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Question 1

Linton declared that she doesn’t like Harvard MBAs.

Scoville also mentioned that he was not impressed with MBAs, especially those from Harvard.
Also six weeks had passed and Linton still not given Benton her objectives as he had promised on the first day,
no had she invited her to lunch.
Moreover, in relation to Copying Episode, Benton felt furious and frustrated because it was the first time that
boss “Linton” had actually yelled at her

Question 2

Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to High Because Scoville had moved from operations.

Experience Also he promised to teach Benton all the ropes
of product management.

Moreover, he invited Benton out to lunch into

small crowded restaurant.

Conscientiousness Low Scoville appeared somewhat unkempt to Benton

compared to other well-dressed men in the
marketing dept.

He was really disorganized and was always at

office until 7 pm. Also he is do the last minutes
corrections in the marketing plan.
Extraversion Low Scoville asserted that he is a corporate misfit.

He also has an aggressive, no-nonsense style

and absolutely no patient for politics.

Employees from another departments don’t get

along with Scoville

Agreeableness low In the first day of Benton, Scoville had

mentioned that he was not impressed with
MBAs, especially those from Harvard.

Neuroticism High Scoville is not able to control his emotions

when he is disagree with Lisa about the pricing

The following suggestion could help Lisa to improve her relationship with Scoville:

 As Scoville has high openness to experience score, Lisa can behave with him as
learner, and take advantage the he already promised he to teach the ropes of product
 Lisa can integrate with Scoville by using her relationships with other employees’
department in getting the work done quickly and smoothly for Scoville. This will make
Scoville’s depending on her and this will improve her relationship with him.
 Also, due to the low scores of Scoville in Conscientiousness and Agreeableness Lisa
could find a way to express her skills and qualification , this will speed up the trust
relationship between them and will increase the credibility of Lisa.
Question 3

This present the Hidden Area in Johari Window

Lisa can use her analytical skills to impress Linton taking initiative concerning the work she
has been assigned.

Also Lisa could tell personal stories to increase the trust relationship, She should
communicate her skills to Linton practically since Linton impact about MBAs that they talk
more than they do, doing analysis in the product of Pure & Fresh will show Lisa capabilities
inform of Linton.

Moreover, by participating in team bonding opportunities which will make the team discover
her hidden area, also Lisa should take initiative concerning the work at meetings and during
discussions with Linton using her communication and analytical skills.

Question 4

I can suggest the following improvement actions:

 Using words like ‘I think, I believe ,I like, I wish, I wonder’ technique After starting
with good things in Lisa written and get along skills, she can say I wonder if you can
merge some initiative and assertiveness with your skills that will make a perfect
product manager assistant.
 Lisa should have spoken about the things she had liked so far with respect to her work
and post that she could have told her the areas she can improve on rather than telling
her own perception about Lisa.
 CEDAR technique Lisa can tell her some samples according to her experience in
company where assertiveness and employee initiatives and confidence generated a
success story.
 Lisa Linton could also give her specific instances where she felt that Lisa could have
acted or reacted better and maybe should have shared some anecdotes from her own
professional life to learn from.

Question 5

I suggest the following engagement tactics that could have helped Lisa in feeling more
motivated to work in Houseworld.

 Encourage Lisa to speak what in her mind without any fear of criticism or judgement.
 & Provide a progress road map for her
 As a Physical engagement can increase Lisa’s confidence and encourage her to
expand her efforts while doing the job
 In terms of Cognitive engagement: be aware of company’s vision and target will
assure Lisa is on the right path and Career progression goals, and ensure that her
skills are being utilized well in the Houseworld.
 As a Emotional engagement: some appreciation and warm words from Linton would
help Lisa to feel safe and build trust to give more and be more motivated..

Question 6

To improve her relationship with Linton and Scoville using certain power tactics, I suggest the
In term of soft tactics:

 Impression Management:

I suggest that Lisa influence Scoville and Linton by showing her skills & hard working value
to them as a result the faith will be build step by step and Linton will start trusting Lisa with
more important tasks.

 Exchange of Information:

Benton had a very good previous experience with “right away”. she can give a hand to
Scoville where his projects are troubled or stuck also she can select a chance with Linton to
offer more participation and involvement in major tasks based on her previous knowledge.

In term of hard tactics:

 Information Coalition:

While all other dept staff have a positive image of Lisa, Lisa can utilize that by preparing for
one show case where other dept staff is available along with Linton Boss. The positive
feedback from the group will lead to Linton & Scoville think again about their attitude.

 Assertiveness:

Benton can be assertive in her conversations with Scoville and Linton so if they say they don’t
like MBA she can prepare an assertive like “that means you don’t like Vernon, or VP Mr.
Question 7

Obviously there is breach of Ethics.

Multiple conflicts occurred and a big damage in the relationship of Lisa with her boss and

-Employee relationships:

 Discrimination in treating employees, it was clear in Linton behavior and speech the
inappropriate treatment to Lisa comparing with Scoville since Lisa is holding MBA
from Harvard.
 In regard of Micro Level: concerning the behavior of individuals working within or
interacting with businesses , Mid-level; concerning the activities, policies, and
governance structures of organizations like firms, non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), professional associations, industry associations, and regulatory agencies ,
Macro level; concerning the structure of markets and their regulation within a
democratic state and an international economy.
 There was issue of no transparency in the communication : Linton hide the screen
when Lisa entered her office
 Moreover, Lisa didn’t give her assistances an equal chances in projects, and assigned
the important tasks to Scoville.

Question 8

I believe that Lisa should NOT quit and leave her job at Houseworld right now.
 At any time in future Lisa could be assigned to another product she may prefer more
and may work under another manager who may have better work ethics than current
 Lisa could be promoted in future if she recognized well by the Group Product Manager
(Jack Vernon), espically that she did very good product analysis personation before.
 Apart from her boss and her colleague Scoville, other company staff in different levels
are supportive and cooperative, that means the company is good some challenges has
to face with her team.
 The Houseworld hiring policy of MBA top schools, so soon more MBA employees will
be hired, and she will get more understanding and supporting groups.
 Lisa could demonstrate her loyalty to the company and her ability to manage work
with Scoville and Linton. She can involve Vernon and explore the possibility of
switching to another brand where Benton might get the training that she always
wanted and she could focus on her career development without any interference.
Benton also specifically chose the division she is in because it is the highest in the
industry and most of the people working at Houseworld have high job satisfaction.
 Although she has some mistreatment, but things can be sorted out based on Lisa’s
skills and deal with different kind of people where any other company can have similar
personalities and behavior. Scoville can be handled and this knowledge & experience
is important for Lisa to find her path either in Houseworld or other company.

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