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Alimentación y nutrición


Biology and Geology

Food y nutrición
and nutrition

• Nutrients
• Carbohydrates
• Lipids
• Proteins
• Mineral salts
• Water
• Vitamins
• Nutritional needs
• Diets
• The food wheel
• Mediterranean diet
• Food related illnesses
Alimentación y nutrición

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Alimentación y nutrición

Food contains nutrients called proximate principles.

There are organic and inorganic nutrients.
Carbohydrates: Lipids: oil, butter
bread, cereals, and bacon are foods
pulses, potatoes and that are rich in
pasta are rich in lipids.

Proteins: foods
Water: we take in
that come from
water when we
animals and pulses
drink and also when
are sources of
we consume food.

Mineral salts: Vitamins: we can

all foods contain find many vitamins
minerals in varying in vegetables and
amounts). fresh fruit.
Food y nutrición
and nutrition

They have an energetic function
• Simple carbohydrates or sugars • Complex carbohydrates

₋ Sweet, crystalline and soluble in

water ₋ Formed by the bonding of many
simple carbohydrates.
- Monosaccharides like glucose and
fructose (Honey, fruits). ₋ Starch (bread, pasta and potatoes).
- Disaccharides such as lactose y
sucrose (Milk, sugar). ₋ Cellulose (vegetable fibre).
Alimentación y nutrición

Starch grains in rice, Oryza sativa

Alimentación y nutrición

starch grains in corn, Zea mays

Alimentación y nutrición

Soybean chloroplast seen with transmission electron microscope

Look for information on the uses of starch

Alimentación y nutrición

CELLULOSE / scanning electron microscope

Food y nutrición
and nutrition

They have an energetic function
Saturated fats: mostly of animal origin and solid (processed food).

Unsaturated fats: mostly of plant origin and frequently liquid.

Membrane lipids (structural)

Lipids with regulatory functions

(vitamins, hormones)

Nuts are rich in lipids with

regulatory function, vitamins
from the group B.
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición

Iberian pigs fed on acorns (unsaturated fats) generate

more fluid fat
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Food y nutrición
and nutrition

they have structural and regulatory function among others

Proteins of animal origin contain

a varied mixture of amino acids,
including essential amino acids.

Pulses contain proteins, but they can be deficient in some amino acids.
Alimentación y nutrición

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Alimentación y nutrición
Food y nutrición
and nutrition

They have a structural and regulatory function

They form structures like bones and teeth and participate in

regulatory function such as in the muscle contraction or in the
transmission of the nerve impulse.

Osmosis depends on the

concentration of salts in the cells
Alimentación y nutrición
Food y nutrición
and nutrition

Functions: transport, solvent, temperature regulator
Alimentación y nutrición
Food y nutrición
and nutrition
They have a regulatory function

Types: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins

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Alimentación y nutrición

We need food to obtain nutrients and to satisfy a range of

Structural needs: Providing energy: Regulatory and functional
we need proteins, lipids and we need carbohydrates and we need a range of minerals
salts to help us grow and to lipids (fats) in order to do and vitamins for our bodies to
maintain our organism. sports or to move about and function properly.
to maintain vital functions.

Nutrients have different caloric values:

• A gram of fat provides 9 kcal.
• A gram of carbohydrates provides 3,75 kcal.
• A gram of proteins provides 4 kcal.
Alimentación y nutrición

Basal metabolic rate: the minimum amount of

energy needed at rest to maintain vital functions.

The rest of energy needs are related to physical

activity and vary according to the person lifestyle,
habits, age, sex…

Calculate your basal metabolism using the formulae.

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

Alimentación y nutrición

The food diet is the amount and type of food

that a person consumes daily.

The balanced diet provides the necessary

nutrients and in the right amount.

Analyze your diet according to the information on pages 30 and 31

and decide whether it is a balanced diet or not. Explain your
THE FOODy nutrición
The food pyramid brings together recommendations
about the consumption of different types of food.
A few times each month (can be consumed Red
more frequently in smaller quantities)
Several times Poultry
each week Fish
Cheese and yogurt
Olive oil

Fruits Vegetables
Daily Pulses and

Bread, pasta, rice,

couscous, polenta,
potatoes and other cereals
Alimentación y nutrición

ENERGY Group I: milk and milk products (cheese,

Group VII: fat (bacon, butter) and Nutritive value: rich in proteins, fat, vitamins
oils. and minerals..
Nutritive value: high-fat and fat-
soluble vitamins . Group II: meat, fish and eggs.
Nutritive value: high protein content.


Group VI: cereals (rice, REGULATORY
corn, wheat) and derived
foods (bread, pasta) and Group III: pulses (lentils,
sugar. chickpeas),
Nutritive value: rich in tubers(potatoes) and
carbohydrates . They nuts.
also contain proteins and Nutritive value: high
minerals. content in carbohydrates
and minerals. They also
contain proteins.
Group V: fruits and
Nutritive value: high water Group IV: vegetables.
content, fibre, vitamins and Nutritive value: high water
minerals. Small quantities content, fibre, vitamins and
of protein and fat. minerals. Small quantities of
proteins and fats.
Alimentación y nutrición

Analyse the following diets. According to the recommendations, which

one do you think is the healthiest? Why?

Diet 1 Diet 2

Breakfast Glass of milk with toast and Glass of milk, pastries, and
olive oil, and orange juice a banana

Lunch Spaghetti with tomato Hamburger with chips

sauce Ice cream

Snack Cheese sandwich Chocolate pastries

Dinner Sole. Orange Plain omelette. Cake

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THE y nutrición

Olive oil: contains Cereals: rich in

unsaturated fats of plant complex
origin. These are carbohydrates,
healthier than the which are healthier
saturated fats found in than simple
butter. carbohydrates, such
as sugar.

Pulses: provide us with a Fish: is a good source of Vegetables and fruits: are
balanced supply of nutrients protein and contains less rich in vitamins, minerals
and fibre. cholesterol than meat. and fibre.
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición


1. What are the basic constituents of the Mediterranean diet? Why is

it considered to be a healthy diet?
2. What nutrients are found in olive oil?
3. Why is fish a healthier source of protein than meat?
4. What diets would you recommend for the following people? Why?
a) A person who has just had surgery.

b) An overweight person.

c) A person who is constipated.

d) A person with cardiovascular disorder:

Alimentación y nutrición
and nutrition

An inadequate diet can cause changes in our health and illnesses

that, in some cases, can even be life-threatening.

• Malnutrition in developing countries

- Low calorie content
- Small variety
- Low protein intake
- Deficient sanitary conditions

• Main nutritional problems in developed countries:

- A high calorie content
- The abundance of foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fats
- The abuse of refined foods and with little residues.
- The predominance of protein-based food.
- The consumption of ready meals that overburden the diet
with aditives.
Alimentación y nutrición
Food additives
Alimentación y nutrición


1. What are the main nutritional imbalances in developed

countries? And in developing countries?

2. Why are additives added to foods?

3. Why are obesity and circulatory disease so common in

developed countries? What can we do to reduce their
Alimentación yinformation
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición

Answer the following questions:

1. How much energy would 250g provide?
2. Indicate two possible allergens?
3. What happens if we eat this food after the indicated date?
Alimentación y nutrición

A. Malnutrition: when someone doesn’t have enough to eat

B. Inadequate nutrition
a) Deficiency-related diseases: lack of some nutrient
b) Obesity: excess of nutrients and energy
c) Type 2 diabetes: resistance of the cells to the action of insulin

C. Eating disorders (psychological)

a) Anorexia: fear of gaining weight
b) Bulimia: alternation between compulsive eating behavior and
eliminating calories

D. Allergies and intolerances: foods or nutrients that trigger adverse

reactions in the organism.

E. Food poisoning: due to contaminated food (microorganisms…)

Alimentación y nutrición
MARASMUS (lack of energy)
Alimentación KWASHIORKOR
y nutrición (lack of proteins)
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición

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Alimentación y nutrición

© Oxford University Press España, S. A. Biology 51

Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición
Alimentación y nutrición

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