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Hey, It’s Nick Neeson, founder of Introverted Badass.


“How To Get Tons Of Dates Without Draining Yourself

…Even If You Have Extremely Little Social Energy”.

In this book, you will learn exactly what the title says: how to get
lots of dates without exhausting yourself.
The best part? This book was specifically made for introverted
What do I mean by this? Well, there’s a lot of dating advice out
there, but 99% of it is either weird pick-up artist advice, or it’s
telling you to behave like an extrovert and that’s just not you.
Now, this book is the complete opposite of that.
If you are an introverted man looking for smart dating advice
tailored to introverts, then this book was made especially for

But before we go any further, let’s do a quick introduction.

Most of you guys probably already know me, but if you don’t
already know me you might be thinking, “Who the heck is Nick
Neeson, and why should I listen to him?”
So here goes the introduction
I’m known as the world’s number-one dating coach for
introverted men and the highest-paid dating consultant on the
I’m the founder and CEO of Introverted Badass. If you don’t
already know Introverted Badass, Introverted Badass is the
world market leader in dating advice for smart, introverted men.
We were the first dating advice company by introverted men for
introverted men.
We also were the first, and frankly still the only dating advice
company with more than 23 years of experience exclusively
focused on introverted men. And we don’t do anything else. The
only thing we do is help smart, introverted men become badass
with women naturally, without being someone they’re not.
I’m the creator of the highest-impact mentorship program for
introverted men in the history of the dating industry, which is
something I’m very proud of.
I’m an advisor to celebrities and have been coaching introverted
men for more than 23 years.
For the past 23 years, I’ve studied influence, the psychology of
change, human relationships, and dating.
I’ve also studied a very special kind of psychology called
Modeling is the process of recreating excellence. Basically, it
enables you to clone experts. It enables you to choose an
expert and map his or her belief systems and behavioral
patterns, both conscious and unconscious, and code them in a
transferable and reproducible form so that other people can
learn it and get the same results.
Armed with this technology, I’ve modeled other introverted
naturals, meaning introverted men that were naturally
successful with women. And I’ve taught what I’ve learned from
those introverted naturals to other introverted men, and they got
the same results.
So that means two things for you:
First, you’ll be learning stuff that is proven to work for introverts.
Second, you’ll learn the skills of naturals. Not the unnatural,
theory-based, pick-up artist skills.
I’ve chosen introverted naturals with a minimum of 10 years of
experience. Because, frankly, I believe that if you want to learn
any important skill, whether it’s dating or business skills or
anything else, you need to learn it from people with a minimum
of 10 years of experience doing it. That way you filter out the
lucky shots. So, I’ve chosen introverted naturals with more than
10 years of an incredible track record in dating beautiful women.
I’ve also read over 1,100 books, and I complete a personal
challenge every month.
I’ve combined what I’ve learned from my own experiences with
what I’ve learned from the introverted naturals, with what I’ve
learned from human psychology, dating, and courtship into a
unique natural system for introverted men.
And today I’m going to share with you the five most important
secrets I’ve learned over those 23+ years. I’m going to give you
only the good stuff without you having to go through the bad
stuff. Because I’ve gone through the bad stuff for you already.
I’ve taken one for the team. ☺
And in this book, you’ll get the exact details of how to get tons
of dates without draining yourself. Plus, I’ll also teach you the
five secrets to become a badass with women, naturally, without
being someone you’re not.

And here’s why that’s important to you right NOW:

Most “dating advice” we’ve learned so far is DEAD WRONG for
introverted men.
Here’s why:
Most of the advice out there falls in one of three categories:
• First of all, we have pick-up artist (PUA) advice, which
teaches you to use routines, lies, and manipulation to trick
women into bed, and which only works on low-quality
women and psychologically damaged women. I mean,
come on, what kind of quality woman would fall for a man
that wears feather boas and performs magic tricks, or uses
other kinds of gimmicks?
• Bad guy advice, which teaches you to treat women like, for
lack of a better word, shit.
• More respectable advice ☺, but, sadly, focused on
extroverted men. 

And if you are a smart, introverted, good man, none of these

approaches suit you.
If you use them, you feel like you betray yourself because you
are acting like someone you’re not.
Here are some examples that are representative of 99% of the
advice that you can find out there, and that probably makes
your hair stand on end.

“Go to nightclubs, act like you’re the owner, and make small talk
with everybody.”

“When you arrive at the bar, immediately start high-fiving


“Use peacocking (wearing strange hats or feather boas) to

attract attention from women and everybody else in the venue.”

“Learn how to entertain big groups of people, so women will

think you’re a leader.”
“Become a great and entertaining storyteller to mesmerize

“Make small talk with everybody that comes within five feet of
you during the day.”

“For one year, every day after work, go out for four hours and
approach and talk to 40 women.”

“Use magic tricks, games, and palm reading routines to

entertain women.”

Here’s why this doesn’t work for introverts:

First of all, it’s just not you. As an introvert, you probably don’t
like superficial small talk, loud chaotic places, and big groups
that much. You’d much rather have a deeper conversation with
just one or two people.
Second: Having so many social interactions will drain your
energy. It’s just impossible for an introvert. You wouldn’t have
any energy left to go to work and manage the rest of your life.
Third: Learning dating skills is something that should be fun, not
something that goes against your deepest nature. Otherwise,
you’ll probably give up before you get results.
And even if you don’t give up, it will take you a very long time to
learn how to act like someone you’re not. That means it will take
even longer for you to see any results.
Even if you magically do get results, they won’t be satisfying.
You see, an extroverted approach will attract women that fall for
extroverts. And when they later find out this is not who you are,
they’ll probably dump you and you’ll be back to square one.
To sum it all up, it’s a long and painful journey to learn to
behave like someone you’re not. And for what? To ultimately
get women that are not compatible with you and that will dump
you because of it.

So, in this book you’re going to be learning a different path.

A much easier path.
So the question is: what is this path and is it the right path for
This path is for you if…
• You are an introverted man and you want to date beautiful,
high-quality women.
• You hate going to loud, chaotic nightclubs, but you don’t
know how to meet women elsewhere.
• You are an introverted man and you want to become more
• You don’t want to settle for a woman that you’re not
attracted to.
• You want to get MORE dates by talking to FEWER
women, so you won’t feel exhausted.
• Most dating advice makes you feel like it’s just not for you,
and because of that your brain enters a stubborn “I-will-
not-change-my-personality” mode.
• You’ve been worrying about being alone for the rest of
your life, because you think there’s something wrong with
• You want to talk to women, but everything you come up
with just feels so lame, and five minutes later they’re gone.
• You ask yourself, “How do I stop being so shy?”
• You mostly sit on the sidelines and observe everything
around you, and only come out and talk if you’re
comfortable with the people around you.
• You worry that you’ll never be able to get a girlfriend
because you are not tall or good-looking, and you don’t
have a million dollars in your bank account.
• You prefer deeper conversations to superficial small talk.
• You want women to fall in love with who you really are,
and not with some fake dating persona.
• You don’t want to make small talk with everybody that
comes within five feet of you.
• You don’t know what to say to women, and beat yourself
up about it hours later when you are analyzing the
• You don’t want to use lies, tricks, and manipulation.

Now that we are clear on who this is for, I also want to

make it crystal clear who this is not for:
• Bad guys of any kind. If this describes you, then please
stop reading.
• Guys looking for manipulative tricks or lies to get women.
• Guys looking for PUA routines.
• Guys looking for complicated theoretical methods.
• Misogynists. If this describes you, please go to a
psychiatrist for help.
Not that I think you are any of those things, I know you are a
cool guy who genuinely wants to become better with women in
an authentic and respectful way. But I just want to make 100%
sure we only have the good guys reading this book. You never
know who gets his hands on it.

It’s also not for...

• Guys who don’t take action.
• Guys who are not open minded.
You see, if you don’t get the results you want that means that
you need to change your approach, and therefore you need to
be open to new ideas.
Now, that being said, I do have a confession for you.
In this book I’ll sometimes share some of my personal results,
but I want you to know that my results aren’t even remotely
I know some of the guys that read this book have that little voice
in their head that says, “Well, you’re Nick Neeson, so you have
an unfair advantage over us.” And you’re right. I do have an
unfair advantage. I’ve been doing this for more than 23 years,
so I have a lot of practice behind me.
That’s why I won’t focus too much on sharing my personal
results, but instead I’ll mostly share my students’ results.
Because, just like you, they either just started at this whole
dating advice thing, or they were already trying for a while but
were still struggling at the time they asked me for help.
And even though I’ll be sharing results from my students, by no
means am I saying or implying that you will get the same results
they did.
In fact, most men that buy dating advice products don’t get any
women whatsoever.
Now, I do believe it’s for the same reason that most people who
buy a treadmill don’t lose weight. And that’s because they just
look at it or use it to hang clothes on, but they never actually get
on the darn thing and run.
But with that being said, here’s a great quote from Albert
Einstein that I’d like you to embrace so that you get the most
out of this book.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we
used when we created them.”
—Albert Einstein

So, I’d like you to have an open mind while reading this book
and suspend disbelief until you’ve tried it out. Let’s say you read
something that you’ve never done before. Instead of saying:
“Wrong, this will never work” I’d like you to say “Hey, interesting!
Let’s try it out and see how it works for me.”
But why should you believe me? Well, you shouldn’t just blindly
believe everything I say. But, I would like you to have a
scientific mindset when reading this, and test the things out for
yourself. And when you get results in the real world, only then
will I ask you to “believe” me.

So here’s what these five Badass Secrets will do for you:

If you learn these five secrets:
• You’ll become more successful with women and dating.
• You’ll attract and enter into romantic relationships with
beautiful, amazing women that will love you for who you
are, and not for some fake dating persona that you put on.
• You’ll gain more power and control over your love life.

If you don’t learn them:

• You’ll fail with women and dating.
• You’ll become a victim of your love life and watch other
men take the women you can only dream about.
• You’ll get rejected by most women and you’ll either have to
settle for a woman you’re not attracted to or stay alone for
the rest of your life.
But don’t worry, I won’t let that happen to you. So fasten your
seatbelt, ‘cause we’re about to launch your dating life to unseen
So, let’s look at a simple three-step dating approach that will
help you to do just that.
As I already said, most of the dating advice out there is
complex. They focus on theoretical models instead of
pragmatic, real-world stuff.
Over the past 23 years of doing this, I’ve discovered that it only
boils down to three simple steps.
The first is that you need to be able to get dates.
The second is that once you have a date, you need to be able
to convert that date into sexual intercourse. Now, of course, that
doesn’t necessarily mean having sex on the first date, although
that could happen. It means that once you pass the first date
milestone, you need to be able to escalate the relationship
toward sex. And that can happen on the first date, but mostly it
happens over the course of multiple dates.
And third, once you’ve had sex together, you need to be able to
get deeper (if you wish to do so).
And deeper can mean many different things based on your own
Deeper could mean a long-term committed relationship.
It could mean multiple long-term relationships. That is, you have
long-term relationships simultaneously with different women.
It could mean an open relationship. This is where you have a
long-term relationship with just one woman, but both of you can
see other people casually. So it means there is no long-term
relationship with other people, just casual relationships.
It could mean you become friends with benefits.
Or it could even mean a ménage a trois, which means that you
live together with two women.
Now, whatever it is that you want, I’m not judgmental.
Everybody has their own needs, and they typically depend on
what stage you’re at in life.
And some of the men just want to be a ladies’ man. And there’s
nothing wrong with that, as long as you are upfront and honest
about it to women. That way you won’t lie or break any hearts.
By the way, you would be surprised how open women are to
see you if you tell them you’re not looking for anything serious.
You would be really surprised.
That being said, the majority of the men we coach want to learn
to become successful with women in general so that they can
date different women in the beginning to discover their
preferences, but ultimately they want to find that one special
woman and live a happy life with her.
Whatever it is that you want, you need to be able to get it.
So again we have just three steps: getting dates, getting sexual,
and getting deeper (whatever “deeper” means to you

Now, guess what the most difficult step is for introverts?

I’ll give you a second.
Did you find the answer?
If you guessed the first step, getting dates, then you’re
absolutely right.
Here’s why.
Getting dates typically means you need to get out there and
meet more people. So if you want to get lots of dates, it
generally means you need to go out and socialize a lot more.
For introverts, that’s a harder step than for extroverts. The
reason being is that introverts get their energy from being on
their own. And being social (while it still can be fun for some
introverts) drains your energy as an introvert. So typically, if
introverts want to get good at this first step it’s going to cost
them a lot of energy.
The second reason why it’s the most difficult step is that getting
dates means approaching women and that involves approach
anxiety. All men, including extroverts, have approach anxiety.
The third reason why it’s the most difficult step is because there
is no commitment yet from the woman to you. She doesn’t know
you at all, and you need to build everything from scratch.
Whereas if she had already committed to going on a date with
you, there is already some form of commitment there. And
conversations on a date typically go more easily than starting
and holding a conversation with a stranger you just met.
So that’s why the first step is the most difficult step of all. It
requires the most energy from you, there is approach anxiety
involved, and there is no commitment yet.
Ironically the first step, getting dates, is also the most important
step to learn.
That’s because it reduces neediness. Neediness is the number-
one killer of attraction. Neediness can best be described as
needing attention too much, needing her validation, calling her
all the time, texting her too much, seeking her approval, etc. I
think you get the picture. Women are repelled by this.
Now imagine that you could have as many dates as you want.
Imagine a life of abundance. Imagine that you have the ability to
go out any day of the week, any time of the day, and you could
easily meet women anywhere: in the street, in coffee shops, in
supermarkets, at your hobby, wherever. Imagine that the only
thing you need to do is go out for 30 minutes and you can come
home with two or three dates planned. Imagine that you would
go out shopping for some groceries and you could come home
with a phone number and a date. And imagine you could do
that consistently, whenever you felt like it.
Would you still be needy? Would you care so much if a date
didn’t go how you would like it to? Would you attach as much
importance to a date as you do right now?
Of course not. That’s because you have abundance. Once you
have abundance, you’ll be more carefree instead of needy.
You’ll automatically behave in a more relaxed way. Also,
women will feel you are a man with options. You’ll just have a
more attractive vibe. Really, having an abundance mindset will
make all the other steps easier for you.
Also, the more dates you can get on, the more learning
opportunities you’ll have to develop your actual dating skills. If
you learn how to master just this first step, you’ll automatically
master all the other steps over time, because you’ll have more
opportunities to practice the other steps.
And last but not least, you’ll have more opportunities to find
your ideal match.
Again, in this book you’ll learn the five real secrets to becoming
a badass with women, plus you’ll learn how to master this first
step of getting dates in droves.

So let’s start by having a look at these five secrets.

Now remember, these five secrets are a distillation of more than
23 years of experience, studying, and modelling introverted
First, I’m going to give you an overview of the secrets, and then
in the rest of the book I’m going to break each of those five
secrets down into bite-sized chunks so you can acquire them
and use them for yourself even by the time you’re done reading.
So here we go.
1. The first thing that I’ve noticed is that all naturals don’t just
have confidence with women, they have over-confidence.
2. The second thing that all introverted naturals have is that
they know the secret society language.
3. The third thing all introverted naturals have is a
minimalistic method, so they lose almost no energy.
4. The fourth thing my studies found is that introverted
naturals make it easy when it’s difficult.
5. The fifth thing that all introverted naturals have in common
is they let her mind do most of the work.

When you master these five secrets, you’ll get more dates by
talking to fewer women.

Let’s start with over-confidence.

What is over-confidence?
According to Wikipedia:
Over-confidence is the excessive belief in someone (or
something) succeeding, without any regard for failure.
Let me repeat that because it’s really important.
Over-confidence is the excessive belief in someone (or
something) succeeding, without any regard for failure.
Now, over-confidence is, in many cases, a dangerous thing to
According to Wikipedia, over-confidence has been called the
most “pervasive and potentially catastrophic” of all the cognitive
biases to which human beings fall victim. It has been blamed for
lawsuits, strikes, wars, and stock market bubbles and crashes.
Strangely, also according to Wikipedia, there is one exception
to this. There is one area where over-confidence is a real
strength and a good thing to have, and something that
everybody should strive for. And that’s in the area of social
When I found out about this, I was really excited. I mean, the
fact that over-confidence is not a good thing to have, except in
just this one particular area of social dynamics, that really
stopped me in my tracks.
Because, as you know, dating is social dynamics. Plus, it
matches my own findings with introverted naturals. They all had
over-confidence in their abilities to attract and date beautiful
women. But in other parts of their life they had a more normal
level of confidence.
And if you think about it, it makes sense. First of all, because
over-confidence is good for individual self-esteem. Second, in
dating women, well, there is no real risk involved.
Let’s, for example, compare the stock market to dating to further
illustrate this. If you make an over-confident decision on the
stock market, that could have a terrible negative impact.
But in dating, let’s say you become so confident that you
approach a glamourous model. I mean, what’s the worst that
can happen? Well, the worst that can happen is that she
doesn’t want to give you her number or date you. You didn’t
lose anything by trying. I mean, if you didn’t approach her, you
surely wouldn’t have gotten her number. So by approaching
her, you have everything to win and nothing to lose.
And today I’m going to show you exactly how you, too, can
build over-confidence with women.
Why is it so important to build over-confidence with
Confidence is a powerful attraction trigger. How many times
have you heard women say that they are attracted to confident
men? A gazillion times, maybe? Well, there’s an evolutionary
reason for that. That reason is that confidence is related to
status. And men with high status gave women a better chance
of surviving. So through evolution, women grew attracted to
confident men.
So if women are attracted to confidence, well, over-confidence
is confidence on steroids. That means women will find you even
more attractive if you are over-confident.
And the third reason why it’s important to develop over-
confidence is because it makes approaching women and
starting conversations easy, which is a crucial part of getting
dates. I mean, if you don’t approach women and start
conversations, you won’t get many dates.

So how do you create over-confidence?

Here are three ways.
These three confidence-building steps give you instant
confidence, then transform it into lasting confidence – in
just 90 days. Plus, the higher your confidence, the hotter the
women you’ll date.

• Power posing
• Thought loops
• The 90 days rule

Let’s start with power posing first.

I’m going to show you a special technique to create massive
self-confidence in just two minutes. And it’s called, like I just
said, power posing.

What is power posing?

Power posing was discovered by professor Amy Cuddy. There’s
a 20-minute TED talk where you can see her talk about this. So
if you want to Google it, just search for Amy Cuddy TED Talk.
Amy Cuddy is a sociologist, professor, and researcher at
Harvard Business School.
She discovered that you can use your body language to
influence your hormones. She also discovered there are certain
power positions that you can use to positively impact your
hormones in just two minutes.

Why is that important to you?

Just two minutes of power posing will increase your
testosterone and lower your cortisol at the same time.
Testosterone affects confidence. So the higher your
testosterone levels, the higher your confidence.
Cortisol, on the other hand, is a stress hormone that affects
anxiety. The lower your cortisol levels, the lower your anxiety.
In fact, there are studies that have shown that powerful,
confident leaders have more testosterone and less cortisol then
less powerful and less confident people.
So by using power posing you will have much less approach
anxiety and you’ll feel much more confident approaching and
talking to women. And it only takes two minutes!
So how do you do it?
Here’s a power posing exercise that you can use starting today.
We call it the VICTORY pose.
1. Set your feet wide apart. They should be at shoulder width.
2. Put your hands in the air like after a victory.
3. Keep your chin up and look up.
4. Stay in this position for two minutes. The best thing to do is
to set a timer, as this will relax your mind and you won’t be
checking your timer every 20 seconds.

Start immediately when you wake up in the morning. So literally

immediately after you get out of bed, go to your living room and
get in the Victory pose for two minutes.
Next, set your alarm to do this every three hours so that you’ll
always have high testosterone levels and lower cortisol levels,
which of course makes you more confident and less anxious.
Now this is a big deal, okay? We’re talking about a 20 to 40%
increase in testosterone and a 20 to 40% decrease in cortisol.

Here’s the second thing you can do to build over-confidence.

It’s called thought loops.

What are thought loops?

Thought loops are like affirmations. They are affirmative
phrases that you say to yourself.
The difference is that thought loops are silent. That’s because
you don’t say them out loud, you say them inside your head.
And as the name implies, you loop them in your head. So, for
example, you say: I’m over-confident with women, I’m over-
confident with women, I’m over-confident with women, etc. and
you keep looping this thought in your mind while you’re doing
something else.

Why would you use thought loops?

In 1960, Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote a book called “Psycho-
Cybernetics”. In this book, he reveals what he learned through
his work with his patients: that positive self-affirmations change
people’s self-image. This was such a powerful discovery that
most of the big-name motivational and self-help experts, like
Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and Zig Ziglar, have based their
techniques on Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s work. Also, many of the
psychological methods used today to train elite athletes are
also based on the concepts of psycho-cybernetics.
So, we are talking about one of the most powerful methods out
there to increase self-esteem and become more confident.
The first reason you want to use positive self-affirmations is
because they give you an immediate boost of confidence. Just
test it and you’ll see for yourself.
Second, because we are talking about silent thought loops
here, they are easier to use than spoken affirmations. Because
you say them in your head instead of out loud, you can use
them everywhere and anytime you want without looking like a
weirdo. And because you can use them anytime and anywhere,
you’ll use them more often, which will increase your self-
confidence even more.
Third, besides giving you an immediate confidence boost, they
also change your self-image over time so that your self-
confidence becomes automatic and permanent. And remember,
women find self-confidence attractive. Once your self-
confidence has become permanent, you’ll have transitioned
from acting attractive to being attractive. And that’s what you
really want. Women will be automatically attracted to you.
Okay, here’s an exercise to turn you into a powerful, confident
man that attracts women on autopilot.

1. Choose an affirmation. For example: “I’m a truly self-

confident man”.
2. Make sure it’s positively formulated.
o Wrong: I’m not timid around women.
o Right: I’m over-confident around women.
3. Make sure it’s in the present tense.
o Wrong: I will be a truly self-confident man.
o Right: I’m a truly self-confident man.
4. Loop it for five minutes in your head.
5. The first 10 times you loop it in your head, do it with
emotional intensity. So, you start the exercise by closing
your eyes and inside your head you say your affirmation
10 times with full emotional intensity. After you’ve said it 10
times, you can open your eyes and keep looping the same
affirmation for five minutes while doing something else. I
find it helpful to use a timer on my phone to remind me the
five minutes are up.

Do this for five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the
You can combine this with your power posing exercise for even
stronger results.
So can you see the value in what I’m giving you?
Alright, let’s get to our next inner game exercise to bind
everything together.
We call it the 90-day rule.

So what is the 90-day rule?

Well, the 90-day rule states that it takes 90 days to make a
habit permanent.
I know there is information out there that says you create a new
habit in 21 days and that’s true, but it takes 90 days to replace
an old habit completely.

So why the 90-day rule?

After 90 days:
• You’ll have permanent over-confidence with women.
• You’ll be on autopilot, meaning you’ll attract women
• Your confidence will be so strong that it will be bulletproof
(figuratively speaking, of course).

Here’s your implementation assignment: the 90-day challenge.

For 90 days straight, I want you to:
1. Do your power posing exercise every three hours, starting
in the morning when you wake up
2. And do your thought loops one time in the morning and
one time in the evening for five minutes each time.

Now, I have to warn you. The first one or two weeks, doing your
thought loops might feel like you’re lying to yourself. That’s
because you don’t believe what you’re saying to yourself yet.
The trick is to keep going no matter how you feel about it. You’ll
see that after two to three weeks it’ll feel normal and you’ll start
to accept your thought loops. And after 90 days, the
combination of the increased testosterone and your affirmations
will have changed you into a powerful, confident man.
You’ll exude core confidence naturally, without even saying a
I wish you great fun with it!
Btw, I want you to know that The 90-Day Power Posing and
Thought Loop Challenge is one of the most powerful exercises I
require my private coaching clients to do.

Let’s move on to badass secret number two.

The second thing all the introverted naturals have in common is
that they speak the secret society language.
What is the secret society language?
The secret society language is the language of courtship
signals. They are subtle body language queues women give off
to signal to men that they are attracted to them.
The reason we call this the secret society language is because
most men don’t consciously know these signals, or when they
see them, their interpretation of those signals is dead wrong.
Most men absolutely don’t get what they really mean.
There are more than 60 different signals women give off when
they are attracted to men.

Why learn the secret society language?

Well, it transforms the most difficult dating step into the easiest
And it minimizes approach anxiety and maximizes self-
confidence. Imagine if you would now, without a shadow of a
doubt, with 100% certainty that a woman wanted to have sex
with you? Would you be afraid to approach her? Would you
have approach anxiety?
Well, you wouldn’t, because you would know for sure she
wouldn’t reject you. And how easy do you think it would be to
approach women who nonverbally indicated they were open to
sleep with you? Very easy. I can tell you, and so can my
Now notice that I just used a strong word. I said, what if you
knew for sure she wanted to have SEX with you? I didn’t say
what if you know for sure she LIKED you. And there’s a reason
why I used the word “sex”. You see, these courtship signals are
driven by the oldest part of our brain, which is called our
reptilian brain. And the reptilian brain is the part of the brain that
is preoccupied with sex, territory, power, and dominance.
So when a woman is giving off these signals, she’s talking with
her reptilian brain. She’s telling you she’s sexually interested in
Okay, now think for a minute.
Most men, when they see those signs, they think that she’s just
polite or they’ll find some other way to downplay the importance
of those signals. But those signals are signs of being sexually
attracted to someone—whether you like it or not, that’s what it
is. She is indicating she wants sex with you, maybe not
immediately, maybe she wants to know you a bit more to make
sure you’re not a weirdo or a dangerous person, maybe she
wants to know if you’re compatible long-term with each other.
That’s all fine, but all of that is driven by her desire to have sex
with you. So basically, once she has given you the secret
society signals, you’ve already won. You don’t need to do
anything to impress her anymore. Instead, you need to make
sure you don’t mess things up yourself. Which still can happen,
by the way. But that’s a completely different mindset than
thinking you need to impress her.
The third reason you should learn the secret society language
is because it diminishes ALL your dating issues and POSSIBLY
even completely solves all of them. That’s a really bold
statement. But think about it: whether you have a problem
approaching, having conversations, getting numbers, getting
dates, getting the first kiss, having too many flakes, even being
nervous in bed with a woman… all of those issues will
automatically become less when you approach women that
indicate they are already sexually interested in you.
Here’s why: because they are ALREADY sexually attracted to
you. Therefore, they will make every step and sub-step of the
dating process much easier for you. For example, if you have
difficulties having conversations in general, you’ll find that your
conversations with women that are sexually attracted to you will
go easier because she’ll contribute more to the conversation
herself. The same is true for getting numbers, getting the first
kiss—literally every step of the dating process becomes easier.
Also, if you make a mistake somewhere in the process, she’ll be
more forgiving about it. You’ll have more room for error.

Now that we know why it’s so important to learn the secret

society language, let’s have a look at some examples.
Now keep this in mind. The examples you will read might
surprise you because you’ve probably already noticed them.
Heck, you’ve probably already read somewhere that this is what
women do when they are interested in a man. But you probably
never realized how deep these signals go and what they
REALLY mean. So once again, those signals mean they have
sexual desire for you. They want to have sex with you (they just
need to know you a bit better to make sure you are not a weirdo
or dangerous).
So here are three of the most obvious secret society signals
that have been right in front of your nose all the time, but that
you didn’t know the real meaning of:
• Eye contact
• Smiling at you
• Nodding at you
Make no mistake, if a woman smiles at you, makes eye contact
with you, or nods at you, you can be 99% sure she is sexually
interested in you because it comes from her reptilian brain.
Women will avoid at almost all costs looking at, smiling at, or
nodding at a man they don’t consider attractive (unless they
already know him from their social circle or work).
Now, noticed I said 99%. That’s because there can always be
an exception to the rule.
That being said, next time you see one of these signals you’ll
be able to understand them for what they REALLY mean. And
because of that, you’ll be able to approach her with over-
Now, there are more than 60 different signs that women give off
when they are sexually attracted to a man. The reason I’ve
chosen these three, which are probably not new to you, and the
reason I didn’t choose other signs that you’ve probably never
heard of, is because the most important aspect of the secret
society language is not just knowing the signs—it’s knowing the
true MEANING of those signs. So I’ve chosen these three signs
because I really wanted to help you reframe their meaning. And
so again, they are not just signs of interest or politeness, they
are signs she’s sexually into you! And that makes all the
difference in the world!
Now I do want to point out that even if a woman gave you the
secret society signs, if at any point in the process you try to get
sexual with her and she tells you to stop, then you STOP
immediately! These signs are not an excuse to abuse women!
NEVER! EVER! EVER! Now I obviously know you’re not that
kind of guy, and that you’re a good guy, but I just want to make
sure that’s clear, ‘cause you never really know who could get
his hands on this book.

That being said, let’s move on to secret number three.

In my 23+ years of coaching introverted men, studying dating,
and modeling naturals I’ve found that introverted naturals use a
minimalistic approach that enables them to avoid losing much of
their energy.

So what is a minimalistic method?

A minimalistic method is based on a “less is more” attitude.

I’ve learned that introverted naturals have just one default thing
to do for every situation. You don’t need 20 openers, and you
don’t need 15 ways to ask for her number. You just need one
default thing to do for every step of the dating process.
Also, a minimalistic method is pragmatic. They don’t care about
things being theoretically correct. They care about pragmatically
getting results.

Why would you use a minimalistic method?

First of all, using a minimalistic method you’ll leverage the
powerful principle of focus. And the principle of focus is simple.
Focus on many things, and after a long time you might become
average at those things. But focus just on a few things, and
you’ll get excellent at them in no time. By using the principle of
focus you’ll easily amplify your results fivefold.
1. You’ll get better results
2. Faster results
3. More efficient results
4. Easier results
5. And you’ll have a higher probability of results.

Also, using a minimalistic method enables you to attract and

date women effortlessly. Being effortless in and of itself is
attractive to women. The opposite is also true: putting in too
much effort is not attractive to women. They’ll see that you’re
overcompensating. They will be thinking, “Why is this guy trying
so hard?’
Ironically, most dating methods out there are doing just that.
They teach you processes with too many steps, complicated
approaches with different routines filled with flashy games and
tricks and dozens of long-winded stories to memorize.
You’re much better off using a minimalistic method: it’s lighter,
more efficient, and it gets you better results. And it’s what
naturals do. So, if you want to be labeled as a pickup up artist,
then you should learn complicated methods. But if you want to
become a cool guy who attracts women naturally, you’re much
better off doing what introverted naturals do, which is using a
minimalistic method.
Plus, when you use a minimalistic method you’ll avoid paralysis
by analysis because there are just fewer things to overthink.
Also, being effortless is sign of high status. And as you know,
women are very attracted to status.
Alright, we’re making good progress here.
Let’s move on to the badass secret number four.
The fourth thing that all introverted badasses do is make it easy
when it’s difficult.

And what do we mean by that?

They minimize time spent in difficult, high-risk situations
They maximize time spent in easy, low-risk situations
For example:
Step 1: Getting dates = the most difficult and highest-risk step,
Step 2: Getting intimacy = much easier and with much less risk.

All the naturals that I’ve modelled found a way to make the most
difficult step easy.
One of the ways to do that is to spend less time on that
particular step.
So, in the example above, that means they found a way to
spend less time in step one. In other words, they found a way to
get dates without spending much time on it.
I’ll show you exactly how to do that later in this book.
So why is it important to make it easy when it’s difficult?
For starters, you get better results.
Because of that, your self-confidence increases.
And you lose less energy. So for example, step 1, getting dates,
requires going out and meeting new people. And while for some
introverts that can be fun, for most this is not their favorite
activity. Whether you find this fun or not, it still is costing you
energy. By having a minimalistic method that allows you to
spend the least time in this step, but at the same time get the
highest success rate, you won’t have to go out every night and
meet tons of people. Instead, you can stay home and read a
book, or you can go on a date and connect with her in a deeper
one-on-one conversation.

Here’s a minimalistic method that will make the most

difficult step easy.
We call it the Three-Minute Rock-Solid Number Close.
And it shows you how to get THE MOST SOLID phone
numbers in less than three minutes.

Why use the three-minute rock-solid number close?

It gives you the highest success rate by minimizing the
possibility for error. I like to say it like this: It’s very hard to make
mistakes in just two or three minutes’ time.
It is my personal go-to number close that I’ve been using for
years and that has proven, both to me and my students, to have
the highest success rate and to be the most efficient method to
use. I’m not kidding you. The success rate is much higher than
if you would have talked to her for 30 minutes.
And the flake rate is the lowest of all the different methods my
students and I have used. You don’t have to believe me—you
can test it for yourself. But please do know that it’s our mission
at Introverted Badass to teach you only the best of the best.
And as I said, I’ve been doing this for 23+ years and we’ve
probably tested every approach out there. So if there was a
better approach, we would have selected that other approach.
This approach is what we’ve found to work the best for
introverted men.
By the way, if you don’t know what the term “flake rate” means,
it’s the ratio of the number of dates you get to the number of
times women cancel the date.

What is the three-minute rock-solid number close?

It’s the most powerful method for introverted men to use for
non-social gatherings.
You can use it at the supermarket, in a coffee shop, in a
bookstore, or even just on the street. In fact, it works as good
on the street as it does inside venues like shops, etc. You can
use it whether it’s daytime or evening, as long as the scene is
not a social gathering.

It does NOT work well in bars or clubs, or at events, festivals,

and other social gatherings.
Also, you should avoid using it at work or in your social circle.
But it works really well for introverts in non-social places,
because we don’t get overwhelmed as much in these
Plus, introverts have a big advantage over extroverts in these
locations. That’s because the genuine one-on-one conversation
is more important in these venues. And introverts are usually
better at one-on-one conversations than extroverts.
Extroverts are usually better at group banter.

Here’s how it works:

1. You see a woman that you feel really attracted to.
2. Spot the conversation invitation (secret society language).
3. Open strong: use a bold approach.
4. Have a short two- to three-minute conversation.
5. Close strong: get her number.
Now, I should say that even if she doesn’t give you a secret
society signal, if you feel really attracted to her, you should still
approach her. Some women don’t give off any signals but are
very happy when you approach them. That being said, of
course the odds are stronger when you get secret society
signals. However, as you grow and become better at this, you’ll
find yourself approaching women with or without secret society
signals, and get great results no matter what.

Let’s get to step 1: Only approach women that you are

really feel attracted to.
Why is that important?
Many dating methods out there will tell you to approach every
woman you see to practice so that you become good.
However, we’ve found that first of all, this is not healthy, not for
you and not for the women you approach.
Second, as an introvert that means you’ll be dead tired after
doing so many approaches.
So, for introverted men we need a more efficient way of
We’ve found that if you only approach the women that you are
really attracted to, your mind will be in turbo mode. You’ll come
up with better things to say, and you’ll be wittier.
Plus, studies have shown that we feel more attracted to people
that feel attracted to us. So if you only approach women that
you are really attracted to, they’ll feel your attraction, which in
turn will increase their attraction for you. Also, when you feel
that deep pull of attraction, that means your DNA is compatible
with hers. She will feel it too.
Now what all of this means for you is that this approach will
make everything go much easier, you’ll learn faster, you’ll get
faster results, and you’ll lose much less energy because you’ll
approach much fewer women and still get many more dates out
of it.
So what are we looking at? You’re looking to approach women
that fit your attractive stereotype and that are compatible with
your DNA.
So how do you do it? It’s difficult to explain, but it’s easy to do.
You’ll just feel that deep DNA pull/attraction feeling. It’s a
different feeling than just seeing an attractive woman. It’s one of
those things that you’ll just know when it happens. You’ve
already felt it before, you just weren’t aware of it. Now that you
know it exists, next time it happens you’ll immediately recognize
it for what it is.

Step 2: Spot the secret society signal(s)

Why? Well, we already talked about this. When you approach
women that are already sexually into you, your interactions will
go much easier and you’ll have a higher success rate.
What should you look for? You look for one of the secret society
signals we talked about.
How exactly do you look for it? You look for eye contact (or a
glance), a smile, or her nodding at you. Now, remember that it
doesn’t have to be long eye contact or a long big smile. It can
be a micro-smile or micro-nodding or fleeting eye contact.
Also, remember: some women don’t give off any signals. So if
she didn’t give off signals and you are really attracted to her,
approach her anyway. You’ll still get a decent success rate with
the three-minute rock solid number close.
By the way, approaching women that gave you secret society
signals and/or the women that you feel a DNA pull with are two
easy things you can instantly apply. And they’ll help you get
more dates without draining yourself.

Step 3: Open strong by being bold.

Why? Women are attracted to bold men, and your boldness will
give her an immediate spike of attraction. So even if she didn’t
feel that attracted to you before, just by doing this you trigger
attraction in her.
What to do? Well, you just show your intentions.
How? Here’s an example.
You: “Hey, excuse me, I want to tell you something.”
Her: “Yes?”
You: “I just noticed you. I think you look very nice, and I wanted
to come and say hi. So…hi!”
Once you’ve opened with her, it’s time to have a short two- to
three-minute conversation.
Why do you want just a two- to three-minute conversation?
Well, as I already said, this approach gives you the best
possible success rate because there’s less time for errors and
you’ll lose less energy.
Also, there is a shorter time to results because your learning
curve is shorter. It’s just a two-minute conversation. That
doesn’t take much time to master. And if she gave you the
secret society signal, she’ll make that conversation super easy
for you.
Plus, the flake rate of this method is the lowest of all.
Again, it’s because of error reduction through minimizing the
time spent in this area. It’s just two minutes, maximum three. So
you’ll be in, you’ll be excellent, and you’ll be gone. And what
she remembers is an excellent interaction.
Also, she’ll be curious about you. She’ll be thinking, “Who is that
mysterious man I gave my number to so fast?” And as you
probably already know, women love mystery. They are drawn to
it. This will make her think of you, which is mental investment.
And the more a woman invests in you, the more she’ll want to
see you.
Plus, if you have ever read the book “Influence” by Robert
Cialdini, who is a professor of psychology at Arizona State
University, you’ll know that people want to stay consistent with
their previous actions. And so because she gave you her
number so fast, combined with the mystery element and her
mentally investing in you, she’ll start rationalizing the idea of
seeing you. She’ll start saying things like this to herself: “Who is
this man? I gave him my number so fast. I normally never do
this.This must be something special. Maybe it was destiny.”
And I can’t say it enough: remember on top of that she is
sexually interested in you. Okay, her reptilian brain wants sex
with you. So all of this combined minimizes flakes a lot.

So what do you talk about in those two to three minutes?

Well, you talk about three simple things:
1. Locations: where she’s from, where she’s going to, etc.
2. Occasions: what she’s doing here now, what her plans are
for later, etc.
3. Receptiveness: asking if she has a boyfriend, lingering
handshake, etc.
Just one thing: notice that one of the things we are doing in the
receptiveness stage is asking if she has a boyfriend. Some
methods out there will tell you not to ask that question. They’ll
say it’s weak.
And they are right…when you use an indirect approach. An
indirect approach means that you don’t convey your intentions
to a woman. In other words, you start a conversation and
befriend her, but you hide your motives. Well, if you do that and
then after 30 minutes or so you ask if she has a boyfriend, of
course it comes across as weak. She’ll know you have hidden
your intentions. She’ll think you weren’t man enough to be
upfront about your intentions.
But when you use a bold direct approach, which means you
make your intentions clear from the start, then asking if she has
a boyfriend will spike her attraction for you even more—
because it reconfirms your boldness to her. She’ll see you as a
man that obviously is used to getting what he wants and makes
no excuses about it.
So again. The only thing you need to do is to talk about
locations, occasions and check receptiveness. That’s it. That’s
all there is to it.

And the way you talk about these three topics is:
you use the “lead-follow-lead” method.
And I’ll show you exactly how this method works in a few
But first, let me give you the big picture of how this works the
natural way.
Once you are experienced in this, your conversation will have a
natural flow.
Meaning it can start in any of the three subjects and it can go
back and forth between any of the three subjects.

So you could start your conversation on the topic of locations

and then go to occasions and back to locations, and then to
receptiveness, and back to locations or back to occasions. Or,
you could start directly at receptiveness and from there go to
locations or go to occasions. Once you are good at this, you’ll
see that it doesn’t matter where you start and how the flow
However, when you’re just starting out I’d suggest you use a
more structured approach.

We call that structured approach: the rapid learning

And basically, you have a more linear structure where you go
from location, to occasion, to receptiveness.
But, don’t worry! I’ll show you how to do it in a way that feels so
natural to the woman so that she won’t notice you’re following a

But first, why start with the rapid learning method?

First: it’s easier to learn
Second: it’s faster to learn.
Third: it follows the “fast & forever” philosophy. In everything
that we do, we want you to get fast results or quick wins. And
while you are getting those quick wins we simultaneously make
sure you build real, lasting skills that you will integrate and
anchor in your identity so that you get results forever.
So by using the rapid learning method you’ll get fast results,
and while you’re doing that you’ll grow toward the natural way.
If you tried to learn the natural way first, you would mess up so
many times and it would take you a much longer time to get
results, and because of that you would probably give up. With
the rapid learning method, you’ll combine the best of both
We often see our students get dates within the first week to
three weeks. And after two or three months depending how fast
they learn, they’ll be doing it completely naturally. But the point
is they didn’t have to wait three months to get dates. Instead,
they got results immediately and built their skillset as
We’ve even seen clients with no friends, no social life and a
pea-sized social battery get dates in just 14 days.

Okay, so let’s take a deeper look at the rapid learning

So how do we make this method feel natural even if there is
more structure to it?
Remember I mentioned the lead-follow-lead method? Yes. Well,
it’s applying the lead-follow-lead method to the structure that will
make this a natural conversation.
Here’s what you should not do.
Of course, you always start by leading.
So you lead to the location topic. For example, you tell her she
looks like she’s from southern Europe. Now, of course, she will
give you an answer. She’ll tell you where she’s from.
Now, the wrong thing to do is to just move on and lead to the
next box, which is the occasion box.
And then lead to the next box. That would be lead / lead / lead.
And it’s really unnatural. What you should do instead is lead /
follow / lead.
Okay, so you start by leading. By the way, always start by
leading, okay? Now remember, this is after you’ve made your
intentions clear. After you told her you saw her and you wanted
to come and say hi. So you start by leading to the location box.
To use the same example again: You tell her she looks like
she’s from southern Europe and she answers by telling you
where she’s from.
The right thing to do is to follow her answer first by commenting
on it, and only then lead back to the next box. That way the
conversation flows naturally. So for example, she might say,
“No, I’m from Russia.” You could then say, “Well, I’d expect blue
eyes and blond hair on a girl from Russia.” So you just followed
her by commenting on her answer.
At this point, you can lead back to the occasion box. You could
ask her “What brought you to the States?” Or, you could ask her
“What brings you to town on this sunny day?” Of course, these
are two different questions that are both related to the occasion
box. See? By occasion, I mean the reason or occasion she
came to the country. Or the reason or occasion she is at this
place where you just met her. Or the reason she’s out on a
sunny/rainy/windy day. (Ha! You can even talk about the
weather if you do it this way ;-))
And so after you’ve followed and led her back to the occasion,
she’ll give you her answer to that too and you repeat the
You follow by commenting on the answer and then you lead to
the next box. So you have an overall goal and structure. Your
overall goal is to lead her toward getting her number. However,
the way you do it (the structure) is not by
leading/leading/leading. You do it by leading, following, and
leading again. So the goal is to lead, but in the tactics you lead
and follow so that it’s more natural.
Now if you’re thinking that it’s difficult to make the right
comments on her answers because she could answer you
1,000 different ways, you’re right—that would be difficult.
That would require you to be completely relaxed and carefree.
Once you are relaxed and carefree you will automatically have
the right witty answers. But when you’re learning, you probably
won’t be at that level yet. Now to solve that problem completely
I have three solutions for you.
Number one: As I said, if you only approach women that you
feel that DNA pull of attraction for, then your brain will be in
turbo mode and you’ll come up with great answers more easily.
Number two: if she gave you secret society signals, she’ll make
the conversation easy for you.
Number three is a concept we have coined Containable
Contingencies. Containable contingencies means that yes,
there will be contingencies in her answers, but they are
containable. They are limited. The fact that they are limited
enables you to have some answers already in the hopper for
each contingency.
So, back to the example of the location box. When you guess
her nationality, there are only two possibilities. Either you guess
right, or you guess wrong. Now, the trick for learning in the
beginning is that you don’t need an answer for every possible
country that she’s from. You can chunk it on a continent level or
on regions within a continent. That makes the answers limited.
There are only seven continents, and the chances she was
born in Antarctica are probably very slim. So that leaves you
with six continents.
So for example, if you see a woman with brown hair and olive
colored skin you could guess she’s from southern Europe. And
if she says she’s from Russia, or Poland, or Latvia, or any other
eastern European country for that matter, you can have the
same response. For example, you could say. “Russia, huh? I’d
expect blond hair and blue eyes.” That’s because blond hair
and blue eyes is typical for all eastern European countries. See,
you don’t need to know all the trivia from every country.
However, if you do know something about the exact country,
just say it. But the point is, you can limit the contingencies by
chunking them at a higher level, and have standard answers
That way you’ll get immediate results, and once you are a bit
more experienced at this and feel more relaxed and carefree,
you won’t need it anymore. The right answers will effortlessly
flow out of your mouth. And by the way, because it’s just a
three-minute conversation it won’t take you long to transition to
the natural approach.
But since we want you to have fast and forever results, I
encourage you to start with the rapid learning method first.
Nobody ever said that you need to suffer to get results. You can
make it easy for you in the beginning and learn to become a
natural the easy way, while enjoying benefits right away.

So let’s look at the rapid learning method again.

You start by leading to the location box. And by the way, the
way you do this is not by asking a question. Don’t ask her
question after question after question. That sounds like an
interview. A great alternative that’s more fun and that makes
you stand out is to guess. And if you can make it a funny guess,
it’s even better. So instead of asking where she’s from, you
could guess where she’s from. For example, if you approached
her in the street, you could say, “You look like you’re southern
European with your brown hair, olive-colored skin, and
passionate way of walking.”
See how that’s more interesting than saying “Where are you
from?” Now, don’t make the mistake of guessing everything all
the time. That would be weird. So mix it up with questions.
Balance is key. But it’s best to make it a general rule to start the
conversation with a guess. That way you immediately make
sure you are more interesting than 99% of all the other men on
the planet.
Next, she will answer your question with a containable
contingency. For example, she says she’s from Sweden. You
comment on it: “Oh, Sweden, I’d expect blue eyes and blond
hair for a Swedish girl.”
And now you lead to the occasion box. “So what brings you
here at this time of the day?”
She answers again with a containable contingency. And as you
can see, the answers are limited. She’s probably there for one
of the following reasons: on her way to or back from work, for
hobbies & fun (for example on her way to the gym), or she’s on
her way to meet friends or family, or it could be duties &
obligations (for example, she might have an appointment with a
lawyer or doctor), or she might have to get groceries. The point
is, for each those contingencies you can have a standard
answer. For example, if she says she’s on her way to work or
on her way back from work, you could guess her job.
You can also cluster your contingencies based on the time of
the day. Now this is an extremely powerful way of chunking
containable contingencies. And it makes it incredibly easy to
have great answers and make your conversation feel natural.
Let’s say you meet her during working hours. Now you have
one answer for all the possible contingencies. She could be on
her way to her work or on her way back from her work. If that’s
the case, you could guess her job.
Or if she says she’s there for fun & hobbies, friends, family, or
duties & obligations, it doesn’t matter—you can have the same
answer. You can say, “Well, you must have flexible working
hours then”. And then guess her job.
For example, if she’s dressed very businesslike, you could say,
“You look like a lawyer.” And she’ll probably laugh and ask why
you think that. Just say why you think she looks like a lawyer.
I hope you can see how easily you can have one standard
answer for probably every contingency by clustering your
contingencies based on the time of the day and day of the week
you meet her? And can you see how that makes it easy for you
to have a cool answer already in the hopper, all while making
the experience for her feel totally natural? Can you see how
with this approach you will never run out of things to say?
I hope that tells you how Containable Contingencies will make
things super easy for you and speed up your results.

Okay, so let’s look at a complete example of an interaction

where you meet a woman in a supermarket.
So you open strong by being bold.
You say: “Hi.”
And she says “Hi.”
And you say: “I just saw you and I think you look really nice, so I
thought I’d come and say hello.”
She smiles and says, “Thank you!”
Next, you lead to the location box.
“You look like you’re Southern European… with your brown
hair, your olive skin, and the passionate way you’re handling
those poor vegetables.” (said with a cheeky smile)
She laughs and says, “I’m from Sweden.”
And so you follow her answer and say: “Sweden, huh? I’d
expect blonde hair and blue eyes. Why did you come to the
And she answers: “I came to look for a job.”
So you follow again and say, “Let me guess… you’re a lawyer?”
And she smiles and says “Why do you think that?”
And you say: “You have that Legally Blonde vibe, except for the
brown hair.” (cheeky smile)
And she laughs and answers: “No. I’m a nurse.”
You follow some more on the topic by guessing a personality
trait: “So you like to care for people.”
To which she answers: “Yep, that’s me”.
Now you lead into the receptiveness box.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
To which she laughs and says: “No, I don’t. Wow, you are so

You answer by telling her your name. “My name is Nick.” (you
shake her hand)
Her: “Nice to meet you, Nick. My name is Natasha.”
You: “Nice to meet you, Natasha.”
And now you lead into the close, which is Step 5: close strong.
So why do we close strong?
Well, we’ve already covered that self-confidence is attractive.
So by closing really confidently you spike her attraction again at
a crucial moment, which of course increases your chances of
getting her number.
So It increases your success rate
And also, please remember that without closing, nothing
happens. You can have the best conversation, but if you don’t
go for the number you probably won’t get it, except in some rare
cases where she will ask you to take her number. But that
doesn’t happen a lot.
So let’s continue our supermarket approach.
Remember, you asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said
“No”. Also, you just introduced yourself and shook hands.
You said: “Nice to meet you, Natasha.”
Now you lead in to the close and you do it with bold self-
So you are still holding her hand. Notice that you are holding it
longer than you would normally. You do this for multiple
reasons. First of all, you increase the sexual tension by doing
this. Second, you are being very bold and confident to do this.
So you spike her attraction for you and the sexual tension both
at the same time. And so while you are doing that, you say:
“Listen Natasha, I don’t have much time now. I have to go, but
you’re sure you don’t have a boyfriend?”
Now this accomplishes a few things. Remember, she’s attracted
to you and there is sexual tension there. By saying you don’t
have much time and you have to go, you position yourself as a
scarce resource. And as humans we value things that are
scarce more. So you increase that attraction for you even more
and increase the chances she says yes.
Second, because you ask her to reconfirm she doesn’t have a
boyfriend, it’s a subtle frame setter. It sets the frame that
women are so attracted to you that they would even lie about
having a boyfriend just to be able to hook up with you, and that
implies preselection. Preselection is a powerful attraction switch
with women. Preselection states that women will be more
attracted to you if other women are attracted to you.
Now, I accidently discovered this because I once dated three
girls in a row and all three had a boyfriend and I didn’t know
about this. I only found out later. I wasn’t really into that kind of
stuff (it really isn’t worth the problems and it’s against my
Anyway, since then I’ve started asking if they had a boyfriend
and I made them reconfirm. Now what I found out by accident is
that I made girls more attracted to me by just doing this. One
women once time told me, “You must have had girls with
boyfriends hiding it just to hook up with you.”
And so what initially was a way to protect myself from dating
girls with boyfriends became an extra tool that I could teach my
students to do the same so they also could avoid these
situations, but at the same time it increased their attractiveness
to women and thus improved their success rate.
So you see, you don’t have to use manipulative lies like most of
the PUA advice out there. Just being ethical and sticking to your
values makes you more attractive to women.
And so when you use this, your intention is key. Okay, you don’t
use it to manipulate a woman to be more attracted to you. You
use it to make sure she doesn’t have a boyfriend, because
that’s the right thing to do. And the side benefit will be that she’ll
be more attracted to you because of the implied preselection.
Okay, so she answers: “Yes, definitely I don’t have a boyfriend.”
And so you just say: “Okay, so maybe you and I could go out
sometime. What do you think?”
Now it’s important that you ask her “What do you think?”
immediately after you suggested going out. For some reason,
we’ve found in all our testing and with all the men I’ve coached
that you get a yes more often when you do this. I don’t know
exactly why that is, but I do know it is the case.
And it’s critical you look her confidently in the eye expecting a
yes. Like you already know she’ll say yes.
Notice also that it’s a question, but it’s not coming off as a
question. It’s more coming from a strong dominant frame where
you ask it as a question because you’re being charming and
having courtesy instead asking for permission. So you don’t
come from a place of weakness where you put her on a
pedestal and ask her permission to go out. No, you are coming
from a place of strength. Okay, so you are a dominant high-
status attractive man that is so in demand with women, and
you’re asking her because you’re being charming instead
asking for permission. I think you get the point.
So she says: “Sure, why not?”
You say: “Okay, let’s exchange numbers and I’ll text you later.”
She says: “Okay.”
Now just pull out your phone and type in her number. Also,
make sure to call her right there and then. If she says you don’t
trust her, you say “No, not at all, I’m just checking if I got it right,
and that way you have my number too.”
So now that you know exactly how the three-minute rock-solid
number close works, let’s explain why it’s important to use it. I
know we’ve already talked about this, but I believe that now that
you know how it works, you’ll better understand some extra
reasons why it works. I couldn’t explain it in detail like this
before you knew how the method worked.
So first of all, it reduces approach anxiety because your DNA
pull attraction feeling will minimize your approach anxiety and
help you overcome it.
Second, you know she’s already sexually attracted to you
through the secret society signals, and you know what to say.
You have a conversation structure ready and you know it’ll just
take two or three minutes.
Even if she didn’t give you secret society signals, your approach
anxiety will still be reduced because of the other reasons I just
gave you. You know exactly what to say and how to say it. You
know how to spike her attraction by opening bold, you know
how to spike her attraction by closing strong and building sexual
tension, implying preselection and scarcity. So even If you didn’t
get a secret society signal you’ll still have a pretty good chance
of getting her number.
And of course if you did get the secret society signal, your
success rate will be through the roof. I’ll give you some
numbers in a minute, so you know what kind of success rate
you can expect.
As I just said, it eliminates the problem of not knowing what to

It gets you the fastest possible results because it leverages the

core principle of making it easy and minimizing the time spent in
high-risk situations. It’s just two or three minutes and your
execution will be excellent in no time because of that.
Now let’s say you learned the typical approach where they tell
you to build attraction first and then build rapport with her during
a 15- to 20-minutes conversation. Can you imagine how hard
that is? Holding a conversation for 15 to 20 minutes straight
with a woman you just met in a supermarket or on the street?
And doing that while you’re just starting to learn this stuff? How
will you keep the conversation flowing? What will you talk
about? How many errors can you make in 20 minutes?
And all of that at a moment when she can walk away at any
time? Remember, you just met her, and there is no commitment
toward you yet. This is the typical 10,000 approaches learning
curve. It takes about 10,000 approaches to get good at it. If you
are committed and go out every day and approach 40 women,
you get there in almost a year.
But the reality is that almost nobody goes out and approaches
40 women a day consistently. So typically it takes about two
years, sometimes three years, to get good at this. Even
extroverts who love being outgoing and talking to many people
a day aren’t able to go out and meet 40 women a day. Because
there are other things to do in life. Like work, hobbies, friends,
family, managing your life, etc. Now can you imagine if even
most extroverts can’t do this, can you imagine what a burden
this is for introverts?
So the three-minute rock-solid number close is much less
draining for your energy and if you use the rapid learning
method that I showed you, you’ll get results in a week or three
weeks. By results, I mean a date.

Also, two to three minutes appears to be the sweet spot for the
highest success rate in getting numbers and lowest flake rate of
those numbers. In fact, we’ve found that even when you are
good at it and are able to hold a conversation for 20 minutes
with a woman you just met, even then both the success rate in
getting her number is lower and the flake rate is higher than if it
was a two- or three-minutes conversation.
I’m not sure why this is, but we’ve found this to be the case both
in personal experience and with our customers. I think it’s due
to how fast it happens, the mystery element, and the
rationalization that it must have been meant to be if she gave
her number so fast. Anyway, that’s just guessing on my part.
Frankly, we don’t know the exact reason. We only know that it
works better.

Speaking of results, what kind of results can you expect?

Here are the results that our customers typically get. Now
again, I’m not saying or implying that you will get the same
results, I’ve never met you. But these numbers are based on
the results our clients are getting.
That being said:
If you got strong secret society signals you should see a 30% to
95% success rate depending on your experience level. Strong
is: she smiled at you, or gave you deep eye contact. So if you
just start out you should see around 30%, and the more
experienced you get the more you’ll go toward the 95%. Now
remember, she indicated she’s sexually interested in you, so it’s
very normal that you’ll get a high success rate.
If you got mild secret society signals, you should see a 20% to
70% success rate depending on your experience level. Mild
means she glanced at you (now a glance doesn’t necessarily
mean it was mild, it could also mean she’s shy).
If you didn’t get any secret society signals, you should see a 5%
to 50% success rate depending on your experience level.
If you don’t get these results, it’s typically due to one or more of
the following five elements. Now there are other reasons, but
90% of the time it’s one or more of these five things.
1. Your body language is off.
2. You have a bad vibe. Maybe you slept poorly, have been
stressed, or maybe you’re not eating healthily.
3. Bad self-esteem. Now, of course, this impacts both your
vibe and your body language.
4. Fashion is also a big one.
5. A bad haircut. Your hair is the first thing people see when
they look at you, so if your hair is bad, that gives an
immediate bad first impression. Get yourself a great
haircut to give yourself an immediate advantage. If you
don’t have much hair, shave it off completely. Most women
love bald men.

Some of you guys might be asking, “Will this approach only get
me the ‘yes’ girls?”
The short answer is not at all. In fact, it’s the opposite and I’ll
explain why in just a second.
But, if you’re not familiar with the concept, let me explain that to
you first.

Typically, you have three types of women.

Yes women, maybe women and no women.
Yes women are the women that have decided they want you
before you even talk to them. Mostly because you fit their
archetype, and possibly also based on circumstances in her life
at the moment. Yes girls are not sluts. They don’t give their
numbers to every man and go on dates with every man. In other
words, every woman is a yes woman, but only toward her ideal
male archetype. So a yes girl for you will be a no girl for
someone else.
Then we have maybe women. Maybe women need some
charm to convince them to go on a date with you.
And lastly, you have no women. These are the women that will
never want to go on a date with you because you are probably
the polar opposite of their attractive archetype.
Now, some other dating advice companies also talk about yes,
maybe, and no women.
But they don’t talk about the following.
You see, within the maybe women, you also have three sub-
types. Imagine a line with points on it from 0 to 10. 0 are the no
women, 10 are the yes women, and 5 are the maybe women.
But what if she’s a 6 or a 7, and what if she’s a 3 or a 4? Well, it
just means
• you have maybe-yes women (which are women that say
maybe but are more inclined toward a yes than a no).
• Maybe-maybe women are really right in the middle.
• And then you have maybe-no women, and they are
women that say maybe but they are a little bit more
inclined toward a no.

Now, bear in mind it’s possible to get all the yes women and
most of the maybe women. And also bear in mind there are
more yes and maybe women then there are no women.
Now with that said, let’s have a look at how different
approaches work on those different types of women.
There are some methods out there that tell you to focus on
getting the maybe women.
The assumption is that if your skills are good enough to get the
maybe women, then you’ll have a bigger pool of women to
choose from. And that sounds logical, doesn’t it? At least in
theory. Here’s what I’ve found over more than 23 years
coaching introverted men to be successful with women.
I’ve found that it’s one of those hypotheses that sound correct in
theory, but in reality the opposite is true.
We’ve found that focusing on maybe women is the path to
Here’s why.
First of all, it’s the hardest path ever. If you’re talking to a
maybe-maybe woman or a maybe-no women, you’ll have to put
in a decent amount of extra work to convert her to go on a date
with you. And once she’s on a date with you, you’ll still have to
put in extra work to escalate the relationship.
In order to be able to do that, you’ll have to already have a
decent skill set. Now here’s the real catch. If you focus on
maybe women, there’s only two approaches to make it work:
one is to become more attractive as a man, so that most of the
maybe women become yes women, and the other is to have a
longer conversation to convince her to go on a date with you.
Both strategies take time to develop. If your conversation skills
are not very good yet, it’ll take you at least a year or two to hold
a conversation for 20 minutes with a woman you just met,
especially if it’s a maybe woman. That’s because they won’t
make it easy for you.
Plus, when you just meet a woman during the day, chances are
she doesn’t have the time for a 20-minute conversation. Now
remember, this is different from a date where you have a
conversation that’s even longer. On a date, you are typically
together with the woman for one or more hours. But the
dynamic is different. She already committed to going on a date
with you, and that makes it easier for you. She already invested
in you. She took the time to get ready and blocked time for you
in her agenda. Because of all of that, she won’t walk away as
easily as if you just met her in a coffee shop or a bookstore.
Short version: if you make a small error on a date, she’ll be
more forgiving than if you make that same error when she just
met you and is still forming her first impression of you. So again,
if you choose to go for the maybe women first, it’ll take you one
or two years longer to get results. And in those one or two years
you’ll face so many rejections not only with maybe women, but
since you focused on learning longer conversations, you’ll also
blow it with most of the yes women and maybe-yes women.
That’s because you’ll make plenty of errors during a 20-minute
conversation when you are still learning it. So while it might
sound theoretically correct to learn a method that focuses on
the maybe women, it’s actually pragmatically extremely difficult
and painful to implement, plus it takes a hell of a lot more time
to get any results.
The worst part is that because of that, you’ll probably quit.
The best case scenario, as I just mentioned, is that you’ll have a
longer learning curve (one to two years longer). Again, this is
the reason most of dating advice talks about the 10,000
approaches learning curve.
Hilariously, even if you manage to agonize through those one to
two years without quitting and finally are able to hold a great 20-
minutes conversation with a woman you just met, even then the
success rate in getting her number is lower while the flake rate
of that number is higher, than if you would have used the 3
minutes rocks solid number close.
When you focus on short three-minutes initial interactions,
here’s what will happen:
Get (almost) ALL of the Yes-Women, MOST of the Maybe-Yes
Women and A GOOD PERCENTAGE of the Maybe-Maybe-
Women. Again, that’s because there is almost no time for error.
You’ll get faster results (within a week to a month).
It builds your self-confidence and gives you a good vibe
Which in turn makes you more attractive
Which in turn will create a bigger pool of Yes-Women, Maybe-
Yes Women and Maybe-Maybe Women. Which means that
most of the maybe-no women and even many no-women will
become maybe women and even yes women.
It’s a positive viscous circle.
It’s just another great example of a fast and forever strategy,
which means you will get quick wins while becoming better at
the same time.

But what if you don’t feel comfortable starting

conversations with women in such a bold way?
I can really understand how you feel. In fact, most of my clients
felt the same way until they really started to pay close attention
to the following:
1. They started to realize that women really give off secret
society signals. Okay, so remember that when she gives
you these signs, she’s sexually interested in you. She
literally gave you a conversation invitation and she’s doing
it because she is sexually interested in you.
2. Next, make sure to do your daily power posing and
thought loop exercises so that you’ll become more
3. What also helps is to use your thought loops when you
walk up to her. This will help you feel super confident.
4. And always remember this: just do it once. After that, it
becomes easy.

5. Alternatively, if you really don’t feel comfortable doing it,

then ask her for something functional first and then
transition into showing your intent.

You: Do you know where xyz is?

Her: Yes, it’s there.
You: Actually, I just wanted to talk to you. I think you look
cute and I wanted to say hi.

Some of you might be wondering if it’s possible to avoid

approaching completely.
And the answer is yes, definitely.
And here are three easy things you can do to get into
conversations with women easily without approaching them.
• Partner dancing lessons
• Yoga classes
• Cooking classes
These are places typically jam-packed with women where it’s
easy to start a conversation.
Partner dancing is probably the easiest of all, because women
will approach you to dance with them. Once you’re dancing, you
can just start flirting with them. No need to approach.
The same is true when you’re cooking together: you can flirt
with her while cooking without approaching.
That being said, I think it’s only good to do this to get your feet
wet if you are really extremely nervous about the idea of
approaching women. So if you use this option, only use it to
build some initial experience in talking to women. But always
remember, the best skill to have is to be able to approach
women anywhere and anytime you want to. So when you see
that gorgeous woman that’s exactly your type, crossing the
street or in a shop or wherever, you won’t miss the opportunity
to meet her and possibly date her. In fact, if you use what I’ve
shown you in this book, there’s a very big probability that you
will date her.

Okay, so you have her number.
Now let’s look at the Five Texts to First Date method.

So what is the Five Texts to Date Method?

As the name implies, these are five text messages that you
send to a woman you just met in order to get the first date.
They are the exact text messages I’ve used for years to get
dates myself, and they are still the exact messages that I teach
my best private clients to maximize the number of dates they
For me personally, they have converted 70 to 90% of numbers
into dates.
So why use the five tests to first date method?
It’s the easiest of all the texting methods. It’s just five
messages. Plus, you can just copy and paste them.
There is NO possibility for errors. That’s because you don’t
need to change them based on the girl’s response. Okay, so it
doesn’t matter what she answers to these texts. You always
send the same five texts. There’s literally no learning curve
needed. And anyone can use them. They are independent of
your personality. Now that being said, they are best used after
you met a woman with a direct, bold approach. If you meet
someone through your social circle or from work, or if you didn’t
make your intentions clear, then we have other text messages
that work much better.
But assuming you used the three-minute rock-solid number
close, using these five texts will give you the highest success
rate of all texting methods.
So here’s how to use the five texts to first date method.
First, you send a message that we call the badass gauger. This
is a message that allows you to gauge her receptiveness, but in
a badass way. And by badass way, we mean it does so without
sounding needy. Instead, it’s the complete opposite: it’s
Once she responds to your badass gauger, you’ll turn the
tables on her using the table turner. You do this by sending a
message that implies she made the first move on you.
The third message is called the pre-committer. You use this
message to commit her to a date before you plan the real day
and time.
After that, you use the high-status close, which a very short and
almost businesslike way of setting the time and date of the date.
And lastly, once the date and time are set, you send her a
message to reinforce the frame that it’s a date and position
yourself outside of the friend zone. Now if you used the three-
minute rock-solid number close, which is a bold approach
where you show your intention, you’ve already positioned
yourself outside of the friend zone. And by accepting a date
after this approach, it’s very clear in her mind that it’s not a
friends-only thing. Now if on top of that you use the frame
reinforcer, you reinforce that idea in her mind.
Let’s look now at the exact five text messages that you can just
copy and paste.

So you start with the badass gauger.

You: “Pssst… Do you speak text?;) Nick”
She can respond to that message with whatever she wants.
Usually it will be a laugh with some comment. However, it
doesn’t matter how she responds. So no matter what kind of
response she gives you, even if it’s a rude one or even if she
responds with “Who is this?”, you always use the table turner.
You always send the same next message, which is..

The Table Turner

You: “Random, but nice meeting you. Are you always so
friendly to new people? ;)”
Here you subtly turn the tables on her by implying she hit on
you, or at least implying she’s into you. Don’t make the mistake
of saying “Do you always give your number to strangers?” That
would be a bit too harsh. Use the exact text that I just showed
And she’ll respond with either a yes, no, or whatever comment.
She might even deny and say you approached her with an
exclamation mark. Again, it doesn’t matter what she says.

Even if her answer is rude, you just use the next message,
which is the pre-committer.
You: “So, I guess you want to get together sometime?”
See how this builds on the previous message? The table tuner
implied she’s into you, and this builds on it and reinforces the
frame that she’s into you.
Again, her answer doesn’t matter. She can say yes, no, or
Even if she says no, you still send the next message, which is
the high-status close.
And the way you do it is by choosing a time that suits you, and
just message it to her.
“Tuesday. Happy Cocktail Bar. 7pm. Do you know the place?”
Don’t worry if it doesn’t suit her agenda. If it doesn’t, she’ll tell
you, and you’ll just send her another date and time.
But notice how it’s high-status. It’s short and almost
businesslike. It’s just enough there is no fluff. Also, notice that I
ask “Do you know the place?” I don’t ask if she agrees to meet
me. This assumes that she already agreed to meet me. It
focuses her mind on whether she knows the place or not,
instead of on the question of if she wants to meet you or not.
To this question she can answer with a yes or a no, or any other
kind of remark.
To which you always send the same message, which is the
frame reinforcer. Even if she says no, you still send this
message. Many women will send a no just to test you,
especially because you were so bold and used only a few
messages. By sending the frame reinforcer, you’ll be surprised
that even women that said no will still agree to meet you.
Here’s the message: “See you then. Dress sexy ;)”
And here’s the key to making this work.
Never send more than one message in a row. If she doesn’t
respond to any of your messages, don’t send the next one. Just
leave it there.
Many women will deliberately take their time to answer. Mostly,
this is a test to see how confident or needy you are. Whatever
you do, don’t send her a new text message. If she doesn’t
answer, your attitude should be to forget about her. You can
approach as many women as you want, so you have
abundance and you don’t care if she answers your text or not.
Both my students and myself have had women respond two
days later to a text message we sent them. What happens is
that by not chasing them, they see you are really an in-demand
man. You must have many options if you don’t pursue her.
Also, even if it wasn’t a test, even if she really wasn’t that into
you, she’ll become more attracted to you because you didn’t
chase her. And that’s for the same reason—she’ll think you’ve
been preselected by many other women and that you have
choice and abundance. And remember, preselection is one of
the most powerful attraction triggers within women. In the
meantime, instead of checking your phone every five minutes,
you were focused on going about your life.
Here’s the kind of results you can expect. And again, this is
not some claim that you will get these results. This is based on
our students’ results:
If you got strong Conversation Invitations, you should see a
40% to 95% success rate depending on your experience level.
By that I mean 40 to 95% of numbers you get will convert into
actual dates.
If you got mild Conversation Invitations, you should see a 30%
to 70% success rate depending on your experience level.
If you didn’t spot any conversation invitation, you should see a
20% to 60% success rate depending on your experience level.
Notice that the success rates from numbers to dates is higher
than the success rates from approach to getting the number.
The reason for this is simple: there is more commitment here
because she already gave you her number. So it’s only logical
that the numbers are higher.

If you don’t get these results, it’s probably because of one of the
following three reasons.
You had a bad initial interaction
You didn’t use the Three-Minute Rock-Solid Number Close.
You didn’t use the Five Texts To Date Method exactly as
described. Maybe you changed them or tried to improve on
This is something most men do, including me—improve on
someone else’s idea before having tried it. So the rule is first
model it, which in this case means use it exactly as I described
it, and only once you get the results from it and really used it,
only then should you improve on it. I’ve found this “first model,
then improve” philosophy to be both the easiest and the most
difficult way to get results.
It’s the easiest way because it gives you the easiest and fastest
way to success. And it’s the hardest way because for some
people it’s do damn difficult to something without trying to
improve on it.
That being said, I don’t mean by any means that my five
messages are the best and that you can’t make them better.
Far from it.
But what I do mean by this is that if you use them as they are,
you know you have a proven formula with an extremely high
success rate. You can improve them later.
And if your improvement doesn’t work, which is typically the
case because you need to test several things before you find
something that works, you can still fall back on the original
messages and then try improve them again if that’s what you
But in the meantime, you’ll be getting results. Many times when
we try to improve on something that is proven to work without
testing the original version long enough, we end up trying out
new thing after new thing while not getting any results for a very
long time. Hence the saying “reinventing the wheel”.
So, please use this method exactly as I described it, at least
until you get some results. Then, later, you can start playing
around with it if that’s what you want.
Okay, let’s hop to the last secret. All of the introverted naturals
that I’ve modeled over more than 23 years have all had the
habit of letting her mind do most of the work.

So why let her mind do most of the work?

First of all, by doing this, you give her the gift of desiring you.
Women love to think about a man. They love it to try and figure
out a man. They love desiring a man. And so by letting her mind
do most of the world, you give her that precious gift.
Second, it makes things easier for you.
Third, it minimizes flakes.
Here are two strategies to let her mind do most of the work.
The first is called the first date mini-obsession strategy
The second is called the minimal flakes strategy.

So how do you use these two strategies?

First, you get her number by using the Three-Minute Rock-Solid
Number Close.
Next, you use the Five Texts To First Date Method. And then,
surprise surprise…
You do NOTHING until the morning of the date. That’s right,
you do nothing. No more messages, no more calls. Nothing.

So why does it work?

First of all, it differentiates you from all the other guys. You have
to understand that 99% of all other men will keep texting her
after they arranged the date. They’ll over-confirm, they’ll start
acting needy, etc. By not texting her, you immediately stand out.
Therefore, she’ll start to wonder if you’ll flake on her. Because,
“Hey, this isn’t normal. Normally men don’t behave like this.
Why is he not texting me anymore?”
Shell invest mental time in you. She’ll be thinking of you, trying
to figure you out, etc. All of this makes her desire you even
Now on the morning of the date, you’ll send her a text. What’s
happening is that all this time she’s been thinking about you
and her desire for you has kept growing. The evening before
the day of the date, I can assure you that while lying in bed she
will have thought of you, probably wondering really hard if you
will flake on her. Now imagine her relief if the next morning
around 9 a.m. she gets a message from you confirming the date
is still on. She’ll be very happy to see you.
Here’s the exact message to send her:
“See you at 7pm. Don’t be late ;)”
See again how high-status it is? Short and sweet and to the
Also, remember that you need to send that message in the
morning. If you don’t send a message at all, she’ll probably give
up on you. Also, if you send it too late in the evening she won’t
have the time to get dressed for the date anymore. So the ideal
time that we’ve found is to send it at 9 in the morning. And don’t
forget the wink at the end of the message. Without it, the phrase
“don’t be late” is a bit too dominant. Some women will like that,
but others won’t. Therefore, it’s better to use the wink at the end
of the message.
Here’s what will happen after that message. She’ll either:
• Reply with confirmation
• Reply with cancelation
• Not reply at all.
If she doesn’t reply at all, it’s just a test. She’s testing how
confident you are, especially after you made her wait all this
time without texting. Whatever you do, don’t text her again. Just
go to the date at the time you agreed to. She will show up. If
she doesn’t, she’ll send you a message to cancel. No woman
(99%) is so rude as to let you prepare yourself and make your
way over to the venue and then flake on you without cancelling.
If she won’t come, she’ll cancel. If she doesn’t send you a text
that’s good news—it means she’ll come.

Here’s how to steal a good girl from a bad guy.

Now and then, you might encounter a really good girl who’s
dating a bad guy that treats her without respect.
In the past, you would have listened to her complaining about
him. You’d try to be the supportive guy, hoping she would see
you as her knight in shining armor.
Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.
Here’s what you want to do instead.
You need to understand what makes her attracted to the bad
guy and then give it to her – but without the bad side.
To do that, you first need to understand what women really
And for that, you need start listening better.
That means you can’t listen the way you’re used to listening.
You can’t listen with your EARS.
You need to listen with your EYES.
In other words:

Never Listen To What Women Say They Want In A Man. Look

At Who They Are Sleeping With Instead.

How many times have you heard women say they want a nice
guy? A gazillion times? But who are they actually sleeping with?
If you can’t see it, let me tell you loud and clear: they sleep with
the bad guy or the good guy with an edge.
Why do women lie about this?
Well, I’m not sure they’re all lying. Granted, some women flat-
out lie about it. However, I believe that many women just don’t
know what they want in a man anymore.
At least not consciously. But unconsciously, they still know. And
that’s the issue.
To grasp this, you need to understand the Triune Brain.
Neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean discovered that humans have
three different brains that appeared successively during
They are the reptilian brain, the limbic brain, and the neocortex.
The reptilian brain is the oldest of the three brains. It controls
the body’s vital functions, and is also the part of the brain
preoccupied with territory, power, and sex. Sexual attraction
comes from this part of the brain. It’s the part of the brain that
the bad boy triggers.
The limbic system, or the mid-brain, emerged in the first
mammals. It’s preoccupied with emotions and building
connections. The limbic brain looks for friendships and
connections. It’s the part of the brain the nice guy triggers.
The neocortex ,or the higher brain, is responsible for the
development of human language, imagination, and abstract
thinking. Our values, beliefs, and culture live in the neocortex. In
fact, it’s this part of the brain that allowed cultures to develop.
Now, here’s the interesting part.
When women say they want a nice guy, they’re talking with their
neocortex brains.
Remember, culture (common values and beliefs) resides in the
And in our culture, we are fed the belief that we need to be nice
guys and that women should date nice guys.
Disney movies have fed us these beliefs since we were
Also, keep in mind that religion and culture oppress women’s
If women would openly admit what they wanted in a man, or if
they would openly admit the real number of men they had sex
with, there would be social repercussions. Women are easily
labeled as sluts, and they have to care about their reputation.
Terri Fisher, a psychologist at Ohio State University, did a study
with 293 students involving lie detectors.
The study revealed that women indeed DO lie about their
sexual pasts.
On top of all that, recent cultural programming feeds the
feminine imperative.
Women are a big market. Media and movies are empowering
women, so they spend more money. The downside of this is
that men are cast in more feminine roles.
To put it simply: our culture takes away our masculinity.
Always remember this: Our most primary need as a species is
to survive and procreate.
Since our reptilian brain is in charge of that, it’s easy to
understand how much power it exerts over us. In fact, if you
don’t understand a person’s behavior, ask yourself the following
question: How is this behavior increasing his/her chances of
having sex?
Once you ask yourself that question, you’ll understand
otherwise incomprehensible human behavior.
When women say they want a nice guy, they talk with their
neocortex or higher brains.
But when they feel sexual attraction for a man, they’re feeling
with their reptilian brains.
That’s why women say they want a nice guy but sleep with the
bad guy or the good guy with an edge. Their oldest brain takes
over and controls the higher brain. In fact, the higher brain will
look to rationalize behavior produced by the reptilian brain.
That means she’ll find all kinds of reasons (excuses) why she
behaved like that.
“I was drunk that night. I was in a bad phase of my life.”
Or she’ll start defending the bad guy, saying he has his good
sides too and that actually he’s a good guy.
It’s all rationalization after her primary emotions have defined
her behavior.
Does it mean you need to become a bad guy to get women?
Not at all!
It just means you need to learn how to speak to her reptilian
brain so she feels sexual attraction for you.
In fact, if you are a good guy, you have an advantage because
you’re already talking to her mid-brain and her higher brain. If
you could just add to that the language of the reptilian brain,
you would attract women in droves.
As I just said, women will rationalize (find good reasons) why
they are seeing the bad guy—even if culture is against them.
Can you imagine the effect a good guy would have on a woman
if he knew how to trigger her primal brain?
Devastating! In a positive way!
She wouldn’t even have to come up with good reasons as to
why she did it, because the good guy is already culturally
So really, you don’t need to be a bad guy to attract women. In
fact, women don’t like the bad side of bad boys AT ALL—they
only like some of his qualities that trigger their primal brain. The
bad side is just something that comes with the package.
If you want to learn how to trigger that primal sexual attraction in
a woman, you just need to develop those qualities that speak to
her reptilian brain. You can do this without becoming a bad guy.
Let’s have a look at what those qualities are.
Once we know women’s deeper needs that are met by the bad
boy, we can then satisfy those needs WITHOUT resorting to the
bad guy characteristics.
In other words, you’ll know how to give her the good stuff
without the bad stuff.
Here are some of the character traits of the bad boy.
First of all, bad guys are arrogant.
Do women like arrogant men? No, they don’t!
What do they like, then?
Arrogance looks like confidence. And, as you know, confidence
is probably the number-one quality women look for in men.
What does this mean? It means you need to develop your
Do you need to be arrogant to be confident? Of course not. You
can be a good guy with core confidence without being arrogant.
In fact, arrogance is a sign of insecurity. Arrogance only looks
like confidence, but in reality, it isn’t.
Sadly, there are not many men with REAL confidence. By
contrast, the bad guy looks extremely confident compared to all
the nice guys out there. Of course, women are going to be
attracted to that.
But make no mistake, my friend.
When a woman meets a man with REAL confidence, she’ll
dump the bad guy in the blink of an eye.
The problem is, there are not many good men with real
confidence out there.
What else can we learn from the bad boy?
Let’s have a look at three other traits that bad boys typically

Bad Boys and the Dark Triad

According to Wikipedia, bad boys are compared to men that
have certain personality traits called the “dark triad”.
All three dark triad traits are conceptually distinct, although
empirical evidence shows them to be overlapping.
They are associated with a callous-manipulative interpersonal
Here is the dark triad: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and
You can read the Wikipedia description in the screenshot
Does that mean you need to acquire the dark triad to become
successful with women? Hell no!
As I said before, we need to know what women’s underlying
needs that seem to be met by the dark triad are. Once you
understand her real needs, you can than fulfil them in a good
way instead of in a bad way.
Let’s have a look at the dark triad, how that translates to bad
boy behavior with women, and what needs they satisfy for
I’ve made a model for you that will make it easier to understand
When reading the model, remember that her overall primary
need is to survive and reproduce.

As you can see from this model, you don’t need to become a
bad guy at all. You just need to develop good qualities like
confidence, self-respect, mission orientation, resourcefulness,
assertiveness, perseverance, etc.
If you add these qualities to your good guy personality, you
become the good guy with an edge.
Here at team Introverted Badass, we call him “The Good Bad
Yes, women prefer the bad boy over the nice guy.
But both the nice guy and the bad boy will bite the dust when
confronted with the Good Bad Boy.
That’s because he combines the good qualities from both the
good guy and the bad guy without any of their bad sides.
So how do you become that good bad boy that triggers those
magical, powerful, gut-level attraction feelings in women?
There’s one particular thing that women look for in a man’s
personality, and they don’t even realize what it is.
There’s one thing that the world’s greatest studs have and that
you can develop too. In fact, everybody can develop it. It’s so
easy to do it once you know what it is.
It’s the fastest way to make a woman want you and to steal her
from a douchebag.
Are you ready for it?
Here it comes...probably the single most important trait that all
the greatest ladies’ men have in common…drums are rolling for
suspense…here it is…



Let me explain.
Most men that are naturally great with women have contrasting
character traits.
For example: They can be funny, but then they can also be very
serious. They might be sexual and dominant, but then they can
be silly and playful. They might be thoughtful and empathetic,
but then they contrast it by being decisive and challenging.
I think you get the point. They are balancing opposing
personality traits. It’s a bit like a push-pull effect, and women
love it.
But why is this so attractive to women?
Think of it like this: It’s difficult to find one quality that will work
for every situation and that will keep the relationship moving
forward continuously.
Imagine a man that is funny and silly all the time…you don’t
have to be a woman to see that if he is like this all the time,
women will think of him as an immature boy.
Another example is being nice. If a man is nice all the time, it
doesn’t take long for women to see him as just a friend.
The same goes for jerks. Yes, women prefer jerks over nice
guys, but not as much as you think. They might have an initial
feeling of attraction for him, but they won’t stay with him very
They’ll get fed up with him quickly. The only women who stay
with real jerks are psychologically damaged women. You
wouldn’t want them anyway.
Also, using the same character traits continuously makes you
boring. It’s like looking at a movie where the actors always use
the same facial expression and keep evoking the same emotion
in you.
It’s predictable!
And you want to zzzzzzz….
So, if you want to become a badass with women, you need to
develop some contrasting personality traits.
But which personality traits are the best?
The best qualities to combine are good-guy traits with some
bad-boy traits. Now, stay with me—this doesn’t mean you need
to become a bad guy.
It just means you need to balance your good-guy qualities with
some of the attractive traits of the bad boy. Let’s take a look at
both good-guy and bad-boy traits to make it more clear.
Here’s a list of nice guy traits.
• Empathy
• Connection
• Being thoughtful
• Listening
• Honesty
• Being playful and silly
• Giving genuine compliments. The trick is to give a compliment
about her character, not her looks.
• Showing vulnerability but without dwelling on it. For example,
if your parents divorced when you were a small child, you could
tell her that on a date. But you need to tell it in a way so she
sees you’re over it.
All these qualities are really nice qualities to have. They build
trust, connection, and even a certain element of attraction. But if
you only have these character traits, you’re giving her an even
experience that can become boring.
If you’ve ever been put in the friend zone, you know what I’m
talking about.
So, what do you do about it? How do you develop a personality
that magnetically attracts women?
It’s easier than you think. Just add some opposing qualities.
For example:
Being High-Status
Status is the number-one attraction trigger within women, and
for good evolutionary reasons.
It goes back to the times when we lived as hunter-gatherers. If
women mated with the highest-status man in the tribe, her
chances of surviving and those of her offspring would increase.
So over the course of two million years of evolution, women
have developed an attraction switch that gets triggered when
they see high-status signals in men.
An easy way to give off high-status signals is to imagine you are
of a higher status than her.
By imagining it, your behavioral cues will be higher-status.
She’ll see it in your behavior and you’ll trigger attraction.
For example: when you’re on a date with her, imagine you are a
CEO and you are interviewing her for a job. When you do, you
will automatically come across like you’re screening her and
qualifying her.
“Oh, you say you are a good cook. Tell me, what makes you
think that? What are your best dishes?”
You’ll notice that she’ll get in a mode of trying to prove herself to
Teasing is a great way to spice up a conversation that is getting
boring. You want to get the “OMG, I can’t believe you just said
that!” effect.
For example, at some point during your date you might ask her
if she keeps in contact with her exes. If she says yes, you say,
“What, like ALL of them?!?”
The trick to make this work is to say it in a tone that implies she
has 100 exes or so.
If she asks you something, don’t say stuff like, “I don’t know,
what do you want to do?”
Instead, be firm and decisive.
Here are some examples:
“No, I don’t like that.”
“I don’t want to do that, I want to do this.”
“I’m thirsty. Let’s go get a drink.”
It might look to you like you’re not taking her opinion into
account, but women love it.

Be able to have an intellectual discussion about something and
cut out the jokes.

Demonstrate your knowledge

Ask her opinion. Listen. Consider, and then give a response.

Challenge her
If you are talking to her and you have another opinion about
something, just tell her. Voice your opinion. If she likes the
movie “Dirty Dancing” and you don’t, don’t be afraid to tell her
it’s lame.

Just like with teasing, you can use sexuality to spice up a flat or
boring interaction. You can do it in a verbal and nonverbal way.
Here’s an example of a nonverbal way to spike sexual arousal
in her.
At some point during your conversation with her, just stop, look
at her lips, and smirk. This will break her concentration. She’ll
say things like “Stop that!”
Women love it because it shows you are confident enough to
show her this, but at the same time you are subtle enough to do
it in a nonverbal way.
When you do this, her heart rate will increase and she’ll start to
think about kissing you.
You can also use sexuality in a verbal way.
For example, when she says something, you can say
something like “Yeah, I bet you do” or “Yeah…I thought you
were that kind of girl”.
So how can you develop contrast tailored to your personality?
Here’s a little exercise to help you to do just that.

The Good Bad Boy Exercise

Step 1: List your top five personality traits.
Step 2: For each of your top five personality traits, write down
the opposite trait.
Step 3: Become aware of when you use your natural personality
traits, and start to balance them with some of your opposite

I suggest you focus on one pair of opposing traits per day. That
makes it easy to learn. Just choose a different combination
every day, and only focus on that combination.
Do this for all five traits, and then start again with the first trait
and repeat the process.
If you do this for about 90 days straight, you will have
developed a new and improved personality. You will have
developed a Good Bad Boy personality.

On top of this contrasting personality, here are five “black ops”

psychological triggers that will make you magnetic to her, so
you can easily break the spell of the bad boy.


Things that are forbidden make you magnetic to a beautiful
It awakens her inner rebel.
And when she’s dating a bad guy, you can use this to make her
go on a date with you.
Here’s what you say.
“You know, I know you’re seeing someone, but if you have his
permission, it would be great to have a coffee or a tea during
the daytime someday.”
See how this positions a coffee with you as the forbidden thing?
This works for three reasons.
First, you positioned it as something forbidden.
Second, you are saying that she needs his permission.
Both these things will bring out her inner rebel and make her
want to go for coffee with you.
And third, it’s just a coffee in the daytime. And that will make her
want to rebel even more.
I mean, if she can’t even have a cup of coffee during the
daytime anymore, without his permission, how crazy would that

Number two: “The Lollapalooza effect”

Charlie Munger, an American businessman, investor, and
partner of the legendary Warren Buffett, coined the term
"Lollapalooza effect" during a 1995 Harvard speech.
The Lollapalooza effect happens when you combine different
persuasion triggers together.
According to Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence”, there are six
different unconscious persuasion triggers that persuade us to
do things without us being aware of it.
These triggers are:
1) Liking
2) Reciprocity
3) Social Proof
4) Scarcity
5) Authority
6) Commitment

The Lollapalooza effect occurs when you combine them

It’s extremely powerful.
So how do you use the Lollapalooza effect to break the spell of
the bad boy?
You say this to her:
“You know, I’m seeing someone too at the moment. I do like
her, but she doesn’t have all the qualities I’m looking for. She
has some of them, but I just can’t see myself staying with her
long term.”
You can say this either before you suggest going for a coffee
date or when you are on the coffee date with her.
This is an almost magical sentence that many times will be the
starting trigger that make good girls ditch the douches.
Here’s why.
This sentence combines many psychological triggers and
creates the Lollapalooza effect in her mind about dumping the
First of all, this is a recognizable situation for her. She’s also
with a guy that she thinks is cool and attractive but doesn’t have
all the qualities she wants. He treats her badly and she
probably has been thinking about whether or not she can have
a long-term relationship with him.
So using that simple phrase reinforces that in her mind.
But that’s not all. The power of this phrase is much more
First of all, you position yourself on an equal level with her. It’s
not like you’re single and she’s not. It creates social proof and
pre-selection for you – which is an attraction trigger.
Second, you’re using social proof to make her want to leave him
by saying you’re in the same situation and you want to end your
relationship. It shows her she’s not the only one thinking of
leaving. It’s normal for people to think like that. You are the
social proof because you are also thinking like that.
Third, it creates likability because you are in the same situation.
Fourth, it positions you as an authority or a leader. You are
implying that you know her situation because you are in it
yourself. Plus, you tell her you are going to end it. So, you show
leadership and authority in dealing with this type of situation.
Fifth, it makes you less available. You are seeing someone too.
That makes you scarcer and thus more attractive.
Sixth, because you shared this with her first, you evoke the
power of reciprocity. She might want to share back that she’s in
the same situation.
Seventh, once she shared that, the law of commitment and
consistency will start to kick in. Which means there’s a good
chance she’ll want to stay consistent with what she told you.
So, as you can see, we use multiple unconscious persuasion
triggers in just one sentence.
And if after that you show her your good bad boy traits through
the contrast in your personality – you can very well become
magnetic to her.

Number three: Amplifying her dissatisfaction

Now that you’ve started the Lollapalooza effect in her mind, you
are going to amplify her dissatisfaction with him.
But you’re not going to bad-mouth him.
You’re also not going to ask her about his bad side. That would
be too obvious.
Instead, you’re going to say this.
“So, this guy you’re seeing, is he like Mr. Perfect?”
That’s probably going to make her tell you that he’s not.
See, whenever you say to someone their situation, partner, or
whatever is perfect, they’ll usually tell you it’s not that perfect.
They’ll even start telling you why it’s not perfect.
She’ll talk about his bad side.
Now remember, women are not with bad boys because of their
bad side. They are with him because of the attraction he
triggers in them and they take the bad side with it.
Here’s how you can make her focus more on his bad side.
Later on during the conversation, you might want to ask her,
“So are you going to marry him?”
She most likely will say no.
Next, you just ask her: “Why not?”
And she’ll start telling you all his bad qualities.

Number four: Taking his side

Now that she’s telling you his bad side, you don’t want to fall
into the trap of bad-mouthing him.
That’s what everybody else does. Her friends, her family,
probably everybody that she talks to is telling her he’s bad for
The only thing that does is use the “forbidden principle” and turn
it to his advantage.
You don’t want to do that.
Instead, you want to take his side.
So, let’s say she says he’s always checking out other women.
You can say something like this.
“Oh, what’s wrong with that? That’s actually cool!” You say that
with a cheeky smile.

Number five: Move the “appropriate line”

Next thing to do is to move the appropriate line.
Imagine there’s a line between what is appropriate and what’s
not appropriate to do.
You want to move that line – little by little.
And you want to move it in a funny way.
So, for example: she might tell you that she’s doing nothing
wrong by having a coffee with you.
You would start moving that line in a funny way by saying.
“Yeah, a coffee is definitely fine. We’re not doing anything
wrong. It’s not like we’re kissing with tongue.”
“Well, maybe a kiss on the cheek…that would be okay. Or
maybe if it was cold, I could give you my jacket and put my arm
around you to warm you, but – no kissing with tongue and we
should definitely keep all our clothes on!”
Of course, you say that with a cheeky smile on your face.
So, what you’re doing is flirting with the idea of moving the
“appropriate line”. And you just see how she reacts.
If she laughs at it or hits you on the arm, you know you’re on the
right path.
That means you can keep moving the “appropriate line”.
Just be sure to keep doing it in a funny way.
At some point, there’s going to be a moment in the conversation
where both of you will be looking into each other’s eyes.
And there’s going to be a silence and sexual tension.
That’s the moment you’ll go in for a quick kiss.
And after you kiss her, you’ll say something like: “This is so
wrong. We really shouldn’t be doing this.”
By objecting to it first, she won’t be the one to object. In fact,
she’ll probably start telling you all the reasons why it’s okay.
After all, he’s bad to her and you don’t want to be with the girl
you’re seeing either.
Then, after that, you keep escalating the relationship and along
each step you keep saying: “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
And she’ll be the one convincing you that it’s okay at every
So, there you have it, my friend. That’s how you steal a good
girl from a bad guy.
Here’s a little surprise for you—an unannounced bonus
And yes, you heard that correctly—you will not get five but six
secrets to becoming a badass with women.
Why? Well, most of you guys who’ve been following me the
past 20 years already know it, but if you’re new to me, then you
should know that our goal here at Introverted Badass is to
always over-deliver.
So without further ado, here’s the bonus secret… and this
secret is about speed. It’s about getting you results faster and
And the way you do it is by getting a mentor.

So why get a mentor?

First, it accelerates your success by compressing the learning
curve. Have you ever had some problem or difficulty in
understanding something, and then you talk to someone who
has a lot of experience in that subject and in just one minute,
you have the solution to your problem and it’s gone? See, I’ve
had that problem too. Sometimes I have a problem in my
business that I’m really sweating about and tormenting my brain
with, and when I talk to my business mentor he just gives me
the answer in a few sentences and my problem is solved. That’s
what mentoring is all about. It’s about speed.
Second, it makes your journey not only faster but also easier.
And third, a mentor is great for keeping you motivated so that
you can go the extra mile.

So why does mentorship work?

First, because a mentor brings you new perspectives.
Second, because the advice is tailored to your specific situation.
Third, not only is it perfectly tailored, but the advice comes at
the precise time that you need it.
And finally, a mentor holds you accountable, so you do the
things you said you would do. And that’s key. Information
without action doesn’t get you results. It’s the action that gets
you results.

So how do you choose a great mentor?

Here are the four golden rules that have passed the test of time.
The first one of those rules is the most important one of all. In
fact, if the first one is not present, then the other ones won’t
matter. Your biggest issue in finding a mentor will be to find
somebody that not only knows how to coach, but in addition to
that has hands-on experience in the skills that you want to
learn. They need to be good at it themselves. Here’s why.
These days, everybody and his mom is a coach. People read a
book on how to coach, they learn some coaching method, and
they start coaching people.
Now, this is very dangerous. And I’ll explain why that is.
Coaching in essence is asking people questions and helping
them come up with their own answers to their problems. The
assumption is that people have the answers themselves. And
that’s okay, as long as we’re talking about fixing someone’s
inner game issues or psychology issues.
However, when we talk about learning a new skill, then a good
coach needs subject matter expertise. And even subject matter
knowledge is not enough—they need hands-on, practical
experience. That’s because there is a difference between
knowing something and being able to do it. There is theory and
there is practice. So coaches need practical experience. They
need to walk the talk. They need to have done it themselves in
order to provide good coaching when it comes to learning skills.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say tomorrow you become
the CEO of Apple. And let’s say you know nothing about this
industry and you’ve never run a company before. Okay, so
you’re preparing for a meeting with the board and you need to
make some strategic decisions. Who would you want as your
coach to help you prepare for that meeting? Somebody who
went to coaching school and asked you “empty” coaching
questions so you come up with your own answers to strategic
decisions that you need to make as the CEO of Apple?
Or would you want a seasoned CEO that had managed a
similar company before, like for example Bill Gates? Who do
you think would be best suited to coach you and teach you how
to run a big technology company? Bill Gates, of course. And if
in addition to his experience Bill Gates happens to also be a
great coach, then instead of telling you what do to he’ll use
questions to guide you toward the right answers.
But he can only guide you toward the right answers if he knows
how to recognize the right answers. For that he needs subject
matter experience, otherwise his questions will be “empty”
questions. Like: What’s your goal? What’s keeping you from
reaching your goal? What do you think the best way to solve
this would be? In and of themselves, they are great questions
and they make you think. The problem is that the answers you
come up with could be anything. So Bill Gates needs the ability
to recognize good and bad answers so that he can keep asking
you guiding questions until you come up with an approach that
would work for the business. Can you see how imperative it is
for a coach to have subject matter experience if we’re talking
about learning a new skill like managing a company?
Can you see how “empty coaching”, meaning just asking empty
coaching questions without having subject matter expertise, can
be catastrophic when learning a new skill?
Learning dating skills is exactly the same. You need a dating
coach with field experience and who knows what the right
answers are. Sadly, these days there are many dating coaches
out there that went to “coaching school” and learned some
coaching method, but actually have no experience in attracting
and dating beautiful women themselves.
Heck, can you believe there are even female dating coaches
that want to help men become good with women? Not that I
have anything against women—they are much better than men
at many things. But as a woman, they don’t have any hands-on
experience in attracting and dating women themselves. Unless
they are lesbians, of course.
Now, you could say, “Of course, they know how it is to be a
woman, and they know what women like and don’t like.” And
indeed, there is some value in that.
Still, that would be the same as the CEO of Apple asking an
iPhone user to become his coach. It’s very important to listen to
your customers, but making them your coach on how to run
your company is something different. They might have
knowledge about their needs, but they don’t have the
knowledge of how to run a company that creates and markets
products to fulfill those needs.
So if you want to become a badass with women, you need to
find a mentor that is good at attracting and dating women
Next, your mentor has to have a minimum of 10 years of
experience in that skill. If you are going to choose someone as
your coach, pick someone that has at least 10 years of
experience in the skill that you want to learn. That way, you are
sure his approach is time-tested and proven over a longer
period. Plus, someone with a minimum of 10 years of
experience will bring you something more than knowledge.
There’s a big chance they will also bring you wisdom, which is
something you don’t develop in two or three years’ time. Yes,
you can develop some knowledge and experience in two or
three years, but usually not wisdom.
Also, make sure the person has a minimum of 10 years of
experience in coaching. There a difference between being good
at something and being good at teaching someone else to be
good at it. You see this happening all the time in sales
organizations when they promote their best salesperson to
become a sales manager or coach. Many times the best
salespeople are not the best coaches or managers. So if you
want to be sure that your coach is able to really coach you
toward results, make sure he has at least 10 years of coaching
experience on the subject.

And last but not least, be sure that your coach understands
your personality type. In your case, make sure he understands
introversion, so that he will coach you in a way that works for
you and leverages your strengths as an introvert.
So those are the four time-tested golden rules to help you find a
great mentor. If you really want to find the best coach or mentor,
1. They have done it themselves
2. They have done it themselves for more than 10 years
3. They have 10 years of coaching experience in that subject
4. They understand introversion, so they can teach you what
works for introverts
So let’s do a recap of the Five Real Secrets to Becoming a
Badass with Women.
These secrets are not some theory, but they are what I’ve
learned over more than 23 years of modeling introverted
naturals and studying human behavior.
That means that if you apply them, well, first of all they will work
for you because they are what introverted naturals do naturally.
Second of all, you’ll be a normal cool guy that just easily gets
women, instead of being some weird pick-up guy or acting like
someone you’re not.
All of the natural introverted badasses that I’ve modeled have
these five characteristics.
1. They had over-confidence when it comes to meeting
2. They knew the secret society signals.
3. They had a minimalistic method.
4. They make it easy when it’s difficult.
5. And they let her mind do most of the work.

Plus, I gave you an unannounced bonus secret to accelerate

your results, which is how to select a great mentor.
And so basically you have two choices now. You can either do
nothing and postpone starting your dating life. That’s one
option. But you know every day that you wait is a day that is
lost. And the longer you wait, the harder it gets. You become
older, your bad habits will sink in deeper, your limiting beliefs
about women and why you can’t do it will only get stronger, and
eventually you’ll come to the point where you’ll either accept to
settle for someone you are not attracted to, or you’ll stay alone
for the rest of your life.
Or you can choose to take action and solve this part of your life
too, just like you’ve solved other parts of your life like your job,
your finances, etc. It’s a skill just like any other skill.
But now, again, I know this is going to be in someone’s mind,
somebody is going to say, “But I’m really shy, or I’m not tall
enough, or I’m not handsome at all, or I’m not famous.”
And it’s okay. It’s fine. That’s totally normal, and I totally
And you are right.
I’m not going to lie to you. Those things do have an impact on
your success rate.
And that’s why I’ve given you numbers about the results from
the people we’ve coached. More specifically, I’ve given you
ranges. I showed you that the people we’ve coached got
between x and y results.
And we’ve coached many different men. Good looking men,
men who were less good looking, tall men, short men, super-
shy men, etc. I can tell you that the good-looking men weren’t
necessarily the ones with the best results. The same goes for
the taller men. I’ve had short men with higher success rates
than taller men, but also the other way around.
In fact many of the world’s best womanizers are short and butt-
The reason is because they found a way to build their
confidence on other things besides their looks.
And they became over-confident. And, as you know, confidence
is the number-one thing women look for in a man. Over-
confidence just puts that attraction on steroids.
So yes, looks do affect your results, but there is much more to it
than that.
Now Obviously, I can’t (and won’t try to) predict your success.
But here’s what I DO know.
You invested in this book.
And you’re reading it right now.
You are an introverted man.
If you weren’t an introverted man, you PROBABLY wouldn’t
have bought this book.
And this was not a coincidence, it was meant to be.
You are here for a reason.
You made the choice to reach out for help.
You want a better love life.
You know that you have more to offer than women can see.
You know that you deserve better.
You want more choice and success with women. And you know
the approach I’ve shown you in this book is the best way to give
you that choice and success.
Surely you want beautiful women as fast as possible.
And you want the CERTAINTY that it will work for you.
You’ve learned other things in your life before.
You know you have the ability to learn new things.
And you know you also have the ability to learn this too.
You’ve read my book.
You now know the five secrets to becoming a badass with
I’ve shown you the method to get lots of dates without draining
You know the approach.
And you know I can help you.
Now, everybody is unique.
And you are also unique.
And that’s why I have this very generous offer for you.

Would You Like Me To Personally Help You Find, Get, And

Keep The Woman Of Your Dreams For Free?

If so, click here to find out all the details (including my

hidden agenda for doing it, for free)!

Thank you so much for investing in this book, and I hope to

speak to you in person sometime soon.
Nick Neeson

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