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Topic 6 government and sometimes includes tax

FISCAL POLICY AND THE FEDERAL The president submits the budget to Congress
BUDGET for review and passage by both chambers. 
If a large number of senators object to the
Fiscal policy refers to the "measures budget, they may filibuster a bill—i.e.,
employed by governments to stabilize the prevent a vote on it—unless 60 senators
economy, specifically by manipulating the vote to end the filibuster and act on its
levels and allocations of taxes and passage. If a majority of senators—but fewer
government expenditures.  than 60—favor the bill, they can use a
The Philippine government generates reconciliation process that allows passage by
revenues mainly through personal and a majority vote.
income tax collection, but a small portion of Progressive, Proportional and Regressive
non-tax revenue is also collected through fees Taxes
and licenses, privatization proceeds and Taxes can be categorized as progressive,
income from other government operations proportional and regressive based on how
and state-owned enterprises. their marginal tax rate changes as income
How Fiscal Policy Works? goes up
Fiscal policy is based on the theories of PROGRESSIVE TAXis a tax that collects a
British economist John Maynard Keynes. Also greater share of income from those with
known as Keynesian economics, this theory high incomes than from those with - lower
basically states that governments can income. pay. A tax is progressive if you can
influence macroeconomic productivity levels pay a higher marginal tax rate as your
by increasing or decreasing tax levels and income rises.
public spending. This influence, in turn, curbs PROPORTIONAL TAX is a tax that is flat
inflation (generally considered to be healthy percentage of income earned regardless of
when between 2-3%), increases employment level of income.A tax is proportional if your
and maintains a healthy value of money. tax rate doesn't change as your income rises.
Fiscal policy is very important to the Example: You pay the same rate at every
economy. For example, in 2012 many worried income level.
that the fiscal cliff, a simultaneous increase in REGRESSIVE TAX is a people with higher
tax rates and cuts in government spending set incomes pay a smaller share of their income
to occur in January 2013, would send the U.S. tax. A tax is regressive if you pay a lower
economy back to recession. The U.S. Congress marginal tax rate as your income rises
avoided this problem by passing the
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 on Jan. Debt to GDP Ratio
1, 2013. International Monetary Fund is the
Why High Fiscal Deficit is a real concern? International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an
Because it leads to an increase in future international organization that promotes
taxes. If investors don’t refinance, global economic growth and financial
government may default, or print more stability, encourages international trade, and
money. Printing money will cause high reduces poverty.The IMF gets its money
inflation. Crowding-out effect. Increased through quotas and subscriptions from its
government borrowing leads to an increase member countries. These contributions are
in interest rates, which leads to a decrease in based on the size of the country's economy,
aggregate demand. The purpose of spending making the U.S. with the world's largest
more has failed. economy, the largest contributor.One of the
IMF's most important functions is to make
What is federal budget? loans to countries that are experiencing
The federal budget is the government's economic distress to prevent or mitigate
estimate of revenue and spending for each financial crises.
fiscal year. Like a family budget, the federal
budget itemizes the expenditure of public World Bank
funds for the upcoming fiscal year.Early in The World Bank is an international
the calendar year, the president prepares the organization dedicated to providing
government’s budget for the next fiscal year, financing, advice, and research to developing
beginning Oct. 1.The budget always sets out nations to aid their economic advancement.
detailed spending allocations for the entire The bank predominantly acts as an
organization that attempts to fight poverty It is intended to boost growth to a healthy
by offering developmental assistance to mi. economic level, which is required during
The World Bank Group offers a multitude of the business cycle's contractionary period.
proprietary financial assistance, products, The government seeks to reduce
and solutions for international governments, unemployment, raise consumer demand, and
as well as a range of research-based thought stop the recession. Once a recession has
leadership for the global economy at large. already arisen, it intends to end the recession
The debt-to-GDP ratio is the metric and prevents depression.
comparing a country's public debt to
its gross domestic product (GDP). By
comparing what a country owes with what it
produces, the debt-to-GDP ratio reliably
indicates that particular country’s ability to
pay back its debts. Often expressed as a
percentage, this ratio can also be interpreted
as the number of years needed to pay back
debt if GDP is dedicated entirely to debt
repayment. The debt-to-GDP ratio is
calculated by the following formula:
Debt to Gdp= Total Debt of Country/ Total
GDP of Country
The higher the debt-to-GDP ratio, the less
likely the country will pay back its debt and
the higher its risk of default, which could
cause a financial panic in the domestic and
international markets. A study by the World
Bank found that countries whose debt-to-
GDP ratios exceed 77% for prolonged
periods experience significant slowdowns
in economic growth Sovereign default is the
failure by a country's government to pay its
debt.When a country defaults on repaying its
loans, it usually approaches the IMF for
assistance in the form of loans and recovery Contractionary fiscal policy is a type of
packages.The defaulting country can also fiscal policy in which the government collects
engage in a debt restructuring plan. This can more money in tax revenue than it spends—
be done by either extending the date to these types of policies are usually used during
repay their debts or devaluing their times of economic prosperity. To enact
currency. The devaluation of the currency contractionary fiscal policy, the government
would mean faster repayment of the debts, may decrease spending, increase taxes, and
cheaper export products, and kick starting enact a combination of decreased spending
the economy. and increased taxation.

Expansionary &Contractionary
Fiscal Policy
Expansionary fiscal policy is when the
government increases the money supply in
the economy using budgetary instruments to
either raise spending or cut taxes—both
having more money to invest for customers
and companies.
Expansionary fiscal policy is intended to
boost growth to a healthy economic level,
which is required during the business cycle's
contractionary period. The government seeks
to reduce unemployment, raise consumer
demand, and stop the recession. Once
a recession has already arisen, it intends to
end the recession and prevents depression.
checking accounts in banks and to a lesser
degree, traveler's checks.
M2 Money Supply is a definition of the
money supply that incudes everything in M1,
but also adds savings deposit, money market
funds, and certificates of deposit
• Money Market Fund: where the deposits of
many individual investors are pooled
together and invested in a safe way, such as
short-term government bonds
• Savings Deposit: which are bank accounts
on which you cannot write a check directly,
but from which you can easily withdraw the
money at an automatic teller machine or
• Time Deposit: which are accounts that the
depositor has committed to leaving in the
bank for a certain period of time, ranging
Money & Banking from a few months to a few years, in exchange
The term 'money' is something that people for a higher interest rate
generally accept as a payment for goods and M3 is a measure of the money supply that
services. It is also used to pay off debts. includes M2 as well as large time deposits,
Money is defined as anything that acts as a institutional money market funds, short-term
medium of exchange repurchase agreements (repo), and larger
Function of Money liquid assets. The M3 measurement includes
Money as Medium of Exchange The basic assets that are less liquid than other
function of money it removes all the components of the money supply and are
difficulties of barter system and removes the referred to as "near money," which are more
double coincident of want closely related to the finances of larger
Unit of Account(Measure of value) It financial institutions and corporations than to
measures the value of goods and services those of small businesses and individuals. M4
and compare their value of different goods Cash outside banks (i.e. in circulation with the
Money as store of value goods loose their public and non-bank firms) plus private-
value very quickly, It also enables to keep the sector retail bank and building society
assets in the liquid form. We can sell goods deposits plus private-sector wholesale bank
and receive money. and building society deposits and certificates
Money as a Transfer of value it transfer the of deposit. It comprises M3 and all other least
value from one place to another. To sell them liquid assets, usually outside commercial
and convert onto money banks.
Money as a Standard of Deferred Money Financial Markets & Assets
deferred payment are those which are to be Where do individuals put their savings,
made in the future and countries use deferred and where do businesses obtain the
payments to payback loan. funding for investment expenditure? The
answer to both of these questions is financial
Measuring Money: Currency, M1, M2, M3 markets. Financial markets include the
and M4 banking system, equity markets like the New
• Coins and Currency in Circulation: the coins York Stock Exchange, or the NASDAQ Stock
and bills that circulate in an economy that are Market, bond markets, commodity markets
not held by the U.S Treasury, at the Federal and more. Financial markets are global,
Reserve Bank, or in bank vaults Americans put their savings into foreign as
• Demand Deposit: checkable deposit in banks well as domestic bank accounts, foreign and
that is available by making a cash withdrawal domestic stocks and foreign and domestic
or writing a check bonds. All financial assets are called
• Liquidity: how quickly and easily an asset securities.
can be converted to a means of payment to The Commercial Banking System
make a purchase Checking Account is a bank account that
• M1 Money Supply: a narrow definition of typically pays little or no interest, but that
the money supply that includes currency and give easy access to money either by writing a
check or by using a "debit card
Credit Union is a nonprofit financial
institution that its members own and run
Debit Card is a card that lets the person make
purchases, and the financial institution
immediately deducts cost from that person's
checking account.
Depository Institution is a institution that
accepts money deposits and then uses these
to make loans.
Financial Intermediary is an institution that
operates between a saver with financial
assets to invest and an entity who will borrow
those assets and pay a rate of return.
Payments System is a system by which buyers
and sellers exchange money for goods,
services and financial capital.

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