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Shock Travel CriT22°] x Speci Ficadi.on Max Resi stance BhA nt] yen: ce Type Lineae. 1 ae: LAWT2: of Gages 31 mac TTop2x 2 Linea Elethent Material * Conductive olackic “Telera: : toay RS Geo WT22 Sexies_Lineae polencismedes , SK0- feo ton tle ing Returen ' ee caodlubive pla $1c_lineas_maoh/an poten i s ; an: : ‘Pens Recict lance up 4etok.o & oze constructed Gorn cond ~clive plastic Benefits otd Redcanee tolerance of +207. Dleckdcal Life : $900,000 stmbe. \ io r ngih £ qive's ot uk fn length Saeed 2 Slerm Gull ehreached tem Connection! Qlue = Gecound Black = Acaleq_inpul Red ~ +5) ai = Scanned with CamScanner 4 600 2 54 co 3 45 620 4 1G 630 152 640 ac 650 q 280 660 g 263 ss 68 q 300 680 lo 334 690 MW 369 oo 1 Gol : Ho 3 “3s RO. ty 465 BO + is AQ 740 lé 5: HO 4 SET + 560. (@ SUG 420 (4 638 80 20 640 340. 2 F0Y So 22 334 £)0 23 4G 320 af B04 340 25 934 Reo 26 Ree 25D. 23 Gor 0 ae 438 st8 24 4 80 z0 loo! F940 Bees en (028 £50°6 Scanned with CamScanner i —Proqrcarn a Pee | * Vx pots i - Piool_pot=No i | Flcol _mecistance, voltage void_cokye) § erik teegin cacoali | -vold ton 6) Recictanre = analoaead (he)i mitnge = wesictonce * “for o= Sv olf exigl rink (°C) ial oreiat Cvolinge'\s eciol- print ('s')4 HK Ry pot 3 fant started = Balce \ \ boot endecl = false \ i hale ind Joid_setup Serial: heqin() 5 | tshile_{ serial available ¢) 0 ) if income = =<) t Scanned with CamScanner i - neq Linden SN0V, ———. ele (Cio ee: — _ £ aap te as ‘ beak : : else 3 a 1 —— Cinder] = Incacatng@ybe 3 inden t+" : cnsq Cinder] =o! c 4 5 Sevial eprint (meq )\5 lodew =O a 4 Cindea’| =*\o' 5 Started = Faleet ended = floes 4 4 L 4 __MATLAB come $ | et cleans close gli S gefeet] 4 = ye fis Scanned with CamScanner po Noke ' alle curtion the Yooh Sq. thee § steal Alidouy + “BASiT MAR AG rl ootian v7 Mined v Show eg" fu 0.29 trex + 52h. I Pla Diogwacn (PCR) § _- o-- 1 CH | ae iq will _be_dis play in of 'tonle" | | | | | | ral Scanned with CamScanner id Zigk ec . dechnolony jadi enable ‘ee cock, low power uirelers machie f Tot) n Zigbee bowed no te institude of Eleckeical Leo Eminceoc (rece) staorlasds Aecocigtion'’s 202 14- abt Gorisi4 cairelers ctd Fro fiom} Stee Scanned with CamScanner load cell !- te ice which i enfci the weight £ load af engine in ee point ——#—_Load cell - 40k ied _cell_is_a_teaneducee that tuned te cones! ———_0 fore inte electrical signal The enost roroman uae of hi enco2 yin ¢ ighing coachine, Th ehuestinn ivindivert nd happenc in kno ctagee eck, ope teote guage “Tre. oa +he_ deftrrmation cus an : , : : electrical wecickance of the wine, loud call unua y_consict- i i ic tion cell of ace drain cea Lanooke Bride Joe too shrain gave (hal€ bridge) aoe ales auailable t The elecleical slo ouput aa_tpl ally in -eades aba, “ flmplifies” Licfece ik con be wed The outpul of He neat i plugged into as -algosithen ty talcalale the Race plied aly abe beansduce Hoad_cells quem ua analog readings fe clerhrica] Slq_sia_amplifien by —feoplife bs xd) + ___londcell_sencor a4 Sit Ane = Ax21 i= a iyi ~er xe wat ik is a specially decigned fine oe arising “he i ing nil_eicuil can be ait f a a-tnid colule Scanned with CamScanner a ____ # —_SpeciReations i= $$ 5 Di inpul_soltage *4omi ( fill- cale AEP oly 2\ naka exccuracy ~ 24 nit (arp) A Qefrech Frq Sitol zou : 4 op" stg. a*t ty Func «i stop _cuseent { ¢ ity —> Ag Gece Sulhile > continuity — $50 foo" engine date. \— Deval = 6322) fLoc-4of 9) Vol 40269) / M40 a)_(va\ = 9222) | (oc -9F 4) (ugh 118468) /10) -98F Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner He include “Ha sh” const_in} Laodcell dowh- pin 225 rench int toadcellsckpin=3) Hytn ccales song _val=0 foak count =9 Pe ecg a eri - negin (s2600) cole: loediin (toadce\t= Aout pin, load cell sek. pin): a void long VF L_count = count +1» 17 val = ecwont 1) fount)® yal 4(1 (count) * scale. ead (1) sralte_scale- wad read ys — Secial prints (val) LL semia\ +printhn (vals - ee Scanned with CamScanner IR sensor (Belt -Stip) . [& ep is oniz_hilkea distance bel® senses £ objet Culhiie) is delecked -then Night: a_qloc. othurmiss Lep off - | Bie - any Raman= Nec Slack. - Censor [Ip Crnqenca EQ TR cencer § jot sencere = 2. 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Rolt_ (x) atk saurtt+ } Conneckions AT = cet AY - son vee - SV GND = Gio 2 = 1nT Vin httpe | J) youh-he/ cenengnz|/né Moy _amee 1 cxigioally | cffsck' —taaa acct Y | re eee lrg2 i $o0 Guo z 94 aes 1 ¢ j = ae = eee | = Co | Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner S DA eed a as MA AAW. AVS. st ee Speedometer - Proceso : ro! H include “Trt 1eag-h” =H deNne cle to = dePine tn 9 Mle 33 _tenieag Cele, pros Dloot £150 Ho =o Doak ps =o | ‘int speed ( = | ink xpm=o | int Flog sh. $l20, s229 void setup (4 | 3 \ | Acaignd ini tL): ottachTntranipt Co, Read , Q7s7Nar, Arnl6r4. display C2.,0\) 4 teaq. display (4,0) Aro \eat - di cela Coro) + i tin 1633. display (lio )s eT eeislhenin ee TS a i 5 woid Inoe L) va i Coiltic (Yt! 2 An00) ~ : Arg. clisplay (2,6)' tro\(23. display 12.0)". 4 3 void Sead &) i =eoilis C5 if Co-d 288) Scanned with CamScanner Pee Dag ++ empech ty2eillic (15 8 if ( Flag ==) c I J Blog £01 tos millis C) 3 + = tlo- ts . % Et {1000 *, iE es weptaty [ sspms 0.0% spec) 3 a pesd t £0.1L{"apm \ Seriol-qrintln Cepecd 1): Si = Dees aa ~ ey SLE speed t/10 5 $2 = speedt velo a if (si <2e) - ; kmle3z. digplay ¢2.61)5 ton lgad. diel | (3, $2); f ft a if Cespeed | > speed 2) 44 (83<6)) ris eed |_ Ke $3. = speed 2 / 10% specd 27 10) S4 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner animate AS Ce LR [Accleration Setup]. | \N = aaa ip deed eae aie oe LDR_ia_o_ight depended Qesistane , tne une ci-reuihe Li recone nese cavered by uehical Sit i _tning ne age ibis on ac uohich it Roatal a 2 2: i © : ' ae high inkencity fr contcolling the inten iby we ce the vasiable pat {ok & oy Moe a Aojive im of polenciametee sta the {149 LMRE? coepine iP one from pde 4 aoothes foe pol! the 610 of she UM fs gente Len al Dh Pepre. the olP, | S r i 4 A a 4 HNO ye mennune time dice bet® 2 cle} & aft cal? we qiver He \ Accleaabion Aime ‘ | Diode * Ace) i ck ce) | < { | i oir = [ve + i ioe unase | ofc) 3) | ious) xe) aha ; Guo ile Cd I Pett | = | | yi j Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner ADXL 335 \ y fim i= Decleanitlen fire the menguenment of ailexchion q shock _ ox_vibration d it yse Gr the measunenmert ee slratloa on _Siseisal} de fopine y Ormgacentc = ADKL G25 Lline, Avduins due J Senco datashee! io Meueding pic! 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Arc inter fare, Op? current (ora a Sathish bastante 20" £0320 C_foblect UTy [ —SJx_] ——_ ra i GND ‘ \ tt toclude "wine -h ttinclude #05 5 aS Sagine heogea : €ull a _—q2eboc_clampiog reer fal a Reger) ge ae ce) Geqrce Luppeoe Mie x er halE sf 22. Me yar half 4i8q—urp To jenthe ast Mente alle Sa (PL Snel Suppo tag Sule op a deottle cable Mekmes half 6 6 6 HE xe. Reae hub Mpxgc nal | 20 4) ext Qent_Name Belt Required Seaing_cap Mg x2S~ % Sail mig x VS Lo Ful} Mm SKTO hale MsxXlo 26 Sal Tash 20 fill Ma le = Ba x - Dock X65 yy full rae Goch 44X50. & ful} M7 Spi ing Vshers 10 Sall Nh ¢_ctd Nut aot i Sat) M¢_lock Nut {Oo full NUT lock Nok 12 ful) Scanned with CamScanner a) adhe rr A 5 Pererants: Ge wit : o J Su pension - ig Leet tame bal (Size) Reguised Availaile Nau > Ls —Shank” iC D check Bolts M8 x40_ yr Cine} ot Db aings 20 7 1 3) Lock Nuh me. 40 = 8) Leck Nuts Me So ~ C s\tocer end Allen macwer 10 rea \ S} see Bore fhfudle. 40x40 1p an 2S pec ing tockout lo Ato -_| I #1) Upper Norm Ros Mee / | eS oink Allen elt ealuao, Ss - 7 41Uppe Boer Knuckle fait 4 Kbo___\0 . 19) M6 40 7 - i) \wJacheo ( Sprtag) Me 8 7 12}__blasheo L Mio 8 Scanned with CamScanner Tl Release S— pooh 7 Part Name _™ Bolt lap belts bolls MI2ZX3O. — 2 nat MIE — 4) Not m3 2S 5) \nlachevs MIB a i cs ty at NUT ma, ae \alachees (Special) ms a ae No Slt< 65.430 ‘NG aut: U MS \G | Wachee pws 16 | “Tra neperder Bolt sk. M4x20 VA toe | NUT. mu: 4 | Give Fang uiher trolte'k MEK Bp | Nut. ME aa Fuel tank bolt Mex ‘3 NYT Me & Jeuheo M6 z . Scalia Nine | Scanned with CamScanner % nape eene mre nem TT eclealetle athe Alone equiv —____& a — -hi ccecwth Mme Sein Pole Dee gesed Pep cipal Se ile eee 7 = Stapenii, lowet She 4 MBX 4S to 5 PE X40 =p lox g M6 x36 > 30 { NG x SE (ss) = 8 * sfeering- MS X10 3 4 MSx3¢° Ha + mexes, MS vesyo = 4 Ms ye. = 4 @® Mé x 40 212 Fue wee Mio K4o > 10 UL areal MS ¥10 > 16 ts) ME x26 4. Fuliinreel. vo ‘Scanned with CamScanner ee Ht M8 x6g M Px > 6.06 | M8 XS > 2 - = M6 xGo => 04 4 M6 xa 06 we CVT cn boric poore, 44 r DAG hn ‘ M3 xa: = IO T Mee + Peliles os bee page Nuke weshee(Mane) _ gynns rig —. Bo Se SD = mé = 80 B2% 2d Ms = sD % = M4 = FO - L m3 = too dow mid = 10 = lo. 3 i _ = pb ‘Scanned with CamScanner Face Balance oto chy “reodel TT =e ing_stitlc reg _—Flyweight_ma ssa [Pec spring StiCleresg pride “et psi 8 sec. apt [je Result = Engernent.—& hiphop, Grenehic AN 4 ISS TT | B {tn Ese cam rotile psig etn im i : geen = englee cpeecl ir cuflicient +o cause cng “yt Fig weight st ifugad force to commpuecs he pack St &e ue ~Tkic_phare sla oir tidal cligal uf a eae As “a ed ts not hy gle righ’ | _ ad Scanned with CamScanner --Vrping is climoaled 2 ngine sperd treveerses d uchiele __acclerales along dhe \ote weblion. “Zbasigh $i) ne speed neeaches ano p-ticnol subped “paioer_o psd capirn ee slant. 7 gush Vell od af ike “aig et” 7 ue—inerearing its digmnebon & deerrrasing sec di Stig the bith. a “ __ $$ d_cota | Shitk "oud plore? = pull cy fone bw hie do high “Fis pda & ‘al Gem optical tngine speed to Se poate atlantis Maates le Rim i= Mighte: initial tongue in oardes to provide pe. VAL_shift Soe. Nees gear seal ta bigheg.. ane ht Geaselay t= q= pals . ® | 2g¢030.g ve Speed wlio Cl.) = Ra SOP 7E.9 to 9.4 St ' - Wea cafe tha \aor (2X8) 2 thet -(oxg) @=Aac! (a-#e) je oy Ceshere_ dice of 2 pulleys Cy) te 0.800, The axial disp_of nf Aeon ornate sheaves Gre | — Hq 22K Ro. = Romain) x40 CC) een a0? igthe X= 2K (8, Remind X 4 Xan) batoedye ale. ( So = Scanned with CamScanner

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