quality time with them, listening to their interesting stories and satisfying their curiosity about new explorations.

2. Provide them a supportive environment at home:

We have to engage the ever-growing inquisitive, curious, thriving minds of the children into positivity by channelizing
their energies into constructing channels through a structured, supervised, exciting and enjoyable plan of activities i.e.
outdoor adventure, sports, mountain climbing, hiking, swimming, cycling, bird watching, nature walk, helping and
teaching one poor child in the house alongside watching good movies, plays, dramas of their interest also visiting
historical places, libraries and reading books regularly. Encourage your children at all times!!

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

3. School-Home Collaboration:
It helps to improve the study habits of your children by remaining in touch with their teachers and school administration.
Students with parents who are involved in their school tend to have fewer behavioral problems and better academic
performance, and are more likely to complete high school with flying colours than students whose parents are not
involved in their school. Positive effects of parental involvement have been demonstrated at both the elementary and
secondary levels across several studies, with the largest effects often occurring at the elementary level. Parental
involvement in school and positive parent-teacher interactions has also been found to positively affect teachers' self-
perception and job satisfaction. Research shows that students perform better in school if their fathers as well as their
mothers are involved, regardless of whether the father lives with the student or not as both parents are role models for
their children.

It gives us tremendous satisfaction to see the commendable growth of our children holistically in all areas of school
curriculum. We have witnessed remarkable confidence, intellectual wisdom, critical thinking, analytical skills,
communication, and collaboration among the students in the year ending 2021-2022. We are looking forward to another
challenging academic year 2022-2023.

May Allah Almighty give us the strength to continue with our mission of educating the future generations of our nation
with dedication, commitment, compassion and enthusiasm with your wholehearted support and confidence in all our
endeavours. We owe our success to our students, teachers and parents for their unflinching confidence and trust in us.

Department of Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessments - DQCA

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Scientists never cease to amaze us with inventions that fascinate and

cause the desire to have them right now.
1. Levitating Desk Lamp

Flyte is a wireless light bulb floating in the air above a small wooden
base in which magnets are embedded. This lamp is already actively used
because it takes surprisingly little energy: if it’s on for 6 hours per day,
the lamp can work for as long as 22 years.

2. "Smart" Jacket With Built-In Heater

The Flexwarm jacket has special heating elements built in the back,
chest, and wrist areas. With the help of special sensors, you can adjust
the heat output in accordance with your wishes. A useful discovery that
will be appreciated not only by active sports fans.

3. Surface Sterilizer

The Kitchen Sanitizing Wand device uses UV rays to destroy up to 99%

of harmful bacteria and microorganisms from any solid non-porous
surface. It seems that the dream of all housewives has come true: now
the kitchen will shine with purity and cleanliness.

4. 3-Sided Flip Phone

Three interconnected screens in one cell

phone can work in various modes, even
if you use different apps simultaneously. The
keyboard is located on the back of one of the
folding elements. Advanced users hope that
the project’s production is launched as soon
as possible.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

5. 2-in-1: Rollers and Skateboard

Unlike normal skateboards, Sidewinding Circular Skates allow you to
freely control your legs and turn. The skateboard has 2 wheels 25 cm
(9.8″) in diameter and comfortable platforms for your feet. It’s not only
teenagers who will be happy with this invention. It already exists!

6. Port Solar Charger

Port is a compact portable battery that charges your phone using solar
energy. All you need to do is attach it to any window in the house, car, or
plane with a special suction cup. You may check yourself how convenient it

7. MIITO — Kettle of the Future

MIITO is an incredible device that lets you
heat any liquid you want directly in a cup,
bowl, or any other vessel. You heat exactly
the amount of liquid you need, wasting less
energy and time.

8. Electronic Sensor Pen

Using the Phree pen, you can write anything anywhere. It really works:
all the symbols written on any surface will be digitized and sent to a
smartphone or computer. It’s an indispensable thing if you need to write
something down urgently and have neither a phone nor paper at hand.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

9. Scanner Determining Food Composition

TellSpec was invented and released for those who want to quickly and
accurately know the composition of a dish. It scans the products, then
sends a list of ingredients and information about the nutritional value to
a special phone application. Now you don’t need to worry about the
safety of the products you eat.

10. Incredibly Flexible Smartphone

Portal is a super flexible smartphone that’s not afraid of falling and can
be plunged into water to a depth of 10 meters (32.8′). At the same time,
it easily turns into a gadget that’s attached to the wrist, and it can act as
a fitness tracker and smart watch. Manufacturers promise to release the
device in the near future.

11. Xtra-PC breathes new life into old PCs and laptops
If you have an old PC or laptop lying around, or your current one is
getting a bit slow, why not try Xtra-PC. This tiny USB drive contains
an incredibly fast operating system based on Linux that can bypass your
computer's existing sluggish one.
Simply insert it into a USB port, restart the computer and you are all set.
You don't need any other technical skills to use it.

12. Mosquitotron is a non-toxic mosquito trap

Meet Mosquitotron; a non-toxic yet effective mosquito trap. This great

little anti-pest gadget will keep you and your family safe from being
harassed by these little flying devils.
It uses UV light to attract and ultimately capture any mosquitoes in your
home. Victims are then sucked into the unit and killed by being dried to

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Timetable for Holiday Break
Following a timetable is an easy way to lead an organized life, so make one. A timetable for a holiday break
would, however, be a little different from the one made for schooldays. A timetable is for setting different
hours of the day and different days of the week for the many fun activities you want to indulge in.

Subject Wise Holiday Break Activities


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Grade 5

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
How to Improve English Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading Skills!
There are many ways for you to support your child’s classroom learning by providing opportunities for reading, writing,
speaking and listening while on vacation. Family
discussions, word games, board games, trips to a local
bookstore or library to choose books, visiting museums
and other interesting places are all fun ways to involve
your child in literacy activities. Reading aloud with your
child is a relaxing activity that helps your child maintain
skills and give you special bonding time. Here are
suggestions from the International Reading Association
on reading aloud with your child:
➢ Read aloud to your child every day and continue after
your child learns to read independently.
➢ Answer your child’s questions, even if they interrupt
the story.
➢ Talk as you read. Ask questions like, “What do you think is going to happen next?”
➢ "Why did that character do that?" and "What would you do?”
➢ Don't use books that are not interesting to your child.
➢ Encourage your child to respond after reading by discussing, drawing or journaling about his/her favorite part or to
make up a new ending for the story.
➢ Have your child retell the story in his/her own words.
➢ It is important for your child to have the opportunity to choose his/her own reading materials. A child will be much
more motivated to read if the material is something, he/she is interested in.
➢ Some ideas for obtaining inexpensive or free reading material are:
➢ Hold “book swaps” with family and friends.
➢ Visit the library weekly to borrow new books. Ask your librarian for suggestions.
➢ Read a short story and try to write down the summary in your own words (weekly).
➢ Select any fairy tale to write the beginning of your story then imagine an entirely different ending for it (weekly).
➢ Look for the meanings of three entirely new words from dictionary. Use them in your sentences as well (daily).
➢ Cut 5 headings from newspaper and translate them in Urdu (daily).
➢ Make a table of three forms of verbs learn three verbs and their forms daily and jot them down in the table you have
➢ Make a list of words and ask the child to learn the spellings of 3 new words (daily).
➢ Read aloud to improve your reading skills.
➢ Do read e-books in this pandemic situation. Stay Home! Stay Safe!

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
English Grade V
1. Amazon audible stories for Elementary Level
Amazon audible stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Listen to the following stories for
which the links are mentioned. After you complete a title, write a review in your notebook following the sample book
Quest for the Diamond Sword
The Princess Test
The Fairy’s Mistake
2. Sample Book Reviews
Grade 4 Reviews
A Girl Named Helen Keller by Margo Lundell
Review by: Javier C.
New York, Grade 4
I think this was an interesting book because of the way Anne Sullivan was able to teach Helen Keller. Mrs.
Sullivan taught Helen the word water by putting water in her hands.
I like this book because it was nonfiction. I learned many facts about Helen Keller. She was a blind girl who
learned to speak. When she became an adult she met the president. She traveled the world.

Grade 4 Reviews
The Summer I Shrank My Grandmother by Elvira Woodruff
Review by: Layla F.
New Jersey, Grade 4
This book had a magical, exciting thing happen - the main character finds a chemistry kit in her grandmother's
basement and she makes a formula that shrinks her grandmother ages each day!
I liked it because it has mystery and a happy ending, if you are wondering!
3. Recommended Movie:
• The Adventures of Huck Finn 1993 DVDRip.avi [Grade V]
4. Creative writing topics
• Looking at the globe
• Why my mom and dad are the greatest
• Lock down!!
• Pizza is ……..
5. Diary writing:
1. Why keep a diary?
There are as many motivations for writing diaries as there are diary writers. Regardless of your age, you may
decide to keep a daily record as a method of expressing your feelings, talking yourself through the various
problems and challenges of life, and/or simply making yourself feel better about (and make sense of) the things
that happen in your daily life.
2. How to write a diary?
It's also important to understand that you're not exactly tasked with writing a top-selling novel; you're just
recording your personal experiences. So, you need not be overly concerned with correct grammatical structure
(i.e., paragraphs or even full sentences). You can use abbreviations, symbols, emoticons, sketches and/or anything
else you want to tell your story. Use a casual style and simple language, as if you're talking to a close friend. Use
the words "I" or "me" often.
3. What do I write about?
Again, with all due respect, Shakespeare isn't the goal here. You can write about ANYTHING you want.
Someone who's on your nerves. Someone you find especially attractive. Your job, your career, your hobby, your
goals - nothing is off limits, as long as you're comfortable sharing it with your current and potential audiences.
Again, the important thing is to start (and continue) writing.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Mathematics Grade V

Q. 1. Do as directed.
a. Calculate 7.3 multiplied by 4.
b. Divide 4.2 by 6
c. What is 10.5 ÷ 5?
d. What is two thirds of ninety-nine?
e. What is three quarters of forty-four?
f. Multiply 78 by 1000.
g. A plane journey takes 6 2 hrs. If Ali set off at 8.40am. At what time will Ali arrive?
h. The population of a town is 99,373. If 38,272 are men, 33,923 are women and remaining are children. Find the
number of children.
i. A snail climbs up a slippery wall. The wall is 30cm high. Each minute the snail climbs 5 cm but slides back 4cm.
How many minutes will it take the snail to reach the top of the wall?
j. A jar has 358ml of jam.
1. My grandma uses 198ml to make some jam tarts. How much is left?
2. If my mum needs 645ml of jam to make a cake, how much more jam will we need?
k. A third of a number is 21. What is the number?
l. Work out: 7 × (11 − 6) + 4
m. Two numbers have a sum of 15 and a product of 36. What are they?
n. I am less than 8 tens.
I am more than 5 tens.
I am odd.
If you add my two digits together, you get 10.
Who am I?
25 79 82

73 58 37
o. The product of two numbers is 7813. If one of the number is 13, find the other number?
p. Meena spoke to her father in London for 15 minutes. It costs Rs. 225. Sohail spoke to his grandfather in Paris for Rs.
256. What was the total telephonic bill for both calls?
q. A postman delivers 117 letters in a day. How many letters will he deliver in 28 days?
r. Mrs. Ali has 216 notes of Rs. 20. How much money does she have?
s. Nasir and Sara have 1223 and 987 stickers respectively. Who has more stickers and by how many?
t. What should be subtracted from 6083 to get 1536?
u. Rani got Rs. 100 from her mother, Rs.250 from her father, Rs.200 from her brother and Rs.120 from her friend. She
wants to buy a toy that costs Rs.850. how much more money does she need?
v. Here are some numbers.
307, 249, 355, 297, 311
Write one of the numbers in the box to make this correct.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
w. The number __________________ rounded to the nearest 10 is 300.
x. What is the remainder when the square of 49 is divided by the square root of 49?
y. I am between 20 and 30. I am a multiple of both 3 and 4. Who am I? __________________
z. What is the value of 201 × 7 – 7 × 102?
aa. If you work out the values of the following expressions and then place them in increasing numerical order, which
comes in the middle?
2 4 2 4 3 5 2 4 3 5
a. + b. 3 × c. 2 + d. 3 ÷ e. 2 +
3 5 5 4 5 4
bb. I am an even number
I have a 5 in the hundreds place
If you add 10 to me I equal 572.
What am I?
cc. Peter bought a used bicycle with some of his money. He made 3 payments of $29.75 each and spends $8.50 for two
new tyres. How much did he spend for the bicycle?
dd. How many sixes are there in ninety-six?
ee. A school has exactly twice as many boys as girls. There are 142 boys. How many are girls?
ff. Write 3568 to the nearest 1000?
gg. Write the missing number
( ____ × 2) ÷ 7 = 8
hh. What number is 48 times greater than 80?
ii. What I s45 % of 250?

1. Collect information about the famous Muslim Mathematicians and make a power point presentation or a booklet
about their discoveries and achievements. Paste pictures as well.
2. Design a booklet on any Math topic of your choice in order to provide it as a helping tool to your classmates. Booklet
should have the following things:
1. Topic
2. Subtopics
3. Vocabulary
4. Examples
5. Practice exercise
6. Answer key

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Assignment Sheet # 1

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Assignment Sheet # 2

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Assignment Sheet # 3

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Science Grade V
1. Design a leaflet or poster on the following themes and write slogans to support these themes.
• “Save and conserve our Environment”
• “Importance of water / light conservation”
2. We need to treat our environment carefully. We must not disturb the animals and plants living there. Explain:
• why we should not damage habitats.
• why we must not break food chains.
• why there will be more plants and animals if we care for habitats.
• how changing the habitat affects the animals and plants living there.
3. Imagine you are the expert tour guide for your digestive system. Write a story about your tour of digestive system
and explain “How each and every organ involved in this system works?
4. Watch Discovery / Animal Planet channels and prepare a detailed project about any 2 animals / birds with the help
of your parents.
5. Observe your surrounding and write at least 5 physical and 5 chemical changes. Carry out the experiments to
understand these changes. Observe them and fill up the changes you notice in the following format.
• Experiment-Burning of paper
• Type of change-Chemical change
• Material used-Paper, Matchstick
• Method-Burn the paper with a matchstick.
• Observation-The paper turns into ash.
• Conclusion-The ash will not turn back into paper.
• Reason-This shows that this process is a chemical change.
6. Prepare a presentation on the biodiversity of different types of forests found in Pakistan. Add relevant pictures of
animals and plants found in the forests.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Social Studies Grade V
1. Select three continents of your own choice and collect all the relevant information and facts about the respective
continents. You can also add few colourful pictures of continents’ famous landmarks, biggest country, river, famous
crop etc. Once, all the required information is collected. Present it in the form of a booklet or power point

2. Make a list of the Islamic countries and draw pictures of the flags of all these nations.

3. Make a booklet on national holidays of Pakistan. For each national holiday, make a separate section and write down
the historical facts related to each of these national holidays and why are they celebrated. Paste relevant pictures for
each section.

4. Write the names of any 4 famous monuments of our country. Collect information about their history, construction,
the material, the types of rocks used and also mention if they have any special feature.

Be social; Practice Values and Good Manners

Help your parent in kitchen/car wash/household tasks.
Volunteer to help around neighbourhood /community e.g. you may clean, wash, help elders, care for pets, water plants
or gardening.
Plan an outing with your family. Visit a park, museum/ beach.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Islamiyat Grade V

Names of Allah Daily Checklist

Prayers Recite Kalimah

Give charity Recite Darood e Pak

Speak truth Deed of the Day

Zakat is a form of almsgiving treated in Islam as a religious obligation or tax, which, by Quranic
ranking, is next after prayer in importance. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, zakat is a religious
duty for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria of wealth. Although there are no specific
guidelines in the Holy Qur'an on exact percentages to be given as Zakat, the customary practice is
to give 2.5% on capital assets. On agricultural goods, precious metals and livestock, the rate varies
between 2.5% and 20%. To be eligible to receive zakat, the recipient must be poor and/or needy. A
poor person is someone whose property, in excess of his basic requirements, does not reach the
nisab threshold. The recipient must not belong to your immediate family; your spouse, children,
parents, and grandparents cannot receive your zakat.

Dua of the Day Deed of the Day

Muslims believe in the two

angels for each person who are The solution to every
on his shoulders to record his problem is in Sabr and
deeds, both the good and the Istaghfar.
bad. These record keeping angels
are called Kiraman Katibin.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Names of Allah Daily Checklist

Prayers Recite Kalimah

Give charity Recite Darood e Pak

Speak truth Deed of the Day

This story is about a number of young men who were driven out of their homes because they
believed in Allah. They ended up in a cave where Allah made them sleep for many years (309 lunar
years which is 300 solar years).
When they woke up, they felt they had slept for a day or half a day. One of them went to the town
to get some food disguising himself thinking that the people would recognize and harm him. Only
to find himself amongst a different people. The people of the town were amazed at the appearance
of this man and the old coins he was using.
The story shows us how Allah protects the righteous who believe in Him no matter how hard their
situation is.

Dua of the Day Deed of the Day

The revelation of The Every good deed is a

Holy Quran was charity.
completed in Ramadan.

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022
Urdu Grade V

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022

Roots School System
Head Office: 74 Harley Street, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Summer Break Activities – 2022


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