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Amylyn Labasano & Group 1 | August 24, 2022

● Through the
vigorous campaign
TOPIC OUTLINE by the Prussians
under Otto von
I. THE 19TH ● The Bismark
CENTURY Advancement of ● Nationalism is one of the radical ideas in the
WORLD OF Science years after 1815, which influenced the modern
JOSE RIZAL ● The resurgence world tremendously. There are three points that
● The growth and of western stand out in this complex ideology (McKay et
development of Imperialism al, 1995)
nationalism ● Optimism and 1. Nationalism has evolved from a real or
● The rise and the confidence in imagined cultural unity, manifesting
gradual spread Progress itself in a common language, history,
of liberalism and territory
and democracy 2. Nationalists have usually sought to
● The industrial turn this cultural unity into political
revolution reality so that the territory of each
people coincides with its state
3. Nationalists believed that every nation
I. THE 19TH CENTURY WORLD OF JOSE RIZAL has the right to exist in freedom and
● It is essential in understanding his ideology and develop its character and spirit
outlook as an individual. Important ● While nationalism can foster national unity,
developments during the said century are as progress, and independence, iut also has its
follows: negative side. The ideas of national superiority
and national mission can lead to aggressive
Growth and Development of Nationalism crusades and counter-crusades.
● Nationalism is a sense of loyalty or ● The development of nationalism in the
psychological attachment that members of a Philippines, however, was very slow. Loyalty to
nation share, based on common language, the nation began only after the unjust execution
history, culture, and desire for independence of Fathers Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora on
(Jackson, & Jackson, 2000) February 17,1872.
● The growth of nationalism can be attributed to
two major revolutions of the earlier century that Rise and Gradual Spread of Liberalism and
both gave birth to the idea that an individual’s Democracy
loyalty has to be to his nation not to to the king. ● The rise and spread of liberalism and
○ American Revolution of 1776 democracy was actually a consequence of the
■ Gave birth to the United growth and development of nationalism (Black,
States of America 1999)
○ The French Revolution of 1789 ● The principal ideas of liberalism - liberty and
■ Overthrowing of the absolute equality - were first realized successfully in the
rule of the Bourbon Dynasty American Revolution and then achieved in part
and the abolition of the in the French Revolution.
feudal system ● Liberalism demanded representative
■ Liberty, Fraternity, and government as opposed to autocratic
Equality monarchy, equality before the law was opposed
■ Italy became a united to legally separate classes. The idea of liberty
kingdom under King also meant specific individual freedoms:
Emmanuel II ○ Speech
● Italians under ○ Assembly
Guiseppe Garibaldi ○ Arbitrary arrest
drove out the ● Democracy was gradually established thru the
Austrians occupying following means
the northern part of ○ Promulgation of Laws that advance
the country democracy
● Weakened the ■ Abolition of slavery
influence of the
■ Adoption of a liberal
■ 10 years later, Germany constitution
united the various kingdoms ■ Propose laws
and dukedoms of the ■ Manhood suffrage
German nation and became ■ Granting of political, social,
one empire under Emperor and economic rights to
William I people

Trans Maker: Dimacompas, M.

Editor: *Last Name, F.I.* | 1
Amylyn Labasano & Group 1 | August 24, 2022

● Democracy was non-existent in the Philippines. ○ The communists, on the other hand,
○ Filipinos were denied representation suggest that all factors of production
in Spanish Cortes since 1883. be owned and controlled by the
government. Equality in society can
○ Ecclesiatical and civil authorities were
be achieved if social classes are
not inclined to grant basic human destroyed and dictatorship of the
rights proletariat is established
○ Rights would be detrimental to ○ Conversely, the Catholic Church calls
Spanish’ colonial administration for humane treatment of workers,
■ Motivation to work for respect for workers’ rights and social
independence justice for the poor.
■ Topple the Regime
The Advancement of Science
● Rapid expansion of scientific knowledge
The Industrial Revolution profoundly influenced Western thought in the
● Refers to the transformation of manufacturing 19th century (Hunt et al., 1995). Breakthroughs
brought about by the invention and use of in industrial technology enormously stimulated
machines. This development started in England basic scientific inquiry.
and later spread into Belgium, France, and ● The result was an explosive growth of
even the United States. fundamental scientific discoveries from the
● The invention and their use in manufacturing 1830s onward. Their theoretical discoveries
brought about significant changes in people’s were increasingly transformed into material
lives. Some of the positive effects brought improvements for the population. The
about by this development include the ff: translation of better scientific knowledge into
Advantages practical benefits was evident in biology,
○ The rise of the factory system; medical sciences, physics, and chemistry.
○ Mass production of essential and ● The 19th century was the time for the
non-essential goods expansion of scientific knowledge. This means
○ Improvement of people's standard of that search for knowledge and truth could be
living explained by a rational and empirical approach.
○ Greater urbanization of society This was the result of the Age of Enlightenment
○ Beginnings of specialization or during the 18th century, when blind belief and
division of labor dogma were challenged by the principle that
○ Invention of labor-saving devices everything could be explained by reason. This
○ The beginnings of industrial capitalism resulted in the development of the scientific
○ Fostering of liberalism and nationalism method, where knowledge needs to be proven
○ Encouragement of people's mobility by a systematic and rational approach, which in
Disadvantages effect, resulted in advances in the sciences.
○ Widening of the gap between the rich ● The triumph of science and technology had at
and the poor least three significant
○ Unending economic warfare between ○ 1st, everyday experience and
labor and capital innumerable scientists impressed the
○ Pollution and other environmental importance of science on the mind of
problems ordinary citizens
○ Beginning of child and women labor ○ 2nd, as science became more
○ Intensification of imperialistic rivalry prominent in popular thinking, the
between and among industrialized philosophical implications of science
countries spread to broad sections of the
● In the Philippines, it caused the displacement population. Technical advances led
of the farmers from their lands. the people to develop optimistic faith
● To solve the evils created by the industrial in man’s capability to achieve
system, different measures were proposed by progress
concerned sectors of world society (Doreen, ○ 3rd, the methods of science acquired
1991) unrivaled prestige after 1850. For
○ For the liberals, laissez-faire policy or many, the union of careful experiment
government’s non-interference in the and abstract theory was the only route
conduct of trade and business has to to truth and objective reality
be sustained for the continuous ● The effects of the scientific revolution spilled to
expansion of the economy the challenging of traditional beliefs in religion
○ The socialists assert that the and politics.
government has to control vital ● The scientific revolution gained headway in
industries and resources. This is Western European countries
necessary in promoting equality of ● Spain was at the backwater of the scientific
opportunity and people’s welfare in upheaval

Trans Maker: Dimacompas, M.

Editor: *Last Name, F.I.* | 2
Amylyn Labasano & Group 1 | August 24, 2022

○ Improvement in science to serve

The Resurgence of Western Imperialism mankind
● The 19th century , the industrializing West ○ Improvement of public health thru the
entered the third and most dynamic phase of its establishment of numerous hospitals;
centuries-old expansion into non-Western and
lands - Asia and Africa. The reasons for this ○ Emergence of realistic literature,
culminating surge were many, but the depictive the life of the time
economic thrust of robust industrial capitalism,
an ever-growing lead in technology, and the
competitive pressures of European nationalism
were particularly important
● For the first time in human history, the world
became in many ways a single unit.
● European expansion diffused the ideas and
techniques of a highly developed civilization yet
the West relied on force to conquer and rule,
and treated non-Western peoples as racial
● Non-Western elites, armed with Western
doctrines, gradually responded to Western
● Colonized people, therefore, started to assert
their right to self determination or the right to
choose the kind of government under which
they would live.
● - colonized people asserted their right

Optimism and Confidence in Progress

● Marquis de Condorcei
○ The strongest reasons for believing
that nature has set no limit to the
realization of our hopes
○ The abolition of inequality between
nations, the progress of equality within
nations, and the true perfection of
humanity. Progress is now
independent of any power that might
wish to halt it and will never be
● Hopeful of tomorrow
● Optimism of faith in society and man’s ability to
progress was brought about by the
advancement of science, the coming of
steam-powered industry, and the spread of
liberalism and socialism (Chodorow et al, 1994)
● Marquis de Condorcei foresaw
○ The abolition of inequality between
nations, the progress of equality within
nations, and the true perfection of
● Progress was now independent of any power
that might wish to halt it and will never be
● Optimism and confidence in progress can be
gleaned from the achievements of men in the
19th century. Notable among these were the
○ Extension of human rights to many
○ Promotion of higher education for men
and women
○ Education for nationalism in schools
○ Investment in science to service

Trans Maker: Dimacompas, M.

Editor: *Last Name, F.I.* | 3

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