B.Sc. Quantitative Biology

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facts Contact persons in the subject of Science
Faculty Mathematically Academic Advisory Service
Faculty of Natural Sciences dr Divykriti Chopra shore
Building 22.07, level 01, room 32
Diploma Bachelor of Science [B.Sc.] Phone +49 211 81-11955
Email studienbuero-qbio@hhu.de
Standard period of study 6 or 8 semesters
Start of studies winter semester
Bio Center Cologne

Admission Zülpicher Strasse 47b

requirements restricted admission [NC] 50674 Cologne

Building 304, Level 4, Room 601

application www.hhu.de/dosv Phone +49 221 470 89886

Application deadline July 15th

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Photos: © HHU/Ivo Mayr (1, 2); © Thomas Josek

Master's courses
Stand: 05/2022
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course of study

Semester Module

Network of Life [6 CP] | Biomolecules [9 CP] | Mathematical Fundamentals [6 CP] | Programming [6 CP] |

Methods of Science [3 CP]

Molecular Mechanism of the Cell [12 CP] | Deterministic processes in Biology [6 CP] | Principles of Statistics
& Stochastics [6 CP] | Algorithmic Bioinformatics [6 CP]
The international bachelor's degree in quantitative
Cell Bioenergetics [6 CP] | Cell Structure & Dynamics [6 CP] | Metabolism [6 CP] | Applied Bioinformatics [6
Biology is a new course that prepares you specifically for a job in 3
CPCP] | Population & Quantative Genetics [6 CP]
modern biological and medical research, offered jointly by the
Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and the
Microbial Ecology [6 CP] | Biotechnology & Synthetic Biology [9 CP] | Developmental Biology [6 CP] | Data
Science & Machine Learning [6 CP] | Science Ethics & Communication [3 CP]
University of Cologne.

5 Organismic Physiology [15 CP] | From Data to Knowledge [6 CP] | Advanced Module I [9 CP]
The Bachelor's degree in Quantitative Biology offers a range of
subjects geared to the needs of modern bioscientific research: a
B.Sc. Quantitative Biology B.Sc. Quantitative Biology PLUS
course of study in biology, closely interlinked with mathematical
modelling, data analysis and bioinformatics.
Project Planning [6 CP] | Project Internship [9 3x Advanced Modules [3x 9 CP]
CP] | Bachelor Thesis [15 CP] Interdisciplinary Selection [12 CP]
Course content In International/Industrial Research Experience [21 CP]
contrast to traditional biology courses, the modules in the basic Project Planning [6 CP]
phase do not differentiate between botany, zoology, microbiology, Project Internship [9 CP]
etc. Instead, you work out the basic principles of biology, some Bachelor Thesis [15 CP]
of which lead to similar, some to very different solutions in
different organisms. The course imparts in-depth knowledge of In total 180 CP 240 CP
biology, including mastery of important experimental,
mathematical, statistical and IT methods. The integrative modules study program Career prospects We will
impart the necessary quantitative skills in biological contexts. In the first 5 semesters, interdisciplinary modules impart an prepare you well for research and development work in life
Lessons are held in English. understanding of biological mechanisms, phenomena and science and healthcare, whether in industry or at public
concepts, combined with the relevant physical and chemical research institutions and universities. The degree qualifies you
fundamentals. In addition to basic experimental techniques, for a variety of master's programs at HHU: Biology, Molecular
special emphasis is placed on mathematical modelling, Biomedicine, Translational Neuroscience, Industrial Pharmacy
Almost all modules contain internships or exercises in order to biostatistics and bioinformatics. and Artificial Intelligence & Data Science. With quantBio+ you
internalize the lecture content in an application-oriented manner. can do a doctorate in suitable graduate programs.
The main goal of the course is to enable you to combine The 4-year variant (quantBio+), to which you can switch in the
biological and quantitative-analytical thinking in order to optimally 4th semester, gives you more freedom when planning a stay
prepare you for modern research. abroad and offers space for intensive research experience in
academia or industry.

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