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The patient identity

Patien named Mrs. Anna, she’s 27 years old, she lives in cikande, she works as an employee, she is
married, her husband’s name is Mr. Alex, her number can be contacted 0812345, an examine on April 9,
2020, with medical diagnosis of dengue fever.

The patien complaints

She complained of fever for 5 days, dizziness and her body felt weak, than she went to a clinic near, her
come and the doctor said the patien diagnosed her with dengue fever

The patien history

The patien had been never been hospitalized before. She had felt fever since 5 days ago. In the end the
patien was taken and reffered to the hospital because the fever never went down, than the doctor
advised to be treated for 2 until 3 days.

The patien also said before, it has never happened even in her family, she has never been sick as she

Intervention and the treatment pharmacological and non pharmacological

Non pharmacological treatment given is to encourage patient to drink extra 200 cc each increase in
temperature of 1 degree celcius and warm cimpresses and eat with fruit interudes

pharmacological treatment given is paracetamol given orally 3 times a day. Oral antipyretics 3 times a
day. Oral immunos 2 times a day. And ondansentron injection 1 times a day

and next, the patient current health condition

the patient’s condition is getting better now after treatment an she temperature drops and decreases

thus our nursing report, thank you …

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