Communication Skills Reflection 1

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Communication Skills Reflection

I would rate my communication skills proficient, and this is because I am able to

communicate well with my peers to create a solution in order to overcome

challenges/problems we faced in many of the communication skills activities. An

example of when I demonstrated proficient communication skills would be during the

nail challenge, where we had to stack as many nails as we could on top of a line of

string. With my group members we tried our hardest to see if we could break the school

record of 42 nails stacked, and to do that I had to use my communication skills with my

other group members in order to come up with an incredibly smart design that allowed

us to stack lots of nails securely and efficiently. This gave us the ability to create a new

record of 62, breaking it by 20. Another example would be during the back to back

drawing activity, where I believe me and my partner did really well because we were

able to communicate efficiently what we needed to draw and how to do it. Even with the

much harder drawings I was able to communicate thoroughly what he had to draw and

we ended up in the top three for the prize challenge. I think to improve my

communication skills I need to be more out there, pushing myself out of my comfort

zone, because with the mistakes you make you learn to better yourself in that field.

Being more out there will improve my communication skills greatly where I falter, which

would be coming up with conversation, explaining very in depth reasons for a point of

view, and talking to people with confidence. I don’t feel too confident right now to market

myself in an interview and this is because I need to do more volunteer work and gain

more experience to have enough content to share with the interviewer. I feel that I need
to be much more prepared and practice my communication skills much more. An

example would be that I falter a lot with volunteer work, prior work experience, and

school involvement which I am determined to get this year, and I also tend to laugh a lot

when I am told to be serious which is a problem I need to solve so that I can show the

interviewer I am professional. I feel that I need to prepare myself and be prepared when

I am able to apply for a job and speak in an interview.

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