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4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates


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The Easy Guide to Making a Business Plan

Updated on: 12 March 2021

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

That’s why a business plan is crucial to your business. If you want to make sure that the
promising business idea in your head is feasible, you have to start with a business plan.

Visuals make anything easier to understand. That’s why including them in your business
plan presentation is a foolproof way to ensure that it’s readily welcomed by your audience
and digested without confusion.

By no means is this business plan template limited to presentations; you can also include
these diagrams in your business plan documents to make them more readable.

Following are downloadable Simple Business Plan Templates

Business Plan Template PDF
Business Plan Template Word 1/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

Business Plan Template PowerPoint

Here’s what you will learn. 2/30
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Table of Contents
What is a Business Plan?
How to Create a Business Plan Presentation – The Key Elements
Executive Summary
Company Pro le
Market Analysis
Customer Pro les
Perceptual Map
Porter’s Five Forces
SWOT Analysis
PEST Analysis
Competitor Pro le
Competitive Intelligence Mind Map
Marketing and Sales Strategies
Marketing and Sales Plan Template
Organizational Structure and Management
Services and Products
Product Canvas
Value Proposition Canvas
Financial Plan
Want to Extend the Guide to Creating a Business Plan Presentation

What is a Business Plan? 3/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

Let’s start by clarifying the business plan de nition.

A business plan is a document that describes your business in terms of what it does, the
products and services it offers, your business strategy and business goals, and your
action plan outlining how you plan to achieve your goals and earn money.

The main purposes of a business plan are to

Show the future nancial performance of the company and its economic situation for the
owners and investors
Help identify risks that may affect the growth of the company and provide strategies to
overcome them
Help make predictions about market trends, competitor behavior, customer requirements
and de ne and prioritize key business objectives
Serve as a key resource for developing budgets

How to Create a Business Plan Presentation – The

Key Elements

Executive Summary
Although this comes rst, it’s smarter to write it at the end. The executive summary of
your business plan should explain what is great about your business model and its
products or services.

It should be concise and appealing to the reader. And it’s easier to write a meaningful
summary once you have lled in the rest of your plan. 4/30
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Company Pro le
Your company pro le should provide details on,

Company history
Overview of the company
Mission Statement
Key resources
Business contact information
Products or services
Location details
The market you serve
Your key customers
The customer issue you seek to solve

All these details can be presented in a much nicer way with an infographic like the one
below. It’s easier to read and understand and more compact and clearer than paragraphs
of detail. 5/30
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Company Pro le Template
( le+Template+for+Business+Plan+) (Click on the template
to edit online)

Market Analysis 6/30
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Through a market analysis, you can nd enough detail to de ne your target market, its
size, customer segments, and their needs.

Your market analysis should also include a competitor analysis, where you will research
your key competitors in terms of their in uence in the market, their strengths and
weaknesses, the threats they pose to you, their products and services, their pricing plans,
their marketing strategies ( etc.

Some visual techniques you can use in this section to present your data are

Customer Pro les

These aptly summarize all your ndings on your customers such as their demographic
details, jobs, responsibilities, needs, challenges etc. 7/30
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Customer Pro le Template
( le+Template+for+Business+Plan+) (Click on the template
to edit it online) 8/30
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Perceptual Map
This tools helps you depict and analyze how your (potential) target customer perceives the
brands or products of your competitors. It helps you make sense of your product or
service’s competitive positioning through the survey data at your hand. 9/30
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Perceptual Map Template ( (Click on
the template to edit it online)

Porter’s Five Forces

This tool is used to assess your business competitive strength and position against your
competitors. Using it you can understand whether you new product or service is pro table. 10/30
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Porters Five Forces Template
( (Click on the 11/30
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template to edit it online)

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a great way to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your
competitors and the opportunities and threats they bring to you within the industry. You
can also use it to assess the capabilities of your own company. 12/30
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SWOT Analysis Template
( (Click on the template
to edit online)

More on SWOT Analysis: What, Why and How to Use Them Effectively

PEST Analysis
PEST stands for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological factors. It’s a great
way to examine how the external forces in your market can impact your company. It will
also help you shape your marketing strategy and develop your risk management plan. 13/30
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PEST Analysis Example ( (Click on the
template to edit it online)

View More PEST Analysis Tools (


Competitor Pro le 14/30
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All the details you have gathered on your competitors, such as their sales numbers,
strategies, partners, suppliers etc. can be organized here. It’s a great way to prepare your
competitor analysis data to be added to your business plan presentation.

Competitor Pro le Template
( le+Template+for+Business+Plan+) (Click on the
template to edit it online)

View More Competitor Analysis Tools (


Competitive Intelligence Mind Map 15/30
p g p
How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

Or you can convey these data in a mind map. You can use Creately Viewer to add this to
your online documents, websites, intranet, Wiki, or business plan presentations. This way
you can view any links included in the mind map and navigate through it easily.

Add your text here

Add your text here

Strategic differentiation Add your text here

Add your text here

Add your text here

Add your text here

Market characterization
Add your text here
Add your text here

Add your text here

Add your text here

Add your text here

Future trend analysis
Add your text here
Identify direct competitors

Add your text here Add your text here

Competition Assessment

Add your text here

Add your text here

Analyze indirect Add your text here

Add your text here

Add your text here Add your text here

Add your text here

Add your text here

Technological analysis

Financial models Add your text here

Competitor Intelligence Mind Map Template

( 16/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

You can learn how to use these tools along with other useful techniques in more detail in;

View More Market Strategy Planning Tools (


Marketing and Sales Strategies

This is where you outline how you plan to market and sell your product. It’s easier to do
now as you have extensive knowledge about your market, target customer and your

With your marketing strategy, you have to consider factors like your marketing or
communication channels, marketing goals, marketing budgets, resources etc.

With your sales plan, pay attention to your sales targets, sales tools, resources etc.

You can use mind maps to visualize all this data to your audience. You can either use two
mind maps to outline your sales (
processes/) and marketing strategies separately or a single mind map to showcase both.  

Marketing and Sales Plan Template 17/30
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Marketing and Sales Plan Template
( (Click on the template to edit it

If you want separate a marketing plan and sales plan, check out the templates below,

Marketing Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation (


Sales Plan Template for Business Plan Presentation


Organizational Structure and Management

Who are the key personnel involved in your organization? List them down in this section
along with their expertise. 18/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

Use an organizational chart ( to represent

your team, their roles and skills. It can help you highlight the hierarchy of your
organizational structure as well.

Organizational Structure (
(Click on the template to edit it online)

Services and Products

This section explains your services or products and how they can bene t the customers.
Here are some visualizations you can use to make this section more interesting to your
audience. 19/30
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Product Canvas
Product canvas is a tool used to map, design and describe your product strategy. It takes
into consideration your target audience, the important features of your product (decided
by storyboards (, epics, design sketches,
mockups (, and the tasks you need to carry out
to build the product.

Product Canvas Template ( (Click on the
template to edit it online) 20/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

Learn about this in more detail here (


Value Proposition Canvas

It’s a tool you can use to ensure that your product or service ts the requirements of your
customer. It helps you look into

The value you can deliver to the customer via your product or service
Which customer problems/s that you are trying to solve
Which is the job that your product helps the customer to nish
Which customer needs you are satisfying
What are the different products you are offering to each customer segment 21/30
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Value Proposition Canvas
( (Click on the template
to edit it online)

Financial Plan 22/30
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This is the section where you provide all nancial information related to your business.
This section is required if you are presenting your business plan to investors.

It will include both historical data such as cash ow statements,pro t and loss
statements, income statements etc. and nancial projections based on the impact of your
new product.

If you are pitching a new product to your investors, you may also want to include your
funding requirements.

For a business plan presentation, you can use a digital database of your nancial
information with a simple Creately mind map. You can link up all your nancial statements
on your mind map.

This way anyone who refers to the mind map can easily access the linked resources from
one single place. 23/30
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( 24/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

Financial Plan Template ( (Click on the

template to edit it online)

Want to Extend the Guide to Creating a Business Plan

In this post we have explained how to create a business plan presentation step-by-step.
Make use of the templates that are provided to make your presentation more eye-catching
and easy-to-understand.

Here are some more tips on making your presentation a hit.

Jazz Up Your Presentation: 6 Ways to Put an End to Ugly Charts and Graphs

How Not To Ruin Your Business Presentation


business plan PDF (

business plan samples (

business plan template ( 25/30
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 (


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Amanda Athuraliya

Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online

diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a
passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics. 26/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

View all posts by Amanda Athuraliya → (


Hi Amanda,
It is really well explained. Looking forward to learn more on the subject matter.
Lasantha Silva
14.12.2020 ( - reply

Hi Amanda,
Thank you for the content which was very usefull for me. I would like to know if it is
possible to use the Business Plan Template PowerPoint for my business ?
03.09.2020 ( - reply

Amanda Athuraliya
Hi, yes you can use it to create your own business plan. Please download the le by
clicking on the link provided.
09.09.2020 ( - reply

Pasupulety. Mattapally 27/30
4/24/2021 How to make a Business Plan Presentation with Editable Templates

It is good for me. Thank you so much

03.08.2020 ( - reply

it is an excellent presentation format.Can I use this for my company?
Can u mail to my ID?
29.04.2019 ( - reply

Amanda Athuraliya
Hi Padmanabhan, you can use the link in the post to download the PowerPoint
08.05.2019 ( - reply

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