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Legal Forms agreed, lawyers, or even the parties themselves,

request a written agreement for their contract

or legal transaction. Moreover, form is
Legal means conforming to or permitted by law important when the law requires a document or
or established and Forms means a printed or other special form. And when the law requires
typed document with blank spaces for insertion that a contract be in some form in order that it
of required or requested information (Merriam- may be valid or enforceable, or that a contract . be proved in a certain way, that requirement is
absolute and indispensable. In the same way,
Legal Forms are prototypes of any documents judicial proceedings make use of forms as
or forms used in a legal transaction or judicial documentary requirements and evidence for
proceedings, which contain important matters these proceedings, containing therein legally
conveyed in technical terminologies and binding information.
presented in a suitable and systematic order in
accordance with the circumstances of any Legal Forms covers the study of Business Forms
case( Bajado-Nano & Pioquinto, 2014). and Judicial Forms.

Legal form is a prototype of an instrument to be Business Forms are used in conveyancing,or of

employed in a legal transaction or a judicial the forms of deeds, instruments or documents
proceeding that includes the primary essential creating, transferring, modifying or limiting
matters, the appropriate technical phrases or rights to real as well as personal properties, and
terms, and any additional material required to other forms related to business contracts or
render it officially accurate, arranged in suitable transactions
and systematic order, and conducive to
A Business Contract is an agreement in which
adaptation to the circumstances of the
each party agrees to an exchange, typically
particular case.
involving money, goods, or services. Sales
These could be in the forms of agreement and service agreements are
Acknowledgement and Jurat, Affidavits, Sales of common examples of business contracts
Realty, Sales of Personal Property, Mortgages,
On the other hand, a business transaction is an
Powers of Attorney, Special Contracts and
event involving an interchange of goods, money
Agreement, Gratuitous Contracts and
or services between two or more parties. Some
Dispositions, Partnerships and Corporation, and
examples of business transactions are buying
Complaints in Criminal Cases. Official notices
insurance from insurer and selling goods to
may also be considered as legal forms such as
customer for cash
Summons, Appearance Notice, Subpoena,
Warrant of Arrest, and Search Warrant Judicial Forms refer to forms which pertain to
different kinds of pleadings, applications,
Importance of Legal Forms
petitions, affidavits, motions, and the like
The memory of people is short. Parties to a
Furthermore, Judicial forms include forms in
verbal agreement often disagree as to what
Ordinary Civil Actions, Special Civil Actions,
they have agreed several months or years after
Special Proceedings and Criminal Actions
they have entered into a verbal agreement. To
avoid such situation and in order to have a clear These are given below with some examples:
guide and evidence of the terms they have
I. Ordinary Civil Action is one by which a party 4.3. Information for Robbery
sues another for the enforcement or protection
4.4. Complaint Affidavit for Violation of
of a right or the prevention or redress of a
B.P. Blg.22
4. 5. Information for Less Serious
1.1. Complaint
Physical Injuries
1.2. Answer

1.3. Motion
Legal Forms Used in Law Enforcement
1.4. Cross-claim
1. Sworn Statements
1.5. Third-party complaint
2. Affidavits
2. Special Civil Action is an action whereby one
3. Complaints in Criminal Cases
party sues another to enforce or protect a right
or protect a right or to prevent the commission 4. Inquest Forms
of a wrong by following special rules of
procedure 5. Information

2.1. Interpleader 6. Deposition of Witness

2.2 Declaratory Relief 7. Motion for Reconsideration

2.3 Mandamus Sworn Statements / Sworn Declaration. (1)This

is a document that contains facts related to
2.4. Prohibition legal proceeding. The person who makes the
declaration affixes his/her signature in a
2.5. Quo Warranto
separate endorsement paragraph at the end of
3. Special Proceeding is a remedy by which a the document with a statement that the
party seeks to establish a status, a right, or a declaration is made under oath.
particular fact
In taking sworn statements, the police officer
3.1. Petition for Escheat should comply with Section 12, Article lll of the
1987 Constitution. It states that “any person
3.2. Petition for Habeas Corpus
under custodial investigation for the
3.3. Petition for Appointment commission of an offense shall have the right to
remain silent and to have a competent and
3.4. Petition for Letters of independent counsel. He / she must be
Administration provided with one. These rights cannot be
3.5. Petition for Guardianship waived except in writing and in the presence of
counsel. No torture, force or violence, threat,
4. Criminal Action is the procedure by which a intimidation or any means which influences the
person accused of committing a crime is free will shall be used against him/her. Secret
charged, brought to trial, and judged detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or
4.1. Information for Homicide other similar forms of detention are prohibited.

4.2. Information for Murder

2. the designation of the offense by the statute

Affidavits. (2)These are types of verified, formal 3. the acts or omissions complained of as
sworn statements of fact signed by an affiant or constituting the offense
author, and witnessed by a notary public. These
4. the name of the general offended party
could be used as evidence in court proceedings.
5. the approximate time of the commission of
An affidavit is composed of the following parts.
the offense
Commencement refers to the affiant
6. the place wherein the offense was committed
Individual Averments refers to separate claims
that are numbered as mandated by law
Affidavit of Desistance. This refers to the
Statement of Truth refers to the statement
complainant, who executes an affidavit of
verifying that what is stated is true under oath
desistance, when he/she no longer wishes to
Attestation refers to a clause certifying the oath pursue a case against an accused or defendant
and the date made by the affiant in a court case. The complainant states that
he/she didn’t really intend to institute the case
Signature refers to the signature of the affiant
and he/she is no longer interested in testifying
and the notary public
or prosecuting.

This is the only ground for dismissing the case if

Affidavit of Complaint. Section 3 of Rule 110 only the prosecution can no longer prove the
defines complaint as a sworn written statement guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt
charging a person with an offense, subscribed without the testimony of the offended party.
by the offended party, any peace officer, or
Affidavit of Arrest. This refers to a statement
other public law officer charged with the
given under oath and penalty under perjury. It
enforcement of the law violated.
states about facts and circumstances about the
This complaint may be filed in the prosecutor’s arrest, the information which led to the arrest,
office. Filing of the complaint is necessary to and the observation made before and after the
conduct preliminary investigation. The persons arrest. This is filled out by the arresting officer.
who may file a criminal complaint are the
offended party refers to the person against
whom or against whose property the crime was
committed, any peace officers refer to any
members of the Philippine National Police, and
other public officer charged with the
enforcement of the law violated refers to
person in the government services ( ex.
Authorized BIR agents, Customs Agent, etc.)

The following are parts of an Affidavit of


1. the name of the accused

Affidavit of Witness. It is a legal and binding from the law enforcement authorities of the
document of written testimony of a witness as a complaint/referral documents which should
way of evidence to be presented to the court. It include: the affidavit of arrest, the investigation
is usually filled out by a lawyer, and then filed as report, the statement of the complainant and
part of the case. The affidavit has to be in witnesses, and other supportive evidence
paragraph form, and each paragraph covers one gathered by the police in the course of the
specific topic. The full name of the person latter’s investigation of the criminal incident
making the statement has to be included, as involving the arrested or detained person.
does the name of one who affirms the
The Inquest Officer shall, as far as practicable,
statement. This kind of affidavit can also be
cause the affidavit of arrest and
used to record the testimony of an expert
statements/affidavits of the complainant and
witness in certain cases. This affidavit has to be
the witnesses to be subscribed and sworn to
truthful and just give facts, not personal feelings
before him by the arresting officer and the
or opinions.
affiants. The Inquest proceedings must be
Inquest Forms.(3)The Department of Justice terminated within the period prescribed under
issued Department Circular No. 61 on the New the provisions of Article 125 of the Revised
Rules of Inquest. Below are some citations on Penal Code, as amended.
the Rules related to Inquest.
Complaints in Criminal Cases. (4)A complaint is
Inquest is an informal and summary a sworn written statement charging a person
investigation conducted by a public prosecutor with an offense, subscribed by the offended
in criminal case involving persons arrested and party, any peace officer, or other public officer
detained without the benefit of a warrant of charged with the enforcement of the law
arrest, issued by the court for the purpose of violated ( Rules of Court ).
determining whether or not the said persons
It is important that those who will be writing
should remain under custody and
the police report will be familiar with the forms
correspondingly be charged in court.
of complaints in criminal cases, its format, and
The City or Provincial Prosecutor shall designate the standard headings and captions of cases.
the prosecutors assigned to inquest duties and The familiarization of all these will help him in
shall furnish the Philippine National Police (PNP) his reports, and in any court proceedings. These
a list of their names and their schedule of standard headings and captions are used in the
assignment. If, however, there is only one Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and Municipal
prosecutor in the area, all inquest cases shall be Courts.
referred to him for appropriate action.
Information.(5) This is an accusation in writing
Unless otherwise directed by the City or charging a person with an offense, subscribed
Provincial Prosecutor, those assigned to inquest by the prosecutor and filed with the court
duties shall discharge their functions during the (Rules of Court).
hours of their designated assignments, and only
After the filing of the Affidavit of Complaint, the
be done at the police stations/headquarters of
process of preliminary investigation
the PNP in order to expedite and facilitate the
commences. Preliminary investigation is an
disposition of inquest cases.
inquiry or proceeding to determine whether
The inquest proceedings shall be considered there is sufficient ground to engender a well-
commenced upon receipt by the Inquest Officer founded belief that a crime has been committed
and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, specific time and place to answer to a criminal
and should be held for trial. This is a crucial charge. Usually, a police officer gives the
stage in criminal proceedings because the appearance notice, and a summons may be
prosecutor will have to determine whether received in the mail.
there is sufficient ground to file an information
Specifically, an appearance notice is given to a
in court against the alleged perpetrator. If the
person before he/she is charged with an
prosecutor finds probable cause, he will issue a
offense, while summons is given to a person
resolution spelling out the reasons for such
who has already been charged with an offense.
finding, and will correspondingly file an
information in court, with the recommended The appearance notice or summons tells a
bail. On the other hand, if there are no person of the date he/she has to appear in
sufficient grounds, then the prosecutor will court, the location of the court, and the types of
dismiss the case offenses he/she is charged with such as The
Summary Conviction Offenses which are minor
Deposition of Witness.(6) A deposition is a
offenses like causing a disturbance or
witness’s sworn out-of-court testimony. It is
shoplifting, and the Indictable Offenses which
used to gather information as part of the
are more serious, like murder, sexual assault,
discovery process and, in limited circumstances,
breaking and entering.
may be used at trial
In cases where the second paragraph of the
In criminal cases, depositions are normally
appearance notice or summons is filled out, the
taken to preserve testimony from a witness.
addressee has to go to the police station to be
The procedures for taking depositions in
fingerprinted and photographed. If a person
criminal cases recognize the prosecution’s right
fails to go, a warrant of arrest may be issued for
to preserve testimonial evidence and prove its
his/her arrest. It is advisable to get a legal
case despite the unavailability of its witness
advice or speak to a lawyer right away if one
Motion for Reconsideration.(7) A motion for receives an appearance notice or summons.
reconsideration ( or motion to reconsider ) is a
Subpoena. This is an order from the court that
legal filing where a party to a lawsuit requests
requires an individual to be somewhere in
the court to review a prior decision and
person at a certain place, date and time to
consider issuing a new or different decision in
testify as a witness in a case.
light of that review
Specifically, a subpoena is a conditional threat
of punishment made by a governmental
Official Notices authority if it is attached to a command, so that
if the recipient does not do as commanded then
Official notices may be in the forms of the
that person may be punished. If a person given
following: Summons, Appearance Notice,
a subpoena does not appear, some courts have
Subpoena, Warrant of Arrest, and Search
the discretion to find the person in contempt of
Warrant. Exemplified below are the description
court and either order the person’s arrest or
and examples of each form
issue fines accordingly.
Summons/Appearance Notices. Appearance
Types of Subpoena
notice and summons are official notices telling a
person that he/she has to appear in court at a
1. Subpoena Ad Testificandum – it orders a Police Officer (in both warrantless arrest and
person to testify before the ordering authority arrest with warrant), private person (only
or face punishment warrantless arrest or citizen’s arrest), members
of investigation staff of the NBI (under RA 157,
2. Subpoena Duces Tecum – it orders a person
as amended), bailor (may arrest the accused for
to bring physical evidence before the ordering
the purpose of surrendering him in court (US vs.
authority or face punishment
Addison, 27 Phil. 563; People vs. Caderao,&
SCRA 639), sheriff or deputy sheriff (may arrest
a witness who failed to attend and obey
subpoena despite proof of service thereof;
(Sec.11, Rule 23), provincial or city probation
officer (may arrest probationer under his care;
Sec. 24, PD 986, as amended), Commissioner of
Land Transportation and his deputies (are
authorized to make arrest for violation of Land
Transportation and Traffic Code in so far as
motor vehicles are concerned; RA 4136, as
Warrant of Arrest. Section 1-4, Rule 113 of
Criminal Procedure states the following about
arrest: Only judges may issue warrant of arrest. This
exception is in case of deportation of illegal and
Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in
undesirable alien, whom the President or the
order that he may be bound to answer for the
Commissioner of Immigration may order
commission of an offense. An arrest is made by
arrested following a final order of deportation
an actual restraint of a person to be arrested, or
for the purpose of deportation. A judge may not
by his/her submission to the custody of the
issue a warrant of arrest without
person making an arrest. No violence or
recommendation for bail where offense is
unnecessary force shall be used in making an
arrest. The person arrested shall not be subject
to a greater restraint than is necessary for The persons who cannot issue warrant of
his/her detention. It shall be the duty of the arrest are:
officer executing the warrant to arrest the
accused and deliver him/her to the nearest Clerk of court (Amargas vs. Abbas, 98 Phil. 739;
police station or jail without unnecessary delay. Arcilla vs. Acevedo, 88 SCRA 53), Public
The head of the office to whom the warrant of prosecutor (fiscal) (Lino vs. Fugoso, 77 Phil.
arrest was delivered for execution shall cause 933), Mayor (Ponsica vs. Ignalaga, 152 SCRA
the warrant to be executed ten (10) days from 647).
its receipt. Within ten (10) days after the The persons exempted from arrest are:
expiration of the period, the officer to whom it
was assigned for execution shall make a report Senator or Congressman in all offenses
to the judge who issued the warrant. In case of punishable by not more than 6 years
his/her failure to execute the warrant, he/she imprisonment shall be privileged from arrest
shall state the reasons thereof. while Congress is in session. (Sec. 11, Art. VI,
1987 Phil. Constitution), however, Heads of
The following persons may State, Foreign Sovereigns, Ambassadors, Public
make/effect/execute an arrest:
Ministers are exempted from arrest, but Below are some of the guidelines applicable to
Consuls do not enjoy the same privilege. this:

All applications for search warrants, if filed with

the Executive Judge, shall be assigned by raffle,
to a judge within his/her administrative area,
under whose direction the search warrant shall
be issued for the search and seizure of personal
property. After the application has been raffled
and distributed to a branch, the judge who is
assigned to conduct the examination of the
complainant and witnesses should immediately
act on the same, considering that the time
element and possible leakage of information
are the primary considerations in the issuance
of search warrants and seizures.

The judge must, before issuing the warrant,

Search Warrant. Rule 216, Section 1 of Criminal
personally examine in the form of searching
Procedure defines search warrant as an order in
questions and answers, in writing and under
writing issued in the name of the People of the
oath, the complainant and any witnesses
Philippines signed by a judge and directed to a
he/she may produce and attach to the record
peace officer, commanding him to search for
their sworn statements together with any
personal property described therein and bring it
affidavits submitted. If the judge is thereupon
before the court.
satisfied of the existence of the facts upon
A search warrant is in the nature of a criminal which the application is based, or that there is
process akin to writ of discovery. It is a special probable cause to believe that they exist,
and peculiar remedy, and drastic in nature. It is he/she must issue the warrant substantially in
merely a judicial process designed by the Rules the form prescribed by the Rules.
to respond only to an incident in the main case,
In every court, there shall be a logbook under
if only one has already been instituted or in
the custody of the Clerk of Court wherein shall
anticipation thereof (Malavan vs. Court of
be entered within 24 hours after the issuance of
Appeals, 232 SCRA 249).
the search warrant the following: date and
The securing of a search warrant is a measure number of the warrant; name of the issuing
that should be encouraged earnestly to the end judge; name of the person against whom the
that the police authorities will respect the warrant is issued; offense cited in the warrant;
constitutional and legal rights of the persons and name of the officer who applied for the
whose premises are to be subjected to search warrant and his/her witnesses.
(People vs. Go,237 SCRA 73).
Notice of Appeal. A Notice of Appeal is a formal
The Supreme Court issued Circular No. 13 notice served by the appellant, a person who
regarding the guidelines and procedures in the initiates an appeal, on the court and the parties
issuance of search warrants. This is a measure involved informing them of the appellant’s
to better serve the public good and facilitate the intention to request review of a lower court’s
administration of justice. order. It is the initial step in the appeals
process. It informs the court and the party in other forms related to business contracts or
whose favor a judgment or order has been transactions
made that the unsuccessful party seeks a review
Complaint. Sworn written statement charging a
of the case. Failure to file a notice of appeal
person with an offense, subscribed by the
according to the statutory requirements will
offended party, any peace officer, or other
preclude appeal
public officer charged with the enforcement of
the law violated

Criminal action. Procedure by which a person

accused of committing a crime is charged,
brought to trial, and judged

Cross-claim. Any claim by one party against a

Definition of Terms co-party arising out of the transaction or
occurrence that is the subject matter either of
Affidavit. A verified, formal sworn statement of the original action or of a counterclaim therein
fact signed by an affiant or author, and
witnessed by a notary public Declatory relief. A judge’s determination of the
parties’ rights under a contract or a statute,
Affidavit of arrest. Statement on the facts and often prayed for in a lawsuit over a contract
circumstances surrounding an arrest given
under oath by an arresting officer Deposition. Formal written statement, made by
a witness to a crime, which can be used in court
Affidavit of complaint. Sworn statement if the witness cannot be present
executed by the offended party disclosing
therein the acts or omissions complained of as Escheat. Right of a government to take
constituting the offense ownership of estate assets or unclaimed
property when an individual dies with no will
Affidavit of desistance. Written statement and heirs
under oath by the complainant stating that said
person is no longer interested in pursuing the Habeas corpus. Writ directed to a person
case against another detaining another and commanding that person
to produce the body of the prisoner at a certain
Affidavit of witness. Legal and binding written time and place and to state the cause of his/her
testimony of a witness used as evidence in court capture and detention
Answer. Pleading in which a defending party Inquest. Informal and summary investigation
sets forth his/her defenses conducted by a public prosecutor in criminal
Appearance notice. Official notice telling a case involving persons arrested and detained
person to appear in court at a specific time and without the benefit of a warrant of arrest,
place to answer to a criminal charge delivered issued by the court for the purpose of
by a police officer. determining whether or not said persons should
remain under custody and correspondingly be
Business forms. Documents that set forth the charged in court
creation, transfer, modification or limitation of
rights to real or personal properties, and such
Interpleader. Suit pleaded between two parties Quo Warranto. Special civil action whereby a
to determine a matter of claim or right to person claiming to be entitled to a public office
property held by a third party or position files an action against a usurper
challenging the authority of the latter in holding
Judicial forms. Forms which appertain to
said public office or position
different kinds of pleadings, applications,
petitions, affidavits, motions and other court Search warrant. Order issued by a judge
proceedings authorizing law enforcement officers to search
for personal property described therein and
Legal forms. Prototypes of documents or forms
bring it before that court
used in legal transactions or judicial proceedings
which contain important matters conveyed in Subpoena. Writ commanding a person
technical terminologies and presented in designated in it to appear in court under a
suitable and systematic order in accordance penalty for failure
with the circumstances of any case
Subpoena ad testificandum. Writ ordering a
Mandamus. Judicial writ issued as a command person to appear and give oral testimony for
to an inferior court or ordering a person to use at a hearing or trial, or face punishment
perform a public or statutory duty
Subpoena duces tecum. Writ ordering a person
Motion. Application for relief other than by a to appear before the court bringing with
pleading him/her certain designated documents or
physical evidence, or face punishment
Motion for reconsideration. Legal filing where a
party to a lawsuit requests the court to review a Summons. Official notice telling a person that
prior decision and consider issuing a new or he/she has to appear in court at a specific time
different decision in the light of that review and place to answer to a criminal charge, which
may be received in the mail
Notary public. Public figure authorized by
government to administer oaths, authenticate Sworn statement. Document containing facts
contracts, acknowledge deeds, certify related to a legal proceeding made under oath
documents, etc.
Warrant of arrest. Written order by a judge for
Notice of appeal. Formal notice served by the the taking of a person into custody in order that
appellant on the court and the parties involved, he/she may be bound to answer for the
informing them of the appellant’s intention to commission of an offense
request review of a lower court’s order

Ordinary civil action. One by which a party sues

another for the enforcement orprotection of a
right or the prevention or redness of a wrong

Perjury. Offense of willfully telling an untruth in

a court after having taken an oath or affirmation

Prohibition. Action of forbidding something by


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