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Scenario Summary

Current Values: Optimistic Pessimistic

Changing Cells:
Iron 4000 3600 4400
Copper 12000 9600 14400
Silver 24000 20400 27600
Gold 56000 53200 58800
Bronze 32000 24000 40000
Result Cells:
Total_cost 128000 110800 145200
Notes: Current Values column represents values of changing cells at
time Scenario Summary Report was created. Changing cells for each
scenario are highlighted in gray.
Metal Base Scenario Optimistic Pessimistic
Iron 4000 3600 4400
Copper 12000 9600 14400 Q. 1. Create 2 scenarios using Sc
Silver 24000 20400 27600 Scenario 1: Optimistic Scenario. N
Gold 56000 53200 58800 Scenario 2: Pessimistic Scenario. N
Bronze 32000 24000 40000
Total cost 128000 110800 145200
eate 2 scenarios using Scenario Manager.
1: Optimistic Scenario. Name it 'Optimistic'.
2: Pessimistic Scenario. Name it 'Pessimistic'.
Parameter Value
Loan Amount 1200000 1. Find the interest rate for which you need to pay EMI of Rs
Goal Seek to determine the interest rate. Show the working
Terms in Months 150 2. Format the target cell (B3) so that it displays the result as
Interest Rate 4% decimal places.
Payment ₹ -10,000.00

Hint: Ignore the current value in B5.

ch you need to pay EMI of Rs. 10,000 per month. Use
erest rate. Show the working in the Excel.
that it displays the result as a percentage upto 2

n B5.
Loan Amount 3500000 Rs.
Tenure 30 Years

Prepare one-dimensional data-table in the following box

₹ -22,122.38
6.00% -20984.26838035
6.50% -22122.38082225
7.00% -23285.58733127
7.50% -24472.50779935
8.00% -25681.76008578
8.50% -26911.97192545
9.00% -28161.79159307
9.50% -29429.89725126
10.00% -30715.00495311
10.50% -32015.87530726
11.00% -33331.31884563
11.50% -34660.20015987
12.00% -36001.44089239
You take a house loan of 35,00,000 for a tenure of 30 years. You want to know the monthly payments (EMI) for varied
interest rates from 6%, 6.5%, 7% and so on up to 12%. Prepare a one-dimensional data table.

Note: Preparing a table without using one-dimensional data-table function will fetch zero points.

Example of EMI calculation

Interest rate EMI

6.50% ₹ -22,122.38 Use this formula for calculating EMI
7% ₹ -23,285.59

Additional note:

EMI is calculated using PMT function in Excel.

Syntax for the PMT function is PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type])
rate = interest rate/12 for monthly EMIs
nper = tenure in years * 12
pv = loan amount
Other arguments you can ignore as of now. You will learn those in upcoming classes.
ments (EMI) for varied
ata table.

ero points.
Loan Amount 1500000 Rs. Rate 8% Nper 50

Prepare your two-dimensional data-table in the following box

₹ -35,376.24 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144

6.00% -28999.2 -24859.33 -21912.83 -19712.15 -18008.62 -16653.08 -15550.55 -14637.75
6.50% -29349.22 -25214.89 -22274.15 -20079.35 -18381.77 -17032.2 -15935.65 -15028.82
7.00% -29701.8 -25573.51 -22639 -20450.58 -18759.41 -17416.27 -16326.15 -15425.72
7.50% -30056.92 -25935.17 -23007.41 -20825.81 -19141.52 -17805.27 -16722 -15828.39
8.00% -30414.59 -26299.86 -23379.32 -21205 -19528.07 -18199.14 -17123.17 -16236.79
8.50% -30774.8 -26667.58 -23754.73 -21588.19 -19919 -18597.85 -17529.59 -16650.83
9.00% -31137.53 -27038.31 -24133.62 -21975.3 -20314.36 -19001.37 -17941.21 -17070.46
9.50% -31502.79 -27412 -24516 -22366.33 -20714 -19409.63 -18358 -17495.6
10.00% -31870.57 -27788.76 -24901.78 -22761.25 -21118 -19822.61 -18779.82 -17926.17
10.50% -32240.85 -28168.45 -25291 -23160 -21526.29 -20240.25 -19206.69 -18362.11
11.00% -32613.63 -28551.12 -25683.65 -23562.64 -21938.79 -20662.5 -19638.52 -18803.33
11.50% -32988.91 -28936.73 -26079.69 -23969.06 -22355.49 -21089.32 -20075.26 -19249.75
12.00% -33366.67 -29325.29 -26479.1 -24379.26 -22776.35 -21520.64 -20516.82 -19701.29
12.50% -33746.91 -29716.77 -26881.86 -24793.21 -23201.33 -21956.43 -20963.14 -20157.86
13.00% -34129.61 -30111.16 -27287.95 -25210.88 -23630.38 -22396.61 -21414.16 -20619.38
13.50% -34514.77 -30508.44 -27697.34 -25632.24 -24063.47 -22841.14 -21869.8 -21085.76
14.00% -34902.38 -30908.61 -28110 -26057.25 -24500.55 -23290 -22330 -21556.91
EMI ₹ -35,376.24 You applied for a loan of 15,00,000 for your higher education. Your
know how different combinations of interest rates and loan tenure
monthly payment (EMI). Prepare a two-dimensional data
Range of interest rate: 6% to 14% with the interval of 0
Range of Loan tenure: 60 months to 180 months with the interval

156 168 180 Note: Preparing a table without using two-dimensional data-table fu
zero points.
-13870.85 -13218.5389 -12657.85
-14267.85 -13621.4412 -13066.61
-14671.11 -14031.0081 -13482.42
-15080.56 -14447.1501 -13905.19
-15496.11 -14869.773 -14334.78 Additional note:
-15917.69 -15298.778 -14771.09 EMI is calculated using PMT function in Excel.
-16345.21 -15734.0626 -15214 Syntax for the PMT function is PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type])
-16778.58 -16175.52 -15663.37 rate = interest rate/12 for monthly EMIs
nper = tenure in years * 12 OR number of months
-17217.72 -16623.0403 -16119.08 pv = loan amount
-17662.53 -17076.5102 -16581 Other arguments you can ignore as of now. You will learn those in up
-18112.91 -17535.8134 -17049
-18568.77 -18000.8313 -17522.85
-19030 -18471.4429 -18002.52
-19496.49 -18947.5252 -18487.83
-19968.15 -19428.9537 -18978.63
-20444.88 -19915.6024 -19474.78
-20926.55 -20407.3442 -19976.12
our higher education. Your parents want to
erest rates and loan tenures will affect the
e a two-dimensional data table.
14% with the interval of 0.5%.
0 months with the interval of 12 months.

o-dimensional data-table function will fetch


nper, pv, [fv], [type])


w. You will learn those in upcoming classes.

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