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Please follow the requirements to answer all 3 questions

1. Please rank the following paragraphs from 1-5 (5 for the best, 1 for the
worst) and give your reasons *Hint: The following paragraphs are different
sections of the Personal Statement for application, and you need to score each
section according to criteria.

a) It is the motivation for why the applicant is applying to the programmer, an

interest that has been cultivated since an early age. Avoid generalities in the
statement, lack of specific examples, impracticality, and failure to reflect the
ongoing learning process growing up.

Answer: I am applying to Creative Writing because I have always liked

writing short stories since I was a child. I continued to write many stories
throughout junior high school and high school. Majoring in English Literature
in university, I took many creative writing courses to further improve my
writing skills. I am applying to the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
Programme at ABC University because I believe your training can help me
write better. My goal is to become a professional writer. I can challenge
myself and hone my writing skills in the programme.

Mark: _____2________

Reason: ___Because English Literature is very creative and professional

Writer. ___________________

b) It is the main body in the personal statement describing the social volunteer
experience to reflect the applicant's acquired abilities or skills. To be specific
about the background of this experience, the purpose, the specific work, and
the results obtained.

Answer: One of the most important extracurricular activities I participated in

at university was the Animal Welfare Society. I acquired leadership,
organizational, and communication skills. I was the President of the Animal
Welfare Society, a student organization comprised of 150 members; our aim
was to find a balance between stray animals and human beings through
capturing and spaying/neutering stray animals. As the President, I was
responsible for capturing and spaying/neutering stray dogs and leading the
society. I led the team in organizing over 25 activities and dealing with over
200 complaint cases. I trained 5 members to conduct spaying/neutering
activities and allocated regions to each member. As for complaint cases, I
always contacted every person who made a complaint to clarify the situation,
while taking the opportunity to explain our method to gain mutual
understanding. I also invited them to participate in our activities to fully
understand how we dealt with problems. As a result, we successfully
neutered80 percent of the stray dogs in these communities, and some of those
who originally submitted complaints became our most avid supporters.
Through these experiences, I improved my leadership, organizational, and
communication skills, which were useful in landing me my first job.

Mark: ____4_________

Reason: ___ As for complaint cases, I always contacted every we successfully

neutered 80 percent of the stray dogs in these communities, and some of those
who originally submitted complaints became our most avid supporters

c) It is the motivation for why the applicant is applying to the programme, which
is the criticism of the present. Avoid only negative criticism, no constructive
solutions, and too many commonsense descriptions.

Answer: The idea to devote my life to promoting the agriculture industry in

China was sparked when I was exposed to the many difficulties farmers face
when competing in the global market when I was President of the Student
Association of the Graduate School of Management at ABC University. No
other industry is as far-reaching as agriculture. Food influences the rise and
fall of nations; food prices are closely linked to societies and individuals. I
believe that we can transform the agriculture industry in China through
science and technology so farmers can compete in today's dynamic, globalized
market. However, every technology investment must show promise and
tangible benefits. Otherwise, investors would not want to invest in innovation.
I would like to combine my Agriculture and Business backgrounds in helping
farmers innovate.

Mark: _____1________

Reason: ______The Idea promoting global market ABC University. Food

Prices and closely linked science the agriculture benefit. ________________

d) It is the reason why the applicant applying to the programme to show an

understanding of university. It entails focusing on faculty resources,
curriculum design, internship opportunities, research directions and teams,
and giving reasons; non-academic considerations can be added.

Answer: I believe a Master in Management at ABC University will allow me

to learn marketing strategies and gain a solid foundation in management. This
will help me achieve my career goal of working in marketing in a globalized
world. Your programme's faculty members are experts who have tremendous
real-world experience. The internship module will give students invaluable
opportunities to gain practical experience and apply theories learned in class in
practice. Finally, the class size is small, and the class diverse. This can
catalyze free exchange of ideas among staff and students. I am much excited
about the prospect of learning from my future classmates who are from
different backgrounds. I look forward to overcoming the challenges ahead.
This will truly be a transformational experience for me. It will help me hone
my skills so that I can one day set up my own business to improve the quality
of life for people in this global environment.

Mark: ______5_______

Reason: ______This will help prommame faculty member classmate exchange

I look Tran formal my own the future challenge who are different .i Look
forward to overing the classmate ahead.________________

e) It is the conclusion part, which needs to summarize the applicant's

qualifications and strengths, clarify the applicant's career goals, and explain
why the applicant is applying to this school.

Answer: The courses of the LLM programme at ABC University are

comprehensive and can prepare me for a career in intellectual property rights.
I am interested in taking Corporate and Financial Law, International Business
Law and Intellectual Property & Information Law. These courses attract me to
your programme since in my work experience, I observed how companies in
Taiwan working with foreign companies generally do not have an
understanding of intellectual property rights. Controversies often arise
between these companies and between workers and employers because of this
lack of understanding. The training in your programme will hone my
professional skills in dealing with Intellectual Property in the company.
Further, I would like to explore the topic of intellectual property law in my
independent essay. My proposed research topic is Exploring the impacts of
intellectual property on intellectual capital and company performance: The
case of Taiwan XXX Company. I look forward to advancing my knowledge of
intellectual property in your programme.

Mark: ______3_______

Reason: _____The Course of Transnormal property in the company. Further I

would like to explore the topic and exploring the impact the _ knowledge of
intellectual property in your programmer.


2. Please paraphrase the following 2 sentences (Use Calibri; use 1.5 line
spacing; have a font size of 11 points) *Hint: The rephrased sentence should be
semantically coordinate with the original sentence, you could rearrange sentence
structure, such as replacing prepositional phrases or other syntax structures with
alternative ones, or expanding related information about the proper nouns in the
sentence. Please firstly refer to the following example before paraphrasing.

For example:
Original Sentence: The gap between the market value of firms and the
capitalisation of their assets in the balance sheet highlights the value that
investors are prepared to attribute to the intangible resources of many

Good Paraphrase: Intangible resources such as corporate images, brands and

patents, and other intellectual properties that attract investments can be
evaluated by the gap between the market value of firms and the capitalisation of
their assets in the balance sheet.

Bad Paraphrase: The difference between the market value of firms and the
capital value in the balance sheet features the value that investors are willing to
trace to organisations' intangible resources.

a) As an excellent team member, my enthusiasm and dedication have helped me to

provide quality care for my patients. The rewards from improving patients'
quality of life motivate me to become an influential and successful healthcare
Your answer: The evolution of patient care One all-knowing physician, or a private
nurse living in the community in the “good old days” cared for people, and either was
very easy to approach when needed at any time of the day.

b) Your assistantship programme will provide me with the practical teaching

experience I long for. Continuing to study American literature can improve my
critical and creative skills in language, thus advancing my other two career goals.

Your answer: Do give enough time to creating a good initial paragraph. It is the
first thing your audience will read, and first impressions are quickly formed. If
your first sentences are dull, irrelevant, eccentric or pompous, or worse still, full
of grammatical or spelling mistakes, your reader will quickly form a negative
impression which will be hard to dispel.

3. Please rewrite and paraphrase the following text based on the above Q2 Hint
about paraphrasing, you need to present in a new form based on your
understanding of essential information and ideas expressed from the text
(Word Count: 150-200 words; use Times New Roman; use double spacing;
have a font size of 12 points) *Hint: Use the first person, consistent tense, and
grammatically correct. You may delete some errors, extend or add proper
information in sentences, rearrange sentence structure, and add related
vocabulary as appropriate, but make sure that the logic is reasonable, and the
flow is smooth.

I am Minzu University of China undergraduate is colorful. As a self-motivated

student, I spare no effort to equip myself with professional knowledge and
practical skills in jurisprudence, criminal law, civil law and commercial law due
to my unremitting efforts. I make great use of my oral and written skills, I did a
double major in English, and I often participated in moot court. Besides, it greatly
improved my English.

I'm also involved in number of research, for this, a paper also published in the
journal of Ethnic Culture. My team went to investigate and interview the
residents of that village and started survey data. After receiving opinions from
scholars and experts, I put forward suggestions to the existing laws and
regulations to protect the safety of villagers' lives and property. To this end, I
have broadened my horizon for conduct research. Improved their skills in data
collection, analysis and interpretation of results.

I really want to be a legal practitioner. I also as an assistant in the university legal

service Center. I also work at the ABC Intermediate People's Court. Valuable
experience improves my logic and analytic thinking ability and personal
experience in dealing with economic and civil disputes. I was allowed close
contact with highly qualified legal professionals, enthusiasm and dedication
impressed me so much that I wanted to become a competent legal practitioner just
like them.

Your answer: I am Minza university of Undergraduate. I self-motivated and legal

professional, enthusiasm and dedication impressed me. Being immersed in
Chinese culture, lifestyle, and society can foster intellectual and cultural growth
and can help a foreign student to develop into well-rounded legal professionals.
Pursuing law education in China is an excellent opportunity to gain expertise in
subjects like commercial law, comparative law, international law and civil law. I
put forward suggestions to the existing laws and regulations to protect the safety
of villagers' lives and property. And I was allowed close contact with qualified
and professional and we are not allowed the legal practitioners just like them. I
have brooded for data collection and analysis and interpretation of results.

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