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1. IFRS9 Fnancial instrument
2. IAS32 Convertibles loan note
3. IFRS16 Lease
4. IAS37 Provision
1. IFRS15 Revenue
2. IAS20 Government grant
3. IAS12 Income tax
1. IFRS9 Financial Liability
②. Subsequent measurement at year end;
b. Financial liability—Issue debt (@Amortised cost)

Financial liability at the interest expense interest paid Financial liability at

begining @实际利率 (票面利率*票面金额) the year end
Yr1 a a*% c a+a*%-c
FV transaction cost
Dr Cash Dr Interest expense Dr Financial liability
Cr Financial liability Cr Financial liability Cr Cash

Transaction cost
Dr Financial liability
Cr Cash

2. IAS32 Financial instrument (Compound: Convertible loan note)

1. Redeemable preference shares (Financial liability)

Irredeemable preference shares (Equity instrument)

2. Convertible loan note

Issue date
Dr Cash
Cr Financial liability ① 将未来每一年的义务(各年度利息支付&最后1年偿还的本金)按实际利率折现、并加总
Cr Other component of equity ② 倒减

Year end 1. OCE remain unchanged;

2. Financial liability should be measure at amortised cost
loan note at the interest expense interest paid loan note at the
begining @实际利率 (票面利率*票面金额) year end
Yr1 a a*% c a+a*%-c
Dr Interest expense Dr Financial liability
Cr Financial liability Cr Cash
3. IFRS16 Lease

1. FR考察角度:lessee accounting
Dr Expense
Recognition exemption: Short-term lease & Low value lease
2. Recognition; Cr Cash
Recognition under IFRS16 Criteria: whether the lessee has the right to control the assets;
Ø Right to direct the use;
3. Measurement: Ø Right to obtain substantial all of the benefits;
a. Initial measurement Dr Right-of-use assets A+B+C
Cr Lease liability (只关注租金) A 根据租金先付or后付而变化
Cr Cash B
Cr Provision (IAS37) C 需将未来的花费折现
b. Subsequent measurement
(1). Right of use assets (Cost model为主);

ü purchase option & transfer of ownership,选用useful life;
ü 反之,选用lease term;
3. IFRS16 Lease
3. Measurement:
b. Subsequent measurement at year end
(2). Lease liability★★★★★
a. Pay in advance; 1. Present value of initial lease payment: 所有年度租金组合,含第一年租金
租金先付 2. Present value of future lease payment: 未来年度租金总和,不含第一年租金

下一年的lease payment为本年CL;
3. IFRS16 Lease
3. Measurement:
b. Subsequent measurement at year end
(2). Lease liability★★★★★
b. Pay in arrears 租金后付,年末付

Lease payment c

d ü CL=c-d*%
ü NCL=d+d*%-c
3. IFRS16 Lease
4. Sales & leaseback
会计处理标准:(Is it a sale under IFRS15 Revenue?)
(1). It’s a sale! 关键词:satisfy IFRS15
Dr Cash Fair value
Dr Right of use assets (Lease liability/Fair value)*Carrying value
Cr PPE Carrying value
Cr Lease liability 研究租金
Cr Gain or loss (Fair value-Lease liability)/Fair value * (Fair value-Carrying value)

(2). It’s NOT a sale? (Secured loan) 关键词:not satisfy IFRS15; interest;
Point of “sale” Year end

1. 账上继续确认资产; 1. 资产计提折旧;
Dr Depreciation expense */12

2. Sales proceeds 看作secured loan; 2. 计息

Dr Cash a Dr Interest expense a*%*n/12
Cr Loan a Cr Loan
4. IAS37 Provisions
1. Definition: uncertain timing & amounts;
Legal obligation: from legislation/law/government/Act…
Present obligation (现时义务)
Constructive obligation: from company policy/CSR report…
2. Recognition; Probable; (probability > 50%)
Best estimate; Single events: make the full in the most likely;
Large population: expected value;
3. Reimbursement: recognized only when it is virtually certain (probability > 95%) that reimbursement will be received;
Dr Receivables from third party
Cr Other income
1. Future operating loss;
NO provision recognized;
2. Major overhaul;
3. Warranty: 质保期限内需要计提provision; Dr Expense
4. Onerous (Loss making) contract: Provision recognized; Cr Provision
Dr PPE IAS16 present value
4. Examples 5. Removing & Dismantling costs;
Cr Provision IAS37 present value
Unwinding ★★★Dr Interest expense
Cr Provision
6. Sale an operation: recognize after a binding sale agreement;
7. Closure or reorganization: recognize where ① detailed plan; ②announcement publicly 2个条件同时满足
Dr Expense Include direct costs; (i.e. redundancy pay; paid rent; penalty…)
Cr Provision ? Exclude ongoing costs; (i.e. retraining/remarketing costs…)
5. IFRS15 Revenue
1. Based on transfer of control;
2. Recognition: 五步法;
① Identify contract; 确定合同
② Identify separate performance obligation; 确定合同让做几件事?
③ Identify transaction price; 确定合同的价值
④ Allocate transaction price to obligation; 确定每件事的价值?
ü 价值分离;i.e. selling price $2500 = computer $2000 + 2-year support service $500
ü 价值捆绑,则stand-alone selling price(与各自售价成比例分配)
i.e. pricing $1111 (including computer $2000 & 2-year support service $500.
⑤ Recognize revenue;
① Product (at a point in time)
point of sale at year end,款项未收★★★易忘、易错
Dr Cash 钱收/ Trade receivables钱未收 Dr Trade receivables
Cr Revenue Cr Interest income
② Services (Over time)
point of sale at year end,款项未收 服务提供时,
Dr Cash钱收/ Trade receivables钱未收 Dr Trade receivables Dr Deferred income
Cr Deferred income (Liability科目) Cr Interest income Cr Revenue
★★★deferred income为liability科目,需拆分NCL & CL,分开列报
5. IFRS15 Revenue
3. Construction contract

① Stage of completion

盈利合同 %不可信 亏损合同

② Profit or loss
(取决于合同性质) Revenue 1. Total revenue * % Cost incurred 1. Total revenue*%
Cost of sales (2. Cost incurred) (Cost incurred) 3. 倒算结果
Gross profits/loss 3. 计算结果 0 2. Total revenue-total costs

③ SOFP (Contract asset/liability; Cash; Trade receivables)

Revenue recognised to date (in P/L)
- Invoiced amounts/Progress billing
Contract assets/liability

Invoiced amounts/Progress billing

- Cash received from customers
Trade receivables
5. IFRS15 Revenue

4. 实质重于形式 ★每次考试考察1~2种

a. warranty/ongoing services/after-sale support services ★★★

b. agent fees/commissions ★★★
c. sales & repurchase ★
d. sales & return ★
e. factoring ★★★
f. consignment
g. bill and hold
5. IFRS15 Revenue
4. 实质重于形式

(1). Warranty/ After-sale services/Ongoing services;

思路调整: 1. 抵消不该确认的收入;
2. 记为deferred income. ( 为liability科目,分CL&NCL列报)
Dr Revenue
Cr Deferred income—Current liability ?
Cr Deferred income—Non-current liability ?
★★★deferred income为liability科目,必须需拆分NCL & CL,分开列报
2016/6 Q3 note1
2009/12 Q2 note1
2012/12 Q2 note1
5. IFRS15 Revenue
4. 实质重于形式
(2). Agent fees/Commissions;
Agent Principal
1. 确认收入, 金额只能是commission 1. 确认收入,金额为gross amounts of consideration
Dr Cash Dr Administrative expense
Cr Revenue Dr Trade receivables from agent
Cr Trade payables to principal Cr Revenue
2. 货物非自己的,不用结转成本 2. 结转成本
Dr Cost of sales
Cr Inventory

思路调整: 1. 作为代理人,不用结转成本;(即,costs of sales=0)
2009/6 Q2 note3
2. 作为代理人,只能将佣金确认为收入; 2014/6 Q2 note1
3. 任何差异计入Trade payables to principal;
5. IFRS15 Revenue
4. 实质重于形式
(3). Sales & Return 销货退回;
思路调整: 1. 冲销成本结转;
Dr Inventory
Cr Cost of sales

2. 冲销收入确认;
Dr Revenue
Cr Trade receivables
2011/12 Q2 note 1
5. IFRS15 Revenue
4. 实质重于形式
a. repurchase price < original selling price
(4). Sales & repurchase
(1). Forward 公司有义务回购

(2). Call option 公司有权利回购

b. repurchase price > original selling price ★★★

2013/6 Q2 note1
1. 账上继续确认资产;

2. 将sales proceeds看作secured loan;

Dr Cash 年底有可能产生利息
Cr loan

(3). Put option 顾客有权利回售;顾客要求企业回购 (关注significant economic incentive

5. IFRS15 Revenue
4. 实质重于形式
(5). Factoring of receivables
会计处理标准:bad debts risks on trade receivables是否转移
a. 坏账风险已经转移,由factor承担;(标志词:without recourse)
Dr Cash 10
Dr Administrative expense 90
Cr Trade receivables 100
b.坏账风险未转移,由公司自己承担;(标志词:with recourse & interest)
Point of sale: Year end
1. 账上继续确认应收账款; 1. 应收账款可能出现坏账;

2. Sales proceeds 看做secured loan; 2. 计息

Dr Cash a Dr Interest expense a*%*n/12
Cr Loan a Cr Loan
2011/6 Q2 noteⅥ
思路调整: 1. 应收账款加回; Dr Trade receivables
2. 冲销管理费用; Cr Administrative expense
Cr Loan
3. 将sales proceeds看做secured loan;
6. IAS20 Government grants
1. Definitions
a. Government grants: cash/assets provided by government;
b. Government grants related to assets (Capital grants); ——政府给资产 or 给钱买资产
c. Government grant related to income (Revenue grants); ——政府给钱让干“好事”
d. Government assistance (≠ government grants): NOT have a reasonable value

2. Measurement

Revenue grants 方法:将收到的grants确认为deferred income;

Capital grants 方法1:将收到的grants确认为deferred income;

6-1 Revenue grant
计量方法:将收到的grants确认为Deferred income
1. 将 grants确认为Deferred income;
Dr Cash grants
Cr Deferred income grants 只是收钱,答应政府的承诺未履行

2. 到年末时;
Dr Deferred income
Cr Other income
★★★易错点:deferred income列报时需要拆分CL & NCL的部分列报;
3. 条件不再满足,则返还政府补助 Repayment
Dr Deferred income ①冲销还未摊销的DI
Dr Expense ②多余记费用
Cr Cash (钱已还)/Liability(钱未还)
6-2 Capital grant 与资产相关的政府补助
方法一:将收到的grants确认为Deferred income
1. 将 grants确认为Deferred income;
Dr PPE cost 资产本身什么价,记什么价
Cr Cash cost

Dr Cash grant
Cr Deferred income grant 收到的补助确认为递延收益
2. 到年末时;
Dr Depreciation expense 资产直线法or余额递减法计算折旧

Dr Deferred income
Cr Other income 资产怎么折旧,DI就怎么摊销
★★★易错点:①deferred income用直线法摊销时,无残值;
②deferred income列报时需要拆分CL & NCL的部分列报;
3. 条件不再满足,则返还政府补助 Repayment
Dr Deferred income ①冲销还未摊销的DI
Dr Expense ②多余记费用
Cr Cash (钱已还)/Liability(钱未还)
6-3 Capital grant 与资产相关的政府补助

1. 将 grants直接从资产价值中扣减;;
Dr PPE Cost-grants
Cr Cash Cost-grants
2. 到年末时折旧;
Dr Depreciation expense 资产直线法or余额递减法计算折旧
3. 条件不再满足,则返还政府补助 Repayment
① 资产价值补回
Dr PPE grants
Cr Cash/liability grants

② 补提折旧(=grants/useful life *n/12)

Dr Depreciation expense
7. IAS12 Income tax
1. Current tax当期所得税 = Taxable profits * tax rate%

Dr Income tax expense/charge (P/L) Profit or loss 时间段,考虑一整年数据变化

Cr Current tax liability / Tax payable (CL) Estimated for the year 本年度发生额
+ Under provision 上一年少计提  试算平衡表上Dr方的余额
- Over provision 上一年多计提  试算平衡表上Cr方的余额
Tax expense/charge

SOFP 时间点,站在期末
Current liability
Current tax liability (给定=estimated/provision for the year)

现金流量表上的tax paid计算
7. IAS12 Income tax
2. Deferred tax Deferred tax liability = Temporary difference * Tax rate%
递延所得税 = (Carrying value – Tax base) * Tax rate%
★★★题目给定的差异额必须✖tax rate才可以得到DTL

①. Carrying value > Tax base, Deferred tax liability Dr Income tax expense (P/L)
Cr Deferred tax liability (NCL)

Upward Dr OCI 增值金额 * tax%

Revaluation Cr Deferred tax liability (NCL)
 重估增值计入OCI, 增值引发的递延
所得税也计入OCI ★★★★★
Downward Dr Deferred tax asset
Revaluation Cr Income tax expense (P/L)
 重估减值,以及对应递延所得税不

②. Carrying value < Tax base, Deferred tax asset

7. IAS12 Income tax
2. Deferred tax SOFP
Non-current liability
Deferred tax liability 给定or计算(Temporary difference * tax rate%)
(Carrying value-tax base)*tax rate%)

Statement of comprehensive income

Profit or loss
Income tax expense ΔDTL (c/f - b/f - OCI)
Deferred tax relating to revaluation 重估增值金额*tax rate%
7. IAS12 Income tax
3. Current tax & Deferred tax SOFP
Current assets
Tax refund 退税★★★★★

Non-current liability
Deferred tax liability 给定or计算(Temporary difference * tax rate%)
(Carrying value-tax base)*tax rate%)
Current liability
Current tax liability 给定=estimated/provision for the year

Statement of comprehensive income

Profit or loss
Income tax expense
— Current tax expense Estimated for the year 本年度发生额
+ Under provision 上一年少计提
- Over provision 上一年多计提
Tax expense
— Deferred tax expense b/f of DTL - c/f of DTL - OCI
Deferred tax relating to revaluation 重估增值金额*tax rate%

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