Restaurant Mission Statement Template

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Restaurant Mission

Statement Template
Thank you for downloading Eat App’s Restaurant

Mission Statement Template.

Your restaurant’s mission statement is a pillar of it’s identity.

It tells the world who you are and what you stand for, while

helping to guide your decisions as a company.

A well thought out mission statement that encompasses

every aspect of your restaurant is crucial for success.

If you feel unsure about how to write one for your restau

-rant, our step-by-step template will help you through

the process.

Restaurant Mission Statement Template

How to Use This Template
This template has everything you need to write your own mission statement. It will guide you
through the process and help take into account every aspect of your restaurant.

Each section comes with directions and suggestions about what you can include in it for your
restaurant in green italics, followed by a blank notes section for you to fill out.

You can print out the template and use it to create notes and pointers for each section before
writing your final statement.

If you want to learn more about writing a mission statement, check out our comprehensive
article here.

Let’s get started!

Restaurant Mission Statement Template

Table of Contents
Your Value
Your Vision Statemen
Your Cultur
Your Goals

The Wha
The Wh
The Wh
The How

Final Mission Statement Template

Post-Completeion Checklist

Restaurant Mission Statement Template

Before you write your mission statement, revisit a few important aspects like your restaurant
values, vision statement, culture, and goals to help with the process.

Your Values
Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









Your Vision Statement

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









Restaurant Mission Statement Template

Your Culture
Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









Your Goals
Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









Restaurant Mission Statement Template

The next step is to answer the four important questions - what, why, who, and how for your
restaurant to create a comprehensive mission statement that emcompasses every aspect of
your business

The What
What does your restaurant do for it’s customers? What makes it different from the rest?

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









The Why
What’s the purpose behind your restaurant’s ‘what’? What are your main goals?

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









Restaurant Mission Statement Template

The Who
Who makes your restaurant’s target audience? What are their choices and preferences?

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









The How
How does your restaurant achieve it’s goals?? What are the values and beliefes that contribute
to it’s purpose?

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________









Restaurant Mission Statement Template

Final Mission Statement
Now, it’s time to write your final mission statement that gives an overview of what you do, why
you do it and how you do it to the people you do it for. Make sure to keep it brief (not more
than three to four lines), clear, and concise.

Here’s an example from the restaurant ABC Cocina to help you out:

We are passionately committed to offering the freshest, safest ingredients, presenting a

seasonal menu that is locally focused and globally artistic, and cultivating a healthy
relationship on our tables and for the planet.












Restaurant Mission Statement Template

Post-Completion Checklist
Once you’ve written your mission statement, go through this quick checklist to make sure all
the important factors have been taken into consideration

Mission Statement





Action Done
Values considered

Vision statement considered

Culture considered

Goals considered

Not longer than three-four lines

Clear and concise - no industry jargon

Humble and straightfoward

As per the audience’s preferences

Competitor examples considered

Final check - typos and grammatical errors

Restaurant Mission Statement Template

About Eat App
Eat App is reservation and guest management platform focused on helping restaurants
unlock the power of data at their businesses.

We build tools and services that help restaurants increase their revenue and optimize their
customer flow.





Restaurant Mission Statement Template

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