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1.Define fertilization in plants.

The process of fusion of male and female gametes is called fertilization.

2.How are fruits formed in a plant?

After fertilization the ovary begins to ripen and changes into fruit.

3. What are cotyledons?

The seed leaves inside a seed are called cotyledons. These cotyledons contain all the food supply for the
baby plant.

4.How are seeds dispersed by water?

Seeds of plants that grow in or near water bodies are dispersed by water. The seeds have fibrous or
spongy covering that helps them to float in water.

5.Name two plants in which seed dispersal happens through explosion.

Balsam, Pea.

6.What is germination?

The process by which a seed produces a baby plant or seedling in the presence of water, air and warmth
is called germination.

7.Name three essential elements for the growth of a seed.

Water, air and warmth.

8. Which special feature of potato helps in growing its new plant?

There are small buds called eyes on a potato. These buds grow into new plant.

9.Differentiate between monocot and dicot seeds.

Seeds with one cotyledon are called monocot seeds while seeds with two cotyledons are called dicot

1. Describe the different ways of seed dispersal.

Dispersal of seeds is carried out by agents of dispersal which could be wind, water, animals or
by explosion.
Dispersal by wind-Light, hairy or winged seeds are dispersed by wind. Seeds of plants like cotton
and drumstick disperse through wind.
Dispersal by water—Plants that grow along river or seashores disperse their seeds through
water. Such seeds have fibrous or spongy parts that float in water. Examples include coconut
and lotus. Coconut has fibrous covering while seeds of lotus are spongy.
Dispersal by animals-Animals and birds eat the fleshy fruit and the hard seed is egested from
their bodies and fall at various places. Some fruits develop hooks or spines that stick to the
bodies of animals or to the clothes of humans and are carried to far off places where they fall
and germinate. Human beings also eat fruits and throw their seeds in other places.
Dispersal by explosion—Fruits of some plants burst when ripe and dry and the seeds are
expelled and thrown out with a force These seeds are scattered around the parent plant where
they germinate under favourable conditions.

2.Explain the process of germination in detail.

During germination, the seeds absorb water and the cells of embryo start dividing and it increases in
size. The seed coat breaks open. Firstly the radicle or root sprouts and grows downwards, followed by
the plumule or shoot that grows above the ground. It develops leaves and the cotyledons dry up and
finally grows into an adult plant.

3.Explain how plants grow from the different parts of a plant other than seeds .Give examples.

Most plants grow from seeds. But there are some plants that grow from vegetative parts like stems,
leaves, roots, etc. of parent plant. This is called vegetative reproduction.

Growing plants from stem:

a. From underground stem---Potato and ginger are underground stems. There are small buds on
them which grow into new plants.
b. From stem cuttings---Plants like rose, Hibiscus and sugarcane are grown from stem cuttings.

Growing plants from roots: Carrot, Sweet potato and radish are plants whose roots can grow into new

Growing plants from leaves: Leaves of Bryophyllum and Begonia grow buds along their margins. These
buds grow into new plants when they fall on the ground and find soil, water and warmth.

Growing plants from spores: Some plants do not bear seeds and flowers. They reproduce through
special structures called spores. Examples—ferns, mosses and some fungi.

1.A water melon has many seeds. Each seed can grow into new plant. But this does not happen because
only ripe and healthy seeds that get all the favourable conditions, grow into new plants. Some seeds are
also damaged by animals, insects, wind or water.

2. Seeds of plants that grow in or near water bodies are dispersed by water. Such seeds have fibrous or
spongy covering that enables them to float in water.

3. Human beings and animals eat fleshy fruits like custard apple and throw away their seeds in different
places. Some birds and animals eat fruits and swallow their seeds. The undigested seeds get dispersed
when they are expelled from their body. These seeds germinate into new plants on getting appropriate
conditions for growth.


1 (b)





1.Seed coat.





Which part of the following plant will grow into a new plant?

1.Bryophyllum---buds on the leaf margins.

2.Sweet potato---root

3.Ginger------buds on under ground stem


5.Money plant---stem cutting.

Quick check---1

Correct and rewrite the following statements.

1.All seeds do not grow into plants.

2.Seeds with one cotyledon are called monocots.

3.Animals help in seed dispersal.

4.All seeds require water for germination. They can grow into plants in the presence of air, warmth and

5.Dicot plants have roots.

6.The part of the seed that give rise to root system is called radicle.

Quick check—2.

Fill in the blanks.

1.stem cuttings.





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