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Repertory a General view.

Revision Dr Sneha M Wagh.
Historical Development of repertory
• The earliest repertory was born in 1805 .
• Dr Hahnemann wrote a book called as
Fragmenta De veribus Medicamentorum
• Dr Hahnemann had a 4 Volumes of this
reference book consisting of 4239 pages with
slits to hold little square papers.
• In 1829 Dr Hahnemann wrote to his Friend
Rummel , how useful will be of making a Good
alphabetical Repertory once it is compiled in
about 1829 pages, he assigned Dr Ernest
Ruckert to arrange a repertory .
• Dr Ruckert worked on it from 1829 to 1830 and his
work was constantly checked by Hahnemann. But
this attempt was not successful.
• Then Dr Hahnemann employed Dr Jahr in 1834 to
Complete the second edition of Chronic diseases
and also to lay foundation of Repertory and
Encyclopedia of symptoms.
• Jahr was a medical student and he could not
publish his first repertory until 1835.It was in
German in 2 volumes of 1052 and 1254 pages
followed by a third volume on glands, bones,
mucus membrane, ducts and skin diseases in 200
pages. These manuscripts are housed in the
Hahnemann’s library in Robert Bosch hospital.
• In 1828 one of the earliest repertories as by
Hart Laub .
• 1830- Weber compiled in German a Repertory
consisting of 536 pages.
• 1832- Boenninghausen’s repertory of Antipsoric
with a preface by Hahnemann was published
• 1n 1833 there was alphabetical order and
Systematic arrangement with logical
arrangement with most innovation introduced
with gradiation of drugs for a particular
• Symptoms denoted by italics with each
letter separated from the next by a blank
• Italics
• Ordinary type spaced
• Ordinary type
• Ordinary type in parenthesis.
Dates of evolutions of different Repertories.

• 1833- first alphabetical pocket repertory

by Glazor in Leipzig .
• 1832 – repertory of Antipsoric Medicines
by Dr Boenninghausen.
• 1835- Repertory of medicines that are
non Antipsoric – by Dr Boenninghausen.
• 1836- Relative Kinship of Homoeopathic
• 1840- A Repertory of Nosology by Dr Rouff.
• 1843- Repertory of symptomatology.
• 1845- BTPB. Boenninghausen Therapeutic
Pocket Book. Was published.
• 1847- Hempel’s Boenninghausen (500 pages)
• 1847- BTPB was edited by PF Curie.
• 1848- Systematic Alphabetical Repertory of
Homoeopathic medicine by Bryant.
• 1853- Jahrs New Manual.
• 1853- Dysentery and its Repertory of
Medicine By Freud Humphreys
• 1854- A Repertory of Comparative materia
Medica by A Lippe.
• 1859- Cipher Repertory by English
• About this time England were known the
following Repertories
• 1. Bucks Regional Symptomatology
• 2 Hempels repertory
• 3 Repertory of Curie
• 1873- repertory of Eyes By Dr Berridge.
• 1876- Repertory of new Remedies by C P
• 1879- Repertory of More characteristic
Symptoms of Materia medica by
Constantine Lippe.
• 1880- Symptom Register by T F Allen.
• 1880- Repertory to the Modalities by S
• 1881- analytical repertory of Mind By c
• 1884- cough and Expectoration by Lee
• 1892- Repertory of digestive system by
Arkell McMichell
• 1894- repertory of Rheumatism by Perkins
• 1899 Clarkes clinical Repertory.
• 1906- Henry Mintons Uterine Therapeutics .
1908- Shedds Clinical Repertory.
• 1920-Bells Diarrhoea.
Definition of Repertory
• Repertory is an book of Index of
Symptoms which are proved from
different sources like drug
proving,toxiological effects, clinical
provings and which are arranged in
alphabetical order to find the
Similimum .
Classification of Repertory
• Classification of Repertory.
• 1. Logical Repertories- eg- Kent repertory, Boenninghausen
Therapeutics Pocket book.
• 2. Non Logical repertories- Also called as Concordance
Repertory such as Knerrs Repertory and Gentry’s
• 3. card repertories- Based on cards eg- Jugal Kishores Card
Repertory, Sharma Card Repertory, Shankaran Card
• 4. Computer Repertory- Softwares of repertory Eg-
Hompath classic, CARA, RADAR.
• 5. Clinical repertories- These are based on
Disease condition, pathological condition oor
General diseses.Eg- Bells Diarrhoea, Henry Minton
Uterine therapeutics, Allen’s Fever Repertory.
Methods and techniques of Repertorisation
• Methods by Various authors.

• 1. Kentian Method –This method is useful in cases in which Generals

and particulars Symptoms are available.
• 2. Hahnemannian Method and Boenninghausen Method.-This
method where there is no mental symptoms but only particulars with
associated Concomitants , complete Symptoms are available. Then
this method is used.
• 3. Aggregation method- In this method the analyzed symptoms are
written one after another and the indicated Remedies are written
against them depending on the process selected.The frequency of the
appearance and the sum of marks scored by the Medicine are
calculated. This is the Repertory Value.
• 4. Ellimination method- In this method ellimination of medicines is
done once at beginning of the exercise. The most Prominent
characteristics symptoms is selected as the eliminating symptom. The
medicnes indicated for this are noted down. For the next rubric/
symptom only these medicines which are common to the eliminating
symptom are considered.
Steps of repertorisation
• 1. Case taking
• 2 Recording and Interpretation
• 3 Defining the Problem
• 4. Analysis of Symptoms.
• 5. Evaluation of Symptoms.
• 6. Totality of symptoms
• 7. Selection of Repertory.
• 8. Selection of Repertory.
• 9.Repertorial totality.
• 10.Selection of rubrics.
• 11. Repertorial Techniques.
• 12 Selection of rubrics.
• 13 Repertorial analysis.
• 14. Miasmatic assessment.
• 15. Plan of Treatment.
• 16. selection of Remedy.
• 17 Potency selection and application.
• Let us See General Repertories
Kent repertory
• Title of Repertory- The Repertory of
Homoeopathic Materia Medica by- Dr J. T . Kent
• Year of Publications- 1897
• Chapters- 37 chapters.
• Grades- three grades. Bold, italic , Roman.
• Logic- deductive Logic. Means- Generals to
• Remedy Relationship- Given By- Dr Gibson Miller.
• Total number of Medicines- 648.
• Arrangement of Chapters.- Mind to Generalities
• Rubrics arrangemt- Alphabetical order.
Boenninghausen therapeutic Pocket Book.
• Title of Repertory- Boenninghausen Therapeutics
Pocket Book.
• Year of Publications- 1846.
• Chapters- 07 chapters.
• Grades- Five grades- Capital, Bold, italic , Roman, and
Roman in Parenthesis (Brackets).
• Logic- Inductive Logic. Means- Particulars to Generals.
• Total number of Medicines-342
• This Repertory is based on Doctrine’s-
• 1.Doctrine of Concomitant.
• 2. Doctrine of Generalisation.
• 3. Doctrine of Analogy.
• This Repertory also gives the Complete symptom
• Means- Location,sensation,modalities and
Boger Boenninghausen Therapeutics Pocket Book.

• Title of Repertory- Boger Boenninghausen

Characteristics Repertory- By C M Boger
• Year of Publications- 1905
• Chapters- 58 chapters.
• Grades- Five grades. Capital, Bold, italic ,
Roman and Roman in Parenthesis..
• Logic- Inductive Logic. Means-Particulars to
• Bogers concept of Diseases is as follows.
1.Quis. 2.Quid. 3. Cubi. 4.Quibus auxillus.
5.Cur. 6. Qumodo. 7. Quanto.
• Total number of Medicines-489 medicines.
Synthesis Repertory.
• Title of Repertory- Trepertorium Homoeopathicum
Syntheticum .By- Dr Fredricke Schroyens.
• Year of Publications- 1987.Its Linked with RADAR
software based on Sixth American edition of kent
• Chapters- 38 chapters.
• Grades- Four grades.- Capital, Bold, italic , Roman.
• Logic- deductive Logic. Means- Generals to
• RADAR means- Rapid Aid to Drug Aimed Research.
• Total number of Medicines- 3712 remedies.
• Radar has 9 Versions still work going on with new
additions of rubric and Medicines.
Synthetic repertory.
• Title of Repertory- Synthetic Repertory. by- Dr H.
Barthel and W. klunker.
• Year of Publications- 1973
• Indian edition was published- 1987.has Three
• First Volume has – Mental generals.
• Second Volume has- physical Generals,
• Third Volume has Sleep , Dreams and sexual
Generalities chapters.
• Grades- Four grades. Capital, Bold, italic , Roman.
• Logic- deductive Logic. Means- Generals to
• This Repertory is based on Kent Repertory.
• Total number of Medicines- 1594 medicines.
Murphy Repertory.

• Title of Repertory- Homoeopathic Medical Repertory

by- Dr Robin Murphy.
• This repertory is also called as alphabetical repertory.
• Year of Publications- 2009
• Chapters- 74 chapters.
• Grades- Four grades. –
• Grade 1.Bold Capital underlined ,
• Grade 2Bold Capitals,
• Grade-3 Bold italics ,
Grade-4 plain Roman.
• Logic- deductive Logic. Means- Generals to Particulars
Based on Kent repertory.
• Clinical chapter added are Blood, Diseases, emergency
and Nerves disorders, Diagnostics, pathologies, Tissue
• Let us See About Clinical Repertories.
Clinical repertory.
• Clinical repertory are those Repertories
which contain clinical Symptoms and the
corresponding Group of Remedies.
• Clinical repertories facilitate the selection
of remedy on the basis of Pathological
similarity, Causation, Modalities and
• They are not commonly used for
repertorisation, but can be used in cases
where the clinical condition mask the
characteristics of the patient.
Evolution of Clinical repertories
• 1869- Repertory of Diarrhoea by Dr Bell.
• 1873- repertory of Eyes By Dr Berridge
• 1873- desires and Aversion by Gurensey.
• 1879- repertory of Fevers by H C Allen.
• 1879- Repertory of Foot Sweat by Om Drake.
• 1880- Repertory of Modalities by worcester.
• 1880- Repertory of Organs by Lutuze.
• 1882- Repertory of Intermittent Fevers by W A
Evolution of Repertory continued.
• 1883- Repertory of Sensation as if By Dr
• 1883- Uterine therapeutics By Dr Henry
• 1884- Repertory of Cough and Expectoration
By Dr Lee and Clarke.
• 1892 Repertory of Digestive System by Arkell
• 1894 Repertory of Rheumatism by Perkins.
• 1894- Repertory of therapeutics of Respiratory
System By- Van Denburg.
Evolution of Clinical Repertory.Cont….
• 1894- Repertory of Rheumatism -Dr Pulfords.
• 1894- Repertory of Eczema by-C F Mills
• 1894- Repertory of Headaches by-C B.Knerr.
• 1894- Repertory of Appendicitis by Dr Yingling
• 1896- repertory of Neuralgias by Dr Lutuze.
• 1899- Repertory of Urinary organs-A R Morgan
• 1904- Clarkes Clinical Repertory.
• 1906 – repertory by P. F Curie.
Evolution of Repertory continued
• 1906- Repertory part of Raues Special
• 1906- Repertory of Respiratory Diseases by
• 1906- Repertory of Mastitis by W J Guernsey.
• 1906- Shedd’s Clinical Repertory
• 1931- Bogers Times of remedies. By C M
Classification of clinical repertories.
• Repertories have many Clinical rubrics and is Grouped against the
Name of The disease. They are Sub Divided as follows.
• 1) Covering the whole
• Eg- Clinical repertory by W. Boericke
• Clinical repertory By J H Clarke .
• 2) Covering the region
• On Covering Clinical condition..
• Eg- depends on Disease condition or parts
• Berridge Eye Repertory
• Mintons Uterine therapeutics.
• On special Parts :
• Eg-Roberts Rheumatisum,
• Bells Diarrhoea.
• Allens Repertory of Intermittent fever.

Scope and limitations.
• Clinical repertory help to study of HMM
and therapeutics
• Usefull in clinical Cases only.
• Helps for Quick reference.
• Finds Palliative Medicines
• Short case useful for repertorisation
Limitations of Clinical Repertory.
• Limited use
• Only in particular cases.
• Only sometimes used for References
• Let us see some Computer repertory-
• Hompath Classic
Dr. Jawahar Shah
BASIC of Hompath Classic.
• Base : It is based on
& Kent’s concept.
• Indian edition : 2000
• Latest edition : Hompath wild fire 1.0

Gradations : 4 grades- Capital,Bold

Itallic, Roman,
• Hompath Classic ver 8.0 – The Premium
Collection comes in a set of 6 CDs and
11 modules with over 300 select
Homoeopathic Books and Repertories
and more than 5000 articles from
leading Indian and International
Homoeopathic publications.
Significance of Hompath Classic.

• 1. Reduction of Prescription time

• 2. Getting better results.
• 3. Confirming the symptoms of the patient
• and the remedies from the proving.
• 4. Creating own repertories and lectures.
Store patient data and analyse their
• 5. Organising their practice.
• Let us see the RADAR Software
Rapid Aid to Drug Aimed Research

Rapid Aid to Drug Aimed Research

• Base : 6th edition of Kent’s
• First edition : 1987 RADAR Book version
: 1995
• Indian edition: 1996
• 10th Version : 2007
• 10.5 Version : 2009
• Latest : Radar Opus 2010
• Gradations : BOLD CAPITAL, Bold
roman, Italics, roman
• International time table 0-24 hr 8
Package of RADAR.
• Encyclopedia Homeopathica
• Winchip
• Marketed by : Archibel
• India : B. Jain Publishers
• Radar was first developed as research
project at the University of Namur,
Belgium under the supervision of Jean
• More readable symptom format
• Delusion ,policeman ,come into house ,
thought he saw (Kent).
• Delusion , policeman, coming into house; he
sees a policeman
• User friendly and authentic
• Repeatedly checked additions
• Delusion, starve, he must -Kali.chl (Kent).
• Delusion, starve, he must - Kali.m (Synthesis)
• New standard list of remedy abbreviations
• New standard list of author abbreviations
• Different Views Each view allows the
practitioner to select the group of authors
they would like to include in their analysis
• Full Synthesis
• rmd not copied
• Millennium View
• Quantum View
• Modern 1987
• Classic Kent
• Pioneers 1843
• Kent revised
• Advanced view
Price In India

• Radar (Platinum 50 users) LAN

Version10 -1,40,000
• Radar Platinum Version 10 - 99,990
• Radar Apex - 44,990
• Radar professional - 31,990
• Radar student - 21,990
• Radar Beginner - 9,990
• This is all about the Different types of
At Last Lets Know important points of
knowing repertory.
1. Title of Repertory. 9. Remedy Relationship
2. Author of the repertory. 10. Largest chapter
3. Year of Publication 11. Smallest Chapter
4. Different Editions if it 12. Advantages
has 13. Disadvantages
5. T o t a l n u m b e r o f 14. Sources of repertory.
Chapters 15. If any volumes
6. T o t a l n u m b e r o f 16. A r r a n g e m e n t O f
Medicines Rubrics.
7. Logic, Philosophy 17. A r r a n g e m e n t O f
8. Grades or Typography. Chapters.
• Essentials of Repertorisation.
• Kent repertory
• Boerickes Repertory
• Clinical Repertory.
• Hompath Classic.
Thank you.

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