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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 23 November 2020

Kelas /Program ` : XI / Lintas Minat Waktu : 11.00 – 12.30 WIB
1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu nama kelas dan nomor peserta Anda pada lembar jawab yang tersedia.
2. Periksa soal dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawab.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
4. Jumlah soal pilihan ganda sebanyak 45 butir pilihan ganda
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
6. Lingkarilah pada jawaban yang Anda anggap paling benar.
7. Periksa pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
8. Dilarang membawa kalkulator, translator,alat hitung lainnya dan HP.


KD. 3.5 DAN 4.5

1. What did the boatman give to the hermit?

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle
fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungles died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some
food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However when he came continually, they refused to give him
any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food.
Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you
work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked very hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after
a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each
harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took
home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched
things!” AS soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

a. Fruit trees
b. Some food
c. Padi plants
d. Some weeds
e. Some padi seeds

2. The main idea of paragraph 5 is that ….

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle
fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungles died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some
food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However when he came continually, they refused to give him
any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food.
Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you
work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked very hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after
a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each
harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took
home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched
things!” AS soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

a. The less of padi harvest

b. The hermit should clear the land
c. The hermit was successful as a farmer
d. It needed a short of time to harvest the padi
e. The seeds should be sown before the rains came

3. Why did the padi plants turn into weeds?

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle
fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungles died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some
food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However when he came continually, they refused to give him
any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food.
Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you
work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked very hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after
a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each
harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took
home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched
things!” AS soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

a. The hermit got angry with the villagers

b. The hermit stopped growing the padi plants
c. The villagers grew weeds instead of padi plants
d. The villagers took home as much padi as they could
e. The hermit shouted ordering the padi plants to stop growing

4. One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted …. ( last paragraph ). The synonym
of “shouted” is ….

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle
fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungles died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some
food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However when he came continually, they refused to give him
any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food.
Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you
work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked very hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after
a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each
harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took
home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched
things!” AS soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

a. Said
b. Cried
c. Laughed
d. Screamed
e. Whispered

5. The communicative purpose of the text is ….

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle
fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungles died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some
food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However when he came continually, they refused to give him
any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food.
Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you
work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked very hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after
a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each
harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took
home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched
things!” AS soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

a. To describe the hermit in a forest

b. To inform readers
c. To explain the hermit’s live
d. To persuade the reader about hermit
e. To amuse the reader about hermit

6. The text mainly talks about ….

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle
fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungles died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some
food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However when he came continually, they refused to give him
any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food.
Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you
work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked very hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after
a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each
harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took
home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched
things!” AS soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

a. Padi seeds
b. Forest in sumatra
c. A hermit in a forest in sumatra
d. Harvesting of padi
e. The plants and fruit trees

7. Which statement is TRUE about the hermit?

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle
fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungles died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some
food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However when he came continually, they refused to give him
any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food.
Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you
work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked very hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after
a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each
harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi-field and took
home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched
things!” AS soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

a. He lived in a small town in Sumatra

b. He hated begging though there was nothing to eat.
c. He liked to give the villagers fruit and padi
d. He died in the jungle when he was a drought
e. He went to the village to ask for food.

8. Why was Lisa in the chorus room?

Holiday Musical Blues

by Kelly Hashway

Lisa walked into the chorus room with a smile on her face. The class was auditioning for parts in the
holiday musical. Lisa loved to sing and this was her chance to get one of the lead roles.
Mr. Beckman passed out lyrics for the auditions. Lisa studied the song, already singing quietly to herself.
Mr. Beckman tapped his baton on the music stand at the front of the room. “I know you’re all excited to
audition, but before we do I have an announcement.”
Lisa sat up straight. Was there going to be a solo? “This year we are opening and closing the show with a
very special performance by a select number of students,” Mr. Beckman said. Lisa squeezed the sheet music in
her hands. It wasn’t a solo performance, but it was still a chance to be featured as one of the best singers.
“These individuals will be dressed in distinctive costumes and will set the stage for the rest of the show,”
Mr. Beckman continued. Lisa leaned forward, eager to hear more.
“I’ve already selected the students who will be part of this featured act,” Mr. Beckman said. “Brandon,
Adrianna, Tina, Colin, Derek, and Lisa, would you come up front please?” Super Teacher Worksheets - “Yes!” Lisa yelled, rushing to the front of the room.
Mr. Beckman removed a costume from the supply closet. “You six will be our wooden soldiers!”
Lisa stared at the huge hat complete with a chinstrap. “No one is going to recognize us wearing those!”
“Don’t worry, Lisa. You’re names will be listed in the program under ‘Wooden Soldiers’,” Mr. Beckman
“But even my own parents won’t be able to tell which soldier is me!”
“Lisa, this is a very special honor,” Mr. Beckman said. “I selected the top students in the class to open the
show for us. You’ll need to learn a special march and dance, but if you don’t want to be a soldier, I can assign
the part to someone else.”
Lisa saw a few of her classmates’ eyes widen at the thought of taking her place. Maybe being a soldier was
a good thing. It wasn’t what Lisa had in mind, but Mr. Beckman had chosen her, and she wasn’t going to let
him down.
“Can we start practicing our march?” Lisa asked. Mr. Beckman smiled. “Yes. I’ll teach you the march
while the rest of the class practices for their auditions.” “Sounds great,” Lisa said.

a. She was in music class.

b. She was watching the school's holiday musical.
c. She wanted to audition for a part in the school musical.
d. She wanted to convince Mr. Beckman that she should be a soldier in the musical.
e. She was a dancer.

9. How did Lisa feel when Mr. Beckman first called her name?

Holiday Musical Blues

by Kelly Hashway

Lisa walked into the chorus room with a smile on her face. The class was auditioning for parts in the
holiday musical. Lisa loved to sing and this was her chance to get one of the lead roles.
Mr. Beckman passed out lyrics for the auditions. Lisa studied the song, already singing quietly to herself.
Mr. Beckman tapped his baton on the music stand at the front of the room. “I know you’re all excited to
audition, but before we do I have an announcement.”
Lisa sat up straight. Was there going to be a solo? “This year we are opening and closing the show with a
very special performance by a select number of students,” Mr. Beckman said. Lisa squeezed the sheet music in
her hands. It wasn’t a solo performance, but it was still a chance to be featured as one of the best singers.
“These individuals will be dressed in distinctive costumes and will set the stage for the rest of the show,”
Mr. Beckman continued. Lisa leaned forward, eager to hear more.
“I’ve already selected the students who will be part of this featured act,” Mr. Beckman said. “Brandon,
Adrianna, Tina, Colin, Derek, and Lisa, would you come up front please?” Super Teacher Worksheets - “Yes!” Lisa yelled, rushing to the front of the room.
Mr. Beckman removed a costume from the supply closet. “You six will be our wooden soldiers!”
Lisa stared at the huge hat complete with a chinstrap. “No one is going to recognize us wearing those!”
“Don’t worry, Lisa. You’re names will be listed in the program under ‘Wooden Soldiers’,” Mr. Beckman
“But even my own parents won’t be able to tell which soldier is me!”
“Lisa, this is a very special honor,” Mr. Beckman said. “I selected the top students in the class to open the
show for us. You’ll need to learn a special march and dance, but if you don’t want to be a soldier, I can assign
the part to someone else.”
Lisa saw a few of her classmates’ eyes widen at the thought of taking her place. Maybe being a soldier was
a good thing. It wasn’t what Lisa had in mind, but Mr. Beckman had chosen her, and she wasn’t going to let
him down.
“Can we start practicing our march?” Lisa asked. Mr. Beckman smiled. “Yes. I’ll teach you the march
while the rest of the class practices for their auditions.” “Sounds great,” Lisa said.

a. Excited
b. Generous
c. Fool
d. Satisfied
e. Flower

10. Why didn't Lisa want to be a soldier in the musical?

Holiday Musical Blues

by Kelly Hashway

Lisa walked into the chorus room with a smile on her face. The class was auditioning for parts in the
holiday musical. Lisa loved to sing and this was her chance to get one of the lead roles.
Mr. Beckman passed out lyrics for the auditions. Lisa studied the song, already singing quietly to herself.
Mr. Beckman tapped his baton on the music stand at the front of the room. “I know you’re all excited to
audition, but before we do I have an announcement.”
Lisa sat up straight. Was there going to be a solo? “This year we are opening and closing the show with a
very special performance by a select number of students,” Mr. Beckman said. Lisa squeezed the sheet music in
her hands. It wasn’t a solo performance, but it was still a chance to be featured as one of the best singers.
“These individuals will be dressed in distinctive costumes and will set the stage for the rest of the show,”
Mr. Beckman continued. Lisa leaned forward, eager to hear more.
“I’ve already selected the students who will be part of this featured act,” Mr. Beckman said. “Brandon,
Adrianna, Tina, Colin, Derek, and Lisa, would you come up front please?” Super Teacher Worksheets - “Yes!” Lisa yelled, rushing to the front of the room.
Mr. Beckman removed a costume from the supply closet. “You six will be our wooden soldiers!”
Lisa stared at the huge hat complete with a chinstrap. “No one is going to recognize us wearing those!”
“Don’t worry, Lisa. You’re names will be listed in the program under ‘Wooden Soldiers’,” Mr. Beckman
“But even my own parents won’t be able to tell which soldier is me!”
“Lisa, this is a very special honor,” Mr. Beckman said. “I selected the top students in the class to open the
show for us. You’ll need to learn a special march and dance, but if you don’t want to be a soldier, I can assign
the part to someone else.”
Lisa saw a few of her classmates’ eyes widen at the thought of taking her place. Maybe being a soldier was
a good thing. It wasn’t what Lisa had in mind, but Mr. Beckman had chosen her, and she wasn’t going to let
him down.
“Can we start practicing our march?” Lisa asked. Mr. Beckman smiled. “Yes. I’ll teach you the march
while the rest of the class practices for their auditions.” “Sounds great,” Lisa said.

a. Musical is her soldier

b. Lisa wanted to be woman soldier
c. She didn’t dare of the conductor
d. She thinks that nobody will recognize her.
e. She would be famous

11. The third paragraph of the story says, “Mr. Beckman tapped his baton on his music stand at the front of the
room”. Why did he do this?

Holiday Musical Blues

by Kelly Hashway

Lisa walked into the chorus room with a smile on her face. The class was auditioning for parts in the
holiday musical. Lisa loved to sing and this was her chance to get one of the lead roles.
Mr. Beckman passed out lyrics for the auditions. Lisa studied the song, already singing quietly to herself.
Mr. Beckman tapped his baton on the music stand at the front of the room. “I know you’re all excited to
audition, but before we do I have an announcement.”
Lisa sat up straight. Was there going to be a solo? “This year we are opening and closing the show with a
very special performance by a select number of students,” Mr. Beckman said. Lisa squeezed the sheet music in
her hands. It wasn’t a solo performance, but it was still a chance to be featured as one of the best singers.
“These individuals will be dressed in distinctive costumes and will set the stage for the rest of the show,”
Mr. Beckman continued. Lisa leaned forward, eager to hear more.
“I’ve already selected the students who will be part of this featured act,” Mr. Beckman said. “Brandon,
Adrianna, Tina, Colin, Derek, and Lisa, would you come up front please?” Super Teacher Worksheets - “Yes!” Lisa yelled, rushing to the front of the room.
Mr. Beckman removed a costume from the supply closet. “You six will be our wooden soldiers!”
Lisa stared at the huge hat complete with a chinstrap. “No one is going to recognize us wearing those!”
“Don’t worry, Lisa. You’re names will be listed in the program under ‘Wooden Soldiers’,” Mr. Beckman
“But even my own parents won’t be able to tell which soldier is me!”
“Lisa, this is a very special honor,” Mr. Beckman said. “I selected the top students in the class to open the
show for us. You’ll need to learn a special march and dance, but if you don’t want to be a soldier, I can assign
the part to someone else.”
Lisa saw a few of her classmates’ eyes widen at the thought of taking her place. Maybe being a soldier was
a good thing. It wasn’t what Lisa had in mind, but Mr. Beckman had chosen her, and she wasn’t going to let
him down.
“Can we start practicing our march?” Lisa asked. Mr. Beckman smiled. “Yes. I’ll teach you the march
while the rest of the class practices for their auditions.” “Sounds great,” Lisa said.

a. He wanted everyone to get ready to sing.

b. He wanted people to volunteer to be soldiers.
c. He was having trouble holding on to the baton.
d. He was trying to get the class to stop talking and pay attention.
e. He got a harasment in conducting

12.When Lisa complained about being a soldier, how did Mr. Beckman react?

Holiday Musical Blues

by Kelly Hashway

Lisa walked into the chorus room with a smile on her face. The class was auditioning for parts in the
holiday musical. Lisa loved to sing and this was her chance to get one of the lead roles.
Mr. Beckman passed out lyrics for the auditions. Lisa studied the song, already singing quietly to herself.
Mr. Beckman tapped his baton on the music stand at the front of the room. “I know you’re all excited to
audition, but before we do I have an announcement.”
Lisa sat up straight. Was there going to be a solo? “This year we are opening and closing the show with a
very special performance by a select number of students,” Mr. Beckman said. Lisa squeezed the sheet music in
her hands. It wasn’t a solo performance, but it was still a chance to be featured as one of the best singers.
“These individuals will be dressed in distinctive costumes and will set the stage for the rest of the show,”
Mr. Beckman continued. Lisa leaned forward, eager to hear more.
“I’ve already selected the students who will be part of this featured act,” Mr. Beckman said. “Brandon,
Adrianna, Tina, Colin, Derek, and Lisa, would you come up front please?” Super Teacher Worksheets - “Yes!” Lisa yelled, rushing to the front of the room.
Mr. Beckman removed a costume from the supply closet. “You six will be our wooden soldiers!”
Lisa stared at the huge hat complete with a chinstrap. “No one is going to recognize us wearing those!”
“Don’t worry, Lisa. You’re names will be listed in the program under ‘Wooden Soldiers’,” Mr. Beckman
“But even my own parents won’t be able to tell which soldier is me!”
“Lisa, this is a very special honor,” Mr. Beckman said. “I selected the top students in the class to open the
show for us. You’ll need to learn a special march and dance, but if you don’t want to be a soldier, I can assign
the part to someone else.”
Lisa saw a few of her classmates’ eyes widen at the thought of taking her place. Maybe being a soldier was
a good thing. It wasn’t what Lisa had in mind, but Mr. Beckman had chosen her, and she wasn’t going to let
him down.
“Can we start practicing our march?” Lisa asked. Mr. Beckman smiled. “Yes. I’ll teach you the march
while the rest of the class practices for their auditions.” “Sounds great,” Lisa said.

a. He told Lisa it was an honor. Then, he said he would find someone else if she didn't want to do it.
b. Don’t worry, Lisa. You’re names will be listed in the program under ‘Wooden Soldiers’.
c. I selected the top students in the class to open the show for us.
d. “Sounds great,”
e. “You six will be our wooden soldiers!”

KD 3.4 DAN 4.4

13. What is the imagery of the poem below?

The wind is Angry

(By Adriene Brady)

The wind is angry –

He’s been in a rage all night.
Stamping his feet, bellowing
And finally breaking out.
In the morning light he gallops,
At full tilt, round the house,
Charging at the wall,
Pulling at the thatch
And beating with clenced fists
Against the window.
Even now, he’s thrusting
Icy fingers throught crevices
And tunder doors.

The house is tired

And slightly bored.
She watches with listless eyes,
Sighs, settles on her haunces
And entreces herself still more.

a. Simile
b. Personification
c. Hyperbola
d. Sarcastis
e. Metaphor

14. What does the wind do in the night?

The wind is Angry
(By Adriene Brady)

The wind is angry –

He’s been in a rage all night.
Stamping his feet, bellowing
And finally breaking out.
In the morning light he gallops,
At full tilt, round the house,
Charging at the wall,
Pulling at the thatch
And beating with clenced fists
Against the window.
Even now, he’s thrusting
Icy fingers throught crevices
And tunder doors.

The house is tired

And slightly bored.
She watches with listless eyes,
Sighs, settles on her haunces
And entreces herself still more.

a. Entreces herself still more

b. Charging at the wall
c. he’s thrusting icy fingers
d. Stamping his feet and bellowing
e. Pulling at the thatch

15. What does the house do when it is windy?

The wind is Angry
(By Adriene Brady)

The wind is angry –

He’s been in a rage all night.
Stamping his feet, bellowing
And finally breaking out.
In the morning light he gallops,
At full tilt, round the house,
Charging at the wall,
Pulling at the thatch
And beating with clenced fists
Against the window.
Even now, he’s thrusting
Icy fingers throught crevices
And tunder doors.

The house is tired

And slightly bored.
She watches with listless eyes,
Sighs, settles on her haunces
And entreces herself still more.
a. Watches with listless eyes
b. He’s been in a rage all night.
c. At full tilt, round the house,
d. Charging at the wall,
e. Pulling at the thatch

16. The word “rage” has meaning....

The wind is Angry
(By Adriene Brady)

The wind is angry –

He’s been in a rage all night.
Stamping his feet, bellowing
And finally breaking out.
In the morning light he gallops,
At full tilt, round the house,
Charging at the wall,
Pulling at the thatch
And beating with clenced fists
Against the window.
Even now, he’s thrusting
Icy fingers throught crevices
And tunder doors.

The house is tired

And slightly bored.
She watches with listless eyes,
Sighs, settles on her haunces
And entreces herself still more.

a. Narrow cracks
b. Uninterested
c. Shouting
d. Eager
e. Extremely angry

17. What does the phrases “breaking out” mean?

The wind is Angry
(By Adriene Brady)

The wind is angry –

He’s been in a rage all night.
Stamping his feet, bellowing
And finally breaking out.
In the morning light he gallops,
At full tilt, round the house,
Charging at the wall,
Pulling at the thatch
And beating with clenced fists
Against the window.
Even now, he’s thrusting
Icy fingers throught crevices
And tunder doors.

The house is tired

And slightly bored.
She watches with listless eyes,
Sighs, settles on her haunces
And entreces herself still more.

a. Come
b. Arrive
c. Find
d. Take in
e. Exit

18. The element of poem that the writer wants to express throught his words is called...
a. Stanza
b. Rhythm
c. Theme
d. Imagery
e. Lines

19. ABAB and ABCD in the end of sentences in a poem is called.....

a. Rhyme
b. Structure
c. Iambic
d. Theme
e. Plot

20. The harmony of sound in the end of sentence of a poem is called.....

a. plot
b. Structure
c. Iambic
d. Alliteration
e. Characters

21. A figure of speech in which human attributes are given to something inanimate (nonhuman or dead) IS
a. Metaphore
b. Simile
c. Personification
d. Paradox
e. Hyperbola

KD 3.1 DAN 4.1

22. What shall we do today?____________________ we go to the library.

a. Shall I
b. Let's
c. Why don't
d. Would you
e. Think

23. Edo: “I have a lot of work to finish; I don't know how I will manage. “
Sam: ____________________ half of it if you want.
a. Would you
b. I think
c. Why don't
d. I will help you with
e. shall you

24. Carly: “I submitted my assignments to the teacher few days ago, but I am worrying there is an error
in sending them.”
Edo:____________________ go and ask her?
a. Shall us
b. I'll do
c. Why don't you
d. I propose
e. you will

KD 3.2 DAN 4.2

25. I ______ my document before the power went out in the computer lab.
a. had save
b. have saved
c. saved
d. had saved
e. save

26. I _____________ my homework yet.

a. have finish
b. has finished
c. did finished
d. was finished
e. haven't finished

27. My father is on the way. He ____________ home yet.

a. haven't arrived
b. hasn't arrived
c. didn't arrived
d. arrived
e. had arrived

28. I am not hungry. I have _______ eaten.

a. yet
b. now
c. never
d. just
e. ever

29. I have been awake for ____________.

a. yesterday
b. half an hour
c. this morning
d. evening
e. two o'clock

30.How long ____________ the children slept?

a. did
b. have
c. has
d. were
e. was

31. I saw him on May, but I _________ him since then.

a. never seen
b. wasn't seen
c. haven't seen
d. didn't see
e. saw

32.That tree ____________ there for 5 hundred years.

a. does
b. do
c. have been
d. is been
e. has been

33. _______ been to Disneyland before your trip this year?

a. Have you ever

b. You had
c. Had ever you
d. Did you ever
e. Were ever you

KD 3.3 DAN 4.3

34. She _________ all over the world if she __________ rich.
a. would travel / would be
b. travelled / would be
c. would travel / were
d. travels / were be
e. travel/be

35. If I _________his number, I _________ him.

a. has / will call
b. would have / called
c. would/call
d. would had / would call
e. have / called

36. If I _________you, I _________ that man.

a. were / helped
b. weren't / don't help
c. am / will help
d. was/helped
e. were / would help

37. If we _________ a yacht, we _________ the seven seas.

a. had / would sail
b. have / would sailed
c. would have / sailed
d. had/sail
e. had / sailed

38. She ________ a year in the USA if it _________ easier to get a green card.
a. would spend / was
b. will spend / would be
c. spent / would be
d. spend/was
e. would spend / be

39. We __________ you if we _________ how.

a. helped / would know
b. help / knew
c. helps / know
d. would helped / knew
e. would help / knew

40. My brother _________ a sports car if he _________ the money.

a. bought / would have
b. would buy / had
c. would bought / have
d. would buy / has
e. bought / would had

41. If I _______ better, I ______ to the cinema with you.

a. would felt / went
b. felt / would went
c. feels/go
d. felt / would go
e. would feel / went

42. If he __________ in hurry, he ____________ miss the train.

a. isn't / won't
b. doesn't / will
c. does / will
d. do/would
e. won't be / will

43. We will go for a picnic if it ________ fine tomorrow.

a. Is
b. will be
c. is be
d. were
e. does
44. If you ____________ borrowing money, you __________ in trouble.
a. won't stop / will be
b. aren't stop / will be
c. don't stop / will be
d. won't stop / are
e. were/be

45. If you crash my car, I ___________ forgive you.

a. don't
b. am
c. was
d. am not
e. won't

46. Read this story!

A beautiful Paper Kite was flying high in the sky. It was brightly coloured, with long, curly tassels
and a long string.
The Paper Kite was so high up, above all the trees and other kites, that it was giddy with
Admiring itself, it said loudly, “0 look at me flying so gracefully! If I were free, I could go far away.”
The Paper Kite tugged at its string, as it wanted to fly right through the clouds and above the
However, the string was strong and held it tight.
The Paper Kite impatiently tugged at its string again, and the string broke.
The Paper Kite was full of joy. It tried to fly higher but suddenly, it started falling. The Paper Kite tried
with all its might to stay up, but it kept coming down. Free of its string, the Paper Kite had become too
heavy and could not control itself. It drifted towards the sea and was washed away in the tide.
The Paper Kite cried, “O poor me! I wanted to fly higher and higher. Look what I got for being so

Translate into Indonesian:

The Paper Kite tugged at its string, as it wanted to fly right through the clouds and above the eagles.

47. Read this story!

A beautiful Paper Kite was flying high in the sky. It was brightly coloured, with long, curly tassels
and a long string.
The Paper Kite was so high up, above all the trees and other kites, that it was giddy with
Admiring itself, it said loudly, “0 look at me flying so gracefully! If I were free, I could go far away.”
The Paper Kite tugged at its string, as it wanted to fly right through the clouds and above the
However, the string was strong and held it tight.
The Paper Kite impatiently tugged at its string again, and the string broke.
The Paper Kite was full of joy. It tried to fly higher but suddenly, it started falling. The Paper Kite tried
with all its might to stay up, but it kept coming down. Free of its string, the Paper Kite had become too
heavy and could not control itself. It drifted towards the sea and was washed away in the tide.
The Paper Kite cried, “O poor me! I wanted to fly higher and higher. Look what I got for being so

Mention the moral value of the story above!

48. Make a good sentence!

you - the - what – plane - miss -will -do -if -you?

49. Make a dialogue of suggestion to a friend. You give him/her a suggestion to study overseas!
50. Make a quatrain poem of friendship with rhyme abab.

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