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मु वा यायपीठम्

(Institute of Distance Education),

के यसं कृत व व व यालयः
जनकपुर , नवदे हल -58

ा शा थमवषम्
(Prak-shastri 1st year)
वा यायायक प थम-पयाये ि तीय-पयाये
तःअव धः े षत- े षत-

नद थभागः/ (Tentative target पु तका न पु तका न

प सं या वा यायसाम ी
सं वषयः dates set for self SLM sent SLM sent
study for students) 1st time 2nd time
(if any)

सं कृतभाषा श ण यदृ य यपाठाः

01 तः 40पाठाः
41 तः 80पाठाः
सं कृत- 10-1-2022
सं कृतभाषाद ता 81 तः 120पाठाः
भाषा श णम्
पाठान्अधो न द जाल ानात्अवतारय तु 30-1-2022

ख डः- १. सं ा- करणम् 30-2-2022

लघु स ा तकौमुदी(
आ दतः hukaumudi-panchasandhi
वा दपय ता) ख डः- २. अच्-स ध- करणम् 30-3-2022
थमप म्
1 ख डः- ३. हल्-स ध/ वसगस ध- करणम् 30-4-2022
(१००अ ाः)
(७०अ ाः) ख डः- ४. अज त-पुं ल - ी ल -नपुं सक ल - करणम् 30-05-2022
ख डः- ५. हल त-पुं ल - ी ल - नपुं सक ल - करणम् 30-06-2022
ख डः- ६. वा द- करणम् 15-07-2022

रचनानुवादः ख डः- १. रचना श णम् 30-01-2022

(३०अ ाः) ख डः- २. अनुवाद श णम् 29-2-2022

ख डः- १. यौग धरायण य याचना 30-3-2022
ख डः- २. वासवद ाया ता 30-4-2022
ख डः- ३. उदयन यसमु गृहगमनम् 30-05-2022
ि तीयप म्
व नवासवद ुत ख डः- ४. वासवद ायाः पुनः ा तः 30-6-2022
बोध ख डः- ५. छ दो व छ ः(आ दतः 05 छ दां स) 30-7-2022
(१००अ ाः)
English Text book (302) Senior Secondary 15-7-2022

तृतीयप म् आ लभाषा Course Book-1(Published by NIOS)

(१००अ ाः) English Lesson No. 1 to 18
Ref. online lessons-

Page 1 of 9
िह दी Text book (301) उ चतर मा य मक पा म
पु तक-1 (Published by NIOS) 15-7-2022

चतुथप म् Lesson No. 1 to 21

4 िह दी
(१००अ ाः) Ref. online lessons-
History Text book (315) Senior Secondary
Course Book-1(Published by NIOS)
English Medium / Hindi Medium
इ तहासः/
History Lesson No. 1 to 15 30-6-2022

Ref. online lessons-

प मप म्
( वीकृतःऐ छ ew
कःआधु नक व
Political Science Text book (317) Senior
(१००अ ाः) राजनी त - व ानम्/ Secondary Course Book-1 (Published by NIOS)
5 30-6-2022
Political Science English Medium / Hindi Medium
Elective Lesson No. 1 to 16
Economics Text book (318) Senior Secondary
(Any one) Course Book-1 (Published by NIOS)
English Medium / Hindi Medium
अथशा म्/ Lesson No. 1 to 11 30-6-2022
Ref. online lessons-

अवधेयम्- ष प ं वेशकाले वीकृत-शा स ब ं भव त|

Note - 6th paper will be Any one shaastreeya-subject - याकरणम् or
सािह यम्or यौ तषम्as opted during admission
ष प म् ख डः- १. का य व पम् 30-3-2022
(ऐ छकःशा ीयः ख डः- २. रसभाव ववेचनम् 30-4-2022
6 वषयः/ ख डः- ३. का यानां दृ य व- य व न पणम् 30-05-2022
elective ख डः- ४. दोष न पणं गुण न पणं च 30-06-2022
का यदी पका
shaastreeya 15-07-2022
ख डः- ५. अल ार न पणम्
सािह यम्
(१००अ ाः)
ष प म् १. सं ा-प रभाषा- करणम् 30-3-2022
(ऐ छकःशा ीयः Ref.1 -
वषयः elective
स ा तकौमुदी(आ द
shaastreeya umudi1-panchasandhi
तः प स य तोभागः)
subject)— Ref.2 -

Page 2 of 9
(१००अ ाः) २. अच्-स ध- करणम् 30-4-2022

३. हल्-स ध- करणम् 30-05-2022

४. वसगस ध/ वा दस ध- करणम् 30-06-2022

Ref. -

ष प म् भा करीय- षड् वध करणम् 30-3-2022

(ऐ छकःशा ीयः बीजग णतम् 30-4-2022
वषयः elective (च वालपय तम्) कु कःवग कृ तःच वाल
shaastreeya (५० अ ाः)
subject)— प हसाधनम् 30-05-2022
फ लत- ज प दीपकम् ज ा च नमाणम् 30-06-2022
यौ तषम्) (५० अ ाः)
(१००अ ाः)
दशवगाःदशा तदशा दसाधनम्आयुदाय

अ ययन यआर भा पूवम्अधो न द ाःसवाःसूचनाः यानेनप रशीलयतु |

Please go-through each and every instruction given below before you start
studying -

1. ा त-पु तका नप रशीलयतु | Check the books (SLMs) received

 सव थमं , एतयासू यासह ा ता नपु तका नप रशीलयतु | उप र न द सू यां च े नसू चता नपु तका न
( वा यायसाम यः) एवस त े षता न| अव श ा न (य दस तत ह) प ा यथावसरं ष
े य य ते|
Please check the received books with this present-list. Please note - books (SLMs)
indicated by Tick-marks in the above-mentioned table are only sent at present.
Remaining (if any) will be sent later. Inform us if you have not received the books
indicated by tick-marks.
 जालपुट ाःपाठाःत जालपुटा नउ ा अवलोकनीया न|
Useful audio/video-lessons may be accessed through the referred web-links.

2. वा यायःकथं करणीयः / How to go ahead with Self Learning

2.1 पा मं जानातु / Know the syllabus prescribed -

भव पा मे न द थानां सच
ू ीपूवतन-पृ ेवतते | त प रशी य, भव पा मेक तप ा ण/परी ाःभ व य त ?

एकैकम पप ं क तअ ानां कृतेइ त प तां ा नोतु |

The list of prescribed Texts/Text-portions/Syllabus/Topics are mentioned in the

list given in previous page. By observing the table given there you will understand the


Page 3 of 9
 अ ययनायषट् प ा ण ( येकंशत यअ ानां षट् मु य वषयाः) स त |

Six papers (Six main subjects of each 100 marks) are there for study.

 ष प ं वेशकाले वीकृत-शा स ब ं भव त|

6th paper will be Any one shaastreeya-subject - याकरणम्or सािह यम्or यौ तषम्as opted

during admission.

 येकंप य (मु य व य य) वा यायसाम ीपठन-सौकयाय वषयानुसारणख डेषु वभ य तुताः |

Printed Self Learning Materials of each paper (subject) is divided in to ख डाः (i.e.

Blocks/volumes/parts) to make the booklets handy.

2.2 वा याय यआर भं करोतु / start your study -

 मु वा यायपीठे व ाःसवछा ाःअ नवायतयासं कृतस भाषणद तां ा नुयःु | साम यचवधयेयःु ।

तद धग तुमh
् ttp://इ त

अ तजालस े तेउपल यमानाःपाठाःउपकारकाःभव त ।

All the learners (enrolled for any course / programme of MSP) should gradually

possess / improve communication skills in Sanskrit. The video lessons given through

the link are helpful to

attain those skills.

So watch video-lessons through the referred web-linkas indicated in previous page.

(These video-lessons can be accessed at your own time.)

 Each video lesson is of approximately of 30 mts.

 While watching the video lessons - try to make simple sentences as prompted or

examples given by the teacher. You will see the students present in the video-class,

making their own sentences. You too make your own sentences and pronounce the

same after pausing the video at appropriate places (i.e. after the students (seen in the

video) complete their sentences).

 तदन तरंमु तपु तकानाम्, सू यां सू चत-जालपुटेषुउपल यमान-दृ य यपाठानां च

उपयोगेन वा याय यअनुवतनं करोतु |

Page 4 of 9
Then continue your study using the printed books & watching other audio/video-

lessons available in the suggested web links.

 अवधेयंयत्अ म प गु छे थमपृ े व मानसू यां सू चत दना ाःत ि षयाणां वा यायं पूर यतुं क पतःस भा वतःअव

धः | सा दना सूचीसामा यप रक पनाथ / मागदशनाथवतते |

वीयसाम यानुसारणअ ययनवेगम्अनुसृ यत ईष प रवतनं भ वतुमह त |

क तुत ि ना ा य तरत ि षयाणा वा यायं पूर यतुं ामा णकः य नःभवतु |

Please Note that the dates mentioned in the table given on 1st page of this document are

tentative target dates to complete your self-study of concerned portions. Try your best

to adhere to that.

 येकंमु तपाठे आर भेत त्-पाठ यउ े यम्उ ल खतम्अ त | तदवलो य,

पाठ यपठनान तरंत उ ल खतम्उ े य सा धतं वाइ तआ मावलोकनं करोतु |

Objectives of the lessons are mentioned at the beginning of each printed lesson in SLM.

After completing a lesson, you have to asses yourself, whether you have achieved those


 येकंमु तपाठे आर भेत त्-पाठ यउ े यम्उ ल खतम् अ त | तदवलो य,

पाठ यपठनान तरंत उ ल खतम्उ े य सा धतं वा इ त आ मावलोकनं करोतु |

Objectives of the lessons are mentioned at the beginning of each printed lesson in SLM.

After completing a lesson, you have to asses yourself, whether you have achieved those


 अ येतॄणां यानं पाठगत वषयेषभ

ु वेत् इ त आशयेन, प मानं पाठं स यक् अवग छा म न वा इ त वयं परी णाय,

मु तपाठे षुम येम येबोध ाः द ाःस त | तेषां ानाम्उ रा ण वयमेववदतु/ लखतु | ता नउ रा ण स यक्

वत तेवा इ त ातुं पाठ यअ तेबोध ो रा ण द ा नस त |

 Comprehensive questions (बोध ाः) are given in between the lessons to attract the

attention of the learner towards the subject again and again & for self assessment of

the level of understanding. Answer (orally & by writing) those questions honestly.

Answers of बोध ाः (बोध ो रा ण) are given at the end of the lessons to check the answer

you have written. यानं पाठगत वषयेषभ

ु वेत्इ तआशयेन,

प मानं पाठं स यक्अवग छा मनवाइ त वयं परी णाय, मु तपाठे षुम येम येबोध ाः द ाःस त |
Page 5 of 9
तेषां ानाम्उ रा ण वयमेववदतु/ लखतु |

ता नउ रा णस य वत तेवाइ त ातुं पाठ यअ तेबोध ो रा ण द ा नस त |

Comprehensive questions (बोध ाः) are given in between the lessons to attract the

attention of the learner towards the subject again and again & for self assessment of the

level of understanding. Answer (orally & by writing) those questions honestly.

Answers of बोध ाः (बोध ो रा ण) are given at the end of the lessons to check the answer

you have written.

 येकंपाठ यअ तेअ यास ाः द ाः | | तेषां ानाम्उ रा णपृथ पु तके ल ख वाअ यासःकरणीयः |

अ यास ाः are given for exercise at the end of each lessons. Answer those questions by

writing them in a separate book.

 येकंमु तपाठे आर भेत त्-पाठ यउ े यम्उ ल खतम्अ त | तदवलो य,

पाठ यपठनान तरंत उ ल खतम्उ े य सा धतं वाइ तआ मावलोकनं करोतु |

Objectives of the lessons are mentioned at the beginning of each printed lesson in SLM.

After completing a lesson, you have to asses yourself, whether you have achieved those


 अधेतॄणां यानं पाठगत वषयेषभ

ु वेत्इ तआशयेन, प मानं पाठं स यक्अवग छा मनवाइ त वयं परी णाय,

मु तपाठे षुम येम येबोध ाः द ाःस त | तेषां ानाम्उ रा ण वयमेववदतु/ लखतु |

ता नउ रा णस य वत तेवाइ त ातुं पाठ यअ तेबोध ो रा ण द ा नस त |

Comprehensive questions (बोध ाः) are given in between the lessons to attract the

attention of the learner towards the subject again and again & for self assessment of the

level of understanding. Answer (orally & by writing) those questions honestly.

Answers of बोध ाः (बोध ो रा ण) are given at the end of the lessons to check the answer

you have written.

3. स दे हप रहार-क ाः / वा यायपरामशः / उ ोधनस ा ण

(Doubt-clearing-sessions / online-contact-classes)
3.1 वा यायकालेउ तानां स दे हानां प रहाराय, वषयाणां प तया अवबोधाय च परामशदस ा ण/
अ यापनस ा णआयो जता नभवेयःु | ति ष यणीसमयसा रणी / ववरणं च एकमासान तरंसच
ू य यते |

Page 6 of 9
Doubt-clearing-sessions / Online-Teaching /counseling /online-contact-sessions will be
arranged for those subjects / topics which are difficult to understand through other mode of
communications. Schedule of such sessions will be intimated after one month.
Please note that these online sessions you should do some self-study by reading the portions
of the printed books before attending these online-doubt-clearing-sessions / online-

4. समूह-स ेषणमा यम यउपयोगः / Use of social media

4.1 समूह-स ष
े णमा यमे (whats app) अ येतृणां गणः (समूहः) क पतः|एषःगणःपा म-

स ब ाःसं तसूचनाः ष
े यतुं / केषा न दृ य- य-पाठानां जालपुटस े तं / स पकसू म् ष
े यतुमउ् पयु येत|

Study group is created in whats app. It will be used for sending short messages/links for

additional audio/video-lessons/referred web links / online sessions.

4.2 ये whats app उपयोगं न कुव त, ते कृपया सूचयेयःु | यथाश पयाय यव ा च त य यते |

Those who do not have the facility to use whats app or any other internet based

particular media, are requested to inform us regarding that. We may think of an

alternative as per the feasibility.

5. केषा वषयाणां सल
ु भतयाअवबोधायअ त र ाः व नपाठाः, दृ य- य-पाठाःवायथावसरंम येम ये ष
े य य ते /

सूच य य ते | ता पाठा ु वा/अवलो यपुनःत स ब -मु त-पाठा पुनःपिठ वा वषया स यक्अवग तुं श नो त |

To facilitate your self-study, we may send/refer some additional audio lessons/multy-media-

lessons on selected topics at appropriate time. Whenever you receive such audio/video

lessons please go through them and once again read the concerned portions in the printed

SLM in order to gain thorough perception of the subjects.

6. द काया ण / Assignments
 भवद ययन य गतेः अवलोकनाय काले काले अ यासकाया ण ( द काया ण/ Assignments) दा य ते |

Assignments will be given for assessing the progress of your study.

 यदाअ यासकाया ण ( द काया ण/ assignments) दीय तेतदाता नपूर य वादे या न |

एतेनअ येतारः वीयम्अ ययन समीचीन द श वततेवाइ तअवग तुं श नुयःु | अ यासकाय य 30/%

अ ानां भावःस ा त/वा षकपरी ायां भवेत् |

Page 7 of 9
Assignments will be given at appropriate time. By completing these, learners can know

whether their learning is on the correct direction. Weightage for 30% marks of the

assignments may be considered as weightage during annual/term end examinations.

Details regarding this will be intimated later.

7. Develop your language efficiency

सं कृतस भाषणशीलतां स पा , सं कृतभाषायाः व वध योगे/ व श योगेद तां ा तुं , भाषा योगे वीयं साम य ानं वै यं च

वध यतुं सततं ामा णकः यासो वधेयः |

Try your best to enhance your communication skills & language efficiency in Sanskrit by using

it extensively wherever/whenever possible . Murmur Sanskrit sentences yourself whenever

possible. Try to think in Sanskrit regarding whatever you see around you.

8. स ा तप र ा / वा षक-परी ा (Term End / Year end examination)

8.1 स ा तप र ा / वा षक-परी ा ायःअ म-जुल/ै अग ट-मासे/तदन तरंवाभ व य त |

परी ा वष यणीसमयसारीणीमे-मासान तरंल येत |

The Term End / Year end examinations will be held tentatively in next Jul/Aug.

Exact time- table will be announced by the Examination-Department around May /


8.2 यदापरी ा वभागेन / वा यायके ेणसूच य यतेतदाएवपरी ाथआवेदनप ं समपणीयं भ व य त ; न तुअधुना |

(परी ायाः न म म्आवेदनप ं समप यतुं समु चतःकालःयदाभ व य ततदासूच य यामः)

Those who want to appear for exams during next Jul/Aug. will have to submit

examination-form only after the notification by the exam Dept. (probably in

Aprl./May.) You will be informed regarding this at appropriate time.

9. परी ाके म् / Exam Centre -

शृ े री वा यायके स ब ानां परी ाके शृ े री, बे लू , चे ,ै हैदराबाद् – इ येतेषु दे शेषु व चद पभ वतुमह त |

एतेषु दे शेषु वाभी ंपरी ाके ं ा तुं परी ायाः न म म् आवेदनप समपणावसर नवेदनं कतुमह त; न तुअधुना |

परी ाके यस े ता द ववरणं परी ा- वेशप उे ल खतं भ व य त |

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Students connected with Sringeri Swadhyaya Kendra will have an option to choose Exam

Centrein any of the among following places- Sringeri, Bengaluru, Chennai & Hyderabad or in

any Swadhyaya-kendra of MSP. For this, the candidates may submit a request while

submitting the examination form (probably in April./May; not now). Exact venue /address of

the exam-centre will be mentioned in the hall ticket which will be received by the candidates

before the examinations.

10. वा यायके यभू मका / Role of Swadhyaya-Kendram

10.1 वा यायके मु वा यायपीठ यअ येत-ृ साहा यके म त | वा यायके ं भवतः /

भव याःअ ययन वषयेयथाश सहयोगं / परामश दा य त |

Swadhyaya-Kendram is the Study-Centre of Mukta Swadhyaya Peetham (M.S.P.). It

acts as Learners’ support Centre.
10.2 वा यायके ेण दीयमानानाम्अ ययन वषयक-सूचनानां वषयेअ येतारःसवदासावधानाःभवेयःु |

You will be in contact with the selected Swadhyaya-Kendra regarding study related
matters and be attentive to all the instructions / information sent to you by the
Swadhyaya-Kendra, during your entire course of study.
10.3 य दभवतः/ भव याःप ाचारस े तःप रव ततःभ व य त, रवाणी / ई-मेलइ् यादीनां प रवतनं वाभ व य त, त हसप द
email ( - ारा, प मा यमेनवाअव यं सूचय तु |
If you change your correspondence-address /Email / Mob. No. please inform us
through email ( or letter by post.

- नदे शकः
Contact No. :- 011-28523611

Expected outcome of your study-programme

After successful completion of 2years of ाक्-शा ी programme, you will be
eligible to get admission to Shastri (B.A).

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