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1 In Re: Atty. The Integration of The respondent Marcial A.

ial A. Edillon is a duly licensed Whether or not The Integrated Bar is a State-organized Bar which
Edillon, A.C. the Philippine Bar practicing Attorney in the Philippines. The IBP Board of the court may every lawyer must be a member of as
No. 1928, means the Governors recommended to the Court the removal of the compel Atty. distinguished from bar associations in which
December unification of the name of the respondent from its Roll of Attorneys for Edillion to pay membership is merely optional and voluntary. All
19, 1980, 101 entire lawyer stubborn refusal to pay his membership dues assailing the his membership lawyers are subject to comply with the rules
scra 617 population. This provisions of the Rule of Court 139-A and the provisions of fee to the IBP. prescribed for the governance of the Bar including
requires (1) par. 2, Section 24, Article III, of the IBP By-Laws pertaining payment a reasonable annual fees as one of the
membership and to the organization of IBP, payment of membership fee requirements. The Rules of Court only compels
(2) financial and suspension for failure to pay the same. him to pay his annual dues and it is not in violation
support of every of his constitutional freedom to associate. Bar
attorney as Edillon contends that the stated provisions constitute an integration does not compel the lawyer to
condition invasion of his constitutional rights in the sense that he is associate with anyone. He is free to attend or not
sine qua non to being compelled as a pre-condition to maintain his status the meeting of his Integrated Bar Chapter or vote
the practice of law as a lawyer in good standing, to be a member of the IBP or refuse to vote in its election as he chooses. The
and the retention and to pay the corresponding dues, and that as a only compulsion to which he is subjected is the
of his name in the consequence of this compelled financial support of the payment of annual dues. The Supreme Court in
Roll of Attorneys of said organization to which he is admitted personally order to further the State’s legitimate interest in
the antagonistic, he is being deprived of the rights to liberty elevating the quality of professional legal services,
Supreme Court. and properly guaranteed to him by the Constitution. may require thet the cost of the regulatory
Hence, the respondent concludes the above provisions of program – the lawyers.
the Court Rule and of the IBP By-Laws are void and of no
legal force and effect. Such compulsion is justified as an exercise of the
police power of the State. The right to practice law
before the courts of this country should be and is a
matter subject to regulation and inquiry. And if the
power to impose the fee as a regulatory measure
is recognize then a penalty designed to enforce its
payment is not void as unreasonable as arbitrary.
Furthermore, the Court has jurisdiction over
matters of admission, suspension, disbarment, and
reinstatement of lawyers and their regulation as
part of its inherent judicial functions and
responsibilities thus the court may compel all
members of the Integrated Bar to pay their annual
2 In Re: Canon 7 Landicho wrote a confidential letter to the court about the Whether or not Yes. Ramon Galang is guilty of fraudulently
Ramon Rule 7.01: - A startling fact that the grade in one examination (Civil Law) Galang is guilty concealing and withholding from the Court his
Galang, 66 Lawyer shall be of at least one bar candidate was raised for one reason or of fraudulently pending criminal case for physical injuries in 1961,
scra 282 answerable for another, before the bar results were released that year concealing and 1962, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1969, and 1971;
knowingly making and that there are grades in other examination notebooks withholding and in 1966, 1967, 1969, and 1971, he committed
a false statement in other subjects that underwent alterations to raise the from the court perjury when he declared under oath that he had
or suppressing a grades prior to the release of results. The Court checked his pending no pending criminal case in court. That the
material fact in the records of the 1971 Bar Examinations and found that case. concealment of an attorney of the fact that he had
connection with the grades in five subjects — Political Law and Public been charged with, or indicted for, an alleged
his application for International Law, Civil Law, Mercantile Law, Criminal Law, crime, in his application to take the Bar Exam is a
admission to the and Remedial Law — of a successful bar candidate with ground for revocation of his license to practice law
BAR. office code no. 954, Ramon Galang, underwent some as well-settled. He is therefore unworthy of
changes which, however, were duly initialed and becoming a member of the noble profession of
Concealment of authenticated by the respective examiner concerned. Each law.
criminal offense of the five examiners in his individual sworn statement
like slight physical admitted having re-evaluated and/or re-checked the
injury Even if such notebook involved pertaining to his subject upon the
crime does not representation to him by Bar Confidant Lanuevo that he
involve moral has the authority to do the same and that the examinee
turpitude, its concerned failed only in his particular and/or was on the
concealment will borderline of passing.
be taken against
him The investigation showed that the re-evaluation of the
examination papers of Ramon E. Galang alias Roman
-- Galang, was unauthorized, and therefore he did noy
That the obtain a passing average in the 1971 Bar Examinations.
concealment of an
attorney in his Lanuevo admitted having brought the five examination
application to take notebooks of Ramon E. Galang back to the respective
the Bar examiners for re-evaluation or re-checking. The five
examinations of examiners having re-evaluated or re-checked the
the fact that he notebook to him by the Bar Confidant.
had been charged
with, or indicted As investigator conducted by the NBI also showed that
for an alleged Ramon Galang was charged with the crime of slight
crime, as a ground physical injuries committed on certain de Vera, of the
for revocation of same University. Confronted with this information,
his license to respondent Galang declared that he does not remember
practice law, is having been charged with the crime of slight physical
well settled. injuries in that case.
When the It must also be noted that immediately after the official
applicant release of the results of the 1971 Bar Examinations,
concealed a charge Lanuevo gained possession of few properties, including
of a crime against that of a house in V+BF Homes, which was never declared
him but which in his declaration of assets and liabilities. But Lanuevo’s
crime does not statement of assets and liabilities were not taken up
involve moral during the investigation but were examined as parts of the
turpitude, this records of the court.
nevertheless will
be taken against
him. It is the fact
of concealment
and not the
commission of the
crime itself that
makes him morally
unfit to become a
lawyer. When he
made a
concealment he
4 In Re: Rule 8.01 – Eva Maravilla-Ilustre sent letters to Justices Andres R.
Laureta, 148 Narvasa, Ameurfina M. Herrera, Isagani A. Cruz and
scra 422 Instances of Florentino P. Feliciano, all members of the First Division.
Disrespectful Ilustre using contemptuous language claimed that
language: members of the court rendered unjust decision on the
case GR 68635: Eva Maravilla Ilustre vs. Intermediate
Lawyers threat of Appellate Court. Ilustre claimed that the Court acted
prosecuting judges unjustly when Justice Pedro Yap failed to inhibit himself
from participating when in fact he is a law-partner of the
defense counsel Atty Sedfrey Ordonez. On 27 October
1986, the Court en banc reviewed the history of the case
and found no reason to take action, stating that Justice
Yap inhibited himself from the case and was only
designated as Chairman of First Division on 14 July 1986
after the resolution of dismissal was issued on 14 May
1986. Petitioner again addressed letters to Justices
Narvasa, Herrera and Cruz with a warning of exposing the
case to another forum of justice, to which she made true
by filing an Affidavit-Complaint to Tanodbayan
(Ombudsman) on 16 Decemeber 1986. Atty. Laureta
himself reportedly circulated copies of the Complaint to
the press. Tanodbayan dismissed petitioner’s Complaint

Guballa v. A lawyer is
Caguioa, 78 prohibited from
scra 207 taking as partner
or associate any
person who is not
authorized to
practice law – to
appear in court or
to sign pleadings.
A lawyer, who is
under suspension
from practice of
law is not a
member of the Bar
in good standing. A
lawyer whose
authority to
practice has been
withdrawn due to
a change in
citizenship or
allegiance to the
country cannot
appear before the

Atty. Aileen On May 25, 2013, delegates of the IBP Eastern Visayas Whether Atty. In its Resolution in Bar Matter No. 586 dated May
R. Maglana v. Region gathered to elect the Opinion should 16, 1991, the Court decreed without amending
Atty. Jose Governor of their region for the 2013-2015 term. Atty. be declared the Section 39, Article VI of the IBP By-Laws that the
Vicente R. Maglana, the incumbent duly elected rotation rule under Sections 37 and 39, Article VI
Opinion President of IBP Samar Chapter, was nominated for the Governor for of the IBP By-Laws should be strictly implemented
position of Governor. Atty. IBP Eastern “so that all prior elections for governor in the
Maglana then moved that Governor Enage declare that Visayas for the region shall be reckoned with or considered in
only IBP Samar Chapter was qualified to be voted upon for 2013-2015 determining who should be the governor to be
the position of Governor for IBP Eastern Visayas, to the term. (YES) selected from the different chapters to represent
exclusion of all the other eight (8) chapters. Atty. Maglana the region in the Board of Governors.” Despite the
cited the rotation rule under Bar Matter No. 491 and call for strict implementation of the rotation rule
argued that since 1989 or the start of the implementation under Bar Matter No. 586 in 1991, the Court
of the rotation rule, only IBP Samar Chapter had not amended Section 39, Article VI of the IBP By-Laws
served as Governor for IBP Eastern Visayas. only in 2010 in In the Matter of the Brewing
Controversies in the Election in the Integrated Bar
Atty. Opinion, the candidate of the IBP Eastern Samar of the Philippines, 638 SCRA 1 (2010), by
Chapter, thereafter, took the floor and manifested that mandating the mandatory and strict
before he decided to run for Governor, he sought the implementation of the rotation rule, as well as
opinion of the IBP if he was still qualified to run recognizing that the rotation rule is subject to
considering that he also ran for Governor and lost in the waivers by the chapters of the regions.
immediately preceding term. IBP Executive Committee
stated that Atty. Opinion is qualified and that under the As has been interpreted and applied by the Court
present set up, the IBP Chapters of Eastern Samar, Samar, in the past, the rotation rule under Section 39,
and Biliran are qualified to field their respective candidate Article VI, as amended, of the IBP By-Laws actually
for the said election. Atty. Opinion also manifested that in consists of two underlying directives. First is the
the 2011 Regional Elections for IBP Eastern Visayas, the directive for the mandatory and strict
representative of IBP Samar Chapter, Judge Amanzar, implementation of the rotation rule. The rule
waived the votes as he cannot pursue an election at that mandates that the governorship of a region shall
time. Instead, Atty. Opinion was asked to run. The Chapter rotate once in as many terms as there may be
President of Samar in 2011, however, categorically denied chapters in the region. This serves the purpose of
the waiver. giving every chapter a chance to represent the
region in the IBP BOG. Second is the exception
Governor Enage eventually ruled that Atty. Opinion was from the mandatory and strict implementation of
disqualified from running for the position of Governor of the rotation rule. This exception would allow a
IBP Eastern Visayas. Thereafter, Atty. Maglana was chapter to waive its turn in the rotation order,
proclaimed as the duly elected Governor of IBP Eastern subject to its right to reclaim the governorship at
Visayas in view of the disqualification of the other any time before the rotation is completed. Thus,
nominee, Atty. Opinion. Upon protest, the IBP BOG as the Court held in In the Matter of the Brewing
declared Atty. Opinion the duly elected Governor of IBP Controversies in the Election in the Integrated Bar
Eastern Visayas for the 2013-2015 term, holding that IBP of the Philippines, 638 SCRA 1 (2010), the rotation
Samar waived its turn in the first rotation cycle, from 1989 rule is not absolute but subject to waiver as when
to 2007. It also held that Atty. Opinion, who was actually a the chapters in the order of rotation opted not to
qualified candidate for Governor of IBP Eastern Visayas, field or nominate their own candidates for
should be declared the duly elected Governor for IBP Governor during the election regularly done for
Eastern Visayas for the 2013-2015 term, considering that that purpose.
he garnered the majority six (6) votes, as opposed to the
minority four (4) votes garnered by Atty. Maglana. With the IBP Eastern Visayas region already in the
second rotation cycle and with governors from
Leyte, Bohol and Southern Leyte Chapters having
served the region as starting points, Atty.
Maglana’s position that IBP Samar Chapter is the
only remaining chapter qualified to field a
candidate for governor in the 2013-2015 term
clearly fails. The rotation by exclusion rule
provides that once a member of a chapter is
elected as Governor, his or her chapter would be
excluded in the next turn until all have taken their
turns in the rotation cycle. Once a full rotation
cycle ends and a fresh cycle commences, all the
chapters in the region are once again entitled to
vie but subject again to the rule on rotation by
In the Matter One of the subjects of disposition is the Resolution Whether, after The rotation by pre-ordained sequence is effected
of the Urgently Requesting the Supreme Court to Issue the first cycle, by the observance of the sequence of the service
Brewing Clarification on the Query of Western Visayas IBP the rotation of the chapters in the first cycle, which is very
Controversie Governor Erwin M. Fortunato Involving the Application of rule in the IBP- predictable. The rotation by exclusion is effected
s in the the Rotational Rule in the Forthcoming Elections in his Western by the exclusion of a chapter who had previously
Elections of Region (IBP Resolution), filed by the IBP Board of Visayas Region served until all chapters have taken their turns to
the Governors (IBP-BOG). will be the serve. It is not predictable as each chapter will
Integrated rotation by have the chance to vie for the right to serve, but
Bar of the Gov. Fortunato of IBP-Western Visayas Region wrote a exclusion. (YES) will have no right to a re-election as it is debarred
Philippines, letter to the IBP-BOG seeking confirmation/clarification on from serving again until the full cycle is completed.
686 SCRA whether Capiz is the only Chapter in the IBP-Western
791 (2012) Visayas Region eligible and qualified to run for Governor in The Court takes notice of the predictability of the
the forthcoming election for Governor. As the IBP-BOG rotation by succession scheme. Through the
was unable to reach a unanimous resolution on the rotation by exclusion scheme, the elections would
matter, it issued the subject IBP Resolution, urgently be more genuine as the opportunity to serve as
requesting the Court to issue a clarification on the query of Governor at any time is once again open to all
IBP-Western Visayas Region Gov. Fortunato involving the chapters, unless, of course, a chapter has already
application of the rotational rule for the next regional served in the new cycle. While predictability is not
election. altogether avoided, as in the case where only one
chapter remains in the cycle, still, as previously
In its Comment, the IBP-BOG, through Justice Kapunan, noted by the Court “the rotation rule should be
presented the view that with the completion of a applied in harmony with, and not in derogation of,
rotational cycle with the election of Gov. Fortunato the sovereign will of the electorate as expressed
representing Romblon, all chapters are deemed qualified through the ballot.”
to vie of the governorship for the 2011- 2013 term without
prejudice to the chapters entering into a consensus to Here, under the rotation by pre-ordained
adopt any pre-ordained sequence in the new rotation sequence, only members of the IBP-Capiz Chapter
cycle provided each chapter will have its turn in the may vie for Governor of the IBP-Western Visayas
rotation. Stated differently, the IBP-BOG recommends the Region. Under the rotation by exclusion, every
adoption of the rotation by exclusion scheme. Like the IBP, chapter in IBP-Western Visayas Region may
Atty. Marven B. Daquilanea, immediate past president of compete again. Thus, as applied in the IBP-
the IBP-Iloilo Chapter, espoused the view that upon the Western Visayas Region, initially, all the chapters
completion of a rotational cycle, elections should be open shall have the equal opportunity to vie for the
to all chapters of the region subject to the exclusionary position of Governor for the next cycle except
rule. Romblon, so as no chapter shall serve
consecutively. Every winner shall then be excluded
after its term. Romblon then joins the succeeding
elections after the first winner in the cycle.

WHEREFORE, the Court hereby holds that in the

IBP Western Visayas Region, the rotation by
exclusion shall be adopted such that, initially, all
chapters of the region shall have the equal
opportunity to vie for the position of Governor for
the next cycle except Romblon.
) Atty. Canon 7 of the A complaint for disbarment was filed against Assistant Whether the The respondent’s denial and his implication
Embido v. Code of Provincial Prosecutor Atty. Salvador N. Pe, Jr. (respondent) respondent was against Dy Quioyo in the illicit generation of the
Atty. Pe, A.M. Professional of San Jose, Antique for his having allegedly falsified an guilty of grave falsified decision are not persuasive. In light of the
No. 6732, Responsibility inexistent decision of Branch 64 of the Regional Trial Court misconduct for established circumstances, the respondent was
October 22, demands that all stationed in Bugasong, Antique (RTC) - decision in Special falsifying a guilty of grave misconduct for having authored the
2013 lawyers should Proceedings Case No. 084 entitled In the Matter of the court decision falsification of the decision in a non-existent court
uphold at all times Declaration of Presumptive Death of Rey Laserna. After in consideration proceeding. Canon 7 of the Code of Professional
the dignity and conducting its investigation, the NBI forwarded to the of a sum of Responsibility demands that all lawyers should
integrity of the Office of the Ombudsman for Visayas the records of the money. (YES) uphold at all times the dignity and integrity of the
Legal Profession. investigation, with a recommendation that the respondent Legal Profession. Rule 7.03 of the Code of
Rule 7.03 of the be prosecuted for falsification of public document under Professional Responsibility states that a lawyer
Code of Article 171, 1 and 2, of the Revised Penal Code, and for shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects
Professional violation of Section 3(a) of Republic Act 3019 (The on his fitness to practice law, nor shall he whether
Responsibility AntiGraft and Corrupt Practices Act). The NBI likewise in public or private life, behave in a scandalous
states that a recommended to the Office of the Court Administrator manner to the discredit of the legal profession.
lawyer shall not that disbarment proceedings be commenced against the Lawyers are further required by Rule 1.01 of the
engage in conduct respondent. Then Court Administrator Presbitero J. Code of Professional Responsibility not to engage
that adversely Velasco, Jr. (now a Member of the Court) officially in any unlawful, dishonest and immoral or
reflects on his endorsed the recommendation to the Office of the Bar deceitful conduct.
fitness to practice Confidant. Upon being required by the Court, the
law, nor shall he respondent submitted his counteraffidavit, whereby he Gross immorality, conviction of a crime involving
whether in public denied any participation in the falsification. Thereafter, moral turpitude, or fraudulent transactions can
or private life, the IBP Investigating Commissioner and the IBP Board of justify a lawyer’s disbarment or suspension from
behave in a Governors found respondent guilty as charged. the practice of law. Specifically, the deliberate
scandalous falsification of the court decision by the
manner to the respondent was an act that reflected a high
discredit of the degree of moral turpitude on his part. Worse, the
legal profession. act made a mockery of the administration of
Lawyers are justice in this country, given the purpose of the
further required by falsification, which was to mislead a foreign
Rule 1.01 of the tribunal on the personal status of a person. He
Code of thereby became unworthy of continuing as a
Professional member of the Bar.
Responsibility not
to engage in any WHEREFORE, the Court finds and pronounces Asst.
unlawful, Provincial Prosecutor Salvador N. Pe, Jr. guilty of
dishonest and violating Rule 1.01 of Canon 1, and Rule 7.03 of
immoral or Canon 7 of the Code of Professional Responsibility,
deceitful conduct. and disbars him effective upon receipt of this
Here, the decision
respondent was
guilty of grave
misconduct for
having authored
the falsification of
the decision in a
non-existent court
Garcia v. De The basic Petitioner lawyers Garcia et. al. filed a petition seeking the Whether The court is one with the IBP in its position that
Vera, A.C. qualifications for disqualification of respondent lawyer De Vera from being respondent De the case is premature for the petitioners to seek
No. 6052, one who wishes to elected IBP Governor of Eastern Mindanao. Petitioners Vera is qualified the disqualification of respondent De Vera from
December be elected contend that Respondent’s transfer from IBP Pasay, to run for being elected IBP Governor for the Eastern
11, 2003 governor for a Paranaque, Las Pinas, and Muntinlupa (PPLM) Chapter to Governor of the Mindanao Region. In this case, respondent De
particular region Agusan Chapter to Agusan del Sur Chapter is a brazen IBP Eastern Vera has not been nominated for the post. In fact,
are: (1) he is a abuse and misuse of the rotation rule, a mockery of the Mindanao no nomination of candidates has been made yet
member in good domicile rule and a great insult to the lawyers of Eastern Region. (YES) by the members of the House of Delegates from
standing of the Mindanao for it implied that there is no lawyer from the Eastern Mindanao. Conceivably too, assuming that
IBP; 2) he is region qualified to serve the IBP. They also submitted that respondent De Vera gets nominated, he can
included in the De Vera also lacks the moral aptitude for the petition. always opt to decline the nomination.
voter’s list of his According to them, respondent De Vera was sanctioned by
chapter or he is the Supreme Court for irresponsibly attacking the integrity De Vera is qualified to run for Governor of the IBP
not disqualified by of the SC Justices during the deliberations on the Eastern Mindanao Region. Section 19 Article II of
the Integration constitutionality of the plunder law. They add that he the IBP By-laws states that a lawyer included in
Rule, by the could have been disbarred in the United States for the Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme Court can
ByLaws of the misappropriating his client’s funds had he not surrendered register with the particular IBP Chapter of his
Integrated Bar, or his California license to practice law. Finally, they accuse preference or choice, thus, unless he otherwise
by the By-Laws of him of having actively campaigned for the position of registers his preference for a particular Chapter, a
the Chapter to Eastern Mindanao Governor during the IBP National lawyer shall be considered a member of the
which he belongs; Convention held on May 22- 24, 2003, a prohibited act Chapter of the province, city, political subdivision
(3) he does not under the IBP By-Laws. or area where his office or, in the absence thereof,
belong to a his residence is located. In no case shall any lawyer
chapter from In his defense, respondent De Vera argues that the Court be a member of more than one Chapter. It is
which a regional has no jurisdiction over the present controversy, clearly stated in the afore-quoted section of the
governor has contending that the election of the Officers of the IBP, By-Laws that it is not automatic that a lawyer will
already been including the determination of the qualification of those become a member of the chapter where his place
elected, unless the who want to serve the organization, is purely an internal of residence or work is located. He has the
election is the start matter, governed as it is by the IBP By-Laws and discretion to choose the particular chapter where
of a new season or exclusively regulated and administered by the IBP. he wishes to gain membership. Only when he does
cycle; and (4) he is Respondent De Vera also assails the petitioners’ legal not register his preference that he will become a
not in the standing, pointing out that the IBP By-Laws does not have member of the Chapter of the place where he
government a provision for the disqualification of IBP members aspiring resides or maintains his office. The only
service. Here, the for the position of Regional governors, for instead all that proscription in registering one’s preference is that
Court ruled that as it provides for is only an election protest under Article IV, a lawyer cannot be a member of more than one
long as De Vera, an Section 40, pursuant to which only a qualified nominee chapter at the same time. The same is provided in
aspiring member, can validly lodge an election protest which is to be made Section 29-2 of the IBP By-Laws. The only
meets the basic after, not before, the election. He posits further that condition required under the foregoing rule is that
requirements following the rotation rule, only members from the the transfer must be made not less than three
provided in the IBP Surigao del Norte and Agusan del Sur IBP chapters are months prior to the election of officers in the
By-Laws, he qualified to run for Governor for Eastern Mindanao Region chapter to which the lawyer wishes to transfer. In
cannot be barred. for the term 2003-2005, and the petitioners who are from the case at bar, respondent De Vera requested the
Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental are not thus qualified to transfer of his IBP membership to Agusan del Sur
be nominees. On the moral integrity question, respondent on 1 August 2001. The Court noted that De Vera’s
De Vera denies that he exhibited disrespect to the Court or transfer was made effective sometime between
to any of its members during its deliberations on the August 1, 2001 and September 3, 2001 while the
constitutionality of the plunder law. As for the elections of the IBP Chapter Officers was held on
administrative complaint filed against him by one of his February 27, 2003. Between September 3, 2001
clients when he was practicing law in California, which in and February 27, 2003, seventeen months had
turn compelled him to surrender his California license to elapsed. This makes respondent De Vera’s transfer
practice law, he maintains that it cannot serve as basis for valid as it was done more than three months
determining his moral qualification (or lack of it) to run for ahead of the chapter elections held on February
the position he is aspiring for. He explains that there is as 27, 2003. On the issue of morality as a ground of
yet no final judgment finding him guilty of the disqualification, the court also ruled in favor of the
administrative charge, as the records relied upon by the respondent. As long as an aspiring member meets
petitioners are mere preliminary findings of a hearing the basic requirements provided in the IBP By-
referee which are recommendatory in character similar to Laws, he cannot be barred. The basic qualifications
the recommendatory findings of an IBP Commissioner on for one who wishes to be elected governor for a
Bar Discipline which are subject to the review of and the particular region are: (1) he is a member in good
final decision of the Supreme Court. Finally, on the alleged standing of the IBP; 2) he is included in the voter’s
politicking he committed during the IBP National list of his chapter or he is not disqualified by the
Convention held on May 22-24, 2003, he states that it is Integration Rule, by the By-Laws of the Integrated
baseless to assume that he was campaigning simply Bar, or by the By-Laws of the Chapter to which he
because he declared that he had 10 votes to support his belongs; (3) he does not belong to a chapter from
candidacy for governorship in the Eastern Mindanao which a regional governor has already been
Region and that the petitioners did not present any elected, unless the election is the start of a new
evidence to substantiate their claim that he or his handlers season or cycle; and (4) he is not in the
had billeted the delegates from his region at the Century government service.
Park Hotel.
spouses Rule 10.01, Canon A complaint for the alleged betrayal of trust, Whether or not Fundamental is the rule that in his dealings with
Umaging v. 10 of the Code of incompetence, and gross misconduct of respondent Atty. Atty. De Vera his client and with the courts, every lawyer is
Atty. De Professional Wallen R. De Vera in his handling of the election protest should be held expected to be honest, imbued with integrity, and
Vera, A.C. Responsibility case involving the candidacy of Mariecris Umaguing administratively trustworthy. These expectations, though high and
No. 10451, provides that a daughter of Sps. Willie and Amelia Umaguing, for the liable. (YES) demanding, are the professional and ethical
February 4, lawyer shall not do Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections. According to the burdens of every member of the Philippine Bar,
2015 any falsehood, nor complainants, Atty. De Vera had more than enough time for they have been given full expression in the
consent to the to prepare and file the case but the former moved at a Lawyer’s Oath that every lawyer of this country
doing of any in glacial pace and only took action when the deadline was has taken upon admission as a bona fide member
Court; nor shall he looming. Atty. De Vera then rushed the preparation of the of the Law Profession. The Lawyer’s Oath enjoins
mislead, or allow necessary documents and attachments for the election every lawyer not only to obey the laws of the land
the Court to be protest. Two (2) of these attachments are the Affidavits of but also to refrain from doing any falsehood in or
misled by any material witnesses Mark Anthony Lachica and Angela out of court or from consenting to the doing of
artifice. Here, Atty. Almera, which was personally prepared by Atty. De Vera. any in court, and to conduct himself according to
De Vera is found At the time that the aforesaid affidavits were needed to be the best of his knowledge and discretion with all
guilty of violating signed by Lachica and Almera, they were unfortunately good fidelity to the courts as well as to his clients.
the Lawyer’s Oath unavailable. To remedy this, Atty. De Vera allegedly looked Every lawyer is a servant of the law, and has to
and Rule 10.01, for the nearest kin or relatives of Lachica and Almera and observe and maintain the rule of law as well as be
Canon 10 of the ask them to sign over the names. The signing over of an exemplar worthy of emulation by others. It is
Code of Lachica’s and Almera’s names were done by Christina by no means a coincidence, therefore, that the
Professional Papin and Elsa Almera-Almacen, respectively. Atty. De core values of honesty, integrity, and
Responsibility by Vera then had all the documents notarized before one trustworthiness are emphatically reiterated by the
submitting a Atty. Donato Manguiat. Later, however, Lachica Code of Professional Responsibility. In this light,
falsified document discovered the falsification and immediately disowned the Rule 10.01, Canon 10 of the Code of Professional
before a court. signature affixed in the affidavit and submitted his own Responsibility provides that a lawyer shall not do
Affidavit, declaring that he did not authorize Papin to sign any falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in
the document on his behalf. In further breach of his oath Court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the Court to
as a lawyer, the complainants pointed out that Atty. De be misled by any artifice.
Vera did not appear before the MeTC, although promptly
notified, for a certain hearing; and did not offer any Here, Atty. De Vera is found guilty of violating the
explanation as to why he was not able to attend. Lawyer’s Oath and Rule 10.01, Canon 10 of the
Thereafter, for lack of trust and confidence in the integrity Code of Professional Responsibility by submitting a
and competency of Atty. De Vera, as well as his breach of falsified document before a court, i.e., Almera’s
fiduciary relations, the complainants asked the former to affidavit, before the court in his desire to beat the
withdraw as their counsel. In view of the foregoing, November 8, 2008 deadline for filing the election
complainants sought Atty. De Vera’s disbarment. protest of Umaguing

For knowingly submitting a falsified document in court, a

suspension was imposed against Atty. De Vera by the IBP
Commission on Bar Discipline and the IBP Board of
Atty. Jose
B.M. No. 543,
20, 1990
Atty. Aurelio Respondent Atty. Aurelio C. Angeles, Jr., the Provincial Legal Officer of Whether the Respondent admitted in his comment and motion
C. Angeles, Jr. admitted in his Bataan, filed a complaint to Hon. Remigio M. Escalada, Jr., notarization of for reconsideration that the 18 documents were
v. Atty. comment and Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Bataan documents by notarized under his notarial seal by his office
Renato C. motion for against Atty. Renato C. Bagay (respondent), for his alleged the secretary of secretary while he was out of the country. This
Bagay, A.C. reconsideration notarization of 18 documents at the time he was out of respondent clearly constitutes negligence considering that
No. 8103, that the 18 the country from March 13, 2008 to April 8, 2008. Upon while he was respondent is responsible for the acts of his
December 3, documents were verification with the Bureau of Immigration, it was found out of the secretary. Section 9 of the 2004 Rules on Notarial
2014 notarized under out that a certain Renato C. Bagay departed from the country Practice provides that a Notary Public refers to any
his notarial seal by country on March 13, 2008 and returned on April 8, 2008. constituted person commissioned to perform official acts
his office secretary In response, respondent claimed that he was not aware negligence. under these Rules. A notary public’s secretary is
while he was out that those were documents notarized using his name (YES) obviously not commissioned to perform the
of the country. while he was out of the country. Upon his own inquiry, he official acts of a notary public. Respondent cannot
This clearly found out that the notarizations were done by his take refuge in his claim that it was his secretary’s
constitutes secretary and without his knowledge and authority. The act which he did not authorize. He is responsible
negligence said secretary notarized the documents without realizing for the acts of the secretary which he employed.
considering that the import of the notarization act. Respondent apologized He left his office open to the public while leaving
respondent is to the Court for his lapses and averred that he had his secretary in charge. He kept his notarial seal
responsible for the terminated the employment of his secretary from his and register within the reach of his secretary, fully
acts of his office. aware that his secretary could use these items to
secretary. Because notarize documents and copy his signature. Such
of the negligence Finding respondent guilty of negligence in the blatant negligence cannot be countenanced by
of respondent, the performance of his notarial duty which gave his office this Court and it is far from being a simple
Court holds him secretary the opportunity to abuse his prerogative negligence. There is an inescapable likelihood that
liable for violation authority as notary public, the Investigating Commissioner, respondent’s flimsy excuse was a mere
of the Code of the IBP Board of Governors, and the Director for Bar afterthought and such carelessness exhibited by
Professional Discipline recommended the immediate revocation of him could be a conscious act of what his secretary
Responsibility respondent’s commission as notary public and his did.
(CPR). His failure disqualification to be commissioned as such for a certain
to solemnly period. Because of the negligence of respondent, the
perform his duty Court also holds him liable for violation of the
as a notary public Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR). His
not only damaged failure to solemnly perform his duty as a notary
those directly public not only damaged those directly affected by
affected by the the notarized documents but also undermined the
notarized integrity of a notary public and degraded the
documents but function of notarization. He should, thus, be held
also undermined liable for such negligence not only as a notary
the integrity of a public but also as a lawyer. Where the notary
notary public and public is a lawyer, a graver responsibility is placed
degraded the upon his shoulder by reason of his solemn oath to
function of obey the laws and to do no falsehood or consent
notarization. to the doing of any. Respondent violated Canon 9
Respondent of the CPR which requires lawyers not to directly
violated Canon 9 or indirectly assist in the unauthorized practice of
of the CPR which law. Due to his negligence that allowed his
requires lawyers secretary to sign on his behalf as notary public, he
not to directly or allowed an unauthorized person to practice law.
indirectly assist in By leaving his office open despite his absence in
the unauthorized the country and with his secretary in charge, he
practice of law. virtually allowed his secretary to notarize
Respondent also documents without any restraint.
violated his
obligation under Respondent also violated his obligation under
Canon 7 of the Canon 7 of the CPR, which directs every lawyer to
CPR, which directs uphold at all times the integrity and dignity of the
every lawyer to legal profession. The people who came into his
uphold at all times office while he was away, were clueless as to the
the integrity and illegality of the activity being conducted therein.
dignity of the legal They expected that their documents would be
profession. converted into public documents. Instead, they
later found out that the notarization of their
documents was a mere sham and without any
force and effect. By prejudicing the persons whose
documents were notarized by an unauthorized
person, their faith in the integrity and dignity of
the legal profession was erode
Dongga-as v. Canon 7 of the Cleo B. Dongga-as (Respondent) alleged that he engaged Whether or not Respondent attorneys have violated various
Atty. Cruz, Code commands the Angeles, Grandea, & Paler Law Firm to handle the the respondent canons in the Code of Professional Responsibility.
A.C. No. every lawyer to “at annulment of his marriage with his wife. In his meeting attorneys may The respondents violated Canon 18 and Rule
11113, all times uphold with Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler, complainant was told be held 18.03which states that a lawyer shall not neglect a
August 9, the integrity and that the case would cost him PHP 300,000, with the first administratively legal matter entrusted to him, and his negligence
2016 dignity of the legal PHP 100,000 to be payable immediately which will cover liable for in connection therewith shall render him liable
profession” for the the acceptance fee, psychologist fee, and filing fees while violating the when they failed to file the appropriate pleadings
strength of the the remaining amount would be payable after the final Code of to initiate the case before the proper court. Their
legal profession hearing of the case. Accordingly , the complainant paid the Professional failure to return the complainant the amount of
lies in the dignity respondents the agreed amount. Responsibility PHP 350,000 representing their legal fees also runs
and integrity of its (YES) contrary to Rule 16.03 of the Code which provides
members. It is From then on, complainant constantly followed-up his that a lawyer shall deliver the funds and property
every lawyer’s case with the respondents but the respondent attorneys of his client when due or upon demand.
duty to maintain could not present any petition and instead, offered
the high regard to excuses for the delay. One of the excuses proffered was Moreover, Canon 7 of the Code commands every
the profession by that they were still looking for a “friendly” court and public lawyer to “at all times uphold the integrity and
staying true to his prosecutor where they would file a case. Despite his dignity of the legal profession” for the strength of
oath and keeping constant follow-ups regarding the status of his case, no the legal profession lies in the dignity and integrity
his actions beyond appreciable progress has been made. In fact, respondents of its members. It is every lawyer’s duty to
reproach. As an even asked for an additional payment of PHP 250,000 in maintain the high regard to the profession by
officer of the order for them to continue working on the case which the staying true to his oath and keeping his actions
court, it is a complainant paid. beyond reproach. As an officer of the court, it is a
lawyer’s sworn lawyer’s sworn and moral duty to help build and
and moral duty to Frustrated with the delay in the filing of his petition for not destroy unnecessarily that high esteem and
help build and not annulment, complainant went to respondents’ law office regard towards the court. In this case, Attys. Cruz-
destroy to terminate their engagement and to demand for a Angeles and Paler compromised the integrity not
unnecessarily that refund of the PHP 350,000 he earlier paid the only of the judiciary, but also of the national
high esteem and respondents. However, the respondents refused to return prosecutorial service by insinuating that they can
regard towards the the said amount. This led him to file this complaint- influence a court, judge, and prosecutor to
court. In this case, affidavit before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) - cooperate with them to ensure the annulment of
Attys. Cruz- Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) charging the complainant’s marriage which is a clear violation
Angeles and Paler respondents various violations of the Code of Professional of Canon 7.
compromised the Responsibility.
integrity not only
of the judiciary, The IBP Investigating Commissioner found Attys. Cruz-
but also of the Angeles and Paler administratively liable and accordingly,
national recommended that they suffer the penalty of suspension
prosecutorial from the practice of law for four months. The Investigating
service by Commissioner found that the complainant indeed engaged
insinuating that the services of Attys. Cruz-Angeles and Paler in order to
they can influence annul his marriage with his wife and despite complainant’s
a court, judge, and prompt payments, the aforementioned lawyers neglected
prosecutor to the legal matter entrusted to them. The IBP Board of
cooperate with Governors, on the other hand, adopted and approved the
them to ensure recommendations of the Investigating Commissioner but
the annulment of modified it by increasing the recommended penalty to two
complainant’s years.
marriage which is
a clear violation of
Canon 7.
Ricafort v. It can be gleaned Dionnie Ricafort (Complainant) alleged his tricycle Whether or not In administrative cases involving lawyers, the
Medina, A.C. from the acts of sideswiped Atty. Rene O. Medina’s (Respondent) car. the respondent required burden of proof is preponderance of
5179, May the respondents Respondent alighted in his car and confronted may be held evidence. The courts presumes a lawyer to be
31, 2016 that he violated complainant. It was alleged that respondent snapped at administratively innocent of the charges against him or her as he or
Canon 7, Rule 7.03 complainant, saying: “Wa ka makaila sa ako?” (“Do you liable for she enjoys that his or her acts are consistent with
of the Code of not know me?”). Respondent also allegedly proceeded to violating the his or her oath. Thus, it is the complainant who
Professional slap the complainant and then left. Later, a traffic aide Canon 7, Rule must provide preponderance of evidence to
Responsibility informed the complainant of the plate number of 7.03 of the overcome this presumption. In this case, the
which provides respondent’s car. It was later learned that the driver of the Code of complainant had successfully discharged this
that a lawyer shall car was Atty. Medina, a provincial board member of Professional burden which is proven by the findings of the
not engage in Surigao del Norte. Responsibility investigating commissioner that the slapping
conduct that (YES) incident actually occurred, the letter signed by the
adversely reflects The incident led to the filing of a complaint against the 19 mayors of Surigao del Norte also reinforced the
on his fitness to respondent as according to the complainant, he felt hurt, assertions, the affidavits made by the complainant
practice law, nor embarrassed, and humiliated due to the acts of arrogance and the traffic aide present were also in great
shall he whether in of the respondent which is in disrespect for the oath of detail.
public or private office as a lawyer. Attached to his complaint were his
life, behave in a affidavit, the traffic aide’s affidavit, and a letter signed by Since it was already proven by preponderance of
scandalous the president of the League of Mayors of Surigao del Norte evidence that the slapping occurred, it can be
manner to the and other 19 mayors of the province. gleaned from the acts of the respondents that he
discredit of the violated Canon 7, Rule 7.03 of the Code of
legal profession. In The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Investigating Professional Responsibility which provides:
this case, the act Commissioner recommended the penalty of suspension
of humiliating from the practice of law for 60 days from notice for RULE 7.03 - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct
another in public misconduct and violation of Canon 7, Rule 7.03 of the that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice
by slapping him or Code of Professional Responsibility. The IBP Board of law, nor shall he whether in public or private life,
her on the face Governors issued a resolution adopting the findings of the behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit of
hints of a commissioner but modifying the recommendation by the legal profession. In this case, the act of
character that suspending respondent from the practice of law for 30 humiliating another in public by slapping him or
disregards the days. her on the face hints of a character that disregards
human dignity of the human dignity of another. Respondent’s
another. question to complainant, “Wa ka makaila sa ako?”
Respondent’s (“Do you not know me?”) confirms such character
question to and his potential to abuse the profession as a tool
complainant, “Wa for bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
ka makaila sa
ako?” (“Do you not
know me?”)
confirms such
character and his
potential to abuse
the profession as a
tool for bullying,
harassment, and
)Tapay and Tapay and Rustia, both employees of the Sugar Regulatory Whether or not The admission of Atty. Bancolo that the Complaint
Rustia v. Administration, received an Order from the Office of the Atty. Bancolo he filed for a former client was signed in his name
Attys. As stated by the Ombudsman requiring them to file a counteraffidavit to a may be held by a secretary of his law office is in clear violation
Bancolo and court in Cambaliza complaint for usurpation of authority, falsification of administratively of Rule 9.01 of Canon 9 of the Code of Professional
Jarder, A.C. vs Cristal-Tenorio, public document, and graft and corrupt practices filed liable for Responsibility. The rule states that:
No. 9604, the lawyer’s duty against them by Nehimias Divinagracia (Divinagracia), a co- violating Rule CANON 9 - A LAWYER SHALL NOT, DIRECTLY OR
March 20, to prevent or at employee in the Sugar Regulatory Administration. The 9.01 of Canon 9 INDIRECTLY, ASSIST IN THE UNAUTHORIZED
2013 the very least not complaint was allegedly signed on behalf of Divinagracia of the Code of PRACTICE OF LAW.
to assist in, the by one Atty. Charlie L. Bancolo of the Jarder Bancolo Law Professional Rule 9.01 - A lawyer shall not delegate to any
unauthorized Office. Responsibility unqualified person the performance of any task
practice of law is (YES) which by law may only be performed by a member
founded on public In a chance meeting by Atty. Bancolo and Rustia, the latter of the bar in good standing.
interest and policy. informed Atty. Bancolo of the case filed against them but
Public policy Atty. Bancolo denied that he represented Divinagracia As stated by the court in Cambaliza vs Cristal-
required that the since he had yet to meet Divinagracia in person. When Tenorio, the lawyer’s duty to prevent or at the
practice of law be Rustia showed him the Complaint, Atty. Bancolo declared very least not to assist in, the unauthorized
limited to those that the signature appearing above his name as counsel practice of law is founded on public interest and
individuals found for Divinagracia was not his. Following this, Atty. Bancolo policy. Public policy required that the practice of
duly qualified in executed an affidavit denying his supposed signature law be limited to those individuals found duly
education and appearing in the Complaint. The Office of the Ombudsman qualified in education and character. The purpose
character. The provisionally dismissed the complaint but the Office is to protect the public, the court, the client, and
purpose is to ordered that separate cases of falsification of public the bar from incompetence or dishonesty of those
protect the public, document be filed against Divinagracia. However, unlicensed to practice law and not subject to the
the court, the Divinagracia denied that he falsified the signature of Atty. disciplinary control of the Court. It devolves upon
client, and the bar Bancolo. He presented evidence showing that the a lawyer to see that this purpose is attained.
from Complaint filed with the Office of the Ombudsman was
incompetence or signed by the office secretary per Atty. Bancolo’s
dishonesty of instructions.
those unlicensed
to practice law and With this knowledge, Tapay and Rustia filed with the
not subject to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) a complaint to
disciplinary control disbar Attys. Bancolo and Jarder, partners from the Jarder
of the Court. It Bancolo Law Office. The complainants alleged that they
devolves upon a were subjected to a harassment Complaint filed before
lawyer to see that the Office of the Ombudsman with the forged signature of
this purpose is Atty. Bancolo. It was also alleged that Atty. Bancolo has his
attained. forged signature attached in other letter-complaints for
other clients. Documents proving such were attached to
the complaint.

In their answer, Attys. Bancolo and Jarder admitted that

their law office accepted Divinagracia’s case which was
assigned to Atty. Bancolo. Due to some minor lapses in the
assignment of cases, Atty. Bancolo permitted that
pleadings and communications be signed in his name by
the secretary of the law office.

The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Investigating

Commissioner found that Atty. Bancolo violated Rule 9.01
of Canon 9 of the Code of Professional Responsibility while
Atty. Jarder violated Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of the same
Code. The Investigating Commissioner recommended that
Atty. Bancolo be suspended from the practice of law for
two years while his partner, Atty. Jarder be admonished
for his failure to exercise certain responsibilities in the law
firm. The IBP Board of Governors adopted the findings of
the Investigating Commissioner but modified the penalty
suspending Atty. Bancolo from the practice of law for one
Castillo v. Rule 8.01 – Atty. Jose M. Castillo (Complainant) was the counsel for Whether or not Among the duties of an attorney are to observe
Padilla, AM the defendants in a cause for forcible entry before the respondent and maintain the respect due to the courts of
No. 2339, Instances of Metropolitan Trial Court of Caloocan while Atty. Sabino may be held justice; and to abstain from all offensive
February Disrespectful Padilla Jr. (Respondent) was counsel for the plaintiff. At administratively personality and to advance no fact prejudicial to
1984 language: the hearing of the case, while complainant was formally liable for his the honor or reputation of a party or witness
offering his evidence, he heard respondent say “bobo”. utterance (YES) unless required by the justice of the cause with
Calling adverse When complainant turned toward the respondent, he saw which he is charged.
Counsel as “bobo” the latter looking at him menacingly. Embarrassed and
humiliated in the presence of many people, complainant Whether the remark was directed at the
was unable to proceed with his offer of evidence. complainant or his manner of offering evidence,
Whether the the remark “bobo” or “Ay, que bobo” was
remark was In his defense, while respondent admitted the utterance, offensive and uncalled for. Respondent had no
directed at the he denied that it was directed at the complainant, claiming right to interrupt complainant which such cutting
complainant or his that what he was “Ay, que bobo”, referring to “the remark while the latter was addressing the court.
manner of offering manner complainant was trying to inject wholly irrelevant In so doing, he exhibited a lack of respect not only
evidence, the and highly offensive matter into the record” while in the to a fellow lawyer but also to the court. By the use
remark “bobo” or process of making an offer of evidence. of intemperate language, respondent failed to
“Ay, que bobo” measure up to the norm of conduct required of a
was offensive and member of the legal profession.
uncalled for.
Respondent had
no right to
complainant which
such cutting
remark while the
latter was
addressing the
court. In so doing,
he exhibited a lack
of respect not only
to a fellow lawyer
but also to the
court. By the use
of intemperate
respondent failed
to measure up to
the norm of
conduct required
of a member of
the legal
Gimeno v. Lawyers are Joy Gimeno (Complainant) filed a Complaint against Atty. Whether or not Lawyers are prohibited to use of intemperate,
Zaide, A.C. prohibited to use Paul Zaide (Respondent) charging the latter with the respondent offensive, and abusive language in a lawyer’s
No. 10303, of intemperate, usurpation of a notary public’s office, falsification, use of may be held professional dealings, whether with the courts, his
April 22, offensive, and intemperate, offensive, and abusive language, and administratively clients, or any other person. The prohibition stems
2015 abusive language violation of lawyer-client trust. It was submitted that liable for the from the following canons and rules of the Code of
in a lawyer’s complainant was respondent’s former client. Complainant use of Professional Responsibility:
professional engaged the services of the Zaragoza-Makabangkit-Zaide intemperate,
dealings, whether Law Offices (ZMZ) in an annulment of title case that offensive, and CANON 8 - A LAWYER SHALL CONDUCT HIMSELF
with the courts, his involved her husband and her parents-in-law. abusive WITH COURTESY, FAIRNESS AND CANDOR
other person. Despite the previous lawyer-client relationship, against the SHALL AVOID HARASSING TACTICS AGAINST
Canon 8, Rule 8.01 respondent still appeared against her in the complaint for complainant OPPOSING COUNSEL.
clearly states that estafa and violation of RA 3019 filed against the Rule 8.01 - A lawyer shall not, in his professional
a lawyer shall not, complainant with the Ombudsman. Complainant posited dealings, use language which is abusive, offensive
in his professional that by appearing against a former client, Atty. Zaide or otherwise improper.
dealings, use violated the prohibition against the representation of CANON 11 - A LAWYER SHALL OBSERVE AND
language which is conflicting clients’ interests. Furthermore, complainant MAINTAIN THE RESPECT DUE TO THE COURTS AND
abusive, offensive, also alleges that the respondent called her a “notorious TO JUDICIAL OFFICERS AND SHOULD INSIST ON
or otherwise, extortionist” in the same administrative complaint filed SIMILAR CONDUCT BY OTHERS.
improper. Based against her Rule 11.03 - A lawyer shall abstain from
on the record, it is scandalous, offensive or menacing language or
clear that the In his defense, respondent denied that he used any behavior before the Courts.
respondent, in the intemperate, offensive, and abusive language in his
reply that he pleadings. Based on the record, it is clear that the
drafted, called respondent, in the reply that he drafted, called
complainant a The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Investigating complainant a “notorious extortionist”. This is a
“notorious Commissioner found the respondent administratively clear violation of the Canons mentioned above
extortionist”. This liable for violating the Notarial Practice Rules, representing and a confirmation of the respondent’s lack of
is a clear violation conflicting interests, and using abusive and insulting restraint in the use and choice of his words. While
of the Canons language in his pleadings. It was recommended that the a lawyer is entitled to present his case with vigor
mentioned above respondent be suspended for a total of nine months. The and courage, such enthusiasm does not justify the
and a confirmation IBP Board of Governors adopted the findings of the use of offensive and abusive language. In keeping
of the Investigating Commissioner but modified the penalty to be with the dignity of the legal profession, a lawyer’s
respondent’s lack imposed increasing it to one year language even in his pleadings, must be dignified.
of restraint in the
use and choice of
his words. While a
lawyer is entitled
to present his case
with vigor and
courage, such
enthusiasm does
not justify the use
of offensive and
abusive language.
In keeping with the
dignity of the legal
profession, a
lawyer’s language
even in his
pleadings, must be
Tiongco v. It is apparent in On October 17, 1990, Estrella Tiongco Yared (Petitioner) Whether or not Respondent Tiongco has achieved a remarkable
Ilarde, GR the provisions of filed an amended complaint against Jose B. Tiongco and Jose B. Tiongco feat of character assassination. His verbal darts,
No. 114732, the Code of Antonio Doronila Jr. (Respondents) for annulment of violated the albeit entertaining, are cast with little regard for
August 1, Professional affidavit of adjudication, sales, transfer certificates of title, Canons of the truth. However, he does nothing more than to
2000 Responsibility reconveyance and damages Code of obscure the issues and his reliance on gossip
particularly in Rule Professional betrays only a shocking absence of discernment.
8.01 which The amended complaint alleged that respondent Tiongco, Responsibility To this end, it will be wise to give him an object
provides that a on the basis of an affidavit of adjudication alleging that he (YES) lesson in the elementary rules of courtesy which is
lawyer shall not, in is the sole surviving heir of the previous owner, Maria Luis expected of the members of the bar. It is apparent
his professional de Tiongco, succeeded in having the subject properties in the provisions of the Code of Professional
dealings, use registered in his name, to the prejudice of the other Responsibility particularly in Rule 8.01 which
language which is surviving heirs of the previous owner, petitioner among provides that a lawyer shall not, in his professional
abusive, offensive them. dealings, use language which is abusive, offensive
or otherwise or otherwise improper.
improper. In pleadings and motions filed before the courts by
Although lawyers respondent Jose B. Tiongco, who also acts as a counsel for Although lawyers are allowed some latitude of
are allowed some the private respondents, allegedly used improper and remarks or comment in the furtherance of the
latitude of remarks unethical language. It is his belief that counsel for cause he upholds, his arguments, both written or
or comment in the petitioner, Atty. Marciana Deguma, “a rambunctious oral, should be gracious both to the court and
furtherance of the wrestler-type female of 52 who does not wear a dress opposing counsel and be of such words as may be
cause he upholds, which is not red, and who stampedes into the courtroom properly addressed by one gentleman to another.
his arguments, like a mad fury and who speaks slang English to conceal Otherwise, his use of intemperate language invites
both written or her faulty grammar”. At one point, he even called Atty. the disciplinary authority of the court.
oral, should be Deguma “a love-crazed female Apache who is now ready
gracious both to to skin defendant alive for not being a bastard”, and “a
the court and horned spinster and manhungry virago and female bull of
opposing counsel an Amazon who would stop at nothing to molest, harass,
and be of such and injure the defendant.”
words as may be
properly It was also noted that respondent thinks that the ulterior
addressed by one motive of petitioner’s counsel is “to please and tenderize
gentleman to and sweeten towards her own self the readily available
another. Carmelo M. Tiongco who is a retired police major.” It was
Otherwise, his use also noted that he stated that Atty. Deguma, a lawyer with
of intemperate the Public Attorney’s Office, is engaged in a game of one-
language invites upmanship with a fellow employee or in other words, she
the disciplinary wants to put one over her officemate who simply netted a
authority of the corporal by securing the affections of a police major and in
court. so doing, Atty. Deguma is allegedly using the PAO as a
“marriage bureau for her own benefit”.
Belo-Henares Respondent’s Maria Victoria Belo-Henares (Complainant) is the Medical Whether or not While the respondent argues that the complaint
v. Atty. inappropriate and Director and principal stockholder of the Belo Medical the respondent violates his constitutionallyguaranteed right to
Guevarra, obscene language, Group, Inc. (BMGI) and engaged in the specialized field of may be held privacy as the remarks were made in private on his
A.C. No. and his act of cosmetic surgery. On the other hand, Atty. Roberto administratively private account that can only be viewed by his
11394, publicly insulting Guevarra is the lawyer of a certain Ms. Josefina Norcio, liable for friends, he may still be held administratively liable.
December 1, and undermining who filed a criminal case against complainant for an violating the Restricting the privacy of one’s Facebook posts to
2016 the reputation of allegedly botched surgical procedure on her buttocks in Code of “Friends” does not guarantee absolute protection
complainant 2002 and 2005, purportedly causing infection and making Professional from the prying eyes of another user who does not
through the her ill in 2009. Responsibility belong to one’s circle of friends.
subject Facebook (YES)
posts are in In 2009, respondent wrote a series of posts on his Respondent’s inappropriate and obscene
complete violation Facebook account insulting and verbally abusing language, and his act of publicly insulting and
of the provisions in complainant. The Facebook posts by the respondent undermining the reputation of complainant
the Code of claims that complainant is a “quack doctor” and engaged through the subject Facebook posts are in
Professional in bribing government officials. He even claims that the complete violation of the following provisions in
Responsibility complainant is addicted to botox which resulted to her the Code of Professional Responsibility:
particularly Rule obtaining a mental disease. The complaint alleged that the
7.03, Rule 8.01, Facebook posts by the respondent were not only intended Rule 7.03 - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct
and Rule 19.01. By to destroy BMGI’s medical personnel, as well as the entire that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice
posting the subject medical practice of around 300 employees for no fair or law, nor shall he whether in public or private life,
remarks on justifiable cause. Moreover, through Facebook, behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit of
Facebook directed respondent allegedly threatened complainant with the legal profession.
at complainant criminal conviction without factual basis and proof. Rule 8.01 - A lawyer shall not, in his professional
and BMGI, Complainant likewise averred that some of respondent’s dealings, use language which is abusive, offensive
respondent Facebook posts were sexist, vulgar, and disrespectful to or otherwise improper.
disregarded the women. FInally, complainant also averred that the attacks Rule 19.01 - A lawyer shall employ only fair and
fact that, as a against her were made with the object to extort money honest means to attain the lawful objectives of his
lawyer, he is from her. In the Report and Recommendation of the client and shall not present, participate in
bound to observe Integrated Bar of the Philippines-CBD, it recommended presenting or threaten to present unfounded
proper decorum at that responded be suspended for a period of one year criminal charges to obtain an improper advantage
all times, be it in from the practice of law, with a stern warning that a in any case or proceeding.
his public or repetition of similar acts shall be dealt with more severely
private life. He finding him liable for violating a number of Canons in the By posting the subject remarks on Facebook
overlooked the Code of Professional Responsibility. The IBP Board of directed at complainant and BMGI, respondent
fact that he must Governors resolved to adopt and approve the disregarded the fact that, as a lawyer, he is bound
behave in a recommendations of the IBP-CBD. to observe proper decorum at all times, be it in his
manner befitting public or private life. He overlooked the fact that
of an officer of the he must behave in a manner befitting of an officer
court, that is, of the court, that is, respectful, firm, and decent.
respectful, firm, Instead, he acted inappropriately and rudely; he
and decent. used words unbecoming of an officer of the law,
Instead, he acted and conducted himself in an aggressive way by
inappropriately hurling insults and maligning complainant’s and
and rudely; he BMGI’s reputation.
used words
unbecoming of an
officer of the law,
and conducted
himself in an
aggressive way by
hurling insults and
complainant’s and
BMGI’s reputation.
)Cambaliza v. Rule 9.01 - A In a verified complaint for disbarment filed with the Whether or not A lawyer who allows a non-member of the Bar to
Cristal- Lawyer shall not Committee on Bar Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the respondent is misrepresent himself as a lawyer and to practice
Tenorio, A.C. delegate to any Philippines, Ana Marie Cambaliza (Complainant), a former administratively law is guilty of violating Canon 9 and Rule 9.01 of
No. 6290, unqualified person employee of Atty. Ana Luz B. Cristal-Tenorio (Respondent), liable for the Code of Professional Responsibility, which
July 14, 2004 the performance charged the latter with deceit, grossly immoral conduct, violating Canon states:
of any task which and malpractice or other gross misconduct in office. 9 and Rule 9.01
by Law may only of the Code of Canon 9 - A lawyer shall not directly or indirectly
be performed by a On deceit, the complainant alleged that the respondent Professional assist in the unauthorized practice of law.
member of the has been falsely representing herself to be married to Responsibility Rule 9.01 - A lawyer shall not delegate to any
BAR in good Felicisimo R. Tenorio, Jr. (Felicisimo) who has a prior and (YES) unqualified person the performance of any task
standing. subsisting marriage with another woman. However, which by law may only be performed by lawyers.
through spurious means, the respondent and Felicisimo,
He must not allow were able to obtain a false marriage contract. No record of Holding oneself out as a lawyer for the purpose of
a non-member of the marriage exists in the Civil Registry of Manila and identifying oneself as an attorney,appearing in
the BAR to National Statistics Office court in representation of a client, or associating
misrepresent oneself as a partner of a law office for the general
himself as a As to grossly immoral conduct, the complainant alleged practice of law constitute unauthorized practice of
Lawyer and to that the respondent caused the dissemination to the law. In this case, Felicisimo is not a lawyer but
practice public of a libelous affidavit derogatory to Makati City holds himself out as one while his wife,
Councilor Divina Alora Jacome. respondent, abetted and aided him in the
unauthorized practice of the legal profession.
Holding oneself On malpractice or other gross misconduct in office, the
out as a lawyer for complainant alleged that the respondent: (1) cooperated The lawyer's duty to prevent, or at the very least
the purpose of in the illegal practice of law by her husband, who is not a not to assist in, the unauthorized practice of law is
identifying oneself member of the Philippine Bar; (2) converted her client’s founded on public interest and policy. Public policy
as an money to her own use and benefit, which led to the filing requires that the practice of law be limited to
attorney,appearing of an estafa case against her; and (3) threatened the those individuals found duly qualified in education
in court in complainant and her family with the statement “Isang bala and character. The permissive right conferred on
representation of a ka lang” to deter them from divulging respondent’s illegal the lawyer is an individual and limited privilege
client, or activities and transactions. subject to withdrawal if he fails to maintain proper
associating oneself standards of moral and professional conduct. The
as a partner of a In her report and recommendation, the IBP Commissioner purpose is to protect the public, the court, the
law office for the on Bar Discipline found that the complainant failed to client, and the bar from incompetence or
general practice of substantiate the charges of deceit and grossly immoral dishonesty of those unlicensed to practice law and
law constitute conduct. However, she found tghe respondent guilty of not subject to the disciplinary control of the Court.
unauthorized the charge of cooperating in the illegal practice of law by
practice of law. In Felicisimo, in violation of Canon 9 and Rule 9.01 of the
this case, Code of Professional Responsibility based on the following
Felicisimo is not a evidence: (1) the letterhead of Cristal-Tenorio Law Office,
lawyer but holds which lists Felicisimo, as a senior partner; (2) an
himself out as one identification card signed by the respondent as
while his wife, Chairperson where her husband is identified as an
respondent, attorney; and (3) Felicisimo entered his appearance as
abetted and aided counsel and even moved for the provision dismissal of a
him in the case for failure of the private complainant to appear and
unauthorized for lack of interest to prosecute the said cases. The IBP
practice of the Board of Governors adopted and approved the
legal profession. recommendations but increased the penalty to be
imposed to six months
The lawyer's duty
to prevent, or at
the very least not
to assist in, the
practice of law is
founded on public
interest and policy.
Public policy
requires that the
practice of law be
limited to those
individuals found
duly qualified in
education and
character. The
permissive right
conferred on the
lawyer is an
individual and
limited privilege
subject to
withdrawal if he
fails to maintain
proper standards
of moral and
conduct. The
purpose is to
protect the public,
the court, the
client, and the bar
incompetence or
dishonesty of
those unlicensed
to practice law and
not subject to the
disciplinary control
of the Court.
Cruz, and
Ramon Paul
L. Hernando
v. Atty, Marie
Frances E.
March 2,
Jr. et Al. v.
Atty. Gerardo
Alberto, April
2, 2019
Amalia R.
Ceniza v.
Atty. Eliseo B.
Ceniza, Jr.,
April 10,

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