Lesson Plan

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Detalyadong Pamanuri king MTB-MLE

I. Mga Layunin
At the end of the 40% mins learn the pupils shall/ or able to do the following 75% level of success:
a. Analyze a story in terms of its elements
b. Relate the story watched/read into personal experiences
c. Write a story with its complete elements
II. Paksa
Liksyun: Identifies the important story elements.
Reference page: T3LC-IIa-b4.5

III. Pamamaraan

Gawain ng Guro Gawain ng mga Mag-aaral

A. Preperatory Activities

1. Review
Bayu taya umpisan ing kekatamung klasi ninu
kekayu ing makaganaka keng milabas tang

Sige na mo Yuan, sabyan muna mo kekami nung

non ya patungkul ing milabas tamung liksyun? Ing milabas pung liksyun patungkul pu keng
Dakal salamat keng pekibat mu Yuan, Nanu
neman mo kabaldugan ing panlagyu? JD?
Ing Panlagyu pu salita lang tutukuy karing
lagyu ding tau, bage, animal, lugal, kaganapan
o okasyun.
Kagaling da naman mo deng kakung studyante!
Ngeni bayu ta simulan ing kekatamung bayung
liksyun atin ku pang papyalung kekayu na ating
konektadu keng maging liksyun tamu.

2. Motivation
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The time and location in which a story takes

a. Character
b. plot (it is answer by raising their hands and the
c. setting teacher will call the students name)

2. What is a person or animal which takes part in

action of a story called?
a. Character
b. setting
c. Plot
3. This is made up of events that happened in the
a. character
b. setting
c. plot
4. Tom and Bill are examples of ______ in a story.
a. character
c. plot
5. The _____ is the time and place that the story
takes place.
a. characters
b. plot
c, setting

B. Lesson Proper

Paki basa na mo ing atiu keng pisara


Ing buri na pung sabyan ning Setting ita ong lugal Setting- it tells where and when the story
o nung kapilan ya meganap ing metung a kwentu. happened.
Mamye nakayu mong halimbawa na ning lugal?

Bale, Mall Parki, Pampanga

Magaling! O keng oras o kung kapilan ya milyari
ing kwentu sige na mo subukan yung misip
manawus kung lagyu,

Ayesha? Mamye kang oras o nung kapilan ya

pwding malalyari ing metung a kwentu

Abak, Ugtu, Bengi

Milabas, Kasalukuyan ampo Hiraharap mam

Magaling! Halimbawa na ning setting

1. Jeremy likes to watch cartoons on a Saturday
Keng pangungusap ayni sanu kareni ing setting
tukuyan mune mo Leo?

Istu ka! Saturday morning mam

2. This Afternoon, I went to grocery to buy egg
and butter.

Subukan mune mo pantunan ing setting Nyshia

Magaling! This Afternoon mam

3. The farmer always checks on his sheep every

Matty, pantunan me mo ing setting Karen.

Every midnight pu mam,

Ing tutuki tamung element na ning kwentu ay


Nanu ya ing character? Basan mune ing makalage

keng pisara.

Atin kung basan makuyad a storya tukuyan yula

deng character keng istorya makiramdam kayu ne? Character- the persons or animals featured in
the story.
A Cat and a Ball of Yarn
The boy tries to study for his quiz tomorrow. His
cat keeps bothering him. It keeps pulling his leg. It
keeps making noises. He gets a ball of yarn. He
throws it across the room. The cat chases the ball
of yarn. The cat catches the yarn. It plays with it
the boy can finally study.

Keng istoryang ayni ninu ing tutukuyan keng

makuyad a storying ayni?
Peppa ?
The cat and the boy mam

Very good!

Plot- made up of events that happened in the story.

It consist of the beginning, the middle and the
Beginning- it gives the problem faced by the main
Middle- it present the actions made by the
characters to solve the problem,
Ending it gives the solution to the problem.

Buri ng sabyan keng mumuna, keni ne haharapan

ning tawung pisasabyan ing kayang problema
Keng libutad naman Karin ne mimisip soluyson
para aresolban ing problema na tutukuyan keng
Keng dulu naman Karin na ne abalu kung nanung
malagung solusyun para keng problema na king
Paki basa na mo ing makuyad na kwento Prince
Maria cooked delicious foods in the kitchen.
She prepared all the materials and ingredients
to be used. She enjoyed it very much. Maria
shared the foods to her brother and sister. They
Ngeni subukan yulang gawan deng makatuking enjoyed eating together.
kutang banta abalu tamu nung antindyan ye ing
kekatamung liksyun.

1 Who is the character of the story?

2 Where is the exact location of the story?
3. Can you stop the beginning, middle and ending

( Answers:
1. Character: Maria
2. Setting: at the kitchen
Beginning: Maria cooked delicious foods in the
kitchen prepared all the materials and ingredients
to be used.
Middle: she enjoyed it very much. Maria shared
the foods to her brother and sister. \
Ending; They enjoyed eating together.

Ngeni atin tamung aktibidad mag hand kayung

papil ampo lapis yu.


Direction: Identify the underlined word or phrase if it is a character, setting or plot. Write your answer on your

Mang Pedro went to the beach to catch fish. He found out that his hat was missing so, he looked for it before
going fishing, because it’s to sunny at the beach. He enjoyed fishing and caught a big fish that day, in the
afternoon, Mang Pedro went back home and cooked the fish he caught.

1. Mang Pedro went to the beach to catch fish.

2. He found out that his hat was missing.
3. Mang Pedro went to the beach.
4. He enjoyed fishing and caught a big fish.
5. In the afternoon, Mang Pedro went back home.
Write a short story using the three story elements. ( Character, Setting and plot)

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