Advanced Lesson 1 - Writing (Student)

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Task 1: Charts with trends

Task 2: Causes and Solutions

Task 1: Dynamic charts

1. Complete the noun phrases that describe the trends on the line graph
below with words from the box.

NB: You can use more than one word at a time.

1. 3. 5.

2. 4.
2. Language used to describe trends

a. Noun phrases


dramatic – sharp – rapid – quick – steep increase – rise – climb – growth

significant – considerable - substantial decrease – decline – fall – drop -

gradual – steady – slight – slow –

TO a sharp increase to 50% Tăng lên đến

a slight decrease to 10% Giảm xuống còn

OF a sharp increase of 50% Tăng thêm

a slight decrease of 10% Giảm bớt

b. Verb phrases


dramatically – sharply – rapidly – quickly increase – rise – climb – grow

– steeply
decrease – decline – fall – drop –
significantly – considerably - substantially reduce

gradually – steadidy – slightly – slowly –


TO The figure increased to 50% Tăng lên đến mốc

The figure decreased to 10%

BY The figure increased by 50% Tăng thêm

The figure decreased by 10%

Cụm từ dùng by, Danh từ dùng of

c. Applying above phrases in sentences

Subject of description verb phrase time

 The figure for Vietnam significantly increased to 70% in 2020.

Subject of show noun phrase time




 The figure for Vietnam saw a significant increase to 70% in 2020.

The time show noun phrase in subject of

between A and description
The period from
A to B see

 The time between 2010 and 2020 saw a significant increase to 70% in the
figure for Vietnam.
There is/ was noun phrase in subject of time

 There was a significant increase to 70% in the figure for Vietnam in


3. Essay structures


INTRODUCTION Paraphrase the question

OVERVIEW The highest figure


BODY 1 The first point of time

BODY 2 Trends + the final point of time


INTRODUCTION Paraphrase the question

OVERVIEW The highest figure


BODY 1 & 2 Describing each category from the beginning till the
4. Practice

The line graph below shows the household recycling rates in three different
countries between 2005 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

Subject of description:

household recycling rates

= the percentage of household recycling

the proportion of domestic waste (being) recycled/ that was recycled

the amount/ the quantity

the rate of domestic/residential waste recycled in Germany

The figure for France/ UK/ Germany
In my neighborhood = In my residential area.
Bỏ đại từ quan hệ -> chuyển V về nguyên thể -> thêm -ing
Eg: the proportiong of students who attended the event
= the proportion of students attending the event.

The line graph illustrates the percentage of domestic waste recycled in Germany,
the UK and France from 2005 to 2015. The graph describes the proportion of
household waste recycled in three different countries over a 10-year period,
starting from 2005.
Overall, it is argued that the household recycling ratio in the UK and Germany
witnessed an upward trend while that in France saw some fluctuations over the
period. The figure for France was higher than that the other countries at the
beginning of the period while it was true for Germany at the end of the period.
While: nối cụm từ.
Meanwhile: nối 2 câu = In the mean time.
In 2005, France had the highest percentage of residential waste, at/with 50%
(half of the total waste). At the same time, the figure for the UK followed
behind, at/with around 35% (over one-third). Lastly, the amount of household
waste recycled in Germany was lowest, at/with 20% (one-fifth).
2/5 = two-fifths

Germany có xu hướng giống với the UK

In contrast, the rate of household recycling decreased sharply while there was a
significant decrease by in the
The bar chart below shows the sector contributions to India’s GDP from 1960
to 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

Subject of description:

the sector contributions to India’s GDP =


Phrases describing stable trends

stay – remain constant – steady – stable - unchanged

 The figure for Vietnam remained unchanged from 2010 to 2020.

Phrases describing fluctuation

fluctuate = show some fluctuations

 The figure for Vietnam showed some fluctuations from 2010 to 2020.
Phrases describing peaks and highest points

Peak at + number: chỉ một điểm cao nhất trong chart (only one)

Hit a peak of + number

Hit its highest point of + number: có thể dùng với điểm cao nhất của cả
biểu đồ và từng đường

 The figure for Vietnam peaked at 70%/ hit a peak of 70%/ hit its highest
point of 70% in 2020.

* Note: A chart has only one peak, but many highest points (of different

Phrases describing lows and lowest points

Hit a low of + number

Hit its lowest point of + number

 The figure for Vietnam hit a low of 30/ hit its lowest point of 30 in 2010.

* Note: A chart has only one low, but many lowest points (of different
Task 2: Causes – Solutions

1. Phrases describing causes

Verbs to cause/ result in/ give rise to/ lead to SOMETHING

to stem from/ result from

 Obesity may result in many health problems such as heart disease.

 Many health problems such as heart disease result from obesity.

Adjectives due to

attributable to SOMETHING

attributed to

 Many health problems such as heart disease are attributable to obesity.

Nouns chief reason for

main culprit of SOMETHING

major cause of

primary rationale for/ of/ behind


 The main culprit of many health problems such as heart disease is


Preposition because of
as a result of SOMETHING

on account of

 Many people suffer from many health problems such as heart disease on
account of obesity.

2. Phrases describing solutions

Nouns the solution to something

the approach to something

the way/ method/ measure to do something

the way/ method of (doing) something

 One solution to air pollution is to plant more trees.

 One measure to reduce air pollution is to plant more trees.

 One method of reducing air pollution is to plant more trees.

Adjectives practical/ workable/ viable/ feasible: thực tế, khả thi

efficient/ effective: hiệu quả

optimal/ optimum: tối ưu

 One practical solution to air pollution is to plant more trees.

 One effective measure to reduce air pollution is to plant more trees.

 The optimal method of reducing air pollution is to plant more trees.

Verbs to solve/ tackle/ address/ fight/ combat something

to alleviate/ mitigate/ reduce something

 People should plant more trees to solve air pollution.

 People should plant more trees to mitigate air pollution.

3. Practice

Traffic congestion is becoming a huge problem for many major cities. What are
the causes? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce traffic in big

a. Introduction & Conclusion

b. Body
– Causes

On the one hand, there are some culprits of traffic congestion in metropolises.

Cause 1 Overpopulation in urban areas

+ The massive influx of people/ the mass exodus/ the migration

from rural areas to big cities in search of work and educational

 An increase in the number of vehicles -> traffic

infrastructure – cannot accommodate them

Cause 2 public transport systems – poor/inadequately developed

+ unreliable systems -> force city dwellers (=residents) to use

private vehicles

 Streets – crowded especially during peak hours/rush hours

– Solutions

On the other hand, some measures can be taken to address the aforementioned

Solution 1 To transfer/relocate industrial zones, businesses and colleges

from metropolises to the countryside.

 (the relocation) -> to create opportunities for local

residents -> to address the overpopulation in urban centres
-> to combat the problem of traffic congestion

Solution 2 To allocate more national budget to/ put more investment in

upgrading the existing public transport systems and increasing
their capacity.

 Encourage road users/ road participants to utilize buses

and trains -> reduce private vehicles -> traffic jams – be

1, Dynamics charts:
2, Problems and Solutions:

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