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Nama : Muhamad Arya Adiatma

NPM : 21400009

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

Unit VI

Exercise 6.1

1. A nation is an organization of people living together. As an organization, a nation has persons holding
office in which they have a substantial amount of power.

2. In a democratic country, there is a balance of power. In Indonesia, a country which is based on

Pancasila democracy, that power is balanced by the Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat the People's
Consultative Assembly.

3. This assembly holds sessions in the capital of the nation for the purpose of reviewing national
objectives and to confer the responsibility of realizing national goals on the President (Mandatory).

4. Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara which is the state policy in outline and often reffered to as an
expression of the wish of the people.

5. The People's Consultative Assembly formulates Guidelines of State Policy which constitute a General
Pattern of National Development.

6. Namely to protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire territory of Indonesia, to promote the
general welfare, to foster the intellectual life of the nation, and to contribute to the establishment of a
world order which is based on eternal peace, freedom and social justice.

7. The People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Majelis

Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia, MPR-RI)

8. Affirming the importance of addressing the question of remedies and reparation for victims of gross
violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law in a
systematic and thorough way at the national and international levels

9. DPA ( dewan pertimbangan agung)

10. 1. Stabilizing the development results already achieved

2. Creating more stable conditions, so that each member of the society may enjoy a situation and
climate of order and legal security based on justice
3. Providing more support and security to development efforts in reaching prosperity.

11. Tax collection must be based on statutory regulations, otherwise it can be said to be extortion.

12. Police, judges, prosecutor

13. My opinion of the law Enforcement apparturs is Law enforcement In Indonesia has not been going
well, this is because law enforcers in Indonesia are still influenced and obsessed with honor and material
(money). As the saying goes, Indonesian law enforcement "is blunt up and sharp down".

14. There are 4 law enforcement agencies in indonesia incluiding: Police, The supreme court, the
Constitutional Court, and The Military Court. The 4 law enforcement agencies are located in the nation's
capital. However the police are also present in each province

or regions as the KAPOLDA.

15. stated agencies and law enforcement agenciest have running quite well in accordance with they
resprective fuctions, but there are several things that need to be evaluated from these state institutions
so that state institutions and Indonesian law enforcement agencies do not violate the values af pancasila
and can fulfill the rights of the community.

16. As is Legal guidance and information should be stapped up to achieve a higher degree of awareness
of the law. So that each member of society may realize and comprehend his rights and duties as a citizen
in the presence of law-enforcement. justice and protection of the dignity and integrity of the human
being, order and legal security in accordance with the 1945 Constitution.37 My rights as a citizen are to
get a decent life, get an education, and have the right to ve meanwhile my obligation as a citizen is to
obey every existing regulation, and to at Pancasila values as a guide for the life of the nation and state,

17. -Paying taxes

-Serving on a jury when summoned

-Registering with the Selective Service

18. That the State is sovereign by the people, based on democracy and deliberation of representatives,
This is the main idea of popular sovereignty. Which states that sovereignty is in the hands of the people
and is exercised entirely by the MPR.

19. After for amendments, the 1945 Constitution has 16 Chapter, 37 Articles, 194 Paragraphs, 3 Articles
transitional rules, and 2 Articles of addition rules, as quoted from the Super Complete Book of the 1945

20. Pancasila is a state phisolophy that was born as a collective ideology (shared ideals) for the entire
aiandonesian nation. Pancasila is said to be a phisolophy because it is the result of deep reflection of the
soul carried out by our predecessors, which was then poured into an appropriate system.
21. The principle of Pancasila is the basic and main principle in the life of the Indonesia state. Pancasila is
used as a way of life and has 5 points of value, which any rules incluiding law must follow. Includes the
principles of Divinity, Humanity, Populist of Humanity, unity and integrity.

22. An example of decision making by deliberation and consensus decision making by the MPR is the
Decision making on the election of the chairman of the MPR. During's Soeharto reign until his
resignation as president of Indonesia there were only 3 political parties namely: GOLKAR,PPP, and Partai
Demokrasi Indonesia.

23. 12

24. Parties

Exercise 6.2

1. The director of the bank is now retired, he has hold for about fifteen years

2. police aim to keep traffic

3. The lawyer gets money from the client

4. the judge has revoked the person's sentence

5. everyone is subject to law abiding

6. motorcyclist getting leading from police

7. The judge hopes the person doesn't do it again

8. the driver has the awareness that he has violated the traffic

9. the judge has been eternal on that person's sentencing decision

10. the president is the highest authority in the country

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