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Project Management Plan Documents







Road Rehabilitation Project Plan Date:

Project life Cycle:

Phase Key Activities Key Deliverables

1 Average Annual Daily Internal


2 Kilometers of roads External


3 Reduced cost for road users Images

(US Dollars)

4 Road fund allocation (US Emails


5 Road Fund Usage spreadsheets

Phase Reviews Entry Criteria Exit Criteria

1 5 Drawings Drawings

2 4 Drafts Results

3 5 Data Spreadsheets

4 5 Emails Email QA

5 3 Results Follow up meetings


Deliverables Development Approach

Internal This serves the planner in bringing the idea

to fruition.

External These are the pure work functions

Speed sheets Analysis's Data

Images Shows the output figures

Drafts This will be the sample

Results The outcome results are observed

Subsidiary Management Plans:

Name Comment

Scope Repairing and strengthening dams, bridges,

protection structures, drainage facilities, and


Time 20-year expected economic return (ERR)

Cost The final project cost was $27.52 million,

which was $0.72 million (2.7%) more than

the $26.80 million appraisal estimate.

This cost total comprised $8.18 million

equivalent in local currency expenditures

and $19.34 million in foreign currency

charges (against $18.6 million projected at


The rehabilitation of additional road

sections led to changes in the project's


scope, resulting in higher civil works costs.

Quality We are boosting people's disposable income

by lowering the prices of goods and services

on the market and improving the nation's

roads to prevent economic losses due to

poor roadways.

Resource All resources are provided for the project to

be successful

Communications Very Effective by enhancing all the plans

are achieved from the structure.

Risk The Project has been classed B under

EBRD's 2008 Environmental and Social

Policy as the environmental and social

consequences connected with the repair of

roads may be assessed and mitigated as part

of ecological and social due diligence.

Procurement Assess the effect of the ARIRP on the

approximately 24 roadside merchants

working along Friars Hill Road before the

project began, paying particular attention to

the impact on women and men.

If economic disruption is identified, be

ready with an LRAP for PAP engagement

and compensation structures. The consultant

must use quantitative and qualitative


techniques in their research.

Stakeholder They support the project since most of the

funds come to improve the structuring of the


Other Plans Ensure the project employs many workers;

time management is also a significant



Boosting the population's real income by lowering the cost of products, services, and

transportation; decreasing the national economy's productivity losses due to poor road

conditions; and lowering the frequency of traffic accidents through improved traffic


Traceability Structure:

Using HDM-4 analysis, MCC will determine the post-compact ERR, as well as (ii) review

the road maintenance system, (iii) investigate the demographics of road users, and (iv)

analyse the organization of the transportation market as part of its independent assessment

of this project.


Increasing the government's institutional capacity to administer the country's road system

better would be a step in the right direction.


Since joining ADB in 1998, the project has received $372.54 million in loans, $33.886


million in TAs, and $39.50 million in grants.

ADB has provided loans totaling $105.4 million for four road projects3 in Tajikistan to aid

in the recovery and expansion of the road subsector.

The project, the country of Tajikistan's first ADB-financed road project, comprised

rehabilitating stretches of the Dushanbe-Kurgan-Tube-Dangara-Kulyab road.


Plans for validation: The number of goods transported, the number of trips taken per year,

the number of people who take those trips, and the number of times those people take them

could all rise due to a road upgrade.

Configuration Management:

Investors want assurances that you won't go overboard with expenses. Quickly view

reports on the progress of individual projects or your entire portfolio using Project

Manager. A project variance report is also included. Filtering allows you to view only the

data you care about in any report.

Variance Thresholds:

Scope Variance Threshold Scope Baseline Management

A scope for repairing the road, dams, and Management plans on how the activities

bridges is set will be decided

Schedule Variance Threshold Schedule Baseline Management

 The evaluation is anticipated to take

place in 2017, with the final report

submission in 2018.

Cost Variance Threshold Cost Baseline Management


The original budget for the Rural Roads The project aimed to improve rural

Rehabilitation Project (RRRP) was $67.1 communities' access to agricultural markets,

million, and only $8.4 million was spent on non-farm income opportunities, and social

actual project costs and community infrastructure. To do so, the project's goal

improvements. was to implement a series of rehabilitation.


Gathering information through systematic observation or measurement is known as "data

collecting." Whether you're doing a study for a company, the government, or a university,

collecting data is the key to gaining first-hand experience and fresh perspectives on your

topic the project.

While the specifics of data gathering may change from one discipline to another, the

overarching process is the same. There are a few things to think about before you start

gathering data.

This study aims to:

This is the kind of information that you will be gathering.

How do you plan to gather, store and process the information?


According to the appraisal, from prequalification in February 2022 to the fulfilment of the

main road rehabilitation contract in September 2022, the estimated time frame for project



Construction is divided into three phases: pre-construction, construction, and post-

construction. Pre-construction is the planning and design phase. The structure is comprised

mainly of quantity setting and construction approval.


(i) Due to the government's requirement to ratify the Loan Agreement, there was a

delay in declaring the loan effective I. In the absence of advance procurement

action, there was a delay in mobilizing consultants of about nine months.

(ii) There was a 13-month delay in bidding for the main works contract, late

recruitment of consultants, and a 4.5-month extension in the construction



These goals were to be accomplished by: decreasing transportation costs on the project

road and thereby raising incomes;

(ii) improving access to markets for industrial and agricultural enterprises via all-weather


(iii) improving access to social services, needs, and other economic opportunities for the

rural poor;

At the time of appraisal, the project's scope included repairing and strengthening dams,

bridges, protection structures, drainage facilities, and pavements on about 80 kilometers

(km) of the Dushanbe-Kurgan-Tube-Dangara-Kulyab road's most severely deteriorated

sections, as well as

(ii) enhancing about 150 kilometers (km) of rural roads, including grading dirt-road

surfaces, constructing suitable drainage facilities, and

By strengthening the road transportation infrastructure, the project's primary goal was to

increase income and decrease poverty in the Khatlon region, assisting in creating

worthwhile employment possibilities.

These goals were to be accomplished by: decreasing transportation costs on the project

road and thereby raising incomes;

(ii) improving access to markets for industrial and agricultural enterprises via all-weather



(iii) improving access to social services, needs, and other economic opportunities for the

rural poor; and (iv) enhancing the institutional capacity of the government to manage the

nation's road network effectively.

At the time of appraisal, the project's scope included repairing and strengthening dams,

bridges, protection structures, drainage facilities, and pavements on about 80 kilometers

(km) of the Dushanbe-Kurgan-Tube-Dangara-Kulyab road's most severely deteriorated

sections, as well as (ii) enhancing about 150 kilometers (km) of rural roads, including

grading dirt-road surfaces, constructing suitable drainage facilities, and


Reducing transportation costs, building all-weather roads for transit and local traffic,

expanding access to social services for the rural poor, and bolstering the government's

institutional capacity to administer and maintain national highways were achieved goals.

Rapid economic growth in Khatlon oblast increased traffic on the project route, and a

significant social impact, especially for the underprivileged, is evidence that the project's

goals were met.

The revised EIRR figure was better than the appraised estimate.

The intended rehabilitation of 150 kilometers of rural roads did not materialize.

It is necessary to improve public transportation to reduce the number of vehicles on major

roads and make transportation more accessible to the local community, especially the poor.

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