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The Awakening Preparation for the IO

Global Issue 1 What Strong quote Explanation Any authorial

Chapter? choices in this

Concept 1 Gender ”In short, Mrs. Pontellier Gender Metaphors were

was not a mother-woman. inequality is the used when the
The mother-women
seemed to prevail that most author described
summer at Grand Isle. It perspicuous the
was easy to know them, theme in the ‘mother-women’
fluttering about with novel and is with wings. This
extended, protecting wings
when any harm, real or
portrayed in how is also ironic
imaginary, threatened their Edna is since the wings,
precious brood. They were perceived as a rather than to fly,
women who idolized their mother and a are used solely
children, worshiped their woman. To the to protect and
husbands, and esteemed it
a holy privilege to efface male species, guard their
themselves as individuals women are children.
and grow wings as perceived for
ministering angels.” their exterior
beauty. In this
society, it is
imperative for a
woman to
neglect herself
and forget her
values to
consider herself
a mother. Angels
are godly-like
figures that are
worshipped for
their devotion to
protect and
women as
angels signifies
that to receive
praise, a woman
must live a life
out of her

Concept 2 Family “If one of the little Family was an

Pontellier boys took a important aspect
tumble whilst at play, he in the novel,
was not apt to rush crying more
to his mother’s arms for specifically, the
mother’s role in
comfort; he would more the life of her
likely pick himself up, children. Edna
wipe the water out of his was not a
eyes and the sand out of his ‘mother-woman’,
mouth, and go on playing. she claims that
Tots as they were, they she would not
sacrifice herself
pulled together and stood
for her children
their ground in childish
and that being a
battles with doubled fists mother was not
and uplifted voices, which a life she was fit
usually prevailed against for. Clearly, she
the other mother-tots.” did not attend to
her children as
much as a
mother would be
expected to.

Concept 3 Class “The cut glass, the This description of Diction is used to
silver, the heavy the pontelliers' express the extent of
damask which daily luxury in this which other women
passage highlight admired Leonce and
appeared upon the table how wealthy they could only wish to
were the envy of many are. It demonstrates be in Edna’s
women whose the superficiality of position, married to
husbands were less the Creole women a wealthy man.
generous than Mr. as they value wealth
Pontellier. ” over their own
treatment. They
consider Leonce the
ideal husband
despite his lack of
affection towards
his wife. Edna feels
unsatisfied with her
life despite her
money and opulent
lifestyle since it was
restrictive and she
was unable to fulfill
her desire to
experience the
simple pleasures
that the typical
person could.

Global Issue 2

Concept 1 Beliefs and But it was not long

Values and before the tragedian
how they had gone to join the
shape cavalry officer and the
individuals, engaged young man
communiti and a few others; and
es, and Edna found herself
educationa face to face with the
l systems realities. She grew
fond of her husband,
realizing with some
satisfaction that no
trace of passion or
excessive and
fictitious warmth
colored her affection,
thereby threatening its

Concept 2 Tensions ““I would give up the Edna and Adele Diction is also
as a result unessential; I would are debating on used to
of conflicts give my money, I their duties as emphasize the
between would give my life mothers. Adele argument Edna
beliefs and is obedient and is making. The
for my children, but I
values self sacrificing diction also
wouldn’t give myself. as a mother. Her evokes how
I can’t make it more life revolves significant this is
clear; it’s only solely on her to Edna and how
something which I children and true it is to her
am beginning to husband. Edna, values.
comprehend, which on the other
is revealing itself to hand, opposes
me.” such
“I don’t know what expectations.
you would call the Edna would give
anything but
essential, or what
herself for the
you mean by the sake of a
unessential,” said children. She
Madame Ratignolle, believes she is
cheerfully, “but a her own
woman who would individual, and
give her life for her after years of
children could do no being someone
more than else, she was
that—your Bible tells only now
you so. I’m sure I beginning to
discover what
couldn’t do more
she truly wanted.
than that.”” This rejects the
standards that
were set for
women like her,
the standards
that Adele
complies to.

Concept 3

Global Issue 3

Concept 1 equality ”The ice-cream was Black people Imagery is used

and passed around with were dismissed to make the
inequality cake—gold and silver as individuals readers feel
cake arranged on and were luxurious, only
platters in alternate considered to be for it to contrast
slices; it had been placeholders at the difference of
made and frozen the bottom of the eating at the
during the afternoon social pyramid. table versus
back of the kitchen by Despite the setting it.
two black women, effort the two
under the supervision black women put
of Victor. It was into this dinner,
pronounced a great the Creoles were
success—excellent if it never satisfied.
had only contained a
little less vanilla or a
little more sugar, if it
had been frozen a
degree harder, and if
the salt might have
been kept out of
portions of it.”

Concept 2 Rights and “He reproached his Edna is not Using the terms
responsibil wife with her portrayed as a “habitual
ities inattention, her mother-woman. neglect”
habitual neglect of the On the contrary, exaggerates
children. If it was not a she appears to Edna’’s behavior
mother’s place to look not prioritize her towards her
after children, whose children the children and
on earth was it?” same way other highlights how
Creole women Leonce feels
do. Rather than towards it. This
giving them all is diction.
her attention,
she prefers to
keep them
independent. In
the eyes of
many, such as
her husband,
this is perceived
as a lack of
responsibility on
Edna’s behalf.

Concept 3 Human “She’s got some sort The women in

Rights of notion in her head the novel are
concerning the privileged in
eternal rights of terms of wealth
women.” and prosperity.
However, they
are unaware that
they lack the
basic human
right of freedom.
They are all
expected to think
and behave the
way others want
them to. The
society they are
in prevents them
from having their
own opinions. If
they did anything
society did not
approve of they
would be
shamed for life.
This is shown
later when Edna
faces the
consequences of

Any other global


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