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LCCIANS friendly, warm, and a likeable person; relaxed,

SEMI FINALS broadminded and has a concern for people.

LEADERSHIP, COMPETENCE AND COMMITMENT The best leaders have broad cultural background.
SKILLS DEVELOPMENT He can keep his troubles to himself rather than
LESSON 1: DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP SKILLS bore or burden others with his unending personal
Time was when the concept of leadership was problems. In other words, he is able to control his
that a leader is always on top of persons, moods and feelings.
exercising power over them. Today, however, a
democratic leader is an artist who is always on top A dynamic leader has the ability to draw other
exercising power with rather than over people. people into participating and taking responsibility.
This art of working with and in groups of persons This leader‘s effectively as a group leader could be
and influencing them to cooperate toward a judged by the number of people he helps to learn
certain goal which they come to find desirable is to participate and to take responsibility rather
indeed a difficult task. It calls for a broader than on the amount of direct work he does
knowledge of human motivations and behavior as himself.
well as practical methods and manner of
individual dealings. A good leader has a real capacity to feel with
others and grow along with them. He has the
Mr. Alvero Martinez, who has worked with and in desire and ability to understand everyone‘s
youth groups for about thirty years in the YMCA, potentials and weaknesses.
stressed certain practical methods in leadership
which found to be effective: A group leader should basically be a helping
person. As such he is there to help and to enable
1. It is far better to talk with people face to face the group. He does things with the group rather
when you want them to accept certain than for or to the group. He works through the
responsibilities than to use a Cellphone or members of the group and occupies position of
telephone or write a memo/note. In personal liaison between the group and his organization.
contact, a leader has an opportunity to interpret The group leader‘s influence is indirect rather
the importance of the task and set in motion a than direct.
growing sense of understanding.
2. A true leader never gives orders much less In a way, it seems more proper to refer and use
resorts to reprimands. He works with others and the term ―group worker‖ for his helping person
by force of his examples, makes them work. whom we commonly call the ―group leader.‖ His
3. A reprimand creates ill feelings and leads to specific activities as a well-directed worker would
disharmony. It is best to avoid it, whenever include:
4. A leader can do a good job with a group when — Helping the group to determine its objectives,
things are going well, but things will not always go goals, purposes;
well. Because of individual differences, problems — Helping the group to understand its own
will surely arise now and then. The leader should capacities and limitations so that it will make
realize this and face the fact, understand the decisions in keeping with its level of development;
reasons behind the problems and with the group, — Helping the group to recognize internal
work out the best solution. problems which might present a block to the full
5. A true leader must command respect. He realization of its wishes;
cannot demand it. This will be dictatorial; and — Helping to locate resources and means of
people hate dictation and domination. overcoming its problems;
6. It is one of the greatest tasks of a leader to see — Helping the group to perfect its form or
that everyone in his group develop a sense of organization and then helping chosen leaders to
belonging. He will feel that it is his responsibility understand and perform their duties;
to participate, for he has a stake in its outcome; — Helping the group to avail of needed resources
that he is involved in a decision which affects him. in the community;
— Assisting the group by providing instruction on
DYNAMICS OF GOOD LEADERSHIP an area of subject matter, - e.g. ―how to be
A dynamic leader possesses the following dynamic leaders, etc.‖
qualities: — Helping the group understand other groups
— A sense of humor which differ from it, then proceed to aid in
— The ability to listen to people developing cooperative inter-group relationship;
— A genuine liking for people and
— A real acceptance of the other fellow‘s point of — Helping individuals to gain acceptance and
view establish responsible relations with members of
— A feeling of conviction and certainty in the the group
worthwhileness of the purpose of the group;
(note :other qualities can be added here ) For the group leader, the welfare of the group
must come before the welfare of the individual
He has a positive outlook; has poise, calmness, member. In other words, he may have to decide
security, and optimism. The leader has an against the views or favor of one or a few group
eagerness to learn and grow; not one with closed members because such a decision will be
mind but constantly striving to acquire more detrimental to the life of the entire group as a
knowledge and understanding of people. He is whole.
welcomes process input from the group and
Sometimes the group leader is faced with acute serves as a knowledgeable resource person.
problems of disorder situations which he calls  The laissez-faire leader: the leader takes a
discipline problems. These special situations call very passive role in the group. The group
for understanding and skill on the part of the itself becomes responsible for its own
leader. The important thing to remember is that direction and purpose. The leader serves as a
the problems belong to the group and can best be technical consultant who will offer process
accomplished through a relationship with the interpretations and assistance if requested.
leader which permits him to involve the group in
the given problem or activity. From their studies, some interesting differences
emerged particularly as related to group member
Above all, the leader will want to remain satisfaction, aggressiveness, and group-task
objective. The leader needs to be close enough to efficiency. Authoritarian and democratic groups
the group to know how much he can expect of were noted as tending to stay with their tasks
them in the way of taking responsibility. about equally, but laissez-faire led groups were
much less conscientious. When the leaders
BEATITUDES OF A LEADER absented themselves from the groups,
 Blessed is the leader who has not sought the authoritarian groups wandered from the task,
high places, but who has been drafted into democratic groups continued at about the same
service because of his ability and willingness pace, and the laissez-faire groups tended to
to serve. increase their work.
 Blessed is the leader who knows where he is
going, and how to get there. As might be expected, authoritarian groups,
 Blessed is the leader who knows how to lead fostered more dependency upon the leader, were
without being dictatorial; true leaders are more discontented and openly critical, and made,
humble. more aggressive demands. Friendliness and
 Blessed is the leader who knows no cooperation were characteristic of the democratic
discouragement, who presents no alibi. leaders above the other two styles.
 Blessed is the leader who seeks for the best
for those he serves. A close relationship exists between leadership
 Blessed is the leader who leads for the good style and group efficiency and satisfaction.
of the most concerned, and not for the Fiedler ,demonstrated that effective leaders tend
personal gratification of his own ideas. to maintain a slightly greater―psychological
 Blessed is the leader who develops leaders distance‖ than do less effective leaders. This
while leading. seems to indicate that while a democratically
 Blessed is the leader who marches with the oriented group with shared responsibility is most
group, interprets correctly the signs on the desired and effective, the leader should be
pathway that lead to success. identifiable as opposed to being an ―equal‖
 Blessed is the leader who has his head in the member of the group.
clouds, has his fact on the ground.
 Blessed is the leader who considers Each group leader must explore and define for self
leadership an opportunity for service. what is the most effective and congruent style for
him/her. The process of determining a ―proper-
TYPES OF GROUP LEADERSHIP fit‖ in terms of leadership style is one that
Although the development of group theory and requires experience and practice. The most
leadership intervention styles have been refined effective and satisfied leaders are those who find
and differentiated greatly over the past years, the a relatively comfortable style that blends their
early and classical leadership studies conducted own personality with a solid base of theory.
by Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lippit, and Ralph White
(1939) and White and Lippit (1968) provide a Kottler (2011) wrote about the group leader as a
generic framework from which to evaluate group ―fully functioning mode.‖ His group leader is a
leadership. Essentially, they were looking at the person who projects an image of a formidable
dimension of group member participation in individual who is fully in charge of his/her
decision making. They identified three types of personal world. The leader exudes self-
leadership for their studies: authoritarian, confidence, expertise, worldly experience, and
democratic, and laissez- faire. serenity. Kottler defined ―personal mastery‖ as
 The authoritarian leader: This type of the development of skills necessary for a happy
leadership is autocratic and places a great existence.
deal emphasis on leader power and
authority. The leader frequently behaves in LESSON 2: DEVELOPING COMMITMENT SKILLS
an arbitrary and dictatorial manner. The A commitment is a binding pledge that obligates a
group is not consulted in decision making person to assume a position or carry out a course
and goals and plans are determined by the of action. Making a commitment to what they do
leader. —whether in their personal life or to their
 The democratic leader: This type of a leader professional life—is one of the most fundamental
as the term reflects, is egalitarian in principles of success.
orientation. Group climate and cohesiveness
are stressed and participation by all group Commitments are Serious Business
members in establishing goals and directions Commitments are powerful because they
is encouraged. The democratic leader influence how one‘s think, how one‘s sound, and
how one‘s act. Unlike a half-hearted hope or must take a good look at our lives and decide that
‗best shot,‘ making a commitment means that a nothing is going to stand in our way of success.
person try harder, He/She looks for solutions For example , “I made the decision that no one
when faced with obstacles and never consider was going to beat me to the finish line. I made a
quitting as an option, and doesn‘t look back. In commitment at a fundamental level that I was
addition, a meaningful commitment gives a going to do anything it took to achieve my goal”.
person a script for how to handle things when
times get tough. And make no mistake, everyone 2. REFINE OUR GOALS
feels like quitting at one time or another. It‘s hard to commit ourselves to something if our
Unfortunately most people quit when they feel finish line is just a nebulous point off in the
like quitting, which is why they seldom succeed at distance. So before we do anything, get clear
anything. about what our ultimate outcome looks like. Nail
down exactly what we want, how we are going to
Characteristics of success is the perseverance of get there and on what sort of timeline we plan to
commitment. reach our destination.
Whether it‘s a relationship or marriage, job or Example : Lucy wants to have the freedom to pay
career venture, fitness or health, or a personal her way through college or go to Mindanao next
improvement goal, the temptation to give up will summer and help build a school for 100 orphans
arise. The key is to anticipate it and make a in Marawi.
promise that the feeling of wanting to quit will not The key is to sculpt a vision that is so amazing and
overpower commitment. meaningful that we are willing to do anything to
achieve it.
To Whom and What a person could be
One of the keys to fulfilling one‘s commitments is While the right mindset will give us the motivation
to not over commit. The number of opportunities we need to bring our best actions , if we focus on
and decisions we are faced with on a daily basis unimportant activities we still aren‘t going to get
increases all the time. This is why it is so anywhere!
important to be selective about what and who Going for it‖ doesn‘t mean quadrupling our work
wecommit to. Given the limits of our time and load. Work for the sake of work is not the goal.
attention, it‘s simply not feasible to do everything The goal is to live and work on our own terms.
we would like. Therefore, we must decide what is This is especially significant if we already have a
truly important to us and commit only to those busy life full of responsibilities. In order to achieve
things. When we only commit to the people and freedom and escape the trap of selling our time
things that are truly important to us ,our for money, we must be ruthlessly selective about
relationships will improve, we will be more what we work on and what we ignore.
successful in achieving our goals, and we have What should we work on? It all depends upon
more time to enjoy our journey. Once we decide what stage are we on right now.
to whom and what we are committed, it is
imperative that we follow through. When we 4. HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE
think of the importance of following through, we Unfortunately, personal drive usually isn‘t
are reminded of the motivational advice of Zig enough. It may be enough to get us started, but
Ziglar: “It was character that got us out of bed, after a week or two the ―new years‘ resolution
commitment that moved us into action, and effect‖ begins to set in and our initial enthusiasm
discipline that enabled us to follow through.” slowly begins to fade. In order to stay committed,
we need a way of holding ourselves accountable.
There are times when we think that the
challenges of fulfilling our commitments are not Here are some suggested ways:
worth the hassle, or the effort required is more  Use the Weekly Daily Goals system to keep
than we are willing to expend. Remember, track of our most important tasks. At the
however, just like anything worth pursuing, beginning of each week, write down the top
commitments require discipline and often require goals for the next 7 days. Before we go to
us to act outside of our comfort zone. So that we bed each night, write down 2-3 key tasks
should be willing to stand up to the challenges we that, if accomplished, will leave us satisfied
face by keeping things like our integrity and with our day. Once you complete our goals
reputation in mind. for the day, stop our guilt free attitude .
 Tell others what you are doing. At the very
How to value Commitment least, tell your family about the goals you‘re
Are we ready to go all out for commitment ? Are trying to reach. Even if their reactions are
weready to fully commit ourselves to achieving less than supportive, getting your ambitions
our goals ? If so, here‘s how. out in the open will help you stay committed.
 Join a community. Surrounding yourself with
1. GET OUR MINDSET RIGHT like-minded people who are rooting for (and
Success in any aspect of life starts with our expecting) your success can be extremely
mindset. Faulty beliefs and assumptions are like powerful. It can provide you with the
powerful headwinds halting our progress and confidence and motivation you need to take
blowing us off course. your business to a whole new level.
In order to truly ―go all out‖ and make
unprecedented progress, we must make the Ways to Develop Commitment in Life
decision at a core level to hold nothing back. We
1) Be a soldier: Imagine a soldier quitting his previous work that was done in the same
training because the weather is hot or because he timeframe. Now, when we know what our goal is,
is not in the mood. People who commit to their or what we want to reach we will need specific
tasks think more like soldiers. They get their tasks tasks or actions. If you want to improve our
done even if they are feeling bad, down or not in productivity for 20% we will need to implement
the mood. Procrastinators on the other hand those tasks into our everyday working routine.
search for the first excuse they can find in order to Probably, we will start the action list with
quit something like this:
2) Be flexible: Water takes the shape of any   Analyze the current workload.
container its placed in and so should you. If the   Analyze current work processes.
gym was suddenly closed because of maintenance   Find all possible bottlenecks.
then find another nearby gym and just don't skip   Also, find solutions to eliminate
your training. You might think that this one time bottlenecks.
won't affect your performance but in fact it   Find possible improvements in usual the
affects the way you perceive yourself. In other processes that you use.
words, when you find another way to get the task   Develop an implementation plan.
done you will start to believe that you are   Implement solutions from the plan.
unstoppable and this will help you commit to your
tasks even more But, the good plan doesn‘t mean that we will
3) Do the task on the same time everyday: When achieve our goal to improve productivity by 20%.
you do your activities randomly you are very likely If we don‘t complete that action list, not only that
to keep delaying them until the day ends. The we will not achieve our goal, but we won‘t know if
best way to prevent this problem from happening the actions that we plan will help in improving our
is to assign fixed time zones each day for the tasks productivity. We willnot start doing things until
you want to do. For example: Basketball at 2 pm we really want to reach that goal. If we don‘t start
each day or reading a book 10 pm each day doing things, we can‘t talk about productivity. The
4) Keep a progress bar: Whenever possible try to productivity is highly connected with doing things.
find a way to measure your progress and record it. Because our goals must be achieved, they are not
When you do so your subconscious mind will get a subject that we can set and forget. We need to
motivated and will help you stick to your schedule work or implement actions that will lead to that
in order to beat your records achievement. The question is how we can
5) Do everything alone: One of the horrible increase our own efficiency in achieving goals that
mistakes people do when they try to commit to a we set to be achieved? The only answer to this
task is that they depend on a friend to be with question is a commitment to those goals.
them while doing it. The problem with always
waiting for someone to encourage you is that you Here are five steps that can help us in increasing
are very likely to quit if that person wasn't in the commitment to our goals.
mood or if he didn't know how to truly commit to 1. Increase Commitment: Make our goals
a task achievable
6) Know that "not feeling like it" is so normal: We can‘t achieve unrealistic goals, and we can‘t
Many people don't do important tasks because expect that we will commit to something that we
they don't feel like it but the life fact that most know that‘s hard to achieve. For example, if we
people aren't aware of is that you won't feel like set the goal as our previous example to increase
doing your important tasks most of the time. After productivity by 1000%, that will mean we want to
all who wants to do anything but to relax in bed? accomplish 10 times more work at the same time.
Procrastinators stop when they don't feel like it This goal will be an unrealistic goal. It‘s much
while achievers keep going even when they don't better to set 20% instead 1000% and in an
feel like it. iterative way to try to increase our productivity
first to 20%, with the next goal for another 20%
HOW TO INCREASE COMMITMENT TO ACHIEVE and so on. The first step to increase our own
GOALS commitment is to know that we can easily achieve
Everything that we are doing is connected in one our goals. When we know that it is possible, we
or other way with our goals. Something that we will put our focus to achieve them working
want to reach. So, we will need to increase through each of our action steps.
commitment to our goals. Can we become more
productive without achievement of our goals? For 2. Increase Commitment: Make our goals specific
example, we want to reach something and that Specific goals will tell us what we need to do if we
something is to increase our own productivity. want to achieve them. Unspecific goals can be
The first thing that we will need to do is to make very confusing and will decrease our commitment.
this goal much clearer, it will need Increasing productivity is a confusing and
to be the SMART goal :Specific , undetermined goal. If we don‘t know what we
Measurable ,Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound need to achieve and when we need to achieve
goal. In our case, let‘s say that we want to probably we will not even try to achieve it.
increase your productivity by 20%. What is the
meaning of that? 3. Increase Commitment: Write goals on a piece
of paper
Because productivity is work done in a specific There are different scientific researchers that have
period of time, our goal will be to increase proven if you put something on paper, a
productivity for 20%, or doing 20% more things in commitment to that something is much bigger. In
the same period of time compared with our his book Influence – The Psychology of
Persuasion, Dr. Robert Cialdini gives an example one goal, go on to the next one until we feel more
from the Korean War in which the Chinese comfortable with the process.
soldiers in the camps where they held prisoners
ask from prisoners to write statements that 2. Complete The Hardest Assignments First
communism is better than the US system. In such Instead of avoiding the hardest assignments,we
a way, they will be committed to their own can try to complete them first so the rest of our
statement in which, basically they did not believe day is easy breezy. If wehave many tasks to
it. If we writeour goals on a paper, they will be in accomplish in a day, start with the one we want to
a category with a more commitment than the avoid [the] most. This will make you gain
goals that remain only in our head. confidence quickly and help the rest of our day
roll down hill easy as pie. If the task is too big,
4. Increase Commitment: Present Publicly our chunk it up. Breaking down big goals into
Goals manageable parts help us stay focused and keep
If we talk with only one person about our own us from being overwhelmed.
goal, the commitment will be much bigger than if
we are the only person that knows about our goal. 3. Learn How Schedule Our Work
We will want to be seen as a responsible person, While it's OK to get sidetracked every now and
even in the eyes of that one person with which we then, we can try to create a system where we
shareour goals. If you say thatwe will do have a list of everything that needs to be
something, there is a higher probability that we accomplished so we don't lose track of what our
will really do that. Because of that, for our most goals are
important goals, it is the best to be shared with
the public. 4. Get Rid Of Temptation
If we want to be more disciplined, we have to get
5. Increase Commitment: Do We Know What We rid of our temptations. Even though snoozing on
Need to Do? the couch instead of running is tempting, or that
If you know the activities that we must to social media app is addicting, keep them out of
implement in advance, we will increase the level sight so we can focus on what's most important.
of our own commitment. Therefore, once we have "Put away the phone and close the Tweeter , IG or
the goal on paper, and we have already talked Facebook tabs and make a promise to keep
with someone, list the activities. In such a way, we bringing your mind back to the task at hand‖ . We
will want to start as soon as possible. If you follow don't have to finish it, just make it a priority.
these steps in setting and achieving our business
goals, our commitment will be much bigger, and 5. Do What Comes Naturally
your productivity will be much better. If we have a hard time being disciplined, start with
things that come naturally , to help ease ourselves
Ways To Develop Self-Discipline & Stay into the process. For example , "If we want to eat
Committed more vegetables start with something we have
Have you ever wondered how people become so already been eating and eat more of it.
successful? Were they born with magical powers?
Do they know the secret of life? Something's got 6. Don't Overthink It
to give. While life would be easier if all of that was If we give up every time we mess up, then we
possible, in reality, these people are probably won't get anywhere fast.― Be kind to yourself
successful because they have learned self- and don't overthink it‖ . We can easeour way into
discipline. this new system and soon it may become a habit.
We really have nothing to lose. "Stop thinking!
Self-disciple is about having the determination to Certain thingsthat are nonnegotiable, There's a
do what you know we need to do to improve great quote about this: 'Suffer the pain of
ourselves . Or in other words: we force ourselves discipline or suffer the pain of regret.'
to run at 5 a.m. because we know it's the right
thing to do, even though you want to cry on the 7. Hold Ourselves Accountable
inside. "Learn to hear and challenge your Even though we want to be kind to ourselves, we
thoughts‖. How can we discipline what we don't also want to make sure that we hold ourselves
know? Learning to first [step] and [hearing] what accountable. That means if you "accidentally"
we are telling ourselves allow us the opportunity watched three hours of Korean Novela, we should
to then challenge whether those thoughts are try to make up for that time by working hard the
true or helpful. If not, we have the chance to following few days. "It‘s great to establish goals
change them. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and create an action plan. However, if there is no
is a wonderful way to do this," according to accountability built into that process, the effort is
clinical psychologist Christina Hibbert It's time to likely to fail. The great thing about accountability
say bon voyage to our less-disciplined.lives. We is that , we develop the method that works best
are the captain of our own ship and as long as we for us."
are determined to continue to move forward, we
will notice the positive change in our lives in no 8. Write Downour Progress
time. One of the greatest ways to hold ourselves
accountable is by writing down our progress. This
1. We Can Start With A Modest Goal process allows us to log all the steps we have
We don‘t have to feel pressured to be the most taken. And when we are having a rough day, we
disciplined person in the world on day one Start can review our progress to see how far we have
by taking small steps instead. And once we finish come and how well we are currently doing.
have not arrived. If we believe we have no room
9. Create Healthy Habits to grow, we won‘t grow. Once we see there are
We will most likely feel better about trying to be areas for improvement in our lives , growing our
more disciplined if we are taking care of ourselves competence in those areas is really quite simple.
first. "When we make something a habit — a
regular part of our daily routine — it actually frees Here are ideas for growing our competence.
up our brain. We no longer have to decide ―Am I 1. Consider every circumstance an opportunity
going to do this today or not?‖ We just do it, and Napolean Hill, foremost success authority, said, :
our brain is less stressed and freed up for other Every adversity brings with it the seed of an
more important decisions," according to Hibbert. equivalent advantage.‖ If we are willing to see
every conflict, every delay, and every frustration
10. Remind Ourselves Of What's Actually True in this light — our whole lives become a learning
Once we have proven what's true, it helps to opportunity.
remind ourselves why we need to continue to do 2. Join a mastermind group
it . For example, if we have learned that if we get The power of a group is hard to argue. For years
up and go for a walk when we are tired then we we have seen powerful leaders and thinkers
have more energy. Plus, we will feel great because emerge, not as individuals, but as groups.
we exercised, then we remind ourselves of this ―Surround yourself with people who are more
fact. ―I'll feel so much better if I just get up and successful, more competent, and more qualified
move‖ is a powerful way to keep ourselves than you — you‘re guaranteed to grow your
disciplined," says Hibbert. The only way we know competence‖.
something is true is if we continue to do it. Don't 3. Find a mentor
hesitate to do something that will benefit Nearly every leader can point to a mentor who
ourselves. Keep telling ourselves positive has played a key role in their success. If we don‘t
affirmations to help us to stay disciplined and have a mentor, and we would like one, generally
focused. it‘s just as easy as asking the question.
4. Use time wisely
11. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals So much time in our day is wasted doing mindless
"Set goals that are Specific, with details to help us things: TV or YouTube videos, sitting in traffic,
achieve success. Measurable.Attainable. Relevant waiting for a meeting to start. ―Set yourself up to
to who and where we are at the time, and Time- take advantage of those moments by listening to
bound. SMART goal-setting can help us change podcasts in the car, loading books onto your
the things that stand in our way," says Hibbert. computer or phone for those down moments, and
Because we are the only person who can alter our not allowing yourself to mindlessly watch garbage
future, we don't want to stand in the way of it by on TV‖.
making poor decisions. Use this system to set 5. Take advantage of technology
smart goals and make ourselves more disciplined ―I heard of someone recently who listens to
for a stronger, better you‖ .(You deserve it.) books on tape at two-times speed so he can finish
them faster‖. Technology is constantly improving.
While it might take some time to be more Take advantage of the opportunities it provides to
disciplined, it's totally worth it. All we have to do learn.
iswrite down our progress, hold ourselves 6. Read
accountable, and set smart goals. Mark Twain famously says, ―The man who
doesn‘t read good books has no advantage over
man who can‘t read them.‖ Become a consumer
What is Competence and Why is it Important of good books. Read books that challenge you.
Competence means that we have the ability to do
something well. We are capable of performing a Social Competence :Ways To Improve Social
task or job effectively. Competence can include Skills
the knowledge and skills needed to solve a If we feel like we are the awkward person at social
quadratic equation. Or, it can comprise the much events or you struggle to enter into conversations
larger and more diverse clusters of skills, or because we are shy, it can impact our social life
competencies, needed to lead a multinational and our career.
corporation. The concept of competence is
creeping into our lives, pervading our thinking However, we can start improving our social skills
about developing people of all ages – from new by following these 12 strategies and soon, we
babes to weathered professionals. We find it in will be able to enter into conversations with
modern human resources departments in our confidence.
workplace, and in innovating schools 1. Behave Like a Social Person
experimenting with competence-based education. We can behave like a more social creature, even if
we don‘t feel like it.
Ways to Increase Competency Don‘t allow anxiety to hold us back. Make the
When we quit learning, in some ways, we start decision to talk to new people and to enter into
dying. No matter what degree we have earned, or conversations even when we are feeling nervous
what initials come after our nameplate, we must about it. Over time, it will get easier and we will
keep increasing competency on a daily basis. quickly start improving our social skills.
2. Start Small if Necessary
The first step to increasing our personal and If going to a party or spending time in a crowd
professional competence is to understand that we seems overwhelming, start small. Go into the
grocery store and say, ―Thank you,‖ to the clerk awkward and I will embarrass myself,‖ may sit in
or go to a restaurant and order your food. Practice the corner at a party. As a result, he may leave the
making small talk gradually. party thinking that he must be really awkward
3. Ask Open-Ended Questions because no one talked to him. Identify negative
―If you want the attention off you in a thoughts that are likely dragging you down.
conversation, get familiar with open-ended Replace them with more realistic thoughts such
questions.Encourage others to talk so we won‘t as, ―I can make conversation and I can meet new
have to make the idle chit-chat. Ask questions people.‖ We should not dwell on thoughts that
that require more than a yes or no answer and are not productive.Good social skills are essential
you may open the door to invite the other person for effective communication. If we find socializing
to keep the conversation going. with others a challenge, start to take on the
4. Encourage Others to Talk About Themselves suggestions and practice each of them
Most people really enjoy talking about consistently.
themselves. Ask a question about a person‘s
career, hobbies, or family. Show you‘re interested Great social skills don‘t come easily, we need to
in hearing what is being said. If you want to keep practice ourselves and really try these tips by
the conversation going, you should make it like talking with others.
playing ping pong.
5. Create Goals For Yourself UNIT V
Establish some small goals . Perhaps we want to BUILDING A GOOD FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS
practice one particular skill or maybe we want to
start attending a social activity in our community. Family Structures and Legacies
Establish a goal and begin to work on strategies The article on educational implications of new
that will improve our social life. Learn to use information about the Filipino family by Acuna,
SMART goal to help us to communicate better. 2008, states that the family is still the most
6. Offer Compliments Generously influential force in the lives of students and
Compliments can be a great way to open the door students still model after the family members; the
to a conversation. Offer a co-worker a mother more than the father. Contemporary
compliment on a presentation he gave at a social scientists today developed a new and less
meeting or compliment your neighbor on his new rigid concept of family such as that family
car. Compliments can show others that we are members need not be bound by legal marriage, by
friendly and there‘re more reasons why we should blood, or by adoption. Family members are those
pay a compliment to someone every day. who live together in one household on a semi-
7. Read Books About Social Skills permanent basis.
There are many books on the market that can
help us learn specific social skills and ways to start Alternative structures include the single or solo-
conversations. However, keep in mind that parent family which may fall under any of the
reading about these skills won‘t make us an following five types:
expert. You‘ll need to practice them over and over
again. 1. A widow/ed parent and child/children. Very
often, this solo-parent is a widow rather than a
How to Win Friends and Influence More People widower. Widowers tend to remarry more than
1. Practice Good Manners widows do.
Good manners go a long way in improving social 2. A separated parent and child/children. There
skills. Practice being polite, showing gratitude, and are various reasons for separation: divorce
using good table manners. obtained abroad, annulment, legal separation,
2. Pay Attention to Your Body Language abandonment, or by mutual decision to separate
Non-verbal communication is very important. Pay informally without going thru the courts.
attention to the type of body language we use. Try Separation may also be due to temporary absence
to appear relaxed, make appropriate amounts of of one spouse such as overseas employment.
eye contact, and appear open to conversation. 3. A single man or woman and adopted
3. Join a Social Skills Support Group child/children. The value of children is recognized
Many communities offer social skill support and accepted in Philippine society, thus adoption
groups. Support groups help people who feel shy, is not uncommon even among unmarried
awkward, or extremely anxious in social situations individuals.
learn and practice new skills. We can start 4. An unwed woman and her illegitimate or
improving social skills and may be able to make natural child/children. The unwed mother usually
new friends who understand our difficulties. goes through pregnancy and delivery of the
4. . Stay Up to Date on Current Events illegitimate child, not only because abortion is a
Read up on current trends and news stories so we criminal act under Philippine laws and immoral in
have something to talk about with people.Try to a predominantly Catholic nation, but also because
avoid anything that is too controversial, such as of the value of children in Philippine society.
politics, but do talk about other news stories that 5. A mistress and her child/children. This solo-
may be of interest.It can be a great way to start a parent family is the second family of a married
conversation and can help you stick to neutral man as a result of extramarital relations. Aside
subjects. from the solo-parent family, another family type is
5. Identify and Replace Negative Thoughts the blended or step family which is the result of a
Negative thoughts about your social interactions, second marriage or partnership of a widowed or
could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. For separated person. This includes step parent(s) and
example, a person who thinks, ―I‘m really step sibling(s). Very little is known about this type
of family probably because many protective
grandparents tend to take over the care of Middle adolescence can present both challenges
grandchildren whose parents have remarried in and rewards for families, as teens frequently test
order to avoid conflict with the step parent and rules and question authority. Teens can be
step siblings. There are, however, many blended opinionated, and this can result in family conflict,
families where members live in harmony and have especially over issues such as dress, music,
no problem in their relationships. curfews, and behavior. Activities such as driving
and dating may require negotiating family rules.
Another type of family is that formed by Yet the family is still home base in the changing
homosexuals. In the Philippines, there is no world of middle adolescence, and core family
marriage possible for these homosexuals who are values continue to exert a significant and
living together, but they can be married in stabilizing influence. With their increasingly
another country that allows same sex marriage. sophisticated cognitive, moral, and social
Otherwise, there is no way to establish how stable capabilities, adolescents are forming attitudes and
their relationship is, and when they can be values that will have a lasting impact on the
considered a family. Almost nothing is known quality of their lives, as well as those of their
about this type of family. One more type of family family and the larger community. Sharing the
is composed of siblings only either because their family‘s love, affection, and support with the
parents have died, or are estranged; thus, there is adolescent is critical during this stage of
no more contact with them. An added type of development.
family is that which is formed by couples who are
in a live-in relationship. Thus, cohabiting couples Having reached ―the age of majority,‖ older
and their children may be considered families too. adolescents are now legally responsible for
themselves. Key developmental tasks include
In other words, the single or solo parent family is focusing on achieving independence, creating an
increasing, the blended family or step family is adult sense of self, and developing a capacity for
emerging, and other types of families are also mature emotional intimacy, while maintaining
emerging like the homosexual couples or siblings emotional ties to their family.
only or no parent family.
As older adolescents become more comfortable
The dramatic changes that have occurred in with themselves and their emotional
contemporary family life are particularly independence, their relationships with family
significant for adolescents. The decreased amount members become more accepting and
of time that many parents, extended family harmonious. Families continue to have a major
members, and neighbors are able to spend with impact in helping older adolescents become
adolescents leads to decreased communication, healthy young adults by providing a stable and
support, and supervision from adults at a crucial supportive home environment and by maintaining
period in development. At an age when a trusting and open relationship in which the
adolescents are most likely to experiment with young person feels cared for and comfortable in
behaviors that can have serious health sharing new challenges and concerns. Parents can
consequences, they may have less parental exert significant influence on the well-being of
involvement and more unsupervised time and older adolescents by consistently modeling
activities. preventive and health-promoting practices such
as driving safely, avoiding or moderating the use
Parents should maintain a continuing interest in of alcohol, and scheduling regular health visits.
their adolescent‘s daily activities and concerns.
Adolescents are more likely to become healthy, LESSON 1: FAMILY RITUALS AND TRADITIONS
fulfilled adults if their families remain actively  Hiya is shame and is a motivating factor
involved, providing loving parenting, needed behind behavior. It is a sense of being
limits, and respect for the process of developing socially appropriate and conforming to
maturity. As the nature of family relationships societal norms of behavior. Filipinos believe
changes, families adapt to the adolescent‘s need they must live up to the accepted standards
for confidentiality as they learn to negotiate a of behavior and if they fail to do so they
healthy balance between providing parental bring shame not only upon themselves, but
supervision and giving the adolescent some also upon their family.
―space.‖ Although adolescence is characterized  Bahala na is a kind of fatalistic resignation
by growing independence and separation from (come what may) which represents a
parental authority, the adolescent still needs the withdrawal from engagement or crisis or
family‘s love, support, and availability. shirking of personal responsibility.
 “Utangnaloob” – reciprocity or debt of
During adolescence, parent–adolescent conflict gratitude or honor is of primary importance
tends to increase. This conflict appears to be a in the Filipino value system.
necessary part of gaining independence from  Pakikisama” is the Filipino value of
parents while learning new ways of staying belongingness and loyalty to one‘s in-group.
connected to them (Steinberg, 2001). If parents To belong to a group demands a spirit of
can be reassured that the awkwardness their teen cooperation, an attitude of give and take,
is displaying is not rejection and can be and sensitivity to the feelings of others.
encouraged to stay involved, a new way of  “Respetosanakatatanda” or respect for
relating may eventually evolve that is satisfying seniors is a highly esteemed value of the
for all. Filipinos. For example, Filipinos show respect
to the elders in conversations by using words Once you have a tangible definition of the legacy
such as ―ho‖ ―po‖ and ―opo‖ at the end concept for you and your family members, you
of a greeting. can then communicate the actions you‘ll take to
 Hospitality to a guest or neighbor is also a help shape that concept going forward, so that
famous value of the Filipinos. For Filipinos, you leave a lasting family legacy for many
serving other people the best of what they generations to come. We thought it might be
have, leaves them an honor and a promise of helpful to provide you with a list of questions to
true friendship. ask when defining the legacy concept for you and
your loved ones.
The Importance of Family Meals This list is by no means exhaustive, but should
The study on the association of the frequency of give you a good start to helping you define and
family meals to family members, suicide ideation build your family legacy.
and depression of Filipino young adults by
Francisco &Cuason, 2017 revealed that family 1. What is your family mission and vision?
mealtimes matter. This is very significant because Consider writing a family mission statement,
an activity that is usually ignored poses an complete with your family values and beliefs, and
important role in the mental health of Filipino think about how you can ensure that those values
young adults. According to Bowen‘s family are effectively passed down to future generations.
systems theory, emotional distance is one factor 2. What are your goals for your family going into
that creates problems within a family and the the future, even after you‘ve passed on?
individual belonging in that family. Emotional Knowing your goals will help ensure that you take
distance that can easily be overcome if only a proper measures to accomplish them. Once
family sits down and eats together. you‘re gone, as long as your family members are
aware of the goals you‘ve set, they can continue
Young adults or the Millennials have a significant to implement the necessary action steps to ensure
position in society but sadly because of public a lasting legacy.
stigma about mental health those suffering from 3. What are the stories that help to connect and
or are experiencing suicide ideation or even just shape your legacy in a meaningful way for future
mild depression only find hopelessness and generations?
sometimes, the solutions they find for themselves You can start gathering your stories through
are usually devastating and unfortunate both for conversations with parents, grandparents and
the individual himself and his loved ones. other relatives. Once you compile the
information, either through audio, video or
LESSON 2: FAMILY LEGACY written word, you can then add photos, videos
The definition of legacy is something that is and other media to make it meaningful for future
passed on you from family, including reputation. generations. All stories and their media may be
An example of legacy is family property that has securely and privately stored inside your Family
been handed down for generations. archive.
4. What is wealth? Is it simply defined by your
Building a Family Legacy: 7 Questions to Ask material possessions, or does it encompass your
When Building a Family Legacy family values, beliefs, traditions and health?
Building a family legacy isn‘t just about money 5. Encourage the elders in your family to share
and legal documents. A lasting legacy lives on their experiences and the lessons they‘ve
through many generations. Making your legacy learned.
come alive starts with defining it in a tangible way What important lessons have you learned in your
—answering questions such as: lifetime? How can you best impart that wisdom to
  Who you are—your beliefs, values, your children and grandchildren?
traditions and experiences 6.( Encourage your parents and elders
  What you give back—your charitable participation in answering ) What material assets
community and mentoring activities do you want to leave for your children and
  What you have—your material assets grandchildren when you‘re gone? Are there any
(money and possessions) charitable institutions that have impacted your
 life that you feel should also inherit some of those
Building a family legacy starts by answering the assets? It helps to have a last will and testament
question, ―what does legacy mean to you?‖ that a designated family member or members can
easily access.
This is perhaps the most important question to 7. What is your healthcare history? Your medical
ask, because in order to start building your family records will have a profound impact on the health
legacy, you must first define the concept yourself of future generations in your family. Knowing
and decide what it means for you and your loved what conditions could possibly be passed down
ones. genetically to your children and grandchildren is
important to ensuring they take preventative
When most of us think of legacy, we think of measures to live a long and healthy life.
closely-related terms like storytelling, family
values and wealth management. When defining
the legacy concept, it‘s important to think about
all of these other closely-related concepts as well,
and define what they mean to you.

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