A Book of Names

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A Book of Names



Researched and Collated by William F. Hostman

©2017 William F. Hostman. All Rights Reserved.

Permission to print and bind for personal use only is granted.
Legend of the Five Rings is Trademark and Copyright Fantasy Flight Games. No challeneg to their marks is intended.
Mon Traditional Rokugani Names Mon
Hantei I Ryu D Sasoriza S Mujina B Nousagi H Shinsei z
Toturi/TotsuriI Kitsuki Ú Bayushi â (Badger) (Hare) Osano-Wo
Miya ì Mirumoto ä Shosuro ê •Ichiro B •Ujina H Seven Fortunes
(badger) (rabbit)
Ōtomo à O.o.Hitomi Í Soshi î Seven Thunders
•Usagi u
Seppun è O.o. Hoshi Ó Yogo ô Kame T (rabbit) Ten Thousand
(Tortoise) Temples
Kani O.o.Togashi ï
C Ikkakujū U •Kasuga T Saru m
Hida Ò Tamori ë Horiuchi ã (tortoise) (Monkey) Spider s
Hiruma Ùá Shishi L Iuchi  Kitsune •Toku m Daigotsu Z
Kaiu í Akodo ö Ide û (Fox) Dark Moto Û
Suzume b
Kuni ó Ikoma ü Moto ÊĚ Kōmori aA (Sparrow) Chuda t
Toritaka f Kitsu Ä Shinjō Î (Bat) Suzumebachi Goju G
Yasuki ú Matsu Ë Utaku Ô Morito (Ox) O (Wasp) O. of Kokujin g
•Tsuruchi W Geisha ]
Tanchō K Hōō P Kamakiri M •Ushi (Ox) O
Asahina Tonbo d (signage)
ÈÁ Agasha É Moshi c Mukade c (Dragonfly) Pirates p
Daidoji À Asako Ï Tsuruchi W (Centipede)
Doji ò Isawa Ö Yoritomo M Moshi c Rōnin – r Shinobi n
Kakita ù Shiba Ü Toturi's Army
Inoshishi h (map)
Yotsu Family Y
Yasuki Ì (Boar)
Tonburi þ •Heichi h
Clans and Families⁴

Imperial Families Tanchō (丹頂 Crane) Hōō (鳳凰 Phoenix)
Hantei (判定 Decision) Asahina (旭奈 Morning Sun) Agasha
Miya (宮 Member of the imperial family) Daidoji (大童子 Big Protective child) Asako (麻子 Hemp-child)
Ōtomo (王友 Royal Companion) Dōji (堂字 shōgun)ª Isawa (威沢 Prestige Swamp)ª
Seppun (接吻 Kiss Kakita (垣田 fence fields) Shiba (司馬 Minister of War)
Toturi/Totsuri (人釣 People Fishing) Yasuki (安木 Cheap Tree/peaceful wood) Sasoriza (蠍座 Scorpion)
Kani (時間 Crab) Tonburi (屯武吏 Barracks Warrior Bayushi (抜由氏 Mr. Lost)ª
Hida (避打 hitting)ª Officers) Shosuro (処する to manage)
Hiruma (晝間 Daytime Interval) Ryu (竜 Dragon) Soshi (双紙 Fiction)
Kaiu (加藤 Wisteria flowers) Kitsuki (喜津木 Citrus Tree) Yogo (余呉 More than Give)
Kuni (邦 Home Country) Mirumoto (観る元 To watch the original) Ikkakujū (一角獣 Unicorn)
Toritaka (鳥鷹 bird hawk - Falcon) O. of Hitomi (瞳 pupil of the eye) Horiuchi (堀内 Inside the moat)
Yasuki (安生 Cheap Raw) O. of Hoshi (星 Star) Iuchi (井内 Inside the community)
Shishi (獅子 Lion) O. of Togashi (竜蛾仕 Dragon Ide (井出 Outside the community)
Mortar,Dragon Tortoise)ª
Akodo (亞古努 A Dedication)ª Moto (元 Basis, Foundation, Root)
Tamori (田盛 Field Prosperity/Magic)
Ikoma (以降魔 Later the magic) Shinjo (心助 Encouragement)ª
Kitsu (キツ Tough) Utaku (歌苦 Bitter song
Matsu (末 Youngest Child)
Clans & Families Traditional Rokugani Names Clans & Families
Kamakiri (蟷螂 Mantis) Minor Clans Rōnin Families
Moshi (燃し Burn) Heichi (兵値 Soldier Value) (Family Kaeru (Frog)
Tsuruchi (鶴蜂 Crane-bee) Ichiro (一路 Straight, one road.) (Family) Tsi (Smiths)
Yoritomo (頼朝 Request Dynasty) Inoshishi (猪 Boar) (Clan) Yotsu
Names of Orders Kame (亀 Tortoise) (Clan) Shadowlands
___–no–Junjo (の順序 Order of ___) Kasuga (春日 Spring Day) (Family) Daigotsu
Kitsune (狐 Fox) Dark Moto
Annotations Kōmori (蝙蝠 Bat) Chuda t
¹ Family Name appropriated into L5R as a Morito (森人 Forest People) Goju
personal name Mujina (狢, 貉 Badger) (Clan) O. of Kokujin
² L5R meshed name not known to be Mukade (百足 Centipede) (Clan) Shinsei
combined Nousagi (載 Hare) (Family) Osano-Wo (長のをお long stature)
³ Mixed name - contains both personal and Saru (猿 Monkey) Seven Fortunes (七つの運命 ;Tsu no
byname components as a single Suzume (雀 Sparrow) unmei)
personal name Suzumebachi (雀蜂 Wasp) (Clan) Seven Thunders (七 雷; Nana kaminari)
⁴ Kanji by “guess” from english-known Toku (徳 Virtue) Ten Thousand Temples (万の寺院; man
japanese name.
Tonbo (蜻蛉 Dragonfly) no jīn)
ª Taken from canon materials
Ujina (卯時な of the time of rabbit)
ᶜ Chinese meaning listed (Family)
ᵐ Mongolian Name Usagi ( Rabbit)
Ushi (牛 Ox)

1! M Traditional Rokugani Names M !1
Male Names

Aki (秋 autumn) Daiki (大樹 great tree) Hideo (英夫 splendid man)
Aki (明 bright) Daisuke (大輔 great helper) Hikaru (輝 radiance)
Aki (晶 sparkle) Eiji (永次 eternity, next) Hiro (裕 abundant)
Akihiko (明彦 bright prince) Eiji (英治 great, peace) Hiro (寛 generous, tolerant)
Akihiro (大畠 large glory) Eiji (英二 great, second son) Hiro (浩 prosperous)
Akio (昭雄 glorious hero) Eiji (栄治 prosperity, peace) Hiroaki (広朗 widespread brightness)
Akio (昭夫 glorious hero) Fumio (文雄 literary/scholarly child) Hiroki (弘樹 abundant joy/strength)
Akio (昭夫 glorious man) Goro (五郎 Gorou, fifth son) Hiroshi (寛 generous, tolerant)
Akira (明 bright) Gorou (五郎 fifth son) Hiroshi (浩 prosperous)
Akira (亮 clear) Hachiro (八郎 eighth son) Hiroyuki (博之 widespread happiness)
Aoi (碧 blue) Hajime (肇, 元 beginning) Hisao (寿夫 long-lived man)
Aoi (葵 hollyhock) Haru (晴 clear up) Hisashi (久志 long-lived)
Arata (新 fresh) Haru (春 spring) Hisoka (密 reserved)
Arashi (嵐 storm) Haru (陽 sun, sunlight) Hitoshi (等 even-tempered; level)
Atsushi (敦 industrious) Haruo (春男 spring man) Hotaka (穂高 step by step)
Dai (大 big, great, large, vast) Hatsuichi (初一 First time) Ichirō (一郎 first son)
Daichi (大地 great land) Hatsuichi (初市 first city) Isamu (勇 courage)
Daichi (大智 great wisdom) Hideaki (秀明 shining excellence, Isao (功 honor; merit)
Daiki (大輝 great glory) splendid brightness) Iwao (巌 stone man)
Daiki (大貴 great noble) Hideki (秀樹 splendid opportunity) Izanagi (イザナギ male who invites)
!2 M Traditional Rokugani Names M !2
Izanagi ( 伊弉諾 male who invites) Kei (佳 excellent) Kiru (樹瑠 tree; lapis)
Jirou (二郎 second son) Kei (敬 respect) Kiruhage ³(樹瑠坡下 shigeru tree)
Jun (順 obedient) Kei (圭 square jewel) ᶜ(under the tree)
Junichi (順一 obedient one) Kei (慧 wise) Kiyoshi (淳 pure)
Juro (十郎 tenth son) Keiichi (圭一 square jewel first son)) Kō (幸 happiness)
Jurou (十郎 tenth son) Keiji (敬二 respectful second son)) Kō (光 light)
Kaede (楓) maple) Keitatsu (慶辰 celebrationᶜ; dragon) Ko (康 peace)
Kagehiro (景広 auspicious; wide) Ken (健 healthy, strong) Kohaku (琥珀 amber)
Kaoru (薫 fragrance) Ken (謙 modest) Koichi (光一 light/shining first child)
Katashi (堅 firmness) Ken (研 study) Koji (光司 light/shining second child))
Katsu (勝 victory) Ken'ichi (健一 health first) Kō (幸 happiness)
Katsumi (克己 self-controlled) Ken'ichi (研一 study first) Kō (光 light)
Katsuo (勝雄 victorious child) Kenji (健二 healthy second son) Kō (康 peace)
Katsuro (勝郎 victorious son) Kenji (研二 studying second son) Kunio (國男 countryman)
Kazuhiko (和彦 harmonious prince) Kenshin (謙信 modest truth) Kurō (九郎 ninth son)
Kazuhiro (一浩 prosperous one) Kenta (健太 healthy/strong and big/ Kyō (杏 apricot)
Kazuki (和希 harmonious hope) stout) Kyō (京 capital)
Kazuki (一輝 one/first shine) Kichiro (吉郎 lucky son) Kyō (協 cooperation)
Kazuo (和夫 harmonious man) Kichirou (吉郎 lucky son) Kyō (郷 village)
Kazuo (一男 first male) Kin (欽 gold) Madoka (円 circle)
Kei (恵 blessed, lucky,) Kioshi (淳 Kiyoshi, pure) Madoka (円花 circle, flower)
!3 M Traditional Rokugani Names M !3
Makoto (誠 sincere, true) Masumi (真澄 true lucidity) Nori (則 model, rule, standard)
Mamoru (守 protector) Michi (道 pathway) Nori (法 law, rule)
Manabu (学 learn) Michio (道夫 man on the correct path) Norio (法男 man of law)
Masa (正 correct, just) Mikio (美樹夫 tree trunk man) Orochi (大蛇 big snake)
Masa (雅 elegant, splendid) Minoru (里 truth) Osamu (紀 chronicler)
Masa (昌 flourishing, prosperous) Mitsuo (光子 shining man) Osamu (修 disciplined)
Masa (真 genuine, true) Mitsuru (満 full or growing) Osamu (理 logical)
Masa (政 governing, political) Murashige (村重 heavy village) Osamu (収 obtainer)
Masa (将 military) Nao (直 docile) Osamu (治 to reign)
Masaaki (真明 true brightness) Nao (尚 esteemed) Osamu (統 ruler)
Masahiko (正彦 just prince) Naoki (直樹 docile tree) Raiden (雷電 thunder and lightning)
Masahiro (正洋 justice prospers) Naomori (直盛 serious) Ren (蓮 water lily)
Masaki (昌樹 flourishing tree) Naomori (尚盛 still awesome) Riku (陸 land)
Masanori (正則 model of justice) Naomori (直森 straight woods) Rokuro (六朗 sixth son)
Masao (正男 correct man) Noboru (翔 ascend; climb) Ryo (亮 brightness)
Masaru (勝 victorious) Nobu (信 Faith, Trust, Truth) Ryo (遼 distant)
Masashi (雅 elegant, splendid) Nobu (延 to extend, prolong, stretch) Ryo (諒 reality)
Masato (正人 correct man) Nobuo (信夫 faithful man) Ryo (涼 refreshing)
Masayoshi (昌良 flourishing Nobuyuki (信行 faithful happiness) Ryota (亮太 stout, strong)
goodness) Nori (儀 ceremony, regalia) Ryū (竜 dragon spirit)
Masayuki (正幸 correct happiness) Nori (典 code, precedent) Saburo (三郎 third son)
!4 M Traditional Rokugani Names M !4
Sadao (貞雄 decisive man) Shin (心 heart) Tadekatsu (忠毅 faith; wisdom)
Satoru (暁 daybreak) Shin (慎 humble) Taiyu (泰由 voyage)
Satoru (悟 enlightened) Shin (新 new) Taka (鷹 Hawk)
Satoru (聡 fast learner) Shin (進 progressive) Takahiro (貴浩 noble-prosperous)
Satoru (知 knowledgeable) Shin (真 true, indeed) Takao (孝雄 respectful hero/male)
Satoru (覚 perceptive) Shin'ichi (真一 true first son)) Takashi (隆 elevated; praiseworthy)
Satoru (諭 persuasive) Shinji (真二 true second son)) Takayuki (隆行 moving to heights)
Satoru (了 understanding) Shiro (四郎 fourth son) Takehiko (雄彦 hero prince)
Satoru (智 wise) Sho (翔 to fly, to soar or wind Takehiko (岳彦 mountain prince)
Satoshi (聡 clear-thinking; quick-witted; instrument) Takeo (剛雄 valiant male)
wise) Shoichi (翔一 soaring first son)) Takeo (武雄 violent/warrior male)
Satsume (冊目 book) Shoji (翔二 soaring second son)) Takeshi (武 fierce, violent, hence
Satsume (冊め book) Shou (翔 Sho, to fly, to soar) warrior)
Seiichi (精一 refined first son)) Shuichi (修一 master/study first son)) Takumi (巧 adroit)
Seiji (精二 refined second son)) Shuji (修二 master/study second son)) Takumi (匠 artisan)
Shichiro (七郎 seventh son) Sora (空 sky) Takumi (工 skilful)
Shigeo (重夫 luxuriant man) Susumu (進 progressing) Takuya (拓也 expand; money)
Shigeru (茂 flourishing; luxuriant) Tadao (忠夫 loyal man) Takuya (拓哉 support; Ah!)
Shin (晋 advancing) Tadashi (忠 loyal) Takuya (拓弥. full extension.)
Shin (信 belief) Tadashi (正 true) Takuya (託也. support; also.)
Shin (紳 gentleman) Tadekatsu (忠勝 faith; wins) Takuya (托矢 forbiddance)ª
!5 M Traditional Rokugani Names M !5
Tamotsu (保 defender, protector) Tsuneo (恒雄 eternal hero) Yoshihiro (義博 vast correctness)
Taro (太郎 great son, or eldest son. It Tsuneo (恒夫 eternal man) Yoshihiro (義弘 extensive correctness)
is usually given to the first-born son) Tsutomu (努 worker) Yoshihiro (義博 widespread
Tatsuo (竜夫 dragon man) Tsuyoshi (剛 brave, valiant) correctness)
Tatsuo (達夫 far-reaching man) Yasuhiro (泰裕 calm and leisurely) Yoshikazu (義量 correct quantity/
Tatsuo (龍雄 imperial man) Yasuhiro (泰弘 most calm) volume)
Tatsuya (竜也 dragon-assertive) Yasuhiro (恭弘 most respectful) Yoshikazu (良和 good addition)
Tenchi (天地 Heaven & Earth) Yasuhiro (泰博 abundant tranquility) Yoshinori (義則 correct rule/law)
Teruo (輝男 shining man) Yasuo (康夫 healthy man) Yoshio (誉士夫 admirable/glorious
Tetsuo (哲雄 wise hero) soldier man)
Yasushi (靖 calm, quiet)
Tetsuo (哲夫 wise man) Yoshio (良夫 good man)
Yoichi (妖一 bewitching/seductive first
Tetsuya (哲哉 sage-(suffering?)) son) Yoshiro (義郎 correct boy/man)
Tomio (富 treasured man) Yoichi (陽一 clear/sun/pride first son) Yoshiro (良郎 good boy/man)
Toru (徹 penetrating; wayfarer) Yoichi (洋一 foreign/ocean first son) Yoshiro (義博 vastly correct)
Toshiaki (利明 bright and alert) Yoichi (与一 participating first son) Yoshito (義人 correct man)
Toshiaki (敏明 bright and clever) Yori (より servant to the public) Yoshito (美人 nice man)
Toshiaki (寿明 bright and happy) Yoshi (義 correct) Yoshito (由人 original man)
Toshio (俊夫 brilliant man) Yoshi (吉 fine, happy) Yoshiyuki (義行 correct going/way)
Toshiyuki (敏幸 clever and happy) Yoshi (良 good, nice) Yoshiyuki (吉行 happy going/way)
Tōyu (灯油 lamp oil, kerosene) Yoshiaki (義明 clearly/evidently Yoshiyuki (由悠季 original-far-lasting)
Tsubasa (翼 Wings) correct) Yuichi (裕一 1) abundant/rich first son)
Yuichi (雄一 brave first son)
!6 M Traditional Rokugani Names M !6
Yuji (雄二 brave second son)) Yukio (幸雄 happy hero) Yuu (優 higher, superior)
Yuki (幸 happiness; good fortune) Yukio (行雄 hero's going/way) Yuudai (雄大 big/great/large hero)
Yuki (雪 snow) Yutaka (裕 abundant, prosperous,
Unicorn Specific Male Names

Batbayar ᵐ (strong joy)
Zuiya ² (最呀 the best)

1! F Traditional Rokugani Names F !1
Female Names

Ai (蔼 indigo) Amaya (雨夜 night rain) Chiasa (千朝 one thousand mornings)
Ai (爱 love. ) Aoi (碧 blue) Chie (恵 wisdom)
Ai (藍 indigo) Aoi (葵 hollyhock) Chieko (恵子 wise child)
Ai (愛 love, affection) Asami (麻美 morning beauty) Chihoko ⁴(ちほ子 well child)
Aika (愛佳 love song) Asuka (明日香 tomorrow fragrance) Chihoko ⁴(千保子 thousand; kept;
Aiko (愛子 love child) Atsuko (篤子 kind child ) child)
Aimi (愛美 love beauty) Atsuko (温子 warm child) Chihoko ⁴(千峰子 a thousand peaks;
Akane (茜 brilliant red) Aya (彩 colorful) child)
Akemi (明美 bright beauty) Aya (綾 design) Chihoko ⁴(千帆子 a thousand sisters;
Aki (秋 autumn) Ayaka (彩花 color-flower)
Chihoko ⁴(千歩子 thousand steps;
Aki (明 bright) Ayaka (彩華 color-petal)
Aki (晶 sparkle) Ayako (彩子 color-child)
Chihoko ⁴(智穂子 intellect; ears;
Akiko (秋子 "autumn child") Ayako (綾子 design-child) child)
Akiko (明子 "bright child") Ayame (菖蒲 iris flower) Chihoko ⁴(知歩子 knowledge; child)
Akiko (晶子 sparkling child) Ayano (彩乃 my color) Chihoko ⁴(知穂子 intellect; child)
Akira (明 bright) Ayano (綾乃 my design) Chiharu (千春 one thousand springs)
Akira (亮 clear) Ayumi (あゆみ pace, stroll, walk) Chika (散花 scattered flowers)
Amaterasu (天照 ama heaven, sky Azumi (あずみ safe residence) Chikako (千香子 very fragrant child)
and terasu to shine, hence shining Bunko (文子 literary child) Chinatsu (千夏 a thousand summers)
over heaven) Byakuren (白蓮 White lotus)
!2 F Traditional Rokugani Names F !2
Chiyo (千代 a thousand generations) Handen (花電 Flower power) Hiromi (浩美 prosperous beauty)
Chiyoko (千代子 child of a thousand Haru (晴 clear up) Hiromi (寛美 generous beauty)
generations) Haru (春 spring) Hisako (久子 long-lived child)
Chō (蝶 butterfly) Haru (陽 sun, sunlight) Hisoka (密) reserved)
Chou (蝶 butterfly) Haruka (遙 distance) Hitomi (瞳 pupil of the eye)
Egao (笑顔 smiling face, smile) Haruka (遥 distance) Hoshi (星 star)
Eiko (栄子 long-lived child or splendid Haruka (悠 distance) Hotaru (蛍 firefly; lightning bug)
child) Haruka (遼 distance) Izanami (イザナミ female who
Emi (恵美 beautiful blessing) Haruki (春樹 springtime tree) invites)
Emi (絵美 beautiful picture) Haruko (はるこ spring child) Izanami (伊弉冉 female who invites)
Emiko (恵美子 beautiful child) Harumi (春美 spring beauty) Izumi (泉 fountain)
Emiko (笑子 smiling child) Hideko (秀子 splendid child) Jun (順 obedient)
Eri (絵理 blessed prize) Hikari (光 radiance) Junko (順子 obedient child)
Etsuko (悦子 joyful child) Hikaru (輝 radiance) Junko (純子 pure child)
Fuji (富 wisteria) Hiro (裕 abundant) Juriko (寿里子 longlife; village; child)
Fumiko (文子 child of treasured Hiro (寛 generous, tolerant) Kaede (楓 maple)
beauty) Kaguya (輝夜 radiant night)
Hiro (浩 prosperous)
Gina ( silvery. Compare with other Kame (亀 tortoise (symbol of long life))
Hiroko (裕子 abundant child)
forms of Gina)
Hiroko (浩子 prosperous child) Kameko (上子 Kamiko, superior child)
Hana (花 favorite or flower. Compare
Hiroko (寛子 generous child) Kameyo: ( tortoise symbol of long life))
with other forms of Hana)
Hiromi (裕美 abundant beauty) Kamiko (上子 superior child)
Hanako (花子 flower child)
!3 F Traditional Rokugani Names F !3
Kaori (香織 fragrance weaving) Keiko (敬子 respectful child,) Kotone (琴音 harp sound)
Kaoru (薫 fragrance) Keiko (啓子 spring child) Kou (幸 happiness)
Kasumi (霞 mist) Keiko (圭子 square jewel child) Kou (光 light)
Katsumi (勝美 victorious beauty) Keiko (景子 sunny child) Kou (康 peace)
Kayo: ( beautiful/increasing generation) Kiku (菊 chrysanthemum) Kumiko (久美子 long-time beautiful
Kazue (一恵 branch; first blessing; Kimi (君 honorable, noble.) child)
harmonious) Kimiko (后子 empress child) 抜由氏
Kazuko (和子 harmonious/peaceful Kimiko (君子 noble child) 虚
child) Kin (欽 gold) Kyo (杏 apricot)
Kazuko (一子 only child) Kiriko (季里子 season; village; child) Kyo (京 capital)
Kazumi (和美 harmonious beauty) Kiriko (桐子 paulowina; child) Kyo (協 cooperation)
Kei (恵 blessed, lucky) Kiriko (貴理子 you reason child) Kyo (郷 village)
Kei (慶 happy) Kiriko (錐子 cone child) Kyo (虚 Imaginary)
Kei (桂 katsura tree) Kiriko (雰子 dream; atmosphere; child) Kyoko (恭子 child of the city)
Kei (敬 respectful) Kiriko (霧子 fog child) Kyou (杏 apricot)
Kei (啓 spring) Kiyoko (清子 pure child) Kyou (京 capital)
Kei (圭 square jewel) Kiyomi (清見 pure beauty) Kyou (協 cooperation)
Kei (景 sunny) Ko (幸 happiness) Kyou (郷 village)
Keiko (恵子 blessed, lucky child) Ko (光 light) Madoka (円 circle)
Keiko (慶子 happy child) Ko (康 peace) Madoka (円花 circle, flower)
Keiko (桂子 katsura tree child) Kohaku (琥珀 amber) Mai (舞 dance)
!4 F Traditional Rokugani Names F !4
Mai (麻衣 linen robe) Masa (将 military) Minako (美奈子 beautiful child)
Maai (真愛 True Love) Masako (雅子 elegant child) Minori (里 truth)
Maiko (舞子 dancing child) Masako (昌子 flourishing child) Misaki (美咲 beauty bloom)
Maki (真紀 true chronicle/record) Masami (雅美 elegant beauty) Mitsuko (光子 light child or shining
Maki (真希 true hope) Masumi (真澄 true lucidity) child)
Maki (真貴 true precious) Masuyo (益世 benefit the world) Mitsuru (満 full or growing)
Maki (真樹 true timber trees) Mayumi (麻弓 true bow) Miwa (美和 beauty, harmony)
Makoto (誠 sincere, true) Megumi (恵 blessing) Miwa (美輪 beauty, ring/wheel)
Mamoru (守 protector) Mi (美 beauty) Miwa (三和 three, harmony)
Mana (愛 affection, love) Michi (道 pathway) Miwa (三輪 three, ring/wheel)
Manami (愛美 affectionate beauty) Michiko (美智子 beautiful wise child) Miyako (美夜子 beautiful night child)
Manami (愛海 love sea) Midori (緑 green, verdant) Miyoko (美代子 beautiful generation
Mari (真理 truth) Mieko (美枝子 beautiful blessing child)
Mari (万里 long distance) child) Miyuki (美幸 beautiful fortune/
Miho (美保 beautiful guarantee ) happiness)
Mari (茉莉 jasmine)
Miho (美帆 beautiful sail) Miyuki (美雪 beautiful snow)
Mariko (真里子 true village child)
Mika (美香 beautiful fragrance) Miyuki (深雪 deep snow)
Masa (正 correct, just)
Miki (美紀 beautiful chronicle) Mizuki (美月 beautiful moon)
Masa (雅 elegant)
Miki (美姫 beautiful princess) Moe (萌 budding)
Masa (昌 flourishing, prosperous)
Miki (美樹 beautiful tree) Momo (モモ peach)
Masa (真 genuine, true)
Miki (美貴 priceless beauty) Momoe (百恵 hundred blessings)
Masa (政 governing, political)
Momoko (桃子 peach child)
!5 F Traditional Rokugani Names F !5
Moriko (森子 forest child) Noriko (法子 law child) Saki (咲 blossom)
Murasaki (紫 purple) Noriko (典子 exemplar child) Sakiko (咲子 blossoming child; earlier
Nadeshiko (撫子 pink carnation) Oichi (お市 city) child)
Nana (菜菜 greens) Ran (蘭 lily or orchid) Sakura (桜 cherry blossom)
Nana (奈奈 apple tree) Rei (鈴 bell) Sango (さんご coral)
Nana (菜奈 greens apple-tree) Rei (零 nothing, zero) Sayuri (小百合 lily)
Nana (奈菜 apple-tree greens) Rei (麗 lovely) Setsuko (節子 temperate child)
Nana (七 Seven) Rei (霊 spirit) Shigeko (成子 luxuriant child, Adult
Nao (直 docile) Reiko (麗子 lovely child) child)
Nao (尚 esteemed) Ren (蓮 water lily) Shika (鹿 deer)
Naoki (直樹 docile tree) Rie (理恵 valued blessing) Shinju (真珠 pearl)
Naoko (直子 docile child) Rika (泉 valued fragrance) Shiori (詩織 poem; weave)
Naoko (尚子 esteemed child) Riko (理子 jasmine child) Shizuka (静香 quiet)
Naomi (直美 above all; beauty) Rin (凛 cold, dignified, severe) Shizuko (静子 quiet child)
Natsuko (夏子 summer child) Ryo (亮 brightness) Sora (空) sky)
Natsumi (夏美 summer beauty) Ryo (遼 distant) Sugi (杉 Cedar)
Nobuko (信子 faithful child) Ryo (諒 reality) Sumiko (澄子 clear/pure thinking child)
Nori (儀 ceremony, regalia) Ryo (涼 refreshing) Susumu (進 progressing)
Nori (典 code, precedent) Ryoko (亮子 bright child) Suzu (鈴 bell)
Nori (則 model, rule, standard) Ryoko (涼子 refreshing child) Suzume (雀 sparrow)
Nori (法 law, rule) Sachiko (幸子 happy child) Takako (隆子 elevated child)
!6 F Traditional Rokugani Names F !6
Takako (孝子 pious child) Yoko (陽子 sunny child) Yuki (雪 snow)
Takako (貴子 noble child) Yori (より servant to the public) Yukiko (由希子 rare child)
Takako (敬子 respectful child) Yoshi (義 correct) Yuko (祐子 affectionate child)
Takara (宝 treasure) Yoshi (吉 fine, happy) Yuko (裕子 child of leisure)
Tamiko (民子 child of the people) Yoshi (良 good, nice) Yuko (祐子 helpful child)
Teruko (照子 shining child) Yoshie (佳江 beautiful river) Yumi (由美 short form of names
Tomiko (美子 fortune/wealth-child) Yoshie (由栄 cause-prosper/flourish) beginning with Yumi-, cause-
Tomoe (巴 holy symbol, tempo) Yoshie (淑恵 good grace) beauty)
Tomoe (朋恵 tomorrow; grace) Yoshie (好恵 nice favor/grace) Yumiko (由美子 cause-beauty-child)
Tomoko (友子 friendly child) Yoshiko (好子 favorite child) Yuriko (百合子 hundred-perfect-child
Tomoko (知子 knowing child) Yoshiko (芳子 fragrant child)
Tomoko (智子 wise child) Yoshiko (良子 good child)
Toshiko (敏子 clever child) Yui (結衣 tie, bind; clothing, garment)
Toshimo (利藻 seaweed) Yui (優衣(excellence, superiority,
Tsukiko (月子 moon child) gentleness; clothing, garment)
Ume (梅 plum blossom) Yui (結 connection)
Umeko (梅子 plum blossom child) Yuikimi (結君 connection; honorable,
Usagi ( rabbit) noble.)
Yasu (ヤス assertive child) Yuka (由佳 cause-good)
Yasuko (康子 peaceful child) Yuka (佑香 help-fragrant/incense)
Yoko (洋子 foreign/ocean child) Yuki (幸 happiness; good fortune)
1! Unisex Traditional Rokugani Names Unisex 1!
Unisex Names

Aki (秋 autumn) Hiro (寛 generous, tolerant) Madoka (円花 circle, flower)
Aki (明 bright) Hiro (浩 prosperous) Makoto (誠 sincere, true)
Aki (晶 sparkle) Hisoka (密 reserved) Mamoru (守 protector)
Akira (明 bright) Ikehata ¹(池端 pond end) Masa (正 correct, just)
Akira (亮 clear) Jun (順 obedient) Masa (雅 elegant, splendid)
Aoi (碧 blue) Kaede (楓) maple) Masa (昌 flourishing, prosperous)
Aoi (葵 hollyhock) Kaoru (薫 fragrance) Masa (真 genuine, true)
Chikaze (千風 1000 winds) Katsumi (M:克己 self-controlled)
 Masa (政 governing, political)
Chikaze ⁴ (血風 blood wind) (F: 勝美 victorious beauty) Masa (将 military)
-Hage (-坡下 coward) Kei (恵 blessed, lucky,) Masako (雅子 elegant, splendid; child)
Haru (晴 clear up) Kei (敬 respect) Michi (道 pathway)
Haru (春 spring) Kei (圭 square jewel) Mitsuru (満 full or growing)
Haru (陽 sun, sunlight) Kin (欽 gold) Nao (直 docile)
Hikaru (輝 radiance) Kō (幸 happiness) Nao (尚 esteemed)
Himawari (向日 sunflower) Kō (光 light) Naoki (直樹 docile tree)
Himeya (姫矢 princess; arrow) Ko (康 peace) Nori (儀 ceremony, regalia)
Hinata (日向 sunny place) Kohaku (琥珀 amber) Nori (典 code, precedent)
Hinata (陽向 toward the sun) Kyō (協 cooperation) Nori (則 model, rule, standard)
Hinata (向日葵 sunflower) Kyō (郷 village) Nori (法 law, rule)
Hiro (裕 abundant) Madoka (円 circle) Ren (蓮 water lily)
!2 Unisex Traditional Rokugani Names Unisex 2!
Ryo (亮 brightness) Sugai ¹(菅井 tubeᶜ; well) Yori (より servant to the public)
Ryo (遼 distant) Sugai ¹(須貝 scallopᶜ) Yoshi (義 correct)
Ryo (諒 reality) Taiyu ᶜ(泰语 safe dialect) Yoshi (吉 fine, happy)
Ryo (涼 refreshing) Tenshi (天子 Heaven-Child, Angel) Yoshi (良 good, nice)
Sora (空 sky) Yokuni ¹(与国 ally) Yuki (雪 snow)

1! Canonical Traditional Rokugani Names Canonical !1
Canonical Kanji
The following kanji are canonical; the meanings are what I can get out of online sources….

Akodo (亞古努 A Dedication)
Bayushi (抜由氏 Mr. Lost)
Dōji (堂字 shōgun)
Hida (避打 hitting)
Isawa (威沢 Prestige Swamp)
Shinjo (心助 Encouragement)
Togashi (竜蛾仕 Dragon Mortar,
Dragon Tortoise)

PC Addons
Yami (夜美 Night beauty)

!1 Notes Traditional Rokugani Names Notes 1!
Designer's Notes

I've often wondered what the names mean. Japanese names traditionally are usually meaningful – they weren't taken until the
Gempukku (coming of age) ceremony, after all, and were consultative between parents, teachers, daimyō, and the child coming of
age. In the case of the families, I fiddled around until I found sensible translations that fit the nature of the family. Many of the
Rokugani group names mix kun-yomi and on-yomi, but do seem to make sense. If I majorly blew it, let me know. When the family
name has a real family I could trak kanji on, I used that meaning.
My research process involves finding the kanji by trial and error using Google Translate, several kanji dictionaries, and the Mac
OS X Japanese Input Method. I often verify that the translation makes sense after reversal and retranslation. Still, my Japanese is
very limited, so if if I blew it, understand that no offense is intended.
To date, only one person's complained. I fixed her complaint.
The intended use is in Roleplaying Games, especially Legend of the Five Rings, by AEG in the past, and now FFG. As such, the
properties of the name are of value, but getting it wrong isn't a huge deal. I wouldn't rely upon this list in naming one's real world
child, for example, though many viable sources were consulted.
I want to thank: my "Wicked Aunties," Suzie Miller (aka Court Baroness Flanna Dunwalton, OL, OP, etc) and __ (aka Countess
Eillis O'Bourne, OP, etc.) for instruction in Heraldric Research, and pointing me to great tools which I abused for this project; Bryan
Potratz for introducing me to decent Anime; The West Kingdom College of Heralds (westkingdom.org), John Wick (L5R original
designer); Ken St. Andre for various things; Stephen Fisher, Steven Jennings, Stephanie Hostman, Tammalyn Hostman, Peter
Newman, Benjamin W. Smith, Edmund D. deLicia, Joseph Taylor, Nathaniel Doughty, Gavyn Duthie, Everett Oakley, Sean Brooks,
and Sean Addams for giving me reasons to do and improve this list; and Miyamoto Musashi, both for inspiring John, and for writing
wise words.
This booklet is intended to be printed 5.5×8.5 inches.

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