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A Content Analysis Of Speaking Materials In English Textbook

For Junior High School Based On Merdeka Belajar Curriculum


Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the attaintment of Sarjana Pendidikan
(Bachelor of Education) Degree

Written By:

Rizqi Puspasari Santoso Putri






HALAMAN JUDUL ...................................................................................... i

DAFTAR ISI .................................................................................................. ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1
1.1. Significant of The Study ......................................................................... 1
1.2. Objectives of The Study ......................................................................... 3
1.3. Formulation of The Problem ................................................................. 3
1.4. Limitation of The Problem .................................................................... 4
1.5. Identification of The Problem................................................................. 4
1.6. Background of The Study ....................................................................... 4


THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ....................................................... 6
2.1. Relevant Studies ..................................................................................... 6
2.2. Literature Review ................................................................................... 8
2.2.1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language ................................... 8
2.2.2. Content Analysis ......................................................................... 9
2.2.3. Textbook ..................................................................................... 10
2.2.4. The Role Of Textbook In Classroom .......................................... 11
2.2.5. Textbook Analysis ...................................................................... 12
2.2.6. Speaking...................................................................................... 13
2.2.7. Speaking Material ....................................................................... 15
2.2.8. Teaching speaking for Junior High School ................................. 17
2.2.9. BSKAP (Badan Standar Kurikulum Dan Asemen Pendidikan) .. 17
2.2.10. Syllabus ....................................................................................... 18
2.2.11. Merdeka Belajar Curriculum ...................................................... 19
2.3. Theoretical Framework........................................................................... 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 23

3.1 Type of the Research .............................................................................. 23
3.2 Research Subject..................................................................................... 23


3.3 Data and Data Resources ........................................................................ 24

3.4 Research Instrument ............................................................................... 24
3.5 Data Collection Technique ..................................................................... 27
3.6 Data Analysis Techniques ...................................................................... 28
3.7 Trustworthiness ...................................................................................... 29

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 31




1.1. Background of The Study

English is known as an international language. It is used by everyone all over the

world. English has become the most widely used language. Nowadays, English is

used to communicate with each other. It is used as a teaching subject in education.

In Indonesia, teachers teach English to students in middle schools, high schools,

and universities. It means that English has a special place in Indonesian education.

As a teaching subject in education in Indonesia, English was implemented

in the curriculum developed by the Indonesian government. Nowadays, the

curriculum mostly applied in Indonesia is the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. Based

on the Merdeka Belajar curriculum, the students are expected to master the four

abilities: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Speaking is one of the four English skills that are very important. Speaking

is the ability to speak fluently, presupposing knowledge of language features and

the ability to process information and language on the spot (Harmer, 2007, p.

284). Speaking has become one of the four main skills in learning English with

various activities and tasks. Therefore, it must be mastered by students to reach

the most significant advantage in learning English.

To practice speaking skills, teachers need media. Teachers should take care

to support students' speaking skills. The teachers must choose the best media to

improve students' speaking skills. According to Hastutik (2022), the media

teachers and students commonly use is textbooks. Textbook has many benefits for


both teachers and students. It completes the teaching and learning activities, helps

the students understand the materials guide the teachers in delivering the

materials, Etc. However, not all textbooks are appropriate to the student's needs.

Many speaking materials in the textbooks are not appropriate for students' needs

and ability standards.

Based on the researcher's experience while doing teaching practice in SMP

N 1 Kota Magelang, the researcher found that the English teachers in SMP N 1

Kota Magelang used textbooks while teaching speaking as the media to deliver

the material. The researcher found several speaking problems in students. The

students still had difficulties in pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, and vocabulary.

The students had low motivation to study speaking material. The result is that the

student has lower speaking scores than the other skills. The teachers only asked

the students to study the speaking material without paying attention to the

student's needs. It made the students face difficulties when learn speaking.

There is some research related to content analysis of textbooks especially

speaking material, conducted by Akbarjono, Melati, Martina & Syafryadin

(2021); Gusmi, Alna & Nur (2019); Yokie, Thomas (2018) and found that there is

some textbook that is not following curriculum order. It affects the teaching-

learning process where textbooks can not support what teachers explain to

students. Besides, none of them was analyzed by using the Merdeka

Belajar curriculum. Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyzing the

speaking materials that the teacher uses in the teaching-learning process. The

textbook is the English textbook entitled "Bright An English" published by private

publication Erlangga.

The textbook is given to 7th-grade students of SMP N 1 Kota Magelang.

Therefore, the researcher wants to conduct research with the title "A Content

Analysis Of Speaking Materials In English Textbook For Junior High School

Based On Merdeka Belajar Curriculum". This research aims to analyze the

speaking materials in the English Textbook "Bright An English" for the 7th grade

Junior High School based on the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum syllabus to

determine the feasibility of the speaking materials inside the English Textbook

"Bright An English".

1.2. Identification of The Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the researcher identified the problem

as follows.

1. The teaching-learning process relies a lot on the use of a textbook.

2. The student still has problems with pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, and


3. The students had low motivation to study speaking material.

4. Most students have fewer speaking scores than the skills.

1.3. Limitation of The Problem

The limitation of the problem is the researcher's focus on analyzing the feasibility

of the speaking materials in the English textbook entitled "Bright An English"

published by Erlangga. The researcher only takes speaking materials that contain

in the textbook.

1.4. Formulation of The Problem

According to the identification and limitation of the problems above, the

researcher formulates the problems as follows.

1. Are the speaking materials of an English textbook entitled "Bright An

English" accurate to the Merdeka Belajar curriculum ?

2. What is the description of the feasibility of the speaking materials of the

English textbook entitled "Bright An English"?

1.5. Objectives of The Study

Based on the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the study were:

3. To find out whether the speaking materials in the textbook entitled “Bright

An English” meet the requirement of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum or


4. To find out the feasibility of speaking materials of the English textbook

entitled “Bright An English”.

1.6. Significant of The Study

The researcher expects that this research can give benefit :

1. The teachers

This research can give information and suggestions for choosing a textbook

that contains speaking materials in accordance with the Merdeka

Belajar curriculum.

2. The students

This research will give additional information to the students in speaking

material that can improve their speaking abilities.


3. Other researchers

This research can be used as a reference to develop further research on

speaking material in English textbooks.





This chapter will review some literatures related to this research topic: "Content

analysis of English textbook for Junior High school focusing on speaking

material". The researcher will discuss previous studies to find the gap between

this research and the relevant previous study with a similar focus. From there, it

can give an overview of the novelty of this research. Besides, the researcher also

reviews some theories that were used as a guide to constructing this research, the

previous study related to this research, and related theories that will be developed

and delivered in the form theoretical framework to give a mini concept about this

research organization.

2.1. Relevant Studies

This part will discuss three previous studies that have a similar topic discussion

deals with the content analysis of the speaking materials from the English

textbook. The first research was conducted by Akbarjono, Melati, Martina, &

Syafryadin (2021). The study‟s objective is to know the speaking activities based

on the syllabus of curriculum 2013 and find out which book meets a good

category to help student learning activities. The design of the study is content

analysis. Besides, the object of this research is an English textbook published by

Government and English Textbook published by a private publication (Erlangga).

The result shows that both of the textbooks analyzed are suitable for the syllabus


of Curriculum 2013. The first textbook published by the government got an

average percentage score of 93% and was categorized as a "good" textbook. On

the other hand, the second textbook published by the private publication has an

average percentage score of 73% and is categorized as a "fair" book.

The second research was conducted by Selti, Angrum, & Hasanah (2019).

The study‟s objective is to know if the senior high school textbook 'Pathway to

English' follows the syllabus of Curriculum 2013. The data were collected through

documentary analysis for collecting data and a documentary checklist as a

research tool. The object of the study was an English Textbook entitled "Pathway

to English" published by a private publication (Erlangga). The study result

showed that the textbook the government published is appropriate with the

syllabus curriculum 2013, and the textbook by private publication (Erlangga),

some chapters are different from the syllabus curriculum 2013.

The third research was conducted by Dharma & Aristo (2018). The study's

objective is to find the relevancies of the materials found in the textbook with the

2013 Curriculum materials. The design of the study is content analysis. The data

were collected through documentary analysis for collecting data and a

documentary checklist as a research tool. The object of the study was the English

Textbook used by the tenth grade in SMK Sintang. The result of the study shows

that there are relevancies between the English textbook material with the

curriculum applied (curriculum 2013). Therefore, it might be stated that the

English Textbook has fulfilled the criteria suggested by the Ministry of

Indonesian Education (Kemdikbud) because it was integrated with applying four

English skills.

Based on the review of those previous studies, it concluded that the

similarities between those previous studies with this research exist in terms of the

English textbook used as an object of the research. Besides, the difference

between this study and those previous studies exists in the curriculum applied. In

this study, the textbook that will be analyzed is an English textbook that applies

the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. Whereas, in all of those previous studies, the

curriculum applied inside the English textbook was a curriculum of 2013.

2.2. Literature Review

This part will discuss some literatures used as a guide to conduct this research.

The literature is related to the discussion about teaching English as a foreign

language, content analysis, textbook, the role of the textbook in the classroom,

textbook analysis, speaking, speaking material, teaching speaking for Junior High

School, BSKAP, and the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The discussion about the

literature is delivered as follows.

2.2.1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language

English is an international language, and all people around the world need this

language to communicate globally. This language's wide range of benefits made

every country teach this language in school. In this term, of course, Indonesia

belongs to the country that teaches this language in school. In Indonesia, the status

of English is a foreign language (EFL). EFL means that the use of English is just

as a language taught in the school and rarely used in daily communication

(Susiyanti, D. 2019: 18). In this case, the teaching and learning activity in the

school has a significant role in building the students knowledge and skill about

English because the students mostly keep in touch with English in the classroom

which is very limited in the term of time and place.

In relation to the condition, as a teacher, delivering an interesting learning

environment is very important because the learning environment is expected to

make the students interested in the subject and hopefully raise their motivation to

learn the subject independently outside the classroom, remembering the

importance of this language. As a support system for their students, the role of the

teacher here is very needed in providing the learning media that can help the

students easier to understand the material more. There are so many learning media

that the teacher can use as a tool to enhance the teaching of English as a foreign

language, they are such as textbooks, ppt, video games, videos, etc. (Aryani, L.

2022: 2), however, according to Hastutik (2022), one of learning media that

commonly used by the teacher is a textbook.

That condition relates to the use of textbooks as a media that can accompany

the students to learn the material independently in their homes. To make sure that

the contents inside the textbook chosen to have good quality is very important.

Good quality means that the materials support learning four language skills

(reading, listening, speaking, and reading) and are also appropriate to the

curriculum syllabus. To know about the feasibility of a textbook can be done by

content analysis.

2.2.2. Content Analysis

Remembering the big role of the textbook in the learning activity to make sure the

contents inside the textbook through content analysis are very needed. In this case,

the contents should be analyzed in the light of the following the objectives, extent,

relevance, degree of difficulty, available sources, demands and requirements of

the syllabus, depth of study, classification, time scheduling, textbooks available

learning content, relevant and suitability, and structure of the subject content

(Carl, 2009).

Holsti (1968) stated that content analysis is a technique for making

inferences systematically and objectively identifying special characteristics of the

messages. Content analysis is a research method that determines the presence of

themes, certain words, or concepts within some given qualitative data (i.e., text).

Researchers use content analysis to quantify the presence, meanings, and

relationships of certain words, themes, or concepts. Almost all social science

disciplines can use content analysis as a research technique or method.

In this research, content analysis is a method and data collection technique

used to summarize and analyze the speaking material in the English textbook

entitled "Bright An English". The speaking materials in the textbook are from the

chapter of each textbook. There are eight chapters of speaking material in each

textbook that the researcher will analyze.

2.2.3. Textbook

In relation to the content analysis of English textbooks, the textbook itself can be

defined as a medium to help teachers in teaching and learning activities.

According to Amrina (2018), a textbook is a book that complements a standard

guideline for students and teachers in the classroom to supporting the teaching-

learning process . Besides, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture

decision (Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan), No. 8 (2016),

textbooks are the main learning resource to achieve basic and core competencies.

They are declared eligible by the Ministry of Education and Culture to be used in

education units.

A textbook is a kind of media mostly used in teaching-learning activities. It

contains much information according to the guideline. Textbooks combine

contemporary and traditional approaches to language teaching. The textbook

provides concepts such as learner development, task-based methodology, and

cross-curricular themes. It provides a grammar framework and a thorough practice

of vocabulary, grammatical structures, and functions (Hutchinson & Gault, 2009,

p. 4). The textbook has been the main teaching instrument for students since the

19th century. It concluded that in the teaching and learning process textbook is a

media that is used in teaching and learning activities to support the students in

achieving the core and basic competencies through the information and guidelines

delivered there.

2.2.4. The Role Of Textbook In Classroom

In relation to using textbooks to enhance the teaching and learning process, in this

case, textbooks play different roles in language classes. It is a source for the

presentation of material, a source of activities for learner practice and

communicative interaction, a reference source for learners on grammar,

vocabulary, pronunciation, etc., a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom

language activities, are a source for self-directed learning or self-access work

support for less experienced teachers who have yet to gain in confidence.

Textbooks are beneficial for teachers and students. They make an exceptional

contribution and help the teachers meet students' needs.

The roles of the textbook based on Cunningsworth (1995:07) are:


1. Source of materials, whether it is spoken or written.

2. Source of activities for the student's practice and communicative


3. A reference for the students that consists of grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation, etc.

4. Source of ideas for classroom activities.

5. Consists of learning objectives based on the syllabus.

6. Source of self-direct learning.

7. Supports teachers if teachers have fewer experiences.

Based on the explanations above, it concluded that the role of the textbook

is both for the teachers and the learners as a source, from which the learners learn

and acquire not only knowledge but also the components of education such as

norms, approaches, etc. and from which the teachers plans their lessons,

presentations of the teaching content and evaluating pupils' learning.

2.2.5. Textbook Analysis

In relation to the importance of textbook, it is also important to do a textbook

analysis to know the feasibility of it. The textbook analysis is a process of

identifying what materials to use in a particular course, considering the need and

value of teaching. Textbooks should be selected to achieve learning objectives.

The objectives and aims of the learning or teaching program must determine

which course material is used. The textbooks must facilitate learners' progress and

carry students forward as effectively as possible to reach learning goals. The

material's content must follow what students need to learn in terms of language

material, skills, and communicative strategies that must be contained. The

textbook evaluation analyzes some aspects to know the material content.

Textbook evaluation is a process of choosing what textbook could be used

in a particular course considering the teaching activity's need and value

(Sheldon,1987). Textbook evaluation is a straightforward, analytical matching

process: matching needs to the available solution (Wardani, Tasnim, &Eko,

2019). The book is analyzed before the materials are given to the students. The

textbook evaluation is expected to give more information related to the content of

materials in the textbook before applying it in the classroom.

A textbook that not arranges in a good way can indirectly affect the

students, like reading text that the students read, and it can give an effect based on

the content because of their imagination (Syahbana & Pratama, 2017). It means

that textbook evaluation is selecting an appropriate textbook that can be

implemented as a learning media to enhance the teaching and learning activity.

Selecting the appropriate textbook can be done by analyzing the content of the


2.2.6. Speaking

Speaking is a productive verbal skill. It consists of the production of systematic

oral utterances to convey meaning (Nunan, 2003, p. 48). Speaking, commonly

known as language, is the means humans use to communicate with others and

maintain good relationships (Rasmussen, 1962, p. 4). "Speech skills, or oral

communication, are typical of activities involving two or more participants,

listeners, and speakers, and the 4484 needs to respond to who they are and

contribute at high speed "(Johnson & Morrow, 1983, p. 70). On the other hand,

speaking is the activity in which the speaker conveys a particular message to the

listener (Clark & Clark, 1977, p. 223). Humans express emotions, convey

intentions, respond to other people and situations through language, and influence

others (Rivers 1968: 162).

Speaking skill, used as the parameter of someone's English proficiency, is a

skill used to express thoughts, opinions, and feelings in terms of talk or

conversation. In learning English, is a priority to mastering speaking skills for

second or foreign-language learners. Richard (2008: 19) said that learners

consequently evaluate their success in language learning and the effectiveness of

their English course based on how much they believe their spoken English has

improved. Developing speaking skills is mandatory for English foreign learners.

Therefore, speaking is very important to master to be a good communicator.

Harris (1974) stated that there are five components of speaking skills

concerning comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency :

1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way a particular voice or sound is produced. It covers

the way for speakers to produce clear language when they speak.

Pronunciation refers to the student's ability to produce comprehensible

utterances to fulfil the task requirements. It can conclude that pronunciation

is how a word or a language is spoken.

2. Fluency

Fluency in speaking isthe natural ability to speak spontaneously, quickly,

and comprehensibly with few errors that may distract the listener from the

speaker's message. Fluency means that the speakers must be able to keep

going when speaking spontaneously. However, it does not mean the

speakers speak so fast because sometimes pausing is important. So fluency

means that there is no stutter while speaking.

3. Accuracy

Accuracy is the ability to produce grammatically correct sentences or

utterances. It means that to speak accurately, the speaker needs to follow the

rules of the language, such as grammar and structure.

4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary learning is an essential part of foreign language learning as the

meanings of new words are often emphasized, whether in books or

classrooms. It is also basic in language teaching and paramount to a

language learner.

5. Comprehension

Speaking is an activity of delivering our thoughts in an oral way. In this

case, comprehension relates to how simple listeners can catch our thoughts.

From that explanation, speaking can be defined as oral communication to

transfer meaning. Nowadays, speaking skills are needed to help someone interact

and communicate in formal and informal situations. Remembering the importance

of speaking skills, in teaching speaking skills, the teacher should pay attention to

tech all elements of speaking skills as well.

2.2.7. Speaking Materials

Tomlinson (2003) proposes five dimensions for developing speaking skills.

1. Conceptualizing learners‟ needs


Designing the learning materials should begin with who the learners are to

link the language study either to their future use or to their present

receptivity. Subjective needs are the areas such as the learners' speaking

proficiency, the learners' speaking difficulties, and real-life conversational

situations outside the classroom. Objective needs include personality,

learning styles, wants, and course expectations. All of them may help to

decide how to design the materials.

2. Identifying subject matter and communication situation

It means that we need to know the learners' knowledge as the foundation of

the contents of the learning materials. We should know what the learners

want to do with the language, what environment the language is in, and

what skills society requires of an effective speaker.

3. Identifying verbal communication strategy

Conversation strategies should be incorporated into teaching materials. The

way to do this is by designing the task for the learners to act upon their

speech. For example, learners can be helped to practice building talk upon

talk, dealing with interaction pressure such as stealing and sustaining turns,

choosing when to move on to a new topic, and so forth.

4. Utilizing verbal sources from real life

Verbal expression related to the student's real life may be used to design the

materials in the classroom. Tay (1988) in Tomlinson (2003) suggest that to

seek practical teaching ideas by taping learners' peer group interaction in the

target language in a realistic way for learners to take part in the teaching and

learning process

5. Designing skill-acquiring tasks.

The tasks created should be relevant so that they may help the learners in

three essential aspects: to acquire the skills, learn rules of interaction, and

experience communication of meanings.

2.2.8. Teaching speaking for Junior High School

Learning speaking in Junior High School, students are expected to understand the

social functions of the speaking materials and be capable of building interactive

communication about that speaking materials. The students must be able to

arrange a conversation about the material and also pronounce and respond to each

other to express meaning in the context of daily life. Students must be capable of

speaking English in real conditions, using formal or informal language. Students

are reluctant to speak English because they usually do not have the self-

confidence to speak and are not pushed to express themselves.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that speaking is

one of the important skills in learning English. It is the ability to express feelings,

emotions, and ideas to another person. Speaking is used to express oneself to be

understood by another person. Hence, speaking is critical because it transfers an

idea into spoken language. It is concerned with the use of language in daily

activities, which people need to communicate with others to fulfill the need for


2.2.9. BSKAP (Badan Standar Kurikulum Dan Asemen Pendidikan)

In content analysis, considering the quality standard from BSKAP is very

important. According to the government regulation (chapter 234, number 28, the

year 2022). BSKAP has a role in preparing standards, curriculum, and educational

assessments and managing the bookkeeping system.

In practice, the existence of BSKAP has several functions. According to the

Educational Ministerial decision chapter 235 about BSKAP, the function of

BSKAP is stated as follows:

1. Developing the national standard of education.

2. Preparation of technical policies.

3. Implementation of the preparation of standards, curriculum, and

assessments in the field of education.

4. Implementation of the development and supervision of the bookkeeping


5. Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the preparation of standards


6. Implementation of the Agency's administration.

7. Implementation of the other function.

2.2.10. Syllabus

Breen (1989:47) defines a syllabus as "a plan of what needs to be accomplished

through students' teaching-learning".The syllabus is a document that outlines what

the students will learn. The syllabus also includes instructions on how to have a

successful learning process. It contains the specific theme of the subject,

competency standards, essential competencies, learning materials, indicators,

assessments, time allocation, and learning resources developed by each academic


In the Merdeka Belajar curriculum, the syllabus consists of the following:


1. Subject Identity

2. School Identity contains the name of the education unit and class

3. Learning Achievement (Capaian Pembelajaran) describes competence that

students must learn for class and subject level

4. Content Flow (Alur Konten) specific material related to content or subject.

5. Content Flow Indicator (Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada Setiap Fase)

activity that can measure the achievement of essential competencies as

measured by the subject.

6. Time Allocation, according to the number of lessons in the curriculum

structure for one semester or year.

2.2.11. Merdeka Belajar Curriculum

Longman (2004:384) defines "Curriculum as the subjects that a school teaches,

college, or the things that are studied in a particular subject language are an

essential part of the school curriculum". According to Government Regulation

(number 20, the year 2003 ) curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements

regarding the objectives, content, and learning materials as well as the methods

used as organizers of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals. "All

the courses offered at a school in a particular area of study or all the courses

offered at a given school refer to Curriculum" (McBrien & Brandt, 1997). Some

experts contend that the curriculum is a sequence of potential experiences set up

in the school to discipline children and youth in group ways of thinking and

acting. It means the curriculum is not only the subject that is taught in the school

but also all of the things that are needed for the directness of the teaching-learning

process. It can be concluded that curriculum is part of education that covers


subject matters, student activities, learning materials, school plans, learning

methods, and the last evaluation.

The Merdeka Belajar Curriculum is a curriculum with learning diverse

intracurricular where content will be optimized so that students have enough time

to explore the concept and strengthen their competence. Teachers have the

discretion to choose various teaching tools so that learning can be tailored to

student's learning needs and interests. Project to strengthen the achievement of the

Pancasila student profile developed based on certain themes set by the

government. The project is not directed to achieve certain learning achievement

targets, so they are not tied to subject content.

Essential points in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum :

1. The Merdeka Belajar Curriculum is designed based on the objectives of the

National Education System and National Education Standards, developing

the Pancasila student profile.

2. The Merdeka Belajar Curriculum applied the year lesson hours.

3. The allocation of learning time in the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum is more


4. The Merdeka Belajar Curriculum prioritizes projects to strengthen the

profile of Pancasila students, intracurricular and extracurricular activities.

2.3. Theoretical Framework

From the previous discussion, it can be stated that in teaching English as a foreign

language, a textbook has a big role in helping the students to learn the material in

school and also learn independently at home without guidance from their teacher.

In this case, assessing the quality of the textbook used is very important because

assessing the quality can give an overview of whether the textbook is feasible and

can be used as a media to enhance the learning process. One way can be done in

assessing a textbook's quality is by analyzing the content, which is usually called

content analysis.

In early 2022, there was a transformation in the term of curriculum

implementation in Indonesian Education, where previously the curriculum

implemented was curriculum 2013. It replaces with the implementation of a new

curriculum named Merdeka Belajar curriculum. This transformation, of course, is

affected by the textbook used. The textbook used, of course, will be suited to the

curriculum syllabus implemented.

In English learning, speaking is one language skill that the students struggle

a lot to master it, that is speaking skill. Speaking is of complex skill because it is a

productive skill to deliver an idea. According to the syllabus of the Merdeka

Belajar curriculum, inside the textbook, there are thirteen basic competencies that

the students should achieve.

Deals with implementing a new curriculum caused the textbook to be

upgraded to make sure that it suits the standard of the new curriculum. According

to Sheldon (1987), evaluating the textbook is very important to ensure that the

textbooks are synchron in term of the student's needs and how the material fulfills

it. In this case, it can be done by analyzing the content delivered by considering

the educational standard of BSKAP. BSKAP itself is an agency that has the

function of defining the minimum criteria of the national education system. By

doing the content analysis of an English textbook by following the standard


from BSKAP, it can be seen the feasibility level of the English Textbook whether

it is feasible to use or not.

From those conditions and situations, the researcher planned to do "A

Content Analysis Of Speaking Materials In English Textbook For Junior High

School Based On Merdeka Belajar Curriculum". The theoretical framework of

this research can be seen as follow.

Figure.2.1.Content Analysis of Speaking Materials In English Textbook For

Junior High School Based On Merdeka Belajar Curriculum.

English Textbook “Bright An English”

Read the Textbook

Coordinating the speaking material from the textbook with the rubric
assessment from BSKAP

Data Analysis




In this chapter, the researcher will explain the method used in this research. There

are seven sub-chapters. Those are the type of research, research subject, data and

data resources, research instrument, data collection technique, data analysis

technique, and data validation technique.

3.1. Type of the Research

The type of research of this research is content analysis. According to Bryman

(2011). Content analysis studies communication artifacts and documents, such as

pictures, audio, video, or formats. The researcher will use this method for this

research because the researcher will analyze the speaking materials in English

textbooks for Junior High School based on the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The

researcher used documentation to gather the data in this research.

3.2. Research Subject

The subject of this research is speaking materials in English Textbooks entitled

"Bright An English" published by a private publication (Erlangga) in 2022. In this

research, the researcher will analyze 7 of 8 chapters of speaking materials of the

seventh-grade student.


3.3. Data and Data Resources

The data source of the research is the English textbook. The researcher is taken

the English textbook and syllabus used by seventh-grade students at SMP Negeri

1 Kota Magelang. The researcher will use speaking materials from the textbook

and syllabus of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum to know the feasibility of

speaking materials in the textbook based on the syllabus. Therefore, the researcher

is taken one standardized book from the Merdeka Belajar curriculum as the


3.4. Research Instrument

The instrument of the research is documentation. In helping the researcher to

conduct the data, the researcher will use a checklist table from the BSKAP. The

checklist table is used to analyze the feasibility of speaking materials in English

textbooks based on the syllabus of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum.

Table.3.1. Rubricassessment from BSKAP

Sub Components Items
The compatibility of materials
with Standard Competence and
Basic Competence In-Depth

Social function

The accuracy of the Materials Generic Structure

Linguistic Feature


Development of life skill

Supporting Materials
Development of diversity


Table.3.2. Rubric Assessment to Score the Feasibility of Speaking

No. Item Score

A. The compatibility of materials with Standard Competence and

Basic Competence
1. Completeness 4= contains all types of text that are
In the completeness of teaching materials, it is required (interpersonal text,
contain texts that are in accordance with transactional, and functional) and
KompetensiInti and KompetensiDasar, the texts according to KI and KD.
are: 3= contains 2 types of texts
1. Interpersonal text required (interpersonal text,
2. Transactional text transactional or functional) and
3. Functional text according to KI and KD.
2 = contains 1 type of required texts
(intepersonal, transactional or
functional texts) and in accordance
with KI and KD.
1= contains 1 type of text that
required (interpersonal text,
transactional or functional) and
not / less in accordance with KI and
2. In-Depth 4= Loading all elements that are
required in the depth of the material
Contain texts that have the following elements: (elements of exposure, retention of
1. Exposure that explores other relevant texts text formation, production, and
2. The retention of text formation rules extension)
3. Production, which tasks produce spoken and 3 = contains 3 elements of the 4
written texts elements needed in the depth of the
4. Extension, which tasks in textbooks can material (elements of exposure,
develop spoken and written texts. retention of production text
formation or extension)
2 = contains 2 of the 4 elements
needed in the depth of the material
(elements of exposure, retention of
text formation, production or
1= contains only 1 element of the 4
elements needed in the depth of the
material (elements of eating,
retention of text formation,
production or extension)
B. Accuracy of the Materials
3. Social Function 4= load directions to reach 3
achievement of social function in (
The texts in the textbooks have directions for interpersonal communication
achieving social functions related in daily life transactional, functional) related to
orally and in writing, including achievements everyday life.
in: 3= contains directions to achieve 2
social function achievements in
1.Interpersonal communication (interpersonal, transactional or
2. Transactional communication functional communication) that
3. Functional communication related to daily life
2= contains directions to achieve
at least 2 social functions in

No. Item Score

(interpersonal communication,
transactional or functional) which
unrelated to daily life
1 = contains directions to achieve 1
of 3 social function achievements
(interpersonal communication,
transactional or functional) which
related in everyday life.
4. Generic Structure 4 = there are 3 types of texts and
Elements and structure of meaning contains directions on the ability to
the texts contained in the textbooks lead to the think coherently and systematically
ability to think coherently and systematically in the three types of texts
in: (interpersonal, transactional and
1. Interactive interpersonal texts functional texts)
2. Interactive transactional texts 3 = there are 2 types of texts and
3.Short functional texts contains directions on the ability to
think coherently and systematically
in the 2 types of texts
(interpersonal, transactional, and
functional texts)
2= there are 2 or 3 types of text but
does not contain directives on
the ability to think coherently and
systematically in one of these types
of texts (interpersonal, transactional
and functional texts)
1= there is 1 type of text but not
load direction on ability
to think coherently and
on the type of text (text
interpersonal, transactional and
5. Linguistic Feature 4 = fulfills 3 requirements for
linguistic features in developing
The texts contained in the textbook contain communication skills.
instructions for developing communication 3 = fulfills 2 of the 3 conditions
skills with: linguistic features in developing
1. Accurate linguistic quality communication skills.
2. Appropriate communicative context 2 = meets 1 of the 3 requirements
3. Suitable texts for achieve their social for linguistic features in developing
function communication skills
1= does not meet the 3
requirements of linguistic features
to develop communication skills.

C. Supporting Materials
6. Relevance 4= contains a reference source that
Teaching materials in textbooks must contain: relevant and up-to-date on materials
1. Teaching materials (text, tables, pictures, teaching or topics discussed.
attachments etc.) and relevant materials and 3= contains a reference source that
sources relevant but not/less up-to-date on
appropriate reference to the topic discussed. the teaching materials or topics
2. Teaching materials and materials taken from discussed.
up-to-date/renewable sources with the topics 2 = contains irrelevant but up-to-

No. Item Score

discussed. date reference sources on teaching
materials or topics discussed.
1= contains a reference source that
irrelevant and not renewable
on the teaching materials discussed.

7. Development of live skills 4 = contains activities that

Encourage students to do things in the encourage to develop the 4 life
development of life skills such as: skills (skills)
1. Personal skills: knowing the strengths and personal, social, academic and
weaknesses of oneself, self-development vocational)
independently, socially and God's creatures. 3= contains activities that
2. Social skills: cooperation, tolerance, respect, encourage to develop 3 of 4 life
democracy, etc. skills (personal, social, academic
3. Academic skills: skills in digging up and vocational skills)
information, solving problems and making 2= contains activities that
decisions. encourage to develop 2 of 4 life
4. Vocational skills: have the necessary skills (personal, social, academic
attitudes and skills to perform and vocational skills)
certain job. 1= contains activities that
encourage to develop 1 of 4 life
skills (personal, social, academic
and vocational skills)

8. Development of diversity insights 4 = contains activities that

1. Respect for cultural diversity encourage to develop the 4 things
2. Develop the potential of regional wealth. in the development of insight into
3. Appreciation of social and cultural diversity.
democratic values 3= contains activities that
4. Understanding of national insight that creates encourage to develop 3 of 4 things
a sense of love for the homeland in development
insight into diversity.
2= contains activities that
encourage to develop 2 of 4 things
in development
insight into diversity.
1= contains activities that
encourage to develop 1 of 4 things
in development
insight into diversity.

3.5. Data Collection Technique

The researcher will use the documentation for collecting the data. The

documentation was the English textbook "Bright An English" and the Syllabus

of Merdeka Belajar curriculum in SMP Negeri 1 Kota Magelang.


3.6. Data Analysis Techniques

Since this study will analyze the feasibility of speaking materials of the English

textbook "Bright An English" based on the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum for

seventh-grade students, the data collection technique in this research is content

analysis. The data will be analyzed qualitatively, without any statistical

calculation. The researcher will analyze the English textbook used by teachers and

students for seventh-grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Kota Magelang.

To analyze the data, the researcher used the following steps:

1. The researcher will identify the speaking materials from the English

textbook of seventh-grade students.

2. The researcher will analyze the feasibility of speaking materials in an

English textbook based on the Merdeka Belajar curriculum using the score

of assessment from BSKAP to help present the data.

Table.3.3.Score Assessment from BSKAP

Very bad Bad Good Very good
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The range scoring is 4 to 1 as follows:

a. Score 4 is given if the textbook materials fulfill 91% - 100% of the

rubric assessment criteria.

b. Score 3 is given if the textbook material fulfills more than 76% -

90% of the rubric assessment criteria from BSKAP.

c. Score 2 is given if the textbook material fulfills 61%-75% of the

rubric assessment criteria.

d. Score 1 is given if the textbook material only fulfills 0%-60% of

the rubric assessment criteria.


The formula :

x 100

A = the total of criteria points that meet in a textbook for each

chapters aspect.

B = the total of criteria items in each sub aspect

3. The researcher found the feasibility of speaking materials in the English

textbook “Bright An English ” based on the syllabus of the Merdeka Belajar


4. The researcher will interpret the data into a paragraph that contains the


3.7. Trustworthiness

In qualitative research, trustworthiness is usually used to ensure a study's quality

(Pilot & Beck. 2014). According to Amankwaa (2016), to be considered worthy,

researchers should establish the procedures and protocols necessary. In this

research, the triangulation technique was used to ensure this study. Denzin (1978)

proposed four types of triangulation. Data triangulation such as people, space, and

periods of time. Investigator triangulation includes the use of several researchers

in a study. Theory triangulation encourages several theoretical schemes to enable

the interpretation of a phenomenon. Methodological triangulation uses various

data collection techniques, including observations and interviews

Investigator triangulation was the method used by researchers in the

analysis and data collection process. After collecting the data, interpreting it, and

describing the result, the researcher provides it to the investigator. The


investigator is Rini Estiyowati I., M.Pd. and C. Prima Ferry K., M.Pd., who is an

expert in the field of curriculum textbook analysis so that the research result can

be valued incredibly.


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