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Objectives Describing a process.

Discuss both views and give your opinions.

Task 1: Processes
* The tense that is used: SIMPLE PRESENT

1. Introduction

The diagram Illustrates The process in which A + be + made/

created/ produced/ manufactured/ generated
The illustration Demonstrates
The way in which A + be + made/ created/
The image Explains
produced/ manufactured/ generated

How A + be + made/ created/ produced/

manufactured/ generated

The process of making/ creating/ producing/

manufacturing/ generating A

The production/ manufacture/ generation of


Practice: The diagram shows the production of glass bottles.

The diagram illustrates the process in which glass bottles are produced.

A bottle of water – chai có nước bên trong

A water bottle - 1 chai được sản xuất chuyên để đựng nước

2. Overview

The number of steps/ stages

The first step/ stage and the final step/ stage

Overall, it is clear that the process consists of N beginning with A and

stages, ending up with Z.

there are N stages in the


Overall, it is clear that there are 3 stages in the process, beginning with
collecting botlles that are used and ending up with selling items in supermarkets.

- Recycle, carry

To collect/ gather used bottles from customers to a collection point
To recycle the used bottles
 At the beginning of the process, used bottles are collected/ gathered from
customers to a collection point where they are recycled
To carry/ bring/ transport/ transfer/ deliver/ move the recyled bottles to a
cleaning plant
To wash/ clean the bottles under high pressurised water

To categorize/ classify/ separate/ divide the bottles into three types which are
green, brown and clear bottles
To carry/ bring/ transport/ transfer/ deliver/ move the bottles to a glass factory
To break/ crush/ smash the bottles into smaller pieces

At the beginning of the process, used bottles are collected from customers to a
collection point where they are recycled. Afterwards, the recycled bottles are
delivered to a cleaning plant by truck where they are washed under high
pressurised water before being categorized into three types which are green,
brown and clear bottles. After that, they are transferred to a glass factory in
which the bottles are broken into smaller pieces.

By + tên phương tiện (nguyên thể): I go to school by bus.

To heat the pieces of glass in a furnace/ To move the pieces of glass into a
furnace so that they can turn into the liquid form.
To mix the liquid with new liquid glass/ To add new liquid glass to that liquid to
create a mixture

To shape the mixture into bottles by the use of a mould/ To mould the mixture
into bottles

To fill the new bottles with drinks and pack/ package them

To transport/ transfer/ deliver the bottles to shops for sale

3. Body

Sequencers First of all

In the first step

At the beginning of the process

After that





In the next step

Following this

In the final step



At the end of the process

Task 2: Discuss both views and give your opinion

1. Essay Structure – Almost balanced view

Introduction 1. Introduce the issue

2. While I accept A, I believe B.

Body 1 Ideas that support A

Body 2 Ideas that support B (you favour this side)

Conclusion While I accept A, I believe B.

2. Practice

In some countries, many people think that the government should move industries
and businesses to regional areas outside big cities while others do not because they
think this may cause problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people suppose that the authorities should transfer factories and
companies to rural areas while others oppose. From my perspective, relocating
plants and interprises brings with it some negative aspects, I believe that these
drawbacks are outweighed by its benefits.

A outweigh B – nặng hơn, quan trọng hơn, làm lu mờ

= eclipse/ overshadow/ outshine

the government The state, the authorities, governments

In some countries In some nations/areas

In some different parts of the world

move Relocate, transfer

industries and businesses Factories and companies

Plants and interprises

Industrial zones and corporations

regional areas outside big cities Rural areas/regions

The countryside

The suburbs/ outskirts of metropolises

a. Introduction & Conclusion
b. Body

On the one hand, the demerits of transferring factories and businesses out of
metropolises are obvious and undeniable.

- to entail huge amounts of money

+ to construct new infrastructure and upgrade the existing one such as traffic
systems, buildings, and power and water supplies  to facilitate production
and business activities
+ to place an intolerable financial burden on the government and the
businesses themselves
- to lose their customer base
+ to be farther/ further from their regular clients who may no longer buy their
products and services due to geographical barriers
+ to spend time and money doing research and finding new customers/ to go
bankrupt before getting stable again

Facilitate sth: tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho cái gì

Facilitator: người hướng dẫn, người kiến tạo thành công

Place a burden on sth/ sb: đặt gánh nặng lên ai

On the other hand, I am of the belief that if this proposal is passed, it may
bring about even more advantages.

- to tackle many existing problems in big cities

+ to prevent the massive influx of people/ the mass exodus from rural areas to
urban ones in search of work
+  to address overpopulation which is the root cause of many other issues
such as traffic congestion, high rates of crime or housing crisis

- to improve the quality of people’s lives in deprived regions

+ to provide local people with job opportunities  to reduce the
unemployment rate


Verbs to benefit somebody: có lợi cho ai, làm lợi cho ai

to benefit from something: hưởng lợi từ cái gì
 Online shopping benefits consumers.
 Consumers benefit from online shopping.

Adjectives beneficial/ advantageous to somebody/ something: có lợi

positive: mang tính xây dựng, hữu ích
 Online shopping is beneficial/ advantageous to
 The trend in which more people go shopping online is

Nouns benefit: lợi ích

advantage: lợi thế, lợi ích
merit: giá trị
 The benefits/ advantages/ merits of online shopping are
undeniable/ obvious.
 Online shopping brings with it some benefits/ advantages/
 The benefit/ advantage/ merit of online shopping is that …

Verb to have a [favourable/ beneficial/ positive] + [effect/ impact/

phrases influence] on somebody/ something
to bring with it many benefits/ advantages/ merits
 Online shopping has a [favourable/ beneficial/ positive]
[effect/ impact/ influence] on consumers.
 Online shopping brings with it some benefits/ advantages/

Verbs to harm somebody/ something: gây hại

 Online shopping harms consumers.

Adjectives detrimental/ harmful/ disadvantageous to somebody/ something:

có hại

negative: tiêu cực

 Online shopping is detrimental to consumers.

 The trend in which more people go shopping online is

Nouns Drawback/ detriment/ disadvantage/ demerit/ downside/


 The drawbacks of online shopping are undeniable/


 Online shopping brings with it some demerits.

 The main downside of online shopping is that …

Verb to have a [deleterious/ detrimental/ negative/ damaging/

phrases destructive/ harmful] + [effect/ impact/ influence] on somebody/

to bring with it many drawbacks/ detriments/ disadvantages/

demerits/ shortcomings/ downsides

 Online shopping has a deleterious influence on consumers.

 Online shopping brings with it many shortcomings.

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