Ged102 A51 WGN2.2 Gonzalvo.

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4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 8

Task List

The topic for Week 8 is about Statistics. Not as comprehensive as a usual

statistics course, it only tackles Data Management concepts and procedures. It
highlights the use of the normal distribution and regression analysis.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the number corresponding to
each task.

___✓__ 1. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 9 Introduction

__✓___ 2. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 9 Part 2 (Normal Distribution and Empirical


___✓__ 3. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 10 (Central Limit Theorem)

__✓___ 4. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 11 (Regression Analysis and


___✓__ 5. Accomplish Module 2 Problem Set.

___✓__ 6. Prepare for Module 2 Quiz.

___✓__ 7. Submit WGN Week 8.

4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 8

Lesson 9. Normal Distribution


A. What is Statistics and what is it for?

Statistics is a process of collecting and organizing data to be analyzed and
interpreted. It is mostly used in solving problems, making decisions, and
designing products and its process.

B. Describe a normal distribution.

Is a type of distribution that is usually used in statistics.

C. State and explain the Empirical Rule.

Empirical Rules or also called the three-sigma rule is a rule in normal distribution that
states that most of the observed data will aligned with three standard deviations of
the mean.
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 8

Lesson 10. Central Limit Theorem


A. Explain the Inferential process of statistics

Inferential process of statistics or Inferential statistics refers to the utilization of
random samples into a sampling distribution where I will be used to come up with
conclusions regarding the population.

B. State and explain the Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem is when the means of the samples n from the random
sampling in a population with a mean and standard deviation aligned with a
normal distribution curve then the sample size increases.
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 8

Lesson 11. Regression and Correlation


A. Correlation Analysis
1. What is Correlation Analysis?
Correlation analysis is a procedure in statics used to analyze the relationship
among variables.

2. How is correlation measured and how is the value interpreted?

It is measured by a correlation coefficient which is denoted by r. Its value
varies from +1 to -1.

B. Regression Analysis
1. What is Regression Analysis?
regression analysis is a process that is used to identify the origin of the linear
relationship between dependent and independent variable
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 8

2. What is a Least-Squares Line?

It is a type of method of minimizing the summation of the squares in
regression analysis from the results made in every equation.

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