IMG - 0052 Chemistry Lecture PRC

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A 16.1s an electrical assigned by a set of prescrihreU rules. lt is actually the chage
"t"ngg -. i'i c.:cooftiR'ldtionnumber ' i .'
A. oxidatonnuiii5rt-,'-' .' ,'}{]nutnher::..'D;..FaGadayie..nutnbor....
$ .:17. Pressurc;.,b6$li6g i*,:treat :of .vapofzatior, heat capqcity;'volumu per'rfioleilli$3$
- ' , :,andb in rrdrich these,properties are Effected by ttt0 tompgrature
. ' qoripbssi*tity;Eiiii,tfrimanner
reiri wtrion they are mbasured & by'the chemical nature.of lhe.s.ubstancQ.,ilsalf,.
A. Eifiuidr,BHt6' ,,' ', . c".Solulion.state
B. Colloid chemistry D. Gaseous

b IA: Minilmum'Cniigy ndtf,od roriea ortJb called

C. vabnceb.and'r -'
A. ,Fermi€06-tuY,:,,
B, Acfivation Enefgy D. 'Coonduc{i6n band

h 1 9.'Rosuil'ihrrormr tnaEhartrg or'Eiearons

A. Covalent bond
ry two dom$;
S. :Q6f6ip61i6,6 1'+,,
B. MAaltic b6nd D.:lonic bond l

D . Z0.'Electrostatic force $at exist'bietureen bns of oppoeite charye.

A. CovaFnt,.bond C. CaleiPatl r

B. Metatli0 b6nd D. lonic bond'

l2t, yyhidr'of the following type of reactions in,whictr bonds,be,treen wtthin. a compound are
.'r disrused by heet orolhei enelgy:to pr,oduesimpler,compounde cfol6ments? , ' ., "
.l , :

B. Pseudoplasticfluids . D. Dildantfl0ids,
k 23. ,, , states thdthe total volume d'i mi;$ure of nonreactXg gases is qqualio-'the sum

sf the,partiel volurnes.
A. Amagat's Law C. Dalton's l-aw
B. Pascal's Law D. Gibb's Larr,'
D ?4.,What,do you.eall a msde radiohetive degay in which an inher-shell:orbitdl eldehon,is
captured, by,the huoleus?
A. Beta decay C. Elestromagnetic radiation
B. Gamma decay D. Eledron l capture
C 25. During the, course of an experiment, laboratory tempe.rature rcse 0.8oC. Whd'i*'its
A, 3334 B. ;17.33 c. 1.44 D" O34

C 2e.2fi of the,stom in a mdecule of water is'hydrog€n. V\fiiat percentrue'wei$ftt,6f watei

. npledxle is the::vnsQtfi otl hygr@en atom?,'Molecular we-ightslgiven'H = 1,008 glfiolg; O
= 16 gfinotg.
A: 19.12 ts. 12,19

C,.,' zl .For asingle, year, ttre mdpr vehicles t*d targe &ty pOouiro',a ttl6i, ul9.1 xle Fg of the
poisonous.gas eerbsn rnonoXlde (CO]. Hor many moles,of CO doe$.thig coffm.ftnd to?
Atomicuoight C = 12 g/rnde and O = 16 g/mole

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