4TH Yr Exam

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In several government documents like the code of

Cabreros St., Basak San Nicolas, Cebu ethics for professional teachers, the school is called
City the ‘nursery of the state’. This statement about the
Tel No. 263-0421 school best relates to this.
Email a. the schools replace the parents in caring for the
add:rizwoodscolleges10@yahoo.com netizens.
b. the schools educate the netizens.
BACHELOR OF TECHNICAL c. the schools play the role of child care specialists.
d. the schools form the values of the citizens
7. When students are in the school, teachers act as
the parents. This principle is called_______.
a. in lumen parentis b. in toto parentis
FS 1
c. in loco parentis d. in lucis parentis
Instructor: Melfa M. Magsayo, LPT
8. What government function can teacher assist in if
Name: _____________________________ they live in the same community as the school they
Year/Course: _______________________ work in, and if the students in that school also live in
Date: _____________________________ the community?
Score: ____________________________ a. peacemakers b. repairmen
c. census monitors d. announcer

1. Someone who wants what is best for everyone can 9. What is one reasonable expectation that the school
be said to be practice this value. community can have of the community’s officials.
a. values of the holy b. spiritual a. maintenance of peace and order in the activities
c. vital d. pleasure b. monetary gifts
c. material donations
2. The discretion of churches, temples, or places of d. provisions of substitute teachers
worship, as well as the burning and/ or destruction of
religious artifacts are considered offensive to the 10. Teacher Manuel is a faculty member of a mission
believers. What kind of value do they place on these school that caters to children of middle to low income
places and artifacts. families. Which of the following is best to help
a. pleasure b. values of the holy address the financial status of the families?
c. spiritual d. vital a. prescribe tasks that have little to no cost.
b. prescribe the purchase of brand new textbooks
3. Teacher Coleen allows the toddlers she is teaching c. charge a fee for joining field trips/ other events
to play around. Which act shows a vital value? d. present a task that is optional: only those who can
a. play with objects they find without supervision afford it can do it.
b. play around even when it begins to drizzle
c. play around with religious artifacts 11. During his lesson on violins, teacher joseph
d. play during break time under her supervision brought his own violin so that his students can
practice. This is faithful to this philosophy.
4. Teacher Calvin was feeling lazy and did not wish to a. idealism b. realism
attend his online class. Thus, he pretended to be sick c. perennialism d. progressivism
and just played video games and binge- watched his
favorite TV series. What value was shown here? 12. Until now, Teacher Paola believes that the
a. vital b. spiritual artworks from the Renaissance period remain
c. values of the holy d. pleasure relevant material for teaching. Thus, she tries to
include them as examples she teaches her students.
5. The University of Santo Tomas Education high She seems to be a follower of this philosophy.
school has eight sections, with ames such as piety, a. essentialism b. idealism
responsibility, patriotism and respect among others. c. existentialism d. perennialism
These are classified as this value.
a. vital b. spiritual 13. In order to lessen the likelihood of students
c. values of the holy d. pleasure disarranging chairs and to ensure there is no litter on
the floor, Teacher Coleen make sure the classroom is
clean and orderly. On which school of thought is her a. Realism b. Expressionism
action based? c. Progressivism d. Existentialism
a. existentialism b. progressivism
c. behaviorism d. reconstruction 21. What type of education can best prepare a global
teacher for a truly limitless and boundless world?
14. During lunch, teacher rose allows her pupils to go a. formal education b. inclusive education
and use the restroom. However, to manage the c. alternative education d. multicultural education
pupils, she makes them form a line and raises her
rand to count from one to five. At first, she had to say 22. Which among the choices is guaranteed by the
‘one-arms forward”, but in time, upon raising “one” , 1987 constitution?
her pupils automatically said “arms forward”. She a. priority fiscal allocation
performed an act relates to this philosophy. b. certificate transfer program
a. behaviorism b. essentialism c. building of more classrooms
c. realism d. progressivism d. hiring of new teachers

15. Teacher Dakila claims to be an essentialist. This is 23. How many levels were added to basic education
to be expected in his classroom. because of the k-12 reforms?
a. heavy emphasis on lectures a. 1 level b. 2 levels
b. practical examinations c. 3 levels d. 4 levels
c. free expression of one’s identity
d. case studies of real events 24. These two presidents are responsible for the
implementation of k-12 in the Philippines.
16.” Specialization knows more and more about less a. Ferdinand Marcos and Corazon Aquino
and less. Then, it is better to be a generalist,” claim b. Joseph Estrada and Gloria Arroyo
teacher Chris. Which philosophy will best agree with c. Benigno Aquino III and Rodrigo Duterte
teacher Cris’s opinion? d. Gloria Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III
a. perennialism b. progressivism
c. essentialism d. existentialism 25. During the early years of the Ramos
administration and even before that, the department
17. Your students are more interested in a topic that of education, culture and sports oversaw the entire
is not part of your lesson, so you drop your original educational system- from elementary to graduate
lesson in favor of what they like. school. This changed that.
a. rationalism b. empiricism a. Enhanced Basic Education Act
c. existentialism d. progressivism b. Higher Education act
c. An act Professionalizing Teaching
18. This kind of teacher believes that teaching is not d. Educational Act of 1982.
just about dumping knowledge into the empty minds
of learners. Instead, it is about helping students 26. The Code of Ethics for professional teachers
create knowledge and meaning. provides guidelines on acceptable teaching behavior.
a. constructivist b. essentialist These are all tolerable except.
c. perennialist d. pragmatist a. claiming other’s work to be yours
b. occasional drinking that does not lead to
19. Who subscribe/s to the thought that values are drunkenness
subjective, meaning, certain people may subscribe to c. having no romantic relationship with student
one value while others may not? d. discovering research findings that are damaging to
I. relativist the country.
II. pragmatist
III. essentialist 27. Teacher tony is in a romantic relationship with his
a. I and III b. II and III student. Is this allowed?
c. I and II d. I, II and III a. no, and he can be sued for harassment.
b. no, unless the principal allows.
20. Principal Erika decided to forego the requirement c. yes, as long as he ensures that gossip, scandal and
of a strict dress code. Instead, she allowed her preferential treatment will not take place.
students to wear anything they wanted as long as d. yes because in a democratic society, romantic
these do not disobey laws on public decency. She did relationships are out of the scope of school authority.
this is for a better and freer expression of identity.
This move is aligned with this philosophy.
28. Teacher Louise transferred to the public school the grade her child received. During this meeting,
because of the higher salary and potential for a higher Principal Pilar allowed the parent to pour out her
retirement pay. How does she view teaching? grievances. What trait did Principal Pilar show best?
a. as a profession b. as a vocation a. inspiration to the parent
c. as a mission d. as a side job b. expert problem solving skills
c. just and fair arbiter/ judge
29. The emphasis on joining professional d. patient listener
organizations was found in this document.
a. NCBTS b. IPPD 36. When Calvin uttered the line “I am only a
c. CB- PAST d. D- NCBTS teacher”, what was the implication?
a. he is dissatisfied with his salary
30. Who among the following is to technically b. he is depressed
considered a “teacher” , if one were to refer to the c. he is having trouble with parents
code of ethics for professional teachers? d. he is not proud as a teacher
a. Teacher Althea of Nursery – Section Apple
b. Professor Clarita of BSED – Section 3 37. There are more elementary schools than high
c. Mr. Joseph of Grade 12- Section Einstein schools run by the government. This can be traced to
d. Miss Anvil of Grade 6- Section Tokyo this era.
a. pre- Hispanic b. Spanish
31. Before the start of classes, Jillian made sure that c. American d. Japanese
she checked all the wooden armchairs of her students
to be certain that they were safe to use. in this 38. This DEPED Program closely relates with domain
situation, she was concerned with this domain in the #6 of the NCBTS/ D-NCBTS/ PPST because it allows
NCBTS. parents, guardians, teachers, administrations students
a. learning environment b. social regard for and residents to come together for the benefit of the
learning school.
c. community linkages d. curriculum a. K-12 program b. Brigada Skwela
c. graduation ceremony d. Parent Teacher
32. Raphael was studious learner, and he carried this Conference
trait over to his teaching career. Many students saw
this diligence, and they tried to emulate him. In this 39. Complete the analogy. PRC: license; CHED:
situation, Raphael succeeded in this NCBTS domain. ________
a. personal growth and professional development a. benefits b. hiring
b. community linkages c. curriculum d. professional development
c. diversity of learners
d. social regard for learning 40. Teacher Coleen is a faculty member of a private
school. Which agency will she not have dealings with?
33. In special education, quantitative marks not as a. Department of Education
important as qualitative feedback, usually in the form b. Civil Service Commission
of anecdotal records. If kaye does this very well, she c. Commission on Higher Education
will develop skills in this NCBTS domain. d. Professional Regulation Commission
a. diversity of learners
b. planning, assessing, and reporting 41. Among the challenges at present is to make sure
c. community linkages that the students of the Philippines will be
d. social regard for learning internationally competitive and comparable once they
graduate. This program directly addresses that
34. In joining different programs for personal growth challenge.
and professional development (domain 7), what is the a. Enhance Basic Education (K-12)
most desirable drive that is expected from teachers? b. every child a reader
a. higher position or possible promotion according to c. education service contracting
the existing merit system d. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
b. prestige / stature as a degree holder in education (MTB-MLE)
c. aspiration to become a master teacher
d. intrinsic desire to grow continuously 42. Jenny was a fan of Howard Garner’s work on
multiple intelligences. As such, she respects each
35. During one parent teacher conference, Principal student she has. This is a good sign of progress in this
Pilar received in her office a parent who was furious at NCBTS domain.
a. content knowledge and pedagogy 49. This law ensures that education will receive
b. diversity of learners priority fiscal allocation.
c. community linkages ad professional engagement a. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
d. curriculum and planning b. General Appropriations Act
c. 1987 Constitution
43.Teacher Anvil is willing to share her time and talent d. Enhanced Basic Education Act
with fellow teachers within the same school,
especially when there are tasks to be accomplished. 50. For a teacher to become qualified in the public
She demonstrates behavior that is reflexive of his school sector, this is essential.
career stage. a. Master’s Degree
a. stage 1 b. stage 2 b. High School Diploma
c. stage 3 d. stage 4 c. Professional Teacher’s License
d. NBI Clearance
44. Congestion of students due to high density within
one area is a problem faced by public schools. Which
is the closest remedy that is already being
implemented to address this?
a. tapping government organizations/ foundations for
adopt a school programs
b. developing online instructional materials and
c. two to three shifts of class ( morning, afternoon and
or evening)
d. home based teaching and learning

45. This is law the basis for all other laws on

a. Education Act of 1982
b. 1935 Constitution
c. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
d. 1987 Constitution

46. What continuing government program helps

reduce the gap between low income status and
quality education.
a. Education Service Contracting
b. National Achievement Test
c. National College Assessment Examination
d. Brigada Eskwela

47. What was president Corazon Aquino’s main

contribution to education?
a. Higher Education Act
b. Free public elementary education act
c. Free public secondary education act
d. Quality access to tertiary education act

48. During the senior high school transition from 2016

to 2018, many college teachers were transferred to
the senior high school. Admittedly, not all of them had
the necessary qualifications. Which qualification did
they usually lack?
a. Bachelor’s Degree b. Master’s Degree
c. NBI Clearance d. Professional Teacher

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