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Niko C.

BSIT 201

Importance of Student Engagement in Community Development


Student Engagement is very much important in all aspects here in our society, not just in
community development, but also to widen our knowledge and help us to understand the things that
are happening in our society. As a student, I myself understand that being involved in the community is
important in the following aspects. First, to understand how people or how leaders teaches us and gives
us moral knowledge for us to become a better person, and for us to develop ourselves. Second, since we
are in a pandemic, we all know that the community has a very big impact, especially the social media.
Everything revolves to the technology as we are starting to develop and create more innovative
products, and learn new things. Third, the political season affects us a lot. In a way that your decision
can be controlled by other people. With that, our minds were able to gain more knowledge by
understanding the perspective of other people, as well our families. By giving your opinion, you will be
able to learn something from it, and the people who listen to you understands you also. Also,
community development helps us by doing simple things such as: helping people in need, especially that
we are facing a crisis. Some of us in our society are facing difficulties and challenges, and as a student,
we should make an advocacy that I did last pandemic where my mother and I donate relief goods to
those in need. Some of my friends were selling online and doing live selling, because it is the trend right
now, and it is the most popular way of earning money. If you encourage other people to do that as well,
everyone in our community will be able to survive and support each other. By doing simple things like
this, we help other people and we’re able to achieve community development and enhancement. By
being an example to our society, we could connect with some organizations, especially with the
barangays that could cooperate with us. In a short span of time living here on earth, we must do
something good that could help us change the perspective of other people and for us to make a
difference in our society. This is just a simple doing that could make other people happy. By being an
example can be a good leader. Other than that, the pandemic has widened our minds and our
knowledge by simply accepting the fact that anytime the crisis and pandemic may occur again, but this
time, we should learn something from it and we should know the possibilities and chances that may
come to us. Lastly, I hope that we still encourage and help other people more to develop and enhance
our community, not just because we are facing a challenge, but because we wanted to build and strong
relationship, but we want to help them to survive if something might happen again to us.

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