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1. What is App in Sales force?

An app is a group of tabs that work as a unit to provide functionality. Users can switch between
apps using the app drop-down menu at the top-right corner of every page.
You can customize existing apps to match the way you work, or build new apps by grouping
standard and custom tabs.
Navigation to create app in Sales force: Setup ->Build ->Create->App-> Click on new and create
your application according to your requirements.
2. What is object in Sales force?
Custom objects are database tables that allow you to store data specific to your organization in You can use custom objects to extend functionality or to build new
application functionality.
Once you have created a custom object, you can create a custom tab, custom related lists, reports,
and dashboards for users to interact with the custom object data. You can also access custom object
data through the API.
Navigation to create object in sales force: Setup->Build->Create->Object-> Click on new object and
create object according to your requirement.
3. How many relationships included in SFDC & What are they?
We are having 6 types of relationships, they are
1.self relationship
2.lookup relationship
3.master detail relationship
4.many to many relationship
4. What is a “Lookup Relationship”?
This type of relationship links two objects together,
Up to 40 allowed for object
Parent is not a required field.
No impact on a security and access.
No impact on deletion.
Can be multiple layers deep.
Lookup field is not required
5. What is “Master-Detail Relationship”?

Master Detail relationship is the Parent child relationship. In which Master represents Parent and
detail represents Child. If Parent is deleted then Child also gets deleted. Rollup summary fields can
only be created on Master records which will calculate the SUM, AVG, MIN of the Child records.
Up to 2 allowed to object.
Parent field on child is required
Access to parent determines access to children
Deleting parent automatically deletes child.
A child of one master detail relationship cannot be the parent of another.
Lookup field on page layout is required.
6. How can I create Many – to – Many relationship?
Lookup and Master detail relationships are one to many relationships. We can create many – to –
Many relationship by using junction object. Junction object is a custom object with two master
detail relationships.
7. A custom object contains some records, now my requirement is to create field in this
object with master detail relationship. Can we create master detail relationship in this case?
No, directly we cannot create master details relationship if custom object contains existing
Following are the steps to create to create master-detail relationship when records are available
in custom object.
First create field with lookup relationship.
And then associate look field with parent record for every record
3. Next change the data type of the field from look up to Master detail.
8. List examples of custom field types?
Text, Pick list, Pick list (multi select), Date, Email, Date/Time, Date, Currency, Checkbox, Number,
Percent, Phone, URL, Text Area, Geolocation, lookup relationship, master detail relationship etc…..
9. What is TAB in Salesforce?
Tab is a user interface component to user creates to display custom object data.
There are three type of tabs.
Custom Tabs
Visual force Tabs
Web Tabs
10. Does user can create insert their own custom logo, while creating their own custom

Yes user can upload their custom logo in documents and then they choose that logo for
11. List things that can be customized on page layouts?
We can customize different things on page layout like, Fields, Buttons, Custom Links and Related
Lists. We can also create sections
12. What is a “Self Relationship”?
Self Relationship is a lookup relationship to the same object. Suppose let’s take an object
“Merchandise”. Here we can create relationship in between the Account to Account (same object)
object. That is called “Self Relationship”.
13. What are the main things need to consider in the “Master-Detail Relationship”?
Record level access is determined by the parent, Mandatory on child for reference of parent,
cascade delete (if you delete the parent, it can cascade delete the child).
14. What is difference between trigger and workflow?
Workflow is automated process that fired an action based on Evaluation criteria and rule criteria.
We can access a workflow across the object.
We cannot perform DML operation on workflow
We cannot query from database
Trigger is a piece of code that executes before or after a record is inserted or updated.
We can access the trigger across the object and related to that object
We can use 20 DML operations in one trigger.
We can use 20 SOQL’s from data base in one trigger.
15. What is Wrapper class?
A Wrapper class is a class whose instances are collection of other objects.
It is used to display different objects on a Visual Force page in same table.
16. What is Difference between SOQL and SOSL?
SOQL(Salesforce Object Query Language)
Using SOQL we can Search only on one object at a time.
We can query on all fields of any datatype
We can use SOQL in Triggers and classes.
We can perform DML operation on query results.
SOSL(Salesforce object Search Language)

Using SOSL we can search on many objects at a time.
We can query only on fields whose data type is text,phone and Email.
We can use in calsses but not in Triggers.
We cannot perform DML operation on search result
17. What is difference insert() and database .insert() ?
Using insert method we can insert the records but if any error occurs in any record system will
throw an error insertion fail and none of the records are inserted
If we want to execute partially success of bulk insert operation we will use database .insert.
18. What is Static Resources?
Using Static Resources we can upload images, zip files, jar files, java script and CSS files that can be
referred in a visual force page
The maximum size of Static Resources for an organization is 250mB.
19. How to call java script using Static Resource in Visual Force page?
Add java script file in Static Resource setup -> develop -> Static Resources -> click on ‘New’ ->
Name: filename and add file from local desktop and save.
We can use that file as follows in Visual Force page
<apex: includescript values=” {! $Resource.fileName}”/>
20. What is sharing rule?
If we want to give the access to other users we use sharing rules.
21. How many ways we can share a record?
Role Hierarchy:
If we add a user to a role, the user is above in the role hierarchy will have read access.
Setup -> manage users -> roles -> setup roles -> click on ‘add role’ -> provide name and save.
Defines the base line setting for the organization.
Defines the level of access to the user can see the other user’s record
OWD can be Private, Public Read Only, Public Read and Write.
Setup -> Security Controls -> sharing settings -> Click on ‘Edit’
Manual Sharing:
Manual Sharing is sharing a single record to single user or group of users.
We can see this button detail page of the record and this is visible only when OWD setting is private.
Criteria Based Sharing rules:
Whose criteria are country is India.

Setup -> security controls -> sharing settings -> select the object and provide name and
Conditions and save
Apex sharing:
Share object is available for every object(For Account object share object is AccountShare ). If we
want to share the records using apex we have to create a record to the share object.
note: (We can use 100 SOQLs and 150 DMLs in a single trigger.I tested this.)
22. What are the actions in workflow?

1. Email Alert
2. Task
3 . Field Update
4. Outbound Message
Go through the below link for the more information about workflow actions
23. How many ways we can made field is required?
1. While creation of field
2. Validation rules
3. Page Layout level
4. Using Trigger
24. What is difference between Role and Profile?
Role is Record level access and it is not mandatory for all users.
Profile is object level and field level access and it is mandatory for all users.
25. What is the maximum size of the PDF generated on
visualforce attribute renderAs?
26. How many controllers can be used in a visual force page?
Salesforce come under SAAS so, we can use one controller and as many extension controllers.
27. What is difference between Action support and Action function?
Action function: Invoke the controller method from java script using AJAX and we can use action
function from different places on visual force page.
Action support: Invoke the controller method using AJAX when even occurs on page like
onMouseOver, onClick, ect… and we can use action support for particular single apex component.
28. How many ways we can call the Apex class?

1. Visual force page
2. Web Service
3. Trigger
4. Email services
5. Using Scheduling
29. How to create Master Details relationship between existing records?
Directly we can’t create Master Detail relationship between existing records, first we have to create
Lookup relationship and provide valid lookup fields and it shouldn’t null.
30. What is permission set?
Permission sets extend user’s functional access without changing user’s profile.
Ex: A user has only read access through profile on custom object, administrator want to give
access Edit and create operations to him without changing the profile. Administrator creates the
permission set having edit and creates operation on custom object and assign to that user.
31. What is manual sharing?
Manual sharing is to share a record to a particular user manually.
Go to detail page of record and click on manual sharing button and assign that record to other user
with Read or Read/Write access.
Manual Sharing button enables only when OWD is private to that object.
32. How we can change the Grant access using role hierarchy for standard objects?
Not possible.
33. What is the use of “Transfer Record” in profile?
If user have only Read access on particular record but he wants to change the owner name
of that record, then in profile level Transfer Record enables he can able to change the owner.
34. What is Field dependency?
According to the field selection on one field filter the pick list values on other field.
35. Is check box performs like controlling field?
Yes possible. Controlling field should be Check box or pick list.
36. How many field dependencies we can use in Visual Force page?
Maximum we can use 10 field dependencies in VF page.
37. What is Roll-up summary?
Roll-up displays the count of child records and calculate the sum, min and max of fields of
the child records.
38. How to create Roll-up summary field on lookup relation?

Not possible. Roll-up summary is enabled for only Master –Detail relationship.
39. What are the Record Types?
Record Types are restrict the pick list values and assign to the different page layouts for
different Record Types.
40. What is Audit Trail?
Audit Trail provides the information or track all the recent setup changes that an
administrator done to the organization.
This can store the last 6 months data.
41. What are the Report Types?
4 Types of report in Salesforce
Tabular Reports: We can only displays the grand total in the table form.
Summary Reports: It is a detail form of report in which the grouping done based on Columns.
Matrix Reports: It is a detail form of report in which the grouping done based on both Rows and
Joined Reports: We can join the two or more reports in the single report displayed in the form of
42. What is Dashboard?
Dashboard is a pictorial representation of report. We can add up to 20 reports in single
43. What is the default timeout period while calling webservice from Apex.
44. We have a “Time Based Workflow” and there is Action scheduled to be executed. If we
Deactivate the workflow, Scheduled actions will be removed from queue or not?
Action will be performed even if we are deactivated the workflow
45. How to delete “Time based workflow” if there is already an action scheduled?
We can’t delete the “Time based workflow” if any pending actions in the queue.
46. How to update the record using After Trigger context?
Not possible. You will get error like “Record is Read only”.
47. What is the difference between “Export” and “Export All” in Data Loader in Salesforce?
Export is export all the data from excluding the recycle bin’s data.
Export All is export all the data from Salesforce including the recycle bin’s data.
48. What is the use of “ALL ROWS” in SOQL?
ALL ROWS is used for retrieving the records from recycle bin.

Ex: SELECT Id from Campaign ALL ROWS
-> “ALL ROWS” is not work in developer console.
49. What is the use of “FOR UPDATE” in SOQL?
FOR UPDATE is used to lock the records.
Ex: Campaign cam = [SELECT id FROM Campaign LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE];
50. What is the use of “savepoint” in apex?
This is will use for to roll back the changes.
51. How to call Apex class using java script?
Check the below code.
Apex Class:
global class ClassName
webService static String methodName(String camName) {
Campaign cam = new Campaign(name = camName);
Java Script:
var Campaign = sforce.sObject(“Campaign”);
var String = sforce.apex.exceute(“ClassName”,”methodName”,{name=”ABC”});
52. How to run trigger in asynchronously?
If you use @FUTURE annotation trigger run asynchronously.
53. We are not providing some of fields in .csv file which are required in page layout level.
What happens if we try to insert records into Salesforce through data loader?
All records are inserted in Salesforce successfully.
54. We are not providing some of fields in .csv file which are required in Filed level. What
happens if we try to insert records into Salesforce through data loader?
Except those records remaining records will be inserted in to Salesforce.

1. What is visualforce?
Visualforce is tag based markup language to develop customized user interface in salesforce.
2. What is visualforce controller in salesforce? What are they?

Visualforce controller is a set of instructions that specify what happens, when user interacts with
components on visualforce pages, such buttons & links.
There are three types of controllers. They are.
Standard Controller, Custom controller & Controller extensions.
3. What is Standard Controller?
Standard controller provides the salesforce in built functionality to interact with visualforce pages.
You can use the standard actions like Save, Edit, Cancel & delete by using standard controllers.
Syntax : <apex:page standardController=”Account”>
Kow more about standard controller
4. What is Standard List Controller?
Standard List Controller allows to display list of records in visualvalfoce page. Standard list
controller provides additional pagination actions (First, Lat, Next & Previous) compared to
standard contro
Syntax: <apex:page standardController=”Account” recordSetVar=”accounts”>
defining this controller is similar to standard controller. But need to add one more attribute
Know more about Standard List Controller
5. What is Custom Controller?
Custom controller is an apex class that implements customized logic to visualfore pages.
We can override or create new functionality by using custom controllers.
Syntax: <apex:page controller=”Account” >
Know more about custom controller
6. Can we use standardController & controller attributes at a time?
No, We cannot reference both attributes at a time.
See below syntax to under stand
<apex:page standardController=”ControllerName” extensions=”Class1, Class2,..”> Correct
<apex:page Controller=”MYControllerName” extensions=”Class1, Class2,..”> Correct syntax
<apex:page standardController=”MYControllerName” Controller=”MyController”> Wrong
7. What are the tasks of standard controller?
Standard controllers provides ability to access and interact with structured business data contained
in records displays in the proper user interface.
Standard controller tasks: controlling data, controlling actions and controlling navigation.
8. How can you create visualforce page in salesforce?

We can create visualforce pages in two ways.
1. From the setup menu go to Setup-> develop -> Build->Pages-> click on new button to create a
page & enter name & code for visualforce page.
2. From the vsualforce editor. Enter /apex/pagename at the url & create new page in visualforce
Know more information about this

9. What is <apex:page> tag in visualforce markup?

This tag represents a single visualforce page. Every page must start & end with this tag.
<!– Body of the page –>
know more about <apex:page> tag
10. How can we enable visualforce editor?
We need to check the “development mode” check box at user level to enable visualforce editor.
To enable this, go to user details page check the development mode check box.
1. Through Sales force Import wizard how many records we can import?
Using Import wizard, we can upload up to 50000 records.
2. Import wizard will support for which Objects?
Only Accounts, Contacts and custom object’s data can be imported. If we want to import other
objects like Opportunities and other object’s data, then we need to go for Apex Data Loader.
3. What is app exchange?
The developed custom applications can be uploaded into the app exchange so that the other person
can share the applicaition.
4. What is a VLOOKUP in S.F?
VLOOKUP is actually a function in sales force which is used to bring relevant value to that record
from another record automatically.
5. When I want to export data into SF from Apex Data Loader, which Option should be enable
in Profile?
Enable API
6. What is a web - lead?

Capturing a lead from a website and routing it into lead object in Sales Force is called wed-lead
(web to lead).

7. What are the Types of Account and difference between them?

We have two types of accounts.
Personal accounts
Business accounts
In personal accounts, person’s name will be taken as primary considerations where as in business
accounts, there will be no person name, but company name will be taken into consideration.
8. What is a Wrapper Class in S.F?
A wrapper class is a class whose instances are collections of other objects.
9. What are formula and Rollup Summary fields and Difference between them? When should
Rollup- Summary field enable?
Formula: A read-only field that derives its value from a formula expression that we define. The
formula field is updated when any of the source fields change.
Rollup Summary: A read-only field that displays the sum, minimum, or maximum value of a field in
a related list or the record count of all records listed in a related list.
10. What is a Sandbox? What are all the Types of sandboxex?
Sandbox is the exact replica of the production.

1. What is the difference between Lookup Relationship and Master-Detail Relationship?

Master – Detail Relationship :
1. We cannot create master – detail relationship type fields directly if records already exists. Instead
we have to first create Look up fields then fill all the records with that lookup filed. After that we
can convert the lookup fields to master – detail relationship.
2. If we delete master records then detail (Child) records are deleted.
3. It creates the parent(master) child(Detail) relationship between objects.
Look up relationship :
1. Look up relationship creates relations between two objects.
2. If we delete any object then other object is not deleted

2. Where is the view Account hierarchy link?

3. Define Account Hierarchy?

Account hierarchy defines the Hierarchy of accounts. It is displayed in tree structure.
5. What type of Workflow Alerts are there?
1. Email Alert
2. Outbound Message
3. Task
4. Field Update
6. What is Dataloader?
The Data Loader is an easy to use graphical tool that helps you to get your data into Salesforce
objects. The Data Loader can also be used to extract data from database objects into any of the
destinations mentioned above. You can even use the Data Loader to perform bulk deletions by
exporting the ID fields for the data you wish to delete and using that source to specify deletions
through the Data Loader.
8. Validation Rules, What are they use for in Salesforce?
Validation rules are used to maintain data format and consistency.
9. True or False? If you were to delete a record that had a lookup to a child object, all child
object records would get deleted as well.

Production and Sandbox Environments

What is Cloud Computing ?
Pictorial representation of internet is Cloud.
Cloud Computing is nothing but internet computing.
With this approach everything can be done in internet (Using Application, Developing Application
and distributing the hardware), no need of any minimum hardware requirements and no need to
install any software in local system.
Cloud Computing is an approach to provide the following services -
SAAS (Software As A Service)
PAAS (Platform As A Service)
IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service)
2. What is Salesforce?
Salesforce is a company which provides a web based tool called Salesforce
Salesforce by following the Cloud Computing approach, providing SAAS and PAAS
SAAS: Providing Sales, Marketing and Call Center applications as a service

PAAS: Providing platform in which we can develop Apex (Programming language similar
to Core Java) and Visualforce (Mark up language similar to HTML) logic.
3. What is Production?
We should not make coding changes in production since end-users are using the application from
production environment.
4. What is production url?
5. What is sandbox?
To make any changes for the exiting application we should copy all contents of the production into
sandbox and make all changes after that test thoroughly after that move those changes into
To create the sandbox, in production we can find one link called sandboxes. by clicking on that link
we can create the sandbox by choosing type of the sandbox.
6. What is sandbox url?
7. What are the types of Sandboxes?
Developer Sandbox
Developer pro sandbox
Partial data sandbox
Full copy sandbox
8. What is Developer sandbox?
It copy only configuration changes from the production
It won’t copy real time data
We can test the configuration changes with sample data
Sample data limit is 200mb
Refresh time interval is one day
If we refresh all the sandbox contents will be replaced with production contents
9. What is developer pro sandbox?
Copy configuration changes
No real time data
Sample data limit is 1GB
Refresh time interval one day
10. What is partial data sandbox?

Copy configuration changes
Copy certain amount of real time data
Real time data limit is 5GB
For each table it can copy maximum of 10k records
Refresh interval 5 days
11. What is Full copy sandbox?
It is exact replica of the production
Copy both configuration and entire real time data from the production
Refresh time interval 29 days

1. What is Track Field History?
While creating the object, we can enable 'Track Field History'.
If, we enable 'Track Field History' user can see 'Set History Tracking' button under 'Custom Fields &
Relationships' section which is available on the object detail page.
By clicking on 'Set History Tracking' button, we can enable tracking for the fields which ever we
To see the object history, go to object's record layout and add Object Name History related list to
the layout.
Whenever, user changes field value from one value to another value, it will show the history of the
field in 'Object History' related list.
2. What are the Activities in Salesforce?
To create the Activities, while creating the object, we should check for 'Allow Activities' check box
then user can add open Activities and Activity History related lists on the Object layout.
There are two types of activities -
Task: Task is nothing but work assigned to a particular person, it doesn't have certain time limit.
Event: It has certain time limit in that time only all persons should assemble after the time limit
over, event will get complete.
-Once event or task status changed to 'Completed' then we can see those records under Activity
History Related List.
3. How to Rename the tab?
Tab name will be decided based on the Plural Label of the custom object, to rename go to
corresponding object detail page and rename the plural label.
4. How to display multiple columns after clicking on the tab?

Click on the tab(Which should be realted to any of the custom/standard object) > Expand Quick Access Menu > Edit Columns > Move the needed fields from Available Fields to
Selected Fields. > Click on Save > User should be able to see multiple columns.
Click on Setup > Create > Objects > Select the corresponding object link > Under Search Layouts
section > Click Edit which should be left to Object Tab > Move the needed fields from Available
Fields to Selected Fields. > Click on Save > User should be able to see multiple columns.

5. What is the difference between ISBLANK() AND ISNULL()?

ISNULL() works only for number data type fieds, if we don't populate with value for number fields
it will return true.
ISNULL() won't support TEXT data type fields because text fields never become null.
ISBLANK() supports both number as well as text data types.
6. What is dependent picklist?
In some scenario's, we should be able to control one of the field(Dependent field) from another
field(Controlling field), example If we select Country(Controlling field) as US then City(Dependent
Field) should display only US cities.
We can use checkbox data type fields also while creating dependent picklist (Note: Checkbox should
be always controlling field)
We can use multi-select data type fields also while creating dependent picklist (Note: multi-select
data type field should be always dependent field)
7. What is the architecture of the salesforce
MVC Architecutre - Model, View , Controller
View - It is the user interface (Apps, Tabs, Page Layouts, Fields and Record Types)
Controller - Business Logic (Save, Edit, New, Cancel and Delete - upon click on these button
salesforce execute some logic from controller)
Model - It is the Database, which stores Schema (Meta-Data(Data about Data) --> Apps, Tabs,
sObjects, fields, Apex Classes, Visualforce pages, etc...) and Instance (Records)
8. What is the difference between 15 digit and 18 digit id in Salesforce?
In Salesforce, whenever user create any component (Object, field, tab etc...) or record then
salesforce will generate an unique id with which user can identify the record or component.
After creating the record, in the URL user can see the id of the record which is of 15 digits length.
Through user interface user always see 15 digit id which is Cases-Sensitive

.If the user query the existing records from the database through API (Either from Query Tool or
from a program), it will always return 18 digit id which is Case-Insensitive.
Last 3 digits of the 18 digit represents checksum of the capitalization of 15 digit id.
Based on the first 3 digits user can identify the object of the record.
All the records belongs to same object will contain same firt 3 digits.

9. What is Record Type?

For an object based on the Record Type, we can show different fields and different picklist values
by assigning different page layouts for the record types and profiles.
After creating the record type, on the record type detail page user can see all the picklist data type
fields, user can edit the picklist and decide which values should display for this particular record
10. What is the difference between detail page and edit page?
Whenever user try to create a new record or edit an existing record user can input the values for
the fields, this page is nothing but edit page.
After creating a new record or editing an existing record, user can see the information of the record,
this page is nothing but detail page.
11. What is out of box functionality?
Within the sfdc standered functionality (no need to code).
12. What are the type of tabs?
Custom tabs (create for objects)
Web tabs (create to display a website)
Visual force tabs (create to display the visual force page)
Lightening Page Tabs
13. What is validation rule?
While creating or modifying the record based on the certain conditions we can display error
messages on top of the page or below to the filed.
14. There are two fields, if the user populate two field values if we combine those values
uniqueness should be maintain, how to achieve this without coding?
Using vlookup function in the validation rule we can achieve this.
15. What are Governor Limits?
Since we are working in multitenant environment Salesforce is enforcing the limits for all the

How many no of fields for an object: 500
No of master detail relationships for an object: 2
No of lookup relationship for an object: 25
No of rollup summery fields: 10
How many external ids we can enable for an object: 7 (increased from 3 to 7 in Winter-15)
16. For which data type we can enable external id?
text, number, auto number, email.
17. What is list view?
After clicking on the tab on the top of the page we can see views, by default we can see the value
called ‘all’. If we click on ‘Go’ beside that all we can see all the records of that object. If we want we
can create new views. While creating the view we can give the filter conditions so that based on the
filter condition only we can see the records.
18. What is Inline editing?
On the detail page without clicking on edit button we can edit particular field if it is not read-only.
19. How to disable Inline editing?
To enable or disable Inline editing follow the below navigation - Setup--> Customise--> User
Interface--> Enable Inline Editing
20. What is Enhanced list view?
In list views we can modify multiple records at a time using Enhanced list views Note: To modify
multiple records, all the records should belong to same record type in the list view otherwise we
cannot modify.
Whenever we click on a tab or we click on a lookup icon or search for a record we see only one
standard field by default, to enable remaining fields -
To show multiple fields for the records which display under a tab, on object detail page > under
Search layouts edit tab and add required fields.
To show multiple fields for the records which display when we click on lookup of a field, on object
detail page > under Search layouts edit Lookup Dialogs and add required fields.
To show multiple fields for the records which display when we search for the records, on object
detail page > under Search layouts edit Search Results and add required fields.
22. What is mini page layout and how to enable?
For lookup fields on record detail page we see a link, whenever we put cursor on that link we see a
popup window which displays few fields. To control the fields visibility, on that look up field parent
object page layout we see a mini page layout in that we can control.

23. What is lead process?
To control the picklist values of the status field on the lead object we should create lead proces
Without selecting the lead process we can't create the record type for lead object

24. What is sales process?

To control the picklist values of the stage field on the opportunity object we should create sales
Without selecting the sales process we can't create the record type for opportunity object
25. What is Support process?
To control the picklist values of the status field on the case object we should create support process.
Without selecting the support process we can't create the record type for case object
26. What is web-to-lead?
On lead object we can generate the HTML code by selecting lead fields and by mentioning return
URL from web-to-lead option. The generated HTML code can be hosted in any of the website. Upon
entering the information in those fields and clicking on submit button that information will be
saved into lead object of the Salesforce.
27. What is Queue?
In queue we can add group of users and we can assign the objects to the Queue. After creating the
queue one of the list view automatically created on the objects which are selected for the queue. We
can assign this queue as the owner of the records (objects which are selected for this queue). Later
users who are part of that queue can claim the ownership by navigating to list view corresponding
to the queue. In that list view users who are part of the queue can select the record and click on
accept button so that record ownership will be transferred from queue to accepted person.
28. What is public group?
We can add set of random users in the public group. We can't assign public group as an owner of
the record. In manual sharing, sharing rules and in list views we can use public group.
29. What are the Assignment rules?
On lead and case objects we can create the Assignment rules. Whenever any record is submitted for
lead/case if specified condition in the Assignment rule satisfied based on that we can decide the
owner of the case/lead. Note: While submitting case/lead we should check for 'Assign using active
assignment rule' checkbox which will display under Optional section.
30. What are Auto-Response Rules?

On lead and case objects we can create the Auto-Response Rules. Whenever any record is submitted
for lead/case if specified condition in the Auto-Response Rules satisfied based on that we can
decide the email format which should send as auto response.

31. What are the Escalation rules?

On case object we can create Escalation rule. Based on the priority we can send escalation mails.

Questions on Relationships
1. Is it possible to create the Master – Detail Relationship field for the child object which is
having existing records?
No, we cannot create directly. To create first we should create Look up relationship then populate
the field value for all the records and then convert the look up relationship to master detail
2. Is it possible to convert Mater – Detail Relationship to Look Up Relationship?
If the parent object doesn’t have Roll up Summary fields for the child object then we can convert.
3. Is it possible to delete junction – Object in case of Mater – Detail Relationship?
If the parent objects don’t have Roll up Summary fields for the child object then we can delete.
To delete a child object it should not be referred in Apex Classes and Apex Triggers.
Later if we undelete the object, Master detail fields on the junction objects will be converted to look
up Fields.
If we delete only Master – Detail Relationship field from the child object and undelete it from the
Recycle Bin then it will be converted to look up relationship.
Parent Object we cannot delete because it will be referred in the child object.
4. What will happen if we undelete the deleted Junction Object?
Master – Detail Relationship data types will be converted to look up relationship data types.
5. What will happen to child records if we delete a parent record in case of Lookup
If we delete parent object record all the child object records relationship's field value will be get
deleted. (Entire record won’t be get deleted)
Child Object: Employee (Employee object have Department field which is related to Department
Parent Object: Department

Suppose N number of employee records related to IT department, if we delete IT department all the
child(Employee) records Department field value related to IT department will be get deleted.
Salesforce store deleted records only for 15 day in Recycle bin later it will remove the records
If we undelete the IT department record from the Recycle bin then all the related child records
department field value will be restored.
6. What will happen to child records if we delete a parent record in case of Master Detail
If we delete the parent object record all the child object records will be get deleted.
Child Object: Employee (Employee object have Department field which is related to Department
Master Object: Department
Suppose N number of employee records related to IT department, if we delete IT department all the
child records will get deleted.
Salesforce store deleted records only for 15 day in Recycle bin later it will remove the records
If we undelete the IT department record from the Recycle bin then along with IT department record
all the related child (Employee) records will be restored. (We cannot see the child object records in
the Recycle bin)
7. What is Junction Object?
A child object which is having master detail relationships with two different parent object is called
junction object.
Object1: Department
Object2: Project
Child Object: Employee
Field1: Department (Master Detail with Department )
Field2: Project(Master Detail with Project)
Note: From the above example we can say Employee Object as Junction Object.

8. For a junction object if we delete one of the parent record what will happen to child
Child records will be get deleted which are related to Department as well as Project.
Note: If we undelete the IT department record from the Recycle bin then along with IT department
record all the related child (Employee) records will be restored those will be reflected for Project as
well. (We cannot see the child object records in the Recycle bin)

Users, Profiles and Permission Sets

Profiles and Permission Sets provides security for meta-data (Structure) components.
1. Is it possible to delete the user in salesforce?
No, once we create an user in salesforce we cannot delete the user record. We can only deactivate
the user record.
2. What is 'Grant Account Login Access'? How to enable 'Grant Account Login Access'
If we enable 'Grant Account Login Access' for a user then we can see 'Log in' button on the detail
page of that user. By clicking on that 'Log in' button without giving that user's username and
password we can log in.
To enable the 'Grant Account Login Access' follow the below steps -
Log in as a user to whom you want to enable Log in access.
At top right corner click on name (Which should be left to Setup) > My Settings
User should be able to see user's personal set up page.
Left side, click on Personal Information > Grant Account Login Access
User should be able to see Grant Account Login Access page
In Access Duration column select '1 Year' for all the records and click on 'Save' button.
Log out and Log in as any other user in the organization then click on Manage Users > Users.
User should be able to see list of records and verify the user to whom we enabled the Grant
Account Login Access
User should be able to see the Login link beside Edit link.
Click on Login then user should be able to login as that user mode
Observe at top right corner, user should be able to see Logged in as 'Name of the user' which
should be highlighte in black color.
Click on Logout

User should be come back to original user's mode, Observe at top right corner, user should not be
able to see Logged in as 'Name of the user'
3. How to provide security for Meta-Data files (Schema)?
Using Profiles and Permission Sets.

4. What is Profile?
Profile deals with CRED (Create, Read, Edit and Delete) permissions over Apps, Tabs, sObjects,
Fields, Record Types, etc...
We can map only one profile for one user and without mapping the profile we cannot create the
5. What is Permission Set?
To improve the permissions for the users over profiles we should go for Permission Sets.
Example- To give additional permissions to few users who belongs to different profiles over Apps,
Tabs, sObjects and fields.
6. How to give permissions to two fields for different users who belongs to different profiles?
Permission sets.
7. How many users are there in your project salesforce instance?
1000 (It will depends upon the number of licenses taken by the client, it will be like upto 4000 like
that based on the client)
8. How to provide security for the Records(Instance)?
OWD(Organigation Wide Defaults)
Sharing Rules.
Manual Sharing
Apex Managed sharing
View all.
Modify all.
View all data.
Modify all data.
9. What is role?
Role deals with authorization to access data.
10. What is OWD?

OWD is the default access level on records for any object in sales force.
For custom objects we can see below access levels -

Public Read only
Public Read/Write
By default after creating custom object OWD access level is Public Read/Write.
Private: only owner and above hierarchy users can have Read/Write access and below hierarchy
users don't have any access.
Public Read only: only owner and above hierarchy users can have Read/Write access and below
hierarchy users can have only Read Only.
Public Read/Write: Irrespective of role hierarchy every one can have Read/Write permissions on
the records.
11. What is Grant Access Using Hierarchies?
Say there are three roles
Role A
Role B
Role C
Role A is higher in hierarchy, Role B is in middle and Role C is lower in hierarchy
If the Role A user through Manual Sharing or Sharing Rules, shares the record to Role C user who is
in lower hierarchy, then the Role B user who is above in hierarchy to Role C user can see the
records, if we enable Grant Access Using Hierarchies at sharing settings else Role B user cannot see
the record.

Import Wizard and Data Loader

To process bulk records.
1. What is Import wizard?
Import wizard is a web based tool to process bulk records.
With import wizard we can process maximum of 50,000 records.
In import wizard we can't see few objects (ex: if there is masterdetail relationship between two
objects then child object we can't see).

2. What is Data Loader?
Data Loader is a stand-alone tool to process bulk records. With Dataloader we can process
maximum of 5 million records. Most of the time we use only Dataloader. Default batch size of the
Dataloader is 200.
3. Which operations we can perform on dataloader?
Insert (Inserting brand new records, no need of ID)
Update (Updating the existing records based on the record ID)
Upsert (To Upsert we should have one external ID field on the object, based on the external id
field if the value already exists it will update, if doesn't exist then it will insert)
Delete (Delete the records based on the id provided, to delete we need only id, deleted records
can be found in recycle bin)
Hard delete (Delete the records based on the id provided, to delete we need only id, deleted
records can't be found in recycle bin, Note: If we enable bulk API in data loader settings then only
we can perform Hard delete.)
Export (From any object we can export records based on the SOQL query, Note: We can't export
deleted records which are there in the recycle bin)
Export all (From any object we can export records based on the SOQL query, Note: Using Export
all we can export deleted records which are there in the recycle bin also)
4. Data loader or Import wizard supports which file format?
.CSV (Comma Separated Values)

5. What is the filed mapping file format of the data loader?

6. How to insert null values into dataloader?
In dataloader settings we should enable 'insert null values' checkbox otherwise we can't insert null
7. What is external ID?
Suppose we have account table in Salesforce and account table outside of the Salesforce (ex: .csv
file, sql database). In Salesforce all the records can be identified with record id and outside of the
Salesforce we can't recognize records with Salesforce id that is the reason to compare outside table
and salesforce table in Salesforce for one of the field we have to enable external ID (we can enable
external id for text, number, auto number and email). If we enable external id we can compare that

particular column with the column which is available in external table. While comparing if the both
column values are same then it will update otherwise it will insert.
8. Maximum batch size of data loader?
10,000 records and minimum 1 record.
9. What is default batch size if we enable bulk API?
2,000 records.

Workflows and Approvals

To perform the automated actions.
1. What are the different kinds of evaluation criteria’s (events)?
Created and everytime edited to meet the criteria
Created and edited to subsequently meet the criteria
2. What is the difference between Created and everytime edited to meet the criteria and
Created and edited to subsequently meet the criteria?
If we select 'Created and everytime edited to meet the criteria' whenever we create a record or edit
a record if the criteria of the workflow rule meets then it will trigger every time. If we select
'Created and edited to subsequently meet the criteria' -
While creating the record criteria meets so that workflow will fire and while editing the record
again criteria meets workflow won't fire (meeting the criteria to meeting the criteria)
While creating the record criteria doesn't meet so workflow won't fire and while editing the
record workflow criteria meets then workflow will fire (not meeting the criteria to meeting the
Conclusion: Previous state of record should be not meeting criteria and current state of record
should be meeting the criteria then only in current state workflow will fire.
3. What are the types of rule criteria’s?
Criteria meet (field - operator - value, if there are multiple criteria’s then in filter criteria we can
give conditions like ( 1 or 2) and 3, field to field comparison is not possible, we can't fetch the
previous state information of the field )
Formula evaluated (we can write formulas with this we can do field to field comparison and we
can fetch previous state value of the record)
4. What is immediate workflow action?

The action which will be performed immediately after the record criteria meets.

5. What is time dependent workflow action?

The action which will be performed in future based on the any of the date field. To create time
dependent workflow action we should create one time trigger. in time trigger we can give either
days or hours with the maximum of 999 value and we can select either before or after.
6. For which event we can't create time dependent workflow action?
Created and everytime edited to meet the criteria.
7. What are the different kinds of workflow actions?
New field update (we can update a field of the same object or the fields of the parent objects
which are at master side in master-detail relationship, only for master-detail parent objects we can
update the field and for lookup we can't update)
New email alert (we can send emails if the criteria meets)
New task (we can create new task)
New outbound Message (we can make a callout)
8. What are the types of email templates?
HTML (with letter head)
Custom HTML (without letter head)
Visual Force
9. There is a timebased workflow which will update one of the fields if the criteria meet. User
submits the record with valid criteria, workflow triggered so that the field update is queued
in the 'time based flow' queue which will fire after one day. If the user modifies the record
which is submitted before the scheduled date, after modification, a record criterion is not
meeting. Whether the field will be updated or not in schedule date?
It won't trigger in the schedule date because if we modify the record to not meeting criteria that
queued field update will be removed from the 'time based flow' queue.
10. For the same scenario explained in the above question what happens when we deactivate
or modify the criteria of the workflow to different criteria? Whether the field will be updated
or not in schedule date?
Yes, It will trigger in scheduled date.

11. Scenario: There are two workflow rules on the same object say namely wf1 and wf2. If
wf1 fires then a field will be updated on the same object, if the field updated and due to this
wf2 criteria meets then what will happen, wf2 will fire or not?
It won't fire. To fire wf2 we should enable 'Re-evaluate Workflow Rules' checkbox of the field
update which is there in wf1.
12. What is recursive workflow rule? How to avoid recursive workflow rules?
Whenever we enable Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change checkbox in the Field Update
of a workflow rule, due to this field update other workflow rules on the same object will be fired if
the entery criteria of those workflow rules satisfied.
Incase, in other workflow rules also if we enable Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change
checkbox in the Field Update recursive workflow rules will come in some scenarios.
We can take two steps to avoid recursive workflow rules -
For the workflow Evaluation Criteria if you choose created, and any time it’s edited to
subsequently meet criteria option, we can avoid recursive workflow rules.
If you don't enable Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change checkbox in the Field Update
of a workflow rule we can avoid.
13. What is Approval Process?
If the criteria of the record meets then by clicking on submit for Approval button user can submit
the record for approval (Note: Approval history related list should be displayed on the record detail

14. How to configure Approval Process?

Before creating the Approval Process we should select the object after that we should follow below
steps -
Give the Approval Process name
Give the criteria of the Approval Process
Select the email template (If we don't select any email template salesforce by default send an
email notification to the target approver else with our selected email template target approver will
be notified)
Select the users who can submit for the approval (If we do not select any user by default all the
users who can access to that record can submit)
Select the user to whom record should be submitted

Initial submission actions ( after submitting the record for approval immediately whatever the
actions included in the initial submission actions section will be triggered)
Approval Steps (we can add multiple steps)
For each and every step we can see 'Approval actions' and 'rejection actions' sections where we
can add actions to be performed
If the Approver approves the record then actions which are under 'approval actions' section will
be triggered
Final approval actions section (If all the steps approved then actions which are under 'final
approval actions' section will be triggered)
Final rejection actions section (If any one of the step rejected then actions which are under 'final
rejection actions' section will be triggered)
Recall approval actions ( After submitting record for approval if you want to revoke we click on
recall approval action on the detail page, after clicking on that button actions which are under recall
approval actions section will be triggered )
15. Scenario: After activating the approval process, I want to add one more step. Is it
It’s not possible, to add one more step deactivate the approval process and clone the deactivated
approval process and add the new steps.

Reports and Dashboards

To summarize the information.
1. What is Report?
To summarize the information of an object we use reports.
2. What are the types of Reports?
Tabular (Displays records just like a table)
Summary (we can summarize the information based on certain fields)
Matrix (we can summarize the information in two dimensional manner, both rows and columns)
Join (we can summarize information in different blocks on the same object and the related
3. How many blocks we can create for join reports?
5 blocks.
4. How many maximum groupings we can do for summary, matrix and join reports?

3 groupings
5. What is bucketing in reports?
Bucket field in Reports is used to group values to the name we specify.
See in detail here
6. How many records we can display on page for a report?
We can display up to 2000 records on a page. If more records are there to display we cannot see
those through user interface. If you export the records to a excel sheet then you can export all

OWD( Organization Wide Defaults):

- Salesforce provides the Role hierarchy to make the record visibility to all the users in the
salesforce organization.

- In Role Hierarchy, When the Subordinate creates a new record, then it will be visible to the
Manager by default.

- We can set up our own role heirarchy, based on our organization requirement.

- While Creating the User Record, Role is not a Mandatory Field.

1. While Creating the User Record, Profile is Mandatory.
2. An User can have only one Profile.

Note: We cannot delete the User Record from the Salesforce, but we can deactivate the User

- OWD is used to provide the Base Line Level of Access to all the users in the organization.
- OWD can be applied on Object Level.
- OWD is purely dependent on Role Heirarchy.
- OWD can be applied on both Standard Objects and Custom Objects.

We have the following OWD options in Salesforce.

1. Private
2. Public ReadOnly
3. Public Read/Write
4. Public Read/Write/Transfer --> Applicable for Only Case / Lead Object
5. Public Full Access --> Applicable for Only Campaign Object
6. Use
7. View Only
8. No Access

1. Private, Public ReadOnly, Public Read/Write Options are available for all the standard
and Custom Objects
2. Use, View Only, No Access Options are available for Only PriceBook Object

Navigation Path:
Organization Wide Defaults can be applied by using the following navigation path..

Goto Setup --> Goto Administer --> Security Controls --> Sharing Settings--> Organization Wide
Defaults Section will be available.

Note: By default Salesforce provide the "Public Read/Write" option for all the objects(Standard and

Role Hierarchy:
CEO (User: Training NewAccount ) --> Administrator
|-- COO (User : Manager User)
|-- CTO (User : Testing User)

|-- CFO (User : Development User)

- If the Object OWD is Private, then the Record Owner will be having the Full Control on the record
and His Manager will be having the Access of Read/Write option on the record.
- Other Users in the Organization will not be able to access the record.

- To make the Record to be visible to one / more users, it provides a "Sharing" button on the Detail
Page of the record.

Note: Sharing Button will be enabled, when the objects OWD is Private.

By using the Sharing button, we can share the record to one/more users with the required access

Sharing Settings:
- By using Sharing Settings, we can make the record to be visible to one or more users.

- We have Two Types of Sharing

1. Manual Sharing
2. Automated Sharing

Manual Sharing:
- We can share the record manually by using the "Sharing" button exist on the detail page of the
- Sharing Button will be enabled, when the Objects OWD is Private.
- We have to share the each record separately.
- We can share the Record to either Selected Users / Roles / Roles & Subordinates / Public Groups

Sharing the Record:
Goto the User Login --> goto the Object --> Select the Record --> Goto the Detail Page of the Record
--> Click on "Sharing" button -->
--> Click on "Add" button
--> Select the Sharing Users / Public Groups / Roles and Add into the List
--> Select the Access Level (either ReadOnly, Read / Write)
--> Click on "Save" button

Testing the Record:

--> Goto the Target User Login
--> Goto the Object --> Goto the Records List
--> Open the Record and Check the Visibility and Access Level

Public Groups:
- Public Group contains the set of users, to whom we can share the records.
- We can create any number of Public Groups in the Salesforce Organization.
- Public Group can contains Users / Other Public Groups / Roles / Roles and Subordinates.

Creating Public Group:

--> Goto Setup --> Goto Administer --> Goto ManageUsers -->
--> Click on "Public Groups"
--> Enter the Public Group Label and Public Group Name
--> Select the Users to be add into the Group
--> Click on "Save" button

Note: Public Group contains only the Users list.

Sharing the Record to Public Group:
Goto the User Login --> goto the Object --> Select the Record --> Goto the Detail Page of the Record
--> Click on "Sharing" button -->
--> Click on "Add" button
--> Select the "Public Group" option from the available list, It will populate all the public
groups exist in the organization
--> Select the Public Group, to share the Records (Ex: Sales Group)
--> Select the Access Level (either ReadOnly, Read / Write)
--> Click on "Save" button and Test the Sharing Functionality.

Sharing Rules:
- Instead of sharing the Records manually by using Sharing button, We can share the record
- Salesforce provides, the Sharing Rules. Which are used to automate the sharing process for the
object records.

- While sharing the Record using Sharing Rules, We can specify the conditions. Based on which we
can share the record to either one / more users(Public Group).

- Sharing Rules can be created based on

1. Based on Record Owner
2. Based on Criteria

Creating Sharing Rules:

- Goto Setup --> Goto Administer --> Goto Security Controls --> Goto Sharing Settings.
--> Goto the Sharing Rules Section.
It provides a separate related list to create sharing rules for each object in salesforce
Ex: Account Sharing Rules, Case Sharing Rules, Position Sharing Rules, Customer Sharing
Rules,... etc.

--> Select the Required Object Sharing Rules Sections (Ex: Account Sharing Rules)
--> Click on "New" Button to create New Sharing Rules
--> Enter the Sharing Rule Name
(Ex: Sharing Account Record When Rating HOT)
--> Enter the Description of the Sharing Rule
--> Select the Sharing Rule Type
1. Based on Record Owner
2. Based on Record Criteria (Select this Option)
--> Enter the Rule Criteria / Conditions..
1. Rating = HOT
2. Industry = Banking
--> Select the Users / Public Group to Share the Records.
Ex: Public Group : Sales Group
--> Click on "Save" button

Testing the Sharing Rule:

Goto the User Login --> goto the Object --> Click on "New"
--> Create a New Record, with the below values...
Rating : HOT
Industry : Banking
.. Enter the Other Mandatory Field values...
--> Click on "Save" button

Note: Test the Sharing Rule Functionality, by loggin into the target user (Record should be visible to
the users).

Negative Testing:
--> Change the Same Record values as below
Rating: Warm
Industry : Banking

--> Click on "Save" Button
Note: Test the Sharing Rule Functionality. (Record Should not be Shared)

- Queue is also like as a Public Group, Which contains both Queue Members (Users) and Supported

- Queue is used to store the specified object records in the waiting stage, till any of the queue
member will accept the record.

- Queue will accept only the below object records..

Case, Lead, Feedback, Feedback Request, Performance Life Cycle, Goal and All Custom

- Note: We can add required members to the Queue, Who can accept the records from the queue.

- We can create multiple queues for an organization

- Every queue will be having its members and supporting objects

Creating the Queue:

Goto Setup --> Goto Administer --> Goto ManageUsers --> Click on Queues --> Click on "New" button
to create a new queue
1. Enter the Queue Label
2. Enter the Queue Name
3. Enter the Queue Email (To which it will send an automated email notification about the
new case / record)
4. Select the Checkbox (Send Email to Members) - used to intimate the Queue members
about the new record in the queue
5. Select the Supported Objects for the Queue (Ex: Case)

6. Select the Queue Members (Add the users to the Queue)
7. Click on "Save"
- It will create a new Queue with the above details.

Assigning the Record to Queue:

- To assign the Record to the Queue, we have Two Ways.
1. Manually we can assign the Record to the Queue.
Step 1. Goto the Case Record
2. Click on the [Change] hyperlink beside the Record Owner Name
3. Select the Options(Picklist) in Change Owner To to as "Queue"
4. Click on Save.

- Now it will assign the Record to the Queue.

(i.e. The Record Owner will be the Queue)
- It will be exist in the Queue, until any of the queue member will accept the record from the
- Once the Member will accept the record, it will be transferred to the member.
i.e owner will be changed to the Queue Member.

Assignment Rules:
- Assignment Rules are used to assign the Object record to the Queues based on certain conditions

- Salesforce provides Two Types of Assignment Rules

1. Lead Assignment Rules
2. Case Assignment Rules

Lead Assignment Rules:

Using these rules, we can assign a Lead record to either a User / Queue based on some user defined

- We can create one or more Lead Assignment Rules, but always only one Assignment rule will be in
Active State.

Creating Lead Assignment Rule:

1. Goto Setup --> Goto Build --> Goto Customize --> Leads --> Assignment Rules.
- It will list out all the assignment rules for the Lead Object.
2. click on "New" button, to create a new Assignment Rule
3. Enter the Assignment Rule Name and Enable the "Active" Checkbox, and Click on "Save" button
4. click on the Newly Created Assignment Rule and Add the Rule Entries.
- We can add one or more entries(Conditions)
- Specify the Rule Condition and Specify the User Name / Queue Name to which we need to
assign the Lead Record.
5. Repeat the Step 5, to add multiple Rule Entries.
- After adding the entries, we can able to change the order of the entries using "ReOrder"
6. Click on Save.

Testing Lead Assignment Rules:

- Create a Lead Record using Lead Object
- Select the Checkbox "Assign using Active Assignment Rule" in the Page layout.
- Click on Save button.

Result: Lead Record will be create and it will assign the Record Owner to the associated Queue /
User based on the Assignment Rule conditions.

Case Assignment Rules:

- Case Assignment rules are used to assign the Case record to the Associated User / Queue. based on
certain conditions.
- i.e We can assign the case to the associated Owner.

Note: The Record will be exist in the Queue, until any of the queue member will accept the record.

Note: A Queue can contains multiple object records also.

i.e Queue : Product Queue.
Objects : Lead, Case.
- i.e the above queue contains the records of both the objects Lead and Case.

Q #1) What are the skills required to become a Salesforce Developer?

Answer: A Salesforce Developer is the one with the basic knowledge of the Salesforce platform.
They can become a Salesforce Administrator, at a later stage of the career. The developer must
know how does Salesforce works.
Moreover, some knowledge is required on basic concepts such as class, object, attributes, etc.
Check out here to know the kind of skillsets that are essential for a Salesforce Developer.
The below diagram explains the approaches in the various layers of users, business logic
and data model.

Q #2) What is a Custom Object in Salesforce?

Answer: Custom Objects are nothing but database tables and are the objects created by you for
the storage of information on company or industry. While building a custom object, the
Salesforce platform automatically builds things such as page layouts, etc for user interfaces.
For Example, Property objects that store information on homes sold by a real estate agent.
Q #3) How does Salesforce deploy Sales Tracking?
Answer: Salesforce records data on details such as sales numbers, customer details, repeat
customers & customers served and use these to create detailed reports, charts, and
dashboards. This way it keeps a track of sales in your organization.
Q #4) What is the difference between isNull and isBlank?
Answer: Use the ISBLANK() function for text fields. As text fields can never be NULL, even if
nothing is provided as a value, ISNULL() function takes only an empty value. If ISNULL() is used
with a text field then it returns false.
Q #5) What is the limit of records which can be added to Salesforce?
Answer: In the user’s section, find your name to view your monthly limit. It will give
details such as how many records are already added or exported for this month. The user goes
to the Setup, enters the User in the Quick Find Box and selects prospector users.
Q #6) What is the difference between Role and Profile in Salesforce?
Answer: Roles allow to control the access to Salesforce and have an impact on reports. They
have control over the visibility level of organizational users. The users of a specific role level
can view, edit and report on all the data, shared/owned by the users who fall below in the
Profiles are mandatory for all users. Profile controls the access to which records a user has in
the Salesforce org. It is not possible for the users to work in the Salesforce org, without being
assigned to a profile.
Q #7) What are the Permission Sets? 
Answer: A permission set is a collection of settings and permissions for accessing various tools
and functions in Salesforce. They are used for the extension of the user’s functional access,
without any changes to the profiles. Users can have only one profile but multiple permission
For Example, A set of users has the same profile called Sales Users. These users have the right
to read, create and edit the leads. If some users need to transfer and delete leads, then a
permission set is created here.

Q #8) What is the use of SOQL? What are the differences between SOQL and SOSL?
Answer: The full form of SOQL is Standard Object Query Language. SOQL evaluates to a single
sObject and a list of many sObjects or an integer for count method queries. It is used to retrieve
data from the Salesforce platform and resides inside Apex or Visualforce and returns a set of
Here is an example of a SOQL that is used for a list of accounts named “Acme”.

The differences between SOQL and SOSL are given below.


It is possible to search only one subject at a Multiple objects can be searched here at
time. a time.

Uses “SELECT” keyword for retrieval of Uses “FIND” keyword for retrieval of
records from the database. record from database.

It allows to search only one table. It allows to search multiple tables.

It allows to perform DML operations on query It is not possible to perform DML on

results. search results.

This is used in a query ( ) call. This is used in a search ()call in the API.

This is used in classes and triggers. This cannot be used in triggers.

Returns records. Returns fields.

Q #9) What are Governor Limits? Give three examples.

Answer: Salesforce works in a multi-tenant environment and imposes runtime limits to have
the same performance within the database. These are imposed by the Apex runtime engine and
ensure that the code does not misbehave.
This way the developer is forced to write efficient, scalable code.

Here are some examples of Governor Limits:
 The total number of SOQL queries issued has a synchronous limit of 100 and an asynchronous
limit of 200.
 The total number of records retrieved for Database getQueryLocator must be limited to 10,000.
 The total number of records retrieved by a single SOSL query is 2000.
Q #10) What are Workflows in Salesforce? What are the types of Workflow?
Answer: Workflow in Salesforce is for automating the standard internal processes and
procedures and thereby save time across the organization. The main container for a set of
workflow instructions is a Workflow Rule. It is possible to sum these instructions as an if/then
There are two components of the workflow rule i.e. criteria and the action. The criteria are the
‘if’ part of the if/then statement and the action is the ‘then’ part of the if/then statement.
For Example, Send an email alert to the concerned manager, when a contract is about to
expire. The workflow rule is run when the criteria are met.

There are two types of workflow in Salesforce:

1. Immediate Actions: It fires immediately when the workflow criteria are met. The associated
actions email alerts/field updates also take place with immediate effect.
2. Time-dependent Action: When the criteria are met, the associated actions take place after a
certain duration of time. This time is based on a value set.
Q #11) What is Object Relationship in Salesforce? What are Salesforce Relations?

Answer: In Salesforce, a related list allows us to connect standard and custom object records.
This is the purpose served by an object relationship. Various cases can be connected with
specific customers through this. One can create a custom relationship too.
The object relations in Salesforce include:
 Many to many
 Master-Detail
 Lookup
 Hierarchical
 Indirect Lookup
 External Lookup
Given below is a diagram to explain Object Relationships:

Q #12) What is Platform?

Answer: is a Platform As A Service (PAAS) and simplifies the development and
deployment of cloud-based applications and websites. The developers make use of the
Integrated Development Environment or IDE to create apps and websites. Later, these are
deployed in the multi-tenant servers of

Q #13) What are the different types of reports that are available in Salesforce?
Answer: The different types of Salesforce Reports include:
 Tabular Report: It offers the fastest and simplest way to view your data. They have an ordered
set of fields arranged in columns. They cannot create groups of data.
 Matrix Report: Here the grouping is done based on both rows and columns.
 Summary Report: Here the groups appear based on columns only.
 Joined Report: In this, two or more reports are joined in a single report.
Q #14) What is Junction Object? What is it used for?
Answer: Junction objects are needed to build a many-to-many relationship among Salesforce
For Example, In a typical recruitment scenario, there are possibilities of creating many
positions for candidates and at the same time, a candidate can apply for many positions.
The third object required for creating a data model is termed as a junction object and in this
example, it can be cited as “job application”. Here, you need to use a lookup field for both
position and candidate object on the junction object – which is a job application.
Q #15) What is an Audit Trail?
Answer: Administrators need to make changes in the organizational setup. Audit Trail history
helps you to track the recent 20 changes that are made in setup, by multiple administrators.
Q #16) What is a Dashboard in Salesforce?

Answer: A dashboard as shown in the above figure summarizes and portrays your Salesforce
data in a graphical layout. This offers insights at-a-glance, for any device and for any targeted
audience. In this figure, it throws light on the Sales reps of your organization.
Moreover, a dashboard visualizes your business scenario and allows you to make decisions
based on the real-time data gathered from reports. A Dashboard has a page layout and displays
multiple dashboard components. Multiple reports appear side-by-side on the same dashboard.
Q #17) What is Sandbox org in Salesforce? What are the different types of Sandbox in
Answer: Sandboxes are for copies of the production organization. It is possible to make such
multiple copies of the same environment that serve various purposes like development, testing
and training without any need for compromise of data in the production org.
As sandboxes are isolated from the production environment, operations performed in the
sandbox have no impact on the production org.
There are four types of Salesforce Sandboxes as shown below:
 Developer Sandbox
 Developer Pro Sandbox
 Partial Data Sandbox
 Full Sandbox
Q #18) What are the options for deploying from Sandbox to Production org? What is an
Outbound Change Set?
Answer: Various methods are adopted for deploying a sandbox to production. The main
method is using the Change Sets. A Change Set enables to create and test a new object in the
sandbox and then send that to the production org. It contains information on org and not on
any data such as records.
The other methods to deploy sandbox to production org include IDE, unmanaged
packages as well as ANT migration tools.
When sending customizations from current org to another org the Outbound Change Set is
used. Once received by the receiving org it is called Inbound Change Set.
Q #19) What are Bucket Fields in Salesforce?
Answer: Bucket Fields categorize records in Salesforce reports without any need for a formula
or a custom field. They exist only in the reports. When a bucket column is created then multiple
categories of group report values.

Q #20) What is Custom Label in Salesforce? How many Custom Labels can you define and
of what size?
Answer: Custom Labels enable developers to create multi-lingual applications. It automatically
presents information as information or messages, by using the user’s native language. These
are custom text values that accessible from Apex classes, Lightning components, and
Visualforce pages.
A minimum number of 5000 custom labels can be created for each organization. The size is
about 1000 characters.
Q #21) What is Data Skew in Salesforce?
Answer: The full form of SOQL is Standard Object Query Language. SOQL evaluates a condition
in an enterprise when you require to work with say 10,000 records.
A single user owns a huge number of records and we call that as “ownership data skew” and it
causes performance issues while updating in Salesforce.

Configuration Questions
Q #22) What are the differences between Workflow and Process Builder? What is the
difference between Trigger and Process Builder?
Answer: Workflows and the Process Builder are types of declarative automation tools that can
extend the functionality of the Salesforce platform. They have functionalities and features
which enable them to automate the business processes.
Workflows can only handle four actions such as email alerts, outbound messages, task creation,
and field updates. However, Process Builder has a huge number of functionalities such as
creating a record, posting to Chatter, launching a flow, submit approvals, and quick actions.
If a process earlier had different workflows for different outcomes, then the same can be
accomplished now with one process.
Moreover, only single criteria are evaluated by a Workflow, before triggering the automation.
On the contrary, the Process Builder can evaluate multiple criteria and trigger different
automation and all this depend on the criteria met.
Q #23) What are Sharing Rules?
Answer: Sharing rules extend sharing access to the users in roles, public groups or territories.
It gives greater access to the users by making automatic exceptions to the sharing settings for
the entire org.

This can be based on record ownership or other criteria. It selects the records to share with the
users and the level of access to be given to these users or groups.
For Example, An account sharing rule can be created based on an account owner or any other
criteria such as account type.
Q #24) What is the use of Custom Settings? What are the types of Custom Settings in
Answer: Custom Settings are similar to the custom objects. The developers create custom data
and associate custom data for an organizational profile or a specific user.
The exposure of custom data settings to the application cache is beneficial due to the efficient
access with no need for the cost of the repeated queries to the database. This data can be used
by SOAP API, validation rule or formula field.
The different types of Custom Settings in Salesforce include:
 Hierarchy type
 List type
Q #25) What is the use of Roll-up Summary Field and where can you use it?
Answer: Roll-up summary field can display a value in a master record based on the fields
comprising the detail record. It creates values in related records such as those in the related
lists. It can only be used in a master-detail relationship.
For Example, The sum of all invoices can be calculated for all the related custom object records
in the accounts invoice related list.
Q #26) What is the difference between Page Layout and Record Type?
Answer: Page Layouts control the layout and organization of fields, buttons, visualforce,
custom links, s-controls, and related lists on any object record pages. They determine which all
fields are visible, read-only, and mandatory. You can customize the content of record pages for
users with a Page Layout.
Here is how you create a page layout:

Use drag and drop in the above section to create the page layout.

[image source]
Record Types help to define different business processes, page layouts, and picklist values that
are meant for different users. Here is how a new Record Type is created.
For Example, A record type can be created with different picklist values for differentiating a
sales deal with various service engagements.

Q #27) What is a Wrapper Class in Salesforce?

Answer: A Wrapper class is defined as a class and a data structure. It is an abstract data type
which has its instances formed by a collection of objects.
The basic nature is that of a custom object and is defined by the Wrapper class properties. It
allows records to be checked from a list and process them for a specific action.
Q #28) What is the difference between WhoID and WhatID?
Answer: WhoID refers to people such as contact or leads. Whereas “What ID” refers only to

Apex Questions
Q #29) What is Apex?
Answer: Apex is an object-oriented programming language that enables the developers to
execute flow and transaction control statements, on Salesforce servers in association with a call
to an API.
It adds business logic to system events such as related record objects, button clicks, and
Visualforce pages – with Java-like syntax and acts as a stored procedure.
Q #30) What are Maps in Apex?
Answer: Maps are used to store data in the form of key-value pairs, where each unique key
maps to a single value.
Syntax: Map<String, String> country_city = new Map<String, String>();
Q #31) What is an Apex Transaction?
Answer: An Apex transaction is a set of operations, that is executed as a single unit. These
operations include DML operations that are responsible for querying records.
All the DML operations in a transaction get completed successfully or get completely rolled
back if an error occurs even in saving a single record.
Q #32) Is it possible to edit Apex Class/Trigger in the Production Environment?
Answer: No, it is not possible. We cannot directly edit the Apex Class/Trigger in the production
environment. It can be done only in the Developer edition, sandbox org or the testing org.
Q #33) What are the ways to call an Apex Class in Salesforce?
Answer: The various ways to call an Apex class in Salesforce are as follows:
 From a Developer Console
 Using Triggers
 From Visualforce Page
 With JavaScript Links
 From Home Page Components
 From Another Class
Q #34) Is it possible to customize Apex and Visualforce directly from the Production

Answer: It is not possible to customize Apex in the production org itself, however, it can be
changed and deployed through a sandbox, and must meet test coverage. Visualforce, on the
contrary, can be changed in the production org.
Q #35) When is it possible to use Apex over Workflow rules or Process Builder?
Answer: There are various reasons to adopt Apex over Workflow rules or Process Builder as
shown below:
 Apex can be used in those cases where there are limitations for Workflow rules or Process
Builder like putting information in external systems.
 Apex is more efficient while dealing with large sets of data as it has fewer limitations.
Q #36) What is Apex Test Coverage?
Answer: The Apex testing framework generates code coverage numbers for the Apex classes
and triggers, every time when one or more tests are run. Code Coverage denotes the number of
executable lines of code in classes and triggers which is exercised by test methods.
Test methods are written and tested to generate the Code Coverage. It is calculated as a
percentage of a covered line divided by a covered and uncovered line.
The minimum test coverage must be 75 % for deployment in the production org.
Q #37) What is Apex Email Service?
Answer: When you want to process the content, attachments, and the headers of inbound
emails then Apex Email Service is used. It is possible to create an email service that
automatically creates contact records based on contact-related information in the messages.
Each of these email services is associated with a Salesforce generated email address, to which
the users send messages for processing. It is also possible for multiple users to access a single
email service.
A new email service is created as shown below.

Q #38) What are the methods of Batch Apex Class?

Answer: It implements Database batchable interface with three methods as shown below.

a) Start: This is used at the beginning of the batch Apex job. It is used to collect the records or
objects, to pass to the interface method execute. It returns the DatabaseQueryLocator object or
an iterable that contains the records or objects passed into the job.
b) Execute: This is used for each batch of records that are passed to the method. This method
is used for all the processing of data. This method takes the following:
 A reference to DatabaseBatchableContext Object.
 A list of sObject records.
c) Finish: This is called once all the batches are processed. This is used for sending
confirmation emails or for executing post-processing operations. It uses one argument, which
is the reference of the DatabaseBatchableContext object.
Here is an example of a Batch Apex Class:

[image source]
Q #39) What are the types of Collections in Apex? Explain List and Set in Collections.
Answer: The types of collections in Apex are listed below:
 List
 Map
 Set
The list is a variable that has an ordered collection of elements and they are distinguished by
their indices. The index is numeric and starts at zero. Given below is an example of declaring a
list, with the list keyword followed by primitive data, sObjects, nested lists, map or set types.

A set is a collection of unordered elements of primitives or sObjects. No element can be
retrieved by using an index as in the case of a list. While iterating the elements in a set, there
should not be any reliance on the same order. Moreover, a set cannot contain duplicate
Here is an example of a set created with hardcoded string values.

Q #40) What is Apex Trigger? What is the Syntax of Trigger in Salesforce?

Answer: Apex Triggers perform custom actions to records in Salesforce, before or after the
events. Examples of such actions include insertion, updation, and deletion.
The triggers help to perform operations that are subject to specific conditions such as
modifying related records or restricting certain operations. Triggers can be used for anything
you do in Apex, executing SOQL or DML or even calling custom Apex methods.
There are two different types of trigger in Salesforce as shown below:
 Before Trigger: It is executed to validate the record values before saving to the database.
 After Trigger: It is executed to validate the record values after saving to the database.
Q #41) What is Asynchronous Apex? What are its different types?
Answer: Asynchronous Apex is used to run processes that are scheduled at a later time. There
are four types of Asynchronous Apex.
They are:
 Future Methods
 Batch Apex
 Queueable Apex
 Schedules Apex

Visualforce Questions
Q #42) What is Visualforce? How to hide the Header and Sidebar in the Visualforce Page?
Answer: Visualforce is a framework for the platform which enables developers to
build custom interfaces that can be hosted natively on a lightning platform. It has a tag-based
mark-up language like HTML.

Each tag is equivalent to a coarse or fine-grained user interface components such as a page
section, a related list or a field. It has 100 built-in components. The developers can create their
own components using Visualforce.
The attribute showHeader is set as “false” to hide the header of a Viusalforce page. To hide the
sidebar, the sidebar is set as “false”. These two attributes are a part of the Visualforce
component <apex page>. The attribute has a Boolean value.
Given below is an example to hide:

Q #43) How to perform an AJAX request in Visualforce?

Answer: This can be done by marking the area of a Visualforce page that demarcates which
components can be used by the server by using apex:actionRegion when an AJAX
request is generated. Only those components within the body of apex:actionRegion are
processed by the server.

Programmatic Features
Q #44) What is the difference between Standard and Custom Controller?
Answer: Standard Controllers generate automatically for all standard pages. They contain the
same logic and functionalities that are used for any standard Salesforce page. They can be used
with standard and custom objects.
Custom Controllers override the standard functionality of a standard controller which appears
on a Visualforce page. Apex can be used for writing a custom controller or a controller
Q #45) How can we implement Pagination in Visualforce?
Answer: Pagination in Salesforce refers to displaying a large number of records that are spread
across multiple pages. The list control displays 20 records per page, hence pagination is used to
change the page size with controller extension.
When we want to customize, a controller extension is used to set the pageSize.
The code snippet is displayed below:

The number of records displayed on a page by default is 20. If you want to change the number
of records displayed on a page, then just make use of the method pageSize, as shown in the
below diagram.

[image source]
Q #46) How to call a Controller Method within a JavaScript?
Answer: To call a controller method (Apex function) from JavaScript, you need to
use actionfunction.
Below is a code snippet for your reference:

[image source]
Q #47) What are the types of Bindings used in Salesforce?
Answer: There are three types of bindings used in Salesforce as shown below.
1. Data Bindings: It refers to the data set in the controller.
2. Action Bindings: It refers to the action methods in the controller.
3. Component Bindings: It refers to some other Visualforce components.
Q #48) Can you write Getter and Setter Methods in Salesforce?

Answer: Yes, we can use a getter method to return values for a controller. Every value
calculated by a controller and displayed on a page must have a getter method.
On the other hand, the setter method is used for passing user-specified values from page mark
up to the controller. The setter method in a controller is automatically executed, before any
Q #49) What is Lightning Component?
Answer: The Lightning Component framework is a user interface framework for developing
single-page applications for desktop and mobile devices. It is possible to build Lightning
components with two programming models i.e. Original Aura Component Model and the
Lightning Web Component Model.
It is supportive of partitioned multi-tier component development. It uses JavaScript for the
client-side and Apex for the server-side
Q #50) What is a Developer Console?
Answer: The Developer Console is an integrated development tool which has a collection of
tools. These can be used to create, debug and test the applications in
Q #51) What are Packages? What are the types of Packages? What are Managed
Answer: A package is a bundle/collection of a list of components or related applications.
There are two types of packages:
 Managed
 Unmanaged
Managed Packages are used to sell and distribute applications to clients. Developers can sell
user-based licenses and applications through the AppExchange for the managed packages.
These are fully upgradable. In the case of seamless upgrades, removal of objects or fields is
Q #52) What are the ways to deploy Metadata in Salesforce?
Answer: The metadata in Salesforce is deployed in the following ways:
 Change Sets
 Eclipse with IDE.
 com Migration Tool – ANT/Java-based.
 Salesforce Package
Q #53) What is

Answer: is a context variable to return the new versions of the sObject record. The
sObject list is only available in insert and update triggers and the records can be modified only
before triggers.
Q #54) What is an Attribute? What is a reRender Attribute Tag?
Answer: The properties of a Visualforce component are named as attributes. Each and every
Visualforce component in Salesforce comes with an attribute. For
Example, <apex:CommandLink> is one of the attributes.
The reRender attribute specifies a list of elements that can be dynamically updated using AJAX
library of Salesforce. There is no need for the entire page to refresh. Only a portion of the page
identified by the elements is named in the “rerender” attribute.
Q #55) Which tag is used to create a Button? Which tag is used for a URL link? Which is
the tag for Password Protection?
 The tag <apex: commandbutton> is used for the button.
 The tag used for URL link is <apex: outputLink>.
 The tag used for password protection is <apex: inputSecret>.
Q #56) What is Obligatory Outer Tag? Which tag is used for displaying a video in the
Answer: The tag <apex: page> is the obligatory outer tag. The tag<apex: flash> is used to
display a video in the Visualforce.
Q #57) How to display a Chatter Feed Record?
Answer: <chatter:feed> is the component that is used for the display of chatter feed.
The example given below displays the chatter feed for the currently logged in users.

[image source]
Q #58) Explain Exception Catch in a Program.
Answer: Java has inbuilt exception handling and the normal code goes into the TRY block and
the exception handling code into the CATCH block. Use try & catch block for using the code with
multiple Java exceptions.
Here is the syntax:

[image source]
Q #59) What is an Access Modifier in a Program?
Answer: Apex uses access modifiers for defining methods and variables. These are private,
protected, global or public access modifiers.
Here is an example of an access modifier:

[image source]
Q #60) Which operation does not have Undelete?
Answer: The before operation does not have Undelete.
Q #61) What is the use of Blob Variable?
Answer: Blob is a data type that is meant to collect binary data. Tostring() is a method that
converts the blob back into a string.
Here is an example that uses this method to print a specific text.

[image source]
Q #62) How is a link passed in Visualforce?
Answer: Link is passed in Visualforce through the hyperlink.
Q #63) What is the Purpose of apex:ouputLink?

Answer: This links to the URL. The body of apex:output link contains an image or text that is
displayed in the link.
Given below is an example:

Q #64) What is Static Resource?

Answer: Static Resource allows you to upload content to reference in the Visualforce page. The
resources can be archive files such as .zip or .jar files, stylesheets, images, and JavaScript &
other files. The Lightning platform acts as a CDN(Content Distribution Network) and manages
and distributes these files.
Q #65) Which tag is used for calling a Controller Name?
Answer: The tag that is used for calling a controller name is apex: controller.
Q #66) What is a User Interface in Salesforce?
Answer: Set up the user interface in Salesforce for giving the best working experience for the
users. You can modify your org’s user interface by enabling and disabling settings.

Integration Questions
Q #67) What is the use of an Outbound Message?
Answer: An Outbound message is a part of the workflow and is created for a Workflow rule. It
helps to send information to a specified URL endpoint. Information contained in the fields is
specified during the creation of the outbound message. It sends secure and configurable API
messages to a designated listener.
Q #68) What is OAuth?
Answer: OAuth is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework. It describes how
unrelated services and servers can safely allow authenticated access to their assets. But there is
no need to share related, initial, and single login credentials.
Q #69) What is a Connected App?
Answer: A connected app uses APIs to integrate any application with Salesforce. It uses
standard OAuth and SAML protocols for authentication purposes and provides single sign-on
and tokens for use with Salesforce APIs. It allows the Salesforce admins to set various security
policies and exercise control of who can use the connected apps.
Q #70) What is an API in Salesforce? How can we use it?
Answer: Salesforce has a set of APIs to access data from or

Some of the uses of these APIs include:
a) SOAP API: It is one of the well-known APIs. It uses SOAP as a wrapper for API operations. It
comprises a bulk of the API traffic lies. As tooling is needed to create, SOAP messages are
mostly used in enterprise settings.
b) REST API: This is ideal when you want to send a message from a client to a server and send
back a response. The REST API enables you to integrate with applications by using
simple HTTP methods and create dynamic interfaces. These methods are in XML or JSON
formats. This helps to use the API for developing mobile applications or external clients.
c) Bulk API: It is an asynchronous API and has the ability to manage large sets of data. The
programmatic access enables you to quickly load data into the Salesforce org. It cannot be used
for a handful of records and is easy to program dynamic API.
d) Streaming: It allows us to create a push topic based on a query and get updates on the
query, as the results keep on changing. It is used when the notifications are to be sent from the
client to the server based on a defined criterion.
Q #71) What is the use of External ID Fields?
Answer: External ID contains unique record identifiers for a system outside Salesforce. It is
used for importing records. It is a custom field that has an external ID attribute. Once this
option is selected, the import wizard detects Salesforce records with the same external ID.
For Example, While matching accounts in Salesforce with some external accounting system an
external ID enables you to access the unique ID of the accounting system and not the Salesforce
Further reading =>> Salesforce Solution Architect Interview Questions and Answers

Miscellaneous Questions
Q #72) Which Platform is used for developing an App in Salesforce?
Answer: The platform is used for developing an App in Salesforce.
Q #73) How to build Salesforce on Mobile Application?
Answer: Mobile SDK can be used to build Salesforce on the mobile application.
Q #74) What are Primitive Data Types?
Answer: Integer, Double, Long, Date, Date-Time, String, ID, Boolean, etc., are some of the
examples of primitive data types. These are passed by value and not by reference.
Q #75) What does the Data Wrapper Class contain?

Answer: This contains abstract, structured and collection data.
Q #76) Is Return Type a must for a Method?
Answer: Yes, the return type is a must for a method.
Q #77) How long is Bit Variable for a long statement?
Answer: The long statement has 64-bit.
Q #78) What are the development tools for Apex?
Answer: The development tools for Apex are Force. Com Developer Tools, Force. Com IDE and
Code Editor.
Q #79) What is the use of Debug Log?
Answer: Debug Log is used for catching the exception.
Q #80) Can we reference Standard Controller and Controller Attribute at the same time?
Answer: No, it is not possible to reference both the Standard Controller and the Controller at
the same time. Use the reference attribute to reference the standard controller with a custom
Here is how these are referenced:

[image source]
Q #81) What is the Development Mode? When do we enable the Development Mode?
How do we do it?
Answer: The best way to build Visualforce pages is to enable the development mode. It makes
it easy to simultaneously view the code and output.
The Development Mode helps in:
 Define new Visualforce pages by entering a new URL.
 Error messages containing detailed stack traces than what is received by the standard users.
 Displays a footer with the page’s view state, a link to component reference documentation, and
any associated controller link.

 Offers Page Markup Editor for highlighting find-replace functionality as well as auto-suggest for
attribute names and component tags.

Testing Questions
Q #82) Why do You write Test Classes?
Answer: Test classes refer to the maximum lines of code covered when your execution takes
place. If you want to develop a robust and error-free code, then the test classes are used as a
tool for testing your code. It ensures that if any Apex customization has to be deployed in your
org, then it will operate properly.
Every test class will be annotated with @isTestkeyword. In fact, we must annotate a test class
with @isTest, for defining as a test class. If the keyword testMethod is used within any
method within a class, then it is called as a test method.
Q #83) What is the Minimum Test Coverage that is required for Deployment?
Answer: At least 75 % of your Apex code must be covered by unit tests in Salesforce, and all
these tests must be completed successfully.

Debug And Deployment

Q #84) What are the different ways of Salesforce Deployment?
Answer: Salesforce code is deployed with:
 Salesforce packages
 Change Sets
 Com Migration Tools
 Eclipse with IDE


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